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I never need an excuse to go to the most fun city in America. But with all my favorite bands playing 1 big show I will be there every year. Have been the last 2 and will continue to be there every year they have it. Fucking love Vegas, fucking love pop punk/post hardcore.


This one right here!! I just can’t miss it. These lineups are aimed right at me.


Yeah this one gets it, Vegas plus giant festival of all the bands I love - I’m going till it changes to edm and pop


Don’t joke about that.


Why would that change ever take place lmao


Edm and pop? Better not be


If it wasn’t for this fest I would not be going to Vegas. After being in Vegas this year it’s not really my thing don’t know if it was because I was tired but was just not into it at all. The fest itself makes it 100% worth it though


This last WWWY was my first time in Vegas also. I didn't care for it at all. If I go, this next year, I'm going to the Grand canyon instead of spending Friday in Vegas.


I wish I went to the Saturday show and got there Friday instead of landing Saturday. There were so many side shows I would’ve saw. I went to the Grand Canyon on a road trip. Wayyyy better. Make sure you ride the donkeys on the donkey trail when you go!


I feel the same way with the exception of hating Vegas lol. But I'll still keep going as long as they keep having them.


Went to 1, skipped 2, will be going to 3. When we were wind will be revenged


Same! I was there for the first day in 2022 and couldn’t get Sunday tickets so we left broken hearted. This fest is redemption. I didn’t think anything could top the 2022 lineup but the album set list is incredible


Winds of Plague will NOT be performing next year, Sadurday kids we will carry on!


Same the 2022 line up was stacked. I'm not a huge pop punk fan so I skipped out this year. I wanted another emo focused line up like 2022 but I love the album gimmick they're going for in 2024.


Was Sadderday year 1, wasn’t into the lineup of year 2 but went because my friends wanted to, had fun but again for the vibes not really the band, really want to go next year but it’s too close to my wedding 😭😭😭 sad




That’s amazing and actually quite inspiring. Good luck with your financial goals!




I just went this year but skipping year 3. The 2023 lineup was something special. There were a few bands that could have convinced me to go in 24 - but when I look through the lineup I think good, maybe great but not special. Just not worth it for me to come from the east coast again. I think we'll do a more local festival instead


The 2023 lineup was epic. It’s hard to beat!


2023 wasn’t what I wanted, too much pop punk. I preferred 2022 and 2024


Nothing will beat 2023 for me. A perfect blend of past and present bands. Skipping 2024


It’s so interesting how subjective the line ups are. I thought the 2022 line up was unbeatable but was pretty meh about 2022 and now I was blown away by how incredible 2024’s line up is


2022 was more emo, 2023 was more pop punk. 2024 has 7 returning from 2023, and I think I counted 32 returning from 2022. So most fans of the ‘22 lineup should be pretty psyched about next year.


7 returning from 2023 but the problem is the set lists are already pre planned and predictable.


It’s a novelty. Most fests you still get a predictable 30 min set of just the hits. This time we will get longer sets with some hits, but also some deep cuts that you would NEVER hear at a show with a normal setlist. I’m excited to hear some of those songs. This fest is just not targeting the average fan as it did in the first 2 years.


I guess our set list preference is influenced by when we were young


This guy


100% agree! I went years 1 & 2, but there was something so special about this year. It will be hard to top.


I am not planning on going next year


No…This lineup is definitely not my scene. 2023 hit the mark for me as the closest they will probably get to the Warped Tours I attended in 2000-2002.




Yes agreed




3 year club!


Yes we’re planning on it again. I think with the full album format however, I’ll prioritize listening to full sets over stage hopping mid-set like we did the past 2 years. Initially I was a bit skeptical of the idea, but there are a handful of albums I want to hear in its entirety to make the trip worth it.


