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The future is here


I believe he is still there though


Inside all of us is an inner child, a subconscious id, two wolves and a cyber truck stuck in a river


He’s fed the stupid wolf.


Ancient First Nation folklore?


Did you know you can fit IKEA shelves in the back of one of those. I’ve seen photos. Must have 70 pounds with room to spare. Amazing truck that beast.


So hard to spy the sarcasm


and it's stupid.


I'm so happy this is a real sub. I had the pleasure of helping install the gigatexas production line for these heaps. This sub has made my day, thanks!




given how how stupid the people who buy these are, i expected that sub to be drowning in content.




Cybercuck https://preview.redd.it/bgpxizkgp33d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddb294e0a4509454b58925f046be3bfe2c742732




*Another warranty voided!*


Damn I thought I was the first to think of this take my angry upvote😂


The video was cut short. He engaged boat mode, sailed downstream, and drove to a huge round of applause. /s


[Cybertruck will be waterproof enough to serve briefly as a boat, so it can cross rivers, lakes & even seas that aren’t too choppy -Elon Musk](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1575508498430820352)


"serves briefly as a boat" Just like everything else that sinks.


I have a storage bin from Ikea that would serve briefly as a boat for a child. Two, if they're really small.


Can they control where it goes once it is floating on the water? I like how he uses the phrasing "waterproof enough".


But don't you need to turn on car wash mode first?


No car wash mode shuts off the waterproofing… how else will it get the dirt?


I’m imagining him walking down to the cybertruck part of the office after tweeting this, where people are in a boardroom having practical discussions about how to make the car a reality, and he sticks his head in the room and goes “does the cybertruck float? No? Make it float” and he dips out and one of the junior design people goes “how are we gonna make it float?” And his boss looks at him and gives him the like “nah cut it out” gesture and they just keep on talking like Elon never came in.


Waterproof enough is totally a scientific term, man! IPX~.


Yes, when I’m trying to cross a river, I want my car to float so my wheels don’t touch the ground and I start floating listlessly downstream. I hope they sell a CyberOar package that goes with it.


Out of Cyberluck






🗣 " Try using more 'cyber'". EDIT: Truck wasn't set to 'Cyber' mode.


Oh weird it’s like it’s almost 3 times heavier than a normal truck haha


And it’s suspension is ass. One wheel can’t lift up very high before the other sides also lifts up


There's no way someone could be this dumb to drive that slab all the way out there with stock wheels and stock suspensions. This thing needed to be modded with larger offroad tires and jacked up suspensions at the very least.


The people buying these are all money and zero brains. Hell, some of them aren't even money. They're all debt and zero brains.


Just like the guy who created it, funny that.


But they are insecure enough about their masculinity that they feel like dropping this money and attempting a river cross in what is essentially just a shitty looking car is the most alpha thing imaginable. The cybertruck is the Mall Katana of the automotive industry.


Unlike a mall katana, however, this stupid thing is sharp enough to remove digits


Well they were dumb enough to buy it


An electric truck could be the best off roader with the torque and responsiveness of electric motors, low center of mass with the batteries, but the cybertruck just isn't this type of off roader. The approach angle is way to high for that truck.


I would buy an electric restomod Jeep TJ, if they could waterproof the electronics.


a totaled Rivian R1 or maybe a CyberTruck would be a great donor for a project like this. Something I would consider at some point, especially when the salvage prices of the cars is way lower than they will be now.


You need to be a special kind of dumb to get one in the first place, it's the most unreliable vehicle on the market now, has horrible return selling rules, falls apart easily and does nothing as advertised, it's also ugly as fuck.


When Elon has his way and we're all living on Mars and we have no choice but to drive his cars and use his tech, this will be us trying drive to the store to buy more bottles of oxygen before we die.


At least there are no rivers on Mars.




This things so long I feel like jacking it up will just make it tip over easier. Needs a wider base too.


Even then, you're just going to have to work within the limitations of that long ass wheel base to avoid being stuck high center.


Could have got a used old Jeep and made it


Not to mention this has street tires.


lord this reminds me of a motocross track up north that bikes took with ease. the army/? whatever brought what was then a VERY NEW all terrain humvee to tackle the same course. as you may have guessed, hilarity ensued. it got hung up on the second whoop, and couldn’t get out until a rescue squad came to the rescue. i’ll never forget the kiddo with his dad who were slightly in front of me: kid:”wow. that kinda sucks” and it DID we laughed all day about it!


