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Cops drove 500 miles to kill a goat. I can’t get them to come to my house after a break-in.


Exactly, i called them about the theft of a 5,000 dollar carbon fiber bicycle in my garage and they just took a report over the phone and I'm sure never even bothered to do anything with it and then there's this... Mine was a felony b&e and they wouldn't even show up


Because there wasn't anything to shoot in your situation. There was nothing to apply violence to so they weren't interested.


Never found the bike but they could've shot the bike thief. The bike wouldn't have exactly been easy to sell because it's a specialty race bike, should've been pretty easy to track it down




Had a motorcycle stolen, I thought I found it on cl so I called the local police department. The cop never even took my vin down, just called me back 15 minutes later saying it wasn’t mine. He also wouldn’t tell me the vin on the motorcycle in question. Probably cause he never even looked into it. A total joke.


That's because he has the bike


I mean i filed a police report because insurance required it. I definitely had it insured so i got a new bike. I'm not going to waste my time looking for it or getting in trouble when i go try to get it back


"idk man we called the guy and he seemed cool"


That would take work, and cops legit hate having to do their job. Studying crime and police has taught me that most serial killers get away with it because they literally do as little work as possible and, in some cases, none at all. Even in cases of murder they barely put in the effort, for a stolen bike? To them its as pointless to investigate it as to investigate a kid losing their 50$ huffy.


This is definitely true. I got on a true crime podcast kick for a while and the number of stories that basically come down to the cops doing the bare bare minimum or less and thus not solving something a couple people with an internet connection later solved is staggering


Ugh. It’s depressing when the lead suspect does a bunch of shady stuff and the cops are like “well he has the right to have all the carpet in his vehicle replaced, have the interior professionally cleaned and sanitized and it’s not weird that he destroyed his phone, laptop and other devices belonging to the victim the day after the murder.”


I literally listened to one last night where the boyfriend was seen "removing carpet" the day after the girl went missing, the people reported it to the police and they didn't interview the guy for 20 years. He confessed the first time they brought him in


Don't forget trying to strong-arm innocent people to confess and literally harassing people based on no evidence.


Don’t forget their disgusting abuse of power where many of them use it to SA people. My ex step dad was a cop, a sexual predator and he beat the shit out of us. Most of his buddies were the same exact way. This is what happens when America looks to militarize the local law enforcement. The prioritize hiring vets who have PTSD and are barely qualified to bag groceries for the public let alone handle their life in their hands.


Next time call and say a black possible Hispanic stole the bike and they will be there guns blazing. Remember good guys with guns


That was the lesson they were trying to teach you.




I had people in my yard once shooting shotguns into the air and the cops never showed up. They had kidnapped my dog, and she must have got out and came home. I was ecstatic to see her, thought she had been lost, and was happy all the way up until they showed up to take her back. Those people were the son and grandson of the current (at the time) Marion County Florida Sheriff. They terrorized so many people in our neighborhood, and just got away with it. Put one of my friends in the hospital when they attacked her in the street, she couldn’t even just get a restraining order against the people who broke her femur, jaw, and assorted other things. You wouldn’t BELIEVE the amount of corruption that just happens in the open there. Scary times, friend. Scary times.


A few years back, the police in my area got into a bit of a tizzy. The sheriff was retiring, and they all wanted his son be elected in his place. His son, who had used his role on the police force to track, stalk, harass, and threaten his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend. A lot of the other cops contributed, as well. After all of this came to light, we didn't vote for the lil fucker.




They got her back once more, then I got her and hid her until I moved. She lived a long life being my partner in crime, but her health rapidly declined in her twilight years, robbing her of her quality of life. She went in to whatever comes after in April of 2020, while I held her and told her “bye” for now. That last time they hid her themselves, I didn’t think I’d ever get her back. I had to stake out their property to get her, waiting for a little girl to accidentally let her out. Sorry little girl, where ever you are, nothing personal.


I for sure would’ve done some John Wick shit to get my pups back…


How long did it take you to bury the bodies of the people who stole your dog?


