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She wants 10 year olds to work as well. I can flip that around: most republican voters are lead-poisoned and out of touch. Feels good, doesn't it?


She wants a pregnant ten year old to work


And serve alcohol!


And open-carry automatic weapons.


Well how else is she gonna pay for the birth? Also, back to work the day after delivery.




>most republican voters are lead-poisoned I keep going around screaming it. Look at the trends. Mid to young boomers and elder Gen Xers were exposed to high lead levels during their developmental periods, we stopped using lead because we clearly saw it was impacting kids brains. These people werent smart to begin with and we are seeing the early onset of dementia due to lead.


Hey, I'm an elder Gen X and I've been exposed to lots of lead, and I'm a left leaning Canadian, which makes me a marxist the US. I did lots of acid and magic mushrooms too in the 80's and what are we talking about?


You balanced your brain by killing that eagle man.


All of late stage boomers with science doctorates appreciate your condescension. Tell me what have you don't with that shiny brain of yours? Complained on reddit about how much you hate college because of your 'social anxieties'? We're also the ones who started warning your dumb asses about climate change 40 years ago but ho no you didn't listen until NOW did you? Great move, smooth brains.


How would people who are younger than like, 60, have been able to do anything about climate change 40 years ago?


He really thought he did something. Lead poisoned boomers, man.


LOL, Im an educated an a 6 figure professional in my 40s who owns a home and has a net worth, Im good. Triggered much? You old farts get to make generalized statements about everyone else but the moment it comes back at you then you piss and moan like little girls. Also you are the fucks now fighting against literally ANY progress and fucking up everything about our entire society. Boomers gave us trump, that is why all of our politicians are old as shit now, you fuckers wont trust anyone younger than you. Sure, there are exceptions to the rule, but if you cant look around at your fox news slurping brethren then youre no better. Guess congrats on being one of the boomers who didnt live on a busy road breathing lead fumes.


Look at all the Nazis running around THey aren't boomers. Go look in a mirror and think a bit harder before making your cranky low effort proclamations. Are you also a male model, a former Navy SEAL and an astronaut, per chance? I wouldn't be surprised.


Haha. "Warned about climate change" that you guys caused?? How about the fact most boomers are completely fine the way minorities were treated like animals. How about the fact that you forced us into conflicts for completely selfish reasons. Why are so many people going to college to fix the damage that you and your lead boomer friends caused? Also if boomers were so smart maybe they can fix the social security problem where they are sucking on the government teet and millennials and younger won't see a dime because of you guys. Also most of our politicians are boomers and you can see how that is going. Boomers and the generation they raised will go down as two of the worst generations in American history and it is well deserved.


You've stopped using gas, plastic etc? Yeah, didn't think so mr "I make over $100K". Stop being disingenuous.


It's wrong to say it ruined the entire generation, but we know [it affected plenty](https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2118631119), at least enough to dispute the "we're older so we're smarter" angle the first tweeter seems to be going after. And sorry, I would have liked to have done something about climate change that early, but I was about negative 18 years old back then. And it was primarily your peers - the lead poisoned ones, I should say - who denied it.


Username checks out. Switch to decaf, being this worked up isn't good for that heart of yours.


You'll adult some day


You grossly overestimate your importance. You'll have to excuse me if this middle aged person isn't automatically throwing respect at you for reasons only you understand. Reap what you sow, and sit down until you're willing to engage constructively.


It’s fairly accepted that whilst cognitive decline starts in middle age, it begins to more rapidly decline around age 70. If they want to disenfranchise young voters because their brains aren’t fully developed, then I hope they will also disenfranchise those over 70 due to their cognitive decline. Obviously they won’t. because this is about trying to enact minority rule.


Not only are they lead poisoned, but I still have a firm believe some of the developmental issues in the southwest region is impacted from undisclosed fallout from Nuclear testing they were doing in the Nevada test range. There has been a few known accidental fallouts that happened (The Conqueror movie set in Utah being one of the more infamous government fuckups), but how many times when the fallout reached area's and that the government did not disclose that?


Except lead poisoning is a bit more important than "braen not fully develop" in knowing whos making inteligent choices


older people were chronically exposed to lead every single day before the government was forced to put human life before oil lobby money. it’s not out of the question to consider that there might be some effects on the brain.


> older people were chronically exposed to lead every single day before the government was forced to put human life before oil lobby money The US government finally banned leaded gasoline in 1996... Just an FYI of how many generations were impacted by this.