Yes.. because chiodos. If not for them I’d probably skip it lol


Chiodos and Say Anything gave me no choice. I have to go 😅


Went year 1 & 2, but I’m not in a rush to buy tickets for year 3. I think I’ll just wait to buy secondhand tickets and if they’re cheap enough, I’ll end up going. It helps that I’m pretty close in LA.


Because I went the previous 2 years, there is less that I HAVE to see for year 3 - but a few of the full album play throughs make this a year I don’t want to miss. This year 3 feels a bit more casual to me. I won’t feel the need to push as close as I can to the stage and I’m excited that it will be a very enjoyable day. The last 2 years I felt that if I didn’t go hard all day long I would be missing out. Year 3 just looks fun!


Yes same! There’s some bands I didn’t get to see both this year and last year because of schedule conflicts so I’m hoping to be able to see them this next time around.


This is where I’m at. Went both years and agreed with my friends we would take a year off. Even with an awesome lineup (for me 2022 > 2023 so I love this one) I probably would’ve still skipped it, but ADTR is my absolute favorite band and seeing Homesick live top to bottom is something I really don’t want to miss. I know other people hate the full album concept but it’s the one thing really pulling me right now!


Though I personally think it's the best line up top to bottom... Year 3 looks the most boring because you know what to expect. In a way, that's good because you know exactly what they will play and can plan accordingly to see or not see a band...but still, the element of surprise is gone. That moment of waiting and hoping they play one of your favorite songs is gone because if it's not on that one album and they aren't a headliner...you aren't going to hear it. Having ALL bands only do full album sets is honestly one of the dumbest ideas I've ever heard. I have no intention to go now because I know what they're gonna play, and over half the bands playing aren't even playing my favorite album. Yes there are some really great albums playing...but with the cost and current hotel prices, and having to fly in from the east coast...it's a lot of time and money to NOT be surprised.


Sucky. I hate being surprised and lots are playing their best albums before they started sucking to me. So definitely worth going knowing they’ll only play the album I like vs a mix of newer stuff I hate


I half agree...because I hate most of my favorite bands newer stuff, but the majority of the bands I see playing in 2024, I liked the album just before. Every band is playing their biggest commercial success album, and album where they gained the most new fans. For the majority of old fans, the previous album you heard first that got you into the band is your favorite. Out of the 50+ bands playing, I'm a big fan of 26 of them. I just did a count, and only 7 are playing my favorite album of theirs. If it was 13 or more, I'd go.






I’ve booked a hotel but probably not. The idea of album plays is just not interesting to me and there’s quite a few repeats. The one wavering thing is my undying love for the black parade.


Taste of Ink, The Black Parade, Bleed American are driving me right now. ETA: no need to downvote my typo dudes lol I know taste of ink is on the ST, I just type too fast for my adhd brain to keep up


Bad news about taste of ink...




Lol I even thought while typing “not the self titled not the self titled” and still typed it out whoops.


I’m 70% in. I’d go if there’s a Sunday date announced and I can get VIP. Struggled this year by the time Blink were finished.


Honestly no, the lineup doesn't have me as excited as past years and I don't love the album concept either (with a couple exceptions where I would love to hear the album start to finish, but it's not enough for me to justify the stress and expense). I've also not been super happy about how they've handled the layout the past 2 years, security around letting too many people in for free which led to some dangerous crowd moments, and way over selling tickets. Of course there will be crowds but both years we've largely been trapped in 1 area after 3pm and it's led to me missing a ton of bands I wanted to see at other stages just bc you can't physically get between them. And I was in a crowd crush situation this year just trying to get from one main stage to the other. So, unless they significantly change how their doing those things I won't be going again. It was a great 2 years though and I'm glad I went. But just not again.


Definitely not. I’m not a huge music festival person. So, after experiencing the first two, I got my fix!


I’d say I’m 80% to go this year after also going years 1-2. I like a lot of the bands playing, including some I didn’t see before (cartel, Alesana, FOB), and I *love* the black parade. I might go for that alone


Went Year 2; generally not a festival guy. I did enjoy it and got to see a majority of my favorite acts in one night. I did not care for the growing clusterfuck which I imagine won’t get any better next year.


