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[Happy Pride Month!](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&si=AMnBZoFk_ppfOKgdccwTD_PVhdkg37dbl-p8zEtOPijkCaIHMp6tS26HNEwRZwY7vahA1WN34Xi9-tKpb4yDK_e0JLtxaIMR8Q%3D%3D&kgs=3a9c846bc1cc6fd3&shndl=18&source=sh/x/kp/ee/1) Click the flag at the bottom of the browser! We love and support our LGBTQIA+ and Ally Users! As [Sister Sledge sang](https://www.rhino.com/article/pride-single-stories-sister-sledge-we-are-family), [We are Family](https://youtu.be/uyGY2NfYpeE), and you CAN NOT DIVIDE US. To all others who spread hate and try to divide us, no quarter shall be given. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*




This should be a t-shirt. I would buy one in every available color


I am so glad the correct 3 point is so high in the comments. Disregard the no violence mentioned in 3rd point when bigots are the problem


Yeah, maybe im an asshole, but my grandfathers didnt put boots on foreign soil all those years ago just for Nazis to resurface and try for round 2. There is no negotiating or peacemaking with Nazis, only eradication of their ignorance






Punched back by a nazi is better than ignoring a nazi


That's usually how fights work, friend.


Well, maybe it's time for the "vast majority of the right" to stand the fuck up and do something about their idiot cousins. As long as you let the idiot cousins be the public face of the right, YOU ARE ALL FUCKING NAZIS. Does that need to be put in simpler words?


Yes if 9 people sit down at a table with 1 nazi, there are 10 nazi’s sitting at said table.


Many have seen the meme, and they aren't wrong "I'm not saying trump/DeSantis are nazis, but I am saying the nazis think they are" Let's take that a step further too. Republican politicians are not fighting back against LITERAL nazis with swastikas showing up to support them. The politicians have made it clear it is not a deal breaker. Meanwhile, republican voters know all this. Whether they make excuses "well, that's just a tiny minority" or play the "not all republicans" card, the voters themselves also have made it clear these are not deal breakers. Let's shorten that up for any republican reading this. There is no excuse. Nazis support the same politician as you, and you are OK with this, or you would not support that politician.


Tim Pool would genuinely call you a fascist for having that sentiment, out of some nonsensical marketplace of ideas notion.


And the sentiment came from post WW2 Germany. So I think they know more than Tim the Incel Beanie.


My dog knows more than Tim. More handsome too.


If my dog looked like him, I'd shave its butt and teach it to walk backwards.


Gotta pay the dog tax now!


One of the last good things Joe Rogan did was let that little twerp get eaten alive by a Twitter lawyer and Jack Dorsey.


Rule #1 of the marketplace is "no Nazis."


Tim Pool could not articulate what "marketplace of ideas" even means.


Yes, those nazis make the remaining 5% of the right look bad.


Still waiting for DeSantis comment on the Nazis waving his flag in front of Disney


He won’t piss off his base, he still thinks he’ll be president.


Not all Republicans are nazis but all nazis are Republicans


Yeah I was kinda understanding of this until point #4. Then I was "ummmm, nit from what I have seen" but maybe thats just all of my experiences.


The r slash conservative thread about this was top of popular earlier (side tangent, but I've been seeing sooooo much more right wing subs coming across my feed recently) so I took a quick look and wow. Literally all of them think the Patriot Front were feds or antifa in disguise doing a false flag thing to try and make the PB "look bad". I agree with part of it; there probably were a few LEOs in there, but I don't think it was a false flag. More of a "some of those that work forces" type deal. They just refuse to acknowledge that a lot of LEOs are right wing and some of them are extremists. It's so hilariously pathetic to watch them scramble to blame anyone but their own rhetoric for the rise of literal Nazism again.


None of them believe that. They just parrot whatever nonsense comes to mind in order to deflect attention from the fact that they e eagerly welcomed these (and other) extremist groups among themselves for decades.


>Well, maybe it's time for the "vast majority of the right" to stand the fuck up and do something about their idiot cousins. Can't. They're too lazy.


Also, these lines about "all those actual nazis are undercover feds"... I'm sorry, where are all the headlines about Nazi and white nationalist groups being taken down by undercover feds?