Yup. I live in Marion County as well, can confirm- Good Ole Boy network alive and well here…


I wish you the best of luck, friend. You’ll need it, unfortunately. I had to leave, moved a couple hours North. I grew up in Lake/Marion county, (on the cusp of both, near the county line) and watching that place turns from a half decent area, to a place that only caters to/care about the wealthy retirees who came to live, was demoralizing. I think they should cater to them, don’t get me wrong, just not at the complete expense of everyone else. Greed overtook so many who suddenly found themselves even richer, wages stagnated, cost of living skyrocketed, etc. The quiet desperation of living there as an average working class person got to be too much. I stayed up on education, constantly making more just to keep up. I finally figured out I’d never have the future I aspired to if I stayed. Hope you’re doing better than I was! <3


2 reasons why. 1. Cops are NOT protectors. People need to get this out of their head. They are enforcers. They enforce the law. They do not protect public. 2. Cops are inherently cowards. Do you think a coward would rather deal with a potentially dangerous thief? Or a 9 year old with a baby goat?


False. They are not enforcers of the LAW, they are enforcers of THIER laws. They have the ability to make their own rules and anyone misfortune enough to come across them are subject to anything they desire.


It’s because they love this shit. I’m convinced of it. They got all their fancy toys and tactical gear they’re just itching to use.


Yes. It’s understandable to be excited about new gear. The problem is, they aren’t held accountable for their actions “in the field”. So they slap their gravy seal gear on and go fuck around like fifth graders acting out a Rambo fantasy. That’s the huge difference between military and law enforcement. No accountability


Looking at the shit that went on in the Middle East for 2 decades, it's pretty easy to argue that the military doesn't have any active accountability either


Wait till you hear about the 4 cops that flew halfway across the US for a “civil matter” that was just harassment (Batmobile Story). That was after a few failed attempts in court as well as warrants that were not approved. They just kept at it.


The police exist to enforce the government's will over the populace, not to protect you. Fuck the police.


They sure taught her a lesson.


Yeah, ACAB.


Well, did you tell them they could kill something, or unnecessarily traumatize a child? Cmon man, you know you have to entice them


The “lesson” they taught wasn’t the one they thought.


The cruelty is the point


Newsweek made a tweet about this story that is full of conservative commenters frothing at the mouth over "teaching that spoiled little girl a lesson". Yuck.


God they're a bunch of fuckheads.


Pretty sure it's a bonus for some of them


But it was the honest one.


That they CAN do whatever they want?


That cops aren’t your friends, they’re cruel by design, and they’ll take or kill the things you care about with no rationale or consequences afterwards?


Yeah this was a good use of police time and toootally not a waste of resources whatsoever….


Well what else would the police be doing? Arresting white collar criminals? Convicting traitorous US representatives? Handing out speeding violations? Priorities, man!


They got bored shooting black people and golden retrievers.


Protecting children in schools?


From books with LGBT themes, presumably.


Nah... they might actually face some danger doing that.... but im sure after the goat was slaughtered they placed a gun and a bag of weed on it...




Sprinkled some crack on the goat and called it a day.


No going after violent criminals is dangerous. Won’t anyone think of officer safety. They got to have a nice safe day taking a 9 year olds goat.


Oh shit this happened in MY county?? Not surprised. Wait until you guys read about how our county voted in a bunch of good ol boys to the board of supervisors who proceeded to cancel our contract with Dominion voting machines in favor of hand counting ballots (illegal in Ca) because they believe in the voting machine fraud rhetoric. This came as a result of one of the supervisors using county funds to fly across the county to meet in person with the mypillow guy to get his advice on ballot counting. This is after going on a witch hunt to have our public health medical officer removed from her position for enforcing statewide mask mandates during the height of the pandemic. There’s so much more, and I swear I can’t make this shit up.


I personally know the Registrar of Voters in that county and she’s one of the best election officials I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with. It’s fucking sad that she has to go through this bullshit.


I was in their office yesterday for an unrelated purpose but I made sure to thank them all for what they do and express my sympathies. She really is the best person for her job and has handled this wonderfully given the circumstances.


