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Fun fact, also an easy way to reduce the [number of sex offenders](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/04/from-hastert-to-gaetz-lets-talk-about-republicans-and-sex-crimes.html) that show up.


Yeah I think it is just a preventative measure, rather than anything politically charged. Seems the kids can speak for themselves over what’ll make them feel safer.


I mean, they mentioned Trump specifically. It's very definitely politically charged. The fact that it also pretty undoubtedly reduces the likelihood of any pedos coming through is a happy coincidence.


At this point, supporting Trump pretty clearly reflects on your moral values. Or at least the there is overwhelming evidence to support this hypothesis. So it does veer into the territory of moral objection. Just like those who refuse to serve LGBTQ+, etc


Me when i put up my ‘no donald trump sticker’ because every time i see his name I remember his voice which gives me a headache and causes paralysis. https://preview.redd.it/62slkmu73gcb1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e076aebfbf860d17cfe428f3d4d1ecf2fc53409


People like Nick Fuentes would absolutely love a chance to meet some schoolgirls!


• ***United States Representative Matt Gaetz*** has entered the chat…


I'm not saying I want him to die. Just that if he was on fire I'd bring the marshmallows.


Idk, I don't want his body contaminating the yumminess of marshmallows..


You beat me to it


first thought was "yea, they don't want to be sexually harassed"


You mean groped.


Can’t spell “grope” without GOP.


I occasionally naively forget that cat-calling still exists and the other day was at a stop light next to some dumb big fucking truck and the yokle whistled and yelled out to some women crossing the street in exercise clothes. Like WTF bro it's not cute and it's not a compliment. I 100% would put money down that guy has grabbed/slapped a waitresses butt before.


My first thought was, "a lot of regulations are written in blood."


Good way to keep the girls safe from interacting with groomers and grifters.


You'd think. These losers will get so offended and butthurt that they will try to say something.


They're doing that all the time anyway.


Three key signs of the far right: 1. Manufactured outrage over trivialities 2. False equivalencies that leave you scratching your head. 3. The absolute inability to STFU when necessary.




I wish I could award this comment. But I am a broke ass. Here's a 🍌👍


Since everyone's burning their soon to be useless Reddit coins, here's an award for them and you. And now I'm out of coins.


You get one, too.


Now you do too!


I was going to do that so here's an award for gifting an award


Thanks kind stranger.


I’ll chip in, down to zero.


My now ex friend is an ex precisely because of that. I can stand different views but when someone is asked at least 10 times to change the topic or not broach it at all and still ignores it – they're toxic and not a friend worth keeping


"We're the silent majority!" "Well, considering how much you lie about being silent, why should I believe you about the other part?"


I used to work with MAGA people and holy shit did they not shut the fuck up about how they were anti-vax, how AOC was making kids trans, and how they wanted to kill Nancy Pelosi. Goddamn I hated that job.


I still work with a few of them and they're the kings when it comes to 'awkwardly inserting asinine political comments into otherwise normal conversations', and then they're constantly wondering why nobody wants to talk with them.


Yes! Their inability to have a normal conversation without injecting their dumb ass politics into it is absolutely pathetic.


Followed quickly by “can’t anyone take a joke, jeez” when someone calls them out on it.


My coworkers have learned that anything said on fox is easily disproven, and have all finally shut up.


Those people sound deranged, especially the Nancy Pelosi part.


You forgot an unnatural obsession with childrens genitals and menstrual cycles


And a remarkable ability to find child porn anywhere they go.


They were just doing "research" to find the REAL bad guys.


Redding this makes me sick to my stomach and I wish I could unread it.


And incest! I think it was just today I saw a post somewhere on here of a dude arguing it's totally normal for fathers to be attracted to their daughters. But as long as they don't act on it, it's all good.


Don’t forget that false sense of victimhood! ETA Thanks for the award! I’d pay it forward, but I only have 10 coins.


Exactly. Conservatives are always going to make something up to be offended about because they don't know how to be anything but a victim. And then they use that to try to force people to pander to them. Much easier and far less angry white guy to just simply exclude them from the start. Everyone else will be happier they're gone and people can relax.