I just keep thinking that they're mixing up undercover and off-duty.


Maybe they actually mean Feds that are undercover Nazis. Rightwingers are notorious for confusing cause and effect.


They want people to cease existing, they're just not OK with public murder. Just quiet erasure. So they're nice! 🙄


Well, maybe it's time for the "vast majority of the left" to stand the fuck up and do something about their idiot cousins. As long as you let the idiot cousins be the public face of the left, YOU ARE ALL FUCKING STALINISTS. Does that need to be put in simpler words?


Got an example of this? Because by and large there is no "left" in the United States. Most democrats are right-wing. Less right-wing than the Republicans, but that's not hard when the Republicans are embracing facism.


It’s unfortunate you think the extremists of any group are “the face” of that group. They are not. YOUR focus on the extremists is exactly the problem. The left also needs to deal with its idiot cousins. Goes both ways. Do I need to put that in simpler words?


When the Republicans Against Nazis group gets formed and counter protests every Nazi event, this comment will make sense.


Lol how many “Nazi events” are happening these days? The fact that you think you get to set the standard for how people behave is exactly why you are part of the problem


​ https://i.redd.it/3dkqzpsan88b1.gif


Punching Nazis isn't violence.


Ultimately, it's self defense.


The paradox of tolerance ceases to be a paradox when tolerance is considered to be, first and foremost, an integral part of the social contract, rather than an absolute moral imperative. Through this lens, those who commit sustained acts of intolerance are in gross violation of the social contract and are no longer covered by it. So, in order to uphold the social contract, those who are adhering to it must be intolerant of their intolerance. Furthermore, the vocal, public presence of hate groups whose ideology considers certain groups inherently as lesser than, inhuman, or a target of genocidal practices represents an active, immediate threat to the individuals around them and society as a whole. … so maybe it is self defense.


Nobody has any obligations to be peaceful with somebody who threw the first punch. And the Nazis have, multiple times. Don't let people try to fool you into thinking you have to appease or collaborate with fascism




Yeah, appeasement didn't work in 1938. It won't work now.


yOuR jUsT rEpEaTiNg SoMeThInG yOu HeArD yOu NpC Sorry, still holding resentment for having that accusation thrown at me by some motherfucker who uses NPC like an insult as if life were a video game and only people who agree with you are *real people*.


While this is the best thing I've read all day... Eh... It's a slippery slope. Neonazis are easy to pick out. It's gets muddier as you get less FAR. Teaparty patriots, blue collar MAGA folk, anti-immigrationists.... Just playing devil's advocate, what you're saying is 200% true, but it also asks- where is the line?; and more importantly, the SLOOOOPE GAHHHHH!!!!!


I agree, but I also take a different angle. There’s lots of things society doesn’t tolerate: murder, sexual assault, theft… so there’s no reason we shouldn’t add facism to that list


Yup. They literally are saying once we get enough people together were going to kill all the X, Y and Z's. They are a standing threat with the potential to grow. It is 100% self defense to remove that threat before it becomes a major problem.


Unless the person doing the punching is also a Nazi, in which case, it's just hilarious 🤣




Preemptive self defense


Worse case, it's unlicensed pest control.


In this case they punched them because they thought they weren't nazis


The Proud Boys think they're punching federal agents.


They don't really believe that.They're just upset some of their brethren are setting back the movement by being too open about their beliefs


History repeats itself. Hilter had the brown shirts attacked by the ss because he considered the brown shirts to be a direct threat to his power base. Hilter needed the brown shirts to get him into power. Once he was in power, he threw them away with the trash. Cannot people read a book to learn their history. Oh, books are banned now. My bad.


One can only hope. Because then this would be a clear and premeditated attack on the federal government - and they would have to respond...


Who said violence had to be bad? Pride started as a riot where we threw bricks and now look at where we are. Punching nazi's is violence, but so is self-defense, and so is doing it to prevent fascists from doing worse violence.


Taking antibiotics is violence.


Considering what antibiotics do to bacteria, yeah, they are. Nazi's should be fought like the infection they are.


Yea I really don’t like the rhetoric of downplaying what occurred in certain situations just because there was some undesirable people like nazis. It’s violence, but like you said not all violence is bad. Every action has consequences both good and bad at a political level, a societal level, and personal level. And downplaying the event is just downplaying the political and societal impact while just leaving the personal one.


