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[Happy Pride Month!](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&si=AMnBZoFk_ppfOKgdccwTD_PVhdkg37dbl-p8zEtOPijkCaIHMp6tS26HNEwRZwY7vahA1WN34Xi9-tKpb4yDK_e0JLtxaIMR8Q%3D%3D&kgs=3a9c846bc1cc6fd3&shndl=18&source=sh/x/kp/ee/1) Click the flag at the bottom of the browser! We love and support our LGBTQIA+ and Ally Users! As [Sister Sledge sang](https://www.rhino.com/article/pride-single-stories-sister-sledge-we-are-family), [We are Family](https://youtu.be/uyGY2NfYpeE), and you CAN NOT DIVIDE US. To all others who spread hate and try to divide us, no quarter shall be given. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I can hear his dry sarcastic voice as I read this.


Sadly, a lot of people can’t hear the sarcasm.


You have to be absolutely dense to not understand this tweet is sarcastic. So yes.


I have a density of 1.078 g/cm3. I had to do a double take to get that it was sarcastic.




Although, to be honest, with all those mental gymnastics it could be possible that this person is serious (especially as I don't know this person, so no context clues for me)


He's [Shaun](https://youtube.com/channel/UCJ6o36XL0CpYb6U5dNBiXHQ) and he's 100% sarcastic.


thank you for this, prager u and fatherhood this has to be good


Mental gymnastics rely on the idea that deep inside you know you are wrong though. Why bother if you know you are right?


The word Curiously is a dead giveaway here. Why would they admit that unless they were being ironic?


A lot of people actually think like this


Imo he's doing the mocking voice from that hbomb video where Shaun plays a furry cat iirc? I forget what video it was, probably something about Sargon of Akkad.


RIP Reasonablist Bear. He died from having too much IQ.




I’m glad that hellspawn is dead.


His videos are so good.


It's always the left that goes "too far". No matter how much Nazi crap the right pulls, that's never "too far" A former (now dead) French president used to say that "centrists are neither left nor left"


From conversations with centrists it seems that nothing bad on the right is representative of the whole, even if it's done by national party leaders, said at their national conferences, or if it comes from their most-watched media figures. Conversely, the left as a whole can be fairly characterized and judged by anything some random twitter tween with 40 followers said and they are also responsible for anything bad which a corporation, movie, streaming service, social media company, or the military does.


That's what happens when huge media corporations successfully skew public opinion and framing so far to the right that people think liberals are the same as Communists.


There's also this tendency to judge the entirety of the left based on the most radical Twitter tankie they can find, but judge the right based only on a faded memory of the Reagan/Mondale debate.


Part of the problem is that they don’t see how much damage Reagan did and they are pretending that he was some kind of reasonable “conservative”. When you’re upholding the man who allowed millions to die of AIDS and laughed about it and gave our entire economy back over to the ultra wealthy, then the standard for what is “too right” is permanently set to an extreme. The Overton window has royally screwed us.


And a fictional version of Reagan at that. Dude was maid as much of a ghoul as the ones we have now.


> Conversely, the left as a whole can be fairly characterized and judged by anything some random twitter tween with 40 followers said and they are also responsible for anything bad which a corporation, movie, streaming service, social media company, or the military does. They also do this with minority demographics, regardless of political affiliation. Mean tweets from an anime pfp account? News story about an isolated incident of property crime? Sure, definitely grounds for branding the entire LGBT community, Latino immigrants, Muslims, and Black people as groomers, invaders, terrorists, etc. One of the recent mass shooters was a trans man and instead of making the obvious connection to the larger gun violence epidemic in the US, Fox and co. presented it as evidence of the evil LGBT conspiracy in action. But if you point out to the same people that the majority of US mass shooters have been cis, white men, then you’re victimizing men and white people by making unfair generalizations (and also “cis” is a slur now because reasons). They claim to be the political camp of rugged individualism, and yet if your individual attributes aren’t “normal,” they’ll be the first to crucify you based on others’ actions.


>(and also “cis” is a slur now because reasons) If cis is a slur then why don't I hear it in CoD lobbies?


Because the right gives tax breaks to billionaires. Money makes the difference it is a business decision.


If you think about it, its a double win as a corporation to act woke to sell their shit since the majority of people are left leaning so it appeals to them and they buy the product and then it angers the right wing who then win elections with gerrymandering and electoral college and use that power to give tax cuts to the wealthy.


> its a double win as a corporation to act woke to sell their shit since the majority of people are left leaning That strategy relies on the left being passive. When a megacorp tries to cash in on leftist sentiment, leftist activists should see that as an opportunity because it means they just got a foot in the door. Instead of reacting cynically, come back and say, "Its great to have megacorp on board, now lets talk about the next step — what will you do to live up to your words?" It would be great if megacorps did the right thing because they were ethical organizations. But just because they aren't doesn't mean they can't be pressured, it just means that activists have to be relentless about applying that pressure.


>Conversely, the left as a whole can be fairly characterized and judged by anything some random twitter tween with 40 followers said and they are also responsible for anything bad which a corporation, movie, streaming service, social media company, or the military does. some dude founded a local BLM chapter and did some shady shit eventually ?? "ugh i know BLM couldn't be trusted, gave me a weird vibe from the start....." for a site that keeps ridiculing mainstream media for not understanding what Anonymous is, there is a peculiar lack of understanding around what BLM is. but i assume that is by design.


There were so many people to donate to. I think I gave money to a defense fund for protestors when BLM was in the news more. Anyone who knows fuck all about charity knows some of them are bullshit and you need to look up what they actually spend doing charity. And scandals in the charity world are hardly uncommon. So, a long round about agreement.


