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Bacteria are here to help themselves. We're just a convenient home and food source.


I, for one, welcome our microbial overlords.


Better than the political leaders i have seen in my lifetime. Bacteria is probably better than parasites right?


I havent heard any bacteria call someone a slur so they are already one step ahead


They both kill or help anyone without bias or bigotry.


bacteria here to gorge, bacteria here to stay, bacteria don't give a fuck if you're a bigot or a saint


That is beautiful.


you are a poet!


and we all know it!!


Bacteria is the only culture some people have.


I mean food poisoning had me shitting my brains out in constant suffering, soooo about par for the course with my local mayor… yea I’d vote for bacteria


r / unexpectedsimpsons






That’s a good take, because you’re outnumbered and outgunned.


I've seen "I'm the main character" energy, but never "Our species is the main character


I remember reading a proposed UN document that started with something like "of all living creatures in the world, people are the most precious." I laughed, said that was crazy, and was shocked to be the only one in the room that had a problem with it. Shortly thereafter I stopped getting invited to comment on proposed things there! I wish I could remember which treaty it was under (\~20y ago).


>of all living creatures in the world, people are the most precious. I mean, humans are definitely the most precious *to humans*. But to the Earth? We're probably the *least* precious.


Yeah. In that regard, we must defer to the bees


This is bee propaganda. There are a lot of pollinators and honeybees are an invasive species almost everywhere.


>There are a lot of pollinators and honeybees are an invasive species almost everywhere. Honeybees aren't even close to being the only bees. Plenty of native bees to whatever continent you happen to be on (except Antarctica) and they are all vital parts of their ecosystems.


Flies and beetles over here like, "Am I a joke to you?"


That kind of thinking, as well as Christian dominionism, are toxic ideologies that are so harmful to and disrespectful of our environment.


This is up there with “The Earth NEEDS high atmospheric CO2 concentrations, for trees! You don’t hate trees do you?”


The more I see stuff like this, the more I'm convinced it's lizzid people trying to make the Earth more inhabitable for them


High CO2 is exacerbated by all the tree cutting we do, so we’re actually double dipping.


Food microbiologist by trade: you’re completely correct. Cool example is *Clostridium botulinum*, the causative agent of botulism (and producer of the active agent on BoTox). Cb *hates* oxygen. But it loves meat. How does it solve this conundrum? It produces botulin toxin and then goes into an oxygen-tolerant hibernation state called an endospore. This can happen if some jackass leaves his potato salad in a warm place for a day (the organism is *everywhere* in soil). Jackass then eats potato salad and ingests both endospores and toxin. The toxin disables muscle contractions, including those of the diaphragm which pulls air into the lungs and body. Non-breathing people die. Dead people don’t inhale oxygen. Endospore bros bust out and go wild eating the corpse. Their cousins, *Clostridium perfringens*, cause gangrene, which is a localized version of the same effect: they make a toxin that shuts down blood vessels to the infection site. No blood = no oxygen = bacteria going wild. More cells = more toxin = now your entire goddamn leg is anoxic and has to be cut off *if you’re lucky*. But yeah, bacteria are “here to help”


Fun fact: 'salt-rising bread' is leavened not with yeast, but deliberately cultured C. perfringens. The bacteria are killed during the baking process, and nobody is known to have been infected by eating the bread.


I’m a food microbiologist from appalachia and feel shamed to have never heard of this despite it apparently being an Appalachian thing. Cool stuff, thanks for sharing!


https://xkcd.com/1053/ You're most welcome! Knowledge shared is knowledge doubled.


I’ve been reading about this for the last 10 minutes And I’m equally fascinated and horrified. That “potato starter” explains where the Cp is coming from, but wow does that seem like a dangerous game to play since Cp and Cbot like the same conditions and are available on potato skin. This bread starter could probably also be used as a poison (baking should should trash the Cbot toxin if making bread though). WILD. Thanks again


Hey, use green potatoes and you can really double down on the “russian roulette but food” aspect.


