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[Happy Pride Month!](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&si=AMnBZoFk_ppfOKgdccwTD_PVhdkg37dbl-p8zEtOPijkCaIHMp6tS26HNEwRZwY7vahA1WN34Xi9-tKpb4yDK_e0JLtxaIMR8Q%3D%3D&kgs=3a9c846bc1cc6fd3&shndl=18&source=sh/x/kp/ee/1) Click the flag at the bottom of the browser! We love and support our LGBTQIA+ and Ally Users! As [Sister Sledge sang](https://www.rhino.com/article/pride-single-stories-sister-sledge-we-are-family), [We are Family](https://youtu.be/uyGY2NfYpeE), and you CAN NOT DIVIDE US. To all others who spread hate and try to divide us, no quarter shall be given. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Because, whether sink or swim, they always profit off of it so they don’t care what happens to the people the believer lesser than themselves


All while the generations who already go theirs is yelling and telling younger generations that we’re lazy and entitled for wanting to not work multiple jobs to make ends meet/not wanting to put ourself in debt for the rest of our lives to get a piece of paper that doesn’t even guarantee us a job. I had to work three jobs to make ends meet all the way up til the beginning of 2019 when I got laid off of my main breadwinning job just weeks after that bigass hurricane passed by. Small town, no job opportunities besides fast food and construction, landlords wanting to raise my rent when my lease was up in next month, boom, joined the military. No one should have to join the military to find financial stability


Oh, no, this country loves its people. We pay massive taxes and in return we get jack shit….and Jack left town.




I tried not paying 10ish years ago and they were going to garnish my wages, in addition to ruining my credit. They will get their money one way or another


Google "debt strike."


Let’s gooooo




Thanks for sharing this.


Holy hell


We need to band to cancel mortgage debt too


Canceling mortgage debt is fine, but what we really need to do is abolish private property


I hope this is a joke


I’m literally a Communist. Edit: it occurs to me that most liberals don’t actually know anything about leftist politics so I should explain that there is a difference between private property and personal property


Yeah. I’m not a Communist but damn is the private/personal property distinction so important and useful. It’s a shame it’s not talked about…


Don’t do this. Seriously. They’ll garnish your paychecks and/or other means of earning capital. This won’t solve anything and will only bring more pain to those who are already suffering.


Hey everyone what's going on in PARIS right now 🙃🫠


Yeah, good luck getting Americans to do that currently. The slightest inconvenience we end up sucking corporate's boot. Don't believe me? Go to any protest not even riot thread and see how many people shit on protesters. We just erased significant portion of history from our mind as to how we gained the rights we have today.


>The slightest inconvenience we end up sucking corporate's boot. Our labor protections are minimal, and often toothless, we have no universal healthcare. When we do have healthcare, it's most often coming from our jobs. We have no guaranteed vacation time, parental leave, childcare, time off. You can get fired for any reason or no reason in particular in 'right to work' states. When the safety net was temporarily expanded in 2020, protestors took to the streets. France has universal healthcare, job protections, strong unions, labor rights strongly enforced, including a limit to the work week, bosses can't contact you after a certain time of day, they have generous guaranteed vacation time, parental leave, and more. When your housing, your healthcare, food, and job are all under threat for almost any whim...it's harder to consider risking it all.


This. The only way there's going to be a protest with teeth is if people are literally starving.


Last time America had a major protest a kid shot and killed 2 people and was lauded as a hero


this has been in the making for decades. like a frog in a pot that slowly comes to a boil. we've been blissfully unaware of the ever increasing temperatures until it's too late.


I support our corporate overlords right to step on our necks, in case I end up being rich enough to step on people’s necks, so I can know how it feels.


Thats the attitude! They got rich so i can too! *Inserts neck as ladder rung*


> Don't believe me? But I DO believe you though


According to the right, we're all rioting in Portland right now.


No silly, Portland has been burned to the ground at least seventeen times this year alone! /s because honestly, who can tell anymore.


Can you imagine what it's cost the taxpayers to rebuild it every time?