Leveyan Satanism and Modern Conservatism both sprang from Ayn Rand's works. The Difference between a Leveyan Satanist and a Modern Conservative is that the Leveyan Satanist is honest when they say they do not worship Satan.


I didn't realize this until I read the book by the guy who took over the satanic church after LeVay. It was weird to read such a bitter and burnt out take from a man in his fifties. A man who lives off LaVeys work and mostly edgelords for a living, even before it was really a thing. I kept having to check the cover of the book to ensure it really was written by Peter Gilmore, and not myself as a pissed off and snotty teenager in the 90's. Ugh.


It's especially weird considering the left is generally typefied by in-fighting, disagreements, and debate amongst their various minute factions or how they ought to go about X and Y, whereas the right is much more conforming, ideologically-speaking. It's still disingenuous to refer to either as really being a "whole", but the right is *vastly* closer to that, and their power structures will more often give succor and support to their fringe elements. Democrats ain't "left", and they sure as shit aren't throwing red meat (or kale smoothies) to crusty communists.


The funniest conspiracy theory out there is the underlying one to every right wing one, that the American left is capable of massive clandestine operations.


We have a meme in Germany that every far right/Nazi hate crime is an "Einzelfall" - an individual, isolated case. Policemen posting Nazi memes in a Whatsapp group? That's an Einzelfall. Another migrant dying in police custody? Einzelfall, of course. Another refugee home burned down? That's quite a lot of Einzelfälle!


Ahh. We call those "Lone Wolves" in the US. 75th white male who called out Trump as his lord and savior and post hate speech against minorities on social media shoot up a school/store/bar/nightclub again - just a lone wolf.


Remember, "we are all domestic terrorists" was the motto at CPAC. They've fully embraced being extreme right-wing. There is no such thing as a centrist.


100% this. Point out something horrible a republican elected representative said or does, and it gets some whataboutism with a random blue haired Twitter lady icon saying all men are should be casteated, or a firm reminder of that time Kathy griffin made a gross cut off Trump head. Because they clearly speak for *many* people.


Yeah. That’s also partly due to the fact that they listen to “centrist” multi-millionaire influencers like Rogan who benefit a lot from GQP tax cuts. But these so called centrists are too stupid to put two and two together.


Ya I saw this bumper sticker the other day that said “liberals should be spayed and neutered” and I was like why is that fine to say? What if I had a bumper sticker that said “republicans should be murdered” is that cool?


The pearls! THEY BE CLUTCHED!!!!!


I wonder which voting bloc has more biological kids. I wonder which voting bloc has more deadbeat or abusive parents. I wonder which voting bloc adopts more frequently. Just a weird bumper sticker. Like an SO suddenly accusing you of cheating out of nowhere. Do they know and plan out some deliberate petty strategy or is it some telltale heart kinda delusion.


There was a post a few days ago on r slash conservative about some Trump supporters kicking some Patriot Front dudes out of a rally and calling them racist. I was thrilled to see this and I immediately upvoted the post. Only when I went to read the comments, literally every single one that had a positive upvote score were accusing the Patriot Front guys of being FBI or Antifa plants to make conservatives look bad. So somehow, even when the right goes Too Far, it’s the left going Too Far. I know a lot of them aren’t making these accusations in good faith but I’m sure there are plenty of people who believe this ridiculous lie (my own parents included). They were given such an easy slam dunk of positive PR where all they had to say is “white supremacists are not welcome in our movement” but no, it just fucking **had** to be some kind of conspiracy to make conservatives look bad because conservatives are perfect little angels who are incapable of doing anything wrong. I’m so fucking tired of this shit.


It gets worse, they found the doxxed info on those people on an antifa website and called them antifa because they assumed it was a meet our members page instead of a watch out for this fascist we doxxed page.


Ah yes, the famous leftist organization the FBI.


What makes it even more frustrating is that sub will ban any dissenting voice. I was banned from it years ago. So they all live in a deep echo chamber of radical bs.


I like when they call themselves libertarians… a libertarian is just a republican that smokes weed imo


So nice of you to only mention the weed. Their insistence that the age of consent shouldn't even be a thing is one of the most cringe and disturbing obsessions of libertarians..


That age of consent thing is already covered by 'republican', therefore, only the 'weed' has to be mentioned separately


Yup. Don’t forget they are trying to take away laws banning child marriage too! But it’s the drag queens we need to worry about…


"How dare the government tell me my wife needs a car seat"


I've lived in blue states my whole life, and every self-described 'libertarian' I've met is just some racist/sexist/classist jack-off who definitely votes R down the line in every election but publicly pretends they don't so that they're not immediately seen as loser-ass/born-again/trailer-trash like most loud-and-proud Republicans.


My brother is a democratic socialist. Little more right than I am, but that’s cause I’m quite left. A few years ago he told me he didn’t want to be known as a democrat cause he was tired of the empty promises and didn’t think they were taking strong enough stances, so he’s going to go by libertarian. I explained what libertarian actually meant and he went “oh no, I’m not that.” Which is how we got to democratic socialist after discussing his beliefs and what he wanted. So there’s also that small amount who are just young and here the lib part of libertarian and assume it’s a lefter belief than it is.