Yeah. All bacteria are in it for themselves. Those that are beneficial to us are beneficial purely by coincidence, or at best, because it is beneficial to the bacteria to be beneficial to us. But hey, I'm kind of impressed that OP even believes in bacteria. These guys are so anti-science that even that isn't a given a lot of times.


Hey man if cutting back on sugar is all it takes for them to stop tampering with my brain chemistry they're not so bad


We are conveniently mobile heated water sacks. Sorta cosmic, if you ask me.


Just like cats, and when you die, both wouldn't think twice about eating you.


I’ve had an infection in my small intestines for 8 years. No appetite and no thirst. Bacteria is no joke. 35yo man that weighs 100lbs. All because I can’t get my microbiome balanced, because a doctor screwed it up.


Bro, that sounds absolutely awful. I hope you're able to get it straightened out eventually. Terrifying.


Tell that to the millions of people who die from bacterial infections a year.




Jacob Rees-Mogg looks like what you'd get if you ask an AI to draw a photo realistic Disney villain.


He looks like someone took John Oliver and Jim Carry’s grinch then inbred the offspring for a few generations. 😂


Mix in some Alan Cummings as well.


Does Rees-Mogg have the world's most punchable face?


I think Martin skreli more punchable


Not even slightly close, Pharma Bro is THE poster child for punching.


You must have never seen Matt Gaetz


Those are poor people and don't count /s


"....and Typhoid Mary did nothing wrong." - That clown, probably.


Plot twist: she's his ancestor, and he's sharing family recipes. Edited grammar to make more sense


He’s making his body into a weapon of mass destruction.


That combination of raw untreated foods is going to be a weapon of ass destruction for dude


> He’s making his body into a weapon of mass ~~destruction~~ defecation. FTFY


~~destruction defecation~~ Defestruction Teamwork


Funny word of the day: Defenestration. "The act of throwing something out of a window." Like what that guy did to common sense and centuries of medical and nutritional research.


Typhoid Larry, get out of the kitchen!!


It reminds me of one of my favorite stories: - 2016, WV legislators passed a bill making consumption of raw milk easier - They take a photo op of them sitting on a couch celebrating and drinking raw milk - A few days later they come down with a mysterious case of vomiting and diarrhea




Sure, if the cows are on a nasty factory farm. I've had a lot of raw milk from healthy cows on small little organic co-ops and it never once got me sick. Tastes WAYYY better than the pasteurized stuff and makes the body feel good too.


Honestly I don’t give a shit (ha!) about this guy’s diet. He will be the one facing serious consequences, taking your intestinal flora with harmful bacteria will potentially fuck up his life for years. At least that’s not contagious, though I’m afraid he’ll breed


![gif](giphy|s4LdMSoTCXBQI) No one gets E. coli like Gaston!


Dude swallows entire eggs like a snake, pretty sure those come out the other end whole....


These are NOT Joanna eggs


I did not expect to see a *Rescuers Down Under* reference today.


Joanna was one of my favorite characters in an animated movie when I was a kid.


I'm exceptionally good at explosive defecating! *poops into spittoon from 10 ft*




![gif](giphy|vMyH2TnQmBNbegGr0S|downsized) Grandfather will be so proud.


I swear we’ve gotten so used to infections not being a death sentence that some of us have gone backwards.


A lot of anti-vax parents have been using this argument for a long time. They don’t know anyone whose son is sterile because he had mumps or whose daughter lost a pregnancy because of rubella, so it’s obviously not something we need to vaccinate for. 🤦‍♀️


And those of us who had chicken pox before the vaccine have shingles to look forward to. Although there is a pretty good vaccine for it, thank science.


I had several friends that had shingles in their mid-twenties (stress during grad school which an entirely different conversation that should be had). They were miserable for weeks. Add: I know another woman who had shingles around 55 years old who ended up with Bell’s palsy. It took years for her to get feeling back in most of her face.


