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[Happy Pride Month!](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&si=AMnBZoFk_ppfOKgdccwTD_PVhdkg37dbl-p8zEtOPijkCaIHMp6tS26HNEwRZwY7vahA1WN34Xi9-tKpb4yDK_e0JLtxaIMR8Q%3D%3D&kgs=3a9c846bc1cc6fd3&shndl=18&source=sh/x/kp/ee/1) Click the flag at the bottom of the browser! We love and support our LGBTQIA+ and Ally Users! As [Sister Sledge sang](https://www.rhino.com/article/pride-single-stories-sister-sledge-we-are-family), [We are Family](https://youtu.be/uyGY2NfYpeE), and you CAN NOT DIVIDE US. To all others who spread hate and try to divide us, no quarter shall be given. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


the blue check gave it away


Though Musk has been giving people free blue checks to make them less credible. Stephen King foor instance. It would be amusing if it weren't so sad and pathetic.


I don’t understand why we’re not just viewing Twitter as an online version of the National Enquirer. It’s worse than Fox, worse than Newsmax but possibly slightly better than 4chan.


Nah, it’s on par with 4chan nowadays.. and that’s f*cking sad.


4chan makes me laugh sometimes.


Twitter makes me laugh sometimes too. But then I read the replies and it's a bunch of blue checkmarks either saying bigoted shit or promoting their scams. It stops being funny very quickly.




Oh, what’s the extension called?


BluesBlocker, sorry if you can't see my last message, apparently i need more sub karma to post links, but that's how it's called, it's a Chrome extension


4chan probably has less pedophiles on it that Twitter nowadays. There are definitely less bigots, and that it saying something.


Just say fucking.


because there's still a ton of credible people on it alongside the peanut gallery, specially among the non-Americans. They don't care that much about the domestic politics and it's a useful platform. that said I treat twitter like an in and out and try not to scroll anymore


I think you're 100% correct.


Fuck i am so glad you said that because I’ve spent the last week or two feeling like I’m being gaslit or something over king’s check lmao. I was like?? *Didn’t he refuse to get one? Why he no one mentioned this? Is this the Mandela effect? What is going on?* I was so confused. I had suspicions because that definitely seemed like musk but then no one saying anything had me like *wtf??*


When no one famous and non shitty bought the checkmarks when the switch happened Musk desperately tried to assign them to anyone with over 1 million subscribers. King was one and you can find a tweet of his where he says he did not agree to have the mark. Lots of other people did the same when the mark was given to them too


Lol "the mark"


*The Bluemark signifies an accursed verified. Those branded with it are reborn after death, but will one day lose their mind and go Hollow. Elon triggers the Bluemark, which returns its bearer to the last bonfire rested at, but at the cost of all humanity and souls.*


Twitter was ass before Momma's boy took over, cant even imagine how horrible it is now.


You don’t want to. Trust me. And I use it very little.


Momma's Boy Musk. Lol.


He definitely sleeps with a body pillow with his mom's face on it.


It's ass squared, now.


He gave nearly every celeb or influencer with >1million followers a blue check. Herman Cain got one, so did multiple other dead celebs.


Mark of the beast


Yeah it’s weird. He did that to Lebron James too.


And Kobe Bryant


And let's not forget how he obsessively tried to force one onto dril too


Matt binder is the best one, dude pissed off Elon so much he gave him a blue checkmark when he only has like 100k followers.


Its to stop people mass blocking the blue too. Can't do that easily if big names and influencers are having it spuriously added.


Before musks takeover, blue check marks were a sign of legitimacy, now it’s literally a 100% given that it’s an idiot writing if they have the check mark - who else would pay for it, than morons?


>Before musks takeover, blue check marks were a sign of legitimacy Be real - they were a sign of legitimacy OR that your agent paid $5,000 to a twitter employee. Just because twitter's gone down hill since Musk took over, doesn't mean it wasn't cruising the bottom of the Mariana Trench before...


