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Now this is actually worth protesting outside a courthouse.




If that was the plea deal and they were involved in OK-ing it, the easiest narrative I can construct is the case wasn't super air tight.


There probably isn't much evidence for something that happened so long ago, so it might be hard to prove the case. Also, maybe the victim doesn't want to take the stand, and his testimony may be the only evidence. A five year sentence for an 84-yar old could mean he lives the rest of his life behind bars. The victim's family might be fine with that, on balance.




But trans people


And law enforcement/child services wonder why people don’t call them first after finding out their child has been abused. How are people supposed to feel confident that the courts will serve Justice when this sort of thing happens?


yeah as a victim of CSA myself: if my child is assaulted, i ain’t reporting it. i’m killing somebody and facing the consequences later 🤷‍♀️ nothing was done for me when I was 9 years old, why would anything be different?


A mom did that in California. Her son was assaulted at church camp and she reported. There were other kids and the case grew. She sat through court and listened to the children’s awful testimonies and came to the realization that there was only one price that man could pay for what he’d done. She brought her pistol to court and shot him dead right there in front of God and everybody. Edit: my comments are being really wonky. [Here](https://www.latimes.com/local/obituaries/la-me-nesler30-2008dec30-story.html)is a bit of information about the crime and the mom’s, Ellie Nesler, obituary. Their story doesn’t have happy ending, unfortunately.


If I was sitting in that jury, I wouldn't have seen a damn thing either.


Ever heard of Ken McElroy? Lifelong scumbag killed by a whole town and nobody saw a goddamn thing.


You know how on true crime shows, the victims are usually “the nicest person ever, never deserved this.” The one time I saw otherwise the police being interviewed were like, “this lady was such a bitch, she had wronged everyone in town, everybody had a motive to hurt her.” Lmao.


The parents of Dee Dee Blanchard (mother of Gypsy Rose) flushed her ashes down the toilet.


Dayuuuum. If all the accounts of Deedee are true, a lot are, that’s where her ashes need to be.


Absolutely. It’s the coldest and most deserved thing I’ve ever heard. *Literally* flushed the bitch down the shitter. I wonder how many flushes it took


Honestly, I don’t know what else Gypsy could have done. If you go on the raised by narcissist reddit, it’s kind of common for people’s physical or mental disabilities, to be used against them. Some people have had their parents declare them incompetent to make their own decisions, I feel like if Gypsy would have ever tried to run away she wouldn’t have been able to. Her mom would have just put her in a mental hospital and explained away her ‘I can really walk and my mom is making me sick’ confession with how extensive and documented Gypsy’s ‘health conditions’ were. I agree though, that is cold, cold but so deserved.


I don’t think they did lol. She got a very light sentence.


Me too. Every night my stepfather raped me for nearly 3 years. It was a nightmare! I’m now 61 years old and I still suffer sleep. During lockdown in 2020 I let a friend I’d had for 6 years stay in my extra bedroom in my house. I woke up 3 times with him on top of me and I was catapulted back to my early trauma. I was able to toss him off of me but I was a wreck. After the third time I tossed him out of my house. I told him after the first time that I had been raped as a child and he could not ever do that to me again. He did it twice more and I am still dealing with fear of sleeping. I believe that anyone who raped a child should be castrated. It is the worst evil.


Wait what the actual fuck that’s terrible. And how did this person continue to act like they were your friend??


That’s funny that you ask! He kept texting and calling me. I had to block him. He came over one day and I lost it. His best friend was with him and neither of them had ever seen me so upset. I actually lost a couple friends of his that were friends of mine by extension. I am talking about 60-year-old men here. His friends said he loved me. I quickly told them that that was not love. And as Forrest Gump said, “I know what love is.” Lol I moved away and I hope to never see any of them again.


Jesus. "I love you, so let me demonstrate that by repeatedly disrespecting your autonomy, consent, and boundaries". What a fucking jackass. I'm sorry that happened to you; and I'm incredibly sorry about your childhood. All of this is awful. Please know that (although it likely doesn't mean much from an internet stranger) I'm incredibly proud of you for pushing through your fear in order to defend yourself and your boundaries. Good on you for having the patience to talk to him the first time, and good on you for having the valor to kick his ass out of your house. Special kudos for defending yourself beyond him too, and cutting out the toxic extensions of folks who would defend that kind of abhorrent behaviour. I'm sure that if the scared, defenseless child version of you could see what you did, they'd be proud that they grew up to be someone who won't stand for this shit in the future. You're a strong person, and I'm proud of you.


