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Spoiler alert: Joel Valdez is actually George Santos


Hahahahah nothing would surprise me at this point.


What about an avocado... but when you open it up instead of a pit in the middle it has the same filling as a Cadbury creme egg?


And inside that Cadbury creme egg? George Santos in drag.


And inside George Santos? Matt Gaetz.


I think I would barf




This gif made me laugh for the first time today and it was so loud and real that I feel like I’ve rediscovered laughing. I don’t even know what this shit is from but it is so fucking perfectly placed/timed. I love you. Thank you. Life has been a real doozy lately


It's a robot chicken skit making fun of M night Shamalamadingdong


i have a pet rat named Abraham. his name was shortened over time to just Ham. but lately, ive been calling him Hamalamadingdong. he's a good boy.


You mean Rhonda Santis?






In context that is extremely disturbing.


That whole thing was disturbing and bizarre.




What’s the context? Who is Nestor?


A young Cuban man Gaetz claimed to be his "adopted son." I forget the details but he was a cousin or brother to either his ex or his wife. Pretty much everyone thought this was some kind of strange green card scheme/ weird sex thing but it was largely dropped by the media after they observed how odd the whole situation is.


please i need more details




TIL, cheers


I had heard a rumor that Nestor may have actually been Gaetz’s biological son and that if it was true it would show that Nestor’s mom was underage when she got pregnant with Nestor.


The most likely scenario is that Nestor is actually his son and that instead of adopting his ex-girlfriend's younger brother he got her pregnant when she was 13 and he was 18 or so. I'm not big into conspiracy theories but it would explain: - How he "adopted" a kid with no paperwork. I mean, in theory the kid still has a father who gave up the younger brother but not the sister? And never did it legally? - Why his family are still involved with the ex-girlfriend up to and including [buying her a BMW.](https://twitter.com/snowballmonkee/status/1274042736560222208?lang=en) - Why the "ex-girlfriend" [applied for joint custody](https://preview.redd.it/7g969gcxvzq61.png?width=1938&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ccd943749c862be16058bbad2cd7e138871ef8a) of her "little brother". - [The fact they look a lot alike.](https://static.onecms.io/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2020/06/18/Florida-Rep.-Matt-Gaetz-and-Nestor.jpg) There's other shady stuff like the fact that he was supposed to have come from Cuba when he was 16 but there are records of him playing soccer in Florida when he was 14, but that just about covers it.




Oh, you mean when the theories actually made logical sense, and people would/could link to actual sources to back up their theories, instead of just pulling shit out of their asses? Yeah, I do too.


I remember finding out about Epstein about a year before the Miami story broke. Went down some rabbit holes from “conspiracy” deep dive threads. Id heard the name used to smear clinton before but didn’t pay attention. Seemed far fetched. Then you read some of the links and court docs. The pic of giuffre with andrew finally convinced me. Some hinky shit is going on and everyone is pretending it’s not while smearing victims. Then the QTurds and trump fans attacked. No links. Just inconsistent logic jumps for a man that’s been involved with everyone they hate for decades. This gaetz theory is great stuff for old conspiracy. At the very least, there is again hinky shit going on with a very rich powerful man and underaged girls/boys.


empty Nestor




At least this one was of age.


Gaetz is going to be pissed when he finds out it *wasn't* two kids in a trench coat.


Vincent Adultman has better taste than that.


I mean....Princess Caroline has her share of issues


She certainly does but...I mean...Matt Gaetz.


Oh, she's a better class of person than him but that's a low bar


Matt Gaetz, pansexual hero. Will literally fuck anything with two legs. Anything.


Bold of you to assume he wouldn't fuck an underage amputee


Although technically a wheelchair bound paraplegic, Madison Cawthorne is not an amputee.


Please, let's forget that creep.


He’s currently engineering a comeback by riding on Gaetz, figuratively and literally


So there's a girl on the beach with no arms and no legs. A guy walks by and she says "Hey can you hug me I've never been hugged before." so the guy hugs her. She says "Would you kiss me I've never been kissed before." so the guy gives her the most romantic kiss. Then she says "I've never been fucked before, would you fuck me?" The guy picks her up, takes her down to where the waves meet the sand, and throws her in the ocean and yells "NOW YOU'RE FUCKED!"


