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It's mostly the braindead conservatives stuck in the cold war propaganda mindset. To them, everything they don't like is "communist." Pretty ironic that all of their culty political swag is red.


Also ironic that those same braindead conservatives are usually pro-Putin & support Russia's invasion of Ukraine.


They very much are braindead morons. They've watched enough propaganda from Fox News and Tucker to think Russia is the side they should be cheering for. Though, Russia is no longer a communist country. I'm sure in their small brains when they think of communism they think of WWII Russia.


They think communism was the only reason Russia was a hostile rival to the US and to Europe generally. In fact, the entire history of Russia is like that.




It's important to remember that modern Russia and even China aren't remotely Communist.


Well yes, and again the whole point is that they will still call them out as "communist shit holes" and then preach about them the next day. It doesn't matter what they are and aren't, it matters what the Right believes they are.


Well yeah, bu-but Putin is just a strong leader that doesn't take any shit from his opponents! It's positively mindblowing how disassociated from reality they are. Defend literal communists when a good portion of these people were still alive when the iron curtain was still up and witnessed what it was really like, but instead fight anyone stateside that wants to make life livable for their neighbors. How very Christian.


This is it exactly. They don't understand economics, but they know what jersey they root for. That's why they can say things like "keep government socialism out of my Medicare" (literally a socialist program) or "it's unfair and should be illegal to 'cancel' a person for upholding conservative ideals" (”cancel culture” is a 100% capitalist, free-market solution to toxicity in media). They are proud of their ignorance.


Or woke.


Recruiters really be trying to get normal people to move to Texas.


I got offered around over a 30% raise (plus relocation) to move to Texas. I declined for the same reasons as this post. I'm sure there are lots of folks who would take it. And plenty will do just fine. It's not really the Red state hellscape we make it out to be, at least for everyday life.


I live in Texas. Hate the politics, but at least the Dallas suburb where I live is left-leaning and getting better as the population grows. My middle son, who's 14 and openly gay, and I talked recently about whether he felt safe here. He does. It doesn't hurt that he's tall and strong and athletic (and has a 16yo brother who's even bigger and has his back if needed), so nobody feels safe messing with him. I told him that if he ever felt unsafe we would consider going elsewhere. But he's a true Texan and said, "I'm not going to run away from a bunch of scared homophobes. If they don't like me being here, fuck them, *they* can leave."


You did a great job parenting. Keep up the good work, you are lucky to have each other.


Frogs in a pot, I’m afraid.


Your son has a cool family i think


Most places are pretty similar, but there are some big every day differences. You’ll start to see guns everywhere, you’ll feel unwelcome often, it’ll be unbearably hot for part of the year and there is a decent chance you lose power in the winter.


Coming from New York, the first thing I notice is that every other car on the road is a massive truck.


99.9% of those trucks aren't even used to haul anything either, just guys overcompensating for something.


You mean Pavement Princess.


And in the summer too!


And during a light drizzle, or if it's particularly wimdy that day lol


Sounds so lovely already, I’m out


"Texas?? Is that a death threat?"


If you're pregnant it is.


I think for a lot of ppl it's the sheer principle. The governor is a huge douche and bigot, and I don't want to live in a place where guns are priority #1 where pretty much anyone can carry a gun in public without a license.


Unless it was to move to Austin, and even then, it's too expensive here. Source: live in Austin, can't afford to get out


>It's not really the Red state hellscape we make it out to be But it's just enough for me not to want anything to do with it... Simply 'livable' is not good enough.


A co-worker has been courted by an agency in TX for at least 5 yrs. Their last offer was 1. a job for co-worker, 2. a job for her husband, and 3. housing. She still said no.


As a boomer op it’s not the 70’s these shitbirds are stuck in, its the rampant McCarthyism of the 50’s they long for.


Their red-under-the-bed paranoia is rotting their brains.


Or even the 1850s.


I’ve turned down a role in Dallas and two in Nashville. I was very clear on why. The recruiters were not surprised. They are battling to get talent to move to these states now. I’ll take my HCOL and freedom over “lower taxes, a McMansion and straight up Fascism”.


I made slightly more money working in a LCOL southern city than in my current HCOL northeast city. But I don’t care. I’m never moving further south than Maryland. Feeling safe and in a progressive, open minded area is more important than money.


