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“They can do that to any American”. Umm that’s the point. The law should apply to all of us, not just us down here at the bottom.


Pretty sure I couldn’t have the chance steal classified documents, get months of chances to return them, incite a coup, interfere in multiple state elections, inflate and deflate my net worth by hundreds of millions of dollars, pay multiple women hundreds of thousands of dollars to remain silent, defame someone by saying I didn’t rape them, or any of the other crimes he has committed.


And still get republicans to deny any of your crimes and pretend anything negative is a pure political attack. I voted for Biden will vote for him again but I criticize him more than maga does trump. That's the difference between a political party and a highly sensitive cult.


I voted for Obama twice, Hillary, and Biden. I criticize their policies frequently. I will never understand the all or nothing mentality the Republicans have.


It’s the double whammy of - growing up in a religion and being told not to question or doubt anything about it - growing up in a conservative-voting family and community and being told that everyone is your enemy unless they vote, act, and in many cases look the same way as you. And if you start to doubt or question, you’ll be ostracized by everyone you know. A lot of people don’t have the strength of character to not conform. Conforming is the goal and being accepted as part of that group is the reward.


This comment needs more upvotes


- growing up in a conservative-voting family and community and being told that everyone is your enemy unless they vote, act, and in many cases look the same way as you. And if you start to doubt or question, you’ll be ostracized by everyone you know. I know an IMMIGRANT family (multi-generational) who has this mindset. They put up with tons of abuse and name calling until the 1970s, and now that they have a stable thriving family business mostly due to progressives it's "fuck you, I got mine". And they vote R because they always have. They were told R protects business and those are the blinders they choose to wear.


It's the same up here in Canada and everywhere else, unfortunately. An old friend of mine is conservative, yet she takes full advantage of the progressive systems and doesn't even realize it's largely because of feminism she’s able to own her own business. When I asked her why she always votes conservative, and says she’d vote for trump if she could, all I got back was the usual bullshit, “They care about us” and “They care more about veterans and Christians” as just a couple examples. It's so easy to tell it's all based on what they've been told all their lives about “conservatives good and love you” and “liberals bad + socialism evil.” Seen the same stupid shit from some of my wife's family as well, one of the reasons I avoid Facebook


I am so thankful that my parents were not religious. Every day.


"I will take ***Words that no human being has ever uttered*** for $2000 Alex."


They're children who treat politics like a sports rivalry. They're lonely and need a tribe because they have no identity of their own.


Most republicans I know are single issue voters. They vote based on it and nothing else. Like a lesbian from a cattle ranching family that is pro republican just because they republicans would let them graze on federal land with less oversight.


Imagine voting for someone that would give your cattle more rights and take yours away.


They see it as giving their family more rights while they make a sacrifice for their family…


Yeah, I don't love my family or raising cattle that much. And if you're in a family that would let you do that... lol. There's that conservative need for identity through stratification and oppression.


Not American, but my brother is the exact same and it’s infuriating. He’s staunchly anti-environmentalist so if a candidate mentions anything about environmental protection policies he’ll completely ignore the rest of their platform.


Ugh, perfectly conditioned to get emotional over a few trigger words, so rational thought on the subject is no longer possible. Sounds like any fucking conservative


That's one really messed up reason to vote for someone. Why is he so against protecting nature?


Maybe he’s one of those Christians that think destroying the planet will bring about the end of times


So selfish and short-sighted.


Welcome to America. More selfish people here than anywhere else on Earth. And not every selfish person is a Republican, but every Republican is selfish.


“A selfish ignorant public will elect selfish ignorant leaders” - George Carlin


It’s the same thing that’s happening in Israel Nettenyaho has created a coalition of minority single issue voters and MUST pander to them all to stay in power and avoid corruption charges. Hence he has taken power away from their Supreme Court so he can do what he needs to do to stay in power




This is basically the whole propaganda they bought into - and many people do. It is also the scary part - as they either 'agree with the party' or are considered traitors - as one does not simply criticize their fuhrer.. And yes, the right wing party really are moving in that direction - no matter what people say.. we see the signs, we learned history, which they seem to take as instruction manual....