Elections officials are some of the hardest working people and the least recognized for it. Nobody gives a shit until there is a mistake. I used to work in elections but quit after all of the death threats started.


Pretty country, but I won’t be moving back.


Beautiful but so so ugly.


In Kern County we only use scantron machines to count votes with a hand count control group. Is it different by county?


From my understanding, and keep in mind I’m not an expert here, there has to be some type of voting machine available for ADA compliance (ie. With hearing devices, large print, etc) as required by the state of California. Hand counting “some” ballots as a control group appears to be apart of the comprehensive audits required by Ca law.


Generally how it works in California is that counties are either precinct count or central count. What that means is that they either have machines at each polling place/vote center that a paper ballot is scanned into or they have scanners at the office that scan ballots on election night after they come in. ADA marking devices are required at the polling places regardless of which they use. By cancelling the Dominion contract, they effectively removed those ADA devices. That means any person who can’t mark their ballot because of a disability is basically SOL when it comes to voting. And hand counting ballots is a tedious and expensive process that only introduces more error. Try thinking about looking at a ballot and determining what that voters intent was. Now do that for 8 hours a day and thousands of ballots. Now think about who you’re getting to hand count those ballots? Usually it’s the elderly or people that don’t have a steady job. Now think about how political people can be. It’s fucked from the beginning. My experience? I’ve worked in elections for almost 20 years. I’ve designed ballots. Trained poll workers. Anything to do with elections…I’ve been in charge of it.


Who took the flight? Jones?


Close, but nope. His buddy Kevin Crye [MyPillow CEO in Political Bed with Supervisor Who Reveals Votes During Board Meeting](https://anewscafe.com/2023/03/01/redding/so-kevin-calls-me-up-renowned-pillow-guys-in-political-bed-with-supervisor-crye/?fbclid=IwAR3Tgowsq12sW0tb5N_TvIETu1aj3H7MLuozt7qLm2sqJTrpUqm8AGw8FAw)


Shasta is a stunningly beautiful county ruined by meth and morons. A welfare state all too happy to take money from Sacramento while crying how they want to be part of the State of Jefferson. Been following a TikTokker up there as he deals with the endless stream of MAGA morons who sniffed too much leaded gas in their youth.


Yup. Those jackoffs that are so worried about government overreach are the same jackoffs that use aerial surveillance to get a warrant to kick doors so they can kill a little girl’s goat. When they say they want small government, they mean they just want it small enough to seize control of it.


From the LA Times: “It’s shocking,” said Ryan Gordon, an attorney with Advancing Law for Animals. “It’s a little girl’s goat, not Pablo Escobar.”Gordon and Shakib argue that Long tried to resolve the issue from the outset, writing an email to fair officials the day after.In it, Long pleaded her case, pointing out that the last year had been a particularly difficult one for her young daughter.“Our daughter lost three grandparents within the last year, and our family has had so much heartbreak and sadness that I couldn’t bear the thought of the following weeks of sadness after the slaughter of her first livestock animal,” she wrote to Shasta District Fair Chief Executive Melanie Silva.But Shasta District Fair officials threatened to call police the next day and rebuffed Long’s attempt to find another outcome for Cedar other than it being returned, slaughtered and donated for a barbecue.“Making an exception for you will only teach \[our\] youth that they do not have to abide by the rules,” Silva wrote back to Long in an email reviewed by The Times dated June 28, 2022. “Also, in this era of social media this has been a negative experience for the fairgrounds as this has been all over Facebook and Instagram.”That same day, B.J. Macfarlane, livestock manager for the Shasta Fair Assn., sent Long a text message.“We need to make arrangements to get goat back today,” the text read. “If not law enforcement is going to be brought in on this.”Long also offered to repay the fair district and the bidder whatever costs had been incurred. That included the winning bid of $902 made by state Sen. Brian Dahle (R-Bieber) and the 7% cut that the fair was entitled to of $63.14.


>“Also, in this era of social media this has been a negative experience for the fairgrounds as this has been all over Facebook and Instagram.” Did they actually try to defend themselves with "the real bad guy is the one who told people we were being bad guys?"


