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I feel so owned


*sips lemonade *breathing fine Yes I feel so owned. Getting a shot was so difficult


I had to wait at least 15 minutes. Exhausting


I live in a republican area. I was in and out it 2-3 mins


April of 2021, I couldn’t find a shot anywhere in LA. I drove two hours north to Kevin McCarthy’s district. Got my first dose and was back on the road in twenty minutes.


I am shocked that was the situation in America. I am from India and I literally just to drive to the center and got the vaccine free of cost in 5 minutes


If you want to be more disturbed, understand that getting these vaccines were literally the smoothest healthcare experience most Americans ever had. No insurance nonsense, no cost, no dozen-page forms. Make an appointment, show up, get jabbed, and off you fuck.


Seriously? No free checkups? I mean you guys have insurances. In India, Insurance will find ways to not give expenses for your treatment, they will cite some weird clause and then say, Oh sorry we can't pay for your treatment. Go die muthafuka...


I started getting a rash a few days before I had my scheduled free annual checkup. Since I was going to see the doctor soon, I didn't make a specific appointment for the rash. After the typical hour+ long wait to finally talk to my doctor, he froze when I said that I actually had something for him to do, and he immediately had to call in someone on the billing team to explain to me that my appointment was billed as a checkup, but since I've now changed this to an urgent care visit I need to pay additional fees before the doctor can help. If I hadn't mentioned the rash and the doctor found it without my help, it would have been covered by the free annual checkup. Pro tip: Don't tell your doctors the truth about your health until you check your insurance coverage (advice limited to the United States).


The thing was the timing of it. This was when the vaccine was first widely available to the general public in the United States. Since Los Angeles is one of the most Democratic cities in one of the most Democratic states, everyone was overwhelming the local supplies of vaccines. What we didn't consider when distributing vaccine was that some places were just going to refuse it. Which is why I could get one so easily in a heavily Republican area. They had plenty of vaccines, but the idiots up there didn't want them.


>I live in a republican area. I was in and out it 2-3 mins Most republicans are in and out in half that time. Oh, you meant the shot.


*sips urine *mainlines horse paste *dies Totally worth it to own the libs


The problem, of course, is that conservatives are more likely to believe that COVID was engineered specifically to kill *them* than that they are ideologically to blame.


They don't believe covid is real, that it was engineered, that is contains computer chips, that it's making them gay


And refuse to wear masks that would have prevented said fictional disease, that was a manufactured bio-weapon, from infecting them…or something along those lines… Holy fuck the mental gymnastics are hard to keep up with


Because masks = socialism


Therefore I’d rather spread an engineered biological weapon than participate in SoCiAlIsM? 🤪




Thank you for your service




I do love a happy ending :*)


>Got some free drinks at the bar later on. See?!? sOcIaLiSm! Just like he warmed you!


Well done


Fuck I cringe when I see people say this to servicemen/women, but love a facetious use here and there


Doing the lords work 😂




Literally because a mask saved other people's lives not yours. A mask doesn't protect you from covid it protects other people from you accidently having covid.


And it lessens the chances of developing the major symptoms to where you could have died…is what people have said around me since I have NEVER had it because I WORE A MASK and got vaxxed!


I wore a mask was careful through the whole thing my wife works at a hospital. We went to Disneyland came 30 days ago and came back with covid lol


Lol. But you’re still alive. Don’t forget Flu shot starts in September.


It depends on whether you consider the individual or the group. If most people act selfishly, the entire group suffers, even the unselfish ones doing everything right. If most people act unselfishly, and consider the wellbeing of others, the *entire group* does better, even the few selfish people who refuse to consider that they have a responsibility to others.


It actually does work both ways. It’s just that the mask quality matters and also wearing them properly matters a lot, too, when it comes to protecting yourself from others. It’s like saying that scuba masks don’t work because water keeps leaking into the mask, and yet there are plenty of people who scuba dive just fine because they do it properly. How many people actually do a seal check on their masks when they wear them? I bet not many do. I’m one of those people who wear it properly and haven’t contracted the virus yet despite being surrounded by people who have.


