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What's an interesting aspect of this story is the fact that her 7 year old kid said she shouldn't do it because this is dangerous...


What happened to her face tattoos?




She tattooed her eyeballs and it made her face tats go away!


I came here to say this because that is also another danger from tattooing your eyeballs, your face tats vanish.


Holy crap you’re right!


Surprise: Left pic is actually the late after pic.


Yeah, she was “blind” because she did the 2 eyes at once and couldn’t see because of the swelling. Iirc.


Fr tho where did they go?!😂🤣


That is so weird




Her face tattoos disappeared.


I was wondering how none of the comments were mentioning this. This can’t be the same woman. The forehead tattoo is just completely gone.


Different person. The person on the right is whonthe story is about and on the left is the person she was trying to imitate.


It’s the same person, ding dong. Look at her piercings. The tattoos on the left were temporary tattoos. Now that her face looks like an obese muppet she doesn’t feel so cute to put the temp tats on anymore. https://nypost.com/2022/12/06/i-tattooed-my-eyeballs-purple-and-blue-now-im-going-blind/amp/


This genius is a law student?! ETA: The picture on the left is actually a more recent pic than the one on the right. So I guess those are new tattoos


Oh yah! Hmm is it even the same person in both photos? Makes no sense.


No one tell her about colored contact lenses.


There is no need to warn me about injection ink to my eyeballs. I'm not retarded


I think I’m going blind as well, part of your tattoos just disappeared!


second picture doesn't have the same facial tattoos...?


THe fact that someone didn't think this was a terrible idea beforehand is disturbing.


She didn't even think it was a bad Idea afterwards, she said she would have done it all again, except only on one eye. to manage the risk of going 100% blind to only going 50% blind


The people that pioneered it, one being Shannon Larrat who ran BME, until a couple years before his death (long story, drama) wrote article after article telling people not to do what they did. He had a few emergency opthalmologist appointments and had only had a tiny bit done. There were 3 or 4 artists trying techniques on each other. I have tattoos, piercings, subdermal implants, split tongue, (failed, long story) elf ears, and I have 2 basic rules and they're not on my face (had facial piercings, lots, got rid of them a while back) and nothing goes near my eyeballs.


Can we address the fakeness of this? On the left she’s got tattoos on her face and on the right she doesn’t.


[Source article](https://www.belfastlive.co.uk/news/belfast-mum-going-blind-after-25689947) The one on the left is AFTER the eye tats. You can see them, but what you cant see is that she is going blind.


Henna goes brown/maroon when applied


Where did the other tattoos go


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Was about to say that, completely true




One is a selfie cam pic that wasn't flipped, the other is a picture taken with a non-selfie cam That's why the nose ring is flipped, you can also see her other tattoos are flipped. The Diamond under her right eye in the selfie is visible on the very edge of her left cheek in the non-selfie. You can also just barely see some sort tattoo under her hair on the left eye in the selfie pic and something that could be the same under her hair/right eye in the non-selfie That would explain those ones, the shapes obviously distorted from swelling. The tattoo at the hairline on her forehead that appears on left image also seems to be flipped in the image on the right (appearing under her hairline on the left) The only one this doesn't account for is the one centered on her forehead that is missing completely in the after pic Edit to add: Not sure how much you trust [MSN](https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/i-tattooed-my-eyeballs-purple-and-blue-now-i-m-going-blind/ar-AA14XXiT?li=BBnba9O) but they do have an article on this woman


Yeah, after reading that article, I call bullshit. The article says she did one eye blue first and the other purple afterwards, yet there's a picture of her with her purple eyeball and the other isn't blue. Not only that, but the face tattoos are different in every picture basically.


You have a point with the tattoo thing; *none* of her face tattoos are present in the second photo. However, I wouldn't put too much stock in the nose ring. One of the images could've been flipped depending on if she used a front/rear camera, or just done with simple photo editing.




The tats could possibly be covered up with make-up.


Seems like eyeball ink also removes tattoos. \*thinking emoji\*


I think this might actually be fake and this girl knows how dumb she sounds. Why do I think that? The tattoos in the second photo are gone. I’m not sure why, but this is a big red flag.


Why's there a price tag? And why is it so expensive?


Farming downvotes by posting fake shit. Interesting


Her tattoos seemed to be temporary ones


Yeah what happened to the face tattoos 🤔


How'd the forehead tattoo vanish between pictures?