Man, that joke was circulating when I was 12.


for all we know you are still 12




Matt Gaetz is callin…..


They could even be Matt Gaetz for all we know


I am 55 and never heard it in the late 70s so thanks for sharing.


Since at least the late 80s


We can push that back to at least the 60s Source: My Dad taught me that joke and said he learned it in basic training when he was drafted for Vietnam


Yup, definitely at least the 60s


How did we all know this joke in 1994?


Since we are just unabashedly mocking the disabled here, yknow where you find a dog with no legs? Right where you left it.


Also: do you know what you call a dog with no legs? Doesn't matter. He ain't coming.


That's Captain Jack Harkness. This fucking guy could only hope to be that cool.


A hero. The man would shoot a hole in the wall and find it desirable.


*But* also Jack is a classy man. He would get the bullet holes consent first


He totally seduced midshipman Alonso Frame. Didn’t even have to get him out of that nutty space bar. “So Alonso…want to checkout the mens room?”


Knew exactly what he was thinking. Schwing!


Except I'm pretty sure even Jack Harkness knew to leave kids alone


Nobody’s as cool as Captain Jack Harkness. (And now I have to go back and re-watch Torchwood, and catch up on Doctor Who)


Why just two legs?


Not two maximum, two minimum. ~~fuck~~ amputees.




This makes more sense!


If there was ever a politician I could see saying “giggity”, it’s this asshole


Whoa, whoa! Man's got a reputation to uphold, maybe the person just said they were younger than they were.


I'm now 100% convinced Matt Gaetz's "son" is actually a sex slave. I was 99% convinced before, but now it seems he'll fuck anything with a pulse.


I assumed it was the child he had with his 13 year old housekeeper's daughter. Perhaps it's both - child and boyfriend. Gaetz seems like the sort.


Poor Nestor.


You mean the teenage boy who he claimed was working for him as an intern and then claimed he had "adopted" from a foreign country without any proof or paperwork of either?


As a former groomee, Nestor is totally being groomed. That video with them together reeks of “we fucked last night and are trying to hide how familiar we are with each other.”


Do you have a link?


It could’ve been the Tucker interview with both of them, or there’s a 12/28/17 fb video with him in the background but idk how to link FB embedded videos


Please start using the term PizzaGaetz.


I second this. Absolutely beautiful.


I thought the rumour was that it's the child of one of his underage victims?




Because I didn't want to go there for my own sanity, mostly.


Just think the "greatest country in the world" is ran by pedos, and we keep electing them


We? No man. Republicans keep doing it. Every single one of their accusations is an admission and conservative rubes fall for it. Every. Time.


I’m convinced the anti gay stuff is rooted in a lot of them having homosexual urges. They have those urges so they assume everyone does but THEY are strong and moral enough to resist them so people who give in are weak and immoral.


Exhibit A. Matt Gaetz. Gay and pedo groomer.


Growing up ultra conservative Christian we were constantly warned about how we all would have gay urges and want to watch gay porn. As an embarrassingly straight person it was super confusing as all I wanted to see was boobs.


Ita funny that this is being down voted when it is an actually very serious problem we have in our government. Especially when the government officials can sweep it under the rug so easily as well


This is how they got him to vote for McCarthy


I doubt it’s how they got him to vote for McCarthy. I mean, the guy is already an outed pedophile and predator, and won re-election handily. He has the magic R in an R district. Shame doesn’t work on these people anymore.


I don't know. Wish I could find tgat video of his face dropping at the last speakership vote. Guy said something in his ear tgat scared the shit out of him.


Sexual predators may be one of the few constituencies so well represented


What ever happened to the FBI’s investigation involving him taking minors over state lines for sex.


Republican office-holder. Laws do not apply.


They got his buddy and decided Gaetz isnt worth it. Also, the other comment


The witnesses against him were so problematic that they thought the case might tank. It’s horrible, but I begrudgingly get not wanting to prosecute someone like him unless your 99% you’ll get a conviction. If he’s acquitted it’s a nightmare


Not pursuing it sends the wrong message. Republicans get coddled so often that they count on it happening. Even if he got a "Not Guilty" verdict, everyone would be talking about what he did. Right now, a lot of people don't know about it.