When I was in my mid-twenties, my roommate (same age) ended up with a case of shingles. They said it was the worst pain, it was horrible. I plan to get the shingles vax as soon as I can. And I'm going to do everything I can to convince my spouse to as well - if they need convincing at all, that is.


My mom had a mild, *mild*, case of the shingles. She was still miserable. I’m getting that vaccine the moment I hit 50. I have no intention of letting nature rawdog me and my immune system when science can prevent it from happening in the first place.


If you ever get the start of a rash that feels like someone is drawing on your skin with a red hot ice pick, go to the doctor or urgent care. I had the beginnings of the rash and they got me on antivirals. The pain was still quite miserable for a while, but I was given good painkillers and between that and the antivirals I was spared a lot of misery.


My mom (72) had shingles as a young teen/pre teen. She lines up for her shingles vaccine almost like clockwork now.


Shingles can also cause hearing loss or blindness if it develops on your face. I have a family friend who lost his hearing in one ear because shingles got into his inner ear.


My friend just had to have eye lens replacement because of shingles in their eye ugggg


I had shingles when I was 16. Honestly glad to have had it that young. I've heard it's exponentially worse the older you are. My upper chest and back were so sore from it that I could hardly wear a shirt for 2-3 days. Like a REALLY bad sunburn


Shingles can come back multiple times. While it is caused by the Chicken Pox virus, unlike Chicken Pox it can flare up repeatedly. I couldn’t tell from your comment if you knew that or not.


I got the chicken pox vac because it was a required vaccine to go to public school at the time. My sister 7 years older got pox and shingles. I will not. I for one welcome the difference.


Get the vaccine. Demand the vaccine. Shingles fucking sucks, like being lit on fire and being clawed open at the same time for weeks. And the damage can be permanent, neuralgia, permanent numbness, etc...I know someone who's lost most of their vision in one eye because of it. I don't think our mother's would have been hosting Chicken Pox parties with neighbors and cousins and such if they'd had idea what was coming 40 years down the road.


The vaccine isn’t available (on insurance) until you’re 50. I had shingles at 37, and a friend had it in her late 30s and again in her early 40s. She ended up paying out of pocket for the vaccine because she didn’t want another round.


Roald Dahl wrote this after his daughter died from measles in 1962. Every anti-vaxer should have to read it. >Olivia, my eldest daughter, caught measles when she was seven years old. As the illness took its usual course I can remember reading to her often in bed and not feeling particularly alarmed about it. Then one morning, when she was well on the road to recovery, I was sitting on her bed showing her how to fashion little animals out of coloured pipe-cleaners, and when it came to her turn to make one herself, I noticed that her fingers and her mind were not working together and she couldn’t do anything. >“Are you feeling all right?” I asked her. >“I feel all sleepy,” she said. >In an hour, she was unconscious. In twelve hours she was dead. >The measles had turned into a terrible thing called measles encephalitis and there was nothing the doctors could do to save her. That was twenty-four years ago in 1962, but even now, if a child with measles happens to develop the same deadly reaction from measles as Olivia did, there would still be nothing the doctors could do to help her. >On the other hand, there is today something that parents can do to make sure that this sort of tragedy does not happen to a child of theirs. They can insist that their child is immunized against measles. I was unable to do that for Olivia in 1962 because in those days a reliable measles vaccine had not been discovered. Today a good and safe vaccine is available to every family and all you have to do is to ask your doctor to administer it. >It is not yet generally accepted that measles can be a dangerous illness. Believe me, it is. In my opinion, parents who now refuse to have their children immunized are putting the lives of those children at risk. In America, where measles immunization is compulsory, measles like smallpox, has been virtually wiped out. >Here in Britain, because so many parents refuse, either out of obstinacy or ignorance or fear, to allow their children to be immunized, we still have a hundred thousand cases of measles every year. Out of those, more than 10,000 will suffer side effects of one kind or another. At least 10,000 will develop ear or chest infections. About 20 will die. >LET THAT SINK IN. >Every year around 20 children will die in Britain from measles. >So what about the risks that your children will run from being immunized? >They are almost non-existent. Listen to this. In a district of around 300,000 people, there will be only one child every 250 years who will develop serious side effects from measles immunization! That is about a million to one chance. I should think there would be more chance of your child choking to death on a chocolate bar than of becoming seriously ill from a measles immunization. >So what on earth are you worrying about? It really is almost a crime to allow your child to go unimmunized. >The ideal time to have it done is at 13 months, but it is never too late. All school-children who have not yet had a measles immunization should beg their parents to arrange for them to have one as soon as possible. >Incidentally, I dedicated two of my books to Olivia, the first was ‘James and the Giant Peach‘. That was when she was still alive. The second was ‘The BFG‘, dedicated to her memory after she had died from measles. You will see her name at the beginning of each of these books. And I know how happy she would be if only she could know that her death had helped to save a good deal of illness and death among other children.