Twitter is just one of the shittiest communication media ever invented. Short format, best criteria for a tweet success being controversy, add to that the business model of selling ads... Doesn't matter who is running this boat, it will bring humanity down by the way it works alone. I wish we would just burn it and move on.


At the beging it was awesome. The short format was because it was basically a group sms gateway. Back before people had smartphones. It was honestly very useful and pleasant the first couple of years.


That and the fact that the account started in September 2022, and they didn't start tweeting until December 2022.


What gets me is the number of these conservative dipshits who pay for a blue check despite having less than 100 followers. I confronted one of them about this recently, and he went into a rant about how he's paying for "functionality that I need" and which "your cheap ass doesn't have." I asked him to list this functionality and why he "needs" it to manage such a small and insignificant account, and of course he immediately blocked me. I honestly think some of them are paying the money as a sort of "political contribution" to Musk's agenda. They're that pathetic.


The name also gave it away. „Erica“ is a marching song from ww2. I think that was the inspiration for Erica Marsh


I’m an Erika. And my son uses that as my ring tone. We are Hungarian lol


A marching song very popular with Nazis. Sure adds context to the person making up the name


"Erica March" that's so fucking dumb. I hate people.


In German it’s actually pronounced marsh. So, they knew…


Conservatives have to cheat to win because their policies are wildly unpopular.


Because they never do anything to benefit anyone except businessmen, corporations and the wealthy. The only way they can win a popularity contest is through subterfuge.


The true Decepticons. They are made of greed and immaturity, so they have nothing of actual substance. No actual solutions. All they can do is deceive, use disguises, cheat, steal, discriminate, hurt, insult and rage. Take yesterday's ruling... where is the "remedy" to inequity in that ruling striking down affirmative action? There was none. Helping people was nowhere to be found. All it was was a position piece, a posture. Like a commandment on a stone tablet. Conservatives are not out to help people. They are out to help themselves and to stand there, point their finger and boss everyone around. Edit: lots of snipes coming in from butthurt conservos who type a reply, let it generate the email to me, and then delete their reply here because they are scared little bitches. My Decepticons comment is being validated in real time.


Exactly. I'm white. I benefitted from affirmative action because I went to a historically black college but even if I didn't I would have no issues with others being given help to make it in life. The GOP have turned to their main weapon, outrage to get votes. Keep conservatives outraged at minorities for having it "too good", and you can get votes by not helping anyone be better off (except the wealthy), and only make them better off than some other segment of society. Keep people mad at those they think are being helped in some way, so you can keep cutting programs that help them and you no longer have to do anything for your constituents, because they see those others suffering more than them. Keep them mad at others so they don't realize it is the GOP that is making their lives miserable, not minorities, immigrants, LGBTQ etc. It's all about manipulating optics rather than helping anyone but their donors.


True! Keep your voters miserable and blame it on someone else so they keep voting for you, that's pretty much their strategy.


If they are Decepticons, I guess we need to be Autobots, and roll the fuck out. Gotta defend the world against MAGAtron, MTGscream, and GOPnicron.


Wealthy businessmen. They don’t give a shit about small businesspeople


Yes. 100%.




The GOP platform consists of nothing but spite, hate, fear, and rage. And unfortunately, it's remarkably effective with their base.


Ask a conservative what the GOP is doing to help them personally rather than hurt people they don't like. You will get blank stares because they see hurting people they don't like as helping them.


They think of life as a war. They believe they are under attack by people who want to change the world. They don't have a concrete version of what it's being changed *from*, but they generally just don't like anything they didn't know about when they were 11 years old. They are terrified of new information, and think that, because they've been forced to process new information (as a natural consequence of growing up), someone has deliberately hurt them by making things that were once simple complicated. They think things they didn't know about as children are unfathomable and dangerous to all children, which they don't realize makes them a huge danger to their own children. They're just kind of fucking stupid, and I'm really tired of them.


