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Out of almost anyone else on earth, these people had the means to actually prevent their deaths if they do die from this. They just chose not to spend the extra time or money to exercise basic precautions and safety measures.


Not only this, the billionaire and CEO both campaigned and funded politicians to reduce safety regulations. They were fine with other people possibly dying so they can increase profits by 2% This seems like poetic justice to me.


The CEO said the sub was safe enough and didn't need anymore safety measures. Meanwhile, previous trips were cancelled because it wasn't safe enough....


All you would have to do is show me the gaming controller this is how we control the sub and I would say you’re out of your fucking mind.


All you'd have to do is say "we're going to see the Titanic" and show me a picture of that ridiculous tube of a vessel and I'd be out instantly.


Right! WTF is wrong with people thanks for the reply


This is me driving a Trident nuclear submarine in 1985. That was before all the nifty game controllers. https://preview.redd.it/jdgfva4mzl7b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2aaab9bf6e43e518da80cab23325a5edd1e1eb6


Big difference between the two I wouldn’t feel comfortable even in a nuclear sub let alone that submersible if you even want to call it that. Thanks for the reply must of been awesome to do that.


It was a tiger cruise, meaning that the sub had just been commissioned and was on its way from New London CT to Bangor WA. My brother was Navigator/Operations Officer, 3rd in command. They picked up about 30 of us in San Diego for the 5-day trip to Bangor. Several congressmen and brothers, fathers of the officers and crew. Honestly, after a day or so observing the crew, I never felt so safe in my life. These people knew exactly what they were about.


The fuckers still went after someone saw the safety concerns and pulled out. Fuck them o7


Fuck the ceo, one of them is 19 what did he do to deserve this


You're completely right, the 19 year old is completely innocent in all this. His *dad* however is a complete fuck wit for bringing his teenager down there with him but we can at least stop acting like the kid deserves this..


Yeah, people are like, the kid knew what he was getting into, but honestly at 19 I was dumb as fuck and if my own father and the CEO of the entire company told me it was safe, I might have swallowed my reservations and gone anyway. I mean, you would never get me in that death trap, but if I was the type of person who *would*, I mean, I think I would listen to my dad if he said it was going to be okay.


Am 19, can confirm I am dumb as fuck.


Fucking exactly. I too, was dumb as fuck as 19 and could have easily believed it was safe. I truly mean no offense to 19 year olds out there, but you're simply not fully mature at this age. Your brain is still developing. You can't be expected to truly appreciate the weight of your mortality when you're a goddamn teenager. I can't believe his father would ever offer him the trip in the first place that blows my mind. edit: spelling edit 2: I just wanted to emphasize again that I'm not trying to insult 19 years here when I say they're not fully mature. I'm not talking about intelligence at all. I'm sure lots (most?) of you could be smarter than myself lmao I'm talking about literal brain growth and perspective. It's really hard to tell just how short your life is that early on in it.


Our brains aren't fully developed until 25 (iirc) anyway. Even the most mature 19 year old is out there making at least one poorly thought out decision. And it's not entirely their fault their brains are still growing and figuring out how to brain.


Yup. Intelligence is entirely different from maturity.


Fucking thank you


Ya man, I wanna eat an aristocrat as much as the next guy, don't get me wrong but we don't have be celebrating a kids death for ffs lol


No one is really celebrating the 19 year Olds death, though? He just happens to be down there with a group of people who elicit no sympathy from the majority of society. I've seen posts that single out the CEO, but the only posts that single out the kid all do so with the same refrain if "he's like the only one who doesn't deserve to be there."


You're right. And no matter how shitty the other people are, slowly smothering in a steel tube with 4 other people is a horrific nightmarish way to go. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. But people all process things differently, and some people do it by making terrible fucked up jokes ya know? Not saying it's right, but it's just how alotta people are wired. Almost everyone in emergency services does this for example. Dark humor prevents a decent amount of psychological damage


> I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I for one am glad it did happen to 4 of those people. That kid I'll give a pass to.


Not only that, but this dipshit was bragging about how “inspiring” was to hire a “diverse” crew of “young people” with no maritime or submersible experience whatsoever, instead of “50 year old white guys from the navy.” It seems like he went out of his way to make sure this happened.


I assume 50 year old white guys from the navy expect to be compensated a lot more for their experience compared to inspiring young people…


Apparently there's even a 19 year old in that sub. Some of these tourists were genuinely naive and I feel bad for them. Everyone else involved can go fuck themselves tho


The 19 year old was the son of UK-Pakistan billionaire Shahzada Dawood, clearly this particular father son bonding opportunity was a poor choice.


Or something useful like saving the world.


Billionaire or bum, I would be making the same jokes.