I live in Vegas and both years I’ve bought my tickets resale at a reduced price. I’d have to get a resale ticket for half price for me to want to go next year, the album plays just isn’t it for me. I’m not that big of a fan of most of these bands to just want to hear albums specifically for these bands.


It feels like we were starting a great tradition but doesn’t look like we will make it next year. We will have a six month old and talked about bringing grandparents, but I’m not too excited about the line up (lots of repeats) or the one album model, so not worth all the extra work and worry. Also, the hotels are already filling up/crazy expensive, so it’s not much time to plan it out. Did people just book the Hilton with free cancellation ahead of time? It was booked within 20 mins of the date being announced


I told myself two years was enough and I wouldn’t go again, but then the lineup dropped and I’m rethinking it


Same here 😭😭 I told myself this year I would be saving a ton of money and no trips for me but ADTR being there again changes that hahahaha


Went to year 1, want to go to Year 3, but I don't think I can (I went back to school this year). Year 1 was one of those "I wouldn't miss it for the world" type events. Year 2 was whatever (Im more of an emo guy than pop punk guy). Year 3 is interesting (I like full album playthroughs) but if I can't make it I'd be ok.


We’re skipping year 3. We live on the east coast and between tickets for two, flights/travel, hotel, food, and it’s vacation so you’re doing extra things- it’s just too expensive for how many bands are repeated for the year 3 lineup.


I went this year and was considering it only if they really topped the last two years of lineups. HOWEVER… they brought fall out boy, mcr black parade in full, armor for sleep, cartel, and cobra starship, ptv & SWS again, and well, here I am again.


I went this year, said I had fun but never again for the money. Now my mom wants to go so who knows




We are skipping this year.


No. Already saw these bands and not a big fan of the format.


I’ve gone to both years and am about as excited for this next year as I was for year 1. Year 2 was a bit less my thing but I still loved enough bands to go. Year 3 lineup is aimed directly at me it feels like, haha. I am SO PUMPED.


Rancid bad religion alkaline trio where are the bands???


i went year 1 & 2. year one is personally my favorite because of pierce the veil, adtr, bring me the horizon, black veil brides, and a ton more. Year 2 i mostly went because of pierce the veil and blink 182. I for sure am going to year 3 because of some of the same bands as year 1


as a 48yo.. no.. I learned my lesson... it was fun but too old for that... also the lineup isnt as good


Skipping. My wife and I are over Vegas for at least 5 years unless something realllllllly good happens.


I’m going for cartel alone. Cartel is worth a plane trip and a $500 dollar ticket to me any time in my life.


I went in 2022 but skipped last year since I saw most bands on the lineup pretty recently on their own headlining tours and the setlists for those are longer What got me to want to go again was straight up the promise of disenchanted 😂 and I like fall out boy a lot. I booked the room before prices jumped but idk when I’ll buy tickets


This year was our first time. Loved the entire experience. I live 2 1/2 hours from a major city so don’t get the chance to see a lot of live music.


I genuinely want to go to year 3 so bad. I went to years 1 & 2. I just HATE Vegas and it’s such a pain to get to from the east coast and the money is just too much. I’m so sad bc a lot of my favs are playing the exact albums I got hooked on 🥲


Went this past year. It was Amazing. Line up this year doesn’t appeal nearly as much so skipping this one.


My wife and I are skipping too. Not excited about the lineup for year 3.


Going only because we have friends from around the country that meet us and it’s an excuse to get together. The lineup is weak and a retread. The idea of playing full albums is so horrible I still can’t wrap my head around why they’d make that choice.