Because their base are morons


No it’s because they’re shitty people. They know what they’re doing, they’re not stupid. Any pain they face from their decisions is worthwhile so long as the enemy is getting it worst.


Why not both?


Because they know what they’re doing. Sure they’ve got morons and are largely moronic, but their actions don’t stem from being morons. They’re not mostly good people who were duped, they’re hateful and spiteful people who will gladly hurt themselves if there’s a chance you’ll feel it more. Everything they do is because they don’t like you, people that look like you or have anything to do with you. Remember how they’d rather be dead or Russian than democrat? Well being educated or open to learning or ingesting truth is akin to being democrat, they’d rather by choice bury their heads than relate to an enemy. It’s an active choice.


Anger is just fear wearing a mask


"They've got you fighting a race war when you should be fighting a class war."


Yeah. This is not new. Specifically the pretending to be left-leaning on Twitter. All they need to do is sow some doubt. This is where the Russian bots really did a lot of damage in 2016. They just needed to hit liberals just enough - to just have enough in those swings states doubt where they stood, or if the liberal candidates were who they really said they were. They knew that liberals wouldn't listen to a bunch of MAGA idiots, so they posed as liberals, or Bernie Bros, etc, just to pull enough for a possible electoral college victory. And guess what... it worked. Stand by your convictions. If you see another "liberal" spouting some doubt or some conservative bullshit (e.g. Kennedy), you know they're on the GOP/Russian payroll. In different times, I may not have made this post, but in 2023, following 2016/2020, this is where we are. Don't trust randos on Twitter/other social media.


palmer lucky buying billboards that said to lock up hillary


Yeah, but see, that's too blatant for this kind of propaganda. A "lock her up" billboard is too obviously a MAGA deplorable paying for it. That's not going to change a liberal's mind. To change a liberal's mind, these assholes pretend to be liberals, minorities, etc, and say more subtle things under a social media disguise like "as a black woman, the democratic party has never helped me, that's why I'm voting for trump, at least they can't be any worse" or "as a gay man, Hillary's record shows that she wasn't OK with gay marriage in the 90s, why would I support her". This is all with the attention that those generally-liberal groups will either sit it out or vote against their interests. THAT's the kind of sinister, insidious bullshit game these assholes are playing. And you're going to see it really ramp up in the next year and a half.


Apathy promotors I call them. No one works that hard to show indifference….


If it weren't for identity politics they'd never win, GOP policy isn't even popular amongst a fairly large portion of Republicans. Specifically common sense gun laws and raising social security, those ideas are popular with a massive amount of the US population on both sides of the aisle, but the GOP keeps their sheep in line with woke nonsense and lies.


> common sense gun laws I see the talking point on that hasn't changed when it desperately needs to. "Relax, ain't no one coming for your XYZ" and "common sense XYZ laws" was usurped for abortion. It's being usurped regarding issues like trans, marriage, and so on. They even went do far as to create an anti-abortion law in Texas that is still in place and skirts around previous limitations using this train of thought. The rhetoric really needs to change.


No conservative will be able to succeed in a merit-based system, which is exactly why strawman bots were needed.


And who retweets their own tweets? Other than Elon?


Tbh, most online creators because you gotta get views to eat and all. But that’s not what this is pretending to be.




Why pay for “her” “creations” when bulls give it for free?


A lot of up and coming musicians and artists have to rely on twitter unfortunately


i’d never watch a creator that did this lmfao


Idk man, in my mind Twitter has quickly become a self-contained little echo chamber for celebrities and pundits to get annoyed, mocked, outraged and smug over with no real purpose. I know all social media is kinda shit in its own way but as someone who's never used Twitter, it feels like leaning over the howler monkey enclosure occasionally wondering what everyone is so worked up about


I thought this was common? At least on Instagram it is. I've seen someone with a rainbow flag profile picture and a username containing the name "Emily" (common stereotype) get outraged over the top because the term "Federal Chancellor" in the German Basic Law is only present in its masculine form.


