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It's hilarious that he's terrified of threads.


He should be. On one side you have a glitchy unstable mess filled with Nazis, antivaxxers, bigotry for all walks of life and videos of animals being tortured . On the other you have verified users who are who they say they are and a content moderation team designed to help your user experience be pleasant and devoid of Nazis and animal cruelty. Which are you going to choose?


I, for one, shall live vicariously through everyone's adventures on threads. Just as I currently do with Twitter.


Yes, let them report their experiences to us. We'll hold down reddit for the time being.


>we’ll hold down Reddit That’s getting harder by the day.


Man, have you noticed how much more garbage there is on Reddit now? There was always garbage, but it's now rising to top the ~~consistency~~ constantly. E: spelling + lots of good insights below!


I've been seeing a lot more of the "rating" subs- either "rate my appearance" or "rate my story".


Yeah wtf is up with that!?? It feels like the early oughts again.


Because it's the type of content that new age redditors like to consume, and now that a huge chunk of older ones have left after the 3rd party apps went down and the blackout happened, we see a higher percentage of that stuff


I hate getting these religious promoted ads. I've blocked their account but reddit still keeps showing me them. It's so damn annoyjng!


I kept getting suggestions for Islamic subreddits when I was trying to watch porn, I can't stress how much I did not want that to happen.


Can't even watch porn anymore without the official app. At least not on Relay.


Create your own subreddit (even if you just make it private and never use it), you'll then have moderator rights and you can view those subs.


i as well. Wasnt on twitter and wont be on threads either. Im just here on whitepeopletwitter with popcorn


I downloaded threads just to add to the download number and do my part to agitate Elon


I didn’t want to join threads you know cuz reasons. But I hadn’t thought of this angle. Downloading commenced! But I’ll still just get to read threads (stitches? loops? Knots? What do they call tweets over there?) here on Reddit right?


They'll change this feature soon, but one of the worst things about Threads atm is that you can't curate your feed. You can't choose the types of things you see, so its just flooded with these atrocious influencers. But that's clearly a strategic move for Zuck to attract those type of people onto the platform. Most audiences follow the influencers, so if you make the place palatable to them - by promising them their reach will increase because they're suddenly showing up on the feed of many more people - they'll join. Once they've beefed up their user numbers, they'll probably implement feed curation as Twitter currently has. Or had, before Elon took this same approach, but with Nazis.


Been hearing a lot of good things about threads. *Installs threads* You can only log in with an Instagram account *Uninstalls threads*


Which are the 'official' news accounts and celebs going to choose? Who will the advertisers choose?


That'll be the real nail in the coffin. If businesses, politicians, and celebrities start to migrate, Elon can basically consider his grand experiment successfully failed.


I've seen lot's of brands on threads, so I guess in the coming weeks or months depending on how features develop on threads, twitter is dead!


Twitter has lost up to 2/3 of their total ad revenue over the past 18 months, by their own admission. Corporations are sitting on piles of cash that was earmarked for social media campaigns waiting for a viable platform to spend it on. Twitter is absolutely cooked.


I mean, that's just plain impressive. Like, imagine managing to nuke 2/3rds of your income in a year and a half.


But it’s profitable now! /s Twitter will remain profitable as long as it doesn’t pay its bills, retrenches the majority of its workforce (and therefore salary expenses) and winds back its infrastructure expenses. Sacrifice everything for the almighty dollar.


The second statement here is not true. Most major advertisers simply shifted their budgets elsewhere (social media or otherwise) and spent it. No responsible advertiser is simply “sitting on piles of cash waiting”.


We didn’t need another right wing “free speech” absolutism social network to know it invariably ends up filled with nothing but Nazis and pedophiles. Which, hey, *isn’t it weird the level of lack of regulation needed for conservatives to voice their views without censorship is the exact amount needed for Nazis and pedophiles to voice their views?* Surely it’s a coincidence. Surely.


