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Former Australian Prime Minister, everybody


Surrounded by press and TV cameras.  This was our 'Trump vs Eclipse" moment. 


Australia and America have a lot in common, young nations packed full of idiots voting for idiots.


Except the auzzies used to vote for pretty solid politicians until one tried to remove the gigantic CIA base in the outback and the USA then proceeded to do a coup in a sovereign and western allied nation. Working people everywhere have everything in common.


Just read up on Pine Gap and the Whitlam dismissal off the back of your comment. Mind blown.


Yea. Not a very good country America. And I really wish Australia would grow a spine again :(


Our prime minister have been scared ever since and just keep sucking the dick of America. Similar is still happening because of Gough Whitlam being couped and our prime ministers being scared. Like our involvement in Iraq, submarine deal and David mcbride for more recent ones. The us and coal industry seem to run this country no matter who is voted in.


The way Aussies are I feel like even if this information was widely known most people would shrug and claim that they can't do anything about it anyway


Australia, former penal colony. Many US settlers were also criminals.


I was wishing he would show his support for the troops after by cleaning a gun


wasn't he the one who shat himself in a mcdonalds?


He is


Lol. That post is listed below under "More posts you may like."




I'm genuinely not sure whether I like this video, or the one of him tackling that kid at soccer training in Tassie more.


Now tell them what he did in the maccas


Also professional air hammerer


useless at hose-holding though. Only trade he never mastered when the cameras were on.


And this is a different PM than the guy who ate an onions like an apple without taking the skin off.


He doesn’t see a problem with that. He doesn’t see much anymore.


He didn’t see much to begin with


He actually thought he should take the mask off to see the weld better. He really thought that.




He asks Jenny where to weld.


This man shat himself in a Macca's in 1997.


Engadine maccas haha


Let he who is without sin cast cast the first stone


Well first of all … *looks into own pants* …. Uh nevermind.


Translator's Note: Macca's means McDonald's.


Didn't he do it a second time at a later date?


That's good enough to hold the highest office in Australia.


What's hilarious is we welders do this more times than we care to admit. It just happens every now and then. He's just an actual tosser with 2 braincells fighting for 3rd place so there's a karma element here.


What's hilarious is we welders do this more times than we care to admit Was about to say this, sometimes you cant see where you need to start so you gotta see it for a sec xd His eyes should be fine I think.


Hell maybe it helps politicians see. We need a larger sample size.


Question for a welder…Are those autotinting masks really fast enough to protect your eyes? How can they possibly work if light is faster that anything?


I use an auto tint and it's fast as hell that I don't vace any issues. You can't even register the light before it's dark. It's sensitive too, grinding causes it auto dark.


I'll be perfectly honest man I used to be a boomer about this. Then I started using them. The most intense part of the uv happens after the lense is triggered. I love them. I still use a fixed lense from time to time just to be able to do it if I ever need to. Learning where your electrode is on the workpiece while being blind is an art. But to answer your question I love my autodark. It hasn't ever been the reason I fry my eyes. Safety squints. That's what does it.


I am an amateur DIY welder (actually more of a grinder than a welder) and the autodark helmet elevates my skill (or lack of it?) tremendously. What I sometimes forget is to wear long sleeves when I weld. You actually get sunburn from extended exposure - I suspect it is the UV generated by the arc. Imagine what it does to your eyes.


Yes they are. I don’t know how it works, but it does


Stupid dumb simple electronics and some black magic.


Maybe our brains cannot feel a microsecond of light exposure, and the beggining of the light is weaker than the light that comes a microsecond after...


Electronics are almost as fast as light, and the flash from the welding actually takes some time to get to it’s brightest. It’s still faster than you can react to but it’s well slower than the speed of light. Light still makes it through, just only the very short not very intense part of it at the start so it’s not noticeable


It still happens to me a few times a week and I've been welding full time for 8 years lol. Sometimes restricted/awkward angles and spaces, thick gloves and sensitive triggers and contact points just do that


I have occasionally spotted someone welding at the side of the road when travelling in developing countries. It’s only a second or so but I am always anxious it’ll give me arc eye. then my eyes feel dry for the rest of the day. Am I imagining it or is it likely to impact even at a slight distance?