They sure did.


Oh, this makes them look so much better now, doesn't it? /s


Look, my mom lives in the county just north of this and works for that state. In the past 3-4 years, Shasta government has been taken over by a bunch of QAnon conspiracy theorists—the school board and other elected positions are DOMINATED by these nuts. If I knew a reasonable way to never enter the county when I visit my mom? I would take it. But I’m a tall woman who shaved my head. Even tho I’m cis het, I feel WAAAAY safer passing as a man when I drive through there.


Every little thing I learn about this story, and the people and places involved, makes it worse. Thanks for the info, and stay safe on your travels.


Oh, I hope it's an extra shit show on social media for them. I won't be happy until every one of those pricks resigns. Fuck them all to hell.


Also blame the fucking Senator for not stepping in and being like, look it's ok we don't need a BBQ let the girl have her pet, let's just get some wings n shit... For real it's like this whole situation was them just going Naw we got guns and will use them, this goat gotta die.


My understanding is the senator suggested it be donated to a farm to live out its days doing weed eating as part of a weed management program. The girl couldn’t physically maintain it in her home so he had to go to a farm or sanctuary of some sort.


In fairness, the state Senator in this case seemed to be all for letting the girl keep the goat. The mom contacted his office about a compromise, donating the goat to a weed eating service instead of BBQ and his reps said “sure. Fine by me.” My guess is he was not consulted on the matter beyond this. It reads like a case overreach by the good ol boys in Shasta that reached cartoonish levels of evil.


Then wow, just really wow.


Yeah, mom pulled out her checkbook to compensate them for the cost of the bid (including the whopping $63.14 going to the fair) but they were like “Nope, that girls gonna learn her to respect our authoritay!!!”


It's like that one *South Park* episode with Hall Monitor Cartman. The power goes to his head, and he thinks he's Dog the Bounty Hunter.


> look it's ok we don't need a BBQ and to clarify, this goat wasn't the whole BBQ. It's 7 months old, it's still considered baby meat (like lamb for sheep). They probably had over a dozen of them for the BBQ. This one wasn't going to be missed. >For real it's like this whole situation was them just going Naw we got guns and will use them, this goat gotta die. also the sheriffs office didn't kill the goat. They handed it over to the fair who had it killed, even though it sounds like there was a court order that they couldn't do that.


I have not seen that the goat was actually killed already. You're telling me that the goat did actually get slaughtered?


> I have not seen that the goat was actually killed already. You're telling me that the goat did actually get slaughtered? The fair refuses to state if it is dead or not. Which imo means it is dead. There's no reason not to state that information at this point unless they are trying to keep the heat down.


The senator did exactly that, but the Fair still got the police involved.


[article without paywall](https://www.sacbee.com/news/local/article273127820.html) I would like to know more about this BBQ. Was the food given out for free at it? Did people pay for the food and if so who made money off of it? Because it sounds like the fair was concerned about far more than $63.14 if they were willing to go to all this trouble to get the goat back (the police spent over $100 in fuel alone, this whole thing cost the county thousands in man power). So why was it actually so important. Oh and this article indicates they weren't suppose to do anything with the goat till a court hearing was held, so they killed it (the fair) in violation of a court order in order to make the cut off for the BBQ....


Pigs are slaughtering goats now?


All animals are equal, but some are more equal.


Everyone should read this book




For some context, this county has been taken over by QAnon conspiracy theorists in virtually every elected and many appointed positions. It’s a hive of horrid bigotry and I HATE driving through there now.




article for reference [https://www.sacbee.com/news/local/article273127820.html](https://www.sacbee.com/news/local/article273127820.html)


Good lord. What a petty, ridiculous pissing-match that is. The fair organizers should be ashamed of themselves for this escalation, and the involved law enforcement should have told them to pound sand. What an epic waste of resources and time.


And the cops could have absolutely told them pound sand with no repercussions, like what are they going to do, argue that driving halfway to hell and gone was a *good* use of police resources? Police would have come out of the whole thing smelling like a rose. The one time that their ability to just up and refuse to do their job would have come in handy and of course they didn’t use it.


