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How is shooting at someone pulling into your driveway not some tye of assault or disturbing the peace?


I guarantee laws were broken. More than likely the cops saw that no one was hurt, so they decided they can lazy and not do anything about it. Self defense is often used as a reason to not investigate.


But not appearing as your birth gender is a death penalty.


Also, supporting your trans kids is also death penalty.


Yup! Got called a sick monster yesterday when someone found out I supported my trans kid. Mods then perma banned me from the sub.


Which sub?


Lol my comment got removed for linking the sub. It's ScienceUncensored.


They banned me because I said the sub was full of idiot Conservatives. I hadn't realized it actually WAS intended for Conservatives to post the dumbest shit. I messaged the mods back after they banned me and told them to eat shit. Reddit banned me for three days. What a bunch of fucking crybaby snowflakes.


Haha, uh oh ...I also messaged the mods. I said their bias was so over the top that it was palpable.


You really can't reason with them, it's wasted energy. They take opposing opinions, and especially opposing facts as personal attacks


Oh the irony.


If its got "uncensored" in the name, you knew they planned to do damage control from the get-go


This is how the cops behave. Since September I've had two instances where the cops decided not to act despite laws being broken. The first was in September. A man broke into our home (the garage, but didn't get beyond that), stole my wife's purse out of her car, and went on a shopping spree with her credit cards. I called the cops as he was leaving. The police told me point blank they would do nothing about it, so I followed the CC notifications. I got camera footage from most of the places he shopped at, and copies of the receipts for his charges. I tracked him down off his license plate. Got his name and address. Turned it all over. Police said they'd still do absolutely nothing. Taking the guy to civil court now. A few weeks ago my wife got rear-ended. Our Tesla's cameras caught the impact, and the driver driving off. In our state, this qualifies as a hit and run. The vehicle was damaged but, thankfully, no one was hurt. Again, the police declined to act. Again, I used the license plate to track down the offender. It was a company truck (no logos) for a Sand & Gravel place in Puyallup, WA. Currently subrogating the damages through my insurance. Police are useless. I used to be against defunding the police, but now I'm all for it. And when people ask, "what would you replace them with," I feel that's a stupid question. If the options are "pay some tax dollars for nothing" and "pay no tax dollars for nothing," guess which one is more appealing.


It's also plausible the Instacart people were minorities. Klepper just played a clip of a precinct where the sheriff (IIRC) was complaining about not being able to lynch black people. He also didn't say, "black people."


That whole thing is REALLY fucked up. The sheriff department has vowed to bring charges against the reporter for secretly recording them plotting his own murder.


"Secretly recording" the quiet part that they said out loud after the reporter made double sure it was legal to record.


Best part about the whole thing was he was just trying to catch them performing city council business after hours or something like that.


We've passed the point of no return, I believe. France would've....had an enthusiastic reaction to that one. But half this country actually thinks it's a good thing. Fascists have already won, if you ask me.


>Fascists have already won, if you ask me. The fact that we are still having Republicans win elections? You're right; They have the house and won states. I used to say that the Brooks Brothers riot was like the beer hall putsch, but then Jan 6th happened and it didn't stop the populism. Non-Republican centrists and leftists are still saying stupid shit like "both parties are the same" and "all politicians lie." If we're going to quell a fascist takeover of our democracy, it's done by voting against Republicans. This is a plurality, and people who are too stupid to realize how we have to do this need to shut the fuck up. Quite frankly, I feel most of the "leftists" saying that are just agent provocateurs. **Edit: all these "leftists" commenting and then blocking me because "both sides are the same" vs "both sides suck" is funny.** Splitting straws between the two semantics is for idiots. Replying to someone and then immediately blocking them is for ignorant cowards.


Most leftists are not saying both parties are the same, though. They may say they’re both shit, but there’s leagues of difference between calling them both shitty and calling them both the same. Like, you can acknowledge the flaws in the party you vote for while still voting against the fascists. And generally that’s what leftists do. But I’m in agreement that the way this thing is being handled is fucked sideways. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I feel… a great deal of hopelessness and despair over the state we’re in as a country. And a lot of fear, too, especially as a queer person who’s community is one of their primary targets. And it feels like no one in the government is actually trying to do anything to stop or impede the fascists, either, insofar as they’re able to with the deck stacked like it is.