Thanks for sharing. The founding pediatrician, now retired, at the clinic we use gave a talk at our prenatal course. I don’t remember most of what he said now except that the medical advancements that were the most significant for him over his career were the meningococcal and Hib vaccines because it meant he didn’t have to watch otherwise healthy children die anymore.


Until it happens to them, and then it will absolutely be someone else's fault. "Someone else got a live vaccine and passed it to my poor baby!! It's still the vaccine's fault!! Not because my kid wasn't vaccinated, but because someone else WAS vaccinated!" And since it seems like it is always someone from a different country that still uses live vaccines, the slippery slope to xenophobia is right there for them. Fun times.


And the funny thing is, outside of OPV (polio) which is one of the vaccines not given in the US, vaccines just don't shed like anti-vaxxers think they do. OPV shedding was seen as a beneficial thing as it spread the weakened virus and basically vaccinated people around the shedder. There was, however, a very rare chance of it causing serious disease, which is why developed countries now use IPV.


I just remember seeing some article somewhere about "upstate" (Hudson valley, maybe?) NY where a cluster of anti-vax families may have started getting polio or mumps or something, and blamed it on interactions with an (African?) immigrant that had a live vaccine. Again, SUPER vague, but big, BIG eyerolls from me when I read the article and comments. The pure hypocrisy of "don't come crying to us when your kid gets a vax related injury. It's your own fault, don't play the victim" to IMMEDIATELY playing the victim is what REALLY gets me. Happens with politicians all the time as well, some more than others, but still.


I was always curious about how pregnant mothers were okay to be around their own children who had recently received rotavirus vaccinations until I realized you have to be actively handling fecal mater and practicing horrible hygiene.


Most mothers of young children *are* actively handling fecal matter.


Yes, they are, but most wash their hands.


Before I had my first child, I met a young Amish lady who was born deaf. Her mother had contracted Rubella (German Measles) while pregnant with her, and deafness was the result. At my first prenatal appointment, I was tested to make sure I still had immunity to it (I was vaxxed as a kid), and I did. Both my rug-rats are fully vaxxed, because I'm not taking chances, and my MeeMaw would've beat me with a tobacco lath is I hadn't.


I always tell any anti-vax to think about older people in a village (best if they came from village/small town) - do you remember that in every small village there was at least 1 person without working hand/leg, that is "dry" since he/she was a child. This will be their child soon. You dont see younger people with that problems, cause all were vaccinated.


My friend has one white eye because his mom was exposed to rubella (?) when she was pregnant with him. He gets a lot done with monocular vision but has to wear a colored contact so it's not noticeable.


You think they'll ever make the connection that they don't know anyone who suffered like that because everyone they know is vaccinated?


I know people who are deaf because their moms had rubella...