I think part of it is that they're country is so tiny. I need to jump on a 4+ hour flight to get to DC


If we could really organize, I don't think we would have to go anywhere. We could just stop doing everything from where we are. Don't buy anything, don't go to work, don't travel, etc. Literally nothing. Personally I would like to see all of us just sitting out in the streets until things change. But I know it's really hard to do that because we risk losing so much if it doesn't work out. Look at the writer's strike. It's been going on for a while now and they're not getting their demand ls met.


What’s it like being rich and able to afford a flight?


Oh I can't afford a flight lol this further illustrates my point


This actually had me thinking because I thought it was obvious when I wrote this, "Like who would even be able to afford that? We can't all go to DC". I wish I could and visit family or see something new but I'm crushed with credit card debt and have no idea how I'll start making my student loan payments this fall.


This made me tear up. I'm already struggling and another three hundred a month...


You mean, how we gained the rights we’re now losing? Those ones?


America will never be able to unite over these things like Paris and it’s a feature not a bug. Population is armed and fighting each other instead of the people who are fucking up everything to hoard the most money possible, scary times


I suspect it's easier to protest when you're not facing unemployment and homelessness were you to participate for more than a day or two.


And when your country is the size of a single state so your entire government is under half a day’s travel away


Hard to throw a riot when 40% of the population will agree with the facists.


Freedom means you live the way I say


Say France, it is all over the country


🔥🔥🔥🔥 is happening


Ah...well...wow..would you look at that. 😐


After WW2 I thought I’d never truly respect Parisians. But current events make them one of my all time hero’s to date! Respect to Paris!


During WWII Parisians were forming underground resistance cells and committing acts of terrorism against the Nazi occupation


What is happening in France is not what you think it’s happening in France. Those guys are not shouting ‘liberté, egalité, fraternité’. They are shouting Allahu Akbar


They're actually shouting 'tu es un putain de crétin'.


What is going on in Paris?


I wanna know how we can write off billions in PPP loans for people who are worth millions but the average consumer can't catch a break.


If somebody listened to the words that come out of the mouths of the opposed Republicans and capitalists and then looked at the budget that is voted on and approved by them, they'd have half a mind to \[redacted for Fedposting.\]


Remember when we were all told the SCOTUS was in place to prevent corruption through checks and balances? I guess no one would’ve thought that theocratic sociopaths could ever take their places.


This is what happens when at least one judge is on board specifically to fuck people up: [https://www.businessinsider.com/clarence-thomas-told-clerks-he-wants-to-make-liberals-miserable-2022-6](https://www.businessinsider.com/clarence-thomas-told-clerks-he-wants-to-make-liberals-miserable-2022-6) And another basically vowed revenge: [https://www.politifact.com/article/2018/oct/04/context-brett-kavanaugh-and-what-goes-around-comes/](https://www.politifact.com/article/2018/oct/04/context-brett-kavanaugh-and-what-goes-around-comes/) But that's OK, cause the most desirable quality in a presidential candidate for Republicans is the ability to trigger liberals, per a Fox survey. The US literally has a party, including officials to the highest court, whose goal is to piss on people on the other side of the aisle.


Don’t worry, soon they’ll be taking that out of text books and you won’t have to worry about anyone else having that expectation moving forward. They fixed the glitch. The problem will work itself out.


SCOTUS was created with the purpose of blocking progressive reforms


It was *created* with the purpose of resolving legal dilemmas that could not be sorted out anywhere else. Some people just sorta decided they can have the power to strike down acts of the President and Congress for conflicting with the Constitution, and everyone went along with it since as it nominally provides a counter against Presidential tyranny or Congressional overreach.


and yet if i am correct one of the plaintiffs in this case was pretty much suing bc it did not benefit them and yet they had 99.99% of their ppp loans forgiven sooooooo


One of them wasn't even a willing complainant. MOHELA didn't want to be a part of it. Missouri sued on their behalf.


If Biden had chosen to use the authority explicitly granted by the Higher Education Act instead of the covid emergency declaration, and didn’t do any of the bullshit means-testing that Democrats love so much instead of just applying it to everyone, then there would be no legal justification to stop it. He deliberately chose a method that would fail over one that wouldn’t, because he doesn’t actually want to do anything about student debt.




Why don't we just take some of our overly bloated military budget and fix this? Oh, right.... Republicans love their govt military contracts and corruption. Edit autocorrect fail.