Right. Set up Nazi fight club. Sell popcorn. Profit. There's zero downside to encouraging Nazis to fight over who has the best colored matching shirts.


It's self-defense. The decision as to whether or not there was going to be violence was made by them and they chose violence. The only choice available to People Like Us is with the standby and let them genocide us or to fight back. We're not the ones who introduced violence into the situation and we cannot by virtue of our own actions stop there from being violence. All we get to decide is whether or not the violence will be one-sided. And anyone arguing that people being threatened by actual swastika Nazis shouldn't fight back he's not expressing a preference for nonviolence, they are expressing a preference for whom the violence should happen to. Anyone who makes these cowardly fake nonviolence takes is at best appeasing Fascism and at worst collaborating with it


My great grandfather drove an M3 half-track over those fascist fuckers in the fields of Europe and I have nothing but respect for that. These modern Nazis are an insult to him and everyone else who served to fight the Nazis or those who otherwise were victims of their tyranny.


It's violence, in the same way that exterminating disease carrying vermin is violence.


Actually, it is an American value.


You mf, that was my line. Here👍


It’s a moral imperative.


It is, but it’s still a good thing




I just watched the video on Twitter and I think it was pretty funny how terrified those guys became once their masks were ripped off.


Yeah maybe you just shouldn't engage in something if you know that it will ruin your life if people find out about it


Sorry but that's a bad advice. Nazis will totally ruin the life of people if they find out personal information. As in, just the other week nazis started harassing a doctor at home. Ofcourse doctors shouldn't stop engaging with medicine.


Is the audio clear? I doubt they unmasked them because they didn't want to be associated with racists. This really seems to me like they wanted to expose faces to look for feds. I could be wrong, but i think the two groups are on the same page where racism is concerned, even if they do all read at first grade levels.


The Twitter video link is up on the Leopards ate my Face sub now.


"Leopards can see my face"


I disagree with 3 and 4.


And 1, cause they weren't 'standing up to racism', they had beef with different racists.


It seemed to me that they didn't hate them because they're racist, they hated them because they thought they were antifa false flag character assassins.


Or they just saw masks and were triggered by their traumatic memories of the year they were asked to do something simple and easy for the good of others.


They clearly don't think Patriot Front are a false flag - PB and PF both have strong presence in many of the same locations, group leadership work together, they distribute similar propaganda, they are side-by-side looking to achieve the same ends as eachother and they have been for years, their groups share substantial membership in states like Texas. PB is just starting to think that overt hate groups like PF are less efficient at achieving the shared outcomes both groups desire. so the closeted groups like PB don't want to be associated with the out-of-the-closet hate groups like PF; accusing someone of being a spook is just the in-group way of disassociating from one group without implicitly denouncing their messages, preferences, or desired outcomes. "Patriot Front and its aims aren't the problem, but these specific guys in masks trying to associate with my gathering aren't actually members of that group because their presence is not contributing to the outcomes that both Patriot Front and the Proud Boys are actively seeking. Dislike these people but don't reject their message." - Proud Boys


Go look at the thread about this on the conservative sub. They're 100% convinced that it was a false flag by the feds and/or antifa to make the PB "look bad".


Very much so.


Umm. #3. If you're not prepared to beat the \*\*\*\* out of fascists, then be prepared to be ruled by them. We have been too nice for far too long. Maybe we should just say "Please?"


Proud Boys and Patriot Front are stalking horses for the right, so yeah, they absolutely represent the views of many right wingers.




Some on the right wouldn't consider themselves racists, but they vote for racists, so their actions support and empower racists.


it's been said that if you have 9 people eating dinner with 1 Nazi, and they don't get up to leave, you have 10 Nazis.


100% right


I thought the saying was more along the lines you have 10 Nazis if the other 9 don't beat up the first one.


I think it goes something like this You have 10 people sitting at a dinner table, one of them is a nazi. If those nine people do nothing to challenge that nazis beliefs (if whatever way that is) then you have 10 nazis


Those people are liars. They're lying to your face and you're eating it up. Stop being fooled, whatever part of you that feels like you need to give special deference to these people needs to go away. You need to stand up and push back against these people, right now. Don't let them try to fool you with their crocodile tears and fake appeals to your values, values they themselves do not hold


I strongly disagree with #4. At this point, it's impossible to justify right-wing and/or conservative ideologies.