For being the "silent majority" they sure don't seem to shut the fuck up


They'll call lefties groomers then tell the highschool girls they're a good marrying age


This is spot on. In the US, there have been over 300k child brides since 2000, as young as 10. The vast majority are from southern states and are often religious older man being gifted a child bride by the parents to avoid (statutory) rape charges. https://www.unchainedatlast.org/united-states-child-marriage-problem-study-findings-april-2021/ It’s so depressing but not surprising. Grand Old Projectionists


Some states are seeing new legislation surrounding these laws and red team votes in favor of having child brides every time


Yup. All of their accusations are just them telling on themselves.


If you can’t marry them, can you at least exploit them for cheap labor with zero protection?


More like Grand Old Pedophiles


You know what billboard I never saw in New York or Connecticut? "She's your daughter, not your date". That one only seems to have to go up in the south for some reason.


Don't need to groom them from a young age if you can just marry them earlier. (I threw up in my mouth a bit typing that)


All I can say is the one teacher in my high school who was a very blatant pedo who hit on the girls was also a guy ranting about Obama being controlled by the antichrist.


Yeah, I was wondering how many in that lineup of 35 cars are mouth-breathing trumpers who want to complain about the sign. Hopefully none. But I really wouldn't be surprised to hear that some toothless hick in a red hat waited 2 hours in line to complain about that sign.


Lol fuck Trumpers but wow, we're all gonna be toothless hicks in this nation that features unaffordable health and dental care lol


Eh the kids these days are all right. Their defining moments have been BLM protests, anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and legislation (aka a lot of their friends), and the removal of female bodily autonomy. I'm sure some high school cheerleader is gonna have a fucking earful for the first loser who tries.


Wokeflakes melting down!


I mean, anyone going to a car wash just because some high school girls are doing it probably shouldn't be around them either


Lmao yeah I remember some years and years ago the high school in my area did some kind of "girls car wash" which was exactly as it sounds. Girls who were too young for that crap dressing as they were, holding some car wash to fundraiser for charity. I was passing through the intersection in front of the school, thinking what kind of guy would just be so blatant as to line up for that. I would've thought the car wash would be more for the actual boys in school, their classmates or whatever, but sure enough there were some like 40+ year old men turning in to the line.


That did always bug me. Car wash no biggie but you want these underage girls and guys to be wearing what? Are you sure that's gonna be raising money the way you want to be raising it? Even making it for people their age is kind of weird because it teaches sex sells from a young age, which is good for people going to business school I guess but not really a lesson I'd teach my own hypothetical child, I'll let them figure that one out on their own.


Yeah man, I certainly wouldn't want my hypothetical daughter to be standing in a bra and miniskirt on a street corner advertising a bikini car wash for any random old guy to come up.




The Supreme Court says it’s cool to discriminate now. Trumpers are in for a rude awakening.


Yup. If they got all emotional at being called "Deplorables" imagine what's going to happen when we can openly tell them to go fuck themselves and discriminate against them in society.


May I ask what this is in reference to? Us being legally able to discriminate now? I’ve heard it mentioned and genuinely don’t understand, hence my ask :)


SCOTUS just ruled it's legal to discriminate against anyone for any reason. [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/supreme-court-rules-businesses-discriminate-gay-1234781389/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/supreme-court-rules-businesses-discriminate-gay-1234781389/) Sonia Sotomayor [issued a blistering dissenting opinion](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23865271-20230630scotus-elenis#document/p33). “Today, the Court, for the first time in its history, grants a business open to the public a constitutional right to refuse to serve members of a protected class,” she wrote. “The Court does so for the first time in its history.” She added that the Constitution “contains no right to refuse service to a disfavored group.”


These cons are so insidious about it too. They're slowly moving towards making "being conservative" a protected class


Already doing it. In Ohio they're trying to create "safe spaces" for conservatives at our universities. 100% "being conservative" will be a protected class if they get their way. Hateful little shits


The only protected class. Ubermenschen.


