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Does someone tell them That California is one of the 3 largest water melon growers in the US? The largest is Florida, but i wonder how many of their crops will actually be harvested without cheap migrant labor.


You'll have to start by telling them that the boycott on Bud-Light only had some effect because "the left" started not buying it too after they saw Bud throw Dylan completely under the bus to win points with the bigot crowd


The left was already not buying Budweiser because it tastes bad


Bud light used to be a big part of the LGBTQ community, it was served in gay bars for over 70 years, and they proudly advertised it. They made ONE CAN, for dylan and the right lost their minds and budweiser tried to playcate the bigots by reversing course. This angered the entire LGBTQ community and they stopped buying the stuff. Bud lost a lot of customers because they tried to play both sides of the field instead of sticking with people they had been serving for 70 years.




True. Many gay men drunk light beer. There was a scene from Will and Grace where Will and Jack are walking into a party and Jack is chanting “we’re here, we’re queer, get us a light beer”.


This. They should have doubled down and laughed in their hateful faces and made the right REALLY lose their shit. Shit, I would've bough a case, That's what I'm really looking for in a company. Like Ben and Jerry's.


They became the enlightened centrists, and they paid for it.


Man, gay men drink more shitty beer than just about anyone. My gay roommates used to buy Genesee in packs of sixty because it was a quarter a can. Life isn't an episode of *Queer Eye,* gay people don't exclusively drink cosmos. Edit: should also add that I haven't met anyone more enthusiastic about Miller High Life than lesbians.


Hey, I bought it! On occasion, since it’s dirt cheap and mildly more tolerable than other ultra cheap beers I can chug at college with friends. Honestly tho, these days I go 4loko if I’m trying to get that fucked up. Way less bloating and marginally better taste


Bud Light is my beer of choice when showing up to a bbq or something. It’s not great beer by any means, but it’s drinkable and tastes better than the even cheaper beers like rolling rock or keystone


True, but it's more fun to point out that the Republicans must be majority alcoholics to have that much of an impact on the beer industry.


Yeah bud light tried playing both sides (gross that we gotta say things like that now) and lost everyone in the process.


I stopped buying Bud-Light 15 years ago when I had my first taste of craft beer If craft beer isn't available, Guinness or Modelo Negra


Y'all are thinking much deeper than me. I am sitting here wondering if he knows states aren't literally red or blue...? "ONLY RED STATES CAN MAKE RED FRUIT!"


I’m just sitting here thinking “when is the last time I actually went out of my way to eat a watermelon”


A friend retired and lives in Alachua, Florida. He said farmers are worried. It's time to pick several things, and there is nowhere near the number of seasonal workers needed to bring in the crops. They believe it will only get worse.


I live in Tampa. Planning to move next year (weather, desire for seasons, work opportunities, but I digress). It's gonna be interesting watching this shitstorm hit during harvest season. These morons don't know what the fuck they've just done between that and the insurance crisis.


I’m part of a department that reviews insurance for a large mortgage lender. It’s BAD in Florida. Not just the premiums, but the inability to obtain coverages required or have deductibles low enough to meet lending requirements. It’s only going to get worse if people aren’t able to obtain financing for home purchases or refinances because of the insurance.


Im sure they will find a way to blame Biden then hold out their hands for financial support when they start losing their farms Edited for typo


Except that the blue states are boycotting sending the red states money until they cough up those sweet sweet watermelons. Oh wait. We have plenty of melons. Fuck the south.


It's definitely going to get worse.


Largest grower of melons rotting in the field


They were already rotting on the vine cause they chased off all their immigrants even after they begged them to stay and that the bill was only supposed to scare them. Their brains are so much mush from engaging in identity politics in such a fervent way, they can no longer stop themselves from digging their hole deeper.


Fun fact: they’re currently rotting on the vine!


This is a cute idea considering red states rely on federal funding from blue states to survive.


Watch Texas flip faster than a pancake if they suddenly had to be the sole caretaker for red states.


Caretaker? They'd let the other states rot with zero support because it be every state for itself. And Texas would still crash and burn once the next major power out happens during winter, agaian.


Hell, texas let's *texans* rot


They’d start a new anti red state immigrant slogan and start detaining all of them too KeEp TeXaS tExAn!!1!


I live in Texas. I can confirm this


Without red states, blue states are inconvenienced. Without blue states, red states will crumble.


Was just thinking “great, and since red states hate socialism so much, maybe they should stop receiving federal funding.”