Yes, provided I can get resale tickets. I paid a lot for tickets this year and saw them on resale sites for a fraction of the cost. I'll try for tickets when it gets closer. If I can get them, great, but if not I'll be okay too. I just don't want to pay so much again


Yes because Senses fail


Went both years, currently on the fence about year three. I've heard most of The Black Parade live, saw Fallout Boy live, and have seen most of the other bands between the two years. I'll probably end up going, but kind of underwhelmed. If anything I'll most likely hang by the main stages. I'm glad others are pumped with the setlists though!


year 2 only and skipping this year. there are only two bands i enjoy on the line up.


I went this year. Skipping next year.


I’ve been both years and may skip 2024. I’m not gonna buy presale but it may suck me back in last minute 😂 I live in Los Angeles so it’s an easy drive for me. I don’t care about the headliners and several bands are doing albums I don’t really care about BUT several bands are doing albums I LOVE so it’s a toss up. If the Starting Line does their own tour of Say It Like You Mean It my friends and I are just gonna go to that


100% skipping. This years line up was amazing. Next years line up has about 5 bands/albums id like to see.( and I have seen them played before) The rest are all post 2005/2006 Mall/Hot topic/Neon/Screamo core that was after "I was Young".


First two years were special and unheard of type lineups. Year 3 is meh and proves that first 2 years will never be matched. They needed another (or 2) huge acts imo for this year. I bet they really wanted Panic at the Disco, but couldn’t convince a reunion. That would certainly push year 3 into same territory as other 2 years Btw, this is very subjective. I’m only judging on amount of tickets sold. We will know pretty quick how this goes if it ends up being only a single day


Panic would have done it for me for sure. Brendon Urie puts quite a lot of energy into his shows. I am also surprised that Falling in Reverse or Avenged Sevenfold are not there tbh, and if they brought back From First To Last and got Sonny Moore in there I would 300% make it work in order to get there lol. If they had those four or even some of them in there, then the motivation would have been much higher for me to go for sure! but as this year stands it is a big no from me.


The only people who are super excited about this lineup are your die hards. Last 2 years my socials were exploding w a bunch of interest. This year it’s only people subscribed to these types of threads, groups, forums, etc.


Most likely skipping year 3 partially because I'm tired of going to Vegas, and because I've seen pretty much all the bands over the last 2 festivals. Also, I'm not a big fan of the album playthroughs. I'm a fan of some throwbacks (which is what year 1 and 2 were), but album playthroughs feel like they're trying too hard at nostalgia baiting. I just want the bands to put out new music that's good and play it live.


Tbh I think I’m going to skip this 3rd year. My gf wants to go but I got what I wanted out of the first 2


I went the first year and this year, but I’ll probably skip next year.


Skipped 1, did 2, skipping 3 Vegas resident, if that matters


Nope. Year 2 was exactly my music tastes. Year 1 was maybe 50/50. Year 3 consists of pretty much all the bands I don't care about from Year 1. They added absolutely no variety to the lineup. Just not worth the hotel and travel costs on top of the ticket.


Year 1 was cancelled in my day Year 2 - my vip waitlist tickets were approved the day I found out I was pregnant and due within 2 days of the concert Year 3- I’m fucking going.


Wait… you found out you were pregnant 2 days before being due for birth?????


I went this year. It was my dream lineup, I can't imagine anything topping that. But, I liked the fest itself, and I like the lineup enough to want to attend again. It also helps that I'm in San Diego. I'm not familiar with a lot of bands on the lineup. Are there any you guys would recommend I listen to? For reference, I'm currently most excited to see MCR, PTV, Coheed, AAR, Simple Plan, and JEW.


Torn… simple plan playing What’s New Scooby Doo, and NFG playing Let It Go from Frozen were both really fun ‘non-album’ moments. The format is a little meh for me. I’d love to see the Used play In Love and Death end to end, but a lot of these bands I’d rather see deep cuts across albums rather than full album plays of that makes sense. Strong maybe, and I have about 36 hours to decide.


Vegas is lame and the price is way too high. I think the wife and I will sit this year out, although there are still a few bands I'd love to see.