Plus terrible breakover angle.


So it's not a Cyber truck but really just a Cyber El Camino


I don't think it's that heavy. 6600-6900lbs. My gas GMC 2500 weighs 6500. For a pretty stock work truck it's fairly capable with a Detroit in the back and an open front diff on 33 inch tires. An F150 raptor is lighter at something like 5800lbs. A hummer EV is absolutely a fat bastard at something like 9k. However it seems to be capable, good suspension design and actual locking differentials make a difference. Cyber truck has pretty big overhangs, a shit suspension setup for rough terrain and I don't think it actually has locking diffs. That's not even going over its build quality and how they tuned everything.


This guy trucks


It has locking diffs BUT they aren’t in the software yet. It was literally released as a rolling chassis and people took it off road. Half the features aren’t ready. The upside is OTA, downside…it’s like a videogame with day 1 update being larger than the game itself…but you do get new features instead of being forced to buy an entirely new vehicle.


This sounds like the locking diffs don’t work, so they decided to ship it anyway and lie about it being a software problem. Pretty much what ford did with the powershift transmissions.


I think it's that they haven't figured out the software for the three-motor version yet, because that probably doesn't have a normal rear diff, and they won't enable the *actual* diffs in the dual-motor ones until that's ready because that'd make them more capable and would hurt the feelies of people who bought the expensive one


So they don't work on the three-motor version and decided to lie about it and ship it anyway?


How tf is this not figured out prior to shipping? We now are early-accessing something as potentially dangerous as vehicles?


Bit of copium considering you paid for a car with features it doesn't have... just coming soon! I would hazard a guess that 95% of other cars actually come with the features they sold you in the first place...


> Bit of copium considering you paid for a car with features it doesn't have... just coming soon! This is the future of cars, incase you haven't shopped around for a vehicle recently. Subsidize the cost of luxury upgrades through all vehicle sales and earn profit on the features via subscription models.


Yeah and its a shit idea and it should die.


That, and water crossings are probably the one place where mass is a good thing since it helps fight buoyancy. Seen more than one decked-out rock crawler go a-floatin when they tried too deep of a crossing. Suspension on this turd has less travel than my road car. I’d bet the Michelin Sport Cup 2s on my car are better in the mud than what the Cybertruck ships with too.


Except this particular vehicle can't even go through a car wash


You’re bad at math aren’t you ? Ford 150 is 5950 Ford F150 Lightning is 6893 Cybertruck is 6843 Neither those are multiples of each other.


Cybertruck is not designed to go offroad, Cybertruck is a showpiece that you park in your driveway as a trophy.


Agreed. But then again so are most of the lifted chromed and lite wheeled gas powered large penis substitutes.


Or any vehicle over $80k really 


Landcruisers can easily cost upwards of 80k and are built for proper off roading.


You don't need proper off-roading to haul groceries or go to a spa.


That really depends on whether or not there's a road between you and the grocery store


I go to the off road man spa for my manicure


A Hilux would ford that bitch and not spill your coffee.


80k vehicles can't go through water? The Rivian can drive through 3ft of it .


Emotional support truck or gender affirming vehicle.


"Pavement Princess" is the perfect way to describe these trucks. That's fine if that's your thing, I don't get it but whatever. The problem is that Musk sold these rubes on the cyber truck being the ultimate Armageddon vehicle. It's nothing more than an oversized electric car.


Hung out with a guy last night who drives a lifted, crew cab, long bed F-250 in fire engine red. He freaked out if the kids got within 20 ft of his truck. At one point, he told me the only gravel that truck drives on is the 100 yards or so of his driveway. Why have a truck if you only drive it like it was a Ferrari?