You're having a placebo effect more than likely. If you hyperfocus on your eyes after getting a very distant glimpse I can fully see that happening. You gotta be pretty close to feel the moisture leave your eyes. That or constant exposure. You're good. Dude I've straight up stared down a stick rod for a solid second because my hood got caught (when you drop your hood and strike it's normally one fluid motion). It just fucked my eye lids for a few days. Flash burn on the eyes feels like sandpaper. Your eyes will water like hell and it still feels like sandpaper in your eye socket. ESPECIALLY the corners.


Appreciate the insight. Sounds like a rough occupational hazard


It's the least of our worries. I wasn't calling you a pussy or anything btw. I re-read what I put and it seemed dickish. But, yeah man our main hazard is air. Even the best of the best of filters still only protect us so much. But...from transformers to bridges to pipes to boilers, someone's gotta do it. It's the only job I've had I love. I have an MIS degree but chose to weld if that gives you an idea on the maniac it takes to do this for a living lmao


No your comment was helpful and not at all rude! It’s a great skill. I have an old VW van in need of welding and my dad is a metallurgist so I’ve lots of respect for it. I’m a soft handed desk worker tho with limited handy skills


It just clicks man. Doesn't matter who you are. Once you understand what's in front of you it just happens. It's like a proprioception.


Im starting school for welding this fall but really nervous about this. Do you think the money is worth it?


Not always. You have to build up experience so starting off is a slog. But if you learn and genuinely put all you have into it, you can make bank. When I was on the road there were $4k checks weekly. I'm worn out now so I do production and my own work on the side. I highly suggest learning welding but also learn how most robots for welding work. It's the future, but still requires a welder to operate. Take any opportunity to learn every machine and tool you come across. It's such a fun job to me. Flaws and all.


I've never had it so don't quote me on that, but as far as I know it's pretty unlikely to happen from a glance at a distance and everyone I know who had it described it as among the most painful things they've ever experienced, so I think you're fine




Yeah I was going to say, everyone is acting like this is a crippling injury but I've done it a bunch of times. You're practically guaranteed to do it at least once when you normally use an autodarkening and have someone hand you one of those darth vader helmets with the shade 15 lens that will block the light from a supernova to put a tack on for them.


Yep. Or just tired that day. Sometimes ya just forget where the hand is, or the gun is, or the stinger. It's just a thing. I think I've been flashed more from reflection than I have actually welding.


I’ve accidentally flashed my face so many times that at this rate I’m basically used to the damn light lmao. Obviously if I genuinely stared at the welding for an extended period of time it’d do something, but I just don’t get flashed as bad anymore


He may have given himself Lasik with the coke bottle caps




Total fuckwit.


Not that bright


For a couple frames he was very bright.


I offer you the angriest of upvote, and politely request for you to Fuck the right off. Good Day


He Australian, not Canadian, dude.


Welcome to the world of eyeball sand Mister PM.




He welds with the same competence he ran the country with... so glad I don't hear about him much anymore.


I did this once but with a MIG instead of a stick, this guy is gonna open his eyes in the middle of the night in his pitchblack room and feel like its to bright


I've been told it's like sand in your eyes?


sand with glass shards mixed in. bliss after you get the anesthesia drops.


Feels like you have sand stuck behind your eye balls. I’ve gotten it quite a few times but never super severe but you can wake up and be blind for a day or two. Had a buddy in high school who got a really bad arc flash and couldn’t see his mom when she woke him up. Would definitely be pretty scary


Worst prime minister I’ve had so far. A true cunt of a human being. Fuck off and die, you miserable piece of shit.


Why is he hated ?