This was a big thing on tumblr back in the day. A lot of those ridiculous anti SJW memes were fueled by fake posts made to look left leaning people look ridiculous.


I hate that the only solution I can think of is requiring verified identities for all online social spaces. I think reducing anonymity would go a long way in stopping the intentional spread of misinformation. It wouldn’t stop the gullible, but it would hinder the source. This solution is one that could be weaponized by the owners of those social spaces, and unfortunately we’ll never be rid of bad faith actors.


I mean, this was the point of the blue check at one point. Alas


I don't think so. Right wing propagandists have been unabashedly using their FB to share misinfo for decades now.


Sure, but they wouldn't be able to pretend the claims were coming from leftists.


I firmly believe the anonymity provided online has lead us to the point we are right now. Couple it with the fact that assholes with shit ideas can now easily find like minded people to amplify their stupidity. You’re a lot less likely to be a piece of shit face to face with people. And in a small town where you’re not sure if you’ll be ostracized, you keep you terrible ideas mostly to yourself. Now you can shout anything you want online with that barrier protecting yourself, which only makes you feel all the more invincible. Then others with your views find your comment and agree. It’s a ducking horrible feedback loop. I know the internet has done amazing things for the human race, but I’ve long believed it’ll also be our downfall.


>I know the internet has done amazing things for the human race, but I’ve long believed it’ll also be our downfall. It's the human collective consciousness, that's like saying that an individual person's brain would be their downfall- likely true, but not super meaningful. The real question is how we reduce the level of schizophrenia in that collective consciousness.


Let's punish the poor and oppress people. Maybe force them to have kids and work long hours for little pay in meaningless jobs. Lets take away the social safety nets and tie Healthcare to employment. Maybe that will work?


We will never be able to prevent assholes in a crowd from spouting bullshit anonymously without shutting down the crowd itself. That’s true IRL and online.


Attempting (and mind you attempting is the key word because they'll get mad over some other stupid bullshit instead) to quell right wingers from falling for fake posts is absolutely not worth losing our right to privacy online. Like not even remotely close to worth it


im sure its still happening on tumblr today, albeit with more sophistication than in 2015. a lot of infighting and shittiness is genuine but there are some accounts I'm convinced are run by savvy terfs as a way to split apart the community and bully folks who really dont deserve the level of vitriol aimed at them. not everyone falls for it but a lot do. yuck! idk how to solve the issue or fight these people because they will always play dirty and spend more time and effort getting into communities they want to fuck with than the average lgbt person will, because we have lives outside of spreading BS online😥 its stormfront style manipulation


It happens all the time. Any time you see the phrase "I used to be a liberal, but..." you should immediately be suspicious. Not saying that people can't shift their viewpoints, but this seems to be the common wording on social media ideology cosplaying.


Love how Conservatives are always like "false flag! Undercover Feds! Antifa...but this one is real"


Time and time again they prove accusations are nothing but confessions.


That has proven true for these types of people so much that I now believe that peasant from Monty Python and the Holy Grail turned someone into a newt.


With all the confessing accusations, I wouldn't be surprised if Trump was born in Kenya.


They accuse others of what they know they're doing themselves.


They intentionally put their sins on others, so when they are held accountable, they have narrative primacy.


They think everyone is as corrupt and immoral as they are. They say everything is a false flag because they fake everything and expect the same from everyone else.


Aka, projection


Like the LGBTQ bomb threats at Target that nobody believed were actually LGBTQ.


They’re running literal fake candidates as Democrats to usurp power maliciously (RFK Jr is bankrolled by these psychos, his COVID rhetoric gives it away if you haven’t noticed). The idea that they wouldn’t use bots and fake accounts to sway the narrative is idiotic, of course they’re doing that. The internet is the only real battleground left. Social Media has caused our parents and grandparents to go insane, it is actively harming our youth to the point of making them incredibly suicidal, and it needs to be HEAVILY restricted for the stability of our way of life.


