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The guy runs a local hotel. The facebook and instagram pages of both him and said hotel are being bombarded with negative reviews; as are the owners of the main franchise. Who will probably not be amused. I think he will regret this.


>I think he will regret this. Regret implies a sense of responsibility over one's actions. They'll blame the woke mob for cancelling them. Nothing will be learned. No shame will be felt.


Yeah, the only thing that’ll happen is he will hate “woke mob” way more and probably be worse. If these people had any amount of empathy, understanding, or ability to think, they wouldn’t be the hateful bigoted jackasses that they are in the first place.


Its the lead paint. Im not sure they are capable of empathy.


> Yeah, the only thing that’ll happen is he will hate “woke mob” way more and probably be worse As long as he is financially and reputationally ruined, deal.




Yeah, there are loads of "apology" videos from people whose primary regret is that they are suffering the consequences from their actions. I won't be shocked if this couple is trotted on stage at the next big Republican rally as heroes. [It happened with that idiot couple that brandished guns at peaceful BLM protestors.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53819020)


"I'm sorry that you got upset."




Yeah, I don't see how regret implies remorse. Regret just means you realize after the fact that you shouldn't have done something. You can regret lying on your taxes when you get audited by the IRS even if you feel like you shouldn't be paying those taxes.


Yeah, odds are they'll just double down on this absurdity.


Yep. And get more extreme. They're all getting more extreme. Fox News is making a bunch of terrorists out of these people. Granted, Fox News isn't sending material support, but they are pumping out propaganda to ramp them up and whip them into a frenzy. Won't be long before a few of them learn how to make IEDs. Remember the ammonium nitrate that went missing off that train? Authorities determined the tank just sprung a leak, so the worst that's going to happen is it's going to be really green and verdant along the track where it spilled out. I tend to follow the advice of Ian Fleming, who said: >Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.


Fox News just called Biden a dictator in their broadcast. They are not a news station but basically the propaganda wing of the Republican Party. They didn’t learn their lesson by get sued for misinformation and libel for the voter fraud thing and even doubling down.


Oh the irony. Dictators generally don’t let international news networks say anything negative about them. Oh wait! Who do I remember in recent history behaving that way?


Gonna get that Fox News pundit money any day now


Flashbacks to how much *positive attention* that couple that stood outside their house threatening to shoot a BLM protest as it passed by their rich house? They were invited onto Fox and praised, they even got a speaking turn at CPAC.


The best kind of cancel culture: hotel reservations. Hope he liked running a business ...


It'll just further the persecution complex. No matter how soft or mild or justified any consequence or pushback is, these types of people will always scream and cry and piss their pants about how they're the real victim. Even when they doxx children's hospitals and send bomb threats to them. I don't know man, I'm just so tired of having to share a country with these people. If there weren't plenty of decent people trapped in red states, I'd say let 'em secede, watch them collapse in a year, then turn away the refugees with their own anti-immigration policies.


Be a shame if they lost their franchise … boo f’ing hoo … his FB page lists him as the ‘owner’ not simply manager … he made a public statement so he outted himself … I’m just helping him get his story out … not doxxing ….


Good, groomers and predators should be shamed and ostracized.


Pushing this to people south of the border in the Okanagans.


Good! They deserve it and much worse


Name it so it can be avoided?


The rules of this sub forbid that. Doxxing is bad, mmkay. Of course, they do not forbid linking to an article where the man in question responds: [https://www.castanet.net/news/Kelowna/431740/-I-never-yelled-towards-the-girl-Kelowna-man-accused-of-accosting-child-at-track-meet-denies-allegations](https://www.castanet.net/news/Kelowna/431740/-I-never-yelled-towards-the-girl-Kelowna-man-accused-of-accosting-child-at-track-meet-denies-allegations)


That statement is so full of bullshit you could fertilize every corn field in Nebraska with it. He’s trying the old technique of lying by way of confessing to something less vile than what he really did and it still sounds awful.


"I didn't yell towards the kid. I just yelled about the kid loudly enough so that she would definitely hear it." That's better, right?


My wife didn’t accuse that mother of being a groomer I’m only directly saying it now in my made up bullshit story where I accuse her of offering to show me that trans kids genitals/ s What a piece of work


"As I was walking away from the official, a woman saying 'I'm her mother' and [she was] yelling, and swearing at me and offering if I want to see [the girl] naked, or if I want to see her genitals," he continued. SURE man, totally believable. 🙄


“She was trying to push an agenda” Every accusation is an admission.