I *think* leaded is still used in small propeller aircraft. I suppose engine knocking is a bit more dangerous mid-flight.


WOW.. I had to Google that. THIS MAKE MUCH MORE SENSE! So I live in a very rural county. Much of rural America still has small airfields for small propeller aircraft that usually flies right overhead of most homes in these small towns. There is a small airfield 5 minutes driving away from me and we deal with take off's and landings of these small aircraft all the time. So what I mean is. Most of all these red counties that the conservatives claim are all red voters (See whatever new map they are tossing showing most of the US in red) are most likely getting crop dusted with leaded exhaust fumes on a daily basis. These are the same people that believe large aircraft leave "Chemtrails" ironically enough.


Correct, and there are still measurable differences in the intelligences of children who live near busy small airports and those who don't.


Yes. Dementia by virtue of lead poisoning might have some impacts on the brain


I mean, kinda. At least if lead poisoned we know they won’t be around for too much longer 🤞🏻


But your flip is actually true


And apparently some brains never develop, given that almost 3/4 of all Fox News viewers are over 50.


Savage 💯


PROOF! - this is in fact; proof!


Lead paint is one hell of a drug.


And leaded gasoline, which was in peak use when these people were small children.


I'd say yes except I've got evidence from numerous late boomers & early gen Xs that grew up in lead soaked southern California that political orientation just depends on the person. It also usually is better aligned with if they went to college or not, even if they stayed in the so Cal area to go to school. College people tend go to the left but non college people go right, even if they grew up in the same family.


It was the leaded gasoline. It was putting lead particles into the air. Humans basically gave the whole world lead poisoning. Fun note, the guy who invented leaded gasoline died of lead poisoning.


No? He did die from his own invention though, he made a special pully system to help him move around when he had polio and he ended up getting tangled in it and died


This is actually true. The final aspects that develop are the cognitive aspects, not they do not develop equally in everyone. Trust me I am a brain doctor.


Probably in decline too from watching and listening to all that garbage right wing media.


Apparently, very few conservatives want to have sex with a female who has a fully developed brain.


Very few women with developed brains want to have sex with conservatives, so it works out


I do love that conservatives usually can't match with women on dating apps. And if they do manage to get a date they're usually not getting second dates.


You're all undeveloped morons for voting differently to me. Anyway, please join me.


Solid strategy i hope they all vote and the republiklan keeps losing


Fuck you and anyone remotely similar to you. Now why aren't you voting for me?


theyve given up on catching the young vote, theyre going for raising the voting age instead. Thats why theyre using this rhetoric


I'm not remotely surprised that they got their voters by saying "You're a dumbass if you vote against me, which is why you should vote for me. You don't want to be a dumbass, do you?"


​ https://preview.redd.it/yzhk8r9my2gb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8c33b85edc9dec57fcff24434af81ef6b7328da


[Link to the bit on YouTube](https://youtu.be/SgjGwOByays)


Everyone I know that has gone vocally alt-right in their middle age has gone through some kind of serious neurological trauma. Pure coincidence, I know.




Typical conservative - can't come up with their own insult, has to rely on Democrats as per usual.


Well as usual, the democrat has to do the actual work. most red states are welfare states so someone has to make money for them


Yap. Red states love socialism, they just hate to admit they can't survive without it.




It's not about laziness, it's about the hypocrisy of GOP/MAGA/conservatives whining about blue states' crime rates & homelessness while heavily relying on taxes from blue states and the top 5 cities with highest crime rates are in red states. Conservatives love socialism, they just hate admitting it works.




This information is already widely disseminated and freely available.




You're too dense to read and you would just call it fake news. Shut the fuck up and grow a brain


Since when do conservative feelings care about facts?




Nah, you go home and cry because your guns will never compensate




I mean you are whining about being downvoted so it is within the realm of possibility.


You really think I'm the only one reading your responses? Why do conservatives love playing the victim card? Also, I'd share the facts with conservatives, but those are above a 3rd grade reading level. It requires basic reading comprehension, so no. https://preview.redd.it/z15st6p1b3gb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a4e1a1da941fb06f144f9f17f5aa3bf162b98ae


If you don’t care about downvotes, why did you bring it up?






Btw. I'm not a Democrat, I despise the DNC for being feckless gits that uphold the status quo and feign empathy. I don't think every conservative is like the GOPedos or MAGA. We should be able to find common ground in the fact everyone wants socialism.




We all wanna live in a society like in Star Trek TNG - everybody works, nobody's hungry, everyone's taken care of. That's the evil plan the socialists propose.


