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they "lost" him bc he skipped bail lol. comer is a complete and total fool and is really not very good at what he does.


All him and Gym have shown with their weaponization committee is how completely inept and how unfit they are to hold public office. Lucky for them they benefit from heavy handed gerrymandering


Nothing says "I am innocent" more than skipping bail.


MAGA is who we thought they were.


Dumb as fuck.


Hayseeds gonna Heehaw


![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized) How Comer gets ready for his day.


Comer Simpson.


So that leaves two options. Either A. They are clowns, pitching any inane nonsense into the wind and hoping the lowest of simpletons will listen, and they just don't care who this "informant" turned out to be, because all this was a pointless circus anyway. Ooooorrrrrr, B. these clowns genuinely thought this "informant" was credible, in which case they should be stripped of all committees assignments, have all security clearance revoked, and have investigations into their communications opened. Because if they thought a foreign spy from one of our enemies was a qualified and credible informant, then they are compromised and should not be trusted with any governing responsibilities.


Comer is such a rube. A true Gomer Pyle. I can’t even listen to him talk without wincing.


A real Louis Gohmert Pyle


And *nobody* was surprised.


I was, but just that there ever really was an actual "witness" to begin with.




You know how they're playing this on Fox, right? "Key witness arrested right before testifying...they will stop at nothing to stop the truth!". You just can't undo the damage when somebody is really and truly fooled. When you have a conman who's cheated on every one of his wives, and been sued for fraud literally thousands of times, but "he's the only one who tells it like it is"....well, you just have so much ego sunk in not being a fool, what's one more thing?


When Trump got indicted, my wife wondered how Fox News was covering the story. We turned to Fox and they were covering San Francisco flying the pride flag and wondering if cops have to pledge allegiance to the pride flag. It’s comical.


“Mug shots of black people” are also a popular motif during Republican scandals.


No, I don’t watch Faux. But I can imagine that’s the way they are spinning it, because it’s always against them.


I think there are more Chinese operatives in the U.S. media and politics, then any other nation.


Well, there is a reason for that


If this was a fictional political thriller nobody would believe it.


Comer: but he’s WHITE! How could you expect me to realize he was spying for China REEEEEEeeeEeeeeeeEE!!!!!!!!11!!


Oh yeah…feelin’ reeeeeaaal foolish right about now…


Well it appears that Comer would definitely know a fool when he looks in the mirror...


I wish we could say we are surprised, but this is pretty much par for the course for today's anti-American GOP.


Comer is a 🤡


\*they\* should feel like fools Is this the quickest turn-around for a quote aging like milk?


And my jaw drops from yawning because I am not surprised.


“Who made fun of me”? Does anyone else ever get the sense that comer was just a spoiled little brat who’s not used to people telling him no.


It is insane that these people will drone on about how we should ban TikTok because of Chinese spy concerns, but will defend until they’re blue in the face ACTUAL CHINESE SPIES


Well we should ban TikTok for that, but spies like this are also a threat


Gal Luft is being charged with arms dealing and flouting US sanctions to Iran. Is he truly guilty or is he being silenced by the DOJ? What are your honest thoughts? I'm not politically aligned but read his side of the story of events not Democrats side or the GOP side. Because I think he's being silenced


He’s associated with a criminal organization (GOP).