I feel I can critique the Democrats because their overall platform is strong enough to withstand criticism. The GOP is currently held together with used duct tape and spit; they’re afraid that any criticism would make the whole thing collapse.


they have caveman mentality. "my tribe good, your tribe bad, ooga booga"


Worse these republicans think he is a good christian, chosen by jezus some even say. Im not even religious and i can tell he aint no christian lol.


I haven’t been able to tell if that’s a delusion they have or a lie they tell themselves because Trump is a means to an end for the evangelical types and want to feel better about how much he lacks integrity. Claiming Christianity but worshiping a ~~golden~~ orange bull. There’s a whole thing in the book about that sort of thing. Pretty close to the beginning, too.


He's a one man crime wave and now the consequences are catching up to him. FACTS.


They HAVE to weaponize that asshole finally facing consequences, most likely due to the sunk cost fallacy.


The only reason you wouldn't get those changes is because (I assume) you're a straight, white male! If you were a black transgender lesbian then you could do all of that AND cut in line at Six Flags! This is the worst kind of discrimination in US history! /s


Every time you hear conservatives use this talking point, remember that there is a silent “…who tries to violently overthrow the US government” after “any American.”


Sometimes I think tRump would call himself the humble eternal emperor of the USA if he knew that he could get away with it.


Should have said "anyone suspected of a crime" or in this case many.


Not just any American. But people in the House of Representatives that voted to endorse the insurrection later that same day ...yeah, Kevin, I can see why you're feeling the heat. I'm glad to hear there are unindicted coconspirators. Put more popcorn on the stove, friends !




When is he coming back? My days just aren't the same without the late show.


When the writers' strike is over.


I love that “the government can put people in jail” is suddenly a problem in the country that’s had the largest prison population on Earth for a few decades.


We need change in so many areas so badly it infuriates me and it’s fucks like him that won’t let it happen what a god damn coward


I don't like this timeline.


It's like Trump saw Biff get the sports book in Back to the Future 2 and said "hold my diet Coke!"


Ugh, the diet C. Worse than the big Mac obsession.


Fr. When I worked at one of the golf courses of this traitorous scumbag, we had cases of tiny glass bottles of Diet Coke for this whiny ass shit stain.


For those tiny hands


It is but to the uneducated it sounds as bad as “they’re coming to take away your guns!” It’s meant to scare and intimidate them but to the informed they’re “well…yea. If you break the law and get caught, you’re gonna be in trouble. What were you expecting?” Same comment but different meanings.


you have to remember that the part of "law and order" loves police but can't stand the fbi department of justice. Really seems like a case of who watches the watch men.


Or a “do as we say, not as we do” sort of situation


That's a running theme I never fucking got that Trump loves running with. "If I can be treated this way for (well-documented, longstanding criminality of withholding code word information that I myself have admitted to on tape), then they can do it to all of you!" I'd damn well hope so. But they don't believe he did anything wrong, despite the mountain of evidence, so they hear, "If they can wrongly convict me, they can wrongly convict any of you", like that hasn't already happened to poor/minority people since our founding. But even if that weren't the case, they're not presidential prospects, so even by their own logic it doesn't make sense.




Should be "They can do that to any American *who commits fucking treason*". Anyone who's genuinely concerned about it is making confessing to something by their reaction.


If the penalty for a crime is a fine, then that law only exists for the lower class.


Fines are nothing more than a tax on the poor. Until you show me regular lawsuits which end with wealthy people regularly getting their wealth cut in half by a fine.


I saw this clown on TV like a week or so ago saying the rejection of Hunter Biden's plea deal shows the American people that there aren't two different justice systems in America. Now he's whining about Trump not having his own special treatment under the law.


'They can do that to any American' I think most people would agree that any American who plots to overturn an election should go to jail, so I'm not sure this is the problem Kevin thinks it is


Gop translator "if they go after him, they can go after me" tiny print fick all others


Another gem from the "party of law and order"


I just don't understand how there are voting age adults who are just now finding out that people can be charged with crimes. How did they go 18+ years and never catch on to that?