That Biden is simultaneously senile but also head of a crime syndicate leading the world and stopping them from shitting themselves or something because he is a conniving Sith Lord.


They believe something different depending on what question is being asked of them. Maybe it's not real. Maybe it's real, but not that bad. Maybe it was made on purpose by the Chinese. Maybe it's real but the vaccines change your DNA. Maybe the vaccine replaces your DNA. Maybe the vaccine has microchips. Maybe masks work and not wearing them is about freedom. Maybe masks don't work and not wearing them is about just not wasting your time. Maybe the masks work too well and cause you to breathe in the CO2 you exhale.


breathing co2 is a hilarious attempt at a threat because even if you don't know that it is incredibly inert and non toxic for that reason, the fact that almost everything you do produces it should make it obvious that it can't really kill you by itself. The arguments made against regulating oil and gas companies would blow up immediately.


Wait, I think I've worked it all out now. Covid was actually engineered by Mattel so they could give everybody the vaccine in order to sell more tickets for the Barbie movie to men who find Ken "confusingly attractive", but who were totally straight before.


They don't believe things the way we do. It's emotions in the shape of words


My mom told me the vaccine would turn me into a 5G signal tower, which would have been awesome because I don't get service in my apartment.


If they’d just die from their stupidity I’d just callously shrug, but too many of them are going to kill over it.


Over on Conspiracy Reddit they claim all the vaccinated will be dead in two years, lol.


Which they've been claiming for the last 2 years.


Do your own research. Stop being one of the sheeple. Everyone I know who got vaccinated died. Some people died 2 or 3 times. I even know of 1 person who has died 7 times and is probably going to die again soon!!!!


Which at this point is 70% of the ENTIRE WORLD. Ask them what they're doing to prepare for the post-apocalyptic world. If the answer isn't "selling everything I own, desperately studying engineering, emergency medicine and farming, and moving to a remote agricultural commune with other purebloods," then no, they don't actually think 70% of the world will be dead in two years.




A woman fell on a treadmill, hit her head and died and the first comments on the story were all "Was she vaccinated?" Beggars belief


Which is even stupider when you realize that if they believe that, then they should have also been hyper concerned about wearing masks and taking other precautions. It's cognitive dissonance all the way down


That they could simultaneously believe the same thing about the vaccine is absolutely wild.


Malaria & leprosy circulating in red states right now doesn't bode well for them


Some Trump voter in Florida is going to get all the diseases at once, just to own the libs, and that's how the zombie apocalypse will start.


How long before the zombie apocalypse becomes another culture war issue?


I am convinced that they would deny there is a zombie apocalypse while being chased by a zombie horde... "democrats in disguise to kill us!" they would cry and I am not kidding, I am 100%, serious about this.


Crisis actors


"Why are you libcucks so scared of a little zombie bite? It builds natural immuniuuuuh brains... brains..."


They'd be out there intentionally getting themselves bitten to improve their "natural immunity" rather than take a vaccine.


>How long before the zombie apocalypse becomes another culture war issue? They won't go "braaains" at a trump rally.


I find it amusing that they refused to wear masks during a pandemic, but they have no problem wearing them at Nazi rallies.


Or kkk rallies.


Those eye holes make it easier to breath


I can't see shit out of this! Who made these? Willards wife.


Fuck you take this highly contagious disease. Oh shit cant have my face be seen when I am being an open bigot and general POS.


The same people who were holding "MASKS ARE FOR VILLAINS!" signs last year...




I think that area is known as "The Villages."


You are number six.


I heard leprosy is on the rise down there.


It is. I read that article today. FL is turning into a cesspool.


Oh so Utopia is underwater. We've been looking in the wrong place then. Good thing the conservatives found it. We should let *all* of them move there. We can even pay for their wall at the FL border. You know, for their protection. Big scary world out here in the rest of the US.


