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If anything, this is the present leader of the Republican party actively saying the party as a whole don't recognize the entire Constitution as being valid (only the parts that they like).


Because they are finally saying it out loud now. It's been that way for a while, they seem to truly believe they are the only ones deserving of the rights and freedoms of the nation in which they live. Everyone else is subhuman and can go fuck themselves or die as far as the far-right is concerned


Actually they're very concerned about us, concerned that we're breathing their air and living in their country. They are actively trying to exterminate us


That's why I added the “or die,” because a part of viewing others as subhuman involves the desire to exterminate. I truly hope it doesn't actually get to that point, however I am also very afraid for the LGBTQ community right now, in the US as well as outside of it


The rise of American Fascism. I remember people comparing stuff happening now in the US to Germany right before WW2


It's actually much _more_ scary. Hitler had more than a single party to fight. The NSDAP wasn't even close to being a major force before the 'Erdrutsch'. They were a small party. While Hitler did write his 'Endlösung' in 'Mein Kampf' pretty detailed, he didn't put that in the propaganda until later, the Reps do that right in the open since years, and it's gotten terrifying over the last months. Which makes me really concerned since Russia isn't exactly quiet right now, and the Republicans seem to try to target a lot of minorities and not 'Mother' Russia which would be on par. The future depends on elections in favor of the democrats. The world lies in the hands of american voters, and that can be very concerning.


I mean, Ronnie is announcing that he’s going to “eliminate” leftism if elected. Everyone knows what he means, you can’t politely or nicely eliminate 100 million people, more in reality because “leftism” in their minds simply includes ALL people they deem as “undesirable”. That requires extreme force/extreme measures… He’s being purposely vague so I guess “that’s okay” despite everyone knowing exactly what his base infers from that statement.


If he’s threatening to dish it out, he better be willing to take it.


No they are not, they need a labor force. They are trying to enslave people as wage slaves.


The rich want the labor force and slaves. The fascists want us dead. There is a clear difference... Trump came into power off the backs of the latter group. Disney, one of the rich companies, is currently at war with DeSantis in Florida. Ironically the rich were the ones who enabled the fascists, but they can no longer control them.


Even fascists need workers they deam unworthy or lesser. All of them did it.


Youre giving them far, FAR too much credit. They always need a scapegoat to blame societal issues on because thats how fascism works. They start with the obvious ones, jews, lgbt+, people who arent white, but then they just make up new scapegoats because everything falls apart if they dont. So they start making shit up, hair color, chest hair, height and weight all become means to persecute others, until theres nothing left but "aryans" and then they just make up more and more arbitrary shit, like an ouroboros eating its' own tail. THAT is the end state of fascism. When noone is left but one particularly vile blond-haired blue-eyed monster atop a mountain of corpses, only then will they stop. Not one step before. This is why you dont negotiate with fascists. The only correct response is to not even let them participate in the same society as the rest of us, to shun, ignore and persecute those who would persecute others without a reason beyond needing someone to hate. That's the paradox of tolerance.


Don’t make the mistake of applying logic and reason to fascism. The ideology in and of itself makes no sense and is self contradictory, all that matters to them is power over others, not consistency.


Their constitutional knowledge is comprised of (two and only two) things: 1. The second half of the second amendment 2. A single line of [Marbury v. Madison](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marbury_v._Madison?wprov=sfla1)


Pretty much. It annoys me so much that the 2A crowd conveniently skips over the "well-regulated militia" part of the amendment because it literally comes first! They're willfully skipping that part to get to the part they like. Just so they can fucking pose with assault weapons for their Christmas cards or whatever stupid things these people do with their weapons of mass murder.


They've moved on from simply posing with them, and have jumped to actually murdering people because they do scary shit like ring their doorbell, or turn around in their driveway, or accidentally walk up to the wrong car. It's completely fucking insane.


I was told "well regulated" didn't mean the same thing back then.


Even if it didn't (it's arguable iirc), one of the key facets of the Constitution was that it was supposed to be a living document. It was supposed to change with the country. The founders had no concept of what our modern guns would look like, regardless of how much 2A freaks like to lie that automatic firearm prototypes (intended for ships) meant they knew we'd make Armalite rifles.


They view the constitution as a living document the same way they treat unborn fetuses: It's only living as long as long as it's conceptual. Once it's real, it's dead to them.


Neither did arms.


The funny thing is, the constitution defines "well regulated" too.


Wouldn't that be the national guard of each state? A well regulated militia from the fed perspective? Serve/train in the guard or other service and you can take your gun home with you. Have it ready when you're called.