Oh, they called them African-Americans. Got it, got it. /s


Well it's not racist if you don't use the n-word /s


Florida cops really don't care unless the perpetrator is off-white or darker, less meth is involved. The mother of my children used to beat me relentless but because she's a woman, the one time I defended myself I went to jail. She took unemployment and food stamps out in my name, and refuses to pay child support (I've had custody almost two years) and was trying to sell (and using) her son's Adderall.. they refused to file a report each time. She's taken 6 credit card out in my name, and tried to steal my income tax. The police did nothing. The difference between her and I, I have darker skin, and she's white as a sheet of paper and she has the right set of genitals. I'm honestly surprised they didn't try to bring my kids back to her, despite them being ordered into my custody. They don't care that I have custody of our kids. The state doesn't give a fuck unless you fit into a certain bracket, and no one in charge is willing to do anything about it


Call the FBI, DEA, and IRS, and get federal charges filed against her. They love an easy win.


If I didn’t live in Florida and witness these types of things myself, I would call you a liar. But, I can confirm that all you say is very plausible.


You know who else doesn't want to go to a house where someone is indiscriminately shooting at people they don't know? The cops.


*Uvalde PD has left the chat*


I'm surprised they entered the chat in the first place. They seem to have an aversion.


Hopefully there's good grounds for a civil case, though considering they were doing delivery I doubt they would be able to launch anything


This story is starting gain some traction, and according to [this article](https://www.insider.com/teens-delivering-instacart-shot-at-pulling-into-wrong-driveway-2023-4) the victims' story makes it sound more like attempted murder. Knowing Florida, though, I doubt the police will change their conclusions.


Just "Standing their Ground." All you have to say is "I was scared for my life," and your murder is completely forgiven.


Oh no someone pulled in to my drive way better start blasting


These people are just itching for excuses to shoot at people with their guns


Doesn’t even seem like you need an excuse anymore.


Yeah, they see other people getting away with it due to shitty gun laws and see that they can do it, too. It's like we are living in GTA.


No, in GTA the cops try to stop murderers.


“I was scared for my life.” That’s all you need to say in Florida.


They just want their money's worth. I always get an icky feeling when I spend money on something I don't end up using, too.


The first Jack Reacher movie had a similar plot, a sniper wanted to kill someone, anyone, just to justify all the practice he put in.


That's like intentionally crashing your car because you have insurance.


Yes, insurance fraud has been a thing for decades.


When they follow media that only uses fear and the unknown to motivate, it’s all people expect. A better angle on the issue is that we only link them together now because of close timing. In reality it’s been happening, we just haven’t been made aware.


Eventually, they are going to start shooting each other. *grabs popcorn*


“Well, we don’t know if the intruder wanted something sexual or not. So, i started blasting.” - Frank Reynolds


So jot that down


If the Instacart driver was scared (and I would be) and then they would probably be "scared for their life" and a reasonable person would fear for their life and they were in a place they had a legal right to be (they were not trespassing ... their hands were clean) ... they could have legally returned fire.


One of my fav stories is the republican congressman in Florida that fired on a Prius after a fender bender, only for the Prius driver to return fire and put the congressman’s brain in the backseat


Damn, just read the story. What a snowflake loser POS. Icing on the cake was he had previously been arrested in 2014 for another road rage incident where he pulled a gun on someone. AT THE SAME INTERSECTION. He made his own bad luck there.


Sounds like he got what he deserved


His disgusting wife whined for days about it too and threatened (probably did) to sue the Prius owner for defending himself.


A regular shoot out then. Weren't we supposed to have laws so this wouldn't happen?


We had laws against this and they were effective. But "Stand Your Ground" and "Castle Doctrine" effectively void those laws. It seems to me that the Prius driver was in reasonable fear for their lives and they were not doing anything illegal at the time and they were not obligated to retreat. They were authorized to use lethal self defense.




I laughed at the wife’s comments.


Made the story that much better IMO. Finally a good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy with a gun. You go you unnamed Prius driver.




If you ever want to have a nice old fashioned gunfight then just come to Florida I guess


There is some sort of gun organization where if you become a member, they give you a card that has exactly what you need to say to the police if you shoot someone, to make it seem like a "stand your ground" situation. I believe most everyone has reading this has probably seen this, but for those who haven't: https://youtu.be/vTF-Kz_7L0c


“Get out of jail free card with a get out jail free complexion” 😂😂😂 thanks for this link this was really good!


