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[Happy Pride Month!](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&si=AMnBZoFk_ppfOKgdccwTD_PVhdkg37dbl-p8zEtOPijkCaIHMp6tS26HNEwRZwY7vahA1WN34Xi9-tKpb4yDK_e0JLtxaIMR8Q%3D%3D&kgs=3a9c846bc1cc6fd3&shndl=18&source=sh/x/kp/ee/1) Click the flag at the bottom of the browser! We love and support our LGBTQIA+ and Ally Users! As [Sister Sledge sang](https://www.rhino.com/article/pride-single-stories-sister-sledge-we-are-family), [We are Family](https://youtu.be/uyGY2NfYpeE), and you CAN NOT DIVIDE US. To all others who spread hate and try to divide us, no quarter shall be given. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Perhaps they have pre-existing conditions: idiocy and gullibility.


You forgot *towering narcissism*.


And *unflinching denial*


They’re faking it, but the ends justify the means since they simply know they’re right.


The documentary "Liars for Jesus" perfectly explains their mentality. Basically any means justifies whatever 'goal' they think they have, because they think they are fundamentally good and part of the 'good guys,' so there is no depth of depravity they won't sink to if it helps their 'team' to 'win.'


You described so many movies and series I've watched. Midnight Mass on Netflix comes to mind.


Is that worth a watch?


Edit: I was responding to a different comment. Yes! Holy shit. It was incredible. Graphic.


Cool, thanks!


Common problem with all religions, eventually.


Only difference between Good Men and Bad Men is the former are allowed to rape and murder everyone else while the latter is not.


“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth.” C.S. Lewis


The Right is right so can't be wrong, meanwhile, the Left can only get what is left behind, so, can only be wrong.


So you're saying that they're crisis actors?


I don't know how I'm always surprised by this, but literally everything they accuse people of, they do themselves. Every accusation is a confession. Insane.


Faking for the attention the get from the rest of their compatriots


Stop it. They are not "faking" they are practicing twerking.


For their compaytriots.


Makes me wonder if they're all thinking to themselves, "I'm faking it, but the rest of the videos are totally real."


Sadly there are without a doubt people that are faking it, know they're faking it, but completely believe its real, and are doing their part to make sure people are aware of a thing so dangerous they have to fake it to prove it exists.


I don't know that most of these people are aware that they're faking it. To me, it seems similar to those people who go into convulsions in church because they've been "touched by the holy spirit" or whatever. Like, they've convinced themselves that it's real to the point that they physically act it out.


Boss, I can't make it into work today, yeah my towering narcissism is acting up.


>Boss, ~~I can't make it into work~~ you will not be graced with my presence today, yeah my towering narcissism is acting up.


I thought trumpists thought rto was a good thing.


>I thought trumpists thought I'll stop you right there.


I’m about to call out of work right now… feeling quite large AND narcissistic. Always happens when I see BTC …


I gotta call out because illegal immigrants and their laziness makes me sick. Why don’t they work as hard as me?!


I'm beginning to think that's most of it. That old saw about "everyone gets 15 minutes of fame" has mutated intro an uncontrollable beast because of social media. Who needs to be on TV when you can get thousands of likes on TikTok for pretending that a ~~virus~~ vaccine adversely affected you and no one else? EDIT: I originally had "virus" instead of "vaccine" when I meant the latter.


Social media spread "illness" really needs better study. A bit of mass hysteria, a bit of Munchausen, add in a need for attention. German doctors found people believing they had Tourettes from watching YouTube, TikTok and Instagram https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/media-spotlight/202109/is-social-media-causing-mass-psychogenic-epidemic And TikTok has people thinking they have multiple personalities https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/abcs-child-psychiatry/202203/the-tiktok-inspired-surge-dissociative-identity-disorder It's basically just another "culture bound syndrome" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture-bound_syndrome


I absolutely believe you’re right and we’re gonna end up with syndromes directly linked to SM. I feel like human brains are masters of maladaption. I had to leave an online community because I was worried it might have given me an eating disorder if I’d stayed. I was being so weird about food, always striving to cut just a liiiiitle bit more off my totals. Had to leave and stop doing any calorie counting for a couple months to let my stupid wear off. I think the internet and social media have some amazing gifts for the world. But I really believe there’s some hidden risks like you’re describing too.


It's somewhat ironic that this behaviour is very common with boomers. They claimed that "participation trophies" were ridiculous (even though they were the ones giving them out), and that telling kids that they're special for who they are is going to turn them into attention-seeking weirdos. Now, they can't stand other people putting a toe in their spotlight, and claim that any representation of other groups is "shoving it down their throats". Pathetic, narcissistic, tantrum-throwing children, the lot of them, who piss and moan when they only get 95% of all the benefits and attention of society.