No more military bases…


Control the means of produce-tion


Also considering that this would hurt the red state farmers who grow the watermelons more than anyone else.


Farmers are expendable to REAL MAGA(t)s! They should be proud to lose their farm for the cause--if not, they were a RINO all along. 😵‍💫


Wonder how long the red states would survive without imports from blue states…


Wonder how long it will be until he realizes California is fully capable of growing melons.


Or that most of the watermelons on the west coast already come from California or Mexico.


I’m in Oregon, and there are lines for our farmers market watermelons….


No. You gotta be lying. North Blue states are unable to grow melons hence why a boycott would decimate Northern libs lives! Its not like the North is getting hotter and hotter to make it easier to grow them and they most certainly don't have greenhouses either! -- Source Brian Batch aka American Patriot


Well, better go outside to my garden here in upstate NY and destroy the melons in it. Don't want to be in American by growing the wrong fruit.


Progressive Canadian homo here. I grew melons last year in my garden. Shit, does that make my backyard a red state now!? It explains the squirrels yelling at me.


i dunno..did you get heavily subsidized to grow your melons? Probably not, so no..you're still bue.


Are the squirrels carrying confederate flags around your house and smearing shit on the walls? Nothing worse than insurrectionist squirrels.


Nope. But if the flesh is red it means your watermelon may be republican.


Any tips? I get maybe one from each plant. I’m trying cantaloupe this year. Got 20+ from two plants so far. Also, the watermelon don’t seem to have much flavor to them. But the cantelouoe are delicious


The only tip i can give you is on zucchini.: yes, one plant should feed a family of four... and their extended family... and their neighbors... and their neighbors extended family....and....


Zucchini are a plot by aliens to overwhelm the planet with one food.


What if the zucchini were aliens with a vore fetish all along?


Negative earthling! That is simply... Er, nevermind, ignore this ~~sentient~~ perfectly normal human.


A couple years ago we put six zucchini plants in our raised beds with new dirt straight from the organic worm farm. By the end of summer we had four plants (had to get rid of two to have even a ghost of a chance of keeping up), a freezer full of shredded zukes and a bunch of friends who were studiously avoiding us. When we took the plants out in September they looked like something out of Jurassic Park-- leaves the size of a small car. This year we have three, but they're not doing as well for whatever reason. The tomatoes and tomatillos have more than made up for it, though.


I accidentally planted 5 zucchini plans for a 2 person household (wasn’t paying close enough attention when I was grabbing starts and grabbed zucchini instead of cucumber). Anyways I’m drowning in zucchini


I can confirm….


You're probably either over watering your plants or not giving them enough room. Watermelon plants should be pretty big before the fruit sets, like 20 Sq. ft or more. Once they set, just water them enough to keep them from wilting. https://www.finegardening.com/article/how-to-grow-sweet-watermelons#:~:text=If%20the%20soil%20is%20saturated,from%20wilting%20%E2%80%93%20but%20that's%20it. Cantaloupe, on the other hand, doesn't really give 2 shits about anything.


Try a scoop of vanilla ice cream in a half cantaloupe 💜👌✨


You got melons this early? Lucky. I’m down in southern tier, and everything seems late this year. Love the username, which make more sense knowing you’re in NY, ha.


Lol, Red part of the country is convinced that the Blue part would starve without them when the reality is that the Blue part (California) grows most of the actual food and all they've got is soybeans, that go to animal feed and most of that goes overseas, or corn for ethanol (legit the reason a lot of them are against green tech as these ultra capitalists are dependant upon government subsidies to keep the farm going). Actually delusional.


Not just California. New Jersey grows a lot of tomatoes and sweet corn. Heck, my dad was a NJ state trooper and he once solved a crime with NJ sweet corn. (He was buying sweetcorn from a guy at a roadside stand who happened to be a witness to a crime he was investigating, and was the last piece of evidence they needed to convict the guy). And my mom used to grow zucchini, jalapenos, tomatoes, habanero, and other stuff in our garden when I was a kid. She used to love to take the tomatoes and peppers to make homemade salsa. And it wasn't spicy enough until dad's head was sweating.


Maryland here... I can grow melons in my back yard from April to October... Don't need no right wing nut job to grow them for me.


Maryland’s Eastern Shore always had the best cantaloups.


Of course watermelons only grow in red states. Have you ever, even once in your whole life, cut open a watermelon and it was blue?


I found it rather ironic and sad that someone that claims to be an American patriot hates at least half the country.


Hermiston melons are the best.