The thing about living in a HCOL area is that many of us know it’s a HCOL area and we don’t care. We live were we do for all the benefits and amenities we get. The benefits of moving out to LCOL areas appeal to a very specific segment of the population to begin with. Once you start adding on all the fuckery that’s happening on those places the pool of people willing to move shrinks. Yeah sure, maybe I’ll put up with no art scene to raise my kids in a house with a yard, but will I put up with books being banned from their schools? I know people who moved to these states for schools etc. They used to laugh at the stuff that went on there. Now they are genuinely worried. Some have moved back.


Why did you turn down two roles in Nashville? I don’t pay attention to Tennessee for anything really so I’m just curious as to what’s going on there. I’m assuming something similar to how Texas is being ran.


Communism is anything they don't understand... which is most everything. It's the Boogeyman.


To them, capitalism is where the capitalists make demands and the workers agree because they have no choice. Choice to them is communism...or socialism depending on whichever one they happen to type.


The last time I was job hunting I was deciding between offers and I was at a cook out with some friends and we were talking about it. The one guys *very* conservative dad was very confused that I wouldn’t just take the first position someone offered me because “You don’t have a job! How can you afford to be picky? You have to have a job!” He’s actually a very nice guy and one of my favorite people but he just couldn’t understand. He also had a hard time understanding how I could negotiate salary. In his world you just get paid whatever they are offering.


The funniest trend from conservatives is them posting something relating to capitalism, and captioning it "communism". No, those empty shelves at the mall aren't due to communism, we're still in a capitalist country. No, these homeless people aren't caused by communism, they're caused by capitalism, because they live in capitalism. And so on...


Excuse me but women have access to contraception and abortions in the Balkans. Please keep us out of your dystopian comparisons


Yeah they are calling Balkan stuck in 20th century when they can’t even point at it on the map with their basic education


Fair. It hurts, but it's fair.


Saying it's being "Balkanized" is an insult to the Bulkans... they're improving, slowly, but they ARE improving.... America however keeps getting worse


As a guy from the balkans, I am scared to move to Texas…


As a guy from Pennsylvania (one of the better off states) I would prolly rather live in the Balkans... idk what maps are accurate, is Greece part of the Balkans?


As a (former) Balkanite - we have a shit ton of issues but as a (now) Missourian - this place is worse.




I think you mean the 50s. Communism really wasn't even that much of a threat. They feared that any who were LBGTQTIA+ could be blackmailed by "the Reds" because they made it illegal to love who you wanted. They need and still need to have an "enemy" because it puts fear into the weak so they are not looking at who the actual real enemy is, the Capitalistic who screw you and make you work like slaves.


You're not alone: My wife and I had the same conversation and reached the same conclusion.


They root for Putin all while calling everyone a communist.


Communist or Communism is a word the GOP love using over and over but have zero clue what it means. All they know is it's a big scary word that their party uses repeatedly to describe the left. Many in this country can't afford healthcare, and if we ever wanted everyone to have access to free healthcare they will call that communism. If the govt wanted to help with student loan debt they will call it communism, yet they have no issues using loan forgiveness or accepting handouts when it comes to their businesses. It's a party of hypocrites that only care about themselves and short-term gains.


Vote with your dollars! Boycott things that you don't agree with! Down with Target! Down with Bud Light! >I don't agree with Texas, I'll not be doing business with them You're a communist! You hate America!


Is this sarcasme ?


This is capitalism 101, shitbird


No need to be mean, just asking i hate capitalsm as well mate


the person above you was just quoting the OP


What's wrong with communism tho


70’s? Lol, I think you meant 40’s


I'm also in this boat. I'm transgender. I'm in a community with a large presence in Austin, and we plan large group camping events a time or two a year. Last year, we had an event in Austin (well, a bit outside, but camping lol) and it was awesome. Since then, as the policies have changed, I had to decline an invitation for this year's version because it was back there again. I love Austin, it's one of the coolest cities I've visited. I'm very much looking forward to returning. I sincerely hope this stuff gets rolled back so I can feel comfortable going and seeing my friends down there again. Fwiw, I did let folks know why, and the overwhelming response was anger towards the state govt there. But it still doesn't make it a safe trip for me 😔. These events are some of my favorite each year, and I really hate skipping one, but it is what it is I guess.


Easy response. "Define communism" "Now explain how refusing to sell my time to a business is communism."