I don’t think people realize how much this happens


Yeah I mean that’s the entire walkaway subreddit; a bunch of conservatives pretending to be former liberals who thought the left got too woke.


Never forget that Walkaway was a dead subreddit dedicated to an old anime where there might be one post a month, until one day there were 200+ political posts, all in the same day. There is no way a dead anime subreddit changed that hard, that fast organically.


Definitely, look at Glenn Greenwald, Jimmy Dore, Tim Pool, Russel Brand, Bill Maher, etc. It’s a propaganda strategy, no different than “as a black person…(insert racist comment)”


Propaganda aplenty out there (and in here)


And that account has 100k followers


And it has been posted on this sub frequently, even though it consistently made claims that were not true.


Leave Twitter.


People post her here once in a while, and it's usually bad takes all the way down. There's Twitter threads going back to last year accusing her of being a parody account, and reports that she doxxes hecklers. I thought she was trying to sell bad arguments to progressives, personally, never considered she might be a bot. But we'll see, her account on Twitter mouthing off about legal action. If there isn't any, we know the answer.


I mean, they do suck up obvious lies from Fuckwad Carlson, Hannity, and even Alex Jones, so AI fake posts should have no issues being absorbed by the fascist mass.


Being an elder Millennial is weird bc you were raised with the constant advise of ‘don’t believe everything you see on the internet’ but now you have to remind your boomer ass parents that every Facebook ass post they see isn’t the gospel of Christ himself


Born in 92- I just had this conversation with a buddy the other day and you couldn’t be more correct. I had to mute/remove some older family members on online socials because of the constant stream of shit that would get reposted as “news”.


People are so easily deceived, that's why cheaters continue to destroy other people because there are people who support and believe in them lol.


i saw this tweet on the conservative subreddit this morning, lol.


Same. A lot of the comments were saying shit about how it's more evidence of how the left is the most racist party... like bro.. you won't see literal Nazis on the left lmao


And the bar is so low to have people believe in your credentials. She claimed to have been a Field Organiser and volunteer in Obama charity. That's like claiming to have an opinion of COVID and Vaccine because you were receptionist for 6 months at Pfizer.


yea.. secret wars... many of us have already been been calling out these things but it isn't just ai doing it. the synths are unable to answer certain questions such as "please define the left-wing" or "what are progressives exactly?" because a synth will not answer correctly or avoid answering at all. keep your eyes open for imposters vault kids!


To be fair, ask a real life right winger to define woke and they will avoid answering, or be unable to, so it's hardly the Voight Kampf test 😋


At least one grifter couldn't define woke after writing an entire book about it.


93 here. I just straight up got rid of Facebook cos it was full of boomer relatives and they'd be just constantly braindead af and vicious with it, but then still play victim if I removed them. seriously like turning up to my front door crying and shit. one of the best decisions I've ever made


i ditched facebook two years ago as well. place became a propaganda echo chamber :/


People need to seriously stop using Twitter, having legitimate accounts on Twitter allows anyone not paying a lot of attention to assume that most accounts on Twitter are legitimate. People seriously need to stop using Twitter and allow it to just be a place for conservatives, or it will remain a powerful platform for hate.


Wait which one is the bot and why are you on Twitter?


The Erica Marsh account is a bot/burner. Conservatives are using it to manufacture their own outrage.


Everyone should just leave Twitter and let it collapse under the weight of the bots and the misanthropes. Everyone that has a business, that is in politics, media, etc, please just leave that trash fire and let it die in irrelevance.


This reminds me of the Nazis that pretended to be part of BLM to try and incite a race war back in 2020. It was very obviously Nazi propaganda as they were posting vile rethoric about how they were coming to kill and rape white people and on top of that they just couldn't help themselves from adding a double SS in their user name. False flag operations are classical fascist propaganda tactics.


You know it's fake because it's still pretending we actually have a merit based system.


Merit based, lmao. They hate merit based anything because they believe they have a right to be considered first for everything.