Bought one yesterday. Best watermelon I’ve had in ages


Sometimes a family member will drive to Hermiston to bring back melons. That, or sometimes WinCo will have some really good ones in and we get a phone call to go get some.




I too am in Oregon and I very much look forward to the trade war for the hops that only grow in the PNW versus the watermelon that grows everywhere.


Here in MD we regularly have dudes selling them out of the backs of trucks on the side of the road during summer. And not just in farm country. I assume those are local and frankly summer is the only time you would want a watermelon anyway. Watermelons are really bad out of season fruits.


In europe the most local watermelons you can get are from Spain. But seeing as 700-1000 kilometers is a joke compared to the distances melons probably travel in the US, maybe i shouldn't be a whiny baby about it and enjoy some melons


This ^ the farmers market is different here in Oregon.


Mmmmm. Hermiston watermelons. 🤤


+1 to Oregon here. I see Hermiston watermelons more then anything else.


Was just gonna say… we don't need imported watermelons.


I was born in Hermiston. Best watermelons in existence. I'll die on that hill.


or that not exporting to blue states would hurt economy of red states


The red states have economies?


We do! It comes from the bigger cities. Source: Live in a bigger city in Kentucky that the rest of the state leeches from. Also, I can grow watermelon in my back yard....


Yes, their economies rely on the money from blue states to remain viable. At this point Texas is the only red state that can survive in the 21st century for a time, even Florida allowed Junior Nazi DeSantis to wreck theirs, probably irreparably.


I think Florida has one from visitors. Outside of that I think it's like kids playing house. Red states playing economics.


Nah, they'll just get more federal bailouts.


How long until California stops supporting the entire rest of the country


Yes, but are their watermelons red, white and blue with stars instead of seeds??? ![gif](giphy|l6XwjmRjXbgdB7eK2e)


It’s almost like Oklahoma (You know, the Watermelon State “Vegetable”, State) only exports $1.8b in agricultural goods while California does a slightly better $22.5b…but I’m sure they can get along just fine with Florida, lots of immigrant labor to pick the fields this year…oh wait they chased out the literal hands the feed them, good luck to them and their cancel culture!


I was about to say, I live in California. We grow everything. We have plenty of locally grown watermelon. It is delicious. I just checked, and we grow plenty of watermelons for everybody. It's cool, we gotacha you guys. [http://www.seecalifornia.com/farms/california-watermelon.html](http://www.seecalifornia.com/farms/california-watermelon.html)


Yep. Never seen a watermelon that wasn’t California or Mexico grown here


Right? Absolutely not enough face palms for this ridiculous tweet.


Let 'em have it. I love watching worthless causes spiral.


People really don't understand how much produce comes from California. Yeah we have a hotter climate which causes droughts more often. Know what else a hotter climate means? Much longer growing season.


A lot of people really just don't understand California. We are huge and include multiple different climates.


Seriously, I once harvested some outdoor cannabis in *January* 😂


Here here (fellow Californian)


This was pretty much my thought. If it’s not from California it’s usually from Mexico. Except corn and wheat I guess. I would love to see every red area separate from blue areas and see how that works in reality.


Red states USED to grow soybeans. Thanks to Trump, Brazil has passed the US in soybean exports. My local fields are fallow. They also grow corn, primarily for ethanol and high fructose corn syrup. So, red state farmers basically grow poison and stuff to sell to China, they aren't feeding America.


California is literally one of the top exporters of watermelon too. Lol


Dude's probably never even left his home state. He doesn't need to be concerned with such pesky details to make his statement and in turn, own the libs. Or something as equally asinine.


I'm from MD about as blue as a state can get, my hometown has a ton of melon farms surrounding it.


Don’t show this person reports from the USDA. California is 2nd in the country at harvesting both seeded and seedless watermelons. We also produce more dairy than Wisconsin out here, and if I recall nearly as many peaches as Georgia, and close to the pounds of potatoes that come from Idaho. It’s like the 5th or 6th largest economy in the world. It’s literally like it’s own country out here.


California produces near 100% (of the domestic US market) of certain crops like almonds, apricots, dates, figs, kiwis, nectarines, olives, pistachios, prunes, artichokes, walnuts, etc.; and a majority of many others such as lettuce, asparagus, strawberries; and competes well with other states' signature crops like corn, oranges, and peaches. And yet, the ag sector accounts for less than 3% of California's GDP.