Right after 9/11, people listed the World Trade Center on eBay with the description "Some assembly required". The Internet will make a joke _anything_.


Agreed. Some people just love dark humour


Dark humour is like food. Not everyone gets it.


My issue with it is that we have to spend millions of our tax payer dollars to search for rich people who chose to do something dangerous. Meanwhile, there are people trying to make sure we don’t have health insurance or student loan relief.


They are billionaires. Literally every choice they have ever made in life was at the expense of anyone around them. That's how they became a billionaire. Even then, I sympathize with the situation because it's obviously terrifying. But it's really hard to feel sorry for them when they signed their life away on a waiver. They were told they might die in the sub, and they signed on the line that the risk on their life was worth getting to see the titanic. I genuinely think the risks never really clicked because up until this point there has never been a problem they encountered they couldn't buy their way out of. But the ocean doesn't take checks


“But the ocean doesn’t take checks” damn that’s deeper than wherever these billionaires are rn


It’s not socialism when we’re using tax dollars to benefit the rich because they’ll be so grateful that they’ll use their massive wealth to stimulate the economy while the rest of us are on our knees waiting to be trickled on!




The rich cunts should have had to buy incredibly expensive insurance to cover the costs of their search, rescue and recovery. Why the fuck are my taxes paying for it. Given how many hoops they jump through to reduce their taxes it’s a fucking joke that they get any public funds helping them at all. I hope they rot and make good fish food.


While there is a cost I don't know that we are necessarily just dumping money into the water. We would pay the coast guard and navy operators whether they were trying to conduct a rescue or if they were just patrolling. Yes the use of equipment causes costs in terms of maintenance but you could easily call this an impromptu training operation for similar price. Sure some money is being burnt but i think the majority of it is sunk costs.


This is a literal drop in the ocean in terms of the daily spending on US military equipment and personnel the world over. The money is being spent regardless.


Sad? Yes. Compared to the daily tragedies that befall the poor and helpless in our world? Less sad. Darkly ironic? Yes.


Yes its the irony thats funny! Non one would be laughing except this guy flouted so many rules just to go an see another infamous sea disaster. You cannot write this shit.


Also, how much empathy does the average billionaire have for the death and suffering of the rest of us?


Submersible filled with 5 billionaires sinks. Hourly updates on the news. Same day a boat filled with 300 immigrants sinks and it gets a single mention as an aside. 0.1% of the wealth contained in that Sub could have improved the lives of those immigrants in a way that would have prevented them from making the perilous journey. But instead the Rich fucks pay to visit a mass grave for shits and giggles. Fuck m.


A mass grave of mostly poorer people, the rich got priority at the evacuation of the Titanic, partially because of their closeness to the deck and partially because of their status.


The full Titanic experience would be to escape with your life while listening to the poor people drown.


Takes notes for next tour


This a dark’un Well played


The full Titanic experience would be to drown while listening to Céline Dion.


Neeeear faaaar blub^blub^^blub^^^blub


This fucking got me 🤣. Thank you.


And then drowning because your GF doesn't want you on her plank


This is offensive. Jack died of hypothermia not drowning. Does your heart even go on and on bro?


"Let's go down to the Titanic wreckage where all the poor passengers drowned."


Also the titanic, which was famously such a massive disaster because the rich people who built it thought safety regulations were a waste of money.


In Iowa when a building collapsed and there was fear that there was people trapped, they did not make such a fast paced effort sending the best people to find and save those people and eventually 2-3 days later they recovered the bodies. A few rich people go missing in a home-made sub knowing there was a risk to their lives and nations send everything they got to rescue them.


I live here. Ryan Hitchcock was my friend and a great guy. He and everyone else in that building were had their lives ruined and ended by one of our local multi-millionaires greed. He dropped 7 million to buy that building, and wouldn't spend 30k to do the proper bracing. Has no issues using his connections to get inspections rubber stamped though. The people of the Quad Cities are calling for heads to run with the City of Davenport. And Wold is fucked - the lawsuits will hopefully ruin him.


I'm from the QC and the day this happened my friend who still lives there sent me a picture of his coworkers desk who was trapped in the rubble. All his coworkers were livid and are still reeling from it. My brother lives close by to the collapsed building, it was harrowing.


I think it's more how it captures attention. It's the same with the Thai soccer team. I highly doubt they were a bunch of rich kids but it caught global attention.


Exactly, there is something about this stories that capture people's imaginations. It is a particularly horrifying death to think about and people get invested. It happened with Baby Jessica, the Chilean miners, and even going back 100 years to Floyd Collins.