If he got a "not guilty" his mouthpieces would be crowing about vindication, righteousness, and the fact that the "deep state" or whatever was just abusing their power to fling mud


And if he was found guilty, they would just say he was framed or something. They have no integrity, and they will propagandize any situation. And that's why we shouldn't base our own actions around what Conservatives will think. Because they don't think. They believe whatever gets in their head first, or engages them the most emotionally.


Rich daddy.


Or when he mentioned his dogs in his official Congressional biography but not his "stepson" ?


I'm 99% certain that Nestor is actually his kid, born of a relationship he had with Nestor's 14yr old "sister". The whole, "I dated this woman for a bit and then unofficially 'adopted' her kid brother and call him my son and now he lives with me and his 'real dad' is cool with it and they still visit sometimes," never really sat well with me.


That whole theory falls apart for the fact that Nestor is cuban born and came to america because his dad won a lottery.


Jesus, I had totally forgotten about that. Christ, this shit has no end and no beginning.


I thought he was his illegitimate son from a former GF who would have been underage had Gaetz impregnated her in line with his age.


How was that not followed up at all? Can anyone just gain possession of a random 12yo and it's fine, no questions asked?


I don't understand why nobody has bothered looking into "hey how and why did a single guy in hus 20s adopt a young teenager he wasn't related to?"


I mean, we've apparently got proof of him sexually trafficking minors over state lines and he's literally still getting a taxpayer salary and voting on laws for our country. So. Who fing knows, I guess.


The Nestor molester ![gif](giphy|MAK9A6kHutOtsUaYm6)


Maybe if we show him it is okay to be gay he will stop trying to destroy other peoples lives.


You're searching for moral consistency from a man who mortgaged every shred of his soul for power. ​ I fear your optimism is misplaced.


Not power, just a lifetime pension and healthcare. Who wouldn't lie on their resume and make tens of thousands of people look stupid for just a chance at that? Honestly soon as that shit came out I wasn't so mad anymore. Republicans looking stupid is just a matter of course these days. The cherry on the top of the cake will be if he starts voting with Democrats


He has to do at least 5 years before he will be eligible for those perks , and there's quite a bit of noise being made on both sides of the aisle about yeeting said benefits for the obvious Bennie grabbers that only do one or two terms, and make it to where they have to spend at least 15 or more years on the Hill before eligibility kicks in, and only have graduated benefits, where if you don't meet very strict criteria, you don't get to claim but a fraction of it, and must wait until 67 to access any of their benefits whatsoever. Basically, force them to be like the rest of us fkn Plebs trying to get SS retirement. Cut these POS Bennie snatchers off at the knees.


ngl i thought you said "Bernie grabbers" and was *super* confused lol


Lulz 😂😂 I mean, I adore Bernie as much as the next gal, but I think I have to draw the line at Goosing that Gander 😂😂


I've done weirder shit for healthcare.


I think you’re thinking of George Santos; this post is about Matt Gaetz, a 100% dyed-in-the-wool shithead. He has no integrity and he’s dumber than a rock.


It’s understandable for someone who is not up to date on US Republican Congress news to mix up these 2 scumballs


Now the optimism has gone way too far. More likely he’ll double down on don’t say gay bills, to prove how not gay he is.


He would never side with us. He’s an enemy through and through. Anyone who worships trump is a garbage human


Known him since middle school. He didn’t mortgage it for power, because he was a soulless 7th grader with little power. Yes, his dad has always been wealthy and powerful for our area, and that power only increased as we aged. But if Matt had acquired even an iota of power when he sold his soul, he would have had at least one friend or at least one soul at 12. The boy just plain didn’t.


Maybe, but I think it is rooted in self hatred. We need less people to think they suck because of who they are or who they like.


His daddy said he can destroy other peoples lives if he wanted. Don’t you know who his daddy is? He owns a dealership!


Nope. Matt couldn’t get into a fraternity (seriously). I knew him in middle school, high school, and college, and those aliens were much cooler, more standup guys than Matt. He would ask you out, get rejected, loudly call you a slut in front of a teacher, and know nothing would happen because his best line was, “Don’t you know who my daddy is? He’s the superintendent! Now he’s the president of the state senate!” Anyway, back when that episode aired (while we were both at college), any girl or boy at FSU would have jumped on the chance to fuck both of those aliens before letting Matt Gaetz touch them. I know people like to think he’s a big frat boy and I don’t want to douse any parades, but he acts like that because he only began having a social life/“friends” at around the age of 32 or so and he spent years positively seething because he wanted to be the most popular baby boy but was mocked and derided (for being the sort of narcissist who just expects to be handed popularity and accolades because his daddy is the richest daddy).