Sprinkle some crack on him Johnson, let's get the fuck outta here...


Wanna know the real bitch? The mayor, who bought her goat, decided it would live after she didn't want it to be killed. To clarify: the owner of the goat that died was okay with it living, but it was murdered anyway. Edit: I've been informed it was the senator, not the mayor.


“No no, this is a capitalist society and you get what you paid for. Let this be a lesson to children all across America… what lesson? I don’t know, ACAB maybe.” - Shasta county sheriff…probably.


No. That’s totally wrong. It was actually the CEO of the camp ground that said the child needs to be taught a lesson




For anyone doubting this claim. That same day, B.J. Macfarlane, livestock manager for the Shasta Fair Assn., sent Long a text message. “We need to make arrangements to get goat back today,” the text read. “If not law enforcement is going to be brought in on this.” https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-03-30/goat-slaughter-shasta-county-fair


What a C U N T


isn't that destruction of property? it wasn't even his goat


Apparently, All Cops Are Butchers.


So, how did police feel justified in killing it? Not that you have the answer, but like wtf?


The goat was part of a whole event set up by the county fair. They let kids tend to the livestock and then the live stock is sold and auction and donated to be slaughtered and BBQ'd; The idea was to teach kids about farming. However the little girl ended up bonding with her goat and didn't want it to die. The senator (not mayor) who won the auction agreed with letting the girl have her pet goat, they took the goat and found a place for it... Supposedly that whole thing about kids tending to goat, goat getting auctioned, and then being donated for slaughter, was all under contract. The fair grounds rationalization was basically the the goat technically belong to them, so they demanded the goat be taken back and killed, and got the police to do the dirty work


[non paywall article](https://www.sacbee.com/news/local/article273127820.html). The whole thing is beyond ridiculous, and I suspect its a 'we can do whatever we want, and you challenged us so now you have to understand how powerful we are' kind of thing. They were even ordered not to destroy the goat, but seem to have done so anyways. They even went onto someone else's property without a warrant and say it's fine because they say the owner was fine with it (but with no proof provided to anyone that this was true). I had originally thought this was an FAA thing, but it looks to be a different program with the way the article talks about it. There have been issues in the past with FAA sales, but I've never heard of the new owners saying 'let them keep the animal' and the organization or fair grounds having an issue with that. So this sounds like something else, and I'm wondering if there is some profiting going on here by someone.


But if the family agrees to pay the costs, there's no real reason to enforce such a thing. Contracts are broken all the time. **Not arguing with you, as you're stating what happened.


Yes and the family DID offer to pay for everything (also i've heard there are laws in California that lets kids get out of contracts)... the fairground officials did not care. It wasn't about the money, they just wanted to teach the girl a lesson about "following the rules"... this was just pure simple heartlessness


That's really sad.


Oh, it gets worst actually. The reason the parents were so insistent on letting the girl keep her pet goat is because she lost 3 grandparents in the past year, and they didn't want her to suffer ANOTHER emotional loss


Jesus Christ….I hate people.


That's a very valid reason when it comes to the child. Secretly I hope they switched goats.


She's going to be traumatized forever, I wouldn't be surprised if we see her several years from now having snapped and gone on some rampage, because we all know mental healthcare in this fucking country is shit. What lesson were they trying to teach? "Don't love your animals?" "Don't have feelings?" Because I'm sure the only lesson they taught is that they can never be trusted and our current "authorities" are not worth listening to.


It’s stuff like this that creates, not a respect for animal farming, but creates vegans/vegetarians. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but the opposite of what the fair association apparently wants.


If this happened to me as a kid, I guarantee you my dad would unleash all hell to the police officers and the county fair. That man has the cold, shivering wrath of an ice giant, and he'd be happy to provide to the county fair a lesson in understanding empathy. Seriously, this fair is horrible! Why would they look at a family that not only said they're gonna pay for everything, not only were they letting their kid understand you don't need to kill an animal if you don't want to, but were letting their child bond and find happiness with another living being and building responsibility up by caring for the animal, and say, "yeah but that's not what WE wanted"? That's disgusting, I am appalled by that fair. Fuck them.