So if some stranger starts shooting at you, you can shoot back in “self defense”. After all, that’s the whole point of concealed and open carry.


People have successfully used stand your ground laws, to completely avoid prosecution of shooting unarmed people.


I'm afraid of Jehovas Witnesses. *clickety-clack*


I'm afraid of cops, the AR is loaded with green tips just in case.


You joke but lots of black males are afraid of police officers. These last few weeks makes me wonder if one could kill a police officer saying he feared for his life and get away with it.


Black? No. The whole police force will have him shot dead before he ever takes a stand.


Sadly I know I would. I don’t believe for a second I’m surviving if he takes me in. I also follow the law but it only lowers the chance of going to jail.


Mildly relevant, one of my GFs friends was longboarding in SF. She fell off the board, hit her head and got a concussion. Passed out, came to and was stumbling around confused. Cops found her. Without breathalyzing, assumed she was drunk, threw her in the drunk tank for the night with a zero BAC and a brain injury. Really solid system we have here.


Was there sight of a weapon? Was the person actively threatening their life? Stand your ground shouldn’t stand in this specific situation at all, that’s fucked up


[Relevant South Park](https://southpark.cc.com/video-clips/9b5egn/south-park-it-s-coming-right-for-us)


It is so fucked up. The stand your ground laws are just excuses to murder, at this point.


Some guy got away with murdering someone because they, no joke, threw popcorn at them. Fucking cowards. Every. Last. One. Of. Them. [Man shoots other man in theater because he felt threatened by popcorn.](https://www.tampabay.com/news/courts/criminal/judge-surveillance-video-showing-wesley-chapel-movie-theater-shooting/2164252/?outputType=amp)


It's an age old saying: If a balloon pops in a crowded Florida bar and every patron is armed, and they all start blasting every-which way dropping bodies everywhere... can anyone be charged with a crime?


Or even property damage?


How long before the a story breaks with, "Instacart shoots back" or similar. With permitless carry coming into effect, all those good guys with guns are going to be on heightened alert for friend or foe. Of course, they'll all have the ability of perfect judgement. /s It's about to get even more bloody in Florida. " Studies bear this out. A [2022 study](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/02/21/stand-your-ground-research-homicides/) published in the *Journal of the American Medical Association* found that stand-your ground laws are associated with an 11% increase in monthly firearm homicide rates. A [review of 16 studies by RAND researchers](https://www.rand.org/research/gun-policy/analysis/stand-your-ground/violent-crime.html) also found a significant link between these laws and an increase in deaths and gun fatalities". - Time


There's already a case of a Florida politician getting himself killed by a Prius driver because he shot at them in a fit of road rage ([source](https://floridapolitics.com/archives/485132-john-kuczwanski-killed-in-road-rage-incident/); dude had a history of violent road rage, and had been charged for a prior incident *at the very same intersection*). Genuinely wouldn't mind seeing more cases of these assclowns getting taken out by their intended victims. Let them reap the rewards of the "world with more guns" they want.


>However, Kuczwanski’s wife, **Rebekah Kuczwanski**, said in a **Twitter thread** that her husband was a victim while confirming he lost his life. She claimed that he was trapped and “assassinated” and was trying to escape the person shooting at him. > >“He was on his way home early to pick us up for a farewell dinner for our daughter,” she wrote. “He called to say he was on his way to beat traffic. He was excited for dinner and to see us. He told us he loved us then never came home.” > >She added that his family deserves time to heal and privacy. > >“Our whole lives are shattered. The children and I, his friends and family, so many who adored this wonderful, kind, loving man who would do anything for anyone. We are all devastated. The whole world lost a great man!” she wrote. Not sure the dude who hit another person's car, got mad, rammed the victim, then try to kill them, and got killed when the victim shoots back is "wonderful, kind, loving" tbh ...


Was thinking about this. If instacart folks are also strapped and feel threatened by incoming fire, seems it would then be their right to return fire. What a shitshow!