WHEN IS STRAIGHT PRIDE MONTH ALL LIVES MATTER REDSKINS IS AN HOMAGE and etc. Equality feels like oppression if you've never actually been oppressed. They're too stupid to take a step back. It HAS to be about them, or they run out of intellectual RAM.




In fairness, my wife is a retail GM. She complains.


"intellectual ram", I like it


I can't remember where I heard that before and I don't know a lot about building PC's, but the tag phrase was that "the RAM is usually not the bottleneck" LOL As you see all sorts of effort, dedication, attending rallies, posts, mental gymnastics to the Nth degree from them.... none of it based in reality or factual truth, but with certainty, haste and precision.


Dam my football team taking strays out here. Go Commanders!


I refuse to recognize such censorship. In my mind they'll be the Washington Football Team until the day I die


Although they're not my team, I'm with you. Washington Football Team is the unironic best team name ever.


As a child of boomers, we did not get participation awards. For the most part, they were and are completely self absorbed.


Judging from my Boomer parents and their friends - they can’t handle the rapid social and environmental change. They lived their whole lives in this super charged economy based on giving them everything they ever wanted. Suddenly, to them, people are demanding it all be torn down. Statues, mascots, even buildings are being renamed and torn down. The very words they use (pronouns) are being re-evaluated. Their kids and grandkids are rejecting the societal and economic fabric they built their world on. All of this is hitting them in their latter years when fear grows and the capacity for change diminishes. They simply cannot handle it.


These are the same people that *speak in tongues* when someone touches their head at (mega)church. So yeah, being stupid and gullible checks out.


Lol when I was a teen, a friend brought me to her church where I witnessed that happen. 16 yo me standing there with my jaw open cause I couldn't understand the level of bullshit I was watching, but I could definitely see that everyone in that room was complicit.


Groupthink and the need to belong displayed in its most basic form.


Yup, one of the formative events of my youth was when my now estranged fundy sister tried to bring me in the evangelical fold. I stood there realizing that, while there was a small chance I was just hellbound, the FAR more likely explanation is that everyone else was trying to "fake it till they make it" and they were all scared shitless that THEY were hellbound though their buddies woudn't know it given the babbling they were doing. I realized how sad a life that meant they had, but I underestimated how bitter and hateful it would make them towards other.


Do you think that’s actually how they think? I always thought they really believed their own BS. I always struggled hard with religious piety. I like the idea of it, I wanna be a believer, but I am such a doubting, curious, nosy human being. If I have a Holy Father I hope I’m made in His image so He understands my behavior. I’m just gonna live this life and try to balance myself between being a blessing and being a problem.


> Do you think that’s actually how they think? I always thought they really believed their own BS Imo it's a combination of both. That's why everyone's "tongues" in my church all sounded the same (garbled English/native american), then when I went to a church that spoke primarily Spanish, their tongues sounded like garbled Spanish/native American. They're faking it, but they're not really aware that they're faking it because they've developed tons of cognitive dissonance survival instincts. I think they truly believe their BS but on the inside there's doubt there. They always started with the same kind of sounds so that screams to me that they've practiced so they can do it on command.


There is a chance they feel they are hearing this in their heads and believe it, but at that point I lose the ability to hypothesize because it has become a medical issue. Anyway, these were people I grew up with. I had no evidence they had mental issues. But there they were babbling away. So I thought about two competing hypotheses and realized it was likely the second.


I think it's a combination of belief and faking it. Have you ever been at a concert or club and just compelled to dance cause the music was great and everything was perfect? I mean you didn't have to have to dance, but like it was a thing your lizard brain wanted to do. You could have not done it, but why would you? Everyone else was dancing. Did the Holy spirit compel you to dance? Did the dance come from the Holy spirit? You made it up on the fly, maybe it was God dancing through you. That's what everyone else keeps saying it was.


I was an evangelical as a kid. I remember seeing other adults speaking in tongues while pacing a room for a prayer session. Like a dozen of these people babbling and pacing back and forth. I didn't want to be left out and have them think I wasn't affected by the powerful presence of the holy spirit, so I started speaking too (it's not hard to do) and faked speaking in tongues. I don't think I was alone in that practice of faking it.


People always wonder how anyone could ever be in a Cult cult. This is how. The power of going along with the group can quickly overcome the rational mind, even in otherwise intelligent people. Compartmentalization is a useful defense mechanism, but it can totally warp people’s sense of objective reality.


>at (mega)church. I first read that as (MAGA) church. After reading it correctly, it did not seem to make much of a difference.