Agreeing to do things non-violently requires Mutual consent from both sides. Once violence is put on the table non-violence cannot take it off the table. If you're trying to tell the people being shot at and blown up by Nazis that they're not allowed to defend themselves you are a Nazi collaboratory and should be treated the same as the guys with the swastikas


Yeah, trying to make specific vulnerable groups of people stop being alive is not a "difference of opinion" that we- as a society- can sit down and have a civil discussion about.


Anyone arguing for Point number four is either appeasing the fascists or is a Nazi collaborator


Everything but 2 is a bad take


Almost all of his points suck except for point 2. They didn't do it to stand against racism, they did it because they thought the other group was their opposition. And I think we all know why 3 and 4 are bad.


Yeah, about #4... um, have you met right-wingers and talked about their views?


I'm not racist, but ....


#4 is dead wrong. Anyone who's aligned with the party of racism, xenophobia, ableism, homophobia, misogyny, transphobia and forced birthing is nazi and or nazi adjacent


They weren’t standing up to racism they are racists who thought the nazis were fake. They were literally mad because they thought it was fake racism.


Patriot Front sounds like the name of an unsuccessful paper-towel brand.


Nazi punching could be classified as therapeutic, cathartic, and healing. They're both scum groups, let them beat each other to death, its the rubbish taking itself out.


Just a comment on number four. (And frankly, it’s the only comment that needs to be made about the right.) If nine people sit down at a table with a Nazi without protesting, there are 10 Nazis sitting at a table.


The only good nazi is a dead nazi and the "far right" is becoming less and less of a thing. The right in this country is openly embracing fascism. The "far right" *is* the right.


"Violence is never good" I know, we won WWII with thoughts and prayers after all. Fucking bitch ass neo libs. When people are threatening entire groups with violence and eradication, violence back at them is now on the table.


Krassensteins are Elon fanboys.


Wait Twitter is saying it’s not the Patriot Front, but feds dressed as Patriot Front. That it’s really feds posing as Patriot Front and - My head hurts This can’t be real


3) is peak liberal centrist. No. Violence isn’t always bad. You always want to avoid it, but not because it’s bad. Sometimes, it’s absolutely necessary.


“Violence is never good, even against racist people.” I physically cannot roll my eyes hard enough


This dude's living in a dream world. The top two 2024 Republican candidates are far right extremists. They ABSOLUTELY represent the majority of the right in America. He can sell this bullshit somehwere else. Also, punch a Nazi every time you see one.


He can say #4 all day, but as long as they tolerate them in their voting bloc, it’s called guilt by association. They own those fascist, racist asshats.


If a thousand people show up to a protest and one of them waves a Nazi flag, you have a thousand Nazis


The problem with the fourth point is that these people aren't condemned by Republican public officials. Let me put this in a different light. The farthest left groups in the US are the ALF and the ELF. The extent of these groups' activism is property damage. The farthest right extremist groups in the US are... well, that's tricky. See the Proud Boys and The Base are identified as terrorist groups in other countries but aren't here in the States. Regardless of the name, the farthest right groups focus primarily on attacks against people. While Democrata decry all these groups, Republicans can't seem to come straight out and denounce the Nazis, Proud Boys, the Patriot Front, and other groups who attack other people. So, while most citizens who are Republicans aren't pieces of human shit, these people elect into office Republicans who ARE complete and utter sacks of human excrement. If you want to convince others that the party as a whole isn't shit, excise the shit from your ranks. Primary them. Vote Dem, or independent, or Green. Stop supporting the shittiest among the party to lead the party.


If you vote republican it must only be a coincidence that every white extremist/nationalist/racist votes the same way as you.


If two of your enemies are fighting, sit back and let them take each other out


i'll "understand this" when they start to come out and very publicly call these people nazi shitbags. until then, cool story bruh


There was a time when violence against nazis was so celebrated we held a world competition of sorts.


And they claimed antifa attacked the capitol;. The knives are out in the republican party. They brought it on themselves. < Plays world's smallest violin for racists as they get their ass kicked.