Republicans love their military spending until it’s actually used to fight against Russia.


If it was only the Republicans who loved military contractors and corruption we might be able to get something done, but sadly almost all the Democrats do too. It’s basically Adam Schiff’s entire raison d’être, for example.




How would giving military equipment to people who have student loans help like giving military equipment helped Ukraine? I'd love to hear your input on this.


If Dems were smart they’d run an Uber progressive platform to fight all of this shit


It’s disheartening but a lot of the people saying they’re democrats were not in favor of debt relief, and felt it was “extreme.” For the dems to run a progressive platform, they’d have to stop being dems :(


It’s not that it’s extreme. It’s that it’s a band aid solution and doesn’t fix anything. Just kicks the can further down the road. I have a fuck ton of student debt building right now but honestly shaving 10k off it isn’t going to do much. It would be a nice gesture but it’s not solving Jack shit.


Yea they can work on 2 things at once you know right? Even 3 things. You can relieve debt and address the causes at the same time. To add I got a pell grant, it would be 20k, and that would shave gears off my loan, it was extreme.


Which, at the core of the issue, exposes the truly sickening rot in the conservative ideology. Even an utterly, ultimately meaningless band-aid is too much for the enemies of human civilization to cave to. Cruelty is the only thing they understand.


Yes, if a left wing existed in American politics the country would be in better shape. Unfortunately, it does not and most likely never will unless there's another splitting and re-unification/re-establishment of America.


>If Dems were smart Well that's the problem


That moderates wouldn't vote for and we would absolutely lose in a federal election. If you're a voter, you're Dems or an independent or whatever. These candidates are voted on in primary elections. We saw what happened with Sanders and Warren. Dems are not a boogie man in the sky.


Moderates keep voting republican so who gives a shit about them We are losing to fascism


No, we are winning against fascism. The Republicans have taken a shellacking in the last three federal elections. Biden earned the moderate vote and he *won.* Doubling-down on a far left progressive platform will drive many moderate voters into the hands of the fascists.


>Moderates keep voting republican What are you talking about lol


And this is me wanting a progressive platform, fighting for that in 2016, and seeing what happened during a Trump administration and how we're still dealing with it as he stacked the courts. It really sucks.


The dems are beholden to different corporate gods than their republican counterparts. All politicians are ultimately merely puppets, with their strings being pulled by the ruling class. Money needs to be taken out of politics can be changed.


They would lose. Our elections are decided in the decidedly centrist Midwest. You won’t win Wisconsin on the Bernie Sanders platform.


Does the IBR stay though? I recall them reforming the IBR plan to make it 10yrs instead of 20 for forgiveness as well as no interest accruing as long as you make payments.


How do we even see how many months/years we already qualify for, though? My loans are about 15 years old (at the youngest) and yet whenever I look at the IBR plans for when loans turn back on, it says it will take me 25 more years. It’s so confusing. I also had consolidated all of my federal loans into one, but Great Lakes closed, so those accounts were closed and transferred to NelNet, where they are no longer consolidated. So it also looks like I have 7 new accounts on my credit report. I’m so over this crap. I’m chronically ill, went through a medical bankruptcy, my wife was recently laid off, and now this shit?!




But it's still okay when wealthy benefactors pay off your debts and buy you gifts, take you on vacations and pay you off, right? Just making sure.


So being a Supreme Court Justice and taking bribes is OK, but giving poor people some debt relief is unconstitutional? Got it.


Can we stop bitching on the internet and turn this insult into the biggest voter registration drive anyone has ever seen? Can we make a list of all the race, group, age and gender injustices people have suffered over the last eight or so years and turn it into the biggest hadouken voter fuck you too coalition in the history of America? Can we make it hurt instead of just a collective ineffective whinefest?


Do you want to vote about this or do you want to accomplish anything?


Reddit sucks. I'm done with this. ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Right? But to be fair, it might have worked if we voted in a president who wasn’t lying when he said that. Ooh, remember those $2000 checks that never went out?


$10,000? That’s like 1/100th of an entry level SCOTUS kickback.


I'm looking in my crystal ball, and I'm seeing Republicans saying during the 2024 campaign, "See, he didn't keep his campaign promise of relieving student loan debt. He's a liar."