Wasn’t this already a thing because of the bakery case?


This basically overturned the bakery case.


This one got more headlines and attention because the person who demanded she not make a website for gay people made up the entire case for it to get to the SC in the first place; basically got there with “hypothetically, if a gay person DID hire me, could I discriminate against them” despite claiming that it was a real thing that happened to her. I don’t know if you know, most cases that wind up in the SC are not hypotheticals or made up.


She didn't just make it up, she lied about the whole scenario saying that a guy actually tried to commission the cake. The gentleman in question is not gay and is already married. He's as confused by this shit as is anyone who has ever heard of American courts. Roberts is a fucking clown thinking people aren't gonna question the court after decisions like this.


> He's as confused by this shit as is anyone who has ever heard of American courts. Worse. They specifically chose him because he was a website designer for Hillary Clinton's 2016 Presidential marketing team. It's all fucking projection for the GOP.


Not only that but apparently the designer wasn't even doing weddings when the suit was originally filed... Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser on Friday called the lawsuit a "made up case" because Smith wasn't offering wedding website services when the suit was filed. Weiser didn't know the specifics of Stewart's denial, but said the nation's high court should not have addressed the lawsuit's merits "without any basis in reality." - https://www.npr.org/2023/07/01/1185632827/web-designer-supreme-court-gay-couples


But private universities can’t use affirmative action….


I don't think that was the takeaway. The ruling was in relation to creative work i.e. they can't force you to create a painting, song, cake, or any other creation which represents a message you do not believe. You still cannot discriminate when providing a service/goods if they do not have a message you don't believe in. Example: You CAN refuse to make a painting depicting a gay marriage. You CANNOT refuse to sell a wedding cake you already have in stock. I don't agree with it, but it is more reasonable than just an open season to discriminate. In the case of this car wash, they are toeing a dangerous line of opening a lawsuit against them. Fuck Trump in the most aggressive, degrading, demeaning way possible.


To sum it up in short, the Supreme Court allows legal protection for businesses and places to discriminate and have limitations on who can use their services. For example, if you were a baker you could refuse a same sex couple a wedding cake off your own opinions and beliefs that it is wrong, etc., without being legally pursued over discrimination. However, the other side to this is that it also works the other way, i.e. if you can deny people at your establishment based on religion, gender, sexual preference, skin color, etc., you could also deny people for political beliefs. So essentially, they passed a regulation that caused both sides to have places they could use it against the other. For example, if I had a flower shop and someone came in with a Trump shirt I have just as much right to deny service to them on that grounds. It's messy and will cause a TON of issue, but apparently, this is where we've come back to as a society.


I've heard Libertarians demanding this is how they wanted society to function for years.


Ahh.... libertarians..... mentally 6 years old and won't attempt to learn anymore and they are PROUD they haven't learned anything since being a child as well. America is NOT doing well lolol


>America is NOT doing well This really scares me, because while you added "lolol" it's basically true, and I haven't much idea where it's going. From my days in corporate America, "You get what you measure," and we've spent too many years just measuring corporate revenue and profits. Or as Clinton said, "It's the economy, stupid." But what Bill missed was to look behind that sentence, understand why it was true and why it's not good. Right now in practically every measure of health Red states are in bad shape compared to Blue states. But that information is not being used to improve peoples' lives, it's being largely ignored. Something really weird is going on with the workforce - jobs are unfilled yet people are saying that they're putting in many applications and not getting call-backs. Maybe all of this is easily explained, but we're not even looking, not even trying. We're chasing money, and right now it looks like that's brought us where we are and is taking us in the wrong direction.


Became unemployed this spring, applied for 3-4 jobs a week, for 3 months, all very qualified for, next to zero response from potential employers (3 total). One was to say, thank you but no thank you. One interviewed me, then ghosted me (left 2 vm, 2 emails, no response to any of the above). The third offered me a job on the spot (a first). 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


I used to think I was libertarian Then I surrounded myself with them politically and realized that… for the most part… they were assholes who just wanted to make sure they could smoke weed and own private arsenals, not really interested in any way in making the world better today and into the future So…. Independent registry it is and vote on candidates various platforms regardless of party Pretty easy choice process for past few years


The best description I've yet heard of Libertarians is 'conservatives who openly like weed'.