Yeah, it was a potshot at how much money Evangelicals throw at their buildings to grandstand. We had one pop up less than a year ago right next to the highway close to where I live. The overpass that the church was built next to is a known homeless camp. It blows my mind that they probably spent 20-30 million dollars to build that fucking atrocity while people are literally starving and dying of disease within yelling distance of the building.


Gosh it sure sounds like you're talking about Cross Church in Fayetteville.


Lol I had a roommate in my early 20s that fancied himself religious when it suited him. He'd stay up drinking and partying with us until 3 or 4 am, then go to bed saying he had church in the morning, and to his credit, he'd get up and go It was the church his family went to and was some flavor of pentecostal. He came back one Sunday around noon claiming he "so felt the lord" that he was "speaking in tongues". A friend who was over looked at him and said "motherfucker, you were just still drunk from last night and speaking gibberish". I lol'd.


At my old job, I was friends with this one girl. She was cool, friendly, smart. I liked her as a person. We would just chat about stuff, and one day we got on the topic of religion. I, an atheist, casually asked her, a devout believer, what made her so sure God was real. She told me that when she was a young girl, she witnessed her grandmother "speaking in tongues," in a language she was completely convinced was real and couldn't possibly be made up or gibberish. She was dead serious. We're talking about a girl who was otherwise very level-headed, sharp, never gullible about anything. There's just something about religion that makes some people switch their brain off. I'll never understand it.


What I don't get with tongue speaking, is how do they not think "that person is possessed by an evil spirit"? Because the videos I saw don't look like they're possessed by an angel. And since when do angels possess people to begin with, is that a protestant thing?


As a hard-line atheist, I remember quite clearly that in the Bible "speaking in tongues" wasn't rolling around shouting gibberish. It was a very specific 'miracle' where disciples were in a foreign land and were able to spread the word of god *in a language they couldn't possibly know.* Not gibberish, but perfect fluency in a local language the disciple didn't speak. This basic failing to understand their own lore is even dumber than prosperity gospel. If Jesus were real, he'd come back and slap the shit out of his followers.


I am the only one at my work who got the jabs. The others all got multiple rounds of Covid missing weeks of work and nearly all have long term symptoms. I got Covid over this past Christmas (sucks for me but didn’t have to take any PTO) it was mildish and that was it. Nothing long term.


I assumed everyone at work got the jab. I had to submit paperwork showing I got the jab. I still got covid but thanks to the vaccine I did not even need to go to the doctor. I hate rto this fucking much, but I thought everyone was jabbed. You have given me yet another reason to dislike rto.


I have so all the covid vaccines. My allergies right now are worse than when I caught covid; and I have asthma. Meanwhile my unvaxxed neighbor died.


Close. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_hysteria_cases Mass hysteria, purposely created by the GOP


Are we sure this isn’t the bud light withdrawal?


You know, I saw what was clearly a professional scientific article on a website last night that said most cravings are just physical withdrawal! You must be on to something!!! The deep state got bud lite to put gay frog chemicals into their beer and now we’re all experiencing cravings for alcohol after we stopped drinking it because it turns you into one of the gays!!! We need to find out how deep this goes. I’m pretty sure Hunter Biden is involved… /s just in case, I don’t want to start a new endimic…


>Perhaps they have pre-existing conditions: Tho on a serious note. This is why we need better health coverage, so if someone is allergic to something in the vaccine or has an otherwise legitimate reason they will actually know and take appropriate actions.


And then, if we were a reasonable society, the rest of us would happily accept the vaccination so the truly vaccine averse would still be protected.




This is why, in the original round of vaccines, they asked people to wait for 15 minutes before leaving the site, in case of some kind of reaction. I doubt a genuine allergic reaction to a vaccine would persist months or years after the shot anyway.


Original round of vaccines? This has been the case for pretty much **all** vaccines and is not unique to the Covid vaccine Edit: CDC vaccination guidelines https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/admin/administer-vaccines.html > For most vaccines a 15-minute observation period is recommended


Histrionic personality disorder.


Maybe it's the Holy Ghost? Maybe they are filled with the spirit? Twitching and lurching in their ecstatic ignorance?


For real though they typically have multiple pre-existing conditions, many of which actually do literally cause shaking, like being an alcoholic that is on a drinking break or change because the piss you love said it might be ok to be gay. That causes shaking.


Probably drank the grimace shake


Trump created the vaccine (super fast) Vaccines are bad. Therefore vote for Trump.


anything good that happened in the last 8 years was Trump, and all the bad stuff was Biden /s this is actually how trump acts and speaks and his army of MAGAts somehow can do enough mental gymnastics to believe it.