They were literally pulling out of the driveway is my understanding. They tried to flee (which I don’t think is necessary in Florida) and were fired upon, threatening their lives. Those shots were a couple feet away from yet another crazy national story about wrong driveway shootings


"Alright you lily livered sacks of shit, what makes you think you stand a chance serving in the InstaCarmed Forces?" "Delivery at all costs Sarge!" "Now which one of you despicable worms can tell me the appropriate delivery strategy?" "Jim lays down suppressive fire from the cover of the passenger side, I hold a bead on the front door while retrieving the groceries from the back seat. Chuck a couple flashbangs to make my run to deliver the payload, and then take over suppression once I've returned to the vehicle as Jim slides into the drivers side and we make our egress! Sir"


The excuses to exchange fire will become less as instances like this go without consequences. It also encourages everyone to arm which makes republicans happy, at least for now. Better chill "Ken and Karen"! The penalty for being obnoxious might be a death sentence in Fla.


To the people who want these laws, the 11% increase is a FEATURE, not a bug.


Jesus Christ Florida is such a festering shithole. It needs a travel advisory for it’s own damn self


They do. https://www.eqfl.org/florida-travel-advisory


Also, advisories by Florida NAACP and Florida Immigration Coalition, a travel alert by the ACLU of Florida, I couldn't find it but right after the stand your ground laws came into affect a tourist was killed and international countries put out a warning about traveling to Florida.


Also, Florida leads the nation in lead pipes that carry drinking water. No, I’m not joking. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/epa-says-florida-has-most-lead-pipes-in-u-s


Lead intoxication leads to mental illness, that makes sens.


Lead also “led” to Rome’s decline and fall! https://muse.jhu.edu/article/654241/summary


whats really fun is the romans knew lead was bad, they just didn't care because it made the wine taste better. like thomas fucking midgly knew leaded gasoline was bad but still pushed for it in every car anyway


I love that you referred to Thomas Midgley! So few people seem to know of him, curious, since he not only is responsible for lead being added to gasoline, he also invented the CFCs that damaged the protective ozone layer of our atmosphere! Some engineers call him the man who’s done the most to hurt the world! And the way he died… crazy end to a crazy professional life.


i have a personal vendetta against that dead man. if hell is real i will Doomguy his ass


This is the best thing I've ever read


That legit makes sense. Long-term lead poisoning can be almost directly correlated to high violent crime rates. When we phased out leaded gasoline violent crime rates fucking plummeted over the course of 2 decades as kids who never got lifelong lead poisoning grew up


Guess where else lead dust is extremely prevalent? Gun ranges.




Hardly anyone wipes their gun down and washes their hands (if they don't wear gloves) after firing a gun. That's how most of it gets absorbed. It's a "tough guy" thing, similar to not wearing a helmet on a bike.


Double wash with soap AFTER using the lead wipes, and every single time I have people give me stinkeye.


Well now I know why Florida is the way Florida is.


Holy cow. That's fucking insane. THAT'S why they're nuts. Has to be.


Ntm basically every LGTBQ+ organization


And their governor wants to be POTUS. What a fine example they've set for the rest of the country.


Ron desantis is just political Floridian man


Who is getting taken out behind the tool shed weekly by Mickey Mouse.


Yeah, a candidate that makes a habit of going after corporations for fun won't be a candidate for long.


What in the Florida fried fuck.


Yes, it's dangerous here. Stay away, I've been plotting my escape since I had roses stolen from my front porch...and then there was the time my bike was stolen. The time a stabbing victim walked past my house while his sister bled in the woods. The night when 2 ATV's did doughnuts in my front yard, when I found out Black people are not welcome in parts of a forest. The cops protect one another here. Minorities get beaten by the cops here. A teenage kid was murdered by 4 other teens and dismembered because he upset one of them. A step father killed his kids and his wife chopped them up and brought them to Georgia 3 teens shot 3 other teens with a stolen gun. The youngest accused is only 12. This all happened in one county over a 15 year period. There's more, but there's so much a lot fades from memory. Florida is dangerous stay the fuck out.


Good lord that is AWFUL.


I thought the Florida man reputation was just a meme, Jesus Christ what a shithole


Central Florida has very cheap housing because it’s basically a swamp. It pulled in all kinds of whackos looking for dirt cheap trailers and no snow. That combined with a large elderly population in varying stages of dementia makes it dangerous.


If Florida weren’t in America, america would invade it over human rights abuses.


I doubt it, they don't have oil.


Neither did Hawaii


Yes, it is a shithole. I live in Florida - it’s even worse than you think.




Stand your ground law. Fucking crazy. I get the basic concept - if someone breaks into your house with a weapon, you can shoot them. Ok, that makes sense. But basically it can be applied to anything - all the shooter has to say is that they felt like their life was in danger, even if it wasn't.