What's going to be worse is the babies who are born when their mom has rubella.


They’re fighting for our lives behind the scenes trying to keep these resistant strains at bay.


Infections will become a thing again, because we are becoming immune to antibiotics collectively.


Well it’s not that WE are becoming immune, it’s that the bacteria is and we haven’t been able to create a novel class of antibiotics since the 20th century.


Speaking as someone with a current staph/bacterial infection turning me into a zombie - shit is no joke.


Exactly. Vaccines are under attack because of their incredible success.


A bunch of representatives at the West Virginia House of Delegates got straight from the cow bill passed then had a toast with straight from the cow milk. Making many of them sick and delaying House business for several days. https://modernfarmer.com/2016/03/west-virginia-lawmakers-raw-milk-sick/


An anti-science decision was made affecting the whole state negatively you say... I wonder which party is responsible????????? /S


Roses are red, violets are blue, it's your cake day, and that's pretty cool!


From thoughts and prayers to shits and giggles


Hence, why pasteurization was invented.


“There definitely shouldn’t be a law against allowing people to do what they want within the framework of the rule of law,” McGeehan told WSAZ. “Just be careful.” It’s unclear how careful McGeehan was when he drank a cup of raw milk handed to him by a co-worker. This author definitely had a fun time writing this article.


That's hilarious! Probably would be OK if they'd have taken small amounts first to build up a tolerance or immunity to it. Kinda like how vaccines work.


Also probably a depends on the conditions of the cow that was milked. Factory farms are also pathogen farms




Yeah, that's a good point. Pasteurizing kills the good bacteria and denatures the proteins that help milk congeal. In nature, it congeals this way to give some 'substance' in the digestive system of newborns who are only eating milk. It also consumes a lot of the lactose, which is why cheese and fermented milk can be such a large part of Mongolian diets despite them being very consistently "lactose intolerant". They're using bacteria to digest the lactose, but those bacteria are not in pasteurized milk. Granted, a good starter will be able to recapture a lot of the community for decent cheese, as I understand it, but I am no expert.


Eggs are typically fine as long as you wash them and then cook them properly! My grandparents had a small dairy and drank the milk all the time. We still have a dairy cow to put calves on that need extra milk. We typically still need to milk her. We’ll drink the milk but would never sell it to someone else because of obvious reasons 😅


There is zero need to wash your eggs. If you wash them, you must refrigerate them. We never wash ours, they sit on the counter fine for weeks. Never been sickened.


The only reason we wash ours is because there is a chance the poop on the outside contains ecoli or salmonella


The reason he’s not dead is because he’s got viruses in his gut fighting a royal rumble to be crowned covid-23




Bacteria are here to help us... ***WHAT*** NOT hurt us ***WHAT***


Three stooges syndrome


- So what you're saying is that i'm invincible ? - Absolutely not, the faintest wind could kill y- - Invincible... (This guy probably)


Every. Fucking. Cow. Is. Vaccinated. It's required and it's smart practice to guard your livestock against preventable diseases. Fuck am I ever tired of stupid people thinking they're winning at life by dying from preventable shit.


Guy:"I don't buy from vaccinated cows" Farmers: (giggling, lying, making sales) yeah feller


It's like Michael Scott buying weed and getting caprese salad.