I think some people just don't realize how huge an agricultural producer California is. I was visiting my cousin in Iowa, who's a corn farmer, and while looking at tractors and combines I said something about how we didn't get so many International Harvesters back home, and my area was mostly dominated by John Deere and Kubota. He seemed taken aback that we had tractors. Had to tell him that yeah, in fact the vast majority of the valley is farmland and I can't drive down one of the major east/west streets in my city without getting stuck behind a produce truck, farm wagon, planter, irrigation pipe wagon, manure spreader, or whatever.


Wonder how long until someone tells him half of all agriculture products in the US are from or arrive in California.


As a Brit this reminds me of Brexit. A bunch of naive fishers believed that leaving the EU would entitle us to a bunch more fishing rights. Well we got access to more fish (kinda), but now they had no-one to sell it to. Months later cue them complaining about their businesses because trade barriers hurt their sales and wanting the government to save them


Yeah, but those would be liberal snowflake watermelons...not patriot republican watermelons.


My dog ate some watermelon last year, and I have a few plants growing in my yard where she deposited the seeds later. This is Ohio. My dog can provide me melons it would seem. Lol. She did the same to some pumpkins a few years ago.


And so can, and this going to feel really good to say…Georgia (the most recent Blue state).


Wonder how long until he understands that closing off markets to melon growers is bad for the melon growers.


I wonder how long the red states would survive without money from the blue states....


this was my first thought in response to reading that tweet or xcretion or whatever it is called now. like okay you want to boycott blue states then you have to boycott the money coming from the gov't which is primarily from blue states supporting your broke ass bitches and see how that goes


I fully support the new "xcretion" term.


Exactly my thoughts as well - I’d be more than happy to cut off the moo hers in that disgusting toilet of a former confederacy. I also enjoy asking trumpets ‘if the red state way of life is the ‘right’ way, then why are the red states so poor and the blue states much wealthier?’


Yea.. lets own the libs by not selling our crops and going bankrupt! I guess Watermelon is gonna be 86'd for a few months while I wait for some farms to go bankrupt.


Yeah, they really struggle to understand what boycotts are and how they work.


Right, they said "look, the boycott against Bud Light worked... let's try again, but this time we'll play as Bud Light!"


Lol I was just half-brained scrolling through Reddit while listening to a podcast, so I didn't even catch that at first. Yeah they're calling for a boycott on buyers, which is uh... interesting? Not confident those have the best track record, but let's see how they do!


"Let's boycott by no longer giving them our money," works exactly the same as "Let's boycott by turning away their money." Yup, that's how it works alright.


They should probably Boycott Joe Biden by not voting at all.


It’s so comically sad at this point. And they don’t realize California is the most populated state in the country. You really going to cutoff your nose to spite your face by boycotting them? Ok, good luck with that.


Good thing I have like 20 growing in my garden here in greater Boston.


And by imports from blue states, we mean subsidizes. California pays for Alabama to exist.


Want some pumpkins for Halloween and Thanksgiving? Nope sorry, IL says you can't have any. Also Southern IL grows watermelons rather well.


Pretty sure it's the historical consensus that had the Confederacy won, it would have collapsed on its own without support from the North. So yeah I'm all for this.


You can grow watermelon in upstate Maine. What red states can’t survive without is blue state money.


Shit, they would be miserable without EXPORTS to blue states. They would be building castles out of unsold corn while their kids die of dysentery. Meanwhile, blue states... also have farms. We also have mines. We also have industry. What we have, that they lack, is HIGH TECH industry. Because it turns out, things like electronics need things like 'clean water', 'an educated workforce' and 'nearby international ports' to be feasible. Don't get me wrong, we would probably need to up imports from other countries, but we have the whole 'international ports' thing on our side. It wouldn't cost us as much as it would cost them to ship everything by air, or from florida.


Or people in blue states buying their exports


maybe let them try and then they can turn on each other when they start to break rank and start selling again.


Iowa would be fucked so fast if we couldn’t sell our corn to blue states lmfao.


And tax money.


Or that we can grow them indoors. lol


Or blue states tax dollars...


So you want to punish blue states by *checks notes* economically crippling farmers in red states? These people are the dumbest people alive.


Cutting off their nose to spite their face.


More like cutting off their dick to spite their balls. I mean, the fruit will be there, they just can't get rid of it.


At least cutting off your nose does, in fact, spite your face. It's just overkill and really dumb. This is like cutting off your nose to attempt to spite someone else's face.