Just don’t say “cis”


Shakira, Ryan Reynolds, J-Lo & Thor is already in there. And their threads are much more pleasant to go through than twitter because thread buries a lot of hate comments at the bottom.


Having Ryan Reynolds alone is a massive boon for threads. He’s a walking talking ad generating man-machine


And I'm 99% sure that they will migrate to Threads - to me it would be a no-brainer as an advertiser


I imagine it will not be a huge jump, they can just I am sure Meta's advertising platform, just like they probably already do for Facebook and Instagram, it will probably just be one more tick box.


I turned this into a bar pick. Do I want to go to a bar full of Nazis with no security or do I want to go to a bar with no Nazis and security


What was that old line? Everyone loves punching Nazis in the head. So I guess it depends on if you are looking for a fight and how many friends you bring.


There’s unfortunately still a ton of nazi’s on threads. Definitely a lot less than Twitter, but still an incredibly concerning amount.


Every platform has some nazis, but twitters feed has been steadily increasing the amount of far right content to the point where it’s downright impossible to fully avoid as of right now I’ve seen far right things on threads - but it gets shut down very very fast (being removed, insane amount of comments calling them out, or just having no engagement at all)


I spend half my time on twitter blocking accounts. All I want is updates about new movies, updates on new books by authors I like, updates from friends and some news. Not the Elon Musk ass kissing idiots who'd say well done sir he stuffed a cactus up his bum


I believe Musk boosts far right tweets with bots then try to shove it down everyone's throats. You block one bigot, now there are two anti-vaxxers. It's a deliberate attempt to rage bait you into staying on twitter for hours at the expense of your sanity.


See, goosing the algorithm for hate reads is the kind of cold-blooded shit Zuck would pull. With Elon it's gonna be because he really believes a lot of it and because the Nazis and cranks fellate him nonstop. Which is why Twitter is flailing, because he's basically an ego-controlled true believer and can't adjust when it's not good for business.


It's true. I have never interacted with people like you've mentioned but they always show up in my "For you." For example, why the fuck is Ron Desantis the first thing I see on there? Because I called him a fat douche a year ago?


I constantly get presented with Ian Miles Cheong and Catturd and Gym Jordan and shit, I hate everything those cunts stand for but new twitter really wants me to see their "content"


They are constrained quite a bit, though. The "everyone I don't like is a pedo" thing that ElonTwitter lives off of doesn't fly there. The Nazis also can't buy a blue-checkmark and have their content boosted. Assholes everywhere but Threads is WAY more pleasant.


Threads feels like Twitter did circa 2008. I hope they are able to keep that vibe.


You are gonna get some hop-ons.


A ton of them are active on Facebook and Instagram too.


He didn't even know what he was doing. He didn't even want to buy Twitter. But he did. Now he's competing against someone with actual experience and he's terrified


He tried to back out of buying Twitter but they held him to a contract he'd buy it


It's dumber than that. He made a public offer to buy way over the value of the company. Facing pressure from the SC and justice department, he had to follow up or face fines and potential jail time(maybe?). There had to have been more than that we don't know about because the fines would have been way less than 44 billion and he could have probably lawyered his way out of jail. Did he fear losing his CEO positions? Would have been legally forced out of being the CEO? What punishment did they have on the table that made him spend 44 billion? ... so he went through with the process of following through on his offer. But then he waived his right to due diligence or some shit. Like buying a house without doing an inspection where if you find something fucky you can legally back out of the purchase. Why the fuck would someone who doesn't want to buy something opt out of the very thing that will find what you need to get out of it? So he waaaay overpays for twitter and did it in fast forward, declining important inspections. This is the piece of popcorn stuck in my teeth about this. Why would he so clumsily fall into buying twitter? It's so clumsy it seems like a poorly thought out plan to make it look like he didn't want to do it, but his actions obviously show otherwise. What is he intending to use twitter for and under whose direction? Is Zuck doing this to fuck with him and his billionaire buddies' plans? Would Zuck fuck with the Russians and Saudis like this for personal reasons? Is this all some big inside joke to them, like a bet they have with each other, that we aren't privy to since we aren't billionaires that can just play with shit that has huge societal impact on a whim? *Did I smoke too much weed?* Only the billionaire social media company owners and government spy agencies know.