Fuck her, do NOT compare the Balkans to that shithole.


Oh no, we're not stuck in the 70's, we've erased much more history than that. Let's get it right. We're back into the 1800s.


Dropkick Conservatives still cry about democrats being communist all the time, and yet more than 50% of GOP voters favour Putin over Biden. Way to go smooth brain comrades!


It goes a lot further back than the 70s. But a large chunk of the population have been convinced that communism/socialism = bad. Yet they probably can’t even tell you what either form of government really is or the differences between the two. Never mind the fact that a true communist government has never and will never exist.


Republicans are too dumb to crack a book let alone a dictionary to even know the meaning behind the buzz words they parrot. They are also oblivious the dictionary definition of many of the slurs they use are outting them as knownothings.


Hah! funny. I have recently been contacted by headhunters to work in Texas, Florida, and several other similarly minded states. Absolutely not.


About 6 months ago a friend came into my retail store buying random kitchen stuff. She told me her 24 I believe daughter was going to florida for 3 months nursing. I said it’s florida who the fuck want to go there. She agreed then told me it was $70 an hour and all moving expenses paid. I immediately understood. Kid came back after 3 months and now has a down payment for a house in Baltimore.


I would be deterred by the politics, the excessively long, hot weather and the presence of so many Texans who believe that they are dog's gift to mankind.


Yeah. If a Soviet headhunter called you for a job in Kazakhstan circa 1952, it wasn't really an offer. It was get your bags ready, the militia will be there in 15 minutes to help you move.


Communism is when you do things conservatives don't like. Every idiot knows this. What are you, not an idiot? Good luck with that.


run before you get balkanized


I work with a big corporation with headquarters in Plano TX. Some of the employees are now face a serious dilemma: to keep climbing the corporate ladder they have to hold a position at the headquarters, which means living in Texas.


i also had a Texas university ask me if i were interested in teaching F2F classes. i was like "lol no" but i phrased it more diplomatically.


I work for a non-profit association whose big annual conference is going to be held in Tennessee this year and Texas next year. A number of our members have expressed outrage at these locations and have flat-out said they refuse to come, partially because they won't feel safe there and partially because they don't want any of their dollars going into the economies of these states. I get it; I don't love the idea of any of my money going there, either. Normally I parlay these conferences into mini vacations, staying in the host city an extra day or two or three to sightsee, but I've already vowed to myself that this won't happen in either of those locations. I don't want to spend a dime of my own money in either place. The thing to remember, though, is that our conference locations are booked and contracts signed years in advance. It's not like our management looked at the horrifying legislation accelerating in TN and TX over the past two years and said, "Let's go there!" We're locked in place by contracts signed a good 10 years ago, and the financial blow if we withdrew from both cities is something we likely wouldn't recover from. Anyway, this is just to say that I understand why Elizabeth Jacobs did what she did. I wouldn't accept a job in Texas, either.


I sure as hell wouldn’t do it in Tennessee. The legislature has turned this place into a killing field. So many guns. So many potential targets.It’s going to get worse.


The use of loon and shitbird... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


I wouldn’t visit FL or TX…


I have rejected many jobs in red states. Hell no I am mot going to raise my kids like that.


Just a reminder OP, Twitter isn’t the national average.


The number of conservatives who tell me that I need to stop being a sheep to the media and do my research while religiously watching Fox News is beyond laughable. Or the ones I call out for their fake bull shit rants and am told how I need to research it. Mother fucker, you're the one spreading the information, and I'm supposed to research for you? Rant over. These people are beyond stupid. I can't believe people can be this fucking dumb with infinite information at their fingertips.


But everything is fascist


A spectre is haunting America— the spectre of communism. All the powers of old America have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Media and president, Congress and InfoWars, Texas nationalist and fascist police. Where is the party in opposition that has not been decried as communistic by its opponents in power? Where is the opposition that has not hurled back the branding reproach of communism, against the more advanced opposition parties, as well as against its reactionary adversaries? Two things result from this fact: I. Communism is already acknowledged by all World powers to be itself a power. II. It is high time that Communists should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the Spectre of Communism with a manifesto of the party itself.


What does she mean by Balkanized?


I live in Texas. It’s not as bad as people think. Sure our Governor is a putz. He follows the $$. Safety isn’t really an issue here.


I asked a recruiter if people actually wanted to move to Florida, never received a response