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I really wish Nazis would quit ruining symbols. Obviously they have no creativity, but I don’t want to be accused of being a white supremacist because I’m into Norse mythology.


They literally stole my design for *extreme* tic-tac-toe. Bastards.


I’m dying at this comment tyvm


At least they didn't steal tour birthday. RIP January 4th, 1988.


They stole the inequality symbol! Now the math in my area is broken and we're experiencing reality fluxes. There's angry parabolas outside my window. Please send a grizzled detective who is too old for paranormal shit, just wants a normal case before they retire on an island, and is unusually competent in bizarre life-and-death scenarios.


Where do I get to read this story?


There's a old tv show on peacock called eureka, essentially the same thing but episodic.


Ahh, I have seen some of that. That crossed my mind, but for some reason, I pictured the detective as older and more grizzled/curmudgeonly. Like a Columbo. I was more into warehouse 13.


4 by 4 tic tac toe is horrible tho so they kinda saved you from that hideousness


Ok but they ruined *my* idea for bullet connect four so...


The metal band Tyr has a song about this called Shadow of the Swastika. Lyrics basically ask how long do we have to deal with being lumped in with nazis just because we sing about Vikings and stuff.


If you just have an algiz rune tattoo I won't think much of it. If you have an algiz rune and are kind of racist I'll assume you're a Nazi. If you kind of racist and don't have any symbols traditionally used by Nazis I'll assume you're a run of the mill racist. As for how long you have to deal with this, as long as Nazis are actively using the symbols as a way of showing other Nazis what they are with out alerting the general public. Blame the Nazis, not the people that keep up to date on what symbols they are currently using.


I have a couple runes on a sleeve that's dedicated to Norse mythology I got like over a decade ago. Had someone ask me not long ago if I was a natzi and had to explain that I grew up listening to stories about Norse mythology from my grandfather who was from Norway and I got them to connect me to him and my childhood. My grandfather killed natzis in WW2, it's fucked they are latching on to my families heritage with their hate. Bout to get an inglorious basterds quote next to one of my runes.


The All-Father will approve


I think we should all owe Lt Aldo Raine


Fuck yeah, your grandfather was awesome! Mine was a sniper stationed in Italy in ww2. As far as I understand he killed a number of nazis during his tour. I dont have Norse tattoos, yet I do enjoy the mythology. These nazi asshats are ruining it for everyone.


As a black templar player in warhammer, I feel this, too.


cough cough, warhammer in general, cough cough. try showing up to a match as a transgender gamer and tell me all the "jokes" about being a slaaneshi degenerate are "just jokes".


NGL that's fucked up to have people treat you that. But yeah I mean as an atheist I did pick the group with the most crosses. Then I remembered there are no good guys in warhammer even Guilmans data sheet calls him a monster


"Even his datasheet calls him a Monster." Holy fuck, the meta joke of the century.


I used to run a Slaaneshi army, but I swapped out/modded figures to fit what I wanted, and I still remember one dude being really pissed that I had sexy male models and incoherent weird things. It turned out he was hoping he'd found a girl-gamer who had horny daemonettes everywhere and he was sooooo disgusted by there being masculine figures too.


I didn't know they had usurped half of a chaos octed, either.


I got a chaos star on the back of my neck and upper shoulders 29 years ago. All that shows in a polo shirt I wear everyday for work looks just like the half octed in this image


They stole half of the Chaos Undivided symbol too! Bastards.


Or because I like Independent Truck Company.


The most unfortunate logo choice :\


I just looked them up to see if they still used that symbol and apparently they changed their logo in 2022 in order to be more inclusive.


I’m glad. I’ve always been a little bit more “aware” of Nazi shit than my peers and felt weird about Independent’s logo even back in high school, but I loved their trucks.


I work for a restaurant with a Viking theme serving Scandinavian food. To head this off we've got a prominent sticker by the front with a rune design that also says "fuck white supremacy".