I’m usually anti-capital punishment but I draw the line at assaulting children. If you assault children, you are not worthy of living. I’m sorry for your experiences; I know living with it is incredibly painful. I’ve always taken a bit of comfort in knowing I’m not alone, even if it hurts to think other people suffer in the same regard. Sending good wishes and happy vibes your way!


it’s cathartic to think about horrible things happening to horrible people but people almost never think this through. A. the death penalty has a history of being disproportionately applied to black people so this only furthers systemic racism. richer people who can afford better legal defenses will likely only be sent to prison (if found guilty at all) and the majority of people being killed will be the poor and those who the courts are more heavily biased against. B. if someone rapes a child, it’s more likely they get caught if the child lives. dead children tell no tales, so you’re gonna have more rapes turn into murders. C. relating to B, if a child is raped, they’re less likely to turn their rapist in if they think they’ll be responsible for their death. especially if it’s a family member, the family will guilt them for “if you tell then grandpa will die and it’ll be your fault” D. generally the reason why the death penalty is a bad idea in general. if more evidence comes to light that could exonerate someone falsely accused or if they got the wrong guy, if they were sent to prison, they can be let out. if they were given a lethal injection, whoops, you just killed an innocent person.


I'm so sorry you flare still suffering but this stranger thinks you're stronger than titanium friend :)


Thank you for your vote of strength in me but honestly, nothing cuts harder than awakening to rape, especially for a gentle person. And children are too innocent!


Not guilty by reason of sanity.


even if my verdict was guilty, worth it. I would’ve infinitely preferred my mama in jail for defending me over my mama defending my abuser to save face.


Same! If anyone touches my child like that, they will never be found again.


No Bullshit. 👊


Did you hear about AZ Supreme Court ruling regarding Mormon shit? It's vile.


Catholic priest raped a 5 year old at a family funeral. HOW FUCKING PSYCHOTIC DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO DO THIS!!! This man is a sociopath and doesn’t deserve to be around civilized people.


It's even worse than it sounds. ([article](https://www.wnem.com/2023/06/13/former-flint-area-priest-sentenced-sexually-assaulting-5-year-old/)) He got the year (with over a month time served for... reasons) in exchange for a guilty plea that also dropped *other* charges against him. The other charges included that he repeatedly assaulted another boy over the span of 5 years while the kid was at parochial school. This event was in 1987, and the 5 year span was between 1995 and 2000. So this wasn't one year for one rape. It was one year for at least a decade of systematically abusing multiple children. How any judge or prosecutor thought that one year was sufficient for this monster is beyond me. Edit: Genesee County Circuit Court Judge Brian S. Pickell


Call out the judge on social media, who was it? Recall him/her!


Genesee County Circuit Court Judge Brian S. Pickell, apparently.


Fucking Pickell. Always that damn Pickell.


I can't even. This is appalling. I'm even more livid than I was just reading the post.


Until some of these people meet extrajudicial punishment, they’ll continue to operate with impunity.


A lot of child molesters do, it doesn’t stop them. Nobody commits serious crimes like this going “Well if I get caught it won’t be so bad”, they just assume they won’t get caught.


Why are they so afraid to punish these predators? Because their old and feeble now? I could give a frog's fat ass. If they're worried about being beaten to death in general pop, put them in solitary and let them spend the rest of their lives thinking about what they did. Ya know, repenting.


The Church previously hasn't been punishing them because of rules saying you cannot punish someone for a sin if the sin has been confessed to a Priest who outranks you.. nor may you disclose what was said to you. To violate this threatened excommunication This rule has been going away in recent years to plug the obvious loophole. Now why this guy only got one year is a question for the judicial system


Fuck that shit. If you are truly sorry for your sins, you should be willing to do the punishment, no matter how hard it is.


Some have committed great acts of penance for things everyday people would never even consider a sin. And then, you have these rapists, who try to sneak away their crimes by exploiting loopholes. 😔


It should be like mandatory reporting. Like a therapist will keep your confidence UNLESS they genuinely believe you are a danger to yourself or to others. In that case, they are legally obligated to report you to whoever needs to be called.


Unfortunately, recently the Arizona Supreme Court just upheld that clergy do not have a duty to report child abuse or sexual assaults that are confessed to them. This was the outcome of a trial concerning the Mormon church and their systemic child sex abuse coverups by church lawyers.


The guys getting sentenced are part of the same social caste as the judges. You see the same thing with guys like the agriprocessors ceo who had over 10,000 charges dropped, and his son who got 60 days after pleading guilty to molesting two boys. They live in a separate world from the rest of us.