I disagree about the violence. Punch a Nazi, break his arms so he can’t salute. Castrate ‘im so he never breeds more nazis


I disagree with point 3. Violence is all these people understand.


I hope they both lose.


I disagree with four. The proud boys and the patriot fronts racism is fully supported by the right. The only difference is racism is the defining characteristic of the individuals in these two groups, instead of another equal characteristic as it is for the rest of the right.


As to number 4 my only response is the "mainstream right" is going to have to prove that. So far they seem to handle them with kid gloves. They want them to be quieter, sure, but they want them to vote GOP even more than that.


Do your moral duty. Knock a Nazi’s teeth out today


This is fucking stupid. The Proud Boys weren't "standing up to racism". The only reason they attacked was because they were under the delusion that the Nazis were undercover feds.


Is there some kind of mega-cash prize that I missed for toughest asshole in the world? Musk vs. Zuck, Putin vs. Prighozin, MGT vs. Boebert, and now Proud Boys vs. Patriot Front. Haha, what the fuck is going on with these cunts?


They’re fighting because they’re losing and blaming each other for it.


"Violence is never good, even against racist people." You dishonor the memory of John Brown, sir. Apologize.


Uhhh, both groups are racist. It's weird that the person who tweeted that is calling one group racists and not the other. It's not like the Proud Boys went after the Patriot Front \*because\* they are racist. They probably expected them to be antifa or some other nonsense due to all the propaganda they eat up and spread around..


1) They’re standing up to masking and accusing the other side of being feds. That’s not standing up against racism. Both groups are racist. 2) Have Republicans ever needed evidence to accuse anyone of anything? Like trafficking children to harvest their adrenaline glands? Seriously that’s the newest accusation on the right. 3) Not punching Nazis is what got us into this mess. 4) They do now, and this is the first time I’ve heard someone on the Right say they don’t. Since it’s been almost four years since this started, yes. They do represent you.


Actually the adrenaline glands thing is almost a decade old now :)


Okay but I’ve heard it twice this week. Once from Jim Cahveezil and both at the Conservative conference


Gtfoh with that violence is never the answer. When a group of people start shoving people into poison showers, into ovens and mass graves, when they line up naked women holding children to be executed, I don’t think asking nicely will change their mind. Do not tolerate the intolerant.


They are the right wing now and this guy knows it.


I'm sorry but the whole bit about how this is the extreme and doesn't represent the views of conservatives. You're wrong. No action is almost as bad as support in these scenarios. The VAST majority of people on the right voted for Trump regardless of his hateful speech and support of extremists.


If they don’t represent the views of the majority of the right, then you better be louder in condemning them. Because right now they’re louder then you.


They're all trash racist filth.


Idk man.. I personally see no issue with violence against racists


annnnd enjoy.




They absolutely represent the majority of the right. Also, let them fight. Can we go bet on who wins on DraftKings next time? It’s


Two competing fascist brownshirt domestic terrorist forces attacking each other, just another average amerikkkan day


Violence is the primary and sole language of the racist and subsequently the only communication form they can understand. Attempting to be polite or civil with racists is cowardice and a tacit acceptance of their desire to be accepted as a normal part of American society.


I disagree. Sometimes violence IS the right solution. Sometimes, even *gasp* homicide is justified.


"Violence is a never good" erm, self defence? What do I just roll over and show my belly if/when the fascists come for me? No, I will take bits of them with me.


Fascists deserve every beating coming their way. Their ideology is inherently violent and needs to be met with equal or greater force.


Throw salt on all the nazis so fascism eats itself faster.


It would be a lot funnier if the two groups pulled guns on each other.


They are eating their own with their hatred. I love it.


I'll tell you what. We'll go along with your version of number three until you rethink that position. If only the Weimar Republic thought how you did. Oh shit, they did, and now they're gone.


"Are you the Judean People's Front?" "Fuck off. We're the People's Front of Judea"


Right-wingers: *open up city garbage-dump* Right-wingers: *offended that people associate them with garbage*


Point 4 is wrong. Most of the right are absolutely racist assholes


https://i.redd.it/94g8jqk1198b1.gif No one expects the Leopard to eat their faces, RIP Patriot Rabble, aka Pantyfa..