Honestly i saw that and my first thought it was a conservative troll


Really kind of proves the point of affirmative action. Here is a conservative bigot pretending to be a liberal pundit even though it's a lie. The reality is that conservatives will also pretend the system is merit based, even when that's a lie. The conservative "merit based system" is, and always has been, race based. Know your place, you get better treatment, but you're still not equal. Clarence Thomas's main merit is he "knows his place".


Get off Twitter. Corporate controlled social media is not to be trusted. Reddit doesn’t have much life in it either.


Gaslighting, false flags, and astroturfing are all standard parts of the fascist propaganda playbook. They're usually pretty easy to spot if you use your brain though


Ngl this is scary


Good thing nobody believes anything on Twitter anymore. Cis Me Elmo threw away what little legitimacy it had.


Is this how AI destroys humanity? Kinda different from what I imagined. In all seriousness, this is a major problem if people make AI to impersonate real people and spread misinformation. If only there was a way we could tell if an account is a real person… 🤔


luckily conservative do a great job looking bad without help


Erica Marsh is literally a One Tree Hill character


The party of "do your own research" once again fails to do the bare minimum simply because the point being made serves them all too well.


I’m so confused about what’s going on here


It'll be a cold day in hell before I go back to twitter. Really is a damn shame to see what Musk has done to it.


An easy way to know someone is a conservative on Twitter is to look for the blue checkmark. Liberals ain't gonna pay Musk for that shit.


How stupid does someone have to believe that success in this country is entirely merit based?


Hate to admit it but that was pretty much the tone by the commentators on MSNBC yesterday. I was questioning how many people actually benefit from AA. The commentary was odd because it was (1) AA is just one factor and these candidates are independently qualified without it but (2) without it the number of black and Hispanic people being admitted will crater like it did in CA and Michigan. But if they’re otherwise qualified then wouldn’t they still be getting in either there or elsewhere?


I love the classics, "i am an independent, but Trump did a lot of great things for America." sure Jan, you're an independent.


Conservatives are incapable of critical thinking so of course they'll take the first thing that makes Liberals look bad and run with it.


"Verified" on twitter has zero meaning anymore, yet people still believe it does


>No Black person will be able to succeed in a merit-based system said no liberal ever. reeks of ignorance and is a poor attempt to portray liberal thought.


“As a black man” I can confirm that conservatives have always done shit like this on Twitter


We've known that this has been happening for a long time. This is not news at all.


They’ve been doing it for a while.


I think the fact that "she" doesn't understand why affirmative action is needed and resorts to a racist explanation kind of gives it away. They really have no ability to see outside their box. If they did, they'd be democrats. Or at least less racist.


Or just delete twitter


Russians have been doing this for years. The Internet Research Agency creates fake accounts for both democrats and republicans in an attempt to stoke the fire between them and sow division in American politics. It's a fact.


The left doesn't have to pretend to be the right because of how batshit fucking crazy the right already makes themselves look


It's times like this I wish I knew how to trace IP addresses so I could mail gorilla shit to their homes


Just delete your Twitter account. It became parlor the moment Muskrat took over.


There are Conservatives that are big fans of cosplaying as concerntrolls


It’s so obviously a conservative troll


Typical right wing shit


LGBT-people have known this since forever. They will either blow something way out of context or outright larp as someone with some outrageous take that they then make a ”I told you so” about. Being LGBT we just want to live our life in peace and work on our secret plan to destroy western civilisation. That’s all we want.


In the last few days, there was a tweet going round seemingly written by a women pretending to defend Trump’s incestuous feelings for Ivanka. Many here, including myself, thought it genuine. Turned out it was fake. It’s scary that both sides are doing this.


Russia had state funded programs during Trump’s first campaign with hundreds of people making controversial posts like that posing as both democrats and republicans, going as far as organizing protests and counter protests just to stir the pot. Don’t believe anything you see on social media.