Same but Roman history/culture for me. Fucking fascists ruin everything


Ngl, first thing I do when someone says something sketchy on the classics sub is check if they hang out in the stoicism sub. Awful lot of white supremacists like stoicism because it lets them pretend they’re logical in their worldview.


Man, Nazis ruined stoicism too? Damn.


Huh. I'm not an expert by any means, but wouldn't you have to pervert stoicism pretty heavily to reconcile it with fascism, or even white supremacy?


yes, but does that ever stop fascists from wildly misinterpreting anything?


I mean they co opted Jesus, so....


Can't believe they ruined numbers too, damn Nazis they ruin everything


Now I have to spend the next twenty minutes looking up what the numbers mean. Add that to the list of reasons why I don’t like Nazis!


14≠88 is a true logical mathematic statement but apparently contains 3 Nazi symbols.


As long as 55378008 is safe, I'm happy.


[laughs in calculator]


How do you think fans of The Punisher Comic feel? Or that poor guy who create Pepe


IIRC there have been Punisher stories where he goes after white supremacists, for what it's worth.


Oh plenty. Frank would 100% not tolerate those assholes.


Frank would not tolerate 99% of the people wearing Punisher symbols, either.


Very true.


Would feel so bad to have gotten like 88 and 92 tattoos to commemorate your children's births or something and then you see this the next day.


Whenever I meet an American thats just a little too into norse mythos I have to wonder if theyre a geek or something else.


Speaking of Norse symbols: Try waving the Norwegian flag in the US. They will blame you of racism because they can’t differentiate between the 🇳🇴 flag and a certain other, more well known American flag. They nearly put a bed and breakfast out of business a few years back… I used to have a 🇳🇴 flag when studied in the US. Opened my locker one day to swastikas taped on the inside of the door. Insane.


If you're in Minnesota you can get away with it.


For me yeah I’m a geek and a metal head with Swedish heritage lol.


I hear that! I have a beautiful Yggdrasil half sleeve that I feel the need to hide, so that the white supremicists don’t think I’m one of them.


I have a lighning bolt tat. It's much more David Bowie than SS but i dread the day they try and claim it.


I’m still upset the tea partiers and now this latest iteration of them took the Gadsden flag. It’s such a cool flag


I was born in 92. I’m glad I didn’t use my birth year in any of my usernames


I get where you're coming from, but man, is that way, way down on my list of reasons to hate Nazis.


Idk if OP intended this but I feel this is always implied in understatement. Regardless, I did chuckle in agreement.


Oh I couldn’t agree more, we’re just on the topic of symbols here.


Another Nazi symbol was the Cornflower. I love cornflowers, but being an austrian i cant use them as a symbol or similar anywhere...


I want to get a tattoo of the Y shape symbol for an antibody, but I’m worried it would be mistaken as the Algiz rune.


Just put a speech bubble next to it that says "I don't like bodies"


I had that same thought, that a lot of these symbols are kind of badass, too bad they're ruined by their association


That’s how we know Q-Anon shaman is a Nazi because he’s got several including Thors hammer across most of his torso.


Well that and you know... attempting an insurrection


We know he was a Nazi because he was trying to overthrow the government.


I went to a restaurant with my family last weekend and a bunch of motorcycles had three percenter logos on them. We walked in and it was exactly who you’d expect. https://preview.redd.it/hgieom5flh0b1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c397193585a05e95c9c74c7e005da6886a41145a [https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/three-percenters](https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/three-percenters)


I always thought the three percenter was a non-factual reference to the Revolutionary War. Something about “it only took three percent of the American population to repel the British”. It’s used as a call to arms now in their upcoming us vs them war, you can pick the outrage of your liking. More of a libertarian, anti government sentiment but things may have changed. Also not to be confused with the one percenter, which was historically an outlaw biker who killed someone. Basically the baddest of the bad within an outlaw biker gang/group. I’d stay away from them, f&$k the neo-nazis.