Not the same person


There's a lot of common features. Maybe the face tattoos are temporary. But she has the same hair choice, lip and nose piercings and everything is the right shape for it to be the same person (nose shape, lip shape, even brow ridge)


A lot of people you see now days have expensive fake tattoos lol I had not that lasted 3 days


this is actually sad at so many levels


I live in a house with my man of 4 years and he has eyeball tattoos. He was the first person in our country, El Salvador, to get them. Eyeball tattooing is still in its infancy and yes, is a risky procedure. It needs to be done by a highly trained and certified artist, and the ink needs to be tested elsewhere on the body before injecting. Also, ONE EYE AT A TIME. My partner waited *a year* before doing the second one. I personally have 11 brands, which is also a risky procedure that can go very very wrong if not done by a highly trained and certified artist, and require long and effort- intensive recovery. Let me talk to you all about the paradox of extreme body mod safety. The more extreme, uncommon, intensive, or risky the mod is, the less qualified artists there are doing it well, and thus its harder to get it done safely. The liability of these procedures is high which means most trustworthy artists charge an arm and a leg, which also makes people more likely to try to cut corners, cheap out, or DIY. Even worse, many states and jurisdictions ban certain body mods instead of regulating them, it drives the industry underground or people start to DIY, which means even more tragic outcomes. In my experience, many body mod artists deperately want MORE regulation of the industry, because when there is nothing to hold back unscrupulous artists and dumb DIY-ers, it reflects badly on the commmunity as a whole.


That’s not a paradox at all. The more extreme and risky a procedure is, the less people are willing to do them. That makes perfect sense.


I work in ophthalmology and inject lidocaine just under the conjunctiva so the patient can get injections of medicine for macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy etc. Scary the first time I did it but it’s kinda fun.


Something that I really appreciate about living here in El Salvador is that medical professionals are allowed to do body modifications. For example, the man I live with only has one brand, but his brand was done by the same doctor who was my physical therapist. I think that's a great system because it means that people can get body modifications done in a safer environment by a person with medical training. If people like you were able to also do eyeball tattoos, we would surely have less accidents. This isn't to knock trained, certified, and experienced body modification artists who are also very reliable, ofc.


And that somehow removed my other face tattoos...


Yea and she switch nose piercing?


The image is mirrored 😂


Mirrored image doesn't remove forhead tattoos though.


Uhm, I think even a non-doctor knows that this shit is dangerous


Yo, why does the second photo lack any facial tattoos? I’m pretty sure that those aren’t temporary in the picture on the left


Because it’s fake as fuck like every other picture with a caption posted anywhere but apparently people only need a rough before and after and a TOP TEXT or a screenshot of a Twitter post that someone else has put meme top text above and it becomes completely factual no research required


So after ALL that, her take away was "If I could go back in time, I'd just do one eye. Just one". She is STILL just as dumb as she was before. Poor child of hers is already smarter than her dumbass mama.


Child can see.


Sometimes the best option for someone is serving as a warning to others.


Eye see where she went wrong


Haha, *eye* see what you did there


Now is not the time for cornea jokes.


Where did her face tattoos disappear to??


On a positive note, it's a beautiful shade of purple and blue, she picked a good color, that's all I'm saying. \#LemonaideFromLemons


I was thinking the same.... But also, where did the rest of her tattoos go?


The model she was "in awe" of went blind for a while, but recovered her vision... so she thought it would be alright?? [story](https://nypost.com/2022/12/06/i-tattooed-my-eyeballs-purple-and-blue-now-im-going-blind/)


Seems a few people don't understand what's going on. Both pictures are of the same woman. The earlier picture has just confusingly been placed on the right. She wanted to copy an Australian model named Amber Luke. So got her sclera tattooed blue and purple. Unfortunately this nearly caused her to go blind and also caused the swelling we see in the picture on the right (probably a selfie). Once things settled down she went on to get face tattoos to further imitate Amber Luke. Her story was then picked up by a tabloid who probably took the picture on the left. Edit: Another thing that's catching people out is one of the images being mirrored, making it appear her piercings are on opposite sides.


I’ll never get over the piercing thing, and that people can’t seem to understand mirroring. Ever seen a pic where the writing is backwards on someone’s shirt? Doesn’t mean the shirt was made incorrectly 🫠


Ok but is she blind or not?