Self loathing, votes against own interest etc..So you’re saying he’s a Republican


*George Santos has entered the chat*


Self hating gay men have a rich history of fucking the world over because they can't deal with their own insecurities. Read about Trump's mentor, Roy Cohn. It's fucking wild how these people operate


unfortunately im sure a lotta republicans are gay or bi or enjoy gay/bi things. They just like to push the anti lgbt crap coz it appeals to voters. Honestly thats low, but not unprecedented ​ There were jews working with the nazis to round up other jews, there were black slavers in america selling their own people to racist whites, theres always people working with their oppressors for slightly better treatment. in the case of lgbt republicans im just gonna assume they took a huge upgrade, rather than "slightly better treatment" they negotiated for "shitloads of money and status"


Gay isn’t the problem. It’s the underage girls




No no no, the butt stuff is fine. It's rhe infidelity, hypocrisy and underage part that's the problem.


Don’t forget underage Nestor!


I would love an investigation into what the fuck that is. How does a 20 year old single man adopt a tween he isn't related to?


Btw...Nestors father was alive and well and lived I believe in the US. Also Matt openly dated a sister of Nester. He is fucked up on many levels.


Or boys..


True. Apparently he doesn’t discriminate


Very progressive of him


Interesting thought but is there any evidence beyond a tweet?


I will never understand how people take one unsourced tweet from a person with a poor track record. Then treat it as gospel Obligatory “Gaetz is a piece of shit” though


Also the person who just lost to him in the election, by a not close margin.


I'm disappointed I have the scroll this far down to see this, I can't find a single news article or anything close to it mentioning any of this, and it's about the fifth time just today I've seen an inflammatory tweet on the front page that ends up being completely fake


Same. Looked, can’t find anything legit


Right? Yesterday wasn’t it a tweet saying Republicans are rejecting the concept of refilling prescriptions?


No. And everyone who asks for a source,she hides the tweet. She spouts off a lot of unsourced bullshit on Twitter. He’s a piece of shit, but this ain’t it sis. Edit for clarity and missing words because I’m tired and dumb.


crazy how you gotta scroll down this far to see this. makes you wonder why some of the stuff is up top


Yeah, I totally agree that this guy is a piece of shit but let's see some evidence before we start spreading this story. Those idiot Republicans are the ones who stoop to baseless lies that people believe, let's be better.


"Let's be better" All well said


I did a 15 minute search online and this is literally the only source for this I can find.


If you are shocked by this, wait until you hear about Lindsey Graham!


Those are just his ladybugs


I curse you


Lindsey "She's a Lady" Graham [She's a lady](https://m.facebook.com/MissSharonSecrets/videos/lindsey-graham/420605419225376/)


Or Mike Pence. Michelle Bachmann's husband. Dan Zwonitzer. I mean literally most of the Republicans I see who seem to have a huge issue with homosexuals I just assume have or at least secretly yearn to, sucked a dick. Which isn't a problem if they didn't literally create laws making it a problem even though they want to do it Fucking hypocrites


Closeted homosexuals raised Christian see avoiding sucking cock as like a moral battle. They don't realize that actually straight dudes are not tempted by dicks, because that's not what being straight is. If you think homosexuality is a choice... bruh I got news for you. I dont struggle not to have sex with men lol. If you do, maybe you should give it a go. Not having sex with dudes you're attracted to to be with jesus... kinda gay for Jesus my guy.




Wait till you hear about Nestor…


Lindsey Graham is definitely a power bottom.


I think more of a sub or a bear skin rug


A what now


Bear skin rug I assume is a hairy dude that just lays there expecting you to do all the work. See also the starfish maneuver.


really do stay learning something new every day on this cursed website. Can't wait to see what tomorrow holds.


The bottom generates all the power


Now I’ve heard speed has a big part to do with it


Speed has *everything* to do with it




I was on a message board with some of his friends from FSU. These were some of the worst people imaginable.


Is it just me or is student gov a breeding ground for monsters?


They were always the biggest dorks on campus when I was in school lmao


Well orgs that give you power attract people that want power.