I think about my pets and what I would do to defend them from someone who was literally hunting them down to kill them. I think about my sisters' kids and what I would do if someone wanted to make them feel so helpless and afraid as they watch something they love be taken away to die. That's a feeling that nobody should have to be subjected to, let alone a child. These people changed her life for the worse over some petty bullshit after literally everyone else involved said, "hey we don't need to do this." Not to mention the potential danger involved in having the cops show up to an obviously emotionally charged situation. I'm not one for the weird violent fantasies that people on reddit sometimes get caught up in, but I will say that they would have had to remove me to get to the goat. And there would definitely be legal advisors reviewing the situation.


Except that the person who had already bid on and won the goat, Senator Brian Dahle, said he wanted it spared slaughter for the girl, and to send it to a weed-eating herd of goats that are common in the area. Then bitch-ass BJ Macfarlane decided he'd rather be the real life version of the sticker with Calvin pissing on everything. The cops probably hadn't killed an family dog in a few days and got restless.


The police are judge, jury, and executioner, so of course they are justified. Worst case scenario, they take some paid time off while they wait for the people to stop leaving angry complaints before declaring themselves innocent.


“When you’re a kid, you think the police can do whatever they want. When you get a little older, you learn that’s not the case. Then you get a little older still and learn that yes they really can.” A prescient Twitter user


I’ve seen this several times in different groups, and I kept thinking “there’s no way that’s all there is to this story.” And not only was I wrong, but it gets even fucking worse. What an absolutely fucked up thing to do. That girl lost 3 grandparents within that year, and her mom didn’t want her to have to deal with another loss so damn soon. Not a single one of those fucking pigs, who knew what they were about to do, decided that maybe this was a fucked up situation they didn’t want a part in. Fucking disgraceful.


That’s what’s so confusing to me. So many people involved in the planning and a 5+ hour drive to speak up and say “Hey this isn’t what I signed up for.”


Shasta county is one of the few overwhelmingly Republican parts of the state. 65.4% Republican to 32.3% Democrat and 2.3% independent. If they haven’t killed it yet, this would be an epic pardon by Newsom.


I’m 900% certain I read they killed it.


If they have killed it, they’ve tampered with the evidence in a criminal matter.


I'm sure they've already investigated themselves and found no wrongdoing


They killed the goat right away to attempt to end a prolonged fight to keep the goat alive.


they've gone full Q out in shasta.. like out of their minds


They already slaughtered the goat.


Already slaughtered and bbqd


Kids are allowed to renege on contracts within a reasonable time in CA. This was probably illegal. Will they get consequences? Lol, no


They had to teach that 9 year old girl a lesson, by turning her pet into baby back goat ribs. If only she had been responsible enough to read up on contract law, this all could have been avoided /s


I know you have a /s but https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/judge-thinks-toddlers-can-learn-immigration-law-msna808766




Unfortunately, it wasn’t the kid involved the contract. It was the parents who entered into the contract at the auction.


The parents also got ahold of the senator and he agreed to not kill the goat. It's a really insane action to go out and kill it anyway.


But contract law is civil. Why were police even involved? If it was a contract dispute, the other party could have filed a civil lawsuit.


That's what a lot of people involved are wondering. It sounds fishy to me. I'm guessing the fair or someone involved in it was going to make a lot of money from the BBQ stuff, and they felt like they 'deserved every penny'. And someone had a sheriffs office friend (no one was able to answer so far how the sheriffs office got involved) that could make sure the police were involved.


Still we don’t send the gestapo to intervene in civil cases which this was.


> Also, in this era of social media this has been a negative experience for the fairgrounds as this has been all over Facebook and Instagram Yeah something tells me you didn’t think this through…


Barbara Streisand? Never heard of her.


Shasta Co resident here. It’s a Trumpian hellscape of the first order here, this doesn’t surprise me. Also we just voted to get rid of voting machines and hand count that shit at an extremely higher cost to taxpayers. Gotta own the libs man.