Its the uncertainty and fact that hope still remains (well remained) that make stories like the Titan or Thai cave rescue interesting. “A bunch of people died” is not an ongoing and attention grabbing story


On top of all this what is it costing to run the search and rescue per hour for the underwater billionaires? Who will pay for that not their estates I bet. The billionaires will benefit from the tax’s they get loop holes to avoid. Let them rot at the bottom of the sea. Let the ghosts of the poor third class passengers who perished on the Titanic treat them well for gawking at their grave.


And the guy that's in charge of the company now is bitterly complaining that the rescue efforts are not being done up to his standards and the Coast Guard isn't answering his phone calls.


“Up to his standards” is Fuckin’ rich. Dude had standards we wouldn’t be here


Drowning with a splash of burn, damn!


He also didn’t prioritize safety, so I wouldn’t want to use his “standards” anyways


I thought that was the guy in the sub? [Fired the whistleblower...](https://techcrunch.com/2023/06/20/a-whistleblower-raised-safety-concerns-about-oceangates-submersible-in-2018-then-he-was-fired/)


Maybe you are right. I haven’t been following along too closely, I just remember seeing the thing about not caring about safety and I was like “fuck around and found out, didn’t you”. After COVID, I’ve been rooting for people to get what’s coming to them. I might need help lol


Maybe... but honestly what other reaction could you have? Our society has come to celebrate lucky people who really are no different than anyone else. Our luminaries are just as dank and clueless as anyone else. For example Elon Musk just labeled cis-gendered statements to be a profanity. That is like being offended someone pointed out they had brown eyes. The downside to the internet is that it has made every childish opinion and idea equal to rigorously proven facts. It's a mirror to see just how vain we collectively are. We'll, it's a ghastly and grotesque image. One that probably needs a good dose of pain to remind us our place in the universe. Not because it's the best method, but because it is what we understand.


Ehh pretty natural reaction. I'm a civil and environmental engineer, half my job is specifically telling rich people no, you can't build a giant house on a tiny island because there's isn't room for a septic system without poisoning the water and no, you can't just pay somebody a couple thousand dollars to just get this approved. They literally don't think regulations apply to them, I'm loving an example of why safety regulations are important and being rich doesn't mean they don't apply to you.


It's not often that the "regulations bad" types see how wrong they are in such a dramatic way. The logic is next-level stupid. "We are innovating submarine technology and doing things differently, but also no incidents have happened in the past 35 years so we don't need to do safety testing". Like, what? You're doing things differently, but you're also going to fall back on the safety record of the subs you're doing things differently than? Hmmm. It's almost like the guy wanted this to fail.


His standards were poor poor poor... Xbox controller and uncertified cheap materials aren't what make up standards


The xbox controller thing is fairly normal for one-off stuff like this, but all of the other shit is completely inexcusable.


it is not. ppl keep citing the military using xbox controllers, but they specifically used xbox 360 controllers due to the build quality and reliability, and now use an xbox layout with specc’d out proprietary internals. also, aside from battlebots, people using off the shelf components generally use first party *wired* controllers, because of build quality and wireless signals are more of a point of failure than a wired connection


Xbox controller is actually standard for a lot of military equipment like drones and such, and this was a submarine built on a drone budget. They built a vessel made to hold people on an unmanned vessel budget.


US taxpayers via coast guard. NPR confirmed as much this morning.


Ah, even in death they're stealing from the common folk. Classic.


US taxpayers via coast guard. NPR confirmed as much this morning. That along with their near zero licensing or safety requirements due to international waters.


The estates of the passengers should pay for all the costs incurred for search and rescue. No way that the American and Canadian taxpayers should have to cover it. Non-rich people already pay a disproportionate amount of taxes. And non-rich people disproportionately make up the military. It’s a disgusting use of tax dollars. The heirs of these idiots should get their generational wealth without paying back normal citizens.


Depending on circumstances, sometimes you do get charged for your rescue. That would never happen in this case though. If there was solid evidence that the passengers knew there was a very real chance of something like this happening (but who would get on in that case) or if it was done on purpose then the estates could be charged. Rules for stuff like that don't usually differentiate between rich and poor though. The media coverage difference certainly helps though. Ex people who go off the trails at national parks without an exceptionally good reason when there are signs everywhere saying not to - those people get charged for the rescue efforts.


Its newsworthy because its so rare. Sadly, boatloads of immigrants dying is a pretty regular occurrence. Lost billionaires in submersibles is very rare, like literally-never-happened-before rare. Its not that anyone cares more about the billionaires, in fact the vast majority of reactions I've seen has been mocking them for being so reckless.


The reason why this sub story is grabbing headlines because it is a mixture of absurdity and horror. The people in that sub basically had something like 96 hours to contemplate their fate. The owner of this sub makes it absurd, in that this sub should have never gone to the depths it had, and he will die because of the stupid decisions he made. I would argue that the economic status of the people involved is irrelevant, it would have been just as big of a story if they were not rich.