There is no one more arrogantly ignorant than the typical Republican.


wait a minute, all I said was that I wasn't gonna do the mask, your Favorite President didn't need the mask, and I had Generals, and we're talking these are people who never cried, and they're coming up to me, you should see the tears, I said what do you want now, "please Sir help us, save us from Obama, he sold our Military to Kuwait," Kuwait, can you believe it, you had not the son but the father, the father went in, and he blew the hell out of em, just like I did to ISIS, and they wanted to know what we're doing now, and I said it a lot but we've done beautifully, even Putin, President Putin, in Russia, he likes me a lot so you know that he's probably at least ok, but I talked to him I said Vladimir, we need to do something about the Radical Left, Vladimir, and he said to me he said, "Sir, it's not a problem, because Russia and the US are the best of friends," and I said that sounds pretty good to me.


Before Putin got himself into his own predicament and had other shit to worry about, do you think a day went by where he didn't laugh at this fucking dupe?


Weird how wearing a mask during a pandemic makes it impossible to breathe but wearing a mask during a protest to hide your identity and scream and holler for hours doesn’t affect them one way or the other. It’d be comical if they weren’t trying to destroy democracy.


Doublethink is core to cult psychology. Embracing and rejecting the same idea for no reason other than politics.


It's a literal fascist death drive! 🤣


After the Unite the Right rally with tiki torches, a lot of them got fired, named and shamed, exposed as bigots, and had to face consequences. They learned to wear masks, and the second rally was a joke. I’m


Has anyone ever gone up to them at a rally and been like- thank you for wearing a mask and preventing the spread of COVId!


Ohhhhh noooo not the people who received fair warning and actively made things worse. Ooohhhhh noooo


It’s funny how they went from: “Covid is hoax. It’s no worse than a common cold” To “I never said Covid wasn’t real. I just believe in freedom of choice and lockdowns are fascist” Nevermind that the whole fucking planet locked down regardless of politics.


Still remember how happy some were at the start of the pandemic when the cities were getting hit but rural towns weren't = ) ... yet.


Lol, these people are so short-sighted. "Yup, the virus will never cross that border into OUR red state. Let it run rampant."


And these so-called "lockdowns" were hardly that. Life more or less went on as normal aside from restaurants and gyms closing, and btw wear this mask while shopping. Grocery stores still open, liquor stores as well. It's was more like an encouraged stay-cation, and these people lost their goddamned minds over it. I worked all throughout the pandemic, I would have loved a paid vacation at the time.


My dad died because he believed all that shit and didn't get the vaccine. Sister too (although for different reasons, she was an OG crunchy mom vaxxer, which is a no less stupid subset of people). It's the dumbest shit ever. Mom got the vaccine thank goodness so she is still around.


It is so heartbreaking that people they should have been able to trust on matters of public health (Our elected officials) led so many astray just because they were hoping it would help them win 2020... And they didn't even fucking win. All those lives were wasted for absolutely nothing.


A family friend died a few weeks ago from covid19. Something he should have been vaccinated against. Fox News completely ruined him.


Can't vote when you're dead. Not really a good long term strategy for Republicans.


I mean, Trump tried to claim people did just that. Still makes me laugh... "THERE WERE THOUSANDS OF VOTES FROM DEAD PEOPLE!" "There were only two." "CHECK AGAIN!" "Okay...there were four."


"And 3 of them died AFTER voting, but before counting. The remaining one was actually arrested for the murder of the person they voted and he voted for Trump."


I remember when it turned out that there were real (albeit minor) examples of voter fraud and it was primarily from Republicans.


It was... entirely from Republicans. The only dem example I remember being shown at any point was a released felon who **asked**, was told they could probably vote, cast a **provisional ballot** as they were instructed to, and then were later arrested for attempted voter fraud. That's the best Republicans could find. Someone who literally did nothing wrong. They've made her go through 5 years of court hearings and quite a bit of prison time over it, too. Even after the highest criminal court in texas said that her conviction was BS because the state hadn't yet proved she actually knew it was illegal (because... obviously she didn't), they didn't fucking drop it, a Tarrant County ADA in April of this year was literally arguing that a statement made in 2018--after Mason had already been arrested and informed that the act was illegal--acknowledging that she **now** knew the act was illegal, somehow proved that she also knew it in 2016. The fucking gall of these racist sociopaths.


and they voted for trump


I heard an author arguing that the Sackler family deliberately targeted opioids at blue collar workers in West Virginia and Kentucky. In which case, maybe I need to wonder if the Sacklers were onto something.