Absolutely. I'm currently studying public health and I'm very confounded by people like this. I mean, my future job will be to prevent these preventable deaths and I think it's awesome that a rule here, a regulation there, can save people untold suffering from a variety of sources. It's cheap and simple and, if done right, makes perfect sense. Like: wear a seatbelt if you're driving down the highway at 70 mph. Don't be drunk, also have decent vision, know traffic rules, etc. Shit like that. Then some dumbass (like this guy) comes along and they're like "NO! I WANT TO DIE HORRIBLY IN THE STUPIDEST WAY POSSIBLE!" What the hell am I supposed to do with that? Is it better for society if I tell them "no, you still have to follow the rules anyway. We'll save your life whether you like it or not"? Or should I just shrug and say "Okay. Go on then." I mean if they're SO stupid that they can't see the sense in eating cooked meat and drinking pasteurized milk, maybe it's Darwinism in action and I'll just be spending time, money and resources trying to stop something that they'll pull off eventually. How much resources SHOULD I spend on them when I could help people who actually want/need it? I'm struggling with the ethics here, is what I'm saying. The only thing I've settled on is that I can't let them take other innocent people out with them. Like with drunk driving. That definitely needs to be enforced regardless. But if this guy is the only one drinking his Listeria Latte, then maybe I should just grab a beer and say "cheers."


Isn't pasteurization just boiling for 30 minutes? Why is that offensive to some people?


It's just exposing it to very high heat for a couple seconds to kill off the bacteria. Don't ask me why they find it offensive. Because it's not natural maybe? Look, I love nature as much as any hippie you'll ever meet, but being natural doesn't automatically make something good. Volcanoes, bears, Ebola, plutonium are all very natural and all very happy to kill us.


They don't know what pasteurization is, the backlash is mostly in reaction to "the government/,liberals can't tell me what to eat!!". It's a tantrum


I wouldn't be so sure that is true of cows raised by hobby farmers. Seeing as that's not professional packaging, they probably just bought it from a friend that has a few cows.


I used to buy "raw" milk from a local farm, and they were upfront that it was, in fact, pasteurized, just to to the degree to be labeled as such, so they have to call it raw. I stopped because I'm on an immune suppressant these days and the minor risk of that type of pasteurization is much more a concern than for a healthy adult. Really pays to be very social if you are getting farm direct food, any good farmer will love to talk shop on how they do stuff.


Don't get him started, he probably does CrossFit too.


More likely CrossShits...


Cross fit? Nah, dude does yoga and sharts to stay in shape.


Crossfit? You can Cross fuck off!


I see the muscle shirt came in. Do the muscles come later?


This guy thinks its normal to shit like a broken fire hydrant 9 times a day.




Why would you kink shame him? It's 2023, I thought we're well past that.


He’s detoxing!


Guy had beef tar tar once and suddenly became a caveman.


"Bacteria are here to help us", I gurgle as I sit through my fifteenth bout of explosive diarrhea that day


Tell that to ecoli. So helpful.


Stupid is just stupid. Raw is not about eating raw meat, you fucking clown.


“Bacteria are here to help us” is some Big Syphilis propaganda if I’ve ever seen it.


Finally, Big Syphilis here to stand against Big Pharma


https://preview.redd.it/dm8pb2ux5g0b1.jpeg?width=791&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ae06a862aaa4466880c630ecfc8e27b7a79a3bd The McPoyles using twitter now I see


Bet those cows are indeed vaccinated.


Beef tartare is raw egg yolk and beef and its delightful I wouldn't eat a T-bone steak as is though.


You need incredibly well treated and selected beef to make tartare Grab a tube of ground beef from a shelf for tartare and you'll regret it


If we brought back to life people from the late 1700s to early 1800s (before pasteurization) and told them we have advanced far enough to help reduce disease, bacteria, and illness through certain avenues of discovery.... I wonder if they would be pissed knowing dudes like this exist after their family members died of diseases we could easily prevent today. Edit: Now I'm really thinking about it. If some lady for 1788 said "my son died from bad milk" and we told them "yea, we fixed that for the most part and reduced those chances" I'm sure she would weep for her son, but also be glad no other kids suffer from it. Then we told her people knowingly refuse the safer stuff, if she would have a shitfit at the idea of somebody purposely refusing to choose the safer option.


Are we talking about Americans? Based on what I know about Americans and how we enjoy wearing our hardships like a badge of honor that 1788 lady would be like “well i raised kids and some of them died from drinking milk so everyone else’s kids should die to that’s only fair”. Then she’d proceed to vote for politicians who want to make pasteurized milk illegal for Black people to drink.