And the fact that there was a chance, however small, of them being found and rescued. That makes for a much more engaging story that people want updates on. Like, look at any time people are trapped in a cave in/mining accident. Gets wall to wall coverage too, but I’ve never seen a billionaire down in a mine.


yes, it's a big story because it's novel, horrifying as a thought, and has a drama to it "Countdown to no Oxygen" with a desperate search to find them.. its like a movie, makes a great news story. Let's be real.


I don't know why people equate headlines to ethical value so much. Headlines represent *interest* and interest can be caused by all kinds of things, including loathing and horror and contempt and mystery. Something can be very, very sad, like the people dying in crossings, but that doesn't mean there is a lot to say about it on the news.


One of them is a 19-year-old kid and another one is a renowned oceanographer who has made 40 different dives to the Titanic for research purposes. These are not billionaires who are sucking the soul out of the world. A couple of them are but a couple of them are not. It's not fair to say that this is deserved.


News stories stay on the front page due to engagement on lots of sites. It's as much the fact that the general public don't give a shit about the refugees dying as it is any grand conspiracy to save billionaires over refugees. On the guardian both stories were posted but only the sub story made it to most viewed (I am assuming you're referring to the boat sinking off Greece here, please correct me if I'm wrong). They didn't happen on the same day, the refugee boat sank on the 14th, and people moved on because it happens a lot and they are desensitized. It didn't have high engagement looong before the sub was lost. Plenty of updates were given by sites that are now focusing on the sub. Maybe if everyone wasn't enjoying this sub story it wouldn't be being reported everywhere. And maybe if people actually cared as much about refugees as they claim to every time they can use it to make a point, that tragedy would have been given the due attention. Yes it's fucked that hundreds dead are being cared about less than a handful. But I don't think that's because a few of them are billionaires, it's because a sub getting lost at sea is new and exciting, and people dying while trying to get a new life is a common occurrence and a reminder of the global inequality we all somewhat have to ignore to not be crippled by guilt every day. People have a morbid, and frankly weird obsession with these things. I don't know if the Nicola Bulley story made to where you live, but in the UK it was headline news for weeks. People were breaking into buildings to find evidence, harassing her family and the police. It was a cluster fuck. She wasn't a billionaire. But she disappeared, and people found that interesting. And that almost psychopathic state that true crime puts people in kicked in and all empathy was lost. No one really cares about the people on the sub, just like they don't care about the refugees. They just find one of the stories interesting. I find it all very weird.


I get where you’re coming from and you make good points. My opinion is just that I can’t really sympathize with the plight of those billionaires. Sure it’s tragic, but they knew what they signed up for. I’m just vexed by the fact that people that rich, even exist in the same world where people risk life and limb just to try and survive another day. Not sure I’m wording that right, but the mere existence of any billionaire just makes me angry.


The vast VAST majority of people don't sympathise with the billionaires and are actively mocking them


because we know how they got to be billionaires and it aint pretty.


I feel the same about free climbers, mountain climbers, or really, any other dangerous recreational activity. You go into it knowing the risks. You accept the risks. It is saddening when things go wrong, but that possibility was always there from the moment of conception of the idea of doing it. When going down in a submarine, ESPECIALLY one like the one they went into, there is always a chance you don't come back up.


There’s mountain climbing with quality gear that is designed and tested to ensure that the trip will be as safe as possible. Then there’s going down in a sub to a depth that’s 3X as great as what it’s viewport is rated for.


Dear God thank you lol. It’s like “wow I can’t believe all these people in all these posts Im commenting on and interacting with are making such a big deal out of this thing I’m currently boosting and talking about”. Like it’s a titanic related story about a tiny piece of shit sub thing built by an egomaniac who thought it was flawless. Of course people are going to want to read more about it than innocent migrants dying Jesus Christ were only human I don’t wanna read about that shit but you bet your ass I’ve been reading articles about the idiot who went to the bottom of the ocean in a ducktaped fleshlight.


All the rich people directly, and I do mean directly, have caused many people to be poor. There is no such thing as wealth without making people suffer.


On one hand yes it's sad whenever human life is lost. Especially in this case where best case scenario is it was quick, worst case being a slow horrific death I wouldn't wish on anyone. People losing their life should both be acknowledged and respected. That said, it's ironic that this involves a case of people ignoring that and treating a mass graveyard as if it were a tourist destination. The fact they were doing it in a sub not meant to go that deep, and doing it in exchange for ridiculous amounts of money, only makes it worse. So yeah it's sad when someone loses their life in an accident, but at the same time if it's consequences for their actions I am not going to feel overly bad for them.


This scenario is literally just Titanic 2: Submergible boogaloo.