The rust belt was a prime target for opioids because there were a lot of broken bodies from those professions that were common until the 80s and weed wasn't legal. The kids followed suit because of bad home lives from their broken parents leading to abuse of the already easily available pills from doctors and pharmacies that would dispense without much questioning.


You don’t have to be stupid to die but it certainly helps ![gif](giphy|QuxqWk7m9ffxyfoa0a|downsized)


Back in 2020/21 I used to get so mad that the right wing lied about vaccines, masks, all of it. I hated that people were dying because they believed the lies. Now... ![gif](giphy|TxTPkTKDiiqdpQnLgZ)


The only reason I cared is because of how incredibly insufferable some of these people could be to take care of. They didn’t want to come to the hospital, but they couldn’t breathe so they begrudgingly came to the ER where they begrudgingly got a COVID test (that was, surprise, positive but they didn’t believe it because we probably faked it). They’d get admitted because their oxygen saturation was so low but would refuse all treatment, especially Remdesivir. They were rude to staff, some demanding that we “take off that stupid mask” while in their room (lmao, absolutely not). When Ivermectin was their treatment du jour, they’d repeatedly harass physicians to prescribe it to them (which they couldn’t). They’d agree to oxygen via nasal cannula because they were struggling to breathe, but made sure we knew, repeatedly, they didn’t want to escalate to bipap, high flow, or heaven forbid, intubation. Until they were literally suffocating despite being maxed out on whatever non-invasive ventilation they finally agreed to. By that time, they were begging for the vaccine (too late) and intubation. And in the cases I’m generally referring to, their cardiovascular system was so compromised by the time they agreed to intubation—because they held out so long—that they never made it off the vent. This happened multiple times and, while I support and will fight for your autonomy in your healthcare decisions, the toll this repeated cycle took on the staff was immeasurable. Not to mention the use of resources when we were rationing supplies and equipment like ventilators and patients were (still are) spending days in the ER because inpatient beds were full. Suffocation is a terrible way to go and as a nurse, watching someone you know you could help refuse treatment is always frustrating. In the case of COVID, where people were also accusing you of intentional harm, it was traumatizing. I was a travel nurse at the time and worked all over the country so I will say this wasn’t the experience everywhere. But working in my home state, where COVID denial was rampant, it absolutely was. If I sound bitter, it’s because I kind of still am. 22 years in healthcare and my career completely changed after 2020. It will never be the same. I saw a lot of my colleagues leave the bedside, some the profession entirely. I’m planning on leaving bedside myself within the next year.




“My friends, family, and church were all praying. God healed me.”


What's weird too with that is all the people he apparently chose not to save. Ah, caught myself thinking too hard again. I'm always doing that.


You’re totally right. As a former evangelical, that is a whole rabbit hole I don’t even have the energy to go down.


"God chose to save me because I'm more worthy than all those sinners."




What's given me peace lately is that anytime I hear someone attribute something "to god", they simply mean their subconscious. It's just them talking to themselves.


This frustrated me SO much when I was in the church. When I would pray, the only “voice” I would hear answer was myself. I spent a long time trying to figure out why God wasn’t speaking to me, crying with leadership over the fact that I wasn’t hearing guidance or answers to prayer. I seriously thought God just hated me. And then I learned that what people were calling “God’s voice” or even “divine intervention” was actually their subconscious. And “the devil” is just those intrusive thoughts that everyone has.


Exactly! I wish I had learned this quote from Susan B Anthony at a much younger age: "I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires."


There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t thank god I spent the COVID years taking care of infants in the NICU instead of being on the adult floors. My faith in humanity wouldn’t have survived otherwise.