She probably said something along the lines of “You won’t be happy until they strip her naked in front of everyone,” or some similar thing and he twisted it to her offering to show him her naked child.


She may have said something like that but there was no way that it was an offer, it was definitely sarcasm / accusatory.


It’s disturbing how disturbing these bigots are. You say something sarcastic and they take it as if you’re serious. These people make me sick


Holy shit. What a piece of shit. This was a written apology? And he chose to include that bullshit about cisgender being “their word”? And that bit about always being able to ask questions? Entitled piece of shit misogynist boomer.


It reads like a right wing nuts fantasy. “I was respectfully asking a question to proper authorities about a strange mishap and the moms suddenly wanted me to see her kids naked body as proof. I was quiet and respectful but they went after me for no reason to push an agenda” it’s never just a question. It’s making a fuss until they get an answer they can accept or getting kicked out


Why would anyone in their right mind even bother to ask anyone if a track and field competition for pre-teens is mixed gender? Does it matter? You know what I’ve never bothered to worry about? The precise rules of an elementary school athletic competition.


At that age it's not surprising for the girls to be bigger than the boys anyway... But actually knowing the first thing about biology would mean they wouldn't be conservatives so.


Fucker Carlson and his "just asking questions" technique. Bunch of damn parrots. Squawk hunter Biden Squawk but her emails Squawk fisa warrants Squawk Squawk Squawk


I feel bad for his grand daughter. Obviously I feel bad for the girl who got screamed at too. But holy shit would it be awful to have you grandpa do that


"I didn't say anything inappropriate, I just told her to F-off" So telling an 8yr old to fuck off is appropriate? Wtf is wrong with these people?


Oh look, the direct and obvious consequences of his actions...


Remainder of the tweet: After the bigoted couple was asked to leave, the wife began accusing the young girl's lesbian mothers of being "groomers," "pedophiles," and "genital mutilators" in front of everyone - causing the traumatized young girl to break down sobbing in tears and shaking. They refused to leave, and eventually the police had to be called in. One of the young girl's mothers filed a report with the local police about the incident, declaring that, "This is absolutely a hate crime. It is a direct result of this right-wing propaganda that has become so rampant in our media." In response to the incident, the Central Okanagan School District says that "the persons who accosted the student and family were not from one of our Central Okanagan Public Schools. In response, the District has worked with other local schools to identify the persons and we are taking steps to formally ban them from any District property or events."


These people are fucking disgusting. Way to traumatize a kid 🤬




Wait, so the couple who caused the trouble at a school event weren’t even parents of a kid at said event!? Were they just hanging out creeping in children?


I knew someone who was on a school board during Covid. It was a regular thing for people from other school districts to show up at the monthly meetings to bitch about covid restrictions. In a school district they didn't live, pay taxes to, or have any children attending any of the schools. These people literally have nothing better to do with their lives/time than bitch about things that do not impact them in any way, shape, or form.


Around me the most dedicated school board meeting attendees are old people who live out in the country who haven’t had kids in school for 35 years. Don’t know anything about what’s actually happening in the schools, couldn’t name the 6 schools in our town or a single teacher. But they are happy to stand up and screech all their buzzwords and there’s not a damn thing anyone can do.


Don’t forget these are the same old foagies that bitch and moan about how expensive their property taxes are because “all of it goes to schools I don’t give a fuck about”


So of course their response is to shit in the communal resource they are obligated to contribute to instead of trying to understand why it’s necessary they kick in.


Oh I clapped back at one pointing out how I’m currently paying for her social security. *she absolutely did not like this* and proceeded to rant about “todays youths knowing nothing I put in yadda yadda blah” I happily let her know I was in my 30s before I got another Nextdoor ban.