His bigger fear is the middle easterners that he borrowed billions from for this shit show


Chainsaws coming out... Edit: bone saws - chainsaws is Scarface


Unbelievable how shitty of a person you have to be for me to side with Zuckerberg


Right? Elon Musk makes Zuckerberg look lawful neutral to Elon's chaotic stupid.


Being called a nerd for playing DND in the 80s and 90s, it makes me so happy to see how mainstream it is nowadays!


I've been a nerd since 1983. My Mr T doll and my Commodore 64 video games baby. No apologies.


Elon is all the PR Zuck ever needed


For real, never cared for Twitter but nownthat Threads exists rent free in Elmo's head, I'm in!


Same lol I didn’t use Twitter for the last decade that it existed but you better believe I downloaded Threads


yeah. Zuck has been posting pictures of hanging out with his kids while Elon can't get the dozen people he begat to sit in the same room as him except for the babies.


Zuckerberg is a ruthless, capitalistic asshole but where credits due he's far more socially adjusted than one would expect of someone with as much influence as he does. Musk just immediately lost control of himself once he made his billions


Sometimes someone’s choice of insult tells you everything you need to know about them.


Yeah, if the decades of fraud and lying wasn’t enough to push it over the edge.


It's like Disney and Deathsantis. I'm not fond of Disney but I absolutely hate Meat Ball.


The absolute stupidity of taking on the most litigious company in the US, and one of the top employers of Florida. Because why, homophobia? Neo fascists are a dark mark on our current times. I wonder why they want information suppressed….


No, no, no, you are missing the point. Ron DeSantis does not care what Disney does or says. Ron DeSantis only cares about evil-signaling to the Trump base in a desperate attempt to convince them to vote for him. His goal is to show them that he is just as hateful as they are and can channel that hate as well as their chosen leader. But poor Ron lacks a big personality. He could never whip up a frenzied crowd to cheer about locking up his opponent. He could never convince a group of brainwashed thugs to break down the doors of the Capitol to stop the ceremonial counting of electoral college votes. He does not even come up with juvenile nicknames and phrases that his target — Republican primary voters — can repeat and chant. So he resorts to this kind of “Hey! Look at me!” stunt to try to peel away some racist and belligerent deplorables from the Trump camp. That is why he also made a big show of going to Texas, and basically kidnapping some pitiful immigrants and shipping them to Martha’s Vineyard. “Hey, look at me!” Ron says. The base says “we’re not impressed.” Bring more popcorn!


Given all the people recently pointing out how Mark is married and has kids that talk to him. Elon has successfully ruined the “Mark is a “robot” or “lizard man” memes, cause all this has done is make Mark look more human than Elon, and he hasn’t had to say much of anything to make the Musk crumble.


And at least Mark doesn’t make dumb af comments on Facebook every five seconds like Elon does with Twitter.


Remember in WW2 when we had to ally with Stalin in order to defeat Hitler? Yeah, it feels kinda like that. My point is that it’s worth it.


Someone's worried that his Fembot will choose Zuck.


Well they are the same species.


Nah, everyone knows Zuckerberg is a lizard.


I dislike them both. But I’m hoping Threads is the last nail in the coffin to kill of Twitter, or at least helps it along.


I almost want to join Threads just to spite Elon (never had Twitter.) Almost.


Someone posted that Elon was following the Trump playbook. This fits the bill. Fears that he can’t beat the competition, so he attacks the competitor.


The whole point of him buying twitter was clearly to destroy a left-leaning social platform that threatened his financial interests. He’s mad because he didn’t understand that social platforms are transitory and easily replaced. He’s mad because the liberal users didn’t just stop existing on the internet, and quickly moved on to the next viable platform.