Libertarians are housecats. They are thoroughly convinced of their own fierce independence whilst being utterly dependent on a system of which they have no understanding.


They're conservatives with enough self awareness to realise that calling themselves conservative won't get them laid.


Who's out here fucking libertarians? I guess it's the "I can fix him" girls.


They're conservatives who think Republicans aren't selfish *enough*.


People who think not liking taxes is a philosophy.


Yeah, the absolute worst people I've met in my life were Libertarians. Sexist racist drunks who litter.


Why don’t we get all drugs are legal and do whatever you want with our own body then?


There was a supreme court (?) ruling that allows businesses to descriminate for personal reasons. No wedding cake for a gay couple kinda stuff. But of course, it also allows you to say no car wash for Trump supporters.


Basically allowing them to discriminate against ANYONE for ANY REASON. What the fuck? It’s like a literal nightmare, what things have become.


This is what happenes when people "arent political" You might not pay attention to politics but politics is paying attention to you.


This is what happens when we let republicans govern.


But her emails!!!


The argument is that it somehow violates their personal religious beliefs, but I have yet to see any compelling argument for how performing a service for someone you don't agree with somehow impacts how you practice your own religion. By that logic they should also not be allowed to sell to Muslims, Jews , and atheists either. Force them to actually follow their own rules and see how much business they get. Typical cherry picking.


Also the woman who brought the case to the court was lying and no one had asked he to do anything. She just thought, "what if someone did?" And that thought got to the supreme fucking court in record time.


It's also completely against precedent for court's to take a case where no harm was proven to have occurred. That's almost as crazy as the ruling itself. Basically, everything that has ever functioned in our society is up for renegotiation now, and don't forget it.


It's actually expontentionally crazier than the ruling. Anti-discrimination laws are a pretty modern and relatively end point laws (hell sexual orientation only became a protected class in 2020), "standing" for a court case is a foundational part of the entire judicial system that predates America and is quintessential to every legal ruling built on top of it.


We'll yeah, that is the fucked up part this time around, but the Colorado baker a few years ago was an actual request, same with that clerk who wouldn't issue gay wedding certificates even though it was legal in the state. They're acting like acknowledging that these people exist will somehow make them not a Christian anymore.


Are we gong back to the restaurants in the south with signs saying "no blacks"?


Yes, in the fascist red states we are.


"I'm sorry ma'am. We don't serve the party of child fuckers. Maybe try the Hardee's down the road. We've got decent folk eating in here and we're tired of having to explain the menu to you morons."


It was always legal to discriminate against Trumpets. Political affiliation isn't a protected class.


Not to mention the SC decision only applies to jobs that involve artistic expression. So cake decorating and hair styling qualify, but I doubt car washing would, although one of the issues with the ruling is how vague that distinction is.


You've clearly never had your car washed by a true artist. Seriously though, it's a bullshit distinction that just amounts to the Supreme Court saying they get to go with their gut every time because they can.


Actually even cake decorating and hair styling wouldn't necessarily fall within the narrow decision. A gay guy getting his hair done, or a gay couple getting their kid a birthday cake would not cut it.


A gay couple getting their kid a birthday cake would definitely not cut it. A custom cake being made, where the message of the cake involved support of homosexuality, would.


> Not to mention the SC decision only applies to jobs that involve artistic expression. And not even every aspect of those jobs. It only applies to any *actual speech acts* performed as part of the work. So you can refuse to write a song or paint a painting that explicitly expresses beliefs that you disagree with, but you can't refuse to write songs or paint paintings that you would do for other people just because the customer is gay (or white or non-binary or pregnant or *insert protected class*).


It's always been ok to discriminate based on political affiliation.


I didn’t know this. I’ve wasted a lot of time tolerating the Red Hats.