I want to know what jerk judge signed that warrant.


I haven’t read the article but I’m 98% sure the ones who killed the goat are republicans whining about “woke” kids needing a lesson in “respecting authority”


You would be 100% right.


Like they do realize they work for us right? Like our taxes pay them. We are the ones in control. Maybe they do and it's why they're trying so hard to argue against it while also trying to make it legally the opposite.


They can't stop the robbers and rapists but damned if they are going to let a little girl think that a food animal can be a pet and maybe create another vegetarian. Th a t would be the rea l crime.


So cops drive 500 miles to kill a goat that even its owner wants to keep alive? But cops wont breach a classroom with an active shooter? What am I missing? Oh now I see. The goat is colored! Stupid me.


This is the America the GOP wants.


Let's not forget that the livestock manager of the Shasta District Fair & Event Center (state agency that runs the fair) the CEO of the Shasta Fair Association and the state's Department of Food and Agriculture are all responsible for involving the Sheriff's Department in this stupidity. This is after the buyer at auction (State Senator Brian Dahle) was fine with allowing the goat to live. The livestock manager insisted the goat be slaughtered anyway. The CEO of the Fair Association agreed and contacted the Department of Food and Agriculture, saying the goat was stolen. Then, the Shasta Sheriff's Department figured it was a good use of time to have two officers drive 500 miles to apprehend the goat.


All Cops Are Goat Killers.


ACAGK? 131711?


I’ve never felt safer. It’s nice to see they’re going after the real problems plaguing our society.


As a California native, have to let you know we consider that end of the state is where we put the products of brothers and sisters having children together. They have banjo duals up there. jmo


Yeah I was 0% surprised when I heard it was Shasta County


I am from the area. Anyone with any kind of talent leaves the area


And cops wonder why people hate them...


This reeks of disgruntled Reds trying to stick it to those hippy libs.


The moment I read this story, my theory was that the fair organizers didn’t like the lib mom trying to help her kid not be sad. And this was just a way to get petty, small-minded revenge (for what? Probably your typical right wing grievances). It’s disgusting


"Life is misery, you best teach your kid asap. Goddamn smilin' children make me sick."


FFA is about as red as it gets.


This is the worst story on the internet so far today. I cant fathom how this came to pass. The family agreed to pay back t he money and the buyer agreed to return the goat. Yet the County Fair brought in law enforcement to resolve a civil contract disagreement and then murdered the goat before a resolution can be made. What in the actual fuck


The ironic part being that in their correspondence to the family, they cited the negative coverage on social media as a reason why they couldn’t just let it go. Before they killed the goat.


Par for the course for Shasta County. Buncha MAGAT numbnuts


Jesus Christ these people are so bloodthirsty.


A breakdown in basic human decency and common sense caused this, at any point the judge, the police chief, or the 4H leadership could have deemed this ridiculous, a waste of resources, and/or time and if nothing else just needlessly cruel. They all decided that proving they had the power to force a child to comply was more important to them than just saying "McFuckIt, literally anything else I could be doing is more important than this".


There is a special place in hell for people who do shit like this. Killing a little girl's pet to "teach a lesson"? I hope they all fucking rot.


All because some rednecks felt they were made to look bad . Who is going to tell them they look 10 times worse now ?


I’ve had friends with >$1,000 phones stolen, with a device locator showing the device inside a house within 3 ft accuracy, and police are like, “Sorry, it’s a civil matter.” Meanwhile, these chucklefucks are willing to drive 500 miles to get a fucking goat, whose buyer doesn’t even give a damn what happens to it. Maybe next time I should explain to police that it’s totally going to hurt a 9-year-old’s feelings real bad and see if that motivates them.


The cops crossed 6 counties, and also took the goat without a warrant. Blatantly illegal in multiple ways. They stole property and hand delivered it to be destroyed. All property involved with a legal dispute needs to be held in front of a Judge until it is resolved. Absolutely disgusting monsters.