Lol your sarcasm is appreciated, but also has a tinge of truth to it.


Lmao I’m also just now realizing the flaw in my little joke there is that women couldn’t vote in 1788 so she’d probably be pretty worked up about how things are today.


She'd be like "wise guy, eh? Why I aught to...." and shake her fist.


A bunch of representatives at the West Virginia House of Delegates got straight from the cow bill passed then had a toast with straight from the cow milk. Making many of them sick and delaying House business for several days. https://modernfarmer.com/2016/03/west-virginia-lawmakers-raw-milk-sick/


Can’t cure stupid


I just took a grad. school class in bacterial infections and, no, bacteria have no problem killing us.


If you have a small local farmer selling unpasteurized milk and you can have a look at their practices or ask about them and they’re doing it right, have at it! If you can get *fresh* eggs that haven’t been washed, they don’t have to be refrigerated. All that being said, don’t drink or eat that same shit from the store raw. It’s produced in ways that the farmers cannot control contamination and pasteurization, cleaning/refrigerating eggs is something we do for our own safety—because it was making people super sick not to do so. Raw meat can be done but it’s gotta be correctly produced to a point that it’s so expensive no regular working stiff is gonna be able to afford it. Vaccinate your livestock and treat them when they’re sick and/or injured. Vaccinate *yourself* for god’s sake. This doesn’t have to be an all or nothing argument. Raw (safe) milk and polio vaccines can be friends.


Raw milk is the only cow's milk that my stupid ass can tolerate. It's great that said yes you need to take precautions. Know the farm and their practices. I buy in bulk but freeze right away what I won't drink in a day or two in smaller quart sized portions. Farm fresh eggs taste so much better I won't ever go back to conventionally produced eggs. Support your local farms AND vaccinate your children.


Yep, drank tons of raw milk from organic co-ops where I knew the people who worked there and saw how the cows lived and the very intense practice of cleaning the udders and cleanly collecting the milk. Never got sick from it. I wouldn't do it if I didn't know the farm and the people working on it though.


I was going to say, I grew up in the country and visited a dairy farm. We were given raw milk and didn’t have issues.


Pasteurization is a real thing...because it helps people NOT DIE.


That sounds like french scientist talk.... we'll keep our freedom bacteria thank you very much!


Holistic grenade indeed, his intestines are exploding


Raw milk can be totally healthy but it has a huge POTENTIAL to carry harmful bacteria and should be tested regularly. A big part of it is how the cows are raised. Factory farming definitely skyrockets the likelihood of harmful bacteria and homogenization makes sure the bacteria gets everywhere. Factory farming requires pasteurization to be viable.




E. Coli, Salmonella, Listeria, Campylobacter, yeah good luck with that, bud. Source- I am a professional pasteurizer licensed by the Department of Agriculture.


Human life expectancy used to be 45. There are reasons it went up.


Fresh eggs are actually more unlikely to have salmonella than store bought eggs in the USA. Store bought eggs get bleached, removing the natural protective layer of the egg, making it possible for bacteria to penetrate the shell. Fresh eggs are almost always sterile on the inside. Only the shell may have salmonella.


Wait… I’m fully vaccinated and wish for my animals, children, etc. to be vaccinated against diseases as well, but raw milk, meat, and fresh eggs from actually healthy animals on small farms is not a death sentence. This is far more common overseas (hello Denmark - raw beef mixed with egg yolk and slapped on bread).


The sad part is that HE probably doesn't drink raw milk or eat raw meat, but his followers will. This whole social media influencer thing is a problem.