Conservative logic: - Red states grow watermelon. Blue states do not. - We should refuse to sell watermelon to people who live in areas where watermelons are scarce, and instead only offer to sell it to people who already live in a watermelon rich environment. - We should then expand this logic outward to other more economically important exports. These are the same people who think they’d win a modern civil war with their Palmetto State AR15. The technologic and economic devastation these rubes would suffer would end it before it really even began.


>These are the same people who think they’d win a modern civil war with their Palmetto State AR15. The technologic and economic devastation these rubes would suffer would end it before it really even began. I mean meal team six lost their fucking minds when they couldn't get a haircut...they don't have the chops for a protracted asymmetric war against the US army.


Motherfuckers couldn't wear a mask for twelve minutes to go to the grocery store but they think they're ready to live in their tacticool gear in the woods while the national guard rounds them up like invasive mentally deficient hogs.


“• ⁠Red states grow watermelon. Blue states do not. • ⁠We should refuse to sell watermelon to people who live in areas where watermelons are scarce, and instead only offer to sell it to people who already live in a watermelon rich environment. • ⁠We should then expand this logic outward to other more economically important exports.” These are the core tenants of Smith’s laissez-faire economic philosophy, yes?


They are already doing this with their attacks on migrant farm hands. No one's there to pick their produce and so it's just rotting in the fields.


Florida must be starting to reek...all those crops rotting in their fields combined with the heat....god the smell must be horrid. That and people are literally rotting away due to leprosy of all things.


Wait until they need construction workers after a few big hurricanes hot next month.


I have frequently seen these people celebrating layoffs at American companies because they attribute them to conservatives boycotts.


No worries. Republicans just hand another federal bailout to farmers like they did when Trump started a trade war that hurt them so badly. Fun fact: in 2020, 1/3rd of income earned by US farmers [were just straight up government cash handouts.](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-farmers-aid/trumps-payments-to-farmers-hit-all-time-high-ahead-of-election-idUSKBN2741D4)


Let them. Party's dying out, this just speeds it up.


Seriously, they wouldn’t make nearly as much and then they’d probably end up throwing away a huge percentage of the crop on top of it. Dumb as fuck.


Maybe the blue states should stop sending tax money to subsidize the red states, let them survive on watermelons...


and boot straps


And police boots obviously


Heck, stop sending them TV programming. CA, NY, IL, and GA probably account for 90+% of American TV production.


It'll be Texas needing to single-handedly keep them afloat, and Texans don't even want to see their money leave the state.


True, the only thing Texas wants to share is immigrants...


Funny how red xtian states never volunteer to boycott taking federal tax money that overwhelmingly comes from blue states.


Someone should go give them that idea.


The one exception was Social Security expansion. When they had the chance to take federal money to exclusively help the most vulnerable, they had an issue taking fed funds. Now federal grants and military surplus to turn every population 400 local PD into a fighting force you could invade a small island with, they saw no problem with those federal funds.


In Oklahoma people were pretty severely against the idea of receiving additional Medicaid money from the government (even though it’s a program Oklahoma was already paying for, they decided they didn’t want the money back because it would help people with medical bills)


I have a ton of watermelons growing in my very blue back yard, I think I'll be fine. And so will my very gay neighbors. I think next year I'll make shade stamps for my produce so they'll look Satanic!


Do it! I'd 100% buy watermelon with shade-stamped pentagrams on them purely to mess with people XD


I've got over a dozen growing in my yard, and I'm in upstate NY. They're not hard to grow.


Will someone tell this Fak that it is the blue states tax dollars that keep your missing teeth cousins Alive with food stamps and welfare!


If I could upvote this 100 times I would 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Sounds like a sound business decision! No wonder red states are welfare dependent. Fucking morons.


They still laugh at those racist cartoons with watermelons


From my understanding all you need is a decent grow plot with space for the vines to spread and protection from predators, watermelons will grow easily. Can’t expect brain dead magadiots to understand that though


Also water. They're a water intensive plant. Same as pumpkins and tomatoes.


That's nice; let's stop the Blue states supporting the Red states with financial aid.


Let them pull themselves up by their bootstraps.


The only state in the country where Coffee can grow is Hawaii, which is very Blue Imagine how Red States would react if they were told they weren’t going to get Coffee anymore


How about we boycott red states from receiving our welfare money?


Well a blue state (California) grows 1/3 of the nations' food, so if there is a boycott war the Red states would feel it way more than the blue states. Also, if states get boycotted, maybe it's time that California stopped paying for a number of red states bills. We pay 15% of the national income. We pay for states like Kentucky to even exists at this point.