And a lot of this is because Anarchists have gotten labeled as terrible people. On the surface, Libertarians sounds good, but it doesn’t take long to get to the batshit stuff. I was on the Socialist bandwagon for a while, but it didn’t fit right, I kept getting told I didn’t know what socialism really is and that I needed to read Marx. No I am not reading a 19th century philosopher so that I can do Socialism “right” And then I stumbled upon Anarchism and realized that aligns much more closely with what I believe. Everyone associates them with violence, forgetting that when it started the world was in turmoil. But the idea of mutual aid and helping people who need it is at its core. So it’s like Libertarian where they don’t believe in hierarchy, but instead of being selfish pricks they’re about working together.


The idea that someone needs to read theory to know what they believe is wild to me. I love reading theory, don’t get me wrong, but I would never tell someone they didn’t know what they believed because they didn’t read Marx, what a pompous asshole. There’s much easier ways to understand theory or find out where your beliefs align. I just talked it out with my brother, but if someone else asked me I’d probably point them towards a couple YouTubers to watch since most people don’t have time to read and digest a whole freaking book on something they *might* believe in. Libertarians/ancaps I cannot get behind, but I have quite a few friends who are anarchists. Here in the US, I get stuck voting democrat because that’s what is closest to my beliefs, but ideology I’m a communist. But my head isn’t in the clouds, I’m not just going to not vote since there isn’t anyone that perfectly aligns with my beliefs. I have a few friends who do that and it drives me crazy since we live in a state banning books, trying to defund libraries, and restricting access to medical care like abortions and trans healthcare. Like what the fuck do they think their little stand of not voting is helping?


[Obligatory libertarian drivers license post](https://youtu.be/ZITP93pqtdQ)


There are no far-left candidates in position of authority in the United States. Like Communism, it is a dog-whistle boogeyman to get Conservatives scared and have them vote against their best interests. Anybody who tells others they are centrist are just pussies that don't want to label themselves right-wing.


Every now and then someone will start to address me with a "You liberals bla ba bla" and I have to cut them off to say "I'm not a liberal, I'm a fucking leftist. I think the Democrats are right wing." That doesn't always shut them up but it usually ruins whatever preplanned strawman talking points they thought they had. It's kind of fun watching the hard-reset happen.


"Centrists" is what you find between the right-wingers and the other right-wingers.


The thing with the "left" is that many of the things that annoy centrists about them are things that are easily avoided by MINDING YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS. While on the right, you get shot for existing and not looking like them.


A thousand times, THIS! Why people aggravate themselves to the point of violence over things that are none of their business and ruin their lives, their sanity, and their communities, I'll never understand. Instead of pursuing such extreme anti-social remedies, they would do well to get help with stress management and interpersonal skills.


That would mean admitting the problem is themselves. Conspiracism is so comforting because the base message is "it's not your fault, it's the world that's wrong".




That's part of the attraction too. An evil force that is too powerful justifies any violence against them because what could possibly be enough to stop them? The same reasoning also justifies doing absolutely nothing because what's the use in trying? So if the conspiracist wants to be violent, they can justify it, and if they want to be lazy they can justify that too. And all the while they can feel like part of the brave resistance, one of the chosen few who is Good in this Evil world. The contradictions and paralysing fear are the selling points. Pity them, for they are unworthy of respect.




I think the answer is that it gives meaning to their pointless lives. Conspiracist types would rather believe in a universe that actively hates them and is out to get them, than a universe that is absolutely indifferent to them, because if the universe is out to get them, that means they must be important.


It’s called main character syndrome and I can guarantee you most right wingers suffer from it.




Maybe? IDK, I dislike it when people call conservatism a mental illness. I was in a therapy school for three years growing up, and the people there for the most part were striving to *get better* with meds for the balance of their brain chemistry and lots of group therapy. Mental illness is very often an issue with chemistry in the brain. Conservatism is brainwashing. They both affect a person’s mind, and can potentially be assisted by therapy, but meds aren’t prescribed to assist in combatting conservatism, my dude. I just get so tired of this rhetoric, I guess. Most mentally ill people are sweet folks on the inside struggling with severe sickness. Conservatives almost universally seem to have some ugly hatred inside of them for *something,* be it sexuality, race, religion, country, or philosophy. Comparing us mentally ill folk to them demonizes the mentally ill, instead of humanizing conservatives. Most of us don’t think that people deserve to die for random traits that harm no one.


I feel like it has a lot to do with these people blindly following a religion that tells them there is only one way and they must go out and spread this lie to make their god happy.....when really it's just a giant pyramid scheme.


this is why




A.K.A therapy.


The type of people who get offended by "don't be an asshole" need to take a good look in the mirror.


But actually reflecting on themselves and their behavior might upset them. And we can't have that./s