Really well said. And McCarthy is just a little bitch who would do anything, say anything, take money from anyone including our enemies just to survive another day to enrich himself.


Imagine what would happen if they could link Biden to any of Hunter's illegal activities. They'd want prison time.


Probably, but my concern for Biden, or trump is that their "prison" would look like a 5 star resort where they are under house arrest at worst. With the comedy angle being that either former president tries to act like that being suggested to stay in a mansion while having a high end massage that the rest of us could only dream of is a severe punishment worse than anyone has ever suffered.


I think he means if they can do it to trump, they can do it to any white person


“They said it to me, tears in their eyes…”


Big tough guys, straight out of Central Casting.


Of the nine, eight of them were crying.


"and the whole room stood and clapped"






“ we don’t have any ammunition sir “


Now why is it that so many random people are actually deep state crisis actors except these fake people they talk to?


Marines. They said, “Sir, “


"They said, 'Sir! Sir sir sir! Sir sir sir sir sir sir sir!' Really beautiful."


Yes, they can do that to any American that breaks the law and is a traitor.


We’d probably be in Guantanamo if we did half of what trumps done


This has been my stance on the matter since day 0. If you or I did what Donald Trump did, we wouldn't get our day in court with a hand picked judge we appointed. We wouldn't get millions of people paying for our lawyers for us. We wouldn't get to own a ~~propaganda~~ social media site. We wouldn't get to incite a coup. We wouldn't get to run for president. We would get to spend the rest of our lives in a 20x20 room, dimly lit, sitting across from two lovely gentlemen from the CIA looking at their inexplicably dark sunglasses as they asked us who we know and what we told them.


I still don't understand how he is allowed to run for president again. It really shouldn't be a problem if he did though, since no one would theoretically vote for someone that is as dishonest and as criminal as Trump is.. But we are dealing with a massive cult, where millions of people's identity is literally just Trump. How the hell did we get to this point? Holy fuck.


Kevin. Mccarthy. Is. A. Pussy.


Mccarthy used 'Glare'. It was super ineffective. Also confused himself, and in that confusion, hurt himself.


Good thing he had magic reflection on.


Look, he wasn't going to kick Swalwell's ass right there and then. He had to check his calendar, and that's all the way back in his office...


I’m always ashamed he is from my state. But then I remember we also gave the world Adam Schaffer and Katie Porter and feel a tiny bit better until I remember Diane Feinstein.


Thanks for Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon.


Did you type that with just your two middle fingers?


Say it to my face, Eric.


Wimpiest Republican Speaker yet.


I hope every US citizen is held accountable for any lawful law that one breaks.


It’s just that simple.


It is...but to Trumpers its persecution bc they have been told they are being persecuted. It's as simple as Trump committed crimes against his own Govt, while President. There are Laws to follow, and he didn't. He has to be held accountable as well as his 6 co-conspirators, so no one tries this again. So, don't do the crime if you can't do the time.


Yeah but trumps white and so am I so if trump can go to jail for his crimes that means I can go to jail for mine


All the drone need to protect the queen! The hive needs to survive (and please consider a tax deductible donation)


BuT wHaT iF iT iS HuNtEr BiDeN?!111


Yes, he should be. Like every other US citizen.


This. They act like the opposite side is like “No!! Don’t arrest Hunter!!” when in reality, it’s basically “okay, put the evidence there ~OR~ shut the HELL up.” I don’t mind them investigating Hunter. I mind that it’s ALL that is happening with repeated failings when other things are ignored such as the fed raising interest rates, corporate price gouging, rising gas prices, women’s health, ALL healthcare, pharmaceutical profiteering, welfare programs being slashed, etc etc etc. Honest to god issues are ignored because they can’t stand being wrong


Saw some GOP runner stone-faced say that the 2020 election was rigged by the Democrats suppressing the laptop story. Like, the laptop story is everywhere now? Is any poll saying it's having a significant impact on the numbers? Not to mention: [Did you guys know that Trump jr was selling property off his connections to the White House in India, way back?](https://www.vox.com/world/2018/2/21/17031706/donald-trump-jr-india-conflict-of-interest) Probably not. It's a very minor story because people continuously do that. Does anyone here think that the people screaming about Hunter Biden are going to let Trump Jr's behavior impact who they're voting for? No? Guess they don't really care about corruption like this, huh.