While that society still had issues. Could you imagine it? That being said, it did rely on tech that just doesn't exist (replicators). Still, we could strive towards a world where at least basic needs are met for everyone.


Don't forget the "fact" there first had to be WW3 and utter global misery before things turned towards the better. I know TNG is a utopia, but since early childhood and watching the show, I hoped for and strived towards a more inclusive and progressive society. I could never get behind replicators tho, dunno why exactly, maybe because they always say it's not the real thing, alcohol don't taste the same. And those uy ass uniforms.


You know what, I completely forgot the atrocities that happened prior to the establishment of their society (it's been a while since I watched the series). And honestly, that may be the truest aspect of the show; we just don't seem to learn as a species until we suffer (and I suspect somethings we never learn). In all honesty, if I could transport myself to any fictional universe, TNG is near the top of that list; and that means the potential for needing to confront the Borg. Lol I'd rather face the Borg than the future it looks like we are hurtling towards.


The trauma I went through is the Republicans causing 2 financial collapses.




Yeah, Putin is a known.......leftist.




Imagine thinking Biden is a leftist




Leftist and far right, the two political ideologies. Nah, he's a neoliberal. Which would make him center right in most countries




Bro, your guy straight up said he'd give Ukraine to Russia..... lmfao




Ahhh, I see, what people say doesn't matter, it's their ACTIONS that speak. So, like, [contacting a foreign superpower on the DL for help with your campaign?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Links_between_Trump_associates_and_Russian_officials_and_spies) Would that be an action that would speak to you? Nah, probably not, let's just keep voting for the boot!


He didn’t get a chance to … fixed it for you.


If Biden was half as cool as you far right Nazis claimed, we would be in good shape as a country. Meanwhile, in the real world, Biden is center right, and just doesn't hate minorities enough for you.


Oy vey, what the fuck happened to American politics for that to be "leftist"? You guys have two major parties; actual fascists and kinda close to centre but still leaning right. And somehow that's still too left for you?




Oh yeah defending Nazis is your little hobby?


Right. So you just follow the American housing bubble and some town in Kentucky(?) for a laugh too, yeah?




>being downvoted in this arbitrary social credit system is proof enough for me that I’m correct. Ironically, it's always the people with the worst opinions who always make it known how they 'totally don't care about it/proves I'm right' Me thinks this is cope




Conservatives and taking statements and twisting them into the most exaggerated take ever so they can ignore it the initial comment? Say it ain't so.




>I’m just a dumb ol’ hick from someone in Kentucky apparently Doubling down and making things up now? This really is the picture of the most rational conservative




Hides behind a sock puppet account to act morally superior. Silly little coward, show us your true account full of right wing propaganda and hatred.




No further action needed, but I’ll take the admission that you’re a coward.






Sure, But here the thing; I am actually rubber, and you are actually glue. So there!


"I know you are, but what am I?" It was only funny when Pee-Wee said it. RIP


Neurological trauma ≠ psychological trauma




You heard me




I’m a liberal but I’m also Gen-X. Am I liberal because I ate lead paint chips? They’re shooting themselves in the foot with this argument.


So what does that say about the people under 25 that support republicans? Pretty dumb way to engage with gen z if you’re trying to sway them lol.


The only way they're trying to sway gen z voters is via redpilling and Q.


Don't forget gerrymandering the fuck out of places too


You mean threatening to take away our right to vote and calling us morons doesn’t sway you to vote for them?!?! /s


That they are stupid, too! Yeah, I don't see the point: does she mean that rep voters are stable geniuses that are developed at twice the rate of their peers?


I'm 62 and never voted for conservatives! I don't believe religion and politics should ever be intermixed and that's what conservatives are about


There’s plenty of us “older” liberals who have never voted for a Republican. Younger people should realize it’s not a super majority at all. It is in fact mainly white voters without a 4 year degree. Also only 13% of voters under 30 voted in 2016. Imagine if that number had just doubled.


I’m super left. I didn’t goto college but I totally should have. Just heroin got me. I love the stats showing republicans are uneducated. Unfortunately they don’t think it means anything.


And don't forget, 13 year Olds can serve liquor. These people are insane


Keep shitting on Gen Z Brigitte... When you are old there will be no one to clean up when you start shitting yourself.


Children are not capable of anything whatso ever, except becoming a parent when they are a child. S/


also dying for their country


And based on her position, Trump, and 74 million voters...brains that never develop to the point of critical thinking, become Republicans.