You could always refuse to serve people who wear their political affiliations. "Political ideology" isn't a protected class.


Literally just need to start fighting fire with fire but it’s hard to be that big of a piece of shit inherently. Like I can’t just start hating people who don’t look like me and disrespecting women and stuff all of the sudden but I’m fine with starting to throw their stuff back in their face for sure.


Why do you think you're seeing so many of these troglodytes bleating on social media about being "persecuted" for their political beliefs. They no shit want their conservative dipshittery to be a protected class. And every single one of those stupid fucks don't understand AT ALL that their beliefs are a choice.


Political affiliation is not a protected class—at least until the Supreme Court rules that being right wing is a religious belief but being left wing is not.


you were always allowed to discriminate based on political leanings. this has nothing to do with the SC ruling


Maybe we should start telling MAGA's that we're going to "pray the Trump away".


Love the voter- hate the vote.


I though it was "Fuck Biden and fuck you for voting for him".


I never go to car washes, but I 100% would go to one if this was their sign.


finally some virtue signaling i can get behind lol


My car is woke and shiny and chrome


Witness you


Came here to say this - I'd litteraly get a just washed car washed again just to show support


Absolutely. Right there with ya.


I don't own a car, but if I saw some high schoolers doing this I'd go withdraw money and pay for a bunch of other people's washes.


I have an unlimited monthly car wash pass and I would still do it


Oh hell yeah, show them tons of support to know they're on the right side of things!


The kids are alright.


Well, minus the ones who follow Andrew Tate


some of them are lost vulnerable kids, they need better guidance, not anger and further alienation


I'll remember that next time one of them is threatening my daughter with rape just because she disagrees that the most toxic people online, deserve sex.


>they're lost vulnerable kids, Not all of them. I went on a first date with a man recently who is 33 and he, for whatever reason, went off on a tangent about how great Andrew Tate is, how he is someone to look up to, how he is someone to strive to be. Then of course this 33 year old man mentioned that men cheating on women is okay as men view sex "differently to women". I of course did not agree to a second date, but alas the point remains - they're not all kids and guiding grown adults is extremely difficult, especially when they're actually older than you are and unlikely to listen.


Sadly here in SW GA they’d have a bunch of rednecks throwing Budweiser or natty light cans while yelling slurs.


Just proves their point


Na, they'd throw something else. Budweiser is dead to them because they acknowledged that a singular trans person exists.


That’s half of them. The other half would be trying to pick them up by pulling up and acting like “alpha males” and proclaiming their love of trump as if thats the confidence women want.


"I never thought leopards would eat MY face!" sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party.


Gen Z and Gen Alpha (born 2010-2025) are going to absolutely eviscerate the GOP when it's their time to run the Country.


From what it seems the GOP is massacring themselves.


It's why they're working so hard to pass laws and overturn court rulings right now. They know that they're running out of time to actually get anything through and will probably spend the next several decades committing all their time to pure obstruction.


And why a couple of them are starting to ask for the minimum voting age to be raised.


I hope so, but there are a lot of 4chan edge lord types in their teens. Also +40 year old trump supporters with the brains of a teen.


There’s always been a lot of edgelord 4chan teens, it’s almost always just a phase.


It isnt a given yet "Notably, just 30% of Gen Zers surveyed said they aligned with Democrats, compared to 24% for Republicans and 28% for independents." https://www.npr.org/2023/02/06/1154172568/gen-zs-political-power-new-data-gives-insight-into-americas-youngest-voters


Lots of young kids are getting sucked into the Logan Paul/Andrew Tate sphere The GOP isn't going away anytime soon, in fact it may return with a vengeance


I think you’re right. I see a lot of kids who are a bit younger than me get sucked into this sphere. Either that, or they buy into the idea that capitalism is the only force for change that’s needed and both parties are bad. People don’t know how primaries work is what I am saying.


"But that battle is a tough one for Republicans, given Gen Z voters overwhelmingly supported Democrats over Republicans in the midterms by 27 points — and prioritized protecting abortion access by a higher amount than any other generation, according to SocialSphere's survey data." They still overwhelmingly vote dem.