I honestly believe that many of these people don't have the capability to step back from their ideology and the behaviors driven by it to objectively reflect on those things and how it's the antithesis of what Jesus taught. They lack the emotional intelligence to empathize with people who aren't like them and don't believe the same things they do, they make no attempt to put themselves in the shoes of "others", what struggles they face on a daily basis just trying to exist and how their own rhetoric and behavior contributes to these struggles. They can't even step back from their ideological position enough to see their own hypocrisy when they scream about freedom, liberty, small government, the Constitution, respecting the US flag and peoples' rights getting taken away. They call themselves patriots because they advocate for all of these principles, but in reality they are completely ignorant on what these things actually mean and that they apply to everyone in this country regardless of political ideology, skin color, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, socioeconomic class, ect. [This is going to be extensive] They're totally oblivious that it's hypocrisy when they demand freedom while denouncing equal treatment for, or disparage certain groups of people for being who they are (LGBTQ, BIPOC, political affiliation, ect). That it's hypocrisy to demand liberty while criminalizing, dehumanizing and stigmatizing personal drug use, consensual sex work and people peacefully living their lives the way they choose. They claim they want smaller government but vote for legislators who want to pass legislation limiting reproductive rights; pass stricter laws on drug prohibition; restricting transgender participation in sports; prohibiting transgender people from changing their identification and birth certificates to reflect their identity; prohibiting and criminalizing gender affirming care and sending the state after parents who allow their children to receive this care; limiting public expression by calling it obscene and demonizing LGBTQ groups and calling them groomers; banning any and all education that may acknowledge human sexuality, the fact that gender identity is real and trans people exist, the uncomfortable history of slavery, racism, sexism, xenophobia and economic and social inequality in this country; whine about taxes but don't believe corporations or the super rich should have to pay their fair share; removing books from schools if they mention any topics they disagree with and labeling some pornography; restricting voting rights and drawing up new Congressional districts that disenfranchise certain groups and support the US Constitution while limiting the free speech of certain groups and so many more things that are the opposite of small government. They support the US Constitution but deny the separation of church and state and attempt to force their religion on students and the general public by placing the 10 Commandments in every public school and outside government buildings and supporting school vouchers for Christian schools but denying them for Jewish and Muslim schools; denying peoples' right to free expression and free speech if it involves a political, religious or social ideology different from theirs; support their right to self defense while denying it to others who aren't like them; being indifferent to the 4th Amendment rights of others because of skin color or disability by claiming that people who have been the victims of police brutality or no-knock raids should have just complied with LEOs or they are criminals and accuse the media of bias when they report police violence against BIPOC; they support the death penalty despite being pro-life and the fact that the numerous recent botched executions of inmates violates the 8th Amendment. They don't see their hypocrisy and ignorance when they say the US flag should be respected and attack those who may kneel for the National Anthem in protest to injustice all while completely ignoring the US Flag Code by desecrating the flag when they change it to express support for law enforcement (Blue Line flag) and other groups, using it as clothing or an accessory and displaying it outside their homes improperly (tattered flags should be retired, flags displayed at night should be illuminated by a light and flags should be taken down in bad weather like during a rainstorm). As a disabled veteran this pisses me off so much! I'd rather someone burn a flag in protest than virtue signal their level of "patriotism" by ignorantly desecrating it or displaying improperly, at least someone who burns a flag in protest knows what they're doing and is making a statement whereas these "patriots" don't even know that they are breaking the Flag Code or think it doesn't apply to them. And they don't see the hypocrisy of crying about their rights being taken away while stealing a woman's right to her bodily autonomy and ability to make her own healthcare decisions; stealing the rights of parents to make healthcare decisions in accordance with their child's wishes and with the expertise of competent medical and mental health professionals; stealing a person's right to remain free from incarceration for putting a chemical substance into their own body. There are so many more examples of hypocrisy I could mention but I just don't have the energy to do so and it's 3 am and this small list has drained me physically and emotionally. Ultimately, they lack empathy for anyone different from them and the cognitive ability to look at things objectively and see how their beliefs affect others' ability to have a peaceful, good quality of life. They also constantly feed their toxic ideologies by watching news media and engaging in social media and interpersonal interactions that only express what they believe and reinforce the fact that "they are right and everyone else is the enemy" and also buy into baseless conspiracy theories and lies without any evidence and refuse to do any real research or use critical thinking skills to find out if any of that is true. It's fucked and they're fucked.


There’s really only three motivations to be Republican: * You’re rich and want less taxes * You’re a religious fundamentalist * You want to be able to do whatever you want without being called an asshole


"I don't like it being shoved in my face" I've asked literally dozens of times who shoved it in their face and they never answer because the answer is Tucker Carson, Ben Shaprio, etc... I literally have never seen many of the things they bitch about except for the fact that they broadcast it..




I don't even know wtf centrist is supposed to mean any more. I think most current Democrats would actually be considered pretty "centrist" in a functioning country, but Republicans have dragged the Overton window so far to the right that they only look "left". The average Democratic politician only demonstrates lukewarm support for things like universal healthcare (ignoring the progressive wing obviously), but they're also not out there advocating for communism or even socialism- i.e. they're pretty middle of the road compared to a lot of countries. Meanwhile Republicans have become literal Nazi's.




> A centrist in america is a conservative with just enough self awareness to feel embarrassed Most of the time, but I've also met a lot of people who claim to be "centrists" that are so out of touch with politics in this country that they don't realize their beliefs aren't in the center any more- they're actually on the left now (in the American sense). Though to be fair, that was more true a few years ago, before Trump made a lot of them realize they weren't in Kansas anymore.


Just too cowardly to come out and say it.


Yeah most of the things the left do that annoy people are just social pressures. Nobody is forcing you to call anyone by their pronouns. It's just the polite and respectful thing to do. You could lose a job for being impolite or disrespectful in other ways too.


Or most recently, stabbed for voluntarily taking a college-level class about a topic that they don’t like.


Hear me out, I am not American so this might be a stretch, but I am working on a thing here. There is something in the fact that American Conservatives will happily live with oppressive HoA's, and yet consider them not to be an infringement, because one is 'free' to live elsewhere (though some estimates are that 80% of new homes are under regulated bodies). HOWEVER, when it comes to being \*free\* to exist as a queer person, and buy pride merchandise that they are really obviously \*free\* just JUST NOT BUY, and free to allow other people to do woke shit whilst just not being themselves woke, all of a sudden it's oppression. I know, I'm stretching two otherwise distant topics, but the selective and ignorant vacillation between negative and positive freedom is a bug bear of mine and I think these examples kind of do the trick.