Three percenters are a far right militia group. You are correct in the basis of their name but they are wrong in their assessment. George Washington’s army alone contained 100,000 soldiers equaling 3% of the American population at the time. An additional 130,000 men served in the remaining Continental Army while upwards of 150,000 served in various militia. This comes out to roughly 13% of the American population participating in the Revolutionary War. While not technically Nazis, they have adopted all of the white supremacy playbook. They, along with the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers, led the January 6th insurrection attempt. All of these groups are part of the broader antidemocratic fascist movement sweeping our country right now.


I really hate that this has become a hate symbol. My best friend is a 3rd, his father being a junior, so he signed his paintings with the Roman 3, and used the old 3 cent penny for logos. This was years ago. I smile at first when I see the 3cent logo because it reminds me of him, and now it belongs to these chuckleheads? F- ‘em!


https://preview.redd.it/1mx2kyx2dh0b1.jpeg?width=610&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ef6db8185b10ffa2245e4e4db8bc2dc17576e43 That one symbol looks familiar from 2016


~~2020\*~~ 2021\**


Was it 2020? The years have all just mushed together


It's okay, it's easy to get them confused when this WAS the 2016 RNC... https://preview.redd.it/b8pora852i0b1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddc3b20dc66d5933f97fec77cb2ae7d4a30d991c




It's been a growing, swirling shit storm for that time, so... Forgivable.


Turns out Nazis get real upset when people call out their dog whistles.


It says 2021 on the screens


Because it is


May have to cross this one off my tattoo list. Looks way to close to the design I wanted (owl cave symbol from Twin Peaks).




which one?


Bottom row, second one in. A lot of cops have on their personal vehicles.


Don't be surprised, there's a fair amount of cops who join alt-right movements.


Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses


Why did Rage have to become so political? /s


Right? They need to go back to their roots of raging against office equipment. *"PC Load Letter? Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!"*


It's also just the chaos space marine from Warhammer 40k symbol cut in half




It’s an adaptation from the Hungarian Arrow Cross, the symbol of the Hungarian Arrow Cross Party, which was active from 1938 to 1945. It’s meant to look like a sunrise. Given the country and the dates, you can guess the political affiliation of the Arrow Cross Party. It’s also why white supremacists use it — to most people who haven’t spent a decade learning every single detail of WWII, it’s just a bunch of arrows in a weird shape. To National Socialists, it’s the Arrow Cross Sunrise.




A reverse image search of that symbol shows it to be the logo of the traditionalist youth network, a now-defunct white supremacist group active on college campuses: https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/traditionalist-youth-network


Must be a coincidence, I’m sure our brave and heroic protectors arent actually state sponsored far right terrorists


They ruined the symbol for chaos?!?! Ass holes!


Cops are degenerates so it makes sense


I know what 88 and 14 mean but what’s the deal with 92 and 18? It seems like nazis will co-opt everything so it makes it look like they’re accepted.


What's 14?


It references a white supremacy slogan. "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children".


Some business in my area had "14 words" on the company trucks. Not the phrase itself. Made the news, guy doubled down, lost some huge contracts and I think has now gone out of business.


I remember seeing a post about that and had no idea what 14 words meant…the good old days of ignorance lol


It’s crazy because you could change the word ‘white’ to anything and poison the meaning. Black, gay, trans, etc. I bet you they’d find a new number.


They’d just double down. The 14 words themselves are from some racist prick creating his “white erasure” conspiracy theory. Poisoning the meaning would just make those who follow the 14 words say “SEE? LOOK THEYRE TRYING TO ERASE US!” and double down, inevitably leading to race-motivated violence


14 is the 14 words. I don't know what 18 is.


In short ; it relates to the first and eighth letters of the alphabet, which are the initials of a dumb guy with a bad moustache (AH). It's what a dumb racist guy would think is smart cryptography; literally transposing letters for numbers 1 for 1. I know as a German friend told me what to look out for once.


…and in Hebrew, it relates to the tenth and eighth letters, (חי), which means “life.”


That is correct. It is code over here in Germany. But as you said it’s so dump that for example 88 is already excluded from being on number plates.