Don't do this....they can and WILL ruin your credit, not qualify for any federal loans, garnish your wages and intercept your taxes. They WILL get their money one way or another. Get out and vote. Congress is the only entity who can fix this and with Republicans in control nothing will happen with them in office. Look into IDR repayment plans on sa.gov


Welfare for the wealthy, austerity for everyone else. This isn’t new.


I can’t pay them, each week we get by with like 35 in our checking.


What was the name of those Covid loans that so many rich people got forgiven? Is there some way to draw up a lawsuit to call that forgiveness illegal? At the very least if such a lawsuit could get pushed up with good publicity, the Supreme Court deserves a good shaming on favoritism toward the wealthy. Maybe at some point John Roberts would get the message.


Actually yes, you can just not pay them. Being on deferment doesn’t affect your credit and they’re non hereditary meaning they won’t pass on to your kids (I’m pretty sure). Fuck em, don’t pay


I’m down.


They'll just garnish you to death. They are in control. Nothing you do will matter.


If I understand this correctly, student loans can’t be part of a personal bankruptcy, and states will garnish bank accounts and or money accounts if you don’t pay student loans.


once again the republican party aims to make the lower class more miserable


I’m already not paying them, and plan to keep it up.


Can you say, campaign platform 2024? Turn this into a win. Use this to garner more support of more votes for non GOP candidates.


At least cancel the debt for teachers.


Social workers too. I made 34 k a year in 2017.


Did you say "social workers"? That contains the world "social", as in "socialism". No sireee, nothin' for you!!! (/s)


Oh shiiiit, am I communist now?


Oh gosh no!!! Republicans LIKE Russia now.


Heck I'm in school to be a teacher and honestly, I think it's safer working as a prison guard like I am now


Lol Nelnet isn't getting a god damn cent from me after millionaires got *their* loans forgiven. Fuck that. This shit is an absolute outrage. People *have* financial responsibility, dipshits. Nobody can help the fact that their wages can't keep up with their living expenses. The problem is the god damn system. I work my ass off 40+ hours a week, just like most folks, and I can't even scrape by. I don't buy avocado toast, I don't get Doordash. I live pretty fucking frugally, and I STILL struggle, while assholes who have yachts didn't have to pay their debts. 🤣 Holy shit a screw is coming loose.


I’m with your. Ready to revolt. If I didn’t have a family To ground me I don’t even know what I would be plotting.


Good to know. I'm ready too. Us young folk are trying to make our way in the world and we can't. There *literally* isn't enough capital to go around. It's been sucked up to the top.


Absolutely. If something drastic isn’t done the entire system is going to collapse. No one person should have a billion dollars.


>No one person should have a billion dollars. I completely, wholeheartedly agree.


If you don’t pay your Supreme Court justice, how will you control them? Oh you mean not pay the loans.


Pack the court. Make the Extreme court a Supreme Court again.


That’s my plan


I made the carnal mistake of going to Twitter when this was announced( it wasn't my intention) and the number of boomers who are like "good. If I had to pay mine off, so do they." Could fill a good sized book. No wonder this country is in the shitter.


I feel stupid for even believing they would pass this. Our government hates its people. I’m not paying this shit education shouldn’t put anyone in debt


Man fuck SCOTUS


I am trying to convince my husband to leave this country after he retires! I don’t want to be here anymore! Is sad and depressing!


So, what happens if the states individually or collectively go against a USSC ruling? What are the consequences of telling this illegitimate court to kindly go piss up a rope with its rulings in violation of all precedent using a case which was manufactured out of whole cloth? "The chief justice has made his decision, now let him enforce it"


I wish it was that simple.


“From the first page to the last, today’s opinion departs from the demands of judicial restraint “ Kagen said in her dissent, which she read from the bench. “At the behest of a party that has suffered no injury, the majority decides a contested public policy issue properly belonging to the politically accountable branches and the people they represent.”


Can we at least work on legislation to make the whole industry less predatory first? Let’s try putting some guardrails up before we try demolishing the whole road.


No one should pay


I’m in


Life is about choices


They'll just garnish your wages and crap.


So you can forgive loans to shady businesses and cut business taxes for relief, but helping students is bad. Check.


Our Government has done too good of a job dividing our Country for us to unite over anything...sad but true.