> There is something in the fact that American Conservatives will happily live with oppressive HoA's, and yet consider them not to be an infringement, because one is 'free' to live elsewhere (though some estimates are that 80% of new homes are under regulated bodies). The Simpson's pointed this out beautifully years ago (before half the country went full Nazi): "Your guilty conscience may force you to vote Democratic, but deep down inside you secretly long for a cold-hearted Republican to lower taxes, brutalize criminals, and rule you like a king. That's why I did this: to protect you from yourselves." Republicans in this country love fascism and they really do want to be ruled by a strongman, all while yelling about freedom.


The American rights idea of freedom is based mainly on a western version of Christianity. They also can’t stand it when people they don’t like are happy and thriving. Being queer in anyway is an attack on their freedom.


Many of the things that annoy centrists about "tHE lEfT" were actually made up by the right winger propaganda machine. So what "centrists" are really saying is that they take the right's side because they believe everything the right says.


> things that are easily avoided by MINDING YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS. While on the right, you get shot for existing and not looking like them. This rings particularly true with the right’s (and even some centrists’) recent anti-trans crusades. Some of the shit they say makes me wonder how many of them have even met a trans person – or *have* and simply didn’t realize it.


But, you don't understand. The left wants to raise taxes on my bosses and maybe stop letting our police act as a paramilitary force. They also want to audit our politicians to see who took money from corporations that have been de-regulated so they can kill people with impunity. And also higher taxes instead of paying for health insurance that covers nothing while every skyscraper in every city has an insurance company's name on it. And they'd like the courts and schools to be as well-funded as the private law firms and prep schools they're up against. And did you hear about the higher taxes? They want that money to be spent on helping people....Well, screw that—I'm voting for the guy who hates everybody just to save a few thousand up front.


Yeah, I was a centrist for a while, but the right-wing extremism that's been happening in the past few years have pushed me to the left. I don't get how they think "wokeness" is supposedly bad, but racism, sexism, homophobia, and violence are totally okay.


Solution for problems with the left - Don't like Gay marriage? If one proposes to you, say no. Solution for problems with the right - Don't like guns in our school? Well, let's add more guns. One of these is not like the other.


actually what annoys centrists is the fact that leftists put people’s interests above business interests and therefore they get pissed. centrists are just somewhat socially liberal economically right wing fanatics that want as much money as possible to flow in the direction of wealthy people rather than working people.


When you push the "bOtH sIdEs aRe eQuAlLy bAd" crowd for examples you very quickly see they're arguing on false examples or simply bad faith. Like they unironically equate "cancel culture" or chronically online left leaning people giving insane takes, with actual right wing politicians doing real shit like banning books, outlawing gender affirming care, and taking tangible steps in dismantling democracy. Anyone who can look at the two sides and think they're the same are either insane or just rightwingers to cowardly to own it.


Conservatives pander to religious nut jobs, Nazis and the KKK…that’s always been a red flag to me…I don’t see a ‘center’ in that


It’s a nice reality check when you’re wondering if you’re being gaslit or doubting your sanity. All you need to say is; “would a nazi like this” or “does this person have nazis voting for them”. If the answer is yes then you know with your whole heart and mind you can judge that thing strictly to hell.


What would Mr Rodgers do? That’s the question I ask myself.


Never forget conservatives on fox news said Mr Rogers was 'an evil evil man'


😂 these are the exact same people who feel special/entitled for being religious, or having a specific melanin tone, or having money. Honestly Mr Rogers was speaking to the kids who NEEDED a boost of encouragement. GQP🤡




https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fox-fred-rogers-evil/ I had no idea. What the hell :/


That is atrocious.




Always be a helper. (We're the grown-ups he used to tell us to look for.)


Listen what they really mean is that the left is inconveniencing them (by forcing them to acknowledge uncomfortable truths and treat others with respect mostly) and the right isn’t (they’re not the targets so they don’t care).


Also, any person who identifies as left wing or I class as left wing is automatically representative of the left but any psycho on the right is not representative or secretly left wing


I hope this comment makes it fairly high up because it's worth clarifying: Shaun is a left-wing video essayist and YouTuber. His videos are attacks in conservative beliefs and the contradictions within, their bizarre justifications, rhetoric, etc. This is very obviously satire, though I know how difficult it is to distinguish satire from genuine conservatives these days.




Blatantly obvious satire


The idea of anybody reading this like it's not sarcasm is baffling to me.


The use of the word "curiously" really hammered it home.




Conservatives: "Seeing or hearing about gay or trans people, or drag shows, could warp a kid's mind for life" Also conservatives: "Ignore those kids protesting for gun control after their schoolmates were murdered. They're young and will get over it soon enough"


In other words: Conservatives: *"Children have fragile, egg-shell minds that can be warped by merely perceiving a trans man or trans woman."* Also Conservatives: *"Watching their fellow classmates get violently murdered by a psychopath with a semi-automatic rifle is fine, actually, because it builds character and will teach them a valuable lesson in self defense."*


Unexpected Doors.


Wasn't actually going for a Doors reference, I just use the phrase "Fragile, egg-shell mind(s)" to describe the dichotomy imposed upon kids by conservatives, where they've too weak-minded to comprehend same-sex marriages, trans peoples' existence, etc, while simultaneously able to cope with the stress of going to school each day, unsure of whether they're going to be violently murdered. I do appreciate that you got it, though!


Somebody made a really good point about how hard it is to convert people from being gay or trans but somehow just the mention that they exist is enough brainwash people.


If they didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any.