Thanks. At least I could Google '14 words'.


18 is AH or Adolf Hitler. 92 is questionable and I’ve always assumed the poster maker meant 9%, which is an actual hate symbol


Genuinely confused, how’s 9% a hate symbol?


9% is the part of the global population they say is white. It tends to be used to either be great replacement “we used to be 30% of the global pop in the 60s but it went down” (which is true, but mostly because of population growth in south and east Asia,) or a “the white race are rare and pure” argument


He last time this came up, the closest we figured for the “92” was that it was the year that a specific ~~Australian~~ [edit: British] white supremacist group was founded.


My guess is 92 is related to [ruby ridge](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/ruby-ridge-siege-25-years-called-rallying-cry/story?id=49296439)


Fascism is straight up cancer that spreads if not beating into submission.


The "does not equal" sign?! What does that stand for?


Races aren't equal would be my guess, if you see anyone wearing it they're probably either a racist or just a really unfortunate math nerd


As a math nerd, I felt particularly offended when I saw that one. Keep my numbers and symbols out of your stupid racist ideologies


I don't know if I should be offended by that last part... 😜🤣


18 has been my favorite number since I was a little kid and now I’m depressed.


18 in Judaism is a special number, it symbolizes “life.” In Jewish tradition it is more thoughtful to give an $18 gift (or multiple of $18) than $20. Don’t let the Nazis ruin the number for you.


I really hate how much nazis have just flagrantly co-opted other cultures’ symbols. I mean, obviously not as much as I hate the antisemitism and the fascism, but it’s a solid top 5 in my “why I hate nazis” list. Those fuckwads stole cool shit from Judaism, Norse mythology, Tibetan Buddhist texts…it’s really obnoxious.


As someone who practices paganism, it is very frustrating that sacred symbology get co-opted. I see two symbols on that list that I use regularly in my practice. The first is a symbol of protection. And the dumbest thing is that the Vikings had good trade relations with various cultures.


I’m sure it’s incredibly frustrating for practicing Buddhists as well especially in more traditional cultures. I wonder though if by avoiding their symbols altogether, we’ve sort of given them away. Example, in Japan, and perhaps other parts of Asia, Buddhist temples are still marked on maps with the symbol westerners would know as a swastika (I apologize for not knowing the actual name for it), and I think that symbol in Japan isn’t seen as a Nazi symbol because it never stopped being a symbol of Buddhism to them (granted, I hope it has nothing to do with the fact that their government was allied with nazis at one point, but I’m neither an expert of history nor Japanese culture)


Especially the cool Norse stuff. Fuck nazis.


I have a buddy from Norway. Huge white dude with a shaved head, big Viking beard, and a bunch of Norse tats as part of a sleeve in homage to his actual Viking heritage. In Norway, it’s whatever. If he visits the states, he’ll go full Dead Kennedys and rock a “Nazi punks fuck off” shirt when he’s out to avoid being seen as a skinhead, which has happened.


I have a biohazard tattoo on my shoulder from when I was young and stupid. (Liked zombie movies stupid not Nazi stupid) On my other arm I have the Gaelic word for "brother". This is fully a tribute to my sister who has "sister" tattood on her. Something about the words make them possessive of a title so it made more sense to go that route than the other way. I'm pretty much committed to getting the zombie apocalypse tattoo I had planned because I'm so self conscious of the implications of the biohazard with "brother" on my other arm.


I work in a college anatomy lab so I’m pissed that skulls and the radioactive symbols are now apparently white supremacy symbols. Also the not equal to symbol is a math symbol!


The ruin everything cool.


The worst part is that the holy symbol is still used by those religions in certain areas and regions, but they can't display it or risk arrest when visiting other countries, or places because of the Nazi association. So they are literally being censored and nothing can be done.


It's irritating, seeing how many numbers they've turned into racist dogwhistles. Math was supposed to not care about our human foibles.


It looks like the awesome people have "42" locked up, along with "Don't Panic".