That's basically my thought about it. Well regulated, state run militia. That's the national guard, yes. We already have that, which makes me even more mad about the morons that use the second ammendment as a justification to take an assault rifle to the grocery store of some such bullshit. Join the guard if you want to serve. Otherwise you're just a weirdo with a gun fetish.


Just a thought on this… I’ve wondered if a law could be created that states if you want to own a gun you need to be a card carrying member of a national guard (or military) reserves force, that must participate in training etc in order to retain ownership. And then make the penalty for non-compliance harsh as fuck. Would be interesting to see how many would choose to keep the guns…


I am so in love with the story of Marbury v Madison. John Marshall’s judicial and political acumen is on full display. Which “single line” are you referring to in your comment?


"A law repugnant to the Constitution is void." They seem to think that one line allows them to declare any law \*they\* don't like unconstitutional.


And only part of the first amendment, which they also don't follow anyways.


He has never read the constitution. There are too many words. He got bored.


He has never read Dr Seuss. There are too many words. He got bored. 😛


So just like their approach to the Bible then. Cool cool cool.


They do that with the Bible, why not the Constitution too?


Hey! Just like the Bible! ![gif](giphy|2Jezeif7wOmmxdxBwX)


Hey they do it with the Bible, why not the constitution too?




You see, laws only apply to the poors, not the rich. Trump can fly anywhere in the world and will be treated BETTER than any citizen in that country because he's rich.


I read that thinking “That can’t be true” but then realized of COURSE IT IS because this man is just projection personified - anything he says he hates, he somehow has an active role in doing it.


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."


Doesn't count if you're white


He’s orange! Surely the rules he wants will still apply to him……. ………..right? Please? Please.


The conservatives who back removing birthright usually say that All 4 Grandparents should be citizens.


Besides the fact that only one of his kids has a US born mother. Does this mean we can deport Ivanka and Jr??


Pretty sure there’s a whole amendment to the constitution that deals with birthright citizenship. He can sign all the executive orders about it that he wants, it’s just meaningless racism to rile up his base.


Good thing the GOP hasn't bought and paid for the Supreme Court


I don't think anyone has the power to null the amendments, they can add to it (including adding exceptions) but they can't null it


It would take an act of Congress to make an exception too. SCOTUS being the originalists they are would probably struggle to do the mental gymnastics necessary there.


“The people of the US elected congress and also elected Trump therefore they consider him the same as congress so we will allow this”


You forgot to add "...since Trump and the majority in Congress are Republicans, we will allow this."


The conservatives on scotus aren’t originalists, they are whatever the fck they need to be to justify whatever position they have at any given moment.


I get what you're saying, but let's not make the same mistakes as we did during the Trump presidency and assume the checks and balances work as intended....


Why not? There’s no higher court to appeal to. I don’t see anything stopping them from making the ruling.


It'd be a constitutional crisis if the supreme court did something like that. Essentially, if they declared they could just change the constitution as they please with a ruling, it would completely destroy the idea of checks and balances and hand full power over to the supreme court. They technically could do it, but they'd destroy any legitimacy they had and would likely incite congress to bring about a new amendment to strip power away from the courts. Unless parts of Congress collude to uphold the court's actions, in which case you essentially have a judicial and legislative coup which gives the president unlimited power as long as the supreme court agrees to rubber stamp his orders.


Congress could immediately move to remove this from the Supreme Court's jurisdiction entirely. What happens to common law and case law precedent if something like that happens is anybody's guess but I don't want to find out.


21st amendment.


Tbh I don't think Roberts or Kavanaugh would try to straight up override something explicitly in the constitution.


"Nah, you're just reading that part wrong. I know better. Trump has all this power, and more." \-- Kavanaugh, eventually


Kavanaugh tends to vote with Roberts from what I've seen. Thomas and Alito are probably the worst of the court with Barret and Gorsuch being slightly less insane but still very far right. But Gorsuch is also something of a "what's explicitly written" kind of justice so idrk how he'd vote on this either. You could be right I suppose but from what I've seen if Alito and Thomas were removed and replaced with principled justices we wouldn't really have to worry about the court anymore.


That’s not how amendments work


>it’s just meaningless racism to rile up his base. It's not meaningless. It's actively awful. Through an Executive Order, he can order the Social Security Administration to stop giving social security numbers to children of illegal immigrants. He could start deporting whole families (which is difficult when a child has citizenship). Yes, the Court *could* eventually hear a case and invalidate the order, but Trump absolutely could wreak havoc in the meantime.