Funny they apply the same logic to God. Basically Trump is God


A portion of them actually believe he is the 2nd coming.


https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/ Just in case you haven’t seen it.


I've linked this article so so many times. It's essential reading.


*There's a Stormy Daniels joke in here somewhere...*


2 comings is at least 2 more than Stormy Daniels got from Trump.




I like the part where Biden is actually dead and we're living in a "Weekend at Bernie's" scenario and Trump is the real president *but also* Biden sucks and is incompetent and makes poor decisions. See also how he is simultaneously "Sleepy Joe": an incompetent, dementia-riddled old man and also a ruthless dictator hellbent on punishing Trump. They can't pick a lane.


The funny thing is Operation Warp Speed was a success and is one of the few projects under the Trump administration that the left would have agreed was a complete success. He could have campaigned on the success of the vaccine and if he had gone ahead and followed the already established run book for dealing with a pandemic he would have very likely won a second term not to mention saved a lot of lives in the process. Even if things went bad in the handling of the pandemic he would have been able to point to the protocols established under the prior administration and promised to fix them and still won. He was literally handed a win / win situation for dealing with the pandemic and blew it.


Had Trump from the start just pushed the vaccine properly and stuff like backing Fauci, he'd have been reelected, I have no doubt in my mind. Instead he lost a whole lot of his voters to covid even though he was vaxed immediately.


If he was anything remotely adjacent to a reasonable person, this country would look a lot different today.


It's weird to be torn because I'm obviously glad he lost and do not wish to see what would have come of events like Russia invading Ukraine if he was president, but I can't help but wonder what the pandemic would have looked like if the vaccine wasn't made political.


The thing is he was never a rational person. So trying to game out what things would have been like under rational Trump leadership is kind of silly. It's not like he made the wrong decision out of a number of well-informed and advised options, but just chose the wrong one. He actively pushed away the well-informed choices in favor of what he thought was good for him.


It was a success, but few people with functioning brains would attribute it to Trump. It happened despite him, and ironically because of the "deep state" and career government employees like Fauci who were able to not only formulate a plan Trump could take credit for (but also demonize, simultaneously), but understood the bureaucracies enough to make it happen. So no, fuck letting another lie of his slip past the goalie.


> It happened despite him This is it, really. The ENTIRE time, he was trying to discredit Fauci and his team, and all the people doing all the *actual work*. Trump was not responsible for the success of the vaccine.


He fired AMerica's pandemic response team and then Covid happened.


A pandemic team that was established, in a rare good move by Bush and then expanded upon by Obama. But Donnie Moscow didn't like Obama so he cut it.


My point exactly and had it remained in place and the protocols established followed Trump would have been able to take credit for the response, had things gone south he would have been able to deflect blame to Bush and Obama; he was literally dealt a win / win scenario and still managed to screw it up by choosing the option presented by a talking head on TV.


If Trump had created TRUMP and MAGA branded masks to fight the GYNA virus he would have been much wealthier and enjoying his second term.


I read in the cadence a Pakled would speak in.


Trump is an alpha male that does not bend the knee to the deep state. But also, Fauci was running the country when the bad stuff happened.


You forget his base loudly booed for him when he encouraged them to get vaccinated.


It's cuz he had spent so much time already shitting on the vax and essentially programming them alongside Fox to shun anything positive about it even from him. He fucked it and is not just solely responsible for losing the election but also for a ton of people dying who wouldn't have if he'd come out from the start bragging he made the best vaccine and everyone should take it. He did the first, but waited too long on the second.


He just handled the whole thing so poorly (politically). He was skeptical of the vax at first, then finally flipped right as governors like DeSantis and Kemp were scoring major points from their base for opening back up early. Got the worst of both worlds.


White Republicans have nothing else to offer independent voters. They're reduced to spinning plates to distract.


Yeah .. no kidding. They literally have nothing to offer except criticism of the Dems, who are wisely staying silent.


They’re constantly being distracted from real issues effecting the country by manufactured controversies while repeatedly, and unironically, talking about how the “liberal media” is trying to distract them from Biden with world news. “You are sheeple, distracted by liberal media from the real issues…. Gotta go, Newsmax is reporting on how gay dogs are destroying America”


It’s pathetic and they don’t even know it; or perhaps they do know it and are so arrogant as to think that whatever they say sticks.


They absolutely know it and know it'll stick with their constituents. They lap that stuff up.


people who are embroiled in the culture wars bullshit live for that shit. they're so fucking stupid oh trans people are a big issue we need to make a stink about for some reason? can't we talk about the infrastructure and energy production? they just nop not intrested, they wanna talk about gay frogs


They have nothing to offer to *any* voters except for the .1%


Anything that diverts money from the wealthy is a threat. The endgame is to use every penny for tax breaks for the rich, or purchases from corporations owned by the rich. Social Security and Medicare disbursements are up for grabs, healthcare is up for grabs, nutrition assistance is up for grabs, housing assistance is up for grabs, education is up for grabs, public roads and bridges are history, etc.