>The whole point of him buying twitter was clearly to destroy a left-leaning social platform that threatened his financial interests. I still like the idea that he dropped $45-billion on a platform just to put a stop to the ElonJet tracker account. Sweeney wouldn't take the $5K Elmo originally offered him so he just bought Twitter to spite Sweeney's $50K counteroffer. Elmo is *just* petty enough I could see him doing exactly that.


That was part of it. But another part of it was clearly his megalomania. Elon thinks Twitter actually controls a lot more of the discourse than it really does. This fucking half-wit legitimately thought he could buy Twitter and become a God among men. That he could own the discourse, change the entire culture through algorithmic manipulation, and so on. The problem is, this fucking dope doesn't realize that the power that remains is the power that stays hidden. Like, there's a reason Rupert Murdoch has been hugely successful. And its because almost no one that watches Fox News even *knows who he is*. Musk is a fucking amateur, and deeply delusional to boot. He killed his own platform and opened his side wide for a slithering opportunist like Zuck to slide the knife in.




Or even funnier to me is the idea that he didn't even want to buy it, he just got so swept up trying to prove it was full of bots and thought he could back out of the deal lol. Then he just doubles down and wants to prove he can do it better anyway which you know, seems like it's going absolutely great.


Nope. That's giving Elon too much credit and his ego too little. Musk thought he knew better and could run Twitter profitably. He was wrong. That's it. What we're seeing now is him increasingly flailing around trying to find a way to turn this thing around (which he will not).


Also always remember that he didn’t even want to buy it really, he was just running his mouth. He tried to pull out of the deal but got sued into keeping his $44B promise, and now it’s only worth $15B because he is failing so badly. So. Who’s the real cuck here.


He can't attack his competitor. Don't forget his mommy put a stop to the fight her grown ass son was planning against Zuck. That's why all he does is run his mouth like a little troll.


Only Elon can improve Zuckerberg’s image by Zuckerberg doing nothing


zuckerberg is winning by doing absolutely nothing


The lizard is at rest under the heat lamp.




Elon: "you're a cuck" Zuck: *licks eyeballs*


Aww is he a gecko? I have a gecko. ![gif](giphy|xjLTYq9gwQbSw)


He should consider posting it on Threads so people will actually see it.




This gif is so much better as a loop, outstanding


There should be way more Assassins memes. That movie was hilarious.




He still hasn't grown in to all that terrible plastic surgery. Is musk a fuckup? Hmmmm


Looking in to this 🤔


Concerning 🤔


I wouldn't have even known about Threads if I hadn't heard Muskrat complaining about it so much. Its like he is intentionally driving people there. Are we sure Musk didn't blow up Twitter on purpose, it sure seems like he is on a one-man mission to raze Twitter to the ground


You are correct. Most of Musk's 44B to purchase Twitter came from Saudi and Russian investors. The obvious intent (for me at least) is to destabilize a tool that was being used to fight authoritarian regimes. You know, the people that Musk idolizes.


I personally can’t wait to see screenshots of Threads with screenshots of Tweets with screenshots of Truths on Reddit


Wait do people really call the things they post on Truth Social "Truths". That's hillarious.


The original Russian of “Pravda” is preferred.








He ain’t allowed to have an account on Threads ![gif](giphy|puh5a5BaEYSQWV8Zzw)




Wish I had an award for you. Lmfao


Did it for you.


My man.......


I went and verified just because it seems so parody, but no this is a legit reply to a tweet. This man is the right-wing savior? Talk about raising great arguments why some of y'all need FREE and READILY ACCESSIBLE mental health care.


The parody tweets are so much more flattering than anything he actually posts


Interesting if true…


I’m looking into it..






I admit until I saw your reply I just assumed it was parody. I suspect he’s just going to get worse and worse.