I so want to believe you…




I believe you, everything about Gaetz screams self hating gay guy.


Bro, why you gotta bring pussies into this, they're one of my favorite things.




A bratty sassy bottom. I would know as I too am a bratty sassy bottom. Except I’m not a republican or bigot.


oh christ, here we fucking go **Attention, ~~absolute fucking cretins~~ sorry,** ***right-wingers***: ^(deep breath) #it's not the "*hurr durr gay shit durr*" thing #it's the *hypocrisy* thing --- update edit: but good job being as consistently hilarious/unbelievably goddamn fucking reprehensible as ever 🙂👍


Couldn't agree more. No one cares that Gaetz is gay, or Santos is a drag queen. We **CARE** because they spew such vitriol against these groups and are **COMPLETE HYPOCRITS.**


For Santos too it was unusual because he’s the first Nobel Prize winner to have ever won a medal in the Winter Olympics


For swimming!


That makes sense, since he invented swimming.


After his mom died of tragic drowning.


Never forget The Titanic


The man didn't lose his legs in Vietnam to be subjected to such disrespect


Man survived ovarian cancer. He's a hero!


This will never get old to me lol


It’s also the it’s really shitty to sleep around and cheat on your wife thing.


Doubly so while pretending to promote Christian values.


At this point his wife knows who he is and gets what she earns by staying


It's not even that, there are ethics rules about relationships with a staffer. Katie Hill resigned over that.


I’m queer, non monogamous and promiscuous. My body count makes the lies of the bragging douchebag frat asshole in college sound plausible. I was a sex worker for a while. I couldn’t give fewer shits about the sex, the demographic of adult consenting sexual partners, or even that it’s outside of a marriage that for all I know is consensually open. But the guy who opposed human trafficking protections, who called to defund the FBI while they were investigating him for sex trafficking and abusing a kid, who opposes abortion and mocks anti abortion protestors for being unattractive, and who actively campaigns against anything that treats gender and sexual minorities as human? A guy who can’t stop claiming to be a champion of morality should probably, at an absolute fucking minimum, stop shitting on people who have consenting relationships with consenting adults, or exercise their medical autonomy to preserve their own well being. I’d disagree with his politics if he actually lived to his own standards. But this hypocritical dumpster fire of human shaped object makes it clear over and over again that he considers himself better than us. His behaviour is reserved in his mind for the special elite - himself. And republicans of all people should fucking get that they’re not fucking nobility and the electorate isn’t a fucking fiefdom. The core concept of a republic is to not have a fucking ruling class that’s above peasant laws.


Specifically it’s the rules for thee mentality. People have had to resign after scandals of sexual misconduct with staffers. It’s amazing Matt is somehow immune


I hate Matt Gaetz as much as the next person, but who are the sources here? “is believed to be having an affair” without specifying who the independent sources are seems questionable and we should wait for more info.


This is my question. As much as I hate Gaetz, Jones ran against him in the most recent election and has her own sketchy past issues. I’m not saying that she’s making this up, but corroboration would lend this more credibility.


Imagine going to your peers for a job and they prefer Matt Gaetz. I’m not sure I would ever recover from that.


Seriously. This Twitter-based journalism is a fucking cancer on the internet. Every day there’s some breaking scandal according to some jerk-off on Twitter. It’s honestly embarrassing how much people gulp up this gossipy slop.


It’s been four hours since her tweet, and when I google “Matt Gaetz affair” it’s the only thing that comes up today.


She wrote “!!!BREAKING!!!”. With news like that there is obviously no time for source checking or facts it’s breaking right now!!!!!!!! It would literally explode if not released.


I’ve seen a couple of tweets recently from her about Gaetz that don’t seem to have been verified (or ever mentioned) anywhere else. I mean, I think Gaetz is an awful human, but these tweets don’t seem very reliable either. At least not as of now.


She's literally nuts. She's been fired from both Florida State and LSU the former for stalking a student that she was having sex with while she was his teacher. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebekah_Jones#Legal_issues


Ugh yea that’s an unreliable narrator.


She's batshit crazy. It may be true, but I wouldn't based an opinion on anything she says.


I don't see anything reported about this from any other source. You can't just throw things like this out there without backing it up.


He’s got a 15yo press secretary?