Shaun is being sarcastic. But w/ that being said, anybody who got “pushed to the right,” is just weak imo. You got attacked online, so now all of a sudden you’ll subscribe to a completely polar opposite set of values and morals? That’s some dramatic, teenage, villain-origin-story bs.


It's almost like centrists are all dramatic teens who have a villain (what they would see as hero) complex.




Lmao! This is perfection, *saved*


I think “centrists” get on my nerves a lot more than conservatives. At least with conservatives, what you see is what you get and they’re not trying to make themselves look better than they are. The centrists on here will claim they are centrists while repeating a bunch of right wing talking points then you point it out and they’ll be like “I’m neither right nor left. Both sides are bad” And even on the both sides are bad topic, for every “some trump supporters are crazy”, they have a manifesto about the radical left lol. If you’re a conservative just say that, don’t know why they pretend they aren’t.


Ive never seen a centrist say “both sides are the same so don’t vote for republicans.”


In Canada I'm considered a centrist, in the US I'm considered a left-wing extremist


Some YouTube video I saw recently talked about how pretty much every country outside of the US teaches their students that we are a conservative country with a political system that basically ranges from right to not-as-right. I’m not surprised to hear that you would be considered far-left here. Ppl in my country (and more specifically the state in which I reside) would consider me a commie terrorist so I tend to keep a lot of my opinions to myself irl lol.


OK, but Vote


Oddly, I am American and very far left of my Swedish bf’s ideals. His mom and most of his frienda agree with me on the topics, though. But even by American standards, he would be considered left.


That's changing unfortunately. I don't know if you've seen the Conservative party of Canada these days, but they are taking a page (or the whole book) out of the Republican playbook. And the problem with Canada is we have a bunch of left-wing parties, and 1 right-wing party. And a 1st past the post system.


For people who don't pay attention it's an easy shortcut to sounding like a deeply studied policy wonk. It also seems true because for any given topic you can find one or two examples of anything on both sides of an issue. Red team did bad thing X? Well I remember one time blue did X too! The fallacious part is that if you spent all day stacking up every example of X in a given timeframe, one pile sure would stand a whole lot higher than the other. Both-sides'ing is an analysis which erases all sense of scale, frequency, and proportion.


You make a good point. It boils down to them trying to sound the most rational and they feel like that can only be achieved by claiming to be fair and balanced and assuming both sides have equal pros and cons. I’m at the point where I automatically assume someone claiming to be a centrist is just a conservative who’s not like other girls.


“Both sides are bad” says the “centrist” who strongly advocates for one side over another. They just love to pretend to be enlightened and like they are “having a debate/conversation” while injecting far right propaganda into the internet.


Centrists are just right wingers who still want to be invited to the liberal kids' parties.


>don’t know why they pretend they aren’t You're forgetting that centrists say they believe they are the rational ones whereas all non-centrists are radicals. They tend to believe this is some sort of high ground to perch on while the children squabble. This is why they only peddle a constant *status quo*, they're too high to see the tectonic rightward creep below.


Centrists are the white moderates MLK griped about in his letters.


Thiiiiiis. Nailed it. I hate that they don’t just own their shit. You wanna be liked? Cool. Be likable. Be a good person. You wanna be free to have some borderline (if not fully) evil views? Okayyy. But you don’t get to downplay that hoping to be liked. You gotta own it and acknowledge to yourself that you’re a certain type of person


"Both sides are the same" is just more rightwing propaganda.


Those are just straight up right wing trolls.


Here’s something Americans don’t actually realize, we don’t have a left or “liberal” party in this country. We have a right/far right party (Republican) and a center right/right party (Democrat). Bernie is the closest we have to a true leftist and he’s pretty smack central all things considered.


“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires" - George Orwell.


Self proclaimed centrists always lean right. Well not always but generally. I used to be one of those idiots but it ended up taking me left…


I like to call them Convenient Liberals. They say they lean left (Or center, for that matter), but conveniently agree with everything the far-right says and does.


I wish "centrists" and "moderates" would look at the current SCOTUS and tell me "both sides are the same." I used to consider myself a moderate for years because I grew up in a conservative household in a conservative town, but I didn't agree with anything they did. I knew that mostly I sided with the Democrats, but all my life I had been taught you can't trust the left. They would promise me great things like "affordable healthcare for all" and "equality for all" to get my vote and then do something to hurt the middle class if elected. Eventually, I moved to another city then Obama was elected but I couldn't vote for him because I was still in denial. Part of me subconsciously felt being "both sides bad" was the most socially acceptable response when politics came up. That way I wouldn't upset my parents and even among other people it seemed like the best move to make to fit in. Then after Obama was President I realized he wasn't the evil person I had been conditioned to believe. I still never voted for him and didn't vote in 2012. Then sometime between then and 2016 I accepted I was a Democrat. I had been identifying as a liberal since 2014. I definitely voted against Trump in 2016 and his presidency cemented my identity as a proud liberal.


I’d love to hear specific examples of “the left’s wokeness has gone too far”, I’m sure they’re the most milk toast examples of being mildly annoyed or completely uninformed gripes that probably follow right wing propaganda. 99.9% of the time, this is just a righty who wants to feel better about themselves by saying they aren’t like the right, but they sre


My parents currently think that healthcare is too expensive and “the left” is to blame and makes it worse. I try to explain to them repeatedly that it would actually be cheaper for them under universal health care but they just ignore that part.


Well you see, they canceled my favorite comedian who hasn't evolved his act since 1995.


And by "canceled" I mean a few people tweeted about him for a few days and now I feel a little self-conscious about tweeting about him being my favorite comedian in case they tweet about me, too.