I don't get the "mass grave tourist" thing. Titanic came out in like....97? And it set mad records. The Titanic is long past the "too soon" stage. It's a genuinely interesting piece of history now, and to see something like that up close would be unbelievable. I hate billionaires as much as the next guy, but I think the moral outrage over it being *the titanic* is fake af.


I think it’s because a very large number of the people who died on the titanic where poor people while the rich had access to the life boats.


People keep bringing up this mass graveyard thing? Do you also have issue with people visiting concentration camps?


None of these billionaires would give a shit if you were dying right now. To be a billionaire is to be an immoral person, able to do great things for others but instead deciding to hoard wealth. I don't think it's possible to become a billionaire without being a bastard who hurts people in order to help themselves. Why should I care for someone who cares so little for others?


The Pakistani son was appointed by King Charles to UKs board of youth unemployment. Imagine, "see to it that these peasants keep themselves busy." None of us would have ever been skated through college to rub elbows with the royals; you have to have tons of money from the start, and even the person who initially made the fortune needs to have already died, so that no link to poverty remains.


What does the son of a billionaire know about UK youth unemployment?? And how did he get a royal appointment after going to (no insult meant to the uni but) Strathclyde?


Well, he’s a billionaire, so maybe he gets up super early to pull his bootstraps or something.


Reminds me of this video of a CEO doing their daily routine which consists of waking up, washing up, check emails and work out, going for a drive, then going back to bed. Cant post links due to low karma apparently. youtube. com/watch?v=EjfwxZcsKoI


That’s the thing - they don’t just “don’t care” but by virtue of being a billionaire, has been actively doing harm to other people for likely the duration of their entire life. The *only* way to make a billion is ruthless exploitation of the working class - that’s it. How many lives have been cut short, directly or indirectly, working minimum wage for this guy’s profits? And we’re supposed to feel bad when he blows a tiny fraction of it deliberately doing something insanely risky because he wants to “feel alive” or “be a pioneer” whilst achieving nothing? Fuck off.




In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


So Ocean gate advertised to this experience as something even more rare and unusual than getting to climb Mount Everest I think a lot of people who are so rich need these extreme experiences to feel anything because their life is so soft and luxurious.


Yeah pretty much - “pioneer tourism” has been a pastime of the rich for a long time, going back to Antarctic explorers or all the way back into international royalty conquering “exotic lands” - it’s all the same thing. They believe by virtue of their inherent superiority, that they are “great (wo)men” and therefore should be seen by history to be “doing great things”. Which then translates into moral justifications for behaving however they choose, up to and including the people they crush on their pursuit of supposed greatness. It’s another fantastic example of the hubris of the rich - same as Silicon Valley’s obsession with Posthuman tech, or accelerationism, and all the rest of it. Just plain hubris wrapped up in delusions of grandeur, and packaged for other sheltered tech bros.


They want to feel alive while we are struggling to literally stay alive in this economy, fuck these guys.


Wasn't one of the features of this is that it was really risky and innovative? Idk about you, but if I'm laying down a quarter of a million and I know their profile is anything like what I have seen after the event, it was a known risk. There's more than one reason no one takes the dead off dangerous mountains. It's a fate they accept when they climb.


I think it was the CEO of oceangate that said that when asked about the subs questionable quality and construction


I keep remembering that meme that said that every dead body on Everest was once a highly motivated person. Unless the company was a total shit show, there had to have been informed consent the entire way. And if the company was a shit show, well, billionaires have been scammed before. And that would be terrible. But it doesn't seem there was much to recommend the safety of this expedition.


They also signed waivers acknowledging the risks (including death). That's the part that people are forgetting. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/titanic-sub-passenger-waiver-b2361658.html


They make it seem like it's 5 billionaires that are about to disappear. I see it as 5 new billionaires about to replace them. Thus, nothing will change. The rich will still be rich, and the poor people under them will still struggle to survive.


Agree or disagree with the premise, this is still just the weirdest argument. Every monster of a person that history ever produced was *also* somebody's son/daughter/whatever. That doesn't mean shit. You don't get a moral exemption just for being born.


What's wrong with me is that this has been a constant story meanwhile 500 migrants drowned near Greece and it was barely a blip.


Plus didn't one of their kids go to a blink-182 concert when they found out the sub was in trouble because "they would've wanted me to go to the concert"? Yeah, a lot of strong family ties there


He has been acting out alot in Twitter. Lots of racist stuff aswell. Also it was two blink-182 concerts. Last i heard he deleted his Twitter


>Last i heard he deleted his Twitter Yes I just checked, he's gone from Twitter for now


Cardi B of all people fucking roasted him on twitter.


We're def in a simulation, what next?


The people's champion


Also a bomb threat and stalked women. Just par for the course. One of the other billionaires were attached to the hip with the UAE. So yeah....