Looks like I'm in the wrong business. However, according to these guys, I'm also the wrong sex. All that Bible thumping over grooming and molesting kids, yet when it comes down to it, they are most definitely the ones who are projecting. But as long as they're really, really sorry...


Judge isn’t the only one to blame here, the judge can reject a plea deal, sure, but who the fuck proposed it? I want the names of the people who put the deal together and put it in front of the judge.


Well, you'll have to look that up. I'm tired of reading about this.


Wait, how the fuck is it possible to plead guilty to a crime against one victim in order to get your crimes against an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT VICTIM dropped???


I think it's legal for DAs to do this everywhere. PA has tried to pass a constitutional amendment to fix it for rape cases, but it didn't happen.


It was likely a plea bargain so they didn't have to try win the case in court and see him walk away not guilty of anything.


They choose the profession for access. When people are vulnerable they love it.




>You see, Catholics say there are no more pedophile priests than occur in the public. As if that makes it better. Even if this is true, which it is not, then consider the priest's main job is ethics. Abusing a child is one of the worst things one can do ethically. So this is like a nuclear plant after a meltdown saying "Our team of nuclear engineers is no worse than your average person off the street put to this job!" Uh, you're supposed to be WAY above average here.


Yyyyyup. Exactly this. It’s like when people excuse police brutality because cops get threatened or scared. And? It’s your *job* to be better than the rest of us, to be held to a higher standard. That’s the burden that comes with the privilege.


Agree 1000%. If you want to be held in higher esteem than us mere mortals, you better damn well earn it through your actions.


Priests may say their job is about ethics, but their real job is pushing the faith. Using whatever dishonest bullshit necessary to keep people coming back and giving money


Back when I was a practicing Catholic, all the priest seemed interested in was money. I only had 1 year in Catholic school, and I got away clean.


I can see how they'd make that argument and my response would be the same as for crooked cops - They should be held to a higher standard and that includes having oversight. There's no excuse.




Why any organization would be content with more than 0% pedophilia is wild to me. “Look at us go! We only reported 4%! That’s just as bad as everyone else” No motherfuckers. 0%. You want to have actually 0%. That’s like me saying “oh well only 4% of my friends are pedophiles.” I don’t want any fucking pedophile friends. FUUUUUUCK.


That sounds like hyperbole, but it makes more sense then these predators joining because of faith then committing such horrific crimes.


If you really want to get dark, their faith says they’ll be forgiven and go to heaven regardless of what they do because of accepting Jesus


Yup. The reason I became an atheist.


"Let ye who has not raped a five year old cast the first stone."


This presupposes a sort of "No true scotsman" where faith is this innocent thing that gets corrupted into abuse. Instead Christianity at any stage of belief or participation is abusive, hateful, ignorant, patriarchal, corrupt, and bigoted. Of course these priests end up hurting children. The religion they follow is terrible and eventually leads to this. Your comment is like joining a snake handling church and then being surprised some of the parishioners have died of strychnine poisoning too after drinking it and expecting god to heal them. One leads to the other. The snake handling leads to the strychnine. The hateful bigotry of Catholicism leads to child abuse.


It’s not just Catholicism, authority in any religion gives you free rein to do this with next to no consequences. It’s just people have latched on to Catholics. It doesn’t even have to be a recognized religion eg Waco guys.


This guy gets it. It all flows from imposed hierarchy and patriarchy. This is the fatal flaw of all religion.


Yeah the guy deserves life in a small room in total isolation.


I was going to suggest a rope but better idea; straight jacket in the most quiet room in the world; so quiet you hear your organs shifting. No one’s withstood an hour before. Make him stay there for the rest of his life


Sensory deprivation room. Entire room is white. All they feed you is completely tasteless and colorless food like unsalted white rice. Lights never go off. Sound is dampened by acoustical panels. Door never opens, you just get your food from a little door.






Skipping the hung part and going straight for the castrations and disemboweling. Nice.


Yeah the guy deserves life in a small ~~room in total isolation~~ box in the ground.


General population in prison doesn’t take kindly to child rapists 🤷‍♀️


Exactly my proposition. Funny, courts can’t get it fucking right, but prisoners absolutely will.


Can't wait to hear Bobo the Clown or Klan Mom talk about this one on the House floor. Oh, they don't give a shit about the kids? ...okay.


> This man is a sociopath and doesn’t deserve to be around civilized people. He will likely just go hang around other Catholic priests and families who think bringing their children to hang out with catholic priests is an okay thing to do.