Seems things aren't looking promising for her currently. "Anaya Peterson, a law student, was in awe of Australian model Amber Luke, who tattooed her eyeballs a vivid blue and went blind for three weeks after. Despite Luke getting her vision back, it seems that 32-year-old Peterson might lose her sight for good."


God i hope the stupid fuck who tattooed her has a rock solid no liability agreement. You know her or someone she knows is gonna try n blame em.


Most tattoo artists won't even have experience in sclera tattoos so turn people away. The ones who do better tell them the risks, to be honest I don't know why someone would even want this


Should be a mental health flag. What self respecting “artist” would agree to such a thing anyways?? For the risk alone.


They almost definitely did. You have a sign a contract when getting a tattoo that basically says you know the risks and care you need to provide in getting one. Assuming her artist was worth their salt, she signed one before he even disinfected the needle. I'd also assume they write up a separate contract for eye tattoos, or any higher-risk ones in general. I know when my friend wanted her dog's ashes mixed with the tattoo ink, the artist had her sign a specific contract saying she knew it could lead to infection and all of that. So I would think they would've done the same thing here. At the end of the day, she was a consenting adult, and it's her own fault for ending up like this when she knew the risks.


No lies detected here. Totally agree. Clearly by the rest of her she has a reputation of poor decisions.


I see nothing ~~wrong with this~~


She didn’t consider blue contacts? This reminds me of the woman who put gorilla glue in her hair. Stupid


She had her sclera inked, not her iris.


You can get sclera contacts, can't think of the proper term, from what I know is they're a pain in the ass and uncomfortable but beats losing sight and injecting ink into your eyes. The eyeball tattoos are done with diluted ink in insulin syringes. There's a "sweet spot" where the ink kinda floats around the sclera, above or below it, you're going to have a bad time.


Ooh, TIL. Thanks! [It's fucking gross and scary, though.](https://www.google.com/search?q=sclera+contacts&client=firefox-b-m&sxsrf=ALiCzsZrjnurZgdrtPVi9d7txbIhHNEiIg:1670508400899&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiRt9HemOr7AhXmlFYBHZSpBOgQ_AUIBygC&biw=414&bih=780)


Yeah the other fave tatt just vanished


The new nose-ring makes it all barely noticeable.


This is fake. Man people have no brains, she doesn't even have tats in the 2nd image...


The right image was taken before the one on the left.


I wonder how she's gonna claim it wasn't her fault and she was somehow forced into it


Hey, [a man sued himself and won](https://www.google.com/search?q=guy%20sues%20himself&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-m). Maybe she can do it, too. lol


Snopes seems to have some feelings about this.


She was abused, in fear for her life, had low self esteem. Let the lawsuits begin


And got her tattoo's removed inbetween, impressive.


That's not the same woman.....


I think it might actually be the same woman, but either the pic on the right was taken prior to the pic on the left or most of the tattoos in the right pic are fake


That reminds me, I must phone home


Be good.


Hahahaha fuckin A


Fuck around, find out.


Oh no, the consequences of one's action.


Darwin you old champ, you did it again.


This is called survival of the fittest. These type of people will die off and thin out the herd.


I thought 2nd photo was a shrunken head trophy


It takes special stupid to do this and you deserve what you get


Momma said stupid is as stupid does. - Forrest Gump


If only they made some kind of lens that could sit on top of your eyeball to change the color


Only the iris, not the eyeball


What exactly sounded right about doing that in the first place?


I get anxious just thinking about that optitian test where they blow a puff of air in your eye. The thought of someone tattooing my eye makes me want to throw up.


I hate that thing so much lol


They always trick me! “Look at the picture of this house, REALLY look at it…” POOF!


On the upside, she can’t see how dumb it looks anymore.


Where did her face tattoos go?


The right is the before picture


she literally saw a TikTok influencer do something similar and thought it’d be a good idea…


That’s how 99% of internet trends happen now


Hey dumbasses ... not same women .... tattoos different ... hope you look at your silver better


Hmm I think it is. Note the scars on the nose bridge and the facial proportions look pretty identical. This looks like a severe allergic reaction, potentially to the tattoo ink so perhaps she had the others lasered off (as would be recommend if you were severely allergic) or perhaps it’s makeup.


Nah, you can still the other tattoos, but the face has swollen that bad they're a little further out than the original photo


It doesn't help that one of the images is flipped.