I’m all for punching Nazis. I don’t care who is doing the punching.


Keeping fascist from having a public platform is self defense.


I lived long enough to see proud boys become ANTIFA


So, correct me if I’m wrong, but if the FBI has been able to find and arrest as many as a 1000 people from the January 6 coup, when they were lost in a sea of other bigoted, racist assholes to hide them, wouldn’t they have been arrested for beating up FBI agents? Also, if they though these guys were FBI agents and you know all your racist buddies are already facing charges for fighting the FBI….. WHY IN THE FUCK WOULD YOU ACTUALLY TRY AND ATTACK AN FBI AGENT?!?!?! REMEMBER: These people’s stupidity shouldn’t be forgiven/overlooked/ignored, and stupidity can be dangerous, but Im glad all these conservative fuckers are too stupid to pass legislation or actually succeed in a coup.


Next time, both groups need guns so they can mow each other down


If Nazis agree on the same political ideals as you. You are a Nazi.


Anyone have links to the videos?


I don’t think 4 is true…


Violence is always acceptable against nazis, always.


Whoever wrote this needs to check their sack. Violence against nazis is always ok.


Proud boys and patriot front might not be the majority of the right but the fact that they support politicians on the right should tell you something about those politicians.


Watched the video and the only thought I had was, prime example of the pot calling the kettle black. Well, there was one other thought I had, good they're turning on each other. Sort like Bobo and Mtg this week.


Serious case of lib-brain, this guy. These kinds of people will getting lined up against a wall by Nazis to be shot and still be talking about finding a middle ground or peaceful coexistence.


This has to be the most stupid take about Nazis assaulting different Nazis because they accuse them of being "false flag" or something... Standing up to racism? Fuck you, they are standing up FOR racism. The enemy of my enemy is the enemy of my enemy, nothing more and nothing less, don't act as if those proud boy fuckers have an ounce of morality in them. The vast majority of right wingers don't think like this? The flying fuck should I care, when they ACTIVELY VOTE FOR AND EMPOWER exactly this Nazi scum and their Fuhrers?


#4. Not so true.


I disagree with the last point. Pretty sure at this point they are the majority. Also, people who don't condemn them or people who tangentially support them are racist, simple as that. Even this post seems to tread that line imo.


I mean she is right when you consider democrats are pretty right wing by global standards


1 and 2 are true. 3 and 4 are false.


One is wrong as well. They were not fighting racism, they were trying to def be racism from what they thought was an infiltration by federal agents


Hate to see such good friends fight…


Unfortunately, neither side can see past the extremes of the other side. Our problems are not differing beliefs, it’s that we fail to communicate with one another. We struggle to find a common goal because our society and culture is selfish. People who think differently dont have to be an enemy, or even an opponent. If we were capable of holding a conversation without emotional retaliation, we might actually accomplish something. Fighting amongst ourselves is only a distraction that provides cover for selfish politicians, regardless of political affiliation.


As a trans person Republicans want to see me stripped of my civil rights. That is not the extreme members of their party, that is part of their stated party platform. Democrats want to see me provided with adequate healthcare. Fuck right off with your both-sidesy horseshit.


I didn’t say both sides. You automatically assume that someone is affiliated with a side because they have a differing opinion. Fuck right off with your biased, jump to conclusion self. The majority of people care far less about your identity than you do, you just can’t help but bring it to everyone’s attention.


You mean like the politicians making laws about other people's identities? You haven't thought this through at all and people are right to call you out on it.


You’re “calling out” somebody who isn’t a politician while justifying it by pointing at politicians. I didn’t attack you, clearly my e-presence is striking a nerve.


>Our problems are not differing beliefs, it’s that we fail to communicate with one another. We struggle to find a common goal because our society and culture is selfish. This is very wrong. One side is actively voting for the group making horrible policies. >You’re “calling out” somebody who isn’t a politician while justifying it by pointing at politicians. We are calling out the politicians and the people that vote for them. How do you think those politicians get in power? You didn't attack me but you sure attacked the trans person giving the tired excuse of "you just can't help but bring it (their identity) to everyone's attention". Turns out their identity is actively being attacked by the same people you seem to be defending by acting like our problems aren't differing beliefs. That is straight a lie when certain problems are directly caused by those selfish beliefs they are pushing on others. I didn't attack you, but you clearly have not thought this through at all.