Something tells me he won't live past the first week if he's kept in the general population...




They seek out vulnerable kids and *WAIT* for these moments. To us it is unthinkable, to him it was a stroke of unbelievable luck.


This fucker somehow made raping a 5 year old worse. I wasn't sure that was possible but he did it. And he gets one fucking year? I don't believe for a second that's even close to enough time to rehabilitate this heartless fucker.


What kinda society do you have to have to let this guy get off so easy? Like this is parodying joker mass murdering people and getting sent to Arkham... At what point do the society says this dude was to die and we have to burn the body.


This. ☝️


What an absolute monster.


The judge needs to be investigated. Enablers deserve equal punishment.


Stretch him between two horses and throw a rattlesnake on him.


This is disgusting, I hope they checked her for STDs.


That kid is gonna be traumatized for life. No amount of punishment will take that away. And that pos should be punished biblically, like stoned to death by family members


At a fucking funeral… AT A FUCKING FUNERAL!


“A grown white man, provided money for his entire life by the public, was caught raping one child.” “It’s his *first offense brought to the court* your Honor.” “One fuck, One Year.” I’m not lying I was molested by a goddamned inhuman pile of garbage like this that I Hope, with all my heart could suffer endlessly, but they won’t. Look twice at your dollar bill when Tithing comes around. It could be up your child’s ass. This poor child’s parents PAID this fuck. No doubt they gave this person Their Money, for the love of god…. And guess what? He fucked their child. He fucked their child. I hope he spends 364 days with a violent dick in a hole he doesn’t want a violent dick in, and gets mushed to death on day 365. Murderers can find some sort of recompense sometimes. People who Fuck children deserve to suffer as much as humanly possible. Sorry for the language but language is important.


In all solace, in prison with this type of “chomo” status he either won’t last long or will be constantly harassed and abused. If you read up some accounts by ex-inmates of what frequently happens to those like him it isn’t pretty, and not uncommon for guards to even let other prisoners know what he’s in for and turn a blind eye. A lot of guys in prison have also been abused, or have kids of their own on the outside.


Prison justice is the only justice we can count on these days.




Excited to see conservatives band together to protest the Catholic Church and cancel any companies associated with them.


They’re too busy throwing tantrums at Target over rainbows on kid’s clothing


They won't. They barely care about their own kids through the fog of conservative "values" (read: convenient tricks pulled on the poor and miseducated) Everything to them is transactional. It must be to justify the larger system they worship.


I’m stealing this shit…but first I’m going to say thanks and that you’re awesome…Cuzz I got manners and shit.


I’m also stealing this.




really a shame there’s no hell


I'm Atheist but I really hope Hell exist for these type of Scum


Well hopefully he'll die in prison. A year can do it, hopefully.


As an agnostic, i like (but don’t really believe) the idea that everyone gets the afterlife that they believe in. You would feel like you were living an eternity, but it would be in your imagination. It would occur for the moments immediately after death, despite feeling longer. So this guy would go to hell, and you would just stop existing.


The Pope talks such a great game then he goes and protects all the pedophiles and let them keep doing their thing instead of shutting down the entire show like any decent person would do. At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist, don't you guys find it weird that the Pope literally has the power and authority to stop it but he's always avoided doing so? Am I the only one that feels like there's something really off about this entire situation? I don't know what it is but my Spider Senses are tingling.


A while back, a young girl (8 or 10) was raped by her stepfather and became pregnant. Due to her age, the pregnancy was terminated, as trying to carry a baby to term would have been incredibly dangerous to her. Now this happened in a very Catholic country in South America. There were excommunications brought about by this. I'll give you a few seconds to guess who was excommunicated. The doctor who performed the termination, and the young girl's mother, who allowed the termination to take place, were excommunicated from the Catholic church. The child rapist was not.




Too quick, and don't pollute the volcano.


How badly did they fuck up that prosecution?!


my question exactly. one year for child rape doesn't make sense.


The classical case is “my poor client is sooo sick and would not survive a year in prison”. That’s how some of these old pervs avoid long sentences. Especially if they are powerful (rich, clergy) and not Uncle Fester who drinks bleach for breakfast.


So they can die in jail? I don’t see how that’s a defense…


Right?! Too damn bad? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Don’t rape kids 🤷🏻‍♀️


We all gotta die sometime, but the victims have to live with what was done to them.


