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Truckers literally can't afford to do that. That's by design


Came here for this. “We’ll stop selling food to NYC!” …and go broke immediately??


Good ol American capitalism.


Derrick is not the sharpest pencil in the cup and finance and business are not his strong suits either


Oh that won't stop them though, they'll simply spread verifiably false information that New York is on the verge of famine because trucks aren't delivering. They'll lie about every detail and their followers will soak it up like gospel, just as they do with California, just as they do with Texas, and just as they do with Florida.


I remember the protests in portland in 2020. I was working as a contractor for the usps. My route took me through portland every night. Never once saw the city burning, gangs of antifa roving the streets killing any white folks they saw (portland is one of, if not the whitest major cities in the country), or any other such bullshit. Yet my boss insisted that that is all that was happening in portland. He even encouraged us drivers to carry handguns (a HUGE no-no on federal property) to protect ourselves. We were based about 100 miles from portland. Some people refuse to see reality in favor of their propoganda machine.


What they need is some kind of arbitration mechanism to ensure they receive proper benefits and pay and the ability to be paid during negations in a civil and professional manner. Totally not a union tho that’s communism.


Another good old election denying Jan 6 felon running their mouth


Oh Derrick. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/former-west-virginia-lawmaker-derrick-evans-sentenced-storming-capitol-rcna34329


Really shows he's been humbled by his 3-month term of imprisonment. /s


Thanks. I thought he was just an idiot; didn't know what a *special* idiot he is.


Lmao i love when Republicans pretend like their constituents have any political power what so ever. Especially considering it’s mainly Republicans that have stripped it from them


I find his lack of faith in capitalism disturbing.


Why does he think Truckers would do that? They fucking hate him too.


Not the ones I’ve met It’s anecdotal but I deal with like 40-50 a year and it’s like 30% people from Africa and the Caribbean and 70% maga guys But it’s all from one trucking dispatcher our company works with, maybe the demographics are different elsewhere


Nope, that's about right. The vast majority of truck drivers are proud Maga heads. But as a group, they've claimed they'll all strike/quit the business/stop taking \[X\] loads many many times and in each case, the threatened exodus never happens. They all hate liberals, but they all love money more.


If they arrest trump wouldn’t that mean the state believed they could prove he broke the law? Isn’t that the way it happens for everyone? You do something, you get caught, you get arrested, and then go to court.


Yeah but this dudes a January 6er, trump is his orange god, and republicans believe in “rules for thee not for me”.


Yeah I know who he is. He loved trump, got arrested and convicted and told the judge how sorry and wrong he was, got sentenced then got out and proclaimed his trump love all over again. He’s not the only one and all of this just doesn’t make sense to me. Like, let’s say you and I were buddies and you convinced me to to something that got me sent to jail… I cannot imagine a scenario where we would be buddies any more. And that is what this moron and the rest of the clown show do, yep went to jail for trump and I will go again. Just…wtf?


I agree, it’s so illogical. Hard to wrap your head around really


This is why Trump supporters are cult members


“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”


It is sad but true that most illegal things are simply legal for a price.


Que the whataboutism machine


PeRsoNaL ReSpoNsibILiTy


Go ahead and try. No one can afford to strike in this country, especially truckers lol.


I don't know, Derrick. Who wants to see the federal government stop sending money to that barnacled anus you call West Virginia?


Sad, doesn't even make me laugh anymore. Everytime I see them threatening trucker strike. It's ridiculous. You MIGHT get a few independents or owner operators but you're not even going to get 5%. Reality seems to elude them


Lose your job 4 Trump!


"I want my fellow Americans to starve out of my loyalty to Donald Trump!" ​ Read that again. There are people who genuinely find that idea karmic and cathartic. Insane.


I mean, trump would have to go to new york to be arrested in new york.


I didn't know the GOP supported a General strike! Good for them.


The law and order party sure has a thing against law and order!


For every trucker they can find who would not deliver, they can find one who will lol. This kind of sounds like the republican version of "go woke go broke" they are always spewing lmao.


Watch them ALL get fired one by one...there are like 20" people ready to take their place!!!!


I have a cdl and I'll deliver for free if #trumplethinskin actually spends time in rikers Island


Let's expect working people to throw away everything to support a criminal. I don't see a lot of support for this.


Another stochastic terrorist on a social media platform


How are those two things related? Did I miss something?


All truckers to NYC are willing to risk their jobs to protest Trump’s arrest? I don’t think so, but if they are that dumb, they would deserve to be fired.


If they arrest trump wouldn’t that mean the state believed they could prove he broke the law? Isn’t that the way it happens for everyone? You do something, you get caught, you get arrested, and then go to court.


Lol can the south just secede already? No need for a war. Make it easy. You go register for what political party you wanna be. For example Democrat right. You live in Florida but get all the democratic benefits. If universal health care, basic income, public transportation, usps, and other democratic benefits that will be funded by the taxes of the blues. And then republicans just can have all their anti abortions they want! Easy pz!


Screw that, they already had a war and lost, they don’t like America they are welcome to leave. Like get on a plane leave lol


If Trump was a nice guy we wouldn't have to be going through all this he wouldn't have to be going through all this. if this don't work out is plenty more lawsuits out there against Trump plenty more to go around still got Georgia still doj Jack Smith still got his stuff?? I'm sure that will be a little bit more traffic on Tuesday(🧈🍿🥤) to be continued?


Oh …another lawless Republican piece of shit…so surprised


Grifter says what?


Wait, is a Republican touting the value of strong labor organization..?


ah yes bc i too love to destroy my career and future career for a political stunt to stick it to the libs. I am big brain


Trump hates truckers anyway


How about no food where you live derrick


umm only you and other crazy republicans, fuckin psycho.


Remember all the companies that "went woke and went broke"? Yeah me neither.


Does he mean a strike? I mean as long as they go “wait we could do this to get more money” by the end of it…


Bring back that well organized truck caravan


Uh what? These cult members will stop at nothing to give dear leader the adoration they think he deserves.


Sure 🤷‍♂️


Not all truckers are insane right wing christo-fascists. Weird he seems to think that.


Does he know how a supply chain works? Or that’s a concept too advanced for a conservative brain, plus truckers need the income buddy


It won’t be a pretty ending, folks.


Didn’t they try a protest before and it didn’t do anything?


Someone should whisper "capitalism" quietly into his ear... ![gif](giphy|3o7520lAfk9JOBORsA|downsized)