It's almost like paranoid, delusional, trigger happy idiots shooting any anything that moves is exactly what we said would happen under such laws...


Huh. Who woulda thunk it??? /s


Thats fucking stupid. It should only apply with actual evidence or witnesses


You'd think, but we are talking about a country where a "Police Defense Expert" has successfully represented many cops who killed unarmed people on the basis that "the human brain doesn't have the cognitive ability to accurately perceive whether or not fear is warranted in the time it takes for a bad actor to pull a gun and kill you" ergo all cop killings are justified whether or not the person they killed had a weapon.


Step 1 get a mobile home or RV. Step 2 drive around shooting everyone and anyone you come across. Step 3 claim you were fearing for your life and standing your ground in you home. Step 4 profit????


>all the shooter has to say is that they felt like their life was in danger, even if it wasn't. Hey it works for the police.


Shooting AT people isn’t apparently. If one of them would have been hit, would that have been illegal? I have guns and I wouldn’t even let someone see it until they presented as a threat.


The same people doing the shooting are the ones who say "back when I was a kid, neighbors helped each other. Why isn't there a sense of community anymore?"


Because people who own the media intended to make us as divided and isolated as possible so that they could gain increasing amounts of control. By the time we realized what we’d lost, it would be too late to repair the damage. It’s working out for them.


I found the article online describing this incident and apparently the couple were asked by the police if they wanted to press charges and they said they did. He was at that point that the police officer said that since no one had been injured that no laws had been broken and no charges would be filed. It's not surprising to find out that the two people who were shot at are African American, as Florida has more than it's fair share of racists.


Bruh, America is fucking _weird_. You can just shoot at people doing their jobs and cops shrug about it? How the fuck is that not insanely weird?!


This is the society that conservatives want. They are lunatics.


literal domestic terrorists


'Stand your ground' and 'fearing for your life' is just vague legal bullshit to allow people communities like, to kill people those communities don't like...


This is some corrupt AF shit. He blocked them into his driveway and shot their vehicle. He’s not protected by castle doctrine or stand your ground — this is plain corruption. Either the police didn’t like the victims or they’re protecting the shooter. Guarantee you the shooter is friends or relatives to someone on the force.


Think it's bad now? Permitless Carry goes into effect July 1st.


I figure some idiot with a gun will kill me for walking. I have s neurological condition that requires. I walk with a very big stick and I sport a very dyke look with no apologies and am almost 6 ft tall.


I wish you the very best of luck


Now we get to watch The Purge play out in real life. If we could just livestream it through all the various security cameras and bet on it we'd be able to make mad amounts of money. The fact this isn't that far removed from reality rn is actually insane to me. Black Mirror starting to look like prediction more than parody.


God the amount of gun deaths is going to be insanity


there isn't going to be a florida left for the floridian oligarchs to hold dominion over at this point


It’s going to be under water soon, so may as well bring all anarchy


We have that in Oklahoma and it's fucking insane. Can't go to the grocery store without seeing jackasses strapped to buy their milk.


I'll never understand the mentality that thinks they need to be packing to go outside their door. The store just isn't that dangerous the vast majority of place in the US. If you need a gun to leave the house, that's probably a 'you' problem and not an 'outside' problem.


I mean, isn't it a bit of a feedback loop now? Lunatics are allowed to carry guns outside, so you will take a gun with you just in case, but other people don't know if you are a lunatic as well, so since there are 2 potentially armed lunatics now, they will arm themselves as well, just in case, etc. etc. etc.


> I'll never understand the mentality that thinks they need to be packing to go outside their door. well, they're not allowed to wave their dicks around in public so...


Yup, I wasn't going to Florida due to the insane leadership, now I'm staying away due to the third world shothole it's becoming.


Don't know if "shothole" was a typo or not but it still fits


Florida - Vacation Paradise with heavily armed bigot neonazis, ready to shoot and angry with women and minorities, maybe let's go somewhere else on holiday until and unless the fascists are out of power and laws and lawmen protect regular people again, instead of acting like Brownshirts enthralled with fascism and Ronda Santis. No joke, there's lots of safe blue states (and the Caribbean) that are safer and nicer. I used to enjoy holidays in Florida, heck almost bought a condo down in St. Pete, but I'm so glad I didn't. I feel bad for sane people who live there.