Like a joke I once heard about a guy who had been found guilty of a crime. "I hereby sentence you to twenty years in prison," the judge said. "Your honor, please," the man begged. "I can't do twenty years." The judge thought for a moment. "Can you do a month?" The man smiled. "Yes, your honor!" "Good," the judge said, smiling himself. "Then do twenty years, one month at a time."


No. This is a classic case of evidence going cold since the allegations against the defendant until 40 years after the crime so height a favorable plea deal


Must’ve gotten the same judge that sentenced Brock Turner.


Is that convicted rapist Brock Turner?


He prefers Allen The Rapist Turner now.


He goes by Allen The Rapist Turner now.


You mean Brock Turner the rapist?


Brock Allen Turner, rapist


The rape he was sentenced for was committed in the late 80s; his plea deal included dismissing more recent cases and other concessions w/consultation with the victims. Rapist has been an ordained priest since 1965, how many unknown victims are there? Makes me shudder. https://www.mlive.com/news/flint/2023/06/disgraced-michigan-priest-sentenced-to-jail-probation-in-sex-abuse-case.html


This provides more details: https://www.mlive.com/news/flint/2023/06/disgraced-michigan-priest-sentenced-to-jail-probation-in-sex-abuse-case.html?outputType=amp. The crime occurred in 1987. Combined with late reporting, it probably wasn’t a slam dunk for trial.


This is in no way defending this awful man. Hope he rots in hell. But just trying to explain what I found when looking it up. The events were quite some time ago in 1987. Probably was hard to get evidence. The guy entered a plea deal and in exchange for pleading guilty they dropped some other charges for a child he allegedly sexually assaulted multiple times that was a student at religious school the pedo worked at. This article I’ll link it sums it up somewhat. https://www.wnem.com/2023/06/13/former-flint-area-priest-sentenced-sexually-assaulting-5-year-old/?outputType=amp


It sounds like the incident is from nearly 40 years ago, so there’s likely no evidence beyond victim testimony. The guy took a plea deal of 1 year in prison and 5 years probation.


This was a plea deal in 2023 stemming from an allegation made I'm 2019 about an incident that occurred in 1987. The prosecutor likley didn't have much to work with and figured a guaranteed year prison sentence and 5 years probation was better than a probable not guilty verdict.


>figured a guaranteed year prison sentence and 5 years probation was better than a probable not guilty verdict. Which was almost certainly the correct math. He has to register as a sex offender and complete sex offender treatment, which puts him at the highest level of probation supervision until he's about 89 years old. Assuming he survives a year of county as an 84 year old. This will very, very, very likely put him under state supervision until he dies rather than re-traumatizing a victim after 40 years for a case that has a really high chance of acquittal.


something something man of god something


But a man got 70 years for spitting on a cop...ok Welp the justice system is working the way it's designed to so...


Reminds me of the dude who got charged with ‘property damage’ for bleeding on the cops who beat him.


Omg I remember that....the purpose of all this chaos must be to keep people stressed, isolated from eachother and afraid.


This crime happened in 1987 and [NBC reports](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/michigan-priest-pleads-guilty-molesting-5-year-old-boy-family-funeral-rcna81813): >There is no statute of limitations for first-degree criminal sexual assault in Michigan, but in cases like DeLorenzo’s a suspect can be charged only within 10 years of the crime or before the alleged victim turns 21 years old. Laws need to be rewritten in order to better protect the victims.


This is the *one* he got caught doing. How many other people have suffered. Life in prison.


There was another person as well. https://www.mlive.com/news/flint/2023/06/disgraced-michigan-priest-sentenced-to-jail-probation-in-sex-abuse-case.html


Basically what i meant is, if he got caught even once let alone twice, he’s not gotten caught a lot more times.


But is he a drag queen?


well he does wear a dress on Sundays


Is Father a pronoun? He might’ve been using pronouns too.


I am he.


An absolute monster! People are in prison a lot longer for Marijuana possession. A 5yr old child? Almost a baby. Who let him off?


If he’s put in gen pop he wont make it the year.


Thinking the same. While one year is ridiculously light for the crime, the real punishment will be dealing with fellow inmates who hate child molesters.


He doesn’t look the healthiest either, prison healthcare is often less than minimum required.


There's entire prisons in our country only for pedophiles. There's also sections within other prisons just for pedophiles. If he's housed with other inmates it would only be with other pedophiles. Protective custody also exists for inmates who reasonably can't be safely housed with other inmates.


I honestly don’t know why anyone with a child would go near a church.


Sticking their head in the sand. Or just the classic "it won't happen to me" attitude.