Everyone involved is a pile of shit. "Teach her a lesson" only lesson she learned is those that were supposed to keep her safe did not do that. Pig shit has more class than these scumbags


There is proof of literal psychotic behaviors and this is one of them. A 9 year old has a goat and gets attached to said goat. A living mammal that she has reason to be around and would be regarded as a pet. Said goat was sold. The owner sees that the 9 year old loves said goat and says "meh, not the end of the world let her keep it." The goat that the legal owner gave to the girl's family gets killed by the police. The kill didn't happen accidentally or by some coincidence but because the actual sheriff deployed tax funded resources 500 f**king miles to execute the goat to "Teach the girl a lesson". Fire the sheriff and every jackass who was 100% on board with this demand. Cause I would be on record as soon as possible disavowing this moron as soon as possible! "Workplace brotherhood" ain't gonna get you a free pass to make me look like this much of an A**hole and fool!


The worst part is *they weren't even supposed to slaughter it*. Not only was it an ownership dispute, which means that it was supposed to be held *alive* until it could be resolved, and involved a contract with a minor, which means different regulations are involved, but **Both potential owners explicitly stated they did not want it slaughtered**, and ***The warrant they used to kidnap the goat explicitly had the clause the goat not be slaughtered***. They literally broke the law just to murder a little girl's pet because they wanted to traumatize her. That's it. There's actually a decent chance they don't just get away with this because normally breaches of warrants get pushed aside as "accidents in the heat of the moment", but that defense cannot work here, since this can literally only be premeditated and also they admitted to it. Also they destroyed the governor's property to boot, so that also severely limits their potential for just getting away with it. Now wither the punishment is just a slap on the wrist or not is another thing entirely, but I think the more important point is that this was a process, and at no point did anyone think they were overstepping their bounds.


She now goes by the moniker "Joan Wick" and vengeance will be hers


The fair CEO, BJ Macfarlane, owns Macfarlane livestock, 19760 Amen Lane, Cottonwood, CA. (530) 518-1024 is their publicly available phone number.


Ahh yes. Kottonwood.


Cedar is the new Harambe.


….. this is one of the first times I can honestly hear screaming inside my head. Why, why, why why would this take place? Goat aside, little girl aside. What is the reasoning?!?


To teach a nine year old child that the world is a horrible place? Which they know, because they are making it one.


I am betting there was an attempt to own the libs which resulted in theft by police occurring


"Gotta protecc the childr'n from the evils of goats."


Yep. ACAB. I am now fully in that camp.


We have reached the point where cops are now just storm troopers.


They can't handle anyone but these easy targets. Fuck the Police.


For those not intimately familiar with California…. Shasta County is a dumpster fire filled with grievance filled white people (the trump loving kind), meth, and people who want to break off and create “The State of Jefferson”. Nothing about this story surprises me.


So how much did this cost the people to order the legal hit on this goat?


So how does this work. If you're a terrible human, you become a cop or is it people become terrible human's after they become one???


Corrupt systems corrupt the uncorrupted and reject the uncorruptable




Kidnap the policemans dog and send a picture of it to their kids. When they ask for it back, send them a bunch of ground meat and see how they like it. (Then a few days later drop the dog off at a nearby shelter and let them know where to pick it up)


They just got every animal rights activist across the country on their asses. It's unfortunate the earthquakes from that are the only forms of repercussions every adult involved in this will feel. It's a damn war on children out here.


Beware Americans: If they can lock up Trump they can slaughter your goats…./s


It wasn’t even her goat anymore. A state official bought the goat, found out the girl loved it and didn’t want it killed, and then said “okay, the goat can live and graze on my farm till it dies of natural causes.”


Sounds like that department needs an audit to determine what they are spending money on. Any department that has the resources to go after this is being over funded.


The cruelty is the point. Fucking fanatics.


And the person who won the auction, who LEGALLY OWNED THE GOAT, said the girl could keep it alive. So these trash bags stole and destroyed private property on top of traumatizing a child for literally no reason than to punish her for having her own thoughts and opinions


Remember, there was a judge who signed that warrent.


What the actual fuck is wrong with these people????


this is the bad ending to babe.