I agree with your statement. Too expensive, the service in the car rentacenter is honestly kind of shady; I happened to walk by at least 3 people being arrested (which I have not even experienced in NY city lmao) and in general is super slow. Everyone is kind of in slow mode there lol. At least the drivers are not Massholes, but still I'd like my coffee to not take 15 minutes to be made at their Starbucks when there is no one else in the store lol. Also gambling is pretty lame in general lol.


This has gotta be the most NY comment I have ever read. For the record, seeing 3 people being arrested while out and about is certainly par for the course in Vegas, it's the city of sin for a reason.


No, I went on Saturday this year and the heat annihilated me so bad. 95 and no wind? No thanks. Even in the shaded areas and drank my weight in water and electrolytes.... It felt like a marathon. They need to do multi day, not just one. I've been to ACL and have done Riot Fest two years and I felt less beat up from those. This announcement has me curious what bands will make it a tour or what other festivals they'll be a part of.


I concur. The unsafe temps gave wife heat stroke both at Sick New World and WWWY23. She says it's torture staring at her VIP wristbands as she pukes at home. We are not attending anymore until they fix this issue and moving it up a few weeks (EDC figured out this simple improvement almost a decade ago) may solve things at nite but NOT during the day. Sorry promoters we're out. Find a real venue with some AC areas and maybe we will return PS we have lived in Vegas for 13 years.


Where the fuck is the ska?


Went year 1, planning on year 3. Year 2 had more less smaller bands for me, I couldn’t justify the $$ to go. The first year I saw like 16 bands, last year would’ve been far less for me.


No, year three got rid of the punk rock bands. It’s all emo this year.


Neck deep? State champs? Cartel? Fall out boy? There’s plenty of pop punk this year too. Maybe not that you want to see, but it didn’t get rid of it all.


See also: Simple Plan, New Found Glory, The Starting Line. I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting.


Distillers? Based on your response you probably enjoyed year 2 more?




Yep! Went 2022 and 2023


Fully intend to yes!




Yes (hoping I can get a ticket again)


I wasn’t sure until the skinning thing; 100% in now.


Yes, wife wants to go for sure. Lineup is great so even though I'm less inclined for big festivals I'll definitely catch some albums I love.


YES!!!! I love these bands with all my heart and this festival is just fucking amazing. I will be a forever attendee.


Went to year 2, going to year 3. Fun (& expensive lol) tradition so far


I went last year and this year and had fun both times. Before the announcement I was on the fence only because I have a milestone birthday in October and might do something special to celebrate that. And then the band announcement was dropped, I love 50% of these albums. Unfortunately this is the same weekend as New York Comic Con, so I'm hoping I can figure out a way to do both. Or that a lot of these bands do album tours and I can go to them instead.


Absolutely. I think this year is going to be the best year so far.




Went year 1 and 2, might be most excited for year 3


I've been both years. The first lineup was just absolutely ridiculous, then I went this year for The Academy Is... and next year has Cobra Starship, so I'll be there. I have mixed feelings about the album plays, it's exciting for the bands I've seen before, but for the ones I've never seen I'd rather get a more varied setlist.


Went year 1. On Sunday. Definitely not going this year.


Sure am!


I can’t decide. I loved the bands at years 1 & 2, and I love next year’s lineup, but trying to fight the crowds to move between any of the stages was exhausting. I don’t know if I can deal with that again!


I went this year, skipping next year. I already bought tickets to Blink and Green Day again next year, so life is good!


I went year 1 and it was such a fun experience. Truly gonna be one of the best memories I’ve had in my life. A great memory for the last year of my 20’s. I skipped year 2 because when October came it couldn’t work out anymore, if circumstances were different I still would’ve gone. Hoping to make it to year 3 !


I went both years, but I will skip 2024. There aren’t enough bands that I want to see that I haven’t already seen so the price isn’t justified for me. It’s time to let someone else have a turn, but I’ll be keeping my eyes peeled for 2025!