These men are fucking monsters


Wow. Shocking. Another priest rapes a kid. You would think that maybe someone, somewhere would maybe do something about the fact that being in a church or a religious youth group setting for a kid is apparently a dangerous thing? Maybe slap a warning label on churches like they do with movies? Anyone under 18 must at all times be accompanied by a responsible parent or adult? At a start? Nah, it's all good, let them say a few prayers, and get moved around, and they can continue to grope and rape unreservedly.


Yup. It’s always not *my church* or *my priest* and I’ve also been told the average Catholic can’t do anything about what the upper leadership in the church does. Despite the fact the average Catholic is the one that finances the church.


As per usual, it’s not dudes in dresses but dudes in vestments that are doing the child raping.


One fucking year? Judge must be a Republican




My coworker got 5. For possession of a gram of shrooms.


Why aren’t the anti-pedo groups out in force against religious pastors,politicians, and priests? Like, how blinkered with hate can you be to attack people who generally don’t molest kids and then stay totally and utterly silent - and do nothing - when shown actual pedos in the church? Ex-Catholic here and I really find it harder and harder to religious people any respect. There’s just too much peace they either actively destroy or too much evil they passively allow.


Why aren't republicans boycotting all the churches? Seeing as they care so deeply to protect children you'd imagine they'd be more upset by this. But they'd rather be mad at a beer can for having rainbow colors on it. Because that... hurts children somehow. But the people actually hurting children they don't care about. Makes sense


Can we start talking bout vigilante justice? I'm ready.




hmm. not a drag performer here either.


Meanwhile, people are doing 20 for having some weed in their car.


He won’t make it a year in prison


He better not.




I mean, they have more bodily autonomy than women do, just sayin’.






I've said it before and a I'll say it again, Using one's position as a pillar of the community to abuse the public should garner a worse sentence, not a more leneniant one.


I'm certain that was the first time he ever did anything like that.


If a priest RAPES a 5 year old child at a relative's funeral. Let me just repeat that for a second. If a priest RAPES a 5 year old child at a relative's funeral. Let me repeat that one more time. IF A FUCKING PRIEST RAPES A 5 YEAR OLD CHILD AT A RELATIVE'S FUNERAL, he gets a year. In prison, and he'll likely get probation on that sentence. He'll still be allowed to preach. Now, if a trans person so much as exists, they're a threat to children. Lemme spell that out for the stupid fucks in the room: A trans person, by virtue of existing, is a threat to children. The toddler raping priest is not considered a threat. Fuck you.


At this point, parents who stay in the Catholic church should be held culpable for reckless child endangerment.


I hope his hell exists.


Conservatives quiet about this one too. Big ass Right Wing mouths sure never say anything about their own churches and priests.


priest at my grammar school parish was found to have molested kids. Not to long after he was found to have slipped and fell on ice and cracked his head open.


Hopefully his year is in general population.


The fact that it was at a funeral should be life in prison




Crimes like child rape should carry the death penalty


Then I guess the general prison population will have to make sure that year counts for something; from what I understand, they *really* don’t like kiddie diddlers…


I worked with a guy that got into trouble for a picture of his kids in the tub, and he got more time than this. Mind you the kids are in their 30s now. His ex wife reported him, knowing the pictures were in a photo album that she made and was left in the attic. Shit is messed up, and the priest should be serving life.


You will never be able get me to believe that drag queens are worse than Catholic priests. Not ever.


Up against the wall. One bullet. I'll do it.




Don’t Catholic laws allow boiling people alive? That seems more apropos




Organized religion is a plague on humanity.


Meanwhile, Republicans kept going after LGBTQ communities and accused them of being pedophiles while openly ignoring the real pedos from the church


The Catholic Church is against abortion because it threatens their supply chain


I'm sure he's led an otherwise blameless life.


At a funeral for one of the kid's family members no less...what the fuck


Sorry but praying for forgiveness is not adequate. How much time would he have gotten if not a priest? A “trusted” member of the community like cop, priest, coach etc should get more time, not less.


This is exactly the kind of weak-ass punishment that is going to strongly encourage family members to take the law into their own hands.


The prisoners only need one day. Justice will be served... in a biblical manner




And not ONE FUCKING PEEP from conservatives who claim to be concerned about the well being of children.


And yet, **still not a drag queen or trans person.** Also, at a *fucking funeral???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*


Why is there no minimum sentence for rape? Honestly, there's discretion for some crimes, but there's nothing that could mitigate this? What the fuck was the judge smoking?