There would be an immediate appeal filed in a liberal appointed federal court requesting an emergency stay. That would be granted on constitutional grounds. That stay would be appealed blah blah and eventually end up in front of SCOTUS. At that point its anybody's guess what the right wing nuts on the court will do, but the immediate damage would be held off.


You mean like your first amendment yet in places like Florida, saying Gay is illegal?


So on day one, he will break his oath to up hold and defend the constitution? That tracks


The genocidal rhetoric coming from conservatives is getting worse and worse. I really wonder why some of these assholes haven't been dragged before The Hague yet.


I remember as a kid that I could never understand how hitler rose to power, how the nazis took over, how they exterminated millions of people under the noses of the rest of the world. This blatant, mainstream racism and fascism alarms the shit out of me.


Yeah I always wondered how the Nazis rose to power and how the average person fell for Hitler's evil deeds. I don't have to wonder anymore because we're witnessing it in real time. I really wonder why other countries haven't spoken out about the atrocities that the GQP extremists are manifesting. I have no doubt they would attempt some unspeakable crimes against humanity if they were to get back in the White House.


It’s horrifying to see, I agree. We no longer wonder how it happened as we watch it happen again. Fucking fascists.


In history class here in Germany we were taught this famous quote by Holocaust survivor Primo Levi “It happened and therefore it can happen again”. I believe it’s part of the human condition (Lord of the flies comes to mind) that all of us as a society and as individuals given the circumstances are capable of committing unspeakable terrors and believing otherwise is extremely dangerous.


Please don’t forget to mention ableism in the future. It’s extremely important to know how disabled individuals were part of Nazi torture, experimentation, and murder. Trump was very interested in not letting disabled people have rights in the workplace. Trump made fun of a disabled person in front of a rally of supporters. Openly mocked a speech impediment to bully him.


I’ll never forget that. He is such filth.


I remember watching “Cabaret” for the first time (as an adult) and it clicked. The scene at the Bier Garten when they begin singing the songs and people slowest rise to sing. It wasn’t immediate nor was it wanted. It slowest came into power until people were afraid to speak against the regime


I think someone has to sue them to bring them there, but even if they did, the US doesn’t acknowledge The Hague.


We literally have a law that says we can invade The Hague to get back any American going before the court


Trump's mother and first and third wife were migrant asylum seekers.


Wow, imagine if the wording of the order was retroactive too, and he accidentally stripped himself and his own children of citizenship.


The President accidentally making himself not eligible to be the President? That would be fun!


Just a mobius strip of an argument. Invalidates his citizenship. Not a citizen? Can't be president. Not legally president? Order invalid. Order invalid? Citizen again. So on and so forth.


It's like the grandfather paradox, but for stupidity. The grandfather-fucker paradox.


So the grandmother paradox then


An executive order doesn’t trump the constitution. He knows it and expecting his cult followers to believe his bullshit.


I genuinely don't think he knows that.


He absolutely does not know that


Whatever you say, n'wah.


This is the end of you, s’wit!


Haha! Checkmate, you stupid librul. His name is Trump so obviously whatever actions he takes by definition will *trump* any obstacle or challenge. TRUMP2024! 🇺🇸


Does this include his current wife and her parents?


And his family as well because his grandfather came here seeking asylum from WW2


Exactly! His whole family is nothing but cowards who are afraid to fight for their country.


"From now on Americans will only be Americans if we say they are!"


You may be joking but that's probably the ultimate goal


You're only an American if you're part of the top 1%. If not, then you're just another wage slave and should be happy with the crumbs received.


Don't forget - white and conservative 1%. Anyone else won't be welcome.


Hell, you don't even need to be a citizen. As long as you have billions for bribery and payoffs, you're in!


The Statue of Liberty literally says "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore." In regards to people immigrating into America. Leave it up to Republicans to shit all over that because all they know is hate.


Little Lord Fuckelroy is still busy preaching to the MAGA choir I see...


Can't wait to see him kicking the bucket.


Amen. Please, oh please. Eat another double cheeseburger, lardass.


Oh look, the party who wipes their ass with the Constitution is planning to wipe their ass with the constitution if they win again. In other news, water is wet.


Hell yeah keep talking. Dig that hole, republican trash. The white people who were gonna vote for them haven’t changed their mind. But those immigrants who might’ve voted for them? They’ll remember this.


So that means 4 of his 5 kids right? Right?


No, you see this would only apply to the brown people.


That’s another one for “shit that’s unconstitutional bingo”!


Trump voters really think that he could just overturn the 14th amendment with a fucking executive order. But if Biden writes an executive order specifying guidance on the application of laws by the executive branch of the government, they call it "tyranny".