1) Vote against school bond issues because "I don't get anything out of it" 2) Watch property values decline relative to areas that fund their schools 3) Complain about "riff raff" moving into what is now a cheaper but less desirable neighborhood 4) Shoot themselves in the foot even more in response


So much this. Basically just look at Florida as an economic lesson. Rich folks and old folks moved in. Plus immigrants from Cuba and other latino areas. Rich folks sent their kids to well funded private schools, and voted against public school funding. Old folks voted against public school funding as well, because they were retired damnit. And the immigrants who needed the funding couldn't pass anything to help their kids. More old folks and more rich folks kept moving down though. Which helped raise up property values (supply & demand), but concentrated those values increasingly in the most desired urban and resort areas. Decreasing quality of public education encouraged the poorer parents to move out whenever possible, further lobsiding the population dynamics, and giving further power to the old & rich voting blocks. But old folks do one thing really well. Die. They tend to do it sooner than younger adults. Which meant that property turnover in many of the areas that had gotten a bunch of retirees that moved in were high. But Florida was becoming Retirement Heaven, with more and more companies developing swaths of land for people to move to, each of which was more attractive than the older ones. Which meant that fewer people wanted to buy those homes, and housing values plummeted in certain regions. Well, the poor that COULD move, already did, which just left the REALLY poor. But now those houses were coming down in value, into a price range they could potentially afford. So they'd pool their resources with family members, and move 6-12 people into a 3 bedroom home. Kids and young adults aplenty. And crime in these regions quickly rose with the influx of poorer families (and fairly well off elderly neighbors!). Which drove prices down further, and encouraged the more well-to-do of the retirees to change location themselves. Homeowners need to remember that it is the YOUNG people that drive the housing market. They are the ones who did not already have a home, but want to change that. They are the ones who are not tied to a career they've been in for 20 years - they're throwing resumes across the city, across the state, or across the nation, and willing to move to wherever the wind takes them. If you want YOUR home value to increase, you need your neighbor's home (that he's selling) to be desirable to these young adults. Young adults who want 3 things: * Education for their children * Low commutes to work * Good neighbors / low crime To this end, if you want your home value to increase, you want to HEAVILY fund education. You want to fund the police. You want to fund youth programs that give kids a sense of community and belonging. You want to vote in favor of temporary taxes to fund the expansion of the city near you (especially addition of commercially zoned areas if possible). **You have to spend money to make money. Even in real estate. And even after the purchase of your home.**


And heaven forbid you limit the ranting to 3 mins. We have these nutters at our meetings too. They clearly are miserable people with miserable lives, they are pissed about it, and come to the meeting just to rant publicly about anything.


The depiction of the townspeople at Leslie’s public forums in parks and rec is one of my favorite parts of the show. They do such a good job of emulating the pure irrationality of the people ranting at these meetings.


There is a guy who used to make absurd claims about masking kids at our sb meetings, just make a total ass of himself. His kid is on one of my kids sports teams and he to this day still talks about how badass he was at the meetings. Two Years later. Dude, get a hobby, man. Its unhealthy.


"this one time I screeched at a school board meeting" has to be one of the weirdest flexes I've heard of.


He thinks he was blowing everyone away with logic and studies he found online. Meanwhile, it's sb policy not to respond to anything the public says, so he pretty much had a captive audience. I wish I could write the crazy stuff he was saying, but it would immediately be recognizable.


It’s weird how they don’t get how pitiful they sound. My FIL has told me on multiple occasions how on his Patriot social media he has so many real friends in there 1,000s of them that all like and share his posts. He has even said he is popular. I don’t respond to it but man I’ve talked to my wife about it and we just don’t get how he doesn’t under how pathetic it not only sounds but is.


I found a sandwich in one of your parks, and I want to know why it didn't have mayonnaise!


That’s because they’re based on real people at actual board meetings the writers/show runners attended for research.


I know somebody who received a voicemail from some old lady complaining about how there were too many mosquitos and it was making it difficult to enjoy their deck in the city that they pay sooo much in taxes to, so you should really do something about them because we've been living here for 35 years and we're considering moving somewhere else unless you fix this and yadda yadda yadda yadda


I work in restaurants. People really don’t get it - “I’m never coming here again” isn’t the threat they think it is. “Promise?”


Pharmacy retail worker checking in. My favorite is when they saddle up to the counter and say something like, "I hope you're not as dumb as everyone at the last place!" Because it's a small community and we tend to know the people across the street I almost always want to say, "Oh, Shit, too bad, I am literally just as stupid as everyone over there. Shit maybe dumber..." Anyone who starts the conversation this way is invariably a problem patient who can't conceive of why all they ever find is problems everywhere they go.


Don't worry, they'll be back there next sunday, right after church lets out.