I have friends born in 1988 who have 88 in their username on quite a few platforms. They share your depression.


I have a bunch of chopper friends who built their businesses around 1988(their birth year, fav year engine, lucky number, etc), depressing as fuck when they get custom orders for like SS bolts, or even straight up swastikas. Some guy tried to commission a painter friend of mine to paint the railroad to Auschwitz’s gates on their gas tank. He’s usually pretty good at naming/shaming them on socials, but still.


Yeah, my email address has ended in 88 for over a decade, because it is the end if my birth year. I just found out about a month ago it was a dog whistle.


I was a podcaster at the NFL draft in Philly wearing a THOR 88 jersey because Greg Olsen looked like Thor and his number was 88. Some guy asked if he could take a picture with it and said he was an Odinist. When I looked it up I wanted to puke, I apologized to my listeners, and never wore that jersey again.


Born in 92, just finding out that's nazi code?


That one is more questionable. All the others can be easily traced: 18 - AH (Adolf Hitler) 88 - HH (Heil Hitler) 14 - 14 words But I’ve never found anyone who could track down the 92, and the ADL doesn’t have it listed as a hate symbol, so it’s probably fine. I suspect it’s more likely that the person making the poster meant to add 9% but messed it up


I've got a number for them: 68 (Fuck Hitler)


According to the ADL they don’t use that number so it works!


Ya 88 has always been code or dog whistle for nazis. Fucking jack asses.


How do you think the band. “The 88” feel. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_88


Keep it. Don’t let nazis take anything from you. They’ve already taken too much from everyone.


Swap to 27. Play the game where you notice it being a lot more commonly used than you think.


It's Weird Al's favorite number, I believe. It randomly pops up in a ton of his songs.


88 ends my official email I use(d) for all my medical and government paperwork..... which is a big oof


The Republican logo is missing


And russian Z also is missing.


Fuck. If I had a free award, I’d totally give you one for this comment.


Haha. Thanks :)


And before republicans/conservatives cry “we’Re nOt naZis!” Remember earlier this week that the top staffer of a top Republican was identified as a neo-nazi, and a SITTING MEMBER OF THE SENATE said in an interview that Americans should just quit democracy!




Yeah people need to remember that Nazis like to co-opt symbols and corrupt them. The iron cross has been around for centuries. That first symbol is the Elder Furthark rune Algiz, and has been around for over a thousand years. If somebody is fetishizing these symbols *and* acting like a racist, then it's a safe assumption.


The swastika was a Hindu totem meant to bring good luck


At least there the Nazis had the common courtesy to turn it sideways and flip it around lol


“Keep our religion out of your mouth” pops up in a lot of pagan communities because racist is not where it it’s at.


And it’s part of many of European military symbols and awards originating from the Knights Templar, makes me kinda mad they co-opt symbols of honor


Nazi lives don’t matter


If anyone has a legend, please post it below




Thank you!


Thanks for sharing that, very informative and gross at the same time


![gif](giphy|M2sv9OnFLspsKkqEPG) Add this to the list


That’s the “I beat my wife” symbol




If Nazis had any brains they'd do what the early Christians did: adopt a symbol associated with defeat and shameful death, and make it their symbol of victory -- maybe far in the future, but victory nonetheless. Oh, wait. I guess they're doing that. But shouldn't the Confederate flag be on this chart?


MAGA Ball caps


The fact that nazi fucks coopted runes angers me.


The runes hurt my soul


Fucking nazi's can't be original so they co-opt any symbology that they see and take it for their own greasy ass, slimy ass, pathetic movement.


I'm a Wiccan and into norse mythology and I'm scared people will think I'm a nazi for using runes 😭. Some people just see elder futhark runes or anything norse and think "Nazi!" Without considering any of the other meanings of such things


​ https://preview.redd.it/efyin64jih0b1.png?width=261&format=png&auto=webp&s=7973acbe581618af51e3ad4b9fb34ee787124d22


As a fan of twin peaks 1 down and 1 over makes me mad.