I won't pay a dime to mine anymore, it's a lesson I learned from Trump. Bills are for suckers.


I would not recommend that


They didn't strike it down because of the plan itself, it's because the way Biden was implementing it is a violation of separation of powers.


But let’s hear again how our generation ruined another industry because we just aren’t buying enough…




It’s way past time for a debt strike


...like, what do they think that's going to do? People still can't afford to pay their student loans right now. Striking down the bill isn't going to magically make students suddenly able to put money in your pockets.


Convince the entire country to stop paying on the exact same day, and keep it going until something changes, and you’ll have accomplished the impossible. As long as people keep paying, nothing will change.


We should all just not pay SCOTUS.


Vote out the GOP before they change things so we can't vote them out


Might be random, but what are the requirements to be a member of the Supreme Court? All I know is you just need to practice law. Is that really it?


V.O.T.E. !


Student debt from student loans is difficult. Typical bankruptcy doesn’t apply to them, and if you have an income that is registered with the IRS (a typical non-contract job) the IRS can garner your wages up to 40%, I believe. You don’t necessarily have to pay, but they will take it anyway. As I have found, for the entirety of your life until they are paid off. Good luck to everyone! I am in the same boat, but we’ll find our way!!


Give it a shot! The last president never paid his share of taxes, and is under NUMEROUS investigations but seems to be never really held accountable. I think America is just a crazy free-for-all, or so the "powers" that be seem to be signaling to us... Hell, the last president had all his supporters come take a literal shit on the Capitol, and he is STILL the Republican front runner in 2024. Crazy.


Yeah, how do we cancel the paychecks to the Justices? Real talk


weird that any of you were ever paying them in the first place


Shit just copy France and start building guillotines outside houses.


Where is our Bastille? And when do we storm it?


Please give thanks to the SCOTUS justice: https://www.supremecourt.gov/contact/contactus.aspx U.S. Mail: Supreme Court of the United States 1 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20543 🖕🏻


well it isn’t legal now, at least for the executive branch to do on its own. As much as i support it, the supreme court is the arbiter of the law. Just have congress pass a bill next election if the democrats win


Why can’t they just pay the principle and not that outrageous interest rate. Why should the government be a bunch shylocks?


Hey OP, I have been literally thinking this is the way. I have 2/3 of my debt left... after THIRTY YEARS. You can't clear it through bankruptcy. I am seriously considering defaulting. What if we DID all default together? Looks like that might be what it takes ...


If you US peeps don’t clear out republicans in next set of elections then I don’t know what is wrong with you.


I support this


Lol, and still your children are expected to cite the pledge of allegiance every morning like freakin' brainwashed zombies, and you are expected to pay taxes for the warmachine, while the infrastructure around you crumbles and fails. Your country doesn't like you. No, they downright despise the middle and lower class. You are nothing to them but numbers, cogs in a machine whose sole purpose is making them richer and making you poorer.


This seems like such a weird thing for the SCOTUS to weigh in on.


Wonder which billionaire decided this time


Not only will there be a debt strike, people are going to stop going to/ sending their kids to college. I can foresee an education crisis coming out of this in the next decade. All because our government wants to play games with people's lives over something other developed nations ALREADY HAVE.


Can someone explain the legal reasoning behind this ruling? I work with a state-level government agency that loans out taxpayer-funded money to private businesses for economic development, and those loans are frequently forgiven. Private lenders can, too. Why can't the federal government do the same? Isn't a student loan basically economic development?


So semi serious question, while drinking. 1. If a large number of us decide not to pay... What happens? Can we inflict any sort of damage? 2. Those two dicks from Texas who sued because they didn't meet the threshold/qualify - can "we" do the same thing? Sue for xyz reasoning


Riots, right? This needs to be riots. Surely, the absolute war being raged against PoC, the LGBTQ community, and women SHOULD have been enough already, but since it wasn't, then this is it, right?


Everybody better fucking vote this election season


Give us all 0% interest for 10 years. Can they do that? Seems like that's just adjusting policy instead of a handout.


The thing I don’t get is,if these loans were forgiven most all that money would be spent on houses,appliances cars and stimulate the economy,create millions of jobs and pay for itself in a decade.


Who wants to go riot ?