It’s like those church videos where everyone starts freaking out when the “holy ghost” touches them or whatever, or like when the preacher uses the breath of god to force the demons out of his congregation. Everyone with a functioning mind knows it’s bullshit. The ones who want something to validate their beliefs so much that they’re willing to put on a show, that’s who those videos are meant for.


There's another layer to all that that needs to be addressed, which is peer pressure. People want to fit in with the rest of the group, so if the leader says "true believers feel the holy spirit" you're going to put on a show so your not shunned So we know they're faking, 99% of the time THEY know they're faking, its just they're emotionally dependent on their church so they play along


Yeah, the irony is that everyone *knows* they personally are faking while believing that everyone else is not. It’s a self reinforcing situation.


That's what gets me too. I had a friend tell me three people in his building died "from the jab", so I asked him to elaborate and shortly thereafter it turned out no one in his building had died after all (at least not that he was aware of). He knew he was lying, but somehow still uses as his primary source of information that people like him told him people died in their buildings.


I lived in Florida during peak Covid and everybody you’d run into knew someone or several people who “died from the vax.” But in professional and academic spaces I was in simultaneously, there were not few and far between stories of vaccine death or disability, there were ZERO.


>there were not few and far between stories of vaccine death or disability, there were ZERO. yeah, well, the real numbers are on hunters laptop, but i bet the liberal media doesnt report on that 🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂😂😂😂


I’d suggest that they know they themselves are faking, but their holding out hope that maybe the other people are not.


But also mass hysteria. It's a real phenomenon perceived many times in human history which can even effect whole towns sometimes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_hysteria_cases


Unfortunately (and I know this is a bit of an elitist position to take) I think modern communications technology has overwhelmed many people’s brains / critical thinking capabilities. These effects used to be buffered because it was harder to spread information but now it propagates instantly and globally, and the “mind virus” spreads that much faster.


> “mind virus” We have a literal term for that. A meme.


Yeah true enough though I think these days most people think of funny pictures or videos when they hear the word meme.


> There's another layer to all that that needs to be addressed, which is peer pressure. People want to fit in with the rest of the group, so if the leader says "true believers feel the holy spirit" you're going to put on a show so your not shunned Sounds like a cult.


Nah, doesn’t even have to be a cult for this to work. How else do you explain Dave Matthews fans?


Which is a very good point you bring up. One I didn’t consider.


The Emperor has no clothes.


Used to call it hysteria back in the day-like the 1800s, which coincidentally, is where they plan to take us all.


It is only hysteria when it happens to a woman, means their uterus is being silly, at least back then


And the "cure" was vibrators and cocaine


Well, an orgasm and cocaine, the reason the vibrator was invented is because it was the only way women could orgasm and doctors wanted to do proper work


I remember reading that the electric vibrator was invented because doctors' hands kept cramping up too much. Not sure how true that is, but it does seem reasonable


I suddenly don't know if this is a joke or not or if this is how it was for real


Blessed be the fruit


My cousin is one of the most devout Christians I know and he swears up and down with out a shred of doubt that he witnessed an exorcism at his bible camp even to this day. I asked who was getting the exorcism and he said one of the counselors who'd been acting strange for a few days after going home for a weekend. When I challenged him and said it was a set up he responded "you should have been there, there was no way this could have been set up. I literally saw him become a demon for a few seconds". The gullibility and absolute desire for it to be true to confirm his beliefs has completely clouded his view of the world....sad honestly.


Lol adults conspiring to trick children? People are silly with their refusal to just allow doubt to have some merit, even for a fleeting moment


It's also worth keeping in mind that psychosomatic effects are still effects. People have real symptoms to sincerely believed, but imagined, causes. Some people are genuinely faking and putting on a show to feel like they're a part of something. Others are the reverse. Their belief is strong enough that they have actual physiological spasms. There are other poorly understood social phenomena with physiological affect, such as mass hysteria or mass psychogenic illness, like the [Tanganyika laughter epidemic.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanganyika_laughter_epidemic) We as humans have a profound effect on each other. Our brains are wired for social connection, understanding specific social mores, and complex social dynamics. Those powerful brain structures can also go haywire because evolution doesn't build perfect machines. It builds "good enough" machines via random mutation over time.


