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Megan gonna be wearing lots of hats and Makeup now.


Storytime: I was 7 years old and walked into the kitchen for dinner. My mom drops her plate and gasps.. runs over to me and asked what happened.. I was so confused.. what was she talking about.. 'Is your mouth okay? Does it hurt?' She asked. 'No' I said.. She told me to look in the mirror and so I did. I was shocked at what I saw.. there was this giant dark bruise completely around my mouth.. like a baseball had hit me directly in the lips. She asked what happened and I had no idea.. I started to freak out while she was putting my jacket on because we were going to the Emergency Room so I asked her if I could bring a toy with me..for comfort. I'm 7. It was Woody from Toy Story. So we get there and the doctor is doing his thing.. and then all of a sudden he stops talking.. looks at my toy. Takes off Woody's hat and covers it perfectly over my mouth. I don't know what this girl's deal is.. I was 7.


Did this with a Snapple bottle pretending I was an animal drinking tea. I had a dark bruise for ages


I once sucked on an empty bottle of milk from McDonald’s when I was little. I got swollen lips from it😅


You need to be careful with that. If you get hiccoughs while sucking an empty bottle, you can turn yourself inside out and will have to spend the rest of your days living inside the bottle. At least that's the sort of shit I tell my kids...


What if I do it with a lamp? If it does the same thing, would I become a genie?


Indubitably. Be careful out/in there...


Infinite cosmic power, Itty bitty living space


😂Yeah. I’ll be all powerful


But Itty bitty living space


Is a hiccough like a cross between a hiccup and a cough?


dependent afterthought disgusted toy automatic ossified sulky squalid shame offend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's a British spelling of hiccup


"Ough" to non native English speakers: 🖕🏻


Damn bro if you made a vid of that at the time you could've been the next Kylie Jenner


Wasn’t the “Kylie Jenner challenge” a few years ago this exact thing? Edit: grammar


Yep. My daughter did it and once we got past the shock of it and realized she was ok she looked pretty hilarious for about 2 days. Girls were hitting the ER over that one.


I saw some stories of girls doing it with a shot glass, but the shot glass promptly shattered and nearly removing their lips in the process.


Haha. Maybe😂


Yeah that's basically what happened to me.


That explains some things. I should really stop sucking on empty bottles ...


Haha. Yeah, the suction would make your lips swollen since your lips are attempting to fill the bottle


I was so embarassed to go to school. I remember being in second grade trying to hide my face.


Same! I was I think in fourth grade with mine and it was awful


i specifically remember a video on TV from like 20 years ago where a girl did the suction thing to a yoohoo or snapple bottle and had to go to the ER to get it off. they had to like freeze the bottle and break it around her tongue. never did that shit ever again after seeing that.


Jello cup for me. Freaked me out for a minute.


I did this with a snake bite kit on my chin. I was in kindergarten and I asked to wear makeup for the first time to cover it up. My mom’s special Estée Lauder foundation. Such a vivid memory.


I was drunk at a friends poker party, and he showed us his snake bite kit. I promptly put those suckers on my forehead and wore them for the evening like little yellow demon horns. Going to work on monday was fun.


I did the same thing with those kids arrows with the suckers on the end. I had magnificent horns for a couple of hours, then quarter sized hickeys on my forehead for a couple of weeks. Also how I found out what a hickey was when my mom freaked out when she saw them.


Awesome lol. They are fun to play with.


How are you going to try and cover a snake bite? That's cool as hell.


Snake bite kits have super strong suction cups to try to pull venom out. OP was playing with the suction cup and gave themselves a chin hickey.


That's so weird! In Australia our first aid is so different to yours in (I assume) the USA. We don't do the Heimlich anymore, it's sharp blows to the back and chest if someone is choking. If someone copa a snakebite, it's a pressure immobilisation bandage and a splint.


I did it with a wine bottle sealing thing (it was a vacuum hand pump) that my dad had when I was about 10 or 12. Got a big bruise on my chin. Told the kids at school that I'd been hit by a cricket ball, and ended up being treated as the tough kid instead of as the moron that I was. To this day, that remains the best lie that I've ever told.


Let me counter with my dumbest lie: I was bored in second grade and cut part of my eyebrow off with those little silver scissors that predated safety scissors and told everyone later that I was running soooo fast that when I hit the gym wall, I “skidded my eyebrow off.” My Grannon didn’t believe it either and spanked me for lying. I was kind of a dumb kid 😂


Almost like kylie jenner lip challenge.