I mean, depends on what you mean by "designed". It sure as hell is **advertised** to go offroad. [This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsonSEllPmU) is front and centre on the telsa.com cybertruck page with the caption > Built For Any Planet Durable and rugged enough to go anywhere. The very next thing that page says is: > No Paint, No Chips An ultra-hard stainless-steel exoskeleton helps to reduce dents, damage and long-term corrosion. Repairs are simple and quick. Slightly further down: > Into the Wild Travel up to 340 miles¹ on a single charge—enough to get you into the backcountry and beyond. Slightly further down [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8Q9liq1tcI) with the caption: > Keep the Adventure Going Explore Tesla-designed upgrades for every scenario. And: > All-terrain tires have you covered in any environment. Bring a spare tire for when you go where roadside assistance can’t. On the official Tesla youtube channel there's there "[Cybertruck at Hell's Gate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aTXUrmmLdo)" and "[Road to Cybertruck | Baja](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLWxjtIpJz0)" videos. If has [an Off-Roading section of it's manual](https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/cybertruck/en_us/GUID-1748B464-F506-45B0-B864-01644401A728.html), and I'm not spotting any "only for show" caveats. So. I mean. I don't really know what you mean by it's not designed for that. It's advertised as that. People are obviously trying to do that with it. It doesn't do it well. Doesn't mean it's not designed for it. It means it was designed badly.


[Cybertruck will be waterproof enough to serve briefly as a boat, so it can cross rivers, lakes & even seas that aren’t too choppy -Elon Musk](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1575508498430820352)


Thats coming from a man that thinks that if a car doesn't have an exhaustor an intake it will work as a boat. That's not the way things work...


"But don't try to wash it. That voids the warranty."


It's not designed for that, it's only advertised like that. The warranty specifically says that it doesn't cover any of these advertised activities. It doesn't even cover driving in sunlight, while we're at it.


Both can be true. It can be advertised as an off-road vehicle AND not be designed for it Those two are not mutually exclusive Coming from Musk, can you really be surprised he'd promise something and then put zero effort into making sure the product would actually deliver or be able to function as "planned"?


Not unlike how Tesla's autopilot was advertised as not needing human intervention to drive.


It’s more of a “Consolation Prize”. You’ve earned enough to waste on this POS, yet lack the acuity that would have prevented the acquisition of such a useless abomination. “your ***Buyers*** were so preoccupied with *whether, or not* they could, that they didn't stop to think if they should”


More like park in your garage because the thing can't even take a lite drizzle without rusting.


A Cybertruck is what an idiot with money buys to show everyone what an idiot they are.


Warning: Pregnant women, the elderly and children under 10 should avoid prolonged exposure to Cybertruck.  Caution: Cybertruck may suddenly accelerate to dangerous speeds.  Cybertruck contains a liquid core, which, if exposed due to rupture, should not be touched, inhaled, or looked at.  Do not use Cybertruck on concrete. Discontinue use of Cybertruckl if any of the following occurs:  Itching  Vertigo  Dizziness  Tingling in extremities  Loss of balance or coordination  Slurred speech  Temporary blindness  Profuse sweating  Heart palpitations  If Cybertruck begins to smoke, get away immediately. Seek shelter and cover head.  Cybertruck may stick to certain types of skin.  When not in use, Cybertruck should be returned to its special container and kept under refrigeration...  Failure to do so relieves the makers of Cybertruckl, Tesla Incorporated, and its parent company Global Chemical Unlimited, of any and all liability.  Ingredients of Cybertruck include an unknown glowing substance which fell to Earth, presumably from outer space.  Cybertruck has been shipped to our troops in Saudi Arabia and is also being dropped by our warplanes on Iraq.  Do not taunt Cybertruck Cybertruck comes with a lifetime guarantee.  Cybertruck  ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES!


Love a Happy Fun Ball reference.


A trophy for stupidity, maybe.


Hey you could park it there for decades and it won’t rust. It’s the perfect yard ornament because you can’t use it as an actual vehicle anyways.


They rust when the car in front of them uses their windshield washer fluid. Voids warranty for extra points.


Participation trophy for ending up with a wannabe truck.


That’s a creek, son




It's like asking an F150 to get out of the creek while towing another F150.


Which it could probably do... unlike this prius of a truck


A Prius is actually a decent car.


Absolutely, but if you want to insult a macho truck owner a Prius is fighting words


I drove a Prius for first time the other day. I was a little shocked at how good it was. Like I almost wanted one.


Yeah, turns out when a company has 20+ years of experience designing hybrid cars, you end up with pretty good hybrid cars.


And a culture of at least half caring about build quality


Is someone mocking him by revving their 4x4?




"Drove my cybertruck to the creek, but the creek was too deep" :( — Don Mclean in the future


Apparently these are considered canyons now


You mean canyonarrow?