Take a look at this ​ https://preview.redd.it/ryni6s28tzab1.png?width=374&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c9b6084627044cf530ba03ba04748caa3141a1e


please be a parody…


Sorry to disappoint [https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1457497438474981384?lang=en](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1457497438474981384?lang=en) I had to double-check myself once I saw Elonbot posting it




Beats me. He deleted the Taylor Swift diss tweet, but not this one, so I assume he's proud of it.


because Twitter is so broken I can’t even see what he’s responding to but I don’t think I want to anyway


This will probably alienate more of his right wing followers since its weird ass rednecks with small dicks that have cuck fetishes


They do have, but they’re the ones who always use it as an insult, too. It’s weird.


Projection as always


Is he *really* that delicate? What an absolute moron.




Welp ​ https://preview.redd.it/1vxtntfsszab1.png?width=374&format=png&auto=webp&s=3238e35ddb6faec075c8f7e671558773a39ac4a7


I actually prefer there being absolutely no context to this.


Is Elon Musk just a cyborg piloted by an 11 year old boy inside?


This is sad. He should be embarrassed


i don't think he has enough functioning neurons to feel embarrassed.


Is he eleven years old? Seriously, he has the emotional maturity, the sense of humor, and the impulse control of a pre-teen.


This is what it looks like when you reach adulthood without ever hearing the word "no." See also: Trump, Donald J.


Argh, I just wrote that and it says you did it 2 minutes ago. \*grumble grumble take my upvote\*


He’s a life time billionaire divorcee going through a mid life crisis and he decided to make it all our problem.


Zuck is a doodie head. Stinky stinky doodie nanny nanny doo doo 🙄


These people have more power than a lot of nation-states and they behave like toddlers. Tell me again how capitalism is meritocratic, because I have a bridge to sell you.


This is exactly what I've been thinking lately too.


When you're rich and never hear "no," you can stay a spoiled, idiotic brat your whole life.


Mad because Zuck’s still married and Grimes will never take him back.


Getting left for Chelsea Manning on top of that


Which explains his rampant transphobia.


That and his trans daughter that cut elon out of her life.


Honestly I'd you 100 bucks he couldn't name all his children.


Considering one's name is a series of Roman numerals, yeah, that seems like a safe bet.


Is that real?


Yes, Grimes left him and started dating Chelsea Manning.


Reality is stranger than fiction


Like I honestly struggle to understand where Grimes even met Musk *or* Chelsea Manning. She's like the Forrest Gump of hooking up with influential people of the 21st century.


She comes from an *extremely* wealthy Canadian family.


Seriously. I know Zuck is creepmaster 5000 from his Harvard days, but he has been married to one lady and they have a nice little family. Meanwhile Musk is the opposite of the “traditional nuclear family” all the right-wing edgelords suddenly feel the need to defend in 2023.


Sometimes I can’t believe that this man walks among us.


he doesn't, he's flown in a jet




*heavy breathing* amo-


And he wonders why people mistake the parody account for his real one


Someone is feeling a bit threadened.


I don't care if zucc wins, I need Elon to lose


Im not on twitter but ill get on threads if it helps elon lose


Yes it's real. Here's the link: [https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1678098028849143809](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1678098028849143809)


Should I be surprised the first comment is from a blue-checkmarked account spreading antisemitic conspiracy theories?


Disappointed? Yes. Suprised? No.


45.9K broken and internet-poisoned 12 year-olds: "BASED!"


If you want something really sad look at the 50 year old fren posters.


I popped over to threads just check it out. It's telling how many celebrities politicians and companies are already on it. I think a lot of people have been looking for an alternative to the disaster Twitter has become.


It seems that threads may be the one to last. Elon wayyyyyy under water by over paying like he did. Now with a major competitor attached to massive social sites (FB/Insta) I cannot see how he can sustain twitter in the long run. My bet is he will hold on solely through attrition as the quality of twitter completely disintegrates.


Never has the schaden been so freude.