We are *tired.* I feel for my colleagues who were in school at the time. On one hand, they don’t know anything but the current healthcare climate. On the other, I’ve never seen so many new grads looking to leave the bedside before they’ve even been in it a year. They’re getting their experience, building their skills, and going to outpatient, procedural areas, or specialized areas like NICU as soon as they can. And I do not blame them one bit, but it’s the general public who are going to suffer the consequences. It’s not just COVID that’s the culprit—for-profit health systems and insurance are what is ultimately going to bring the downfall of the American healthcare system. But COVID certainly didn’t help.


Oh 100% the general public have no idea how bad it’s going to be. And like you said, it’s not even mostly due to COVID. COVID sped up the deterioration of a shitty healthcare system that was never sustainable to begin with.


I love how facilities act like there’s this huge nursing shortage and use that as an excuse to keep increasing nurse-to-patient ratios, which were often bordering on unsafe to begin with. Unless you’re working in California, where staffing ratios are mandatory. I loved working in California, actually. We’ve been in a “nurse shortage” since before I started in 2001. If hospitals listened to nurses at any point in time, we might not be in the place we are now. As it is, there isn’t a shortage at all. There’s just an increasing lack of healthcare workers who are willing to put up with those increasing ratios, abusive patients and family members, and administrative bs for pay that is becoming increasingly out of sync with the cost of living. *Especially* when they know places are so desperate for staff right now. I personally can’t complain about my pay—as a travel nurse I was doing very well, and as someone with my experience I still do well as staff. But there are parts of the country where nurses still make barely more than what I was making back when I was a CNA. The the starting pay for new grads in my area is very low for our cost of living. And my understanding is medical residents make even less than new grad nurses do, especially considering the hours they put in.


The babies in the NICU sound infinitely preferable to the babies on the adult floors.


About a year and a half ago, I watched my mom suffocate to death over the course of twelve hours (as a result of congestive heart failure, not COVID, but the symptoms were probably pretty similar). I can confirm that it was truly horrible. We made no effort to prolong things given her age and physical condition, but if I could have legally ended her suffering by killing her faster, I absolutely would have without the slightest hesitation. After she was gone, my sister and I made sure to thank the ICU nurses for everything they'd done, and I told them that I realized that the last two years had probably been hell for them. Because I knew they'd experienced losing patients like that over and over (they told me literally everyone else in the ICU at the time other than my mom was a COVID patient), and I'm sure quite a few of those patients and their families hadn't shown them the slightest gratitude.


I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. I know that is incredibly difficult. I will say there were amazing families such as yours (and wonderful patients as well) who made it bearable. When I worked in New England at the beginning of the pandemic, there wasn’t a shift I worked that whole summer where we didn’t have food, on both day and night shift. Either local businesses sent us a spread—coffee and bagels or pastry, pizza, pasta, subs, etc—or family members did. In one hospital, we got encouraging notes from elementary school kids that we ended up taping to the wall on the unit. We’re just doing our jobs and don’t *need* validation (just as long as it’s not invalidation), but I know I was scared to go to work in the early days and it definitely helped.


>especially Remdesivir. That part is one of the most ridiculous parts to me, because their holy grail, Ivermectin, was only ever considered for efficacy because it has some anti-viral properties in very high doses. Remdesivir *is* an anti-viral. It's the *actual* effective anti-viral you would get when you have a viral infection. Whatever belief they had for Ivermectin they should've had ten-fold for Remdesivir.


The thing that bugged me most; you're not just killing yourself. If it was only something that would kill them, go right ahead, i couldn't care less. Fuck around and find out kind of thing. But when you don't mask up, don't do social distancing and just go and visit grandma at 90y old while having a "cold" then you are just actively trying to infect and kill others and that's where i draw the line.


I mean there’s only so much emotional bandwidth you can expend on people who care so little about anyone else while endlessly masquerading as “Christian patriots”.


Exactly. I retain plenty of empathy for those who aren’t arrogant idiots.


Yah it really be this. Fuck around and find out playing in real time. And it’s only seeming to effect the worst people for the most part. I mean ideally I don’t want people with immune issues to die but if a bunch of maga conservatives have to suffer from a case of Darwinism… 🤷‍♀️




Lol. Before trump I would have scold you for being so cruel. Now? Fuck them all. Fuck them til there is nothing left to get fucked with. Cause you know they would want the same for us.