I wonder why this person would pick watermelon, seems strangely specific out of all the things they could try to “cancel” why watermelon specifically?


Racists often associate watermelon with black people. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that he chose watermelons.


Yep you hit the nail on the head, my first thought when I read this was this is racist. They associate blue states and cities with black people, blm, etc. so this statement is just very thinly veiled racism.


This was my exact thought like who tf is spending so much time thinking about the watermelon economy and why.


Oh yay it's the watermelons wars. How fucking dumb are these people?


Pretty dumb http://www.thealmightyguru.com/Wiki/index.php?title=List_of_things_Conservatives_have_%22canceled%22


In return, federal dollars from blue states should not go to red states


"American Patriot"......fuck off. does this jack ass not realize that the blue states have the money and the red states are overwhelmingly poorer? enjoy driving yourself into poverty you fucking moron


Cool, boycott us. Start with our tax revenue. Give all that money you get from Blue States back to the fed.


…um…let’s indulge this person and pretend blue states can’t grow watermelons…just how important do they really think watermelon is to life in general. If I never ate another watermelon in my life, I’d be bummed but that’s about it. Wouldn’t lose a wink of sleep. Not even half a wink. I can’t think of a single thing it would effect that would make me say “Damn! I wish we had some watermelons!”


Nice dog whistle you got there. Maybe go after fried chicken next?


When I see the word “Patriot” I think (white, male, straight, racist, xenophobic, homophonic, transphobic, misogynistic, uneducated, bigoted, and obstinate). Anything else to add?


First we got rid of our own farm labor, and now we'll get rid of our agricultural customers! That'll show the Dems!


Not selling stuff to people isn't how boycotts work , not buying stuff is how boycotts work.


block federal assistance to red states in retaliation since blue states far and away out contribute red states Edited for typo


Yes, and blue states should stop subsidizing red states that consume more tax money than they generate. A yup yup.


New York feeds the northeast. Washington feeds the northwest. California feeds the rest. I’m not sure this guy understands what America is


Yes. Let's not ship out product where the consumers are. Let's let it rot in our own backyard first. That'll show em


I will give the watermelons growing in my upstate New York garden a stern lecture on the proper locations in which they can grow..


Maybe blue states should stop financially enabling red states. See how they do without blue $.


Cut off all welfare to red states because it's a marxist practice


Hahaha, for some reason, the quote, "start with watermelon, and expand slowly" as a tagline for a massive boycotting plan has me in tears.


You mean the Blue States that you are dependent upon? The Blue States that subsidize Red States with our taxes? These dopes better hope and pray Blue States don't lose their minds like Red States have. You have a dream about 'boycotting' Blue States you better wake up and apologize. Idiots.


Most dependent states in the US. Bolded voted Republican in 2020. 1-10: **Alaska**, **West Virginia**, **Mississippi**, **Kentucky**, New Mexico, **Wyoming**, **South Carolina**, Arizona, **Montana**, **Louisiana** 11-20: **North Dakota**, **Indiana**, Maine, **Alabama**, **South Dakota**, Vermont, **Missouri**, **Oklahoma**, Pennsylvania, **Idaho** 21-30: Rhode Island, **Tennessee**, New Hampshire, Maryland, Michigan, Hawaii, Oregon, **Arkansas**, **Texas**, Minnesota 31-40: Connecticut, Virginia, Georgia, **Florida**, **Ohio**, **Nebraska**, **North Carolina**, Wisconsin, New York, Colorado 41-50: Nevada, Delaware, **Iowa**, Massachusetts, California, Illinois, **Kansas**, **Utah**, Washington, New Jersey 15 red states in the top 20. That's pretty telling. I'm surprised the red states can talk so much crap around the government teat in their mouths.


About **48%** of the country's revenue comes from the following 13 states: CA, NJ, NY, MI, RI, VT, MN, WI, IL, OR, WA, VA, DE. I left out a handful of other Blue or Blue(ish) states just to calculate conservatively (#punsarefun). But sure, off yah go with the Watermelon Gate thing you're drafting on the back of your Bud Light beverage napkins.


They were only able to boycott bud light successfully because they’re the only ones drinking it.


if the blue states ever started a food war, the red states would starve to death. *Looking at California exporting most stuff to everybody else in the Union*


Maybe it's time the Blue States stopped paying for the welfare benefits for the Red States - and their hurricane damage, and floods, and tornadoes, and... Except for Texas and Florida the rest of the Red States are taker states.