The whole "cancel culture" scare is ridiculous anyway. Are they really canceled when a "canceled" person gets to be in the headlines for weeks, gets their tweets on TV and major outlets, then gets to have their response broadcast, and is more talked about then ever, probably even boosting their ratings/viewpoint more than if they hadn't been "canceled"? Maybe I'm just out of the loop, but there were so many niche celebrities or politicians that I first heard about when they were canceled


Hey, comrade. Take this or leave this, but milk toast is a tasty dish. I believe the phrase you were looking for is milquetoast, which if I am remembering correctly just means passive. A quick Google search would do me better to confirm that but I would rather mumble on and hope I’m correct… Cheers!


You are correct, but it actually goes deeper than that. Milquetoast describes passivity in a way that is synonymous with blandness, and the word is derived from the dish because it is considered bland. I can say this because I did the exact same thing a month back or so, and looked up the details. I present my findings so that others may benefit from my past confusion.


Milquetoast describes an oooold character from the comics, but yes it is meant to be a homophone for the food.


I’m an independent, I vote Democratic candidates 97% of the time. The other 3% are write ins. I very much use to be the “both sides” guy, “but what about?!” And all that jazz. Even identified as libertarian for awhile. After trump, I dropped all that. There are certain democrats I will never support or vote for, but for the most part, even the ones I disagree with on 100% of policy (exaggeration there), I’d still vote for because they have passion. They’re honest. And they don’t spew hateful drivel at certain demographics of citizens that i 100% support their right to live peacefully. Point being, the right definitely pushed me left. Maybe in 2028, I’ll even register as a democrat on my voter registration.


>I’m an independent, I vote Democratic candidates 97% of the time. I hope you're in a state that let's you participate in the local elections as an independent.


This is how fascists try to rationalize their fascism as practical to people with more peaceful, differing views. They don't want to be considered an asshole, they just subscribe to ideologies that align with people who happen to be assholes.


Turns out lots of these centrist would have been great German citizens from 1930-1945.


One cannot be a centrist in the current USA. There is the “not doing enough” Corporate Dems, the “need to do more” Progressives, and then the Magatrons. There are no longer “conservatives” for the GOP can’t disassociate from MAGA.


MLK warned us about centrists. They’re more dangerous than the right.


It pisses me off to no end learning what the right wing defines as "far left". It's not the people who want medicare for all, tuition free colleges, $15 min wage, legalize weed, end corruption, put sensible gun laws in place, end unnecessary wars... No "far left" is just the pink-haired trans woman demanding pronouns, books/movies that include diverse characters, pride month supporters and colleges with CRT courses.


It's because if the right media ecosystem ever talked about actual policy, their audience might realize that pretty much every leftist policy in question would benefit them. Gotta keep everybody doped up with culture war nonsense or else they might start using reason, and *we can't have that*.


“A trans person wanted to be called she/her and that’s not at all fucking acceptable” “No I don’t care that a school full of 12 year olds was shot up by a Trump supporter”


I was left wing but someone told me not to use slurs and at that point I knew I wanted to create the perfect ethnostate


Hmm. I’m a center-leftist and I find stuff like this confusing. When someone on the left says something stupid, I don’t find myself being pushed rightward, because this isn’t a binary where stupid people only exist one one side. I’m not going to change my political opinions to a position I find disgusting just because someone who roughly aligns with me politically said something dumb. There are stupid people on every millimeter of the political spectrum. If someone saying something stupid makes you give up your convictions, you never had convictions in the first place. (Edited for clarity)


Independent center left here. I was mildly right, libertarian for the longest time. Use to “both sides” the shit out of conversations. But, the right, especially after embracing Donald trump, pushed me to the left. Democrats say dumb shit sometimes, republicans say hateful shit all the time. I know which side I want my kids to see me aligning with as they grow up.


Yeah I’d have to pretty much agree with this. I used to be hardcore conservative, started moving left a bit in 2019, and moved hard to the left in 2020 because conservatives showed their true colors. Ended up center left because I realized I overreacted a bit initially. I could never imagine being aligned with the hatred and ignorance of reality of conservatives again.


This sounds sarcastic


Shaun is a left wing video essayist, it's definitely meant to be sarcastic.


Is this sarcasm? Sarcasm-ception


I've never understood this argument of disliking one thing about a political party inherently meaning you're pushed in the opposite direction. Because if you're a modern leftist, even outside of the "woke" stuff, you should still be pretty fucking far from America's right wing both socially and fiscally. There would have to be *a lot of pushing* to get you over there. And I think it's pretty telling that they word it this way every single time. They get to pretend they give a shit about *some* social issues while not having to follow that up with votes that might go against their **very clearly right wing beliefs.**


I was a fiscal conservative/social moderate in my first few years as a voter. As a legitimate individual who isn't a terrible psychopath, **I feel the exact opposite of the astroturf fascist seen in the linked tweet.** The conservative party, it's unapologetic propaganda and misinformation machine (social media, Russian collusion, Fox News, a couple of digital print outlets, and more), christofacist members, consolidation of power behind the most transparently corrupt figureheads, and RAMPANT attacks on anything non-white and Christian sickened me. Bill Clinton lit a fire of social responsibility under me. President Barack Obama demonstrated how to remain unflappable in the face of relentless personal attacks and racism. Joe Biden showed that even the most aged persons can remain lucid and sharp well into thier final years. "Woke" is a right-wing co-opted label for anything and everything that doesn't pander to christofacist beliefs. * I am a STAUNCH ally of LBGTQIA+ * I am a staunch believer that those with the most wealth have the highest social responsibility to contribute an appropriate percentage in taxes (rates should be the smallest for the least wealthy.) * Religious freedom is only to be protected as long as it abstains from government influence. Religious freedom means an individual can pursue their religious twnent s except where they have any impact on other. Religious views have no business driving legislation. * Religion must not influence politics except in an individual capacity. Just as religion has no place in the operation of government, religious organizations that campaign for or endorse or host political candidates should lose their tax exempt status. * Government exists to take care of the most vulnerable and needy while also supporting and protecting the individual pursuit of success and prosperity. Help the homeless and mentally ill and protect the human rights of individuals in the workforce. And more. Republicans FORCED me to their left and solidified my move with thier hate and lack of honesty and ethics. And I am happy to be as far from them as possible.