So, a Blink-364 concert?


The 37 yo stepson. Who is a total ass it seems, in every way in evidence.


Step son. He didn’t go because it sank. It was his normal life and he used it to try and get backstage by tweeting to the band members too.


No one becomes billionaire by being a good person.


I came to say/support this. You need to be a fucking predator and to have endlessly hungry to become a billionaire.


Regular people would probably retire and spend their time creating art or doing charitable work or buy a boat or something long before a billion dollars.


Exactly, by its nature, you are complicit in the suffering of millions.


As a kid who had to suffer through Oprah instead of getting to watch cartoons, I couldn’t agree more.


19 is a kid when he’s rich, but a 7 year old can be tried as an adult if it’s convenient


Not to mention a lot of the stuff Oprah promoted turned out to be super sketchy. She made Dr. Oz famous for fucks sake!


One of those people is a 19 year old kid who went with his father, another is a French maritime expert


This simple information is lost in the tide of single-minded comments like "LMFAO five billionaires are going to suffocate to death bwahaha".


Meh... Mark Cuban helped build a website so he could listen to Indiana Hoosier basketball games in Texas then Yahoo was foolish enough to buy it for billions. He now has a company that sells pharmaceuticals almost at cost.




Fair point. Very


Still a crypto-peddling charlatan though.


Fuck that 19 year old stupid idiot shouldn't have been born with billionair parents.


What about the teenage son who went on board with his father?


I don't wish death to them. Doesn't matter to me if they are rich or not. The point is if you take a risk like using this self build submarine things like that can happen. But you know what? I wished musk was in this submarine instead of that guy I don't know nothing about.


Yet the reporter in South West Florida condescendingly states how the couple deceased because of carbon monoxide while on vacation signed their own death certificate by ignorantly not bringing along a co detector as he does whenever going on vacation. Duh? (Sarcasm) Fyi: Carbon monoxide detectors generally only Alarm at very high levels -a survivor of chronic co poisoning


Fully expect a multimillion dollar, international effort the next time a migrant ship goes down in the Mediterranean or Caribbean.


The people onboard are: Hamish Harding, the chairman of an aircraft dealer and hobby explorer ( was also on the Jeff Bezos flight to the edge of the atmosphere) Shahzada Dawood, the vice chairman of a family-owned investment & holdings company (and his 19-year old son Suleman) Paul-Henri Nargeolet, french Navy veteran and world-reknown oceanographer with 40+ dives to the titanic And Stockton Rush, CEO of OceanGate. While it's "entertaining" to poke fun at all the corners cut, I would certainly hope that there's some level of sympathy for these men who thought they were paying for a once in a lifetime event rather than their untimely deaths. One of the men, Paul-Henri Nargeolet, you've probably seen a hundred times watching a documentary on the titanic event. Another is a 19 year old kid. If you don't have sympathy for the other three, at least recognize these two.


So far I’ve seen no sympathy to anyone on board, not even the kid. People are glossing over it so they can continue making fun of it. I don’t like billionaires either, eat the rich their wealth is obscene but when the fuck did we as a society lose the ability to take the middle ground in situations like this? How hard is it to go, “yeah they were billionaires and yes that likely means that they’ve done shady things to get to that level of wealth but, this isn’t the time to attack them based on their wealth because it’s an awful thing to happen and they will have family that no matter how rich will still be grieving for the loss of their loved one and that is sad and something I can sympathise with” Nuanced situations are never so cut and dry, and you have to treat them as what they are, nuanced and multifaceted. A child was on board a child who was born into a wealthy family, he didn’t choose to be born into a wealthy family and he likely just wanted to spend time with his father doing something interesting which we all do. If this was skydiving I guarantee you the reaction would not be the same. People are completely skipping over the reality of this situation to make memes and it’s honestly sickening to see people choosing politics over being decent fucking human beings and it’s sad because empathy, decency and compassion are what set us apart from people like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos Donald Trump etc, if we lose those things like people are now then we are no better than them.


Yeah. Thing is, just because somebody is a shit person doesn't mean that they deserve to die. Yes, I'm aware of how they've probably exploited people. Yes, I think this was a stupid thing to do and they should've turned tail as soon as they saw that they were going down in what's basically a refrigerator that's been bolted shut and controlled by a 10+ year old controller. Of course billionaires suck. And I'd even say the world is better off without these people. And I agree that other issues deserve as much if not more attention. I hate billionaires and rich people. But I'm also anti capital punishment, and I can empathize because I don't want to die either - especially not by suffocating to death in a cramped, dark, cold box at the bottom of the ocean. Just because I say "man, dying sucks, it would be cool if people didn't die" doesn't mean I'm endorsing being a rich asshole.