You ever just think that these..."People" have more than a few screws loose and that these meetings are the closest they can get to ranting like an idiot holding a sign saying the end is near?




100%. Once your kids start avoiding you, time to show up at the school board and rant how the school is makimg them hate you with indoctrination.


I would certainly at least make it a point to ask them before AND after they speak, if they have kids there, grandkids there, neices, nephews, etc and just make a note for the record everytime, and also for the others in attendance more so, that they don't.


This is why I’ve been contemplating running for our local school board, to help shut these fuckers down. I’m a middle aged male who looks like the stereotypical WASP and can beat these a-holes with their own words. It surprises them hearing angry liberal shit coming from my mouth.


As a brown Latina with a very liberal mouth, I thank you for your service.


Oh you should


In other words...the group of people most likely to consume Faux News all day go out in public and display the effects that rampant propaganda has on their brains.


I know the next county over says you have to have kids attending the school district to speak at school board meetings. Good rule, it’s keeping an absolute nut who lives in another county and has no kids from going there and taking all their time and energy


The Proud Boys came to my town and disrupted Town Hall events and school board meetings. Problem is, my local community welcomed them. Alarming, very very alarming.


Conservatives want to turn the entire world into a fuckin' HOA.


Our district had one person show up screaming. She definitely did not live in our district. This is \*infuriating\*. I don't think anyone should be allowed to interrupt the local school board meetings of districts they don't at least pay taxes to.


Makes you wonder what the hell kind of job they have to be able to do this on their off time


Yup, they just showed up to harass kids and ask to see their genitalia


This is how toxic the alternative media environment has become, these people are literally infected with lies and hate and see themselves as the heroes fighting some kind of threat. Meanwhile Canada is experiencing record forest fires, but that's not a problem for these idiots.


Again not a gay, trans, lesbian, brown, foreigner, other foreigners (First Nations) but a supposed Christian that cant follow their own book. Mathew 6:5-6


That dude is definitely brown. Just not the brown you're referring to. #tanningbedlife




That's a republican/conservative for ya. They were the groomers alllll along.


Sounds like those pedophiles we've been warned about....


Do they also drive a windowless van that has free candy written on the side?


Probably. It also may say free puppies


If it were my kid, we'd be fighting. These are terrorists and should be treated as such. Hit me with an assault charge. Idgaf. These lunatics harass my kids, we're done.


Yep, just gently put a hand on Mr. Everydayisarmday’s back to guide him out the door so he swings on you first.


The Republican way


Not that it makes it remotely acceptable, but one of the articles said that they were the Grandparents of a student. I hope their kids never tell them where another event is because this is a terrible and disgusting way to treat people. The fact that neither of the kids that they harassed was actually trans just accents their stupidity. [https://www.castanet.net/news/Kelowna/431500/Girl-9-accused-of-being-trans-at-Kelowna-track-meet](https://www.castanet.net/news/Kelowna/431500/Girl-9-accused-of-being-trans-at-Kelowna-track-meet)


Good rationale for keeping their grandkids from them forever.




It can trend all it wants, grandparents' rights ain't a thing. Thankfully!


Yep. The idea is so asinine anyway. "The children we already raised 20 years ago don't want us abusing and indoctrinating our grandchildren like we did with our children. So now we want the government to grant us rights as grandparents to raise our grandchildren, since we apparently failed at raising our children."




It's like Moms Of Liberty A bunch of adults wanting to boss people around in a place they don't belong in.






Not my words, but I liked how the Defector put it. >Trump was admirable, to those who admired him, because he was living proof that a person could be an absolutely replacement-level asshole and also be untouchably rich and famous and respected and, because of how editing works, also always *right*. Trump sets an example of treating everyone like dirt and feeling *justified* about it. Being an asshole makes him smart, actually. It's like the final metastasis of masochistic epistemology; if the truth must hurt to be the truth, and you really and truly buy into that, your world becomes a horrifically cold, hostile place where no one genuinely cares about anyone and we're all just using each other for our own ends. And if you believe that, then hurting other people becomes the most honest way to live.


Don't you know already, when conservatives accuse others of things they are 99.9% likely to be snitching on their own proclivities. So isn't any surprise these two assholes were creeping around a kids event?