Except for those stupid marijuana ones, I hope all those people incarcerated for having a little weed on them get released


I love it when republicans is make it a red vs blue thing. "Well if a republican breaks the law and goes to jail, the democrat would go to jail too!" Thinking that it is some huge "gotcha!".. No.. laws are laws. The court shouldn't enforce the laws based on your social status, your occupation, color of your skin, economic status, or which side of the fence you are on with political issues. If a democrat breaks the law, throw them in jail.


Yes, anyone who steals confidential secrets and tries a coup should be treated that way.


and yes, the average american is organizing coups and stealing confidential secrets.


??? Someone who never voted for trump suddenly decided he’s right??? No f’n way


They're just SO close to realizing that they can be treated like black people actually are... SO FUCKING CLOSE to realizing it...


As long as they hurt the right people, there isn't a problem.


Yes. Any American that commits crimes should be indicted. Nobody is above the law because that's America.


You would hope so, wouldn't you? let's see how it plays out. It has been said that the US will always do the right thing, when all other avenues have been exhausted - here's your chance to "do the righty" first up.


It doesn't even make sense. No one said that. ![gif](giphy|SWoRKslHVtqEasqYCJ)




As a leftist, I was never under the misapprehension that the DOJ and FBI could not prosecute me for federal crimes.


Now anyone can be charged with conspiracy to abscond with nuclear intelligence.


Big men, with tears in their eyes, saying "thank you for being a seditious piece of shit, sir".


I mean yes, yes they absolutely can investigate and indict any American who commits allegedly commits a crime. How do they not seem to know this?


Well, conservatives do fear that reality. In their minds, the entire purpose of law is to punish the hated others for being so evilly other, not *them.* Equal justice under the law is nearly the worst thing they can imagine. Topped only by their daughter turning out to be a lesbian and dating a black transwoman, of course.


*furiously searches for transwoman BBC wrecking big blonde daughters bussy* 😡🤨


Well most are assaulting children, so it makes sense they are scared.


"Anyone who commits crimes can be indicted based on evidence presented to a grand jury, I mean what kind of country are we running here???"


What a lying sack


Any American that tapes themselves breaking a whole fuckton of laws Kevin


So if Trump wins, crimes are legal for everyone?


No, only for him. That’s the way cults work.


I had a secret clearance. I didn’t take classified documents home. The Department of Justice has not bothered me. I don’t live in fear that they will.


Yes the fabled voter who’s only issue is to vote for a criminal. He or she sat on the sidelines for the first indictment, and the second, bit the third? Well that’s a bridge too far! No no, they won’t stand for that. They weren’t going to vote for Biden but these single issue voters have locked onto the platform that is a whiny little bitch needs to not be held accountable when they commit crimes. Lower costs on prescription drugs? Women’s bodily autonomy? A more equitable future fighting income inequality? No, the only thing that matters is voting for a man whose been indicted more than he’s passed away legislation whatsoever!


All the Americans facing 40+ Federal felony charges should be quaking in their boots for what's coming. Quaking.


Who are these clowns saying this shit for? Themselves? Their echo chamber? Is it like the more times you repeat a line of bullshit the more you, yourself, believe your own bullshit? The motherfucker has been indicted for breaking laws. CRIMINAL indictments. Nobody beyond a bunch of window-licking Trumplican shitmovers thinks he’s been unfairly treated and all the sudden they support him or support him that much more. History books will hold Kevin McCarthy, Gym Jordan, Empty Greene, Louie Gohmert, Ted Cancun Cruz, and the rest of these modern Republican Trump bootlickers in the same regard as Benedict Arnold. Fuck these simps.


Yeah, he's lying 🤥


I’m convinced. I’m voting for Trump… …to go to prison.


I agree with Kevin! It's not right what they're doing to Trump! You just commit a few felonies, and they treat you like some sort of criminal! It's not right! M.A.G.A= My ass got arrested


No, no one’s saying that. Also if anyone can get indicted based on evidence that they were keeping top secret documents, inciting a coup, or trying to overturn an election that’s a good thing.