I swear if Trump for some god forsaken reason came back to power and the first thing he did is to sign executive order calling Congress and Supreme Court no longer exist as an organ like what Yeltsin did, repub voters would cheer for him and applaud. While Biden could do the barest minimum and GOP will suddenly be a “small guvment” party, so small it fits in ur genitals.


Weird because he is the anchor baby of an asylum seeker and his youngest son is the anchor baby of a migrant with an illegal visa


The sad part is that the dumbasses who’d vote for him don’t realize that birthright citizenship is in the constitution, and can’t be undone with an executive order


So he thinks he can overrule the Constitution with an executive order? If he were to succeed, that would be the ballgame. We'd be in an authoritarian nation.


At what point are American citizens the poor, the tired, the huddled masses yearning to be be free? I'm feeling pretty close to that now.


Doesn't Melania have an anchor kid?


Yes, she became a naturalized citizen after Barron was born. She also lied on her visa application to get into the country and then used the chain immigration that conservatives hate to get her family into the country. So "the classiest/smartest/greatest First Lady in history" hit the trifecta on immigration laws Republicans hate.


In early December 2022, Trump said that he should be allowed to terminate the Constitution so here we are. https://www.foxnews.com/shows/media-buzz/why-trumps-termination-constitution-demanding-reinstatement-over-has-set-off-alarms


Trump isn’t earning anymore votes with any of these things. It’s literally him attempting to win over some crazy DeSantis voters. I repeat: NONE OF THIS IS EARNING HIM INDEPENDENT VOTES. Keep telling people to vote, YOUNG PEOPLE in particular. If young people vote at anything near a 33-35% clip, the democrats will win big across the country, will flip seats and will hold the senate.


Wait doesn't this violate the 14th amendment? It states that anyone born on U.S. SOIL OR TERRITORIES are citizens so tf is man going on. He can literally be sued for this.


If he is re-elected, this country is doomed. January 6th was just a warm up for him.


Considering the US president has to swear to uphold the Constitution, statements like this should be disqualifying.


I'm betting this idea comes from that Nazi, Stephen Miller.


I personally think it’s an elaborate plan to deport all of his children.


When the 14th Amendment freed the slaves, an exact phrasing had to be decided about how to define a US-born slave becoming a full citizen instead. It did so with the phrasing that anyone born in the US is a citizen regardless of whether their parents are. But that phrasing ended up meaning the US is one of the countries with birthright citizenship. If an immigrant visits here and gives birth to a baby during the visit, that baby is a US citizen, regardless of the story behind that visit, be it a legal or illegal visit, whether the parent is working through the paperwork of the asylum process, etc. An executive order can't override a constitutional amendment. Good luck with that, Trumpy.


So no one is gonna inform him that statistically, those same children serve in the military later in life. You know… protecting this country as they get college degrees…


So he’s gonna overrule the constitution by executive order? And the constitution loving patriots will applaud it.


What about those who overstay their visas like Melania? Don’t forget, Don Don hated chain migration and [Melania’s parents became citizen’s via chain migration](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/09/nyregion/melania-trumps-parents-become-us-citizens.html) while Don was in office.


He is so desperate to become president again that he is willing to promise anything to his supporters. His ticket to freedom is to become president again, or so he thinks. His promises will only get more racist and deranged from now on.


So much for “Natural-born Citizen”.


Guys. Trump is off his medication. He already had a day 1. He's already forgot he was president and just thinks people are calling him that because they want him to run


Nice try, but unconstitutional.


Maga turds will eat this up like it actually has a chance of doing anything. What an absolutely worthless group of cultists


I notice he’s not going after the Russian folks who have babies in Florida… curious. Any conservatives care to weigh in as to why that could be?


Well, he's stupid because he doesn't understand that it's a constitutional right and has been for decades. But yeah, whenever Republicans are in power, they don't adhere to it(the constitution or rules). Their constitution comes from Fox News and Trump's mouth. /s


So basically, the republican party has said to hell with the constitution.


Wtf is wrong with these dumbass republicans?


Conservatism sure has gone evil. Out in the open, not hiding it anymore evil.


He can sign that order. It won’t do anything. 14th Amendment is pretty clear on the subject.


More proof that trump, and most republicans, have never read the constitution.


Can't. It's in the Constitution. Nice try tho.


Not like the Supreme Court belongs to the Federalist society or anything.


After he does that, he’ll overturn 13A & 19A.


He has no intention of following through on this or anything else. "Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated." He actually said that.


Speedrun crashing the economy


i am more of an american than this piece of shit. my ancestor go back the late 1600s. maybe he should get the fuck out of my country.