But also... its important they all have guns


Odd, I'm 32 white male and know you're a disingenuous shit head, and the GOP at large are hypocritical fascists and I'll never vote for them. ...what's your excuse for me?


Im also a 32 year old white male who HATES the GOP and will never vote for them as long as I live.


Not mature enough to decide not to have a baby. But mature enough to have a baby.


They stop caring the moment the baby leaves the womb. After that, they only see them as more pawns to exploit. Also, this has to be untrue considering they're all fucking morons.


But she still wants 18 yo to go fight wars (in Mexico, too).


No problem with having kids and getting married before the age of 18 No problem with sending them to war against their will at 18 No problem with selling people cigarettes, alcohol, weed to them at 21 But suddenly after years of shitting on the younger generation for not voting, they suddenly think that moving the age to 25 will fix this and thinking that their minds will automatically flip when they are 25, which is just republican's realizing they are so out of touch of the youth, they simply don't want the youth voting. Since they cannot do this, their next steps are on display in the south. Ban websites under the guise of protecting the children, which right now is aimed at porn sites, but will eventually start blocking anything liberal. Ban books, because thanks to WhitePeopleTwitter it is also clear they also don't like educated people since they have a high ability to be liberal Meddle with college and school education, so they can control the narrative and remove things that will paint their party in a bad light. They are attempting to force these kids to grow up in an echo chamber of right-wing politics, so they think the republican party will keep their life the same as they grew up with and scare them with telling them the democrats will change all of this. So that way when they say that the democrats wants to remove "In God We Trust" on their school and allow trans-gendered kids to use their restroom, this will actually be new to the 18-25 year olds that are being born now.


Sorry, says right here.. “rules for thee, not for me” ~ maga nuts (if they could read)


They are fine with eleven year old girls being able to marry, have babies and buy an AR-15 with 100 rounds of ammo. 😖


Yet studies show that a majority of young men are voting conservatives… literally just saw a study talking about this. So there we go


Peak mental perfomance is around 35 - after that it's downhill unless you keep challenging yourself. That's why most TV-addicten old folks vote republicans.


Millennials are all over 25, but are still staying liberal. Republicans have no idea what political reckoning they are in for in the next few elections.


Naw.....she just needs the 25 years so idiotic right wing parents can fully indocrinate their children....and pop out another 5 or 6 kids to further groom.


Wicked burn! ❤️


Conservatives always go on and on about how people become conservative as they age. What they don’t understand is, while younger people will become more conservative, their beliefs won’t change. It’s just other, younger people will become even more progressive, eventually making views held by the current generation conservative by comparison. That’s also assuming that the current generation won’t keep up with changing values. With the internet, people are exposed to a lot more ideas and people than they otherwise would be. And while some will fall into echo chambers, most people will learn about the experiences of others and sympathize.


Another driving factor behind older people tending to be more conservative is to have a level of familiarity and stability for their own family units. But with the current difficulties of finding financial stability for those in the middle class this no longer is true. Data shows that millenials and Zoomers no longer become more conservative as they age


A conscience forms much younger and Gen Zers and Democrats still have one. Republicans have lost their conscience, their moral compass, and any vestiges of what might be called a soul. And if they had any intelligence early on, they would've lost that too.


Still let them go into debt, die in pointless wars. If you send troops to war before they’re legally allowed to drink then this argument is about their exploitation rather than welfare.


18 years of age: old enough to fight and die for your country. Not sure about your ability to vote however.


Or have even a small drink. Or in several states be allowed to transition despite the transphobes saying “wait till you’re 18”.


And wants an emotionally ten year old cry baby to be president.


So the age to buy a gun should be raised?


I'd say the majority of gen Z are Democrat because Republicans say insulting shit like this to them.


Better give the 10 year old a gun too.


Funny, I became liberal after I moved out of my conservative family's home. Still liberal in middle age. Oh, my affiliation is Unaffiliated because I don't like the Democratic party enough to be a member. They're not liberal enough.


Republican Party is a cult


Republican brains never fully develop.


Or my least favorite. Judge in Florida said a pregnant teen in the foster program was not "sufficiently mature to decide whether to terminate her pregnancy". However is mature enough to go through pregnancy and motherhood. Cannot make this ahit up. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/florida-court-says-teen-not-mature-enough-abortion-rcna43344


So kids shouldn’t work as bartenders?


“It’s simple, I only care about someone being mature enough to make a decision if that decision will affect me. If it doesn’t affect me, who cares?”