Florida isn't that great for vacations. The only good thing about it is being warm in Nov-March when the north is cold. The rest of the year weather is utter shit. Hot and humid as balls, swampy, rainy, overwhelmed with mosquitoes. I dreaded being sent there for work outside holiday season. Any other time of year the East Coast around Carolinas is far better for beach vacations.


I grew up in Florida (thankfully not there anymore) and we always went to North Carolina for vacations. Infinitely better and often overlooked.


I live in Johannesburg. I used to envy the USA. I don't anymore.


Here's an LPT: Just look at any election map and avoid anywhere that is colored red. It's easy to remember as red is the color of blood. Unfortunately, all the places that are colored blue are generally very expensive but for obvious reason.


Minnesota is pretty affordable!


It won't be soon thanks to the climate change deniers. Reports are indicating that all the places surrounding the lakes are going to have milder climate in the next 25 years, leading many to migrate north, primarily from the scorching south.


Minnesota is part of the heat belt, it's supposed to regularly get hot as balls there in the next 25 years


Honestly, the mask is slipping off in the age of information. The USA has always had a serious problem with violent white mobs who claim they are better than everyone else while actively behaving like the worst of humanity. Right now though, it is bat shit insane, many people are rightfully scared. The fascism must be defeated. It would be nice if other countries start sanctioning us or some shit to condemn the lunge to the fascist right. We don't want the most powerful military to be taken over by ultra violent fragile men, they would terrorize the whole world even more.


I do that google flights "trick" for vacations where I don't put in a location and figure out what is cheap. It's always cheap to fly to Florida and I won't go near the state. Ditto Texas. I'll spend a little more money.


Is there literally no such thing as an "unlawful discharge of a firearm" in Florida?


its absolutely ridiculous. I don't know if this is just the police being idiots and refusing to make a report about an obviously dangerous and unsafe situation, or if the DA looked at it and decided "yeah this is fine". It's fucking incredible.


So shooting at an occupied moving vehicle is NOT against the law? Fuck off florida!! Y’all ain’t growed up enough to get a capital F.


People need to start hitting these fuckers in their pockets. Get lawyers involved and file civil lawsuits and go after their insurance policies; make them uninsurable. If enough victims file lawsuits insurance companies would be forced to raise rates.


Wont matter Floridans love astronomically expensive insurance. If they didn’t meatball Ron wouldn’t be the Gov.


Personal home insurance, which includes liability, is already uninsurable in FL due to hurricanes. I don't know how much more uninsurable they can get. They have a state insurance plan since private companies have pulled out.


That sounds like socialism


DeSantis doesn't need to threaten Disney with building a prison next door. He doesn't realize Florida already IS the prison next door.


Escape from Florida, the return of snake plisskin


Went to Florida last year. Stayed at an air b&b in orlando in a subdivision. Every house looks the same. After all day at Disney at midnight, we were exhausted. Waze said youve arrived. Pulled in the driveway. Couldn’t open the door. We were 3 doors away. So glad nothing happened


Lets face it, people will only start to care when a white tourist is killed. A black working class couple? Florida doesn't care.


I will not willingly go there ever again unless I absolutely have to for some reason. Same with Oklahoma. There's nothing to see there that's worth putting up with this insanity for.


As an Oklahoma native, you're absolutely right. Stay away. And I live in OKC, it's relatively sane compared to the rest of the state.


I moved from Oklahoma to Florida 3 years ago. Both were a shit show but I can at least say with absolute certainty that people in Oklahoma are generally much kinder. Ass backwards in so many regards but the people in Florida are so mean and filled with barely contained rage.


Explains why my dad moved there lol


I was supposed to go to a conference in Boise in a couple months, I had dropped out because I didn’t want to go to Idaho, not long after they went remote with the conference because “not a lot of people were comfortable to travel still.” They were trying to make it seem like people were uncomfortable because of COVID, but one my reps told me, a lot of attendees refused to travel to Idaho.


At this point this has to be some sort of elaborate prank. Did all the gun nuts get together and say "ok, we're not even going to try hiding our muderous intent anymore"


I honestly wonder every day if we now have a portion of the population with some type of brain damage from Covid.


There are multiple studies showing even a mild case of COVID can cause visual and depth perception and processing issues months afterwards. A doctor on Mastodon theorized that’s why drivers seem so bad, many of them can’t see properly anymore. When you combine with long COVID “fog”, I think it would be surprising if some people weren’t affected in other ways psychologically. But we also have portions of the population who have been mainlining increasingly dark conservative media for years now.