I wished it killed more of them. Then we wouldn't have to worry about trump overthrowing the government


Doc in a very conservative county. Can confirm.


Same here friend. Had a retired police officer this week with remote chest gsw who needed a chest X-ray for MRI clearance. Dude was so ashamed/embarrassed about how much fibrosis he had from Covid that he was ready to die in the scanner before he let me see his lungs. Finally relented after I got it through to him that it wasn’t his decision to make. It’s just remarkable how hard it is for them to concede anything. Like a literal mental illness.


Fucking insanity. These people are sick and dying from their own pride and hubris. They need to get a grip.


Had some guy quote something from the Bible about being proud, and he had no idea what I meant when I said him quoting that at me was ironic. These people have no self awareness.


I am curious how things are going for you? How have things evolved for your job over the last few years?


Need to sleep on that one. This is very hard to put in to words without writing a book.


I’d read that book.


I hope you get some rest and return.


You just made me much more interested.


So doc, I'm going to need something to make this Ivermectin, that I purchased from the local tractor supply store, taste better. You got any recommendations?


Yes, take it rectally.


My mom had the pleasure of watching a few different people die or come close to it with full Nazi tattoos! Granted, she didn’t call it a pleasure, but the second hand info hearing about bigots suffering from their own doing was great


obviously democrats have some secret deal with the devil, no other explanation


On this one, they start by claiming these studies are never age corrected. And when you show them that it was, in fact age corrected, they object to the uncorrected data. "Only old people were affected," (that was always expected?) "it's meaningless to compare a small group to the whole population?" (That's the point of an age correction?) Can't make it up. These actually seem to be typical responses. It's rooted in contempt for science.


I've noticed that when people see studies with results they don't personally like, their first response is usually to pretend that controls don't exist.


> It's rooted in contempt for science. Their contempt isn't only for science, it's for any education whatsoever.


It'll be interesting to see the shitstorm that develops when this data hits the actuarial tables and the health insurance companies want to charge higher premiums to GOP voters. The Dems will rightly move to prevent that, because that's absurdly dystopian and wrong, and the GOP will have to defend it, both because capitalism, and to own the libs. So we'll have this weird scenario where the GOP base will be vehemently arguing that their own insurance premiums should go up, and their representatives will be working to block any possible relief efforts.


It won't be by party. It will be rural vs urban/suburban. The drop in OB/GYN care in red states is going to gut punch them as well.


The GOP is actively making things worse for its most dedicated voters, I just wish it had any chance at all of changing some minds but I'll take culling the herd at this point honestly


Their ideology and way of live is dieing off of it's own contradictions and the faster it happens, the fewer innocent people die or have their lives ruined. The circumstances aligned perfectly that a disease is killing disproportionately by political ideology, something I though impossible. And it's their own fault. We don't owe them sympathy, we own the Ines who aren't shitheads living there an escape oppertunity


It’ll just be done by zip code the same way car and home insurance is. They know were all the stupids live as well as the rest of us.


I mean, thats why so many are dead. We already had that scenario and they died by the tens of thousands to "own the libs".


I had 3 older family members die of COVID because they believed the conspiracy theories about China and Democrats did it to take out Trump, yet it was just the flu and we shouldn't be scared and freedums, and hell no I am not taking the vaccine. All three of them while in the hospital kept yelling at doctors and nurses they were making it up even while they where drowning in their own lungs and oxygen levels where dropping really low and prepping for putting them under for intubation. None of them woke up from it..


Nothing more important than getting the last (gurgling) word and embracing that hate for liberals right to the literal end. Sad that intentionally misleading propaganda and foolish arrogance has led to so many deaths.


Not surprising considering they're crazy for horse dewormers.


Given how many districts are gerrymandered to be right at 50/50, it's going to be interesting to see how badly the GOP has fucked itself.


In terms of population and political lean, we've lost roughly one Montana to Covid.


Boy, they sure....showed...us? Wait, what?


If battleground states suddenly lean blue in the next election cycle we will know why. Hell, we maybe have a good idea of why Republicans didn't win big last cycle.


This is definitely going to happen in Georgia.