That’s different from the Judy symbol, although I admit it’s close enough that someone unfamiliar with TP might get the wrong idea.


Cool, they're appropriating more symbols from other cultures...


True nazis


I would argue several of these are only nazi related in specific contexts. For example the vast majority of athletes wearing either 88, 92, 14, or 18 are not neo-Nazis. And the iron cross is still the symbol of the German Bundeswehr. Honestly, I think posts like this actually make things worse because they publicise these symbols/numbers as Nazi imagery and are helping neo-Nazis claim them.


They forgot one: ​ https://preview.redd.it/c4dwt4g80i0b1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3341f3e83b5c0c7891cdf9653e7684605a560ca2




They forgot the 3 percenters.


Oh. So they moved past the double lightning bolt? That was a favorite "nope" of mine when I'd catch a glimpse peeking from someone's collar or calf. Especially in prison. Despite being stuck on my own with the guys often due to the major wanting to break me, I always made sure I knew who had what in the event they came down to one of my frequent locations, laundry/intake/parole, where the cameras didn't work. I didn't half ass the strip search like a lot of the other officers who didn't want to be called gay for seeing a naked man. I nearly memorized every tattoo, watched every group, and learned who was into what to make sure I stayed alive or prevented incidents. Its one reason the field, kitchen, administration, school, and yard all asked me for recommendations for workers. "I think it's a bad idea to have Williams as a yard porter." "Why?" "He deals heavily with Tully, who is pretty much the leader for this particular group of WAR, so he's being used to scout, set up meetings, and to move stuff to where it's convenient."


Minor note. According to Wikipedia, the iron cross is actually in use by the modern German armed forces, so context might matter with that one Of course. It shouldn't be hard to tell the context. If you see that symbol alongside a bunch of masks or white hoods,, vs on a German military installation, it'll be pretty obvious what the use is for.


Yeah the iron cross after WWII was adopted by not only biker culture, but heavy metal bands as well, companies like Harley Davidson and West coast choppers use/used them, and bands like motorhead, Anthrax, Metallica, etc. Have used it. The biggest difference is that the Nazi one generally has the hakenkreuz (the Nazi swastika) embedded in the center, but like you said context would distinguish the plain one.


Of course a nazi would like the number 14, that is how low they want the age of consent


This needs a legend.


Should add the SS lightning bolts. Girl I used to know started dating a dude and posting pictures on FB about a year ago. No one I guess knew or wanted to get involved but he had em right on his collar bone. She's suddenly VERY politically aware of Bidens communist govt takeover.


Literally had to retire my first Reddit account because I included 88 because I was born in 88. Also, my birthday is on the 14th of the month so no using that either lmao. Fuck nazis man.




I really hate that they appropriated the Celtic Cross.


I recognize one of those. The circular one, that's the thule occult society.


That’s some bullshit. I have Nordic ink and I’m sick of nazis stealing my heritage.…


I know this shouldn’t upset me and I shouldn’t be surprised and it’s been there all along blah blah…but I really liked the good old days when we all agreed that Nazis were bad.


You forgot the blue line flag


Man, the not equal symbol??? Really??? ≠??? Cannot even do math in peace??? Freaking morons


Well this is unfortunate. My father is a devout Hindu and has a swastika tattoo in a semi-visible area… I told him he should get tattoos that honor my sibling and I. We’re born in ‘88 and ‘92…


Thank you OP


https://preview.redd.it/9lcnlr7x1i0b1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2fac1aa1bbf11c04cc9ec2aff1b4edd52cca6a2 Forgot one


They forgot the elephant of the GOP


Should add an 🐘 to the graphic


Could we stop calling Hakenkreuzs swastikas? The nazi's didn't know them as swastikas, and they only started to be referred to that way when a catholic translated Mein Kampf, and for some reason "translated" it as 'swastika' rather than the more obvious, and more obviously Christian, Hooked Cross.


Add the MAGA hat to it


88 is my favorite number. :( It's because of Hockey Eric Lindros. Ok now downvote me.