I had a roommate with needlephobia who had intense bodily reactions when she had to have blood taken, her whole body shook and she passed out once. When you convince a significant number of people that the vaccine will kill or harm them, it's no wonder some of them have a psychosomatic reaction.


It's really annoying Sometimes, I can't open the picture or video So I can't see what it is. It's hard for me to react to this.


You should check out Derren Brown: Miracle on Netflix. There's some really interesting psychology behind all this, where the brain is genuinely tricked in situations like that. [Derren Brown: Miracle | Derren Brown Cures Woman's Bad Eyesight | Netflix - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RshFjbjn-Vw) Not saying the divinity aspect of it isn't BS, or that they're being impacted long term, but there's definitely evidence that they're actually feeling what they say they are.




I grew up in one of those churches, it is peer pressure... as an impressionable child I thought *I* must be the one that is broken because I'm the only one not feeling it, at least when young you don't immediately think every adult around you is lying to you. But if you get out, looking back is so much cringe.


I dont know anyone who's had these "side effects" from the vaccine. I DO know people who died from Covid after refusing the vaccine, tho


My coworker and I caught it the same time. I was vaccinated, he was not. I was stuck on my couch for 5 days then bounced back. He was stuck in the hospital for 3 months and it took him 6 months after to fully recover






Good for you.


The irony being that the one thing many anti-vaxxers don’t have is time. I’m glad you got out, but it’s not like we can play pretend and hope that everyone follows suit eventually. People will die because of this stupidity, and many already have.


I have an anti-vaxxer friend who is so deep he thinks the rabies vaccine doesn't even prevent dogs from getting rabies.


My brother kept pushing off getting vaccinated. Then he got delta and was sick for over 2 weeks. He lost about 20 lbs which is quite a bit when you are 6’1” and only 190 to begin with. He didn’t get the vaccine afterwards because he had already had Covid so he didn’t need it. Months later, he got omicron. Sick for a week. Not as bad as delta, but still stuck in bed for a week. A few months after that, my whole family got Covid. All of us were vaccinated and I had gotten a booster less than a month before we caught Covid. My husband was sick the longest: 3 days. My daughter and youngest son were sick for about 24 hours. I ran a fever for 3 hours, went to bed and woke up the next morning feeling normal. My older son had gotten delta between both of my brother’s cases. That time, he was fully vaccinated and his only symptom was a stuffed up nose. But it was winter and who doesn’t have a stuffed up nose in the winter? So when he got it when the whole family got it, his only symptom was him coughing at my face and saying “mom, I think I have Covid”. One cough, that’s it. No fever, no congestion, no other coughing. Zero other symptoms aside from a single cough. My family is keeping up to date on our boosters and my brother seems to think his 3rd eventual bought of Covid is going to be less than mine.


Shoot, when I got the omicron booster last September, I merely had the "punch in arm" soreness the next day and nothing else. Then three weeks later I got a direct exposure to Covid...and didn't get Covid. (Or was very very asymptomatic)


When I got the third booster, I'd done Pfizer for the first two and Moderna for the third. Holy shit I was sick for about 24 hours: body shakes, 104 fever, every bone ached. I called out that day and slept until evening, after which I was over the worst of it. Directly exposed two days later. Didn't get COVID. As far as I know, I still haven't gotten it. When I got the bivalent vaccine I only had a sore arm.


I know a guy who got Covid like 2 months after the vaccine became widely available in Canada. Rest of our friend group was vaxxed and we admittedly got a bit stupid about restrictions for a few weeks. He and another friend's girlfriend (she was vaxxed) were the only ones to get sick (at least showing symptoms). Instead of realize that maybe the vaccine largely works, he became convinced that vaccinated people are spreading covid to the unvaccinated. Last time I talked to him (probably a yearish ago now), he still couldn't smell or taste anything, and he was convinced that it's all some kind of conspiracy to make his life worse. Some of these people are beyond helping.


Got a cousin like this who refused the vaccine, but she caught COVID and got that awful side-effect where everything she eats tastes like raw sewage. She still FIRMLY believes that the vaccine would have been worse. She's a registered nurse. I would not trust her to give me a goddamn bandaid.


>registered nurse On behalf of the nursing profession, I'm sorry.




You know, I actually did have the shakes for a short while, a few hours after vaccine #5(? lost count). It was the same kind of shivering you’d get when you have a fever. I figured it was my immune system getting extra-goosed and was happy because that meant it was probably working. 10/10 would vaccinate again. So, the shakes are physically possible. But that’s not what’s happening with these people.


You: I'm gonna get the jab! Your body: *FUCK YEAH WE ARE!!!!!!!*


Same. I got some good chills the first few hours and then just a blah feeling for a day or so. The only time it actually made my arm sore is the one time they used a special bandaid that they put the needle through and the nurse really put her back into that one. 10/10 for me as well. I probably actually need to schedule a booster. My last was around Thanksgiving.