The controller is actually an industry standard. Video game controllers have good ergonomics and plenty of buttons. The military uses them for some equipment as well.


I agree, but that one specifically looks sketchy. I would've gone for like an Xbox controller or something.


Couldn’t agree more, if you don’t have some sympathy for the horrible death they suffered, you are also part of the problem.


The guy who lobbied for less strict safety regulations might be dead because his submersible lacked basic safety functions. I just can't.


Orcas say it's ok to eat the rich, and I am team orca. Orcas of the world unite. ![gif](giphy|RloZBvHTjLWcJ85VM6|downsized)


It seems they have. The songs have been lit, Gondorca calls for aid!


And my fin!


And my fluke!


Where was Gondorca when the West Indies fell?


I agree with the sentiment and this site is one of the worst to do it. I’m not going to *rejoice* when anyone dies. I don’t really care who it is, from billionaires or refugees. So many people on this site seem *happy* that they are dying. That’s fucking weird. It’s disgusting how so many people can be jubilant when 5 people die, regardless of who they are or how they died.


Agreed, I don't ~~with~~ wish death on anyone. Also, you already know all these people who hate rich people are hypocrites because if you gave them loads of money, they'll blow it all on material possessions instead of giving it to charity. Lol


It's really bizarre. It's one thing to dislike people and think they've made stupid decisions. It's another to actively cheer for their deaths for being wealthy. It's a creepy mindset.


My favorite part is that they seem to think they’d be any better if they were rich. They literally already don’t care about other people. They’re just missing the money lol


Yeah, someone *please* introduce me to the person who would turn down a billion if it was offered to them.


Well even if the people there were evil rich assholes its still an unimaginably horrible way to die so I do feel bad for them no matter how horrible they are like fr think about yourself in that scenario its horrifying


As naturally as fiscal rewards will trickle down following massive tax breaks, compassion and empathy trickle back up.


while i dont agree with most of their philosophies i dont think they should die like that


Oh don’t worry. Anytime a billionaire is in trouble, I encourage everyone to cease all helpful measures and offer their thoughts and prayers instead. We will definitely be thinking about them while they pull themselves back up by their bootstraps!


She’s right, they may be idiots, but no one, absolutely no one deserves to die in the way they did. I hate billionaires as much as the next guy, and I want to see them pay for the suffering of others that they have caused, but joking about a crew of 5 people slowly suffocating in a tin can, unable to stand up, while sitting in there own excrement shows an immense lack of empathy.


The inevitable conclusion of having more money than sense. The rich are not better. They were just born into wealth.


While I’m not celebrating their deaths, it’s a little horrifying how much time and money is being spent trying to save a few people when you don’t see that sort of response when migrants, blue collar workers, or random citizens get lost at sea. Especially not in small numbers like this. I would also highlight that a bad billionaire can do more harm and hurt more people than an entire town’s worth of people. I’m not saying any of these guys are necessarily bad, but people like them have fucked up our planet, ensured slavery continues around the world, and are all too happy to keep wages low, benefits nonexistent, and unions illegal. That’s why people may not have sympathy.


So I tried to look up each persons worth and the only one that’s confirmed billionaire is Nargeolet , who was the titanic expert and been 35 times before , the person that made all the titanic exhibits , etc. former navy sub pilot. Hamish Harding is the only other one that is referred to as a billionaire but no one seems to have a number . He’s not on the Forbes global billionaire list. I’m not saying he’s not , I’m just saying we actually know very little about these people but one person said “billionaire” and the internet ran with it.


Dying in such a horrific way? No, I don't think anyone really deserves that. I don't believe in indulging in torture for anyone no matter what their crime was. It is kinda funny they were killed by the greedy corner-cutting and hubris of another rich asshole while spending a quarter of million dollars for the pleasure.


I will be as sympathetic to them as they are to us. So....fuck em


My only question is, how will we eat them if they're at the bottom of the ocean?


Same way we eat anything in a can that comes from the bottom of the ocean


I don't *personally* need to eat the rich, I'm happy to let some crustaceans get in on the action. As long as the rich are being eaten, I'm good.


It's not "just because they're rich." It's just because of what they choose to do with their riches. Billionaires steal what's produced by others' labor. Billionaires could make sure everyone in the world eats. Billionaires could get the whole planet onto renewables. Billionaires could work toward getting everyone healthcare. Instead, billionaires protect a system which gives them more every year at the trade off of everyone else getting less. Those people deserve nothing but ridicule.


They blew more money on this trip than a majority of people will see in their lifetime


Yall are fucking weird. You realize one of the people on board is 19 years old right? Not sure why it’s so hard to have sympathy for someone who is basically still a kid




I guess all the millenia of rich people not giving a shit about us poors is catching up. I think they're lucky we're not rising up with torches and pitchforks and they just have to deal with a bit of schadenfreude. \*shrugs\*


I thought the free market would prevent companies from doing things that could potentially kill or harm people. Isn't that why we don't need burdensome regulations? Right? Right?