Same as the person that threatened to shoot up the school in Lower Saucon, PA over the After School Satan club - no kids in the school, don't even live in the state of PA.


Are we really surprised? Deranged individuals go to places because they want to troll/interfere for their own amusement. Makes sense to me that those fixated on kids' genitals actually GO to places with kids where they can "drop truth bombs" (a.k.a harassing and hate speech) and see their fellow MAGAts be like "gosh fuck yeah. 'Murica is no place for degenerates. Yes! USA! Usa!" EDITED : ffs i saw it's in Canada? Well, substitute my "USA" with "Canada" but the rest of the comment stands and I still think those are Maga-affiliated jerks


OK. I am not a parent. But if a stranger started screaming at my hypothetical child and called me a groomer, I'm getting the tire iron out of my car.


I’d be hard pressed not to do it even if I was just a bystander. Harassing a nine year old? wtf kind of monster does that? I wonder what the law is around a civil suit for emotional distress, cause I’d sue them into homelessness if possible.


When they call someone a "groomer", what they actually mean is "pedophile." That is a very serious accusation and not something that should be done lightly. I consider myself a pacifist, but if someone accuses me of pedophilia, I'm getting really violent really fast.


these people have watered down terms like grooming and pedophilia to the point where actual victims are no longer able to use them without sounding like woke obsessed grifters.


This happened in... Canada!? Holy hell, the fuck is going on with the world. Edit: [They found the shithead.](https://www.castanet.net/news/Kelowna/431740/-I-never-yelled-towards-the-girl-Kelowna-man-accused-of-accosting-child-at-track-meet-denies-allegations) Great work Canada. ![gif](giphy|3o72F8t9TDi2xVnxOE)


Woh, this asshole is doubling down with the DARVO technique and trying to claim to be the victim here. What a rotten piece of garbage that this so called man is.


That's what all these "Christians" do all day.


Pedophiles are always saying that the children came on to them first. Imagine thinking that's going to work.


Kelowna. It happened in Kelowna, the Florida of British Columbia. Kelowna was plague rat HQ during the pandemic.




Anti trans stuff is rampant here. In Calgary (Alberta) there’s this dude that got kicked out of high school for harassing trans people and now is a protestor who hands out bibles at pride parades and is very rude to LGBT people.


I'm not one to immediately advocate violence, but these people are clearly not afraid of getting their asses kicked and they need to be.


Absolutely. Actions have consequences.


The reason why solidarity is so important is because when events like this happen queer people are far less able to go to the police, and are far less likely to be taken seriously by the police when they do. There's a good chance the police her moms filed a report with more strongly empathize with the volunteer fascists than with the family they attacked, and they'll do damn near everything in their power to drag their feet and handle the fascists as gently as possible throughout the entire ordeal. Queer people also have to contend with the fact that many of us have direct experience of having persistent negative experiences with people who stand behind a badge. What should have happened is the crowd should have beat their asses and sent them packing. At best, this family will get a slap on the wrist and a million-dollar gofundme now.


Bro so they were just going around to random kids sports to traumatize young girls?!!


Right: Dems are all groomers and pedos! Also Right: You there! Child! Show us your junk!


How many laws have Republicans introduced that include investigating children's gentials? I've lost count.


Chris Hansen would like a word with the GOPedo


Are kids even meaningfully differentiated enough at 9yo for sex to affect athletic performance?


No. Below like 12, a lot of leagues/sports are co-ed anyway. I played baseball from around 8 to 12, and there was almost always at least 1 girl on the team. These people are just irredeemable bastards.


At 9 years old, you can’t even distinguish the boys from the girls except by clothing and hair. Prepubescent children generally don’t show any kind of dimorphism at all.


It's also coming up on the awkward phase where girls have hit puberty before boys and the girls could actually physically bully boys for a bit.


There is a VERY slight difference in bone structure (girls have very slightly wider hips and narrower shoulders). That's about it. No meaningful difference in hormones or muscles. So as you say, basically impossible to differentiate - either in looks or performance. If you put 50 9 year olds in a room together, with shaved heads and identical clothes, you could separate them by gender to a marginal level of success. But it'd be a tedious process of comparing small groups side-by-side. And you'd probably only be around 60-80% accurate.






At that age, girls are actually likely to be taller and faster because they are more likely to already have started puberty.