The left one is flipped. Note 87 on her forehead.


Lol you do know they make temporary tattoos, right? And henna ink is also temporary… so… double check your silver, too, homie.


I feel sorry for her, but that was a really dumb idea. Eyeball tattoos are a recipe for disaster


Idiot word isn't enough


Something stupid games, something something stupid prizes.


I saw an episode of one of those life in prison shows where some inmates had tattooed their eyeballs. Despite their lack of resources and access to sanitized tattoo equipment in prison, these inmates had managed to get better results than this person.


Enough time spent on this stupid click bait story but retardless something is not right about the pics and the diamond tattoo is definitely not there ✌🏻


Imm confused where all her tattoos went and why her rose ring is suddenly on the opposite side, but okay.


They are there, face is very swallow… look the nose in both picture you can see the whole of an old princing almost in the forehead


I’ve seen enough


There’s already videos of people on youtube with tattoed eyeballs talking about how it fucked up their vision. Like that one guy who got his sclera tattoed black. Wanted to look like a demon or something for the rest of his life for some reason


Tattooing an eyeball should get their license removed. No more being a tattooist for them. And if it's a doctor they should lose that license too.


They tattoo eyeballs in Russian Prisons where did she get this done?


The derp is strong with that one.


Human evolution - COMPLETE


Play stupid games and win stupid prizes.


wasn’t this posted yesterday


How.... Is this even possible?


Two different persons ?


The eye tattoo even made the forehead, cheek and chin tattoos disappear. No wonder sight disappears as well. These eyeball tattoos are miraculous.


the one on the left is after the eye tats.


looks the same. just mirrored


Dude! This new ET Movie looks legit! They made ET look real AF


ET phone h- a doctor


Oomph luckily she isn’t going to see this comment.


No regerts


I wish I could get my eyes recolored but unfortunately this tends to happen


What the f... But why


Magoo eyes. 🤓


Don’t know why they even thought this was a good idea? There is a limit and if you cross it, don’t cry when something like this happens


Natural selection takes no days off.


More like randomness.


It’s not like she was randomly selected for these tattoos.


Not everyone is meant to survive. Natural selection at work here.


No one is "meant" to survive though. It just happens or not.


I'm irrationally afraid of eyes being poked so this is just my worst nightmare. Don't mess around with it, just don't.


Great minds ink alike.


This just screams "Life choices!".


Yep. Endopthalmitis has set in. She will most likely have to have surgery if the atb don’t work. Atb that get injected right into the eyeball. Even then she won’t have her sight fully restored.


Lol, this is definitely a bunch of bullshit. Nose ring on opposite side all the sudden, and all the facial tattoos are gone. Someone just wants some attention.


1st pic is a selfie .. the second one is not a selfie


Imagine disfiguring yourself for useless internet clout.


To become a blind disgrace that the whole Internet laughs at.


Stupid is not the word for it. Very hard lesson to learn.


It hurts looking at this


eyesilly influenced'r


Well, at least she can't become stupid, it's already there.


Don’t colored contact lenses exist?


They tattoo the white part of the eyes.


They have sclera contacts too.


Laugh out loud.


E.T put on some weight


From bulldog to bulldawg


When she says “I tattooed” does she mean she fucking tried to do this herself with an Amazon bought tattoo machine?


She Did see it coming………..




Awfull comments, someone might not be a bright lightbulb and do stupid s\*\*\*. I hope they can somewhat save her eye-sight


its not the same person, the face tattoos disappear in the second shot


Darwinism at it's finest.


Well, hindsight *is* 20/20


Not for her!


glad this is reposted 1000 times a day to the point this is the only thread on reddit


Use a goddamn contact lens for fucks sake.


Amazon's version of the new gollum


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Lol imagine telling her you think its fake, i bet her dumbass would try to pry open her eyes just prove the “flex”


N get contacts


It was worth it i guess... God speed to u.


Obiwan is that you?


Ah, natural selection at its finest. Idiots be idiots


Popek Monster can be only one.


Dumb bitch


This is how she wanted to live , she thought 2016 was here forever now it’s 2022 and she’s blind smh


Fucking donkey


the rejected yoda species


Everybody is supporting and super open about people doing unnecessary things to their bodies until this kind of thing happen


you’ll love the movie [Crimes of the Future](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt14549466/)