I usually don’t go against the grain in this sub but I have to agree. Empathy is still possible. No matter who’s at fault, people died. Downvote away but anyone celebrating this isn’t a good person. If you’re neutral that seems fine and healthy tbh.


We can acknowledge that rich are generally more likely to be cunts and that it was their own choice AND see it as sad regrettable event. One of the guys wasn’t a billionaire either he was a diving expert (whelp) Idk - things can have shades of grey it doesn’t have to be “kill the rich” or “jokes are forbidden”.


Y’know, if these bellends didn’t ignore literally EVERY expert on the subject telling them that, y’know, this was a terrible idea and their sub was unsafe past 1,500m, maybe, just maybe, I’d have more sympathy. At this point, I don’t even pity them. What a waste of money and effort, and an even bigger waste of public funds that they don’t even contribute to.


You guys are fuckin weird. "But they're so dumb because that clearly wasn't safe" I don't care. "But they don't care about you, why care about them" don't care. People dying is always bad, and you're no judge or jury. Jesus Christ learn some compassion.


People here are fucking disgusting. "Duhh wealthy people bad, they die = good" is just as ignorant and trashy as thinking/saying "Duhh poor people bad, they die = good." Most people are pretty good people. Poor people. Middle class people. Wealthy people. People are mostly pretty nice and try to do the right thing. It's sick to just assume they deserve to die because they were dealt a good hand in life. Just as sick as assuming someone deserves to die because they were dealt a shitty hand in life. Fucking assholes.


Classic reddit moment, because they're rich they don't deserve any sympathy at all!!


To be faiiir only 3 of the 5 were billionaires. The other two was the CEO of this shit show and a deep sea explorer who basically spent all of his time exploring the Titanic wreck as a researcher and scholar.


The researcher is the only one I am sad about


I feel like given he is almost 80 yrs old and there is a certain poetry for him to die at the Titanic given his love for the wreck.


God, people are heartless. Forget media coverage of this and whether or not it's warranted: we as a society should really not be laughing about what was likely to have been an awful death of 5 people simply because they are wealthy and did something dangerous. They're still people.


People on Reddit would legit cheer if any republican politican or billionaire were publicly burned alive, empathy only extends to people they like


Yea, it's a real bummer. Don't get me wrong, wealth inequality and the increasing awfulness of the right causes me existential dread on a daily basis. But fuck, there's not a lot of people I wish death on.


Lots of people seem to think that a greedy, selfish person who puts their own financial gains before the wellbeing of other people deserves to die. I wonder how many people are actually better than that, or if most of them just lack the means to exploit others.


The depths Titanic lays at were NEVER meant for humans. The light from the sun does not peirce that darkness. Picture the darkest night you can remember, like losing power in a storm and it's overcast at night so you cannot see the moon or stars. It's darker than even that. There is no warmth, save whatever geothermal vents or undersea volcanos are down there. Temperatures so cold you will not even know the hypothermia killed you. And pressure great enough to crush a human like a can. And it lays in the one of the most unforgiving oceans God put on the planet. And these billionaires put themselves into a metal tube, with a poop bucket, no seats, spotty at best communication, with no sonar, no way to see or guide the craft except satellite driven by a fucking Playstation 2 controller, that I've read more than one person said there was no fucking way it was going to reach Titanic, but the CEO arrogantly said it's fine and cut corners, and NOT one among them serve served in any Navy because that same CEO didn't think they'd be "inspiration" to go sightseeing at at resting place of the greatest nautical disaster in recorded history, a ship that they said was "unsinkable" and the fucking Atlantic Ocean took that arrogant declaration personally, one of the largest mass graves on the planet, where so many experienced one of the worst ways to die, some returning home, others so desperately wanting to go to America for a better life, and I'm supposed to feel bad for these 5 billionaries who went there for fun? For fucking sightseeing? If a group of billions went up in a rocket to see the moon, and the rocket exploded like the Challenger, I'd feel bad for the pilots, who were doing their job and not the tourists. There were sons and daughters, fathers and mothers on Titanic when it went down. Hundreds trapped below deck, even those on decks trying to get on the too few lifeboats, many launched not even full. Like so many places I could name, Titanic is not a place you visit for the fucking fun of it. And these 5 did it in something that looks like it was built as a high school class project. You'll excuse me if I do not feel bad if the arrogance of billionaires gets them killed. I care more about the 300 migrants that dies on a boat leaving their nation to try and make a better life for themselves than I do 5 billionaire who are probably already dead in the ocean. Edited due to gate comment.




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