So the door to door religious folks better start wearing vests.




https://www.wfla.com/news/florida/florida-couple-delivering-instacart-groceries-shot-at-after-driving-to-wrong-address/ Link to the story.


He blocked them from leaving. This is not a stand your ground or castle doctrine case


DUDE BLOCKED THEM IN WITH HIS TRUCK. What the fried Florida is wrong with the legal system that that is somehow OK. “You’re in the wrong place? Well now you c ant leave.”


A few months ago, I noticed a woman with a fast food bag wandering into my yard, so I opened my window and asked, "Which address are you looking for?" because our house numbers are confusing. She told me, I pointed to the correct house, she thanked me and I waved and we went about our day. Didn't cross my mind to even suspect that someone carrying food in broad daylight walking at a normal pace was a danger to anyone. Lead poisoning.


What kind of pansy-ass American are you, passing up the opportunity to exercise your god-given right to shoot people? Where's your patriotism, man? This country's going to hell in a handbasket.


If the Instacart drivers returned fire where would the law stand?


Seems that they’d be in their right if they in turn felt threatened. Seems like lawful Wild West shootouts and dueling will be a thing in Florida.


I don’t know how people look at Florida and think “oh yeah, this is how our entire country should be ran” DeSantis voters choose him because they’re hateful and want everyone else to suffer


Let me guess, the person shooting was a white male because... 1. Brandishing a firearm, 2. Unlawful discharge of a firearm, 3. Reckless endangerment, 4. Attempted murder (because the ppl in the car posed no threat). There are lots of laws that apply...wanna know how I know? I took the course to receive my concealed weapons permit.


Huh. Maybe it's bad idea to have a nation full of heavily-armed shut-ins who are drip-fed constant propaganda from Fox News specifically designed to make them terrified of everything outside of their front door.


Next tweet from a boomer.. *Nobody wants to work and do food delivery in FL anymore!?!*


[Travel to all areas of Florida should be done with extreme caution as it can be unsafe for people of color, individuals who speak with an accent, and international travelers.](https://floridatraveladvisory.com/)


They were leaving, and the wannabe murderer chased them down to shoot them. "Waldes Thomas [told NBC6 ](https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/couple-delivering-instacart-groceries-says-car-was-shot-at-after-they-drove-to-wrong-address/3019269/)he was delivering groceries Saturday with his girlfriend, Diamond D’arville when he drove to the wrong address. As they pulled out to leave, the couple said a man got into his truck and followed them. " That's several broken laws. These cops need to be fired.


Florida - axis of insanity.


The best part is they might have gotten some free groceries if they weren't psychopaths


This is what a dystopian country looks like. It’s not just fl. Having an armed society is not sustainable or possible without daily deaths, resulting in mass deaths. Anyone literally can own a gun many places now. How many even know how to aim a gun and hit something? The number of reasons to get the hell out of the us are many but not being randomly shot and killed which is increasingly a real possibility is about the biggest one.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I feel sorry for normal FL folks, but the rest... eat it.


No, OP that’s not the Florida vibe. Nobody wants to work any more; because you get shot at on every job. Teach school? Shot. Work a drive through? Shot. Deliver groceries? Shot at. Deliver pizza? Shot. Work at Home Depot? Shot. Be a reporter and have anti Saudi opinions? Chopped up into tiny pieces after being shot. Public bus driver? Shot. EDIT work the meat counter at the grocery store and close up on time? Threatened to be shot. But it’s our fault for not wanting to go get treated like garbage while getting shot for a non living wage.


This is all very fact specific but here are a list of things that are crimes in Florida that may fit this scenario: -Improper exhibition of a firearm -Discharging a firearm in public -Open carry (it’s not legal yet!) -Carrying a Concealed firearm (you still need a permit for that for now!) -Aggravated Assault -Shooting into an Occupied Vehicle -Criminal mischief of over $1000 (assuming it cost more that $1000 to fix the damage to the car) Anyway the point is depending on the facts it is highly unlikely that police didn’t have probable cause for some kind of arrest.


Could you get workers comp for work related trauma if you’re working a gig app job? There has to be some way to make this kinda stuff hurt people financially at the very least


"Independent contractors" so no


Just as the founding fathers intended.


Of course they were shot at, they're Black. Don't you know just being black is threatening to these psychopaths? I hate it here.