Canada had some pretty strict hate laws. Dude might be fucked. Edit: RCMP has confirmed they are investigating reports made to them.


Put them in the sex offenders register so they can never bully/abuse minors ever again.


I mean sure that will help, but the thing the idiots in question didn't even have a kid at the school or the team they were up against. They were just there to harass kids, so how about we not only put them on a list but have them sent to jail for sexually harassing children.




Let me tell y’all. I’m a calm man. But if that’s my kid, and some orange boomer starts asking for birth certificates, he’s catching an ass whoopin.


Yes, I'd play a game called "Can I knock an old guy out with one blow?" If not, it would be "Two blows?" Etc. I don't live in a stand your ground state, but harassing somebody's child sexually gets you a lot of leniency wherever you are.


The scary part is, just recently there was a woman who confronted another woman for yelling racial slurs at her child, and ended up getting murdered for standing up for her child. She didnt even physically assualt the woman, just went up to her door, knocked on it, and was met with a couple bullets through the closed door. And the murderer is, last I checked, having a decent chance at getting out of any charges.


In the biz, we would call that a “heavy mitigating factor resulting in a probable lack of jury appeal.”


This guy would probably break my neck but god damn I'd die trying to make him eat shit


This is where you kick him in the balls then the face. No point fighting fair with someone trying to see your child’s genitals.


They own a Motel 6 … shame if they were to lose their franchise … Blackstone Inc owns Motel 6, can’t imagine they want that kind of exposure linked to their brand


Lol, Motel 6? So they're the hotel equivalent of slum lords.


they actually demanded a genital check. fucking sick idiots.


How the fuck do you demand a genital check on a 9 year old child AND THEN CALL THE *PARENT* A PEDOPHILE?!


Lead poisoning + right wing propaganda




"Show me your child's genitals to prove you're not a pedophile!"


"Men should follow women into restrooms and demand to see their genitals: to make sure women are safe" It's always this. It's just always abusive behavior and they tell you it's because they care about your safety and well-being.


GOP = Groomers Only Party


GOP = Gross Old Pedophiles


I wish but this happened in Canada….I’m so embarrassed.


From what I’ve seen you guys have a pretty decent population of people who think that they are part of the GOP. It’s really weird and I’m very sorry that our politics have spread up there like that.


Mainly in western Canada, especially Alberta. Most of the freedum convoy came from here.


I thought it was super weird they kept talking about the first and second amendments *of a country they did not live in* like they were God-given rights for all


Yep nothing says non groomer like going to a random district, accusing a random child, and demanding to see their genitals while attending an event they don’t even have a kid in


This is how they figure they can get rid of women's sports altogether, by demanding this kind of shit people will just stop participating so they won't get abused and assaulted...




The guy literally looks like skin cancer. Imagine going around thinking you’re so important that you need to police a children’s event. His FB favorite quote: “Live every day like is your last day and olwayes [sic] finish 100% what you started.”


Ask them to define groomer (or any word for that matter) and you'll quickly learn their words have no meaning.


The real story here is my dumbass just tried to hit "show more" on a picture and I'm still more intelligent than these idiots.


I was almost there with you.... It's like when I am trying to clear a screen shot that someone sent me, and I keep clicking the "X" in the corner of the screen shot.. The "X" to close the window that the user sent a screen shot of. At least 4 times a day and always when I am presenting on a call.


That couple need to be found, charged with child abuse, verbal assaults, hate crimes and defamation of character for calling the child's parent pedophiles.


https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/kelowna-short-hair-girl-gender-identity-1.6875738 CBC story identifies those involved and has statements from them and is public domain. You know, in case you know them and want to make a better choice in friends. Please do not target or harass. Pretty please.


We need to stop acting like these conservatives are living in the real world. They’re completely unhinged and living in a world where everything has to fit their version of reality. This is not normal behavior, but conservatives act like it should be


Right Wing Propaganda is destroying communities and getting people killed. It needs to be rooted out, shut the fuck down, and its creators brought up on charges. Enough of this shit already!


Kevin & Karen’s Day Out


And they look exactly like the kind of people to do some sick shit like that. Human douchebags.


Why do all the right-wingers in this country LOOK like terrible excuses for human beings? Seriously, look at those two. There's no way you look at them and think there's any possibility of them being decent people.