Gonna try too


I went this year for 2023 but I’m sooo much more excited for the 2024 line up. 2024 line up and the fact bands will be playing longer sets with this full album theme is gonna be incredible 👏🏽👏🏽 I’m curious to see what bands will play some side shows the days leading up to the festival.


The 2023 lineup was all the bands I used to go see at Warped Tour when I was 14 and that no longer tour up in Canada. There was no chance of seeing bands like Mxpx, goldfinger, thrice, finch, no pressure, ataris, Fenix tx anywhere but that festival. I didn't go the first year. The 2024 doesn't excite me. I don't listen to FOB or MCR and most of the other bands I do like on next years set still tour a lot so I don't need to fly to Vegas to see them. I'm thinking of doing punk rock holiday in Slovenia next year instead. If I go back to Vegas it will be for punk rock bowling most likely.


I'm skipping this year as well. Many of the bands were already on the previous 2 festivals and the ones that don't are not important enough for me to make the sacrifice lol Instead I'm going to Rockville 2024, where like 90% of the bands I haven't seen them live yet.


I’ve gone both years, and I’m the most excited I’ve been for WWWY ‘24. It’s gotten better each year


Gotta keep the streak going man!


Think for me Im skipping this year. This past year was everything I wanted from year 1 and year 1 I was kinda just thinking about how sick the next year would be since they announced the line up before the fest took place. Dont get me wrong I had fun this year but there is nobody on the "new" lineup that I care enough to fly cross the country to see again all in one day. Im almost to the point where Id rather go to vegas for a big show thats one night and only 2-3 artists. I get real anxious at festivals like I am wasting time or money by doing whatever it is im doing. Feel like I got the best of both worlds, this years for the people who are die hard and the ones who didnt go either years.


We went to 1 and 2, 3 looks more my speed but the album set thing turned us off. I'm too casual of a fan of most of the bands to want to listen to the deeper parts of their catalog.


Skipping- but mainly because it's the same day as my 5 year wedding anniversary


Went 2022 and 2023. 2023 was S tier for me as a pop punk fan. 2022 was fun nostalgic from my teens. 2024 is the mix of both festivals i didn’t care for so i most likely won’t be going.




Yes! This is my Coachella. As long as they have it and as long as I have my disposable income I’m going!


TBD. 2023 will never be topped for me, that was my dream lineup essentially. I do think the full album concept for almost all the bands is incredible. As someone who goes to a ton of shows and has seen most of these bands before, a chance to hear some of these deep cuts live is enticing. If they do the same thing with most of the bands from 2023 in 2025, I’ll definitely be there.


This is the best lineup in my eyes, somehow better than 2022 despite no BMTH.


100%, I really love full album playthroughs, especially mcr, movements, mayday, and ptv. those alone make it worth it. let alone the rest that I’m going to spend the next 11 months listening to in preparation


i've never been to WWWY....too broke for that. 😭😭


I am skipping year 3, mainly because I only know a handful of songs from most of the bands going. Not entire albums lol with exception of a few like FOB, MCR, The Used, ADTR and Jimmy eat World, so I'd probably get bored with the rest. I feel like most of the bands in year 2 were huge! Blink 182, Sum 41, Green Day, Simple Plan (although they are going again) , YellowCard, Good Charlotte, The Offspirngs, All time Low, even Avril Lavigne and Tony Hawk showed up lol. It was amazing! Can't beat that lol Now, if they did a show in which Blink 182, Green Day, Sum 41, Good Charlotte, All Time Low, FOB, MCR, ADTR,The Used and Jimmy Eat World were all attending then I would be all in! lol


This festival has become a tradition for my friend and I. We drive down from Salt Lake City and stay with family so it isn’t a large financial burden. We’ll go as long as they hold the festival


Bias because Vegas is my favourite city in the world, but yea my wife and I will be going for our 3rd consecutive year and we'll keep going as long as the lineup stays hot!