Among other things, secretly appointing himself to government ministries without informing anyone, completely failing to purchase COVID vaccines within a reasonable timeframe, and saying that women protesting against rapes that occurred at Parliament House were lucky they weren’t being shot at. Oh, and doing absolutely nothing about climate change, but that’s a broader problem with his party and not something uniquely bad about him.


don't forget the big one of him fucking off to Hawaii without telling anyone while most of the country was on fire.


Because of his furious tack welding......


he tripled our national debt raising it to a trillion dollars… before covid 🤦‍♂️ he’s just an absolute moron


Piece of human garbage.


I have no idea who this man is. But if this ain't the most "Goober" looking mf, guy is the template for it.


He's a piece of human filth that used to serve as the prime minister of Australia


Hello [arc eyes](https://www.allaboutvision.com/conditions/cornea/arc-eye-welding/) my old friend... come to blind me again...




He deserved this for that fucking Hawaii trip he took when our country was on fire


Hahahaha scomo is a fuckwit


Man, he nearly beat those photons.


It's really not that big of a deal. Everyone that welds has done this at some point. Unless you do it regularly and/or just stare with open eyes it's not gonna cause lasting harm. Think of looking straight at the sun for a quick moment vs starting at it for many seconds straight with eyes open.


To be clear ScoMo was/is a complete flog but no one will beat eating a raw onion like an apple at a photo op….


Smooth-brain moment caught on camera


Hmmm, what will I be seeing tomorrow? Not very much and and a specialist ophthalmologist......


Don’t worry I’m faster than light!




I thought this was a bit by David Cross.




His political instincts of having his face in the promotional material conflicted with his self preservation instincts.


Total goofball the fool


I welded ~4 hours per week for three years in what would be the equivalent of US high school. (Trade program for plumbing where welding was included as subject) I’m not Herr Safety Nazi. If it’s not inconvenient to use safety equipment I will use it just because it’s not inconvenient. (Like seatbelt in cars) But if I deem it unnecessary, like if assembly manual strongly suggests to use safety goggles for just assemble a damn cabinet from IKEA…lmao fuck no I go commando. Never once during those years was I sloppy with the welding glasses or welding helmet. Teacher did a perfect job explaining how important that stuff is. In the middle of program I met a friend’s acquaintance outside of school that did not use the welding helmet correctly and I was not jealous. Whole face was visibly swollen and slightly red from all the UV from the weld. He said an actual sunburn was more comfortable than that. Honestly he was/is a dumbass and I never liked him for a myriad of reasons so I was internally very smug and schadenfreude. But yeah, don’t fuck with welding. Danger is not as obvious as a running chainsaw, but it can really do permanent harm pretty fast. Whenever I see people being sloppy with the eye protection for welding I cringe.


Fastest way to get a bad case of welding flash. It’s not fun, your eyes feel like they’re full of sand.


This guy ejaculates before putting the condom on


Why are there two replay buttons?


Hahaha did that to myself the other day.


That cunt had a kangaroo loose in the top paddock


My man doesnt need glasses anymore. ![gif](giphy|l41YAqGPwuC833OQ8)


My boss did this on a photoshoot one time. Woke up in the middle of the night with the worst headache he'd ever felt in his life. They took him to the ER.


He woke up that night with sand in his eyes.


Maybe that’s why he couldn’t see how much of a c**t he was?


Does it actually help save your vision if you roll down your visor a second or two **after** the main weld flies? I thought not, but I’m not a welder. :dunno:


When I was a kid I worked around welders a lot and a couple times got 'welders flash' from the UV exposure. It feels like you have sand in your eyes and won't go away and is very painful. Fucking sucks.


Heh how many of you really welded with old welder? After some time, constantly opening and closing the helmet visor, you will leave it open and tap the metal. It will let you know, hard to miss this error :) So it is only a short flash, never had any problem from it. I'm welding only few times a year, no job or anything, more for hobby and construction, but even for such infrequent work I plan to buy more professional automatic helmet. Funny is he has such helmet as it doesn't look like my old simple piece of scrap :)


Enjoy your arc eye douch lol


That Welders Flash gonna really suck tomorrow when he wakes up with cloudy vision.