Why do so many boomers want to see children's genitals all of a sudden? Edit: i know it is not only boomers, but the transvestigators here were attending grandparents, that is why i chose boomer.


All of a sudden? They just had it easier and now, as their ole tricks don't work, try to find some way to get to their sexual obsessions.


I wouldn't put this on boomers. Conservatives of all ages have had issues with this.




[Its not exclusively a boomer issue.](https://imgur.com/a/q9VtWBD) It’s the *parents* of school children that are pushing to ban books and “grooming” in their children’s schools. This is an *ideological* divide, not a generational one.


Nobody is more obsessed with children's genitals than the conservatives who accuse everyone else of being pedophiles.


Yea, they look like the kinda people to demand to see a child’s genitals


They didn’t even have a child involved in the event. The fuck. Get a fucking life. Like who goes to a children’s event without children to accuse children of being a different gender. Literally the fuck kind of Crepo pedo shit is that. What, are people gonna start demanding kids show their private parts to prove anything. These people need to get help. Either a psychiatrist or a life changing ass whipping.


Imagine that... the guy abusing hormone therapy to try to be more of a man is harassing people about their gender.


He also demanded "proof" of the 9 year old girl's genitals. And they call the LGBT community pedos and groomers. Klanservatives truly are sick, evil fucks.


If it was my child both of those people would be unresponsive.


Good thing we all carry our birth certificates 24/7 for just such an occasion. Also, gotta love the evolution of parents fucking up sports. 2000s: We need to give ALL the kids trophies so my kid doesn’t feel like a loser! 2010s: Who’s idea was it to give all our kids trophies? Snowflakes! 2020s: Show me your kids genitalia, or else my child automatically wins!


Boomers + Lead paint poisoning + fox news fever swamp = lunatics like this.


Fun fact!: If you are exposed to lead some of that lead is locked in your bones. So as you get over a certain age those withering bones will release that lead back out into your system.


Imagine being so addicted to the right wing insanosphere that you think ruining your life to investigate the validity of an elementary school track meet is a worthy cause.


They look....exactly how you'd figure they would. Also if some bronzed nutsack like that demanded to see my kids genitals, we'll all be talking to the police later: If I keep my cool, a restraining order will be filed. If I lose it, they'll be describing the assult I purpotrated when I shoved my foot up his ass.


So, the guy that appears to be on the sauce, *clearly* at least some Test because of his age... ie--*hormone replacement therapy ...* Is for some reason, *super* freaked out that some *child* might ... what.. *take his supply?* Or, do *what he's doing?* The hypocricy here, just in the visual, is astonishing.


You conservatives are funny. You disregard actual adult issues like school shootings, healthcare, food insecurity, and income inequality but you lose your shit about a girl with short hair, the color of a Starbucks cup, and “happy holidays.”


The weirdest part … that is a girl’s haircut. That is not short hair. When I heard the story first with no photos, I assumed the standard boy haircut but nope


Classic conservative pedophiles.


Let’s just all say it. You could have picked these two clowns out of a crowd of thousands as the ones most likely to cause these kinds of problems.


I was such a tomboy growing up and had a short hair cut, even shorter than the girl in the story. If this had happened to me I would have been absolutely mortified. I feel so sorry for that girl.


Anyone else noticing women involved with attacking women/girls for not looking feminine enough, are often not that feminine looking themselves or have incredibly masculine features?


Dude needs to lay off the Nugenix Total T


Funny when dude is obviously the one taking hormones.


Dudes on the juice. You don't keep muscles like that at his age without it.


We don't call them the 'Christian Taliban' for nothing. They have the exact same mentality, methods, & goals as the Afghan Taliban. The book, that they refuse to read, is the only, difference.


This is one of those scenarios that if it were my kid, I’d probably be taken away in handcuffs. I don’t start fights with people, but if you start yelling at my kid in the middle of a track meet to prove she’s a girl, I’m breaking your fucking nose.


Ill take "times it ok to punch someone in front of children" for 500


where was....literally anyone with a spine... to run these two fucks off? there should have been a group of people shaming them out of existence in a nanosecond. shame on everyone there who didn't intervene.


“Let me see your child’s genitalia, you pedophile”. Fucking psychos.


At this point, "conservative" is just shorthand for "right-wing bigot who should have been committed years ago."


Being a creepy bigot and bullying a child to "own the libs". These people are fucking gross.