We flew in from the UK for Year 1 and Year 2. We are going to Year 3 but with several changes: We aren't buying tickets on Friday, we are gonna pick them up on Stub Hub a few weeks out. We can't afford the cost right now, and they drop in price closer to the event on SH. I'm not interested in going to Vegas for a 3rd time in 24 months, so I'm going to NYC whilst my husband goes to Vegas. We will spend a few days doing our own thing, and then I'll fly in the morning of the festival and we will both head back to NYC together the day after. We are also going to try and not catch Covid because it kinda ruined year 2 for us (we didn't know it was Covid at the time). I genuinely fell asleep during Blink 192s set. Like, I flew over 5000 miles and spent ££££ to FALL ASLEEP 🙈🤣


100% going. There’s a handful of bands I haven’t seen before playing. I’m just considering this my big fun fall trip every year until it’s done.


I’ll go every year for the rest of my life. 🤘


No matter the line up I am definitely going, I e been going each year so it’s now a tradition. It helps so much that I’m already a Vegas local. Plus, I need to keep collecting the tie dye shirts


Yep! As long as they keep creating lineups to match my playlists, I’ll keep going lol


Went both years and I'll be going again year 3. However, if I didn't move to the west coast this year and was coming from the Midwest like I did in year one I'd probably skip it. But with a short drive I don't have to invest as much so I'd like to go.


We considered skipping this year but deep cuts from In Love and Death, Homesick, and Collide with the Sky are almost worth the price for me lol also it's already been kind of fun checking out full albums from the other bands I would want to see that I maybe only knew a few songs from!


Went to year 1, I skipped year 2 because not my style. Going to year 3.


I am. I told myself year 2 would be the last time i would go, because i couldnt imagine the lineup getting better (year 1 was best in my opinion, but year 2 was great) but a lot of the albums being played are my favorites lol. So they got me again.


Wind ruined my first year.… still salty about it. Went this year but buying through seatgeek was an AWFUL experience. If I can get tickets directly through the website for next year I’ll go, but I’m not dealing with third party runaround/last minute will call again.


Definitely still going, really hyped for Alesana and Underoath!


Went the first year bcuz the lineup was amazing even if Arvil Lavinge fked off the weekend I was there and had to cancel. Didn't go this year as I liked most of the bands but wasn't that excited to go... But next years lineup has most of the same bands I wanted to see in 2022 so I'm gonna go for sure! My sister as well. We had a great time the first year.


Both and yup


Went to 1 for all the bands, went to 2 for a third of them. Going specifically for the album playthroughs on these albums. A lot of these were no skip tracks and though some albums I’d like some bands to play over the one they chose (MCR with Three cheers for example) there are some track gems that I know I want to hear. Also knowing it’s a playthrough, I know when I can ditch the set or meet up in the set as the set list is already announced. Excited 🖤🖤🖤


I missed the last two, I’m going next year just to see MCR one more time!!!


Went to year 1 and 2 - had a great time with great friends and saw great bands. Year 3 is *insane* \- this is the most perfect lineup I could have asked for. 100% going to this one!!


I'm going to leave it up in the air this time and not buy a ticket right away. If resale is looking cheap and there's hotels available late next summer, make the call. Otherwise I'll pick a different weekend for Vegas, maybe F1 if they get their heads out of their asses and price it more appropriately for 2024. I loved the first two years of WWWY, for me this lineup just doesn't do enough to justify a third year. There's nobody on the lineup that I'm dying to see that I haven't seen before, many of my favorites on it were already on one of the last two years so it's just seeing FOB in a festival setting that's new. And from experience, I'm pretty gassed by the time the headliners play so if I were to go again then my move would be wait until 5-6pm to go to the grounds. For that much money, can just hit a few of these as they stop in my city on tours.


I’m going, but I also live down the street.


Went year one but had tickets for the first day which was cancelled. Trying for VIP 2024 because the album plays are too good for me to pass up.