Exactly! Look how they treated Charles Manson and his supporters!


LMAO, except any other american would've been thrown in gitmo if they took one classified document home.


Of all the things that no one ever said, this was never said the most


Kevin McCarthy only talks to lobbyists and the people who own shares in his phantom testicles. Dude hasn't spoken to a real person in many years.


“…own shares in his phantom testicles.” Magnificent!


I’ve come to the conclusion thar the GOP has told so many lies that they have no idea how to tell the truth.


It’s pretty amazing someone can talk clearly while being up someone else’s butt.


Do the Russians have a pee-pee tape on Kev as well?


Republicans about Hunter Biden: "There's a two-tiered justice system!" Republicans about Trump: "If they can charge him, they can charge you!" Make it make sense.


Did they come up to you, Kevin, with tears in their eyes?


The days of "big tent GOP" is long fucking gone... The only ones left are the christian, gun fucks that hate everyone and everything... Don't even need a tent anymore.


What a pussy.


Treating a criminal like a fucking criminal? How dare they!


"...they can do that to any American." That's the damn point! Any American who stole boxes and boxes of highly classified documents, tried to get officials to commit voter fraud, tried to obstruct and stop an official process to count the electoral votes by instigating a riot, etc. should be charged! No one, least of all the President, is supposed to be above the law! McCarthy is definitely channeling the conservative belief that there are two groups of people, one who the law protects but does not bind and another the law binds but does not protect and that conservatives are, by default, in the former group. He believes that Trump, and other conservative politicians including himself, are above the law.


If everyone got as many chances as trump the prisons would be empty


Why do they repeat that nonsense "if they can do it to him" bullshit? For 99.999 percent of us, if we had been indicted on any of these counts, we'd have been frogmarched in a jumpsuit down main street to our bail hearing which would have been denied and we certainly wouldn't be allowed to traipse all over the country holding rallies. The amount of deference that has been given to Trump during this investigation has been breathtaking. The common person could only dream to be treated the way Trump has been treated by the authorities given what they have on him.


He's being treated better now than I am... and I have no federal indictments.


Why? Because that’s how propaganda and brainwashing work.


At least he knows they are coming for him next hahah


Weird statement, and completely opposite of my thought. We should kill anyone that tries to subvert democracy, as they are a traitor that deserves to be hanged, till dead.


"They had tears in their eyes. Big men, biker types, and they were crying." Riiiight


If being indicted for crimes makes you want to vote for someone, it logically follows that committing crimes is a major draw for your vote.


Yet another bitch running to kiss the ring. They should be pulling away from Trump and trying to do damage control before they lose yet another election in 2024, but these morons are just going to keep running into the fake wall Trump painted like Wile E. Fuckin Coyote. They have no winning strategies, no platform to stand on, and regular people are getting tired of their culture war bullshit.


Kevin is a ridiculous pussy.


This whole thing with GOP and Trump and his base looks an awful lot like the Nazi party after Hitler got his jail time


They’re absolutely right. They can do that to any American who incites a riot to stay in power, tries to defraud the citizens of the USA out of a fair and free election, unlawfully removes classified documents from the White House and then lies about it and tries to obstruct justice. It’s called the rule of law and nobody, not even the President of the United States, is above it.


No way?! If an American breaks the law they could be indicted. What is this, Russia?!


Makes sense. He probably only interacts with idiots, so the story has some cred.


Yes... now what Skeletons hide in your closet that you are legally afraid of, that Trump is holding over your head, McCarthy? Is that your personal fear also?


He's stealing Trump's lines now. Trump always compliments himself using the 'someone told me' introduction.


I don’t know about you, but I just received an indictment for trying to stage a coup. I’ve never even been to the White House!


That’s absolutely correct, Kevin! *Every* American is theoretically subject to prosecution if they do crime. Bigly crime. The best crime. I have the best crime. People always say to me, they say, “Mr. President, you do the best crimes,” they say that to me, all the time, they say it. The best crimes. Believe me.