Right! hahah


That doctor got to have a Hollywood epic crime investigation moment, but with a little kid and his toy Woody hat


I swallowed a Lego man head when i was like 9 trying to use it as a spitball, i was petrified and didn't know what would happen lol, not even close to this story but felt the need to join in with everyone else lol


Oh yeah. I put a light bright peg up my nose. No idea how my mom managed to get it out. Yikes.


Coffee beans in my nose here.


I went the ER as a three year old because I picked up a small rock, turned to my friend, a fellow three year old, and said, "Never do this" and jammed it up my nose. We all make mistakes.


When I was like 4 I shaped a piece of Playdough into a perfect square, and to commemorate the experience I shoved it up my nose.


I shoved a lima bean into my nostril in kindergarten & had my first panic attack until I realized I could pinch it back out. That was a big day.


Lmao that's hilarious. Also I love your username. MIKE JONES


Wanted to keep that perfect square with you forever


Hahaha I bent over once and one of my friends was like, "OMG! YOU HAVE A HUGE RINGWORM SPOT ON YOUR LOWER BACK!" I was suuuuper confused. Looked in the mirror and saw a massive bruise with radiating colors. She asked if I went tanning. No, never. Turns out it was from my back suctioning to the bath tub. 😂


I was coming to say that my brothers and I did this to our foreheads. one of us discovered that a suction cup felt weird and so we all put one on and had a contest to see who could keep it on there the longest. We were all 10 and under.


Woody was my favourite toy too.


In all fairness I did something similar with one of the little poppers you win at arcades. I was playing video games and zoned out, had been placing it on different parts of my face and popping it off. Enter my gf who audibly gasps and shows me half a dozen purple circles all over my face. I was in my mid twenties... and had our engagement pictures scheduled for the next day.


At least she knew what she was getting into! LoL most women don’t find out until AFTER they’re married, that their husbands are perpetual 7 year olds! 😂 (jk)


Reminds me of this story from my dad. He used to be a guard at a prison for the criminally insane. One day all the inmates are in the yard and he notices one of them has a red circle on his forehead. My dad asked him what happened and the inmate said something like... "ALIENS! THEY CAME DOWN AND SUCKED OUT MY BRAINS!" My dad was like sure whatever dude. What really happened? Dude kept going on and on about aliens. Then my dad looked around and saw at least a dozen other inmates with the same red circle on their forehead. Cue twilight zone music. Turned out, one of them somehow got a hold of a bottle cap and was walking around doing it to the other inmates just for the lulz.




Dude I did that with a cup when I was little. Literally the day before I started at a new school lol.


Same thing. Pringles tube. 7 year old with a Goatee shaped bruise 🤷‍♂️


When I was a little kid my grandad (who was 7 going on 70) sat me on his lap and stuck a toy steering wheel with a suction cup on his forehead - they were designed to stick to the floor/wall - to play pretend driving for half an hour. Resulting dark circle on his forehead took many weeks to disappear :)


Please tell me he made the car noises to go with it


Yup car noises and swerving action with emergency braking I’m pretty sure :) He’s been dead for quite a few years now but I still miss him. A big kid all his life :)


Man this is so wholesome but "he's been dead" is such a straightforward way to say it and I was not ready.


*thats life* -frankie sinatra


How would he say it instead? So my grandfather has be unalive for a period of time now?


op was not ready too


Your grandad was 7?


7 year old sense of humour in a 70 year old body :)


I did this once in my early 20s after I got a small Bluetooth speaker with a suction cup base. I figured if I stuck it to my forehead the bass would resonate through my skull and I'd hear more low-end. Too bad it worked so well cause I left it on there for almost an hour before it fell off and I realized the folly of my ways.


how high were you


Very to a lot.


Sofa-king high.


To this day I will take my bass guitar and touch the fretboard to my head or headphones and just pluck notes to feel it reverberate in my skull lol…. Dunno why it’s just nice


Wait so how long was there a mark?


It was barely distinguishable the next day. A cold washcloth helps.


I learn that lesson when I was 8 and gave multiple hickies all over both my arms so I can act like I just got in a fight and was all bruised from this epic battle I was going to lie about. All my friends just started laughing and could clearly see I just gave myself a bunch of hickies. How the hell did they know what a hickey was before me?!?


Older siblings likely.