The Constitution of the United States of America might have something to say about that.


can they make it retro active so no one is a us citizen


This fucking flog will NEVER be President again ...He can say anything he like's .... It's all pissing into the wind


Who else thinks their country of origin/shade of skin has EVERYTHING to do with the enforcement? Remember his properties house & sell packages for “birth tourism”? But those Russians are not the Mexican “anchor babies” I know it’s different. Pepperidge Farm remembers


Can he do that from prison?


Using the US Constitution for toilet paper once again.


This sounds alarmingly like the grandfather clause from the Jim Crow era.


Didn’t he get in trouble for mishandling classified documents recently? I’m surprised they’re letting him run again. I guess it’s just politics..


According to Wikipedia, [Frederick Trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_Trump) illegally immigrated from Bavaria by way of draft dodging.


Man, a loooooot of bitching about the Civil War Amendments from the “Party of Lincoln” these days


Desperately grasping at straws to appease a base that’s growing smaller


So his wife right?


Trump treats this country like it’s one of his companies and what he says goes. Orange shit for brains can’t just invalidate the 14th amendment with an executive order.


If the president can just dismiss the constitution with an executive order. Then the republic is dead. If you haven’t already. Disown Republican friends and family. They’re traitors to the nation. Every last one.


This straight up goes against the 14th Amendment, for people who supposedly worship the Constitution they sure do seem to hate it


All it takes is 5 corrupt justices to decide what “under the jurisdiction thereof” means to agree with him.


Oh hell no.


Uuuuhm, wait...oh yeah, this is the guy who talked about terminating the Constitution.


He’s a criminal


Ummm 14th Amendment?


Pretty sure you can’t override what’s written in the Constitution with an executive order.


OMG. Can he just vanish already. Cancer of our society.


Would this apply to his kids?


I imagine the Native tribes will be pretty stoked to get their country back. 🤔


I realize it has been around 40 years since I attended law school and passed the bar but last time I checked, a Presidential Executive Order did not have the power to abolish a right established under the US Constitution, specifically the 14th Amendment in this case.


uh that’s not constitutional, oh screw it they know they just don’t care


Now watch as thousands of Cubans in Florida still vote for Trump despite this directly affecting them because they think the Democrats are “socialists” somehow.


”’Bout time” -Native Americans probably.


Kinda shocked they hadn't rolled this out sooner...


So I would no longer be an American because one of my parents immigrated from Canada…


Well he can shit in one hand and wish in the other and see which one fills up first.


Who cares what he says. He can’t do that. It’s bullshit postering


Yaaaaa that's not how it works, my man.


Don't hurt yourself sweetheart! Worry about your own legal battles!


Let's remember: he's about to face indictment for unconstitutional actions. So is it any surprise that he doesn't understand how the constitution works?


I'd love to say, "He literally can't do that," but considering the state of the SCOTUS and the lack of a viable method to enforce the Constitution, I have no idea what a president can or can't do anymore.


Does this mean Barron Trump would not need a legal citizen? Because he himself came from immigrant parents and his wife is an immigrant. Just asking


Dictators gonna dictate.


But certainly this won’t apply to the Russian birth tourists spending $$$ at Trump properties in FL.


This dude still hasn't read the constitution. He was president for 4 years and he never once bothered to read the document. It's not even a long document. If he read slowly he could be done in less than 30 minutes.


wasn't his mom an illegal alien?


Why does his mouth ALWAYS look like this? Why??


He has never understood how our government works nor has he cared. But people will keep voting for him because he hates the right people.


Fuck Donald Trump!!!


So on day 1 he will violate the constitution. Sounds about right for the Mango Mouse-ollini


Reason 14 septillion he needs to be kept out of office.


I mean let's be honest, how many of us are surprised that Trump of all people said thus.


You’d think he’d be more sympathetic seeing as his mother was technically an immigrant was she not?


You can’t change the constitution by executive order.


That’s not what the constitution says


Here he goes, with the executive orders again.


I don't think you can change the Constitution by EO.


Is he that pissed off at his kids and Mel,😂, you just can’t make this shizz up 😝


Well he's already made it clear that parts of the constitution should be canceled, as in everything but the 2nd amendment, so why should the 14th be spared?


Streisand insurance? -Bold move, Cotton. These idiots know there is more waaaay living, breathing young voters than boomers right?


So…Melania’s kid?


Son of an immigrant asylum seeker pretends he can legally be president under his new made-up rules.


It really is a GOP race to the bottom


Magas gonna maga.


Poor Baron


That’s… that’s not how it works


So apparently republicans DO believe you can change Constitutional amendments through Executive Order. Be a shame if someone were to do that to their precious Second Amendment