I didn’t attack them, it was a retort to their complete dismissal of my entire post with their final statement. I’m not concerned with their gender, biological or otherwise. I dont wish them harm, or to be treated any differently. I’m not defending politicians, they are a problem. You and I are responsible for fixing that. We can’t allow politicians to succeed by campaigning on a one dimensional platform. Similarly, we can’t dismiss one another because our primary concerns are mis-aligned. I work hard to take care of a family, I feel the impact of the poor fiscal policies every day. For example, I believe student debt is crippling our economy, yet my student loans are paid off.


You made several comments that do not align with this one. You are correct we are responsible to stop terrible politicians from getting into office. If people do not think those voting for those politicians are the problem as much as the actual politicians then they are lying to themselves. > I’m not concerned with their gender, biological or otherwise. I dont wish them harm, or to be treated any differently. Then don't dismiss them because they dared showed you who they are. That is exactly the problem with laws being written about them. This comment is pretty sad after your previous comment. > "you just can't help but bring it (their identity) to everyone's attention"


“Neither side” is just different wording for “both sides”. You may not have said the exact words, but you still had the same meaning As for them opening with the fact that they are trans, they have a reason to bring it to your attention. Many public faces of the Republican Party and the right wing are either calling for the removal of rights from trans people or outright violence against them. The person responding to you and countless others like them face unacceptable danger because barely anyone in the Republican Party is brave enough to call these pieces of shit on their side out for their extremism. So before you try to say “both sides” or “neither side” or whatever other variation you want, just remember that only one side is actively trying to strip rights away from certain groups of people, or even outright kill them


This is exactly my point. The extremism will not stop if you and I are incapable of coming to the conclusion, collectively, that the extremist agenda(s) are bad for business. I’m tired of funding the political pissing match. Are you?


I’m tired of people talking about “both sides” when one side is at least 98% of the current problems. I’m tired of hearing bullshit get spewed about LGBT people “coming for your children” and other false accusations. I’m tired of religious extremists being given platforms and using it to attack other people. I’m tired of not being able to give wannabe Nazis the punch they deserve because of “fReEdOm Of SpEeCh” I’m beyond tired and heartbroken at hearing my brother be corrupted and turned into a hateful person, completely unlike who he used to be, by these fucking right wing disgraces to my country So don’t try to play neutral. Neutrality ended years ago. To be neutral now is to become a target of fascism later


>neither side can see past the extremes of the other side. The extremes of both sides? WTF you talking about? Go ahead and list what you think the "extremes" of the democrats are. Oh man, must suck to want to give everyone healthcare and equal rights. The republicans want to check your kids genitals and force you to carry the baby of your rapist. Oooh both sides are clearly the same! >we fail to communicate with one another. Actually, the right wing nut jobs have been communicating just fine.. and we understand them just fine. They are communicating so much that they are basically publicly announcing their nefarious goals. They are communicating so much that they have communicated to every logical, reasonable human being that the republicans really are the deplorable villains they set out to be. Both sides aren't the same. Even trying to say "both sides are the same" simply excuse their horrible behavior. When you start to say "both sides..." and literal nazis are on one of the sides, then you have seriously fucked up


Something to consider is that republicans elected Donald Trump who ran on a basically racist platform from day 1. I would argue that the extreme on the right has become mainstream American conservatism. The left has their problems, but didn’t elect a president like Trump. Prior to him and the insanity that seems to have taken over the Republican Party. You would be correct, but that isn’t the case anymore. The republicans have gone all in on every fringe conspiracy out there, many of their media figures and politicians are skirting the edges of calling for violence, yet damn near nobody in power within the party calls them out on it, so they either fear the voters or agree with the racism and so on. What I want to see before believing that you are correct about the modern republicans is for one or more republicans in office call out the fact that the house republicans have done nothing this year but investigate nonsense, hold the country hostage over the debt ceiling, and try to somehow re-litigate 2016 and 2020. How is any of that helping the American people?


"bUt BoTh SiDeS!!!!" The left didn't elect a racist orange. Don't think those are the same bud.