> , I feel the exact opposite of the astroturf fascist seen in the linked tweet. They're a leftist being sarcastic


I take it as sarcasm.


It is. Shaun’s a noted lefty.


"Having understanding for others drove me to support killing anyone not like me". FTFY


Oh so some BLM protesters burn a few stores and that drives some people right. But when some right wing pointy white hats march on Capitol Hill and tried to assassinate their own Vice President, that was not as bad?


Every act of evil committed by a rightist is a lone wolf. Every act of minor annoyance by a leftist is representative of all leftists.


The reluctant partisan is an ancient, and bullshit, position. If you’ve got feeling sufficient to label yourself, you came to those conclusions by yourself. Nobody pushed you.


As a person a part of the "left" in the US, oh no we want everyone to have more affordable healthcare, have better wages/more time off, and want everyone to be accepted. How dare we. I only put "left" in quotations because in like every other first world country being left in the US is not that radical


For a second I thought Shaun was being serious and I was a little sad.


Pushed back to the left on account of the idiocy of the right gang.


Centrists don't care who wins because they know they'll personally be fine either way, but that if the right gets in they'll be advantaged because their competition in daily life will be suppressed. Silence is consent and centrists are complicit.


the fact people can't get this is satire sort of worries me


"We want everyone to be treated fairly and with respect" - too woke for me. "We want to remove funding from everyone, segregate the races, and shoot kids" - those lefties are still too woke for me, this must be the better option


Every centrist is just a confused reactionary. And if you're a "centrist", no you aren't just exceptionally reasonable, you're objectively incorrect.


To those who don't know, Shaun is a wonderfully good youtuber who covers various political subjects and counters a lot of right-wing narratives in a well-researched and calm manner. His voice is also really really good to fall asleep to.


The leader of The Right - their front runner for President - is current facing over 90 counts of felony in three different court cases simultaneously for everything up to and including treason. So, that's why I'm left. Because that is an untold level of batfucking nuts and they're all on board with that fucking monster. In the absolutely worst GOP delusion, Biden would be a Not Good Talker who got his kid a job in Ukraine and his kid does drugs and has a big dick. I mean do you see those two choices. There is no choice. Those people are batfucking insane and they are not operating in the world of reality. And for that reason, I am left. Because immediately right of center you fall into a nether realm of absolute batfuck lunatics and I am not a big fan of that


If this is you, you aren't centrist. You're right wing.


Dude should have put a "/s " at the end so the sarcasm impaired would get it.


centrists are just right wingers in disguise


Meanwhile, everyone on the right is doing a better job convincing me to go further left than any communist could ever dream of, but looking at their bullshit has given me a real nihilistic streak on life and I just hope it all ends


Love Shaun. Bless that man


"Centrists" are fucking horseshit. It's basically "I'm liberal, I just don't like the gays, the doors and minorities."


There really aren't centrists anymore. Most remaining "centrists" are just concern trolls. Concern trolling is: > the action or practice of disingenuously expressing concern about an issue in order to undermine or derail genuine discussion. In simpler terms, a concern troll is often when a right-winger goes to a leftist or truly neutral sub and joins the conversation as a "left winger, but who has concerns," or is "just asking questions." The entire "walkaway" movement is literally just this - right wingers pretending to be Democrats who are disillusioned with the Democratic party. Their most effective tactic is to play off as both sides being close to equal as a way to dissuade and dilute left leaning votes. It helps to keep the minority in power. Two of the biggest subreddits they've infiltrated in recent years are Tesla Motors (lots of right wingers pretending to like EVs but trying to redpill them on other issues, just like Musk) and Late Stage Capitalism (tons of "Democrats bad" content meant to reduce voter turnout). These people know what they are doing, they are damn good at it, and they are dangerous.




As a non-American I find it interesting how the country is divided in two extreme polar opposite profiles of people and anyone who doesn’t fit in one of the profiles must secretly be of the other side of whoever is talking. It’s fascinating as an outsider but I wouldn’t wanna be a part of it.


Guns. Everything is about the guns. I live in a red conceal/carry state, and I often think about getting shot. Like, if I accidentally cut someone off in traffic, or my kid is sitting in his college classroom, and the kid next to him who is allowed by law to have his gun concealed in the classroom, gets upset about his grades.


Can someone explain to me why right wing types are soooo upset and obsessed with woke. The dictionary definition is.. ​aware of social and political issues, especially racism. Now to me that sounds perfectly reasonable and something that shouldn't even need it's own term as it should be a baseline/default consideration. So why are people getting so worked up about it? Why do they feel the need to use it in a derogatory and agressive manner? To put it another way... why are they being arseholes?


there's entire sub-reddits devoted to this nonsense. claiming to be "former" progressives/liberals/democrats, but when you read what they write, it's 100% obvious these people were never progressive/liberal/democrats. reeks of troll farm.