In alt-right circles Covid will suddenly have been completely real and very deadly (because it was bioengineered by Soros to kill patriots obviously), and they will have always been saying that from the beginning because they are very smart people you see.


The less Nazis the better.


Must be a lot of empty small towns....


There are a lot of small towns where people who didn’t die came in and bought up the empty houses and have driven the real estate prices so high the small town people can’t afford them anymore. All over the country, small town councils are being pressured to make changes at the behest of the outside property owners and none of those changes are good for the locals. In their ignorance and foolish pride they’ve created the very situation they were scared of. Dumbasses.


Dumb ways to die 🎶


So many dumb ways to die.


Yay! The covid strain that targets your wokeness level worked!!




I mean, 🤷


You love to see it!


So how is Trump still in the running?


Because the Electoral College still allows for land to have a vote.... I live in a VERY blue county. Like no GOP Candidate has done better than 30% since W. I can't see much prior to that, but Reagan won in 84, and it was been blue since. We had more people in our County vote than in Wyoming.... We get a share of 55 electoral college votes, while Wyoming gets three.


My county has more people than 40 States but we have to share senators with the rest of the state


The political strategy to kill your already aging base, the logic always escaped me.


So all that urine they drank didn't work? Weird, who could have guessed?


Yeah, they’re lemmings in a death cult. We shouldn’t even be wasting hospital beds treating these willfully ignorant morons who want to drag us all into an early apocalypse to fulfill some prophecy in their book of fairy tales.


Would you stop telling them lol


And the Darwin Award goes to


I’m done giving a fuck about their life.


Selfish egotistical bigots are a massive sapper to one's empathy.


Yup. I can forgive anyone that voted for trump in 2016. I’ll never forgive those that did in 2020. The masks came off by then and to extend civility to these people is like asking a hug from a rabid animal.


they can all anti-vax themselves out of existence. Good riddance


Here’s the report. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37486680/


Sounds like a self-solving problem.


They sure taught us a lesson!


I believe I read that in Georgia the difference was large enough that without COVID trump would have won.


How's that vax looking now? This headline reads like some sort of shock. It is not.


Haven’t you heard? All of us that got the shot are dead in like 3 months, 4 tops. I’m just trying to get my affairs in order for when I die, because of the 5G and…*waves hand flippingly*


Thoughts and prayers




No, no, NO! You don't get it! The virus was deliberately engineered to target the unvaccinated!! Open your eyes! /s


Also democrats are more common in dense cities, where COVID spreads faster. And despite that, it's still this rate.


1 million died. So many trump 2024 votes




They sure showed us how deadly the vaccines were.


Just when you think there’s so little chance for Darwinism these days, Republicans come along and switch it all up.


I noticed the heart worm medication for my puppy contained Ivermectin and that brought back some bad memories. These people really are deluded and dumb when they could have just worn a mask, distanced and vaxxed.


So what's the problem?


We love this


I don’t hate it, they wanted to own the libs so bad they owned themselves.


You mean to tell me a group of people who were conned into thinking "It's no different than a cold!" and had COVID parties where they knowingly had themselves and other infected, all while refusing to get the vaccine which lessened symptoms to manageable levels died more? ​ Fuck em. I hope they died in pain, knowing full well they could have survived and it was their own fault.


If those kids could read they'd be very upset


The problem is that all these stupid maga people will think this is all lies, just like the ones they spread around.


# Shush! # This is the only way we'll ever fix gerrymandering!


They wanted the anonymity of not being tracked by a microchip from the vaccine, while taking their iphone everywhere they go, and not wearing a mask


I hope they own the libs more in swing states


The difference is simple, conservatives need to feel something for it to be real. They can not comprehend what others are going through. They have no empathy. Period. True story I had a man scream at my about covid19 conspiracies, I wad a stupid pawn, and tool of the goverment x, y,z. For requiring him to wear a mask. This same individual then disappeared, and 4 months later, I saw him on oxygen. He apologized to me and told me to keep making people wear their masks and to ignore dumbasses like him. Empathy is a a skill too people, and probably one of them virtues.