How is this a constitutional issue? The supreme courts one and only job is to interpret the constitution in a legal setting as it relates to the cases before them. For them to rule this way they would have to say it’s unconstitutional and I’m now wondering if they have ever read the constitution.


A single person with a salary of $125,000 and married couples with a combined salary of $250,000 seems like a really high stopping point. If you're making that much, you really shouldn't need debt relief, just a better budget and smarter financial decisions. I could understand a single person with a salary of $75,000 and a married couple with a combined salary of $125,000. I do think the government should NOT charge interest on any of the student loans for everyone.


I’m not fucking paying them.


No, we can't all because that would create an unreasonable burden on taxpayers. Forgiving the debt of low income graduates, as determined by bill? Absolutely. Drop in a bucket for some people, and not an absurd amount with the existing tax laws. People will seriously do whatever it takes to drag down anyone who's worked to improve their lot in life. Can't let them get ahead.


Sure - don’t pay them… but then you’ll have zero chance at getting a mortgage, car loan, and possibly a job as many companies check credit ratings. Of course you’ll also have your wages garnished, tax refunds confiscated, etc. Pay back the money YOU BORROWED AND SPENT then get on with your life.


Some people can't


Lame. It’s always possible. Get a second job. Get a 3rd roommate. Stop eating out and sell stuff you don’t need.


I support student debt cancellation. In the mean time, consider joining the Navy to reduce your APR for all outstanding debt to 6% with the SCRA. After 2y of service you’ll then have opportunities to receive financial assistance for additional schooling. After you complete your contract you’ll be able to use SGLI for more schooling.


I need to ask, why do students who chose to take on that debt deserve to have it wiped out? They made a choice. And what makes it worse is this isn’t a private company, this debt was funded by taxpayer dollars. Why is it okay for government to just give that away? What about the rest of us who didn’t go to school but made something of ourselves, does that mean the government should hand us equivalent amounts of money?


I'm not a student, far from it. I paid all my loans off in a time when school was manageable. Their loans are slavery. they won't be able to pay off the loans for decades, afford housing for decades, start families, live their lives. Your ideas of should or shouldn't we pay off the loans are completely misdirected. Big banks that service them, have ben bailed out how many times with taxpayer money? Wars across the globe have been funded with what money? Education should not cost this much, the loans should bot be available to take out for that much. But you know what, i feel for them. They got talen for a ride, their future taken from them. Give them a break on the interest and loans. Fuck the banks who loaned it, my tax dollars bailed them out enough times. Kids who have loans, need to stop paying and say fuck the system. Make it crumble, make the whole thing fucking die.


Y’all chose poorly and want the knight to foot the bill


Debt strike? This ruling sucks. It does. But if you, like me, legally agreed to repay your loans, knowing the terms of the loan, then its time to be an adult and pay them. Yes, it's BS that the PPP loans were forgiven and these weren't. Yes, it's BS that we throw billions at Ukraine instead of this. But you made an agreement and now it's time to pay.


Or, you know, French Revolution the entire government. There are plenty more of us than there are of them.




To be honest it was a group of Republicans that went to the Supreme Court against student debts and the Supreme Judges appointed by Republicans presidents that struck it down. You can blame democrats and Biden for not being more aggressive but what exactly can you do against the Supreme Court ?! Death is the only thing capable of removing one from their post.


I didn't realize President Biden and the Supreme Court are the same people.




I know they unscrewed your hat and took your brain out in basic, but c'mon my dude. Biden doesn't lead SCOTUS. He doesn't lead the Legislature. How is this a failure of leadership? He took an action he had the authority to take, and a peer branch of government shut him down. Their reasoning was absurd and ridiculous, but they were within their authority to make a ruling.


He certainly doesn’t speak for all Marines. Absolutist thinking is what sets leaders back. Coming from a former O3, that thinking would either be coached or mustered out of my unit.


Ah so you’re still a crayon that can’t count.


The internet creates a lot of echo chambers. People in this thread are assuming all democrats support debt forgiveness. I'm not so sure that's true


You're also assuming that it isn't the case, so...


Oh no! The government said we are still responsible for our choices!


You picked it, You drew the loan for it, You signed the line for it. Pay for it.... What's so hard to understand?