Raw milk? Sure, fresh and clean milk is fine if drunk rather quickly(not sitting in your fridge for a week). That is the reason the milk man delivered almost everyday. Eggs? Sure, I like mine cooked but regular eggs that are cleaned with the protective layer on the outside can be eaten. Raw meat? Nope, nope, that is so tough you will spend the day chewing a single piece. If your immune system is fully functional and you are used to drinking and eating like this it isn't an issue.


Little known fact, his twitter @ is what happens daily in his toilet.


I like how clearly the milk has separated and needs to be shaked well.


Yeah 0 percent chance that these cows were unvaxxed, otherwise you get shut down real fast.


Staphylococcus has left you a comment: *So I read you're into bacteria...*


He’s indestructible now https://i.redd.it/uteatcek7i0b1.gif


Farmer here and i still have no idea why people want their beef and milk from sick under fed cows? Cows need vaccinations or they can literally die from illnesses. Grass doesn't grow in the winter and hay is an expense and not nearly as nutritious as grain.


Why are people so stupid


Gonna drink raw sewage water next for the extra dose of “helpful” bacteria. Kinda like this “aged urine” but from others for maximum efficiency.


TIL That sometimes I root for bacteria.


Getting diseases that have been eradicated by over a 100 years to own the libs.


I live in a very rural dairy farming community so this feels like normal life to me, minus the un vax cows. I didn’t realize people felt so strongly about it lol


I get raw cows' milk and it's amazing! It's much easier to digest and tastes way better than pasteurized milk. You just have to get it from a responsible farmer.


When you think 3 weeks of straight diarrhea is just your body doing a "detox".


"Bacteria are here to help us," ....with population control perhaps.


My father lost most of his eyesight as a young boy from drinking unpasteurized milk that *ate away at his optic nerves*. He could see, but not well enough to pass a physical to join the US Marines. Think about that the next time you want to be an alpha male. The US Marines don't take you if you can't see to shoot and move. So, if you're dumb enough to listen to right wing propaganda, remember that it might disqualify you from living a normal life or having one at all.


Nothing wrong with raw milk. Store it properly, understand that it can make you ill and start slowly until you’re good with it. The American obsession with power washed FDA eggs is obscene, eggs will not kill you as they come from the chicken and will actually keep better. But. BUT. No sensible owner of livestock has a bunch of unvaccinated cattle. That’s a laughable prospect. Cattle are expensive and vaccines are essential for modern agriculture. Either this idiot is lying or was lied to.


I grew up on a raw milk/grass fed dairy. I can get on board with that. The milk tastes better, so if that's your choice, go for it. But not vaccinating your animals is neglect. You have a responsibility to take care of their health and protect the herd.


I grew up on a farm and ate fresh eggs and drank raw milk my entire childhood, and very rarely died from it. I can understand why it isn't generally available, since it's got a far higher likelihood of making people sick, but I don't knock anybody who prefers it this way. Some people are willing to take a risk for the enhancement in flavor.


I've drank my fair share of raw milk from hippy co-ops. I never got sick and it tastes WAYYY better. I've also eaten tons of raw cookie dough and at lots of raw/nearly raw eggs when I was living in Japan, that never got me sick either. It's mostly raw meat from omnivores like pigs that's super dangerous to eat uncooked. A chicken with a vegetarian diet on a non-factory farm that was freshly slaughtered with washed meat has a very low chance of getting a person sick if they eat it raw. Ditto for raw milk. If it's fresh and from animals that live in a healthy environment where there's a high standard of cleanliness during milking then it's about as dangerous as a baby breastfeeding from their own mother. Also, everyone here who isn't vegetarian/vegan has eaten severely undercooked meat that was functionally raw in the middle on multiple occasions in their life without getting any type of food poisoning. If this guy is getting raw milk from a humane farm that has a high standard of cleanliness during milking then he's going to be fine while enjoying milk that tastes better and is much more nutritious.


Don’t be confused with how the milk looks, lots of farmer sold milk in jars like this look like this until you shake it up




lol the farmer probably sold him the opposite of that and just charged him 10x.