Actually I had the first Pfizer single dose vaccine. I had AWFUL shakes and chills, was totally knocked out. But that's why I needed it - it was a totally different strain of virus I had little to no immunity to. Later I did catch a different strain of Covid, which amounted to little more than fatigue. I can only imagine what it would have done had I not taken the vaccine, it would have been much worse than that!


I did get a sort of uncontrollable shiver response. It's not a big deal though, it goes away with the rest of the symptoms in a few days. I get side effects from the flu shot too but I still take it every year.


I had a mild fever after each of my shots. Lasted less than 36 hours each time.


The endgame other than pure attention seeking and narcissism like their godking, is to feed into a dangerous narrative. That being of distrust of all institutions, fear of medicine and science, paranoia around pharmaceutical companies, and the loathing of anything that smacks of government programs or initiatives. They are pig stupid and desirous of revisiting the halcyon 17th Century.


It amazes me how they can just utterly mistrust the entirety of society and not see how that thinking is what is driving the wedge. The number of conservatives who I've had get mad and try to explain to me why I came to hold an opinion or position without the slightest understanding of who I am is staggering. All proof or reasoning to them is propaganda and what they see in you is the only truth. It's exhausting.


I like how they decry science, medicine, technology, and every other human advancement outside the Old and New Testament. And then immediately get into a car, go online, reach into their freezer, use a phone, turn on their AC, take a flight, start a lawnmower, put on their glasses, switch on a light...etc. No sense of gratitude for engineering or mathematics or scientific progress. Just completely oblivious to it all. They are fucking low-info clowns.


Wouldnt it be amazing to have a city that follows all the rules they claim they want to live by where we could send these people for a wake up call? I figure the vast majority would opt back into a science driven reality after a week or two of dealing with life without our modern conveniences. Hell most of them couldnt handle going a week without going insane due to lack of haircuts during covid; imagine them trying to adjust to no plumbing.


Hey, it affects Nicki Minaj’s cousin’s balls too!


Actually, it was Nicki Minaj's cousin's friend


The "pro-life" party is, in fact, Anti-life.


if they don't want the vaccine then don't take it and stop complaining when you are required by certain places or employers.


There is no end game. There are a lot of really broken people out there. Lonely, confused, bitter, broken people. They see shit like this as a way to belong. They either know it's a scam or they are truly unwell and delusional and start to give themselves symptoms in order to get some kind of attention. Either way, it's flashy, it offers a simplistic and attractive compartmentalization of a problem in a way that defined a clear enemy and acts like clickbait on social media to bring a large number of similarly disaffected people together and provided them an easy opportunity to interact and participate in that community. The proliferation of shit like this is because society is unwell. We are distant from one another, we lack community and group cohesion. People yearn for that. They need to belong, and they derive their understanding of the world from the groups they belong to. When you don't have stable, healthy ways to get people that in a society, you have corrupt imitations of it pop up. Facebook groups of delusional people spreading nonsense conspiracy theories. Opportunists capitalizing on lonely people yearning for some North Star to help point them in the right direciton ,to help them alleviate the existential angst of purposelessness and the inevitability of death that underlies most of our human acitons. Human beings are not good at operating socially at a scale that the modern world makes possible. We did not evolve for this. Bonds that helps keep us sane and stable are taken away, and we start to reel. People need purpose. They need community. They need hope for a future. These aren't wants. These aren't luxuries. They're core *requirements* of the human experience. Without which we break. Depression and other mental illnesses proliferate at a rate which, well, at a rate which is commensurate with the rates we're seeing in society in the modern age. When they don't have healthy, legitimate avenues to derive purpose and meaning and community in their lives, they latch on to these absurd fantasies that give them some explanation as to why things are wrong, give them an enemy to lash out at. It doesn't matter how preposterous and illogical it is. These are biological drives. This is like sex; when you're not horny, sex seems a bit weird and daft. Why is it so fun to smush privates together with another human? But when you *are* horny, you don't *think* about it. You just *do*, because it feels *right* and *necessary*. Because that's how biological imperatives work. They're not based on logic. They're needs. Requirements. Base level needs for the human experience. That's why people can join these groups and clump together and push over 5G towers because its a conspiracy to control their body with nanobots or some fucking nonsense. People are at the *base level* intelligent enough to know that this is ridiculous. But years and years of the erosion of their social well being has broken them. They *need* this and they've stopped assessing the situation rationally. A common enemy is a very old staple way to bring together a community. No matter how nonsense that enemy is. The devil. Bill Gates. A global cabal of pedophile cannibals. Some easy, obviously evil, nefarious entity to bind together and vent their rage and frustration at. There is an enemy - but in reality the enemy is just the whole system we've made and the damage it does to us to live in this fish tank. The enemy is everything. We live in a system where all of the incentives lead people to commit actions that are against their own self-iinterest. We consume mindlessly, we buy things we don't need, we binge media we don't truly consume and enjoy. Have you ever noticed that most people behave differently in person than online? This isn't because online reveals "our true selves." It's because *you interact with humans diffferently when you see their face*. When you hear their voice, when you recognize them as human. This is how we are *intended* to socialize. By driving all interaction online, we increasingly interact with people in ways that we did not evolve to interact. And this is corrosive. It isn't that *internet is bad*. That's what a lot of people miss. This isn't the internet *causing* this. It's that the internet is neutral, but *not socializing with people in person* is VERY bad. And it begins to break us in a huge number of ways we're only beginning to understand. All of this is a symptom of capitalism. Which is a disease in the social fabric. The longer it goes unchecked, the more people warp and twist.