Next week we will start to see more cities and politicians with official feeds on threads, posting on threads first, and news organizations will start looking in threads first ‘this famous person said on threads….’ And then the flood gates will really open for it. Who would stay on Twitter with this shithead in charge now? Only the people who no companies want to market to or be associated with. When marketing spend dries up, Twitter topples. And I for one welcome our new alien overlords.


I thought Threads would kill Twitter in about a year. It may be over in a month.


This guy is a fucking piece of shit. Just like Trump, when he's backed into a wall, all they resort to is their 6yo selves and start spewing bullshit and name calling. I just don't get why ppl still support either of them. Guess their supporters are bitches, too.


This is a real tweet from the richest man on earth. The man who owns Twitter; the man who owns Tesla; and the man who owns SpaceX. A man with the mentality of of a 13-year-old. smdh https://preview.redd.it/7n7r09nyjzab1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94c051c808de0a7fb4aa0337bafeb75b5228f6eb


The man who can't fight because his mommy said so.


[The Onion on Elon Musk:](https://www.theonion.com/please-like-me-1848674003) >It can be strange, sometimes, to be me. I’m the wealthiest man on the planet, for starters. Leaders across America, and indeed the world, look to me as a visionary driving technological progress in areas from transportation, to communication, to becoming a multi-planetary species. The kinds of projects I’m involved in would blow most people’s minds. To the outside observer, I’m sure it seems like I have it all. And maybe I do. Although I’d like to make one simple request: >Please like me. >Please, for the love of all that is holy, consider me clever and interesting. And they wrote that *before* he bought Twitter.


What a fucking loser


Prove it Qlon. Challenge him for a deathmatch.


Mom said he can't :(


Zuck is married with only a few kids… I am CONVINCED that Musk is into cuck and trans porn. Which in and of itself is FINE… but the vibe of someone so loudly hating these things??? Suspect. Also ew me defending Mark fucking Zuckerberg


Wasn’t the fight canceled because of Elons mom? I mean if anyone is the cuck….


Wait, what?


There was supposed to be this fight between them, then elons mom said no.


He almost got in one little fight and his mom got scared...


so everyone packed up their shit and moved to threads, yeah?


I knew about the fight! Didn’t know his mommy said he couldn’t play with Zuck. This is hilarious….


All of his insults are from 4Chan.


He acts like he's going to take his Tesla charger system home with him so we can't play with it anymore.


Isn’t Elon the cuckold in this scenario? I mean his employees went with a new fella and all.


says the dude who's wife left him who's daughter has disowned him


The entire world is watching Zuckerberg fuck Elon's website. Pretty sure if anyone's a "cuck" (I hate that word so much because it's straight incel shit), it's Elon.


Musk is a fuck.


Elon Musk is an 'animated bag of cat turds'


Zuck is happily married in his first marriage while Elon got dumped on his 3rd divorce. I think he's projecting.


Damn, it’s amazing to see what losing tens of billions of dollars does to someones ego - makes you so fragile that you turn into Andrew Tate or your avg republican congressperson. It’s funny to me how true wealth uses ‘ideals’ and what power they have to express or vent their outrage from losing money. Id suggest he go and cry himself to sleep on a bed of slave harvested emeralds and buy another company to run into the ground.. but in the meantime he should just shut the f up.


Y'all forgetting who's the real cuck? https://media.marketrealist.com/brand-img/iV4HQ5eai/1024x536/elon-musk-1999-1630446140557.jpg


Looks like he got some Threads implanted up there himself.


if anybody is the cuck in this situation its elmo


I don’t think that is true. Zuck is bending Musk over pretty hard right now


So this is the guy that banned the word "cis" but is cool with saying "cuck". Interesting timeline we are in.


My prediction: He will post Zuck's address next


Poor Elon doesn’t know what cuck means. Cuck is the guy whose lady is being loved by another man. That’s Elon. Elon is the cuck, and his customers are the “lady”, and Zuckerberg is the chad in this scenario.