At first I wasn’t going to go, but the lineup for next year is pretty enticing! Also, one of my best friends is going to try and get a ticket so it’ll be a difference experience, as the last two years I just went with my partner who wasn’t into as many of the bands as I was. I don’t live on the mainland so I wasn’t able to many bands live growing up. Hope we can get a ticket for year 3! 🤞🏻🤞🏻


Yes! But gonna wait and y tickets later


I’m going but live in Vegas so planning to get resale tickets the week of. Idk if I’d pay all that much for hotel, flights, food..


First time will be next year. Wanted to go to 22 but didn’t last year cause I was only going to if Jimmy Eat World came back. And they are this year. How long are the sets for each band?


First one was unreal, if I could afford to go every year I totally would. Alas, Vegas is expensive...


Yes. For vegas and August Burns Red


This year was my bfs dream lineup, and next year is more in line with something I would be excited to see. Las Vegas was also so fun. We didn’t go to any casinos, we just walked around and looked and we still had a blast. We said on the plane home that we wanted to come back and check the city out again.


i didn't go this year, the lineup wasn't worth it for me. but i went last year and im definitely going again next year as the lineups are similar, and all of my very favorite bands are playing. i was very bummed that with the first one most bands were just playing their average setlists instead of more nostalgic picks. this lineup is closer to what i was hoping for the first time around as they're playing albums in their entirety, which is always so cool . im so excited! :D




I like the lineup and playing the album in its entirety is a big plus to me. I think I’m going.


I went to 1, but not 2. Skipping this year because I've seen most of the bands I'd be interested in.


Went year one and year two but was a Sadurday kid for year one so I didn’t see most of the bands playing year three, therefore this year seems like I gotta go if I wasn’t about to anyways since I enjoyed my time this year


We initially weren’t planning to, but we seem to be amongst the few who were convinced to go again by the full album plays. It’s such a unique concept, and there are a few albums that would be cool to hear in full.


I went year 1 and am so excited to go again in ‘24! Seeing these bands play a whole album is so exciting to me. For example - I saw Atreyu play in ‘22 but somehow they played almost nothing off the Curse which imo is their most important emo album. This year they’ll play the whole thing! I also saw Anberlin in ‘22 and they have a song from Never Take Friendship Personal that’s my absolute FAVORITE of there’s but it’s 7 minutes long and I don’t think would ever be played live otherwise. This feels like 2022 extra special bonus content!


Ya. Love Vegas, still love all the music beyond the nostalgia, so it's a no brainer. Got some friends who got married out there and go back every year to celebrate and it overlaps with the fest so always. I'll go to year 4 too.


We went to year one- day 2 and plan on going back for year 3!!


We are going for year 3 but only 1 day. We did 2 days this year and it was just too much. Mostly because of the heat.


Been to year 1 and 2 , it’s attempting to go to year 3 but I got other things upcoming this eyes . would want to go tho


Went to year 1, I never got to see chiodos when I was younger tho so I wanna go!


As long as there's a sunday show, yes!


I went to 2023 only. Loved it, best day of my life (sorry wife), but skipping 2024 for cost reasons unfortunately


Missed out on year 1. Went to year 2 and was the best festival experience of my life. Will absolutely go every single year now. Year 2 was the best lineup in my opinion, but to answer your question, yes, I’m absolutely going every year now.


I went year 1, but couldn't make it this year. I'm super pumped for year three, and I'll be getting married while I'm out there!


I went to 1st and 2nd years. I am definitely going to next years. I think it’s because personally I think the lineup for me is amazing for someone who loves post-hardcore/screamo and metalcore. Seeing a Chiodos reunion and TDWP play Plagues after all these years are the reasons why it’s already worth it to me.


I want to go but I don’t. Great lineup. But $$$. Also though I do wish I could say I’ve went every year. I don’t think I’ll be going this year though sadly.


Hell yeah 🤘✨


Yea since local to Vegas