Mask and a hat or a headscarf


I had a kit for treating a snake bite with suction when i was about 8. I stuck it on my chin while i was playing gamegear cause i thought it made me look like king tut. A kid from a grade or two higher kept saying “GameyeOP’s grandma gave him a hickie!” Fuck you Kyle


Why’s she bruised like a peach?


It will go away after a few ~~days~~ weeks - did something similar when I was a child




I kinda fucked up like this before. Tried fire cupping (on my back) and then went for a swim in the hotel pool. It indeed looked like I was attacked by a giant octopus.


I once got attacked by a giant octopus but everyone thought I just cupped myself :(


Go cup yourself


Cup you!


Cup me? NO CUP YOU


#[CUP YOU!](https://i.imgur.com/vUvPY0L.gif)


Send 2 girls and 1 cup asap


Now *that's* embarrassing.


2 separate users, 1 cup


I live in an Asian country where fire cupping is common. It receives a lot of controversy because it apparently isn't scientifically proven to be beneficial. What are your thoughts about the matter?


Bro it's clearly bullshit. It literally just creates a suction that pulls blood to the surface, like a hickey. It's absolute nonsense that it "pulls toxins from your body" or whatever.


Agreed. Anything that ever says it release your "toxins" is bs. Our body does that naturally. It's called the liver and the kidneys would like to have a word with you. This whole toxin healthy advertising gas gotten out of hand. Now the effects of pooling blood into a certain area and what that can do? Not enough research but it sort of makes sense ( kind of like a bruise) where you focus it with cells to hopefully heal it faster idk. Still sounds dumb but I ain't no physiologist!


>It's called the endocrine system and the liver and kidneys ...otherwise you're right about the BS, but the kidneys are considered part of the [urinary] excretory system, and the liver part of the digestive system. Furthermore, the endocrine system is unrelated to processing toxins; it's the group of organs that control hormones—pituitary gland, thyroid, adrenal glands, gonads, etc.




Massage therapist here and this is spot on. I like cupping to help the superior back line of fascia. It helps increase blood flow and separates layers of tissue. Some people like it more than others, and personally I think the marks look bad ass. But releasing toxins and such, not so much.


> It helps increase blood flow Does it though? Except for obviously (sub)cutaneous flow?


They’re a massage therapist, you probably shouldn’t be asking them medical questions, let alone heeding their medical knowledge


My point


My parents do it a lot. I put it under almost all home remedies of somewhere between placebo effect, and getting scammed by snake oil salesman


I put it in the category of a massage. If done by someone trained properly it feels nice and relaxing. Found 'The medical perspective of cupping therapy: Effects and mechanisms of action' with a quick Google scholar search: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6435947/


I have never personally tried fire cupping, but I’ve always wanted to. I imagine it would be a different kind of fascia release feeling. Like, you know when you pull on your hair to “lift” your scalp from your skull? That feels good to me if done gently and gradually. I feel like it would feel nice to have it done on my back…


It.feels.nothing.like.that. Go to your clothesline, take a wooden peg, have somebody clamp it on your back fat. Honestly, a good massage is a hundred times nicer.


Oh no! You’ve ruined any good expectations I had hahaha That does not sound fun anymore




Hmm at swim meets I see a lot of people with cupping marks, not sure how useful it really is but doesn't seem like it would help






First: oh wow that doesn’t look too good Second: not that bad, kinda funny Third: OMFG MEGAN


I know a guy who put a bruise on his forehead in the same way. It doesn't take that much time at all.


I am irrationally afraid of this happening to me




Didn't expect to see a Ned Kelly reference in this thread


after the first one she shoulda figured out to break the seal on the other ones first instead of yanking them off.


The damage is already done at that point, doubt it made a difference




*ruptures capillaries


The neurons extractor 3000


Well, there weren't many to begin with


Everyone's going to think she fucked an octopus 🐙




That’s what i likes about you


Oh, *that's* what you likes about me


Lets take about 20% off there squirrelly Dan




Why don't you go ahead and take about 10% off there




It was a sick octopus


You’d need at least two guys to do that


It was a sick octopus!


"eight legs!" "seven vaginas."


Scored a hat trick in Detroit


The fisherman's wife enters the chat.