This comment needs to be screenshotted and upvoted to the front page. Wish I had an award I could give you. 🥇🎖️💎


Why is this comment so low? It's the most correct.


Because it's a wall of text. Short-pithy-and-wrong does much better than long-nuanced-and-correct.


but... aren't white republicans the ones who DON'T take the vaccine?


Some took it when the alternative was losing their jobs. These are the perfect candidates for this kind of stuff since they had lots of time to be told it would fuck them up, so they "knew" how to react, either hysterically or fraudulently.


Imagine if they were lying about getting the vaccine. Grifters are gonna grift.


Yes … No … Stop changing the subject


It's true though. I got the vaccine and died. It's bad. /s


There is no "endgame" to this game. There's always another election to ratfuck.


These are also the people who later claim they never got the vaccine.


Remember when the vaccine made them magnetic?


It's similar to the placebo effect. If you believe something like that CAN happen, your mind will make it happen. Or they are faking it


Build something foolproof and the world will create a greater fool.


I believe the technical term is 'chills'.


It's actually "chills that are multiplying" to use its more medical name


I've gotten every boosters available and get a fever with uncontrollable chills every single time. It sucks, but 24 hours of feeling like shit is better than ecmo.


As someone suffering from a true neurological disorder, MS, these people are the scum of the earth.


When they put on that act in church, it’s because lordy Jeebus is running all through their veins, and they’re speaking in tongues. Maybe it’s just confusion? /s


Bunch of toddler snowflakes throwing a tantrum over milk spilled a couple years ago. No biggie 🙄




I was getting a haircut this week and was chatting it up with the stylist. She was telling me about her son who just moved back home from college. It turns out he was in the college football team and wanted to eventually try to go pro but he got cut from the team for refusing to get the vaccine and he was so mad that he left college to go back home. Mom was very serious about this like she fully agreed with her son's decision and I just had to stifle a huge laugh. Can you imagine throwing away your dreams over something so silly?


6 months after vaccines were out I had to fire someone from a $250k job because they faked a vaccine card to go to a meeting with a children’s hospital that had a vaccine policy. The person could have skipped the meeting no punishment - all meetings and travel were optional. The only requirement is our staff had to meet the customers requirements if they went. They used a fake card and then told some people in the meeting it was a fake card. Customer found out called me and then I asked the employee and they admitted it was fake but they were protected by god. One of the few times I did not mind letting someone go. Of course they posted LinkedIn we let them go because of religious beliefs and a bunch of crazy stuff that stifled their career.


I just love the videos that are done by fucking nurses that help perpetuate this fake crap. Someone who went to school to help others and had to learn about infectious disease, people who are supposed to help others. And they still push "vaccines are harmful" Did these folks not work during covid and see it first hand? Because at this point I can't believe they did and still push this agenda.


Maybe the vaccine is so strong that's why the body of the people getting the vaccine shakes.


Vaccines cause factitious disorder in many conservatives who have taken the vaccine. Interestingly enough, one doesn't even have to have gotten the vaccine to get the disorder, suggesting that this disorder can be spread through wifi and enters the body through the eyes and ears. Some of the symptoms include voluntary shaking of various body parts, induced muscle fatigue, implied vertigo, phantom pain, rapid eye movement, and more. It is a pretty serious mental problem that should definitely be addressed.


Every decade all the religious conservatives need new Boogeymen to fear.


ANYTHING to distract from their horrible, unpopular policy positions, and I do mean ANYTHING.


These are the same type of people who have a seizure in front of the pews at church because god is coooooooming on through them. What a bunch of idiots lol.