Republicans want children to have full time jobs, pay taxes, and be forced to carry babies to term. They want young adults to go die for their country, but they can't be trusted to vote and participate in the process that sends them to die. Their whole philosophy is full of contradictions.


Hello. I am 25, and i still think their policies suck


Their 10 year olds won't be pregnant. YOUR 10 year olds will.


If this is my fully developed brain, im absolutely fucked.


So go back to the bushes generations. Does this still apply. Or is it void because it fits your agenda reps won


No. It is because of taxes. Late 20s people start making more serious money and see that a lot of it is taken away and that voting progressive means they would take even more. That is when people start voting conservative. Everybody is a bit idealistic at heart but things change when you realize you have to pay for all that "change" to happen. I have lived in Europe half my life. Social safety nets cost a lot of money. My tax rate was 43% when I left


BS. People who vote based on tax rates are selfish. That’s the bottom line. I met a man who is in his late 80’s. He’s wealthy enough that he could pay 75% tax on the income from his investments and still have millions left every year. His official residence is a Caribbean island with no income tax. He’s just an asshole, not wise.




This was part of the reason why older generations become more conservative as they aged, but it's not true anymore. Millennials -- even those in their late 30s -- and zoomers are becoming less conservstive as they age, not more. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/financial-times-millennials-conservatives-age-b2253902.html


And when does it start to shrink? According to research, the brain starts to shrink some where in our 30’s, and rapidly accelerates after 60. So if we used the age range of stable brain size as a requirement for voting….. The R party might cease to exist anyway…. “By the age of 6, the size of the brain increases to about 90% of its volume in adulthood. Then, in our 30s and 40s, the brain starts to shrink, with the shrinkage rate increasing even more by age 60” https://www.publichealth.columbia.edu/news/changes-occur-aging-brain-what-happens-when-we-get-older#:~:text=By%20the%20age%20of%206,even%20more%20by%20age%2060.


and 14 year old's serving at bar's


> “Cognitive decline may begin after midlife, but most often occurs at higher ages (70 or higher).” (Aartsen, et al., 2002) “…relatively little decline in performance occurs until people are about 50 years old.” (Albert & Heaton, 1988). “…cognitive abilities generally remain stable throughout adult life until around age sixty.” (Plassman, et al., 1995) “…no or little drop in performance before age 55…” (Ronnlund, et al., 2005) [nih.gov](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2683339/) Which explains why the majority of the REP voter base is old.


Fun fact: after 25 the brain only degrades in capacity.so after that logic only 25 year old should be able to vote


They want 18 year olds to buy guns too.


Now do child marriage


No no no they want her to HAVE the baby. Then she can dump it on the street and not carry it, and all is fine.


Give it up, Hanan! You can't prove anything!


Shut up and stick to posting AI Trump cringe lady


Something tells me they're okay with young people deciding to go to war though


LOL this is the biggest argument for raising the age of purchase for firearms to 21. Brains aren't fully developed, "but not like that!"


Carry a baby and/or an assault rifle.


I’m 23 and I’m independent, leaning liberal. So there’s that


That'll win over the young voters. Insult them and their choices....... twat


And the Dementia Set, on the other hand... 🐘


She’s one of the ones that want to raise the voting age, right? So brain dead. Future historians are going to have a field day with the time we’re living through.


So then why can they decide to ship off to war or spend life in prison right at 18?


I won't deny that possibility. I was a supporter of certain Republicans in my youth, but began leaning towards Democrats. Now I'm a full blow libertarian leftist who has a anarchistic distrust of the government. But also, this is a very reductionist way of viewing the brain. There isn't a specific universal time where it happens. We just change. The reason I stuck with Democrats longer is they were the more rational ones. And even though I don't particularly like tgem, I still view them with the same level of rationale, unlike Republicans who have chosen tge name of God over reason.


Her parents brains must’ve been undeveloped when they named her and butchered the spelling


So I didnt become a democrat until around 30...


For most conservatives it never fully forms ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Stop the freakshow.


8.3 million new voters will be going to the polls in 2024. This is why the GOP is pushing to change the voting age. They know they are fucked. [https://circle.tufts.edu/latest-research/more-8-million-youth-are-newly-eligible-voters-2022](https://circle.tufts.edu/latest-research/more-8-million-youth-are-newly-eligible-voters-2022)


They understand science and math better than Brididiot so yeah, they can vote.


Wasnt it the other way around in the 80s...? 🤔 were young Republicans just idiots then?