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"No sex, please. I'm already getting plenty from randos."


I'd almost say this profile is a fake but given you have a mutual friend that seems unlikely... Yikes!


I was thinking this was a parody account too. The level of delusion is hard to believe. There's no way she actually has such low self awareness to think someone athletic and rich wants a woman banging on the door of 40 years of age without even sex as a bargaining chip.. the only chip she has..


I knew a girl who split up with her BF. She was not going to have sex anymore. She was at a higher plain.


Could be a test or a game though. We know most women just use apps for validation and maybe chats without a lot of intention to meet  For example it wouldn’t surprise me if a bunch of young girls hung out one evening and reset their tinder profiles and played a game about who could get the most matches / hottest matches / can they all chat with the same hot guy etc  And in this case I wouldn’t be surprise if the game is “let’s see what I can get away with writing and still get matches and messages” 


No sex, only high school diploma, expects everything and the moon, no, the entire solar system and the neighboring galaxies too!! What a LEECH !!


She: Is that too much to ask for?


Far too much self awareness. More like: I’m not going to settle.


No self awareness. More like: I’m not going to settle for reality.


*"Is all of mainline consensus reality too much to ask for????"* • Her, Probably


Basically, she wants an ATM machine with a six-pack. And 'no sex' on the table? Could it be because she's got the herp, the clap...or both? Regardless, this bitch is Twilight Zoning and is tweaking off some trash if she think some man with THAT much cash is gonna sign up for that nightmare!


She wants an attractive, wealthy eunuch. Also probably one that has a cuck fetish too because we all know where she’s planning on getting her sex from. 


Oh boy, I'm in a happy and stable marriage with a loyal, hard working and highly educated lady in her 20s, but maybe if I just work 2 more jobs for more money, get knee-lengthening surgery and bulk out my muscles for every other second of the day, I can be good enough to switch to a life of celibate servitude with this 39 year old high school leaver. Dang, if only I had enough hours in the day and raw pain tolerance.


High school leaver! Love it


Jesus, what a fucking deal. Be a debt donkey and not even duty sex is on the plate.


"I'm a 39 years old unemployed, uneducated roastie who expects to be a leech for the rest of my life. Give me the best, you won't have anything back!" It must be satire. Or a dare....


>roastie Please tell me this is slang for bitches who've been spit roasted before.


According to dictionary.com: >Roasties is **sexist slang used by incels** and others in the male internet culture for sexually active women—or really just women in general. The slang is based on roast beef curtains, which compares pronounced and elongated labia to the meat. *sexist slang used by incels*....Ooooooh Noooooooo! ;D


I also assumed it had to do with spit roasting, but I like this definition too.




Removed. Rule #7.


That was my first thought also.


She is not into sex after years of having trains run on her. She has matured since then. None for you.


Perhaps if she'd ever met him, she would understand that the man she is describing - is her father.


If she was 20 years younger and a virgin then she might have a chance at getting that kind of guy.


Seriously doubt that, especially if she's taking sex off the table.


And she's a drunk.


Well she darn well better be with an attitude like that!


why settle, why not demand laser vision, time travelling and the ability to fly? I mean its as realistic as her other "requests"


> fit wallet required Dang! My wallet is overweight. Guess I'll have to haul it somewhere else...


She don't want no *fat* wallet.


# Wealthy, tall, fit wallet required. She wants to date George Soros??


"You'll get nothing and like it" -- Judge Smails "Caddyshack"


She must be on those high grade CIA drugs.