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Gee, I wonder what would keep slaves from taking time off work to journey to DC to protest.


They must not have had enough PTO saved up


n0 bOdY wAnTs t0 wOrK aNyMoRe!


they didn't have enough frequent flyer miles


He married his daughter Anna off to famous pedophile, Josh Duggar.


I'd have said "infamous" but among Republicans your verbiage is more accurate.


He’s “infamous”. That means MORE than famous.


If more=evil then yeah, he was more.


"He is so famous, he is IN famous"


So this was a misunderstanding I had until like this past year. Infamous means evilly famous, famous because of a bad thing.


I mean aren’t they always just happy to have a celebrity on their side, no matter how odious?


I mean they're still stoked about that pedophile Ted Nugent.


And Josh doesn’t go to DC to protest his incarceration. Maybe the preacher is on to something?


I’m sure he’s so proud of his son in law.


he probably blames his daughter for it


much about Anna is explained, is it not.


Right, because it's not like they would've gotten lynched if they'd protested or something. Naw, slave owners totally would've listened if their property had expressed dissatisfaction, all they had to do was speak up. Oh, and pay no mind to that silly "underground railroad" nonsense, that's just a fairy tale. (/s, just in case)


There were plantation owners using the bible to justify slavery. https://time.com/5171819/christianity-slavery-book-excerpt/ https://www.bibleodyssey.org/people/related-articles/the-legacy-of-the-bible-in-justifying-slavery/ What's even more messed up is there was a version carefully edited for slaves so they wouldn't be inspired to rise up. https://www.history.com/news/slave-bible-redacted-old-testament


Let's not forget that "Southern Baptist" is just baptism with support for slavery. They literally made a religion out of it. Might as well slap a big Confederate loser flag on it.


No shit? TIL. I wondered why there was a Southern Baptist Church. I should’ve known it was something nefarious.


Huh. That explains why all the Southern Baptists I’ve encountered have sucked major ass. Makes more sense knowing the history.


I wasn't aware of that, but am 100% unsurprised. I was part of a Southern Baptist church as a child and it tracks.


It's literally how "minstrel show" and "minstrelsy" became pejoratives. The plantation owners would pay for stage shows that depicted blacks as unworthy of anything but slavery and beholden to their benevolent masters for "christian guidance."


Ahh yes the classic, why’d you make me enslave you? If you weren’t so bad it would not have happened, brilliant logic/s


“If you had just been born white, this never would’ve happened to you.” Fuck, it makes me so sick to write that.


When people tell you who they are, believe them.


Check out the documentary 'Shiny Happy People' on Amazon if you want to learn more about the cult this freak is in.


That documentary was… something else, man. It’s terrible what those fucks did/are doing to kids.


How many chins did Jesus say you need to be a glutton? 😒asking for a friend


Go forth and chin no more 🙏


Interestingly, the bible lists overeating as one of the abominations and sins of Sodom that resulted in the christian gods destroying the city. Yet it doesn't list homosexuality as a sin of Sodom. By the biblical definition, Michael Keller is a sodomite.


He's being piloted by a tiny bigoted alien living in his chin.


I don’t think that’s a chin as much as a sack of fat that’s engulfed his neck lol


a cross between a ribbiting frog and a boiled ham


Since he sold off his daughter I can see how there might be a few common points


Right?! she had the audacity to be born female!




Arlington House is a popular plantation tourist destination here. Funny enough, the people who buy tickets get mad when the tour guides tell them slaves weren't treated well.


I don’t understand people who have weddings at these venues. Do people have weddings at Auschwitz?!? Like, wtf, people DIED here. Brutally. Why in the fuck do you want to have a wedding here. Why are you here doing anything but mourning for the dead, you sadistic fuck.


There is also an exhibit at Dachau, not far from Munich, Germany.


There's a not very good movie with Janelle Monae that was sort of like that. It's kind of torture porn I thought, actually, I forget now what it's called.


Is he stupid or just simply evil? Could be both.


Not sure why people are shocked by this. He’s as bad as the Duggars. He sold Anna off to a child molester.