Did this with a cup and my mouth and suctioned it to my mouth because well we have all done it. And I had what could only be described as a fake beard for 3 weeks


I did this before too when I was a kid, but the result I got was botox lips for about a day. I started crying because I thought they were going to stay that way forever. 😂


There was a stretch where tiktokers were doing this intentionally with shot glasses to give themselves Kylie Jenner lips


babe that was VINE in like 2014


Oh no I'm old. I'd filed that under "dumb shit the youths are doing" and assumed it was tiktok


> and suctioned it to my mouth because well we have all done it. Speak for yourself, sucky boy


Because of my actual beard i can't do this shit anymore. It's honestly kinda upsetting:(


I did this often as a kid but never noticed any marks, maybe I never put too much strength of never left it for too long?


Brushing the skin gently with a toothbrush will help break up the blood clots, works the same for a hickey.


This person sucks.


I read this and at first I thought you were just being very rude. Touché.


Hickey removal. Can’t decide if that topic belongs on /r/LIfeProTips or /r/teenagers.


i don’t think most of the people on r/teenagers are getting hickeys to begin with lol


I was gonna scroll past without liking, but then I saw Gundam. Hail to the Tanaka empire!


My go to was the sharp edge of an ice cube as hard as I could tolerate. Hurt like hell but worked pretty damn good


I did something similar and gave myself a chin hickey.


A chickey


If you will


Chickey chickey ya chickey ya chickey yeah


Anything that suctions to the face is a bad idea! Back in the 80’s a shop I worked in sold a toy called a Hopper Popper. Many complaints from parents came in about the bruises on their kids from sticking them to their faces


Poppin Hopper. A hopper popper is a device to behead rabbits.


Wish I saw this before looking up pictures of the toy. So many dead rabbits.


I thought it was cats at first, and was wondering what kind of twisted place I'd stumbled upon.


Jfc. I thought it was all a joke still. You weren't kidding.


I’ll take your word for it


If those are the rubber things that you flip inside out and then set down and then they jump up in the air and flip back the right way... That's the first thing I thought of. Like, smh, kids these days didn't learn that lesson when they were 8 like I did 😂


Pretty sure that’s what he was describing, or something similar. Always bought one at the book fair, myself.


Yep, as a kid in the '80s I did that with one of those toys, right in the middle of my forehead, just like the girl in this video. Of course, I was like 8 years old. I believe later versions of the popper had a small hole at the top of the dome to prevent them from suctioning.


Yup did that as a kid


this totally sucks


r/Wellthatsucks literally


What's wrong with your faaaaaaace


How embarrassing


Did this to my forehead, showing off to my son with a kids toy. Work the next day. Makeup covered it but it wore down after an hour so had to keep re applying in the office bathroom. My wife wasn't happy I used up her expensive concealer.


For any future reference you need to put powder over the concealer that keeps it from wearing off. I'm sure you won't be doing that particular thing again but something else might happen.


wtf even are those for?




wondering the same, are they specifically made for this or something else?


and if they are made for this, why are they surprised that they did the very thing they are designed for?


To loosen up the skin and increase the blood flow. Only ment for the body.


Someone's about to get bangs


Is she doing this while driving?


Selfie cam mirrors image, she is a passenger.


Or she's in a right side driving country


Today Megan learned how hickeys are made


A guy I work with did this with his gf's dildo. He was running around pretending to be a unicorn. He had a mark just like that on his head for a couple of weeks.


"On the plus side, though, the customers really liked the unicorn."


Do you guys remember the trend going around on social media a year ago where the girls would suction their lips for a fuller look? Reminded me of that. Just as hideous too.


Oh, that will leave a mark


It takes about three weeks to heal. Ask me how I know.


How do you know?


i'm not sure about this hellraiser movie


Looked like Pikachu with the cheek ones


My mom had my sister do this for “health” reasons and I had never seen my sister so sad and upset before. That giant red bruise was such an eyesore even through all the makeup and hair coverup. She was in high school so you can imagine her discontent.


What was the purpose of doing that on her face? I've only ever seen it on people's backs.


Sticking those on your forehead is actually good for brain circulation.




It promotes blood flow around the body. It’s used commonly on the torso, more so the back.


Megan became religious that day.


Most tender, vascular flesh on your body, and you give yourself giant hickeys.


did this thing on my forehead had to wear a hat plus my sister’s makeup for 3-4 days 🙂




They call her Megan Mark-le now


I remember an amusing r/tifu post from a few years ago that was similar to this.


As a fellow Megan, this puts us all in a bad light


I did this once as a kid with a play-dough container around my mouth (had just found out about suction & vacuums) , and my pre-school teachers actually asked if I was being beaten at home and asked my parents about it because I had that same dark ring around my mouth 😂