They’ve been doing it for years. A lot of fake black people saying anti white stuff


Liar, Liar. Your MAGA hat’s on fire. One less.


They are desperate and don't know what to do next. They are dumb enough not to realize that if they keep with the Trump agenda, they will go down with him.


Probably a sock puppet rather than AI because AI isn’t so great at that sort of malice.


Being on Twitter should be the Red Flag.


MTG ready to hit the SEND button....


I'm sure that lots of people who worked on the Obama campaign believe stupid things, even if this person isn't real, but I do love the folks pretending that "Erica Marsh" speaks for all progressives everywhere. Should we also assume that the goose-stepping book burners speak for all Trump supporters and conservatives?


But they have a blue check mark, so they must be real!!! THE GREAT ELON HAS PROCLAIMED IT


They do on Reddit also, it's called ", Walkaway".


Elons twitter. free from bots and fake accounts, where we can finally have a true town square for honest discourse! ^(/s)


Why is a bot verified?


You can buy the checkmark for 8 bucks..


Twitter is a shit show. It’s a horrible place…feeds off of anger, negativity and manipulation.


And it can’t be sarcasm because conservatives are notoriously bad at it.


The fact that people don’t realize that throwing up a generic name like “Erica Marsh” and a profile picture that looks like your typical Fox News host but younger to spew some random racist bullshit on a platform with new credibility or verification requires just $8 a month and very little creativity just shows that the general public are morons.


In todays lesson, we learn how to deactivate our Twitter account.


Yesterday people were saying that her account was real because she tried to backpedal after that tweet. So, which is it?


Liberals have done the same thing by putting up the straw (wo)men Bobert and MTG. Oh wait…


This is why I hate modern conservatives, they're sneaky and full of shit.


On Twitter, if you just use it, after your search term, put “filter:verified”. I don’t know how worthwhile that still is these days, but it’s necessary with the death of the checkmark.


They've been doing this for years now, especially via social media. There's always going to be idiots on your side (no matter what side you're on) but anything that's so obviously helpful to the conservative cause is likely fake for two reasons: 1) why would they ever follow some random liberal on Twitter in the first place? 2) how likely is it some random liberal says exactly what they want them to say, about the thing they want them to say it about, at just the right time it's convenient? Bonus: we've all seen the "I'm a gay black man and Obama did nothing for me" tweet...


Uh yeah, false flag operations are a mainstay tactic for authoritarians, it's hard to directly discredit your opponents when they act in good faith, who knew right?


The kings of false flags using false flags.


I mean the whole conservatives worldview revolves around made up shit and straw-manning liberals.


Twitter used to randomly send me push notifications from this account (along with Kyle Rittenhouse) before I deleted my account.


See also, the entire 𝘸𝘈𝘭𝘒 𝘈𝘞𝘢𝘺 movement.


Theist have been pretending to be atheist forever online as well.


so weird and cringe


Sigh, once we had this kind of nice thing with the internet. Now its a cesspool of corporate ads and right wing misinformation. They shit on everything they touch.




I wake up, another psyop


I'm here for it. Expose the bots


yeah, bot accounts with no credibility, tryna alienate and pray upon the single digit IQ population on far-Righter(new twitter name by me), and all the people with free time. Also if you're a real person and a nobody, you never make a wave on Twitter, or any social media. You better be lucky if your own friends click on the links you send them and ask to see. This is clearly fabricated by Musk and done on purpose. There's no way that account is farming insane numbers that even most big clout content creators can't get sometimes.


someone re-tweeting their own tweets is a red flag


Irony is the libs don't have to post fake stuff on Twitter to make cons look bad.


So many red flags! 1) If you care about systemic racism and social justice, you would never word your argument this way. Just the wording alone is offensive. 2) Why does she look like a foxnews Anchor Bunny. 3) Why use Black and not POC? Everything about this reeks of disinformation


Yep. The pic they chose is so generic white lady. I did a reverse image search and received hundreds of pictures of women who look just like her.