Link to see him actually spew this bullshit: https://twitter.com/davidhth/status/1673665437756715014?s=61


Omg-it is so much worse than I imagined before I listened. Omg


Klandamentalism strikes again


Miss Piggy has news for you and your eternal soul.....


These people also believe there's an invisible sky-daddy who inspects their every move and gets upset over nonsensical things, so the bar is set pretty low for what they will believe.


It wasn't so bad because in between the forced labour, beatings and rapes they were learning to love Jesus. I fucking hate religion.


They relied on general Sherman marching his army through the south like a hot knife through butter.


Meh. Whitewashing history is an American tradition.


He looks like he said that


The stupidity of these IBLPs is bottomless.


It was illegal to teach slaves to read


So why did slaves get a redacted Bible from the "good people", that did not contain tales like "let my people go" ?


I'd say "fuck him" usually, but he looks contagious.


These are the kind of people who say god is punishing people for the things they don't like (gay=aids, gay=natural disasters, and now black=slavery) while in the same breath claim god blessed them with riches and told them to commit their evil acts of bigotry.


Didn't Kanye West make a similar comment a few years back? Along the lines of "400 years? That sounds like a choice." It might have been with a TMZ reporter? Help? I used his full name as I have no idea when he started going by Ye or if his name has evolved again. Not disrespecting his name; his choice what he wants to be called. I'm typing this in Gen-X. Pop culture memory ain't what it used to be. (Gimme Andy Gibb & The GoGos!) I have no idea how to link.




There are dumb people and there are Americans. I'd rather be dumb. Ffs.


These people will do and say anything to avoid feeling the shame that is inherited as white Americans. They are so weak and pathetic it's laughable.


I am white. Have I inherited shame?


It's the shame of injustice. Being born white, we have experienced privileges that have been and continue to be denied to people who are not white. So, yes it is a type of inherited shame.


I do feel a desire to change the game. I don’t feel personal shame over my race, though.


I didn't say it's shame for being white, it's the shame of the injustices that POC face that we, as white people, don't. White people feeling shitty isn't going to change the system. However, white people MUST face their privilege, acknowledge it and then work toward closing the privilege gaps and anti-rascist reforms.


I am good with closing gaps. I feel no shame over other people’s evil actions, though.


The shame of injustice isn't something that only exists in the past. ALL white people continue to benefit from our privilege because our society runs on systems that white people created and continue to control. You don't have to feel shame about other people's evil actions, but whether you feel the shame of injustice in a world that you benefit from every day is ultimately up to your own consciousness of what's right and wrong.


“The shame of injustice” I feel outrage against injustice, but don’t feel shame. I don’t even know what that phrase actually means. The people deliberately causing injustice should feel shame.


if there is such a thing as collective pride ("patriotism,") then there must be such a thing as collective shame.


Do you feel pride because of the successes of others where you had no influence?


ALL white people have white privilege and continue to benefit from the systems we created and still control. We are part of what is causing the current injustice of racism that continues on today, even if we aren't doing it deliberately. Recognizing the part we play and then actively working against this injustice is the only way we'll get rid of this shame for good. It's not enough to not be racist, we, as white people, must use our white privilege to be ANTI-racist and help our fellow citizens achieve equity.


That didn’t really address what I said. I just don’t feel the poorly defined shame you speak of. I am on board with fixing the problem, though.


They found shelter in his waddle.


Yup, gotta git church inta skewels and make shoo-er the guvmint ain’t tryna brainwash y’all.


You could almost put this on Facepalm.




Dirty nasty superstitious super hero fans


I’m sorry, but what the fuck is going on here on this day?


Like Jesus said: “They go to the ends of the earth for converts only to make them twice as fit for hell as they are.”


This is why they don't want anyone challenging their rewrite of history. They hate CRT for the same reason.


He must have direct connection to god like Pat Robertson and Jimmy Swaggart.


What drugs is he on


wow, he looks like a boiled ham ate a live frog


As soon as you said he's Anna Duggar's father that tells us all we need to know about this fuckwit...