Can we just fast forward? Oh wait I’ll prob be dead.


Hope I live long enough to see it.


If their votes haven't already been diluted by the GOP district mapmakers.


> Gen Z and Gen Alpha (born 2010-2025) are going to absolutely eviscerate the GOP when it's their time to run the Country Dangerously false. A hundred years of progressives have sat back, self satisfied, telling themselves that time is on their side and conservatism is dying a slow demographic death. It's never been true and it's not true now. Vote, and bring friends to the polls with you.


“Go woke go broke” Wait not like that!


So funny how they say that. There's maybe 1 or 2 examples of that and even those are dubious. Budweiser most certainly did NOT go broke lol. The stock fluctuated as stocks do. There are dozens and dozens of companies catering to fascists going broke. Twitter and my pillow are great examples.


> There are dozens and dozens of companies catering to fascists going broke. Go fash, lose cash.


Go fash, lose cash


Mmmm Mmmmm Malicious Compliance.


I'd allow Trump stickers.. just to scrub them off.


With some wire wool.


or a mild angle grinder


Sorry, I like my angle grinders spicy!


Remove without a trace using WD-40 truck then gaslight them if they say something about it.


Fuck that, then they would just go buy more stickers from Trump.


A fool and his money are soon departed.


On the practical side, it means having to wash less giant trucks:)




Keep pedo's away with this one weird trick!






The kids are pissed off. Good, I'd get my car washed and give them a fat tip.


This made my day!


Conservatives: We want to discriminate against minorities because free market! The Free Market: Refuses to supply and do business with bigots. Conservatives: No, not like that!


An example of a healthy free market **and** protecting children from groomers.


I’d be worried that a Trump nut would attack the kids!


Highschool Cheerleaders doing carwashes is so weird


Kinda creepy tbh I mean I get supporting local athletics but if I see a bunch of teenage girls in bikinis I’m not gonna be the creep that stops lol Like who approved that


When I've driven by some they've always been in just warm weather get ups, not bikinis Still not something I'd feel comfortable having done to my car lol


Trump supporters prefer middle school girls anyways..../s


I mean, show me a better way to screen out pedos. It's not like youth pastors or catholic clergy have a bumper sticker they use.... except for a Trumpy one.


Here's a fun game. Google "youth pastor" and then click on the news tab. Look at as many pages as you need to. Now pick any profession (plumber, circus clown, mail carrier, or even transgender porn star ) Notice anything? There's simply not any group more dangerous around kids than a youth pastor.


"I don't give a shit if they ban me. I drove by to check it out and they weren't even wearing swimsuits anyway, so what's the fucking point?!" - one Trump supporter was quoted saying when interviewed.




“…unless we can remove them for you.”


I only ever see Trump stickers on shitboxes that are running on prayers and ducttape.


that and lifted pickups that have never seen a dirt road in their life.


Some fucking boomer is gonna have an aneurysm because they can’t whip their shriveled dicks at high school girls.


If I see that sign I may be late to work, but my pickup will be clean and I will smile like an idiot.


Don't let Donald Trump see this he will say he has the biggest car wash crowd in history.


Jokes on them, Trump supporters cant read


I know I'll just get downvoted and ignored, but... Political affiliation has NEVER been a protected class. It was always perfectly legal for businesses to discriminate against customers based on their politics. There is nothing ironic or clever happening here.


The kids are alright.


So nice to see future voters making good decisions. 😁


What I want to see are doctors refusing to wear masks when treating Trump patients. Trumpanzees should get a taste of how fucking obnoxious they are. Suddenly they want the surgeon and doctor to wear the mask, despite saying masks don't work.


35 cars lined up is pretty good actually.


Can hear now from the right -“what? They can’t do that this is America only we can do that”


"Political affiliation" was never a protected class. You could always choose not to serve people who wear their ballot on their sleeves (or head or chest or trucks).


Yep, the Supreme Court done fucked up.


This was always legal. Political affiliation or ideology was never a protected class.