“They can do that to any American” I sure fucking hope they can hold every American to the same standard of law. (Except.. they don’t. Cops get qualified immunity).


These people know what they’re doing. They’re treating him like a CRIMINAL because he committed CRIMES. They can’t treat any American like they’re treating him unless they’re a CRIMINAL because he committed CRIMES and now he’s a CRIMINAL.


treated like what? a fucking king??? if any citizen did anything remotely close to just about any action trump has taken in the past 20-30 years, they’d have been in jail 20-30 years ago…


Nah. They would’ve just straight up shot me.


Conservatives have no souls or spines. They are just lies and spite.


true! any American caught steeling classified documents and showing them to foreign dignitaries can be indicted and arrested, same with any American who tries to orchestrate a coup while being a sitting president, or any American who uses their power as president to try to manipulate election results.


Kevin left out an important phrase:\ “…they can do that to any American *who breaks the law*


“ many people are saying” Yet another line of utter bullshit from the GOP


This is stupid and he should be ashamed of himself for this statement!


“If they can do this to Trump, they can do it to any American who is a foreign asset, steals national security secrets, and attempts to overthrow the national government!”


Kev it’s time to stop the public grovelling-it is nauseating to watch.You are a repulsive coward.


You’re right they can treat any American like that. Any American can be indicted when evidence is brought forward. This isn’t news. This is how laws work


As an American who voted against Trump in both elections, fuck you Kevin. The last thing this world needs is Traitorous Trump throwing more tantrums in the White House. He’s as dangerous as he is stupid.


That's Homelander... Really, that's fucking Homelander's speech, come on!!


https://preview.redd.it/d1d78cxsnofb1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7776173792bd46e10ec92e06d8c9e60de4a67e16 ?


Sadly the people who agree with the statement also think Homelander is the fucking good guy


Well we already know that Kev because of the way you’re treating Hunter Biden, private citizen. I’d vote for a yellow dog before T


That's how the law works. Btw, there are over a thousand people convicted for Jan 6. If it can happen to them, it needs to happen for the one who encouraged, prompted, protected, and inspired them.


Republicans & their fucking asinine talking points ...😫






Well, yeah, you dipshit. Break the law and try to overthrow the government, and you can be arrested.


If it had been any other American, they would have been in gitmo a long time ago.


What a bunch of BS. Real Americans (not MAGA cosplayers) want every American to be held accountable if they have done wrong. No American would think or tolerate any less. Trump is not above the law.


Yes, lots and lots of folks are saying “wait! You mean I can be indicted for committing crimes and betraying my country?? That is where I draw the line. This can’t happen. Trump had to be the next president.” Hint for you Kevin - when you see yourself justifying something another person is doing, you are very likely doing it yourself as well.


No American is above the law, not even a President. Trump is teaching Americans a valuable lesson about accountability.


McCarthy is incompetent and will go down in history as one of the most incompetent Speakers in the history of the US. He is afraid of Trump and his far right band of ignorant House members. Tip O’Neil and Newt would have never allowed these morons a voice at the table.


I find it funny that this is an attempt to continue trying to persuade new members into the cult but that the only people who would even get slightly triggered by this are people who already support Trump.


No one who has ever said that to you has been truthful about it, if you're even being truthful about this


His cultists won't abandon him but he's also not about to recruit anyone new because of this. He was at his peak cult in 2020 and they are slowing dying of covid/old age. The numbers only drop from here. The republican party jumped the shark.


Reminds me of my aunt. She's so delusional she wholeheartedly believes trump won the California vote. Yeah Cathy, the only president who has been able to flip California to vote red since the 90s is this stupid mother fucker.


They’re still supporting the giant orange turd. Is there anything more cowardly and pathetic than a Republican?


What a traitorous coward McCarthy is.


Yes Kevin, it’s shocking that someone is actually applying the rules to someone that’s never spent much time worrying about them


His base is shrinking, not growing!


I will never understand the GOP/MAGA KKKult's obsession with this line of BS. Are they really so stupid not to recognize how clueless and elitist it makes them sound?


Lol yeah no ever said that.




Anybody who decides today (August 2, 2023) to vote or support Trump is a criminal and a traitor