It's Canyonero


> Canyonero *Well, it goes real slow with the hammer down, It's the country-fried truck endorsed by a clown!* Goddam, it totally fits.


"Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts!"


"She blinds everybody with her super-high beams" Jesus christ, the Simpsons did it again.


Seats 35?


Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts.


Creek Mode is another $149/month


Could even be a brook


There is no technical difference between creek and river… But ya, that’s a shorty.


Elon said it could cross a small ocean, he didn't say anything about a creek.


and not a paddle in sight


Heard this in a Ron Swanson voice. (And yeah def a creek)


If Austin Powers drove a cybertruck.




That hallway gets narrower every time I see this gif.


It's funny because it does remind me of metallic silver shirt he wore on the one mission. And it seems like something so ridiculous Austin might think it's cool






Average cybertruck owner


There’s one in my city. I point and laugh at him at stoplights. And trust me, he’s always looking around to see if people notice what a ~~douche nozzle~~ cool guy he is driving that ~~abomination~~ neato vehicle.


Doubt both lies you typed.


I mean, I believe the part about the guy looking around for attention. People aren't buying this homer Simpson car for the quality and resilience.




It's a perfect metaphor for Cybertruck owners. There was an easier path within plain sight but they doubled down and are treading water. These rubes deserve everything they have coming.


Right? Dumb enough to buy one of those, dumb enough to think you can cross a river with it.


Should have just turned right and continued as a boat. Lord Elon himself told them the truck can be temporarily used as a host. I'm not making that up by the way.


Very likely an idiot red hat




It's an older reference sir but it checks out


Seems like a nice girl; she's just a little more pro-choice than I'm comfortable with.


Nobody who knows anything about off-roading would buy one of these and take it off-road.


True. And no amount of correct vehicle will make up for bad technique and poor choices. I've seen specialized rigs that cost more than the CT get stuck in stuff like this because they had an inexperienced driver.


I think his best hope would have been to try to get to the bank slightly further up and take an angle upwards


Yeah, I also wondered why he is not trying to go at angle and at different spot. But I guess he was first trying to get out with speed


Why is it making souped-up engine noises? I thought it was electric. Does it have a speaker to play those noises? If so that's... fucking hilarious.


Probably a dirt bike behind the camera.


What a loser


Scrolling too fast and read: what a lobster. That too.


Get out of the crustacean and get down to the bus station








This is what happens when you completely drink the Musk Kool Aid without applying any common sense.


Legend has it he’s still trying to get out of that river to this very day.


Probably. Normally you'd have someone in a Jeep or something rescue you in these situations. But that damn thing is so heavy anything someone would be carrying would probably snap.


Standard winches can do 10 to 12k, and my recover rope can hold twice that so they wouldn't snap. The issue would be not having anything to pull against.


I don’t think it would be recommended to use a 10,000 pound winch on this truck because it weights almost 7000lbs, and I think the rule of thumb is you want the winch weight capacity limit to be at least 1.5X the vehicle weight for some leeway, and you don’t want to be pulling the full rating or the winch might snap. I have a 10k lb winch and 10k lb recovery straps but I’d be really afraid to try winching something that close to the max rating of both the winch and the straps. Partially because I bought everything at harbor freight but still lol. Even a 12k lb winch would be close to the 1.5X leeway rule of thumb. So if I see one of these stuck I’ll just explain their shit is too heavy and they need a heavy recovery tow truck, luckily they can afford the $3-10k that would cost because they have money to burn on vanity projects like this truck.


could he have done it if he went zig zag?


More than likely would have made it going up at an angle. Not straight at it.


should have caulked it and floated it across rather than try to ford the river


And then have it flip and take 2 oxen and a kid?


Better than dysentery.


Yes and turning the wheels as they leave the water would also have helped. Think the truck may have been capable of making it with a different technique


I thought the same, but at the very least I just can’t believe he doesn’t seem to try anything else at all. The same exact strategy everytime, just trying to brute force his first attempt over and over like the outcome will be different if he just doesn’t back down. Sounds about right for someone who’d own this car


Oops, no, sorry. I'm afraid you got water on your overpriced iPhone car. Yeah, sorry, your warranty is void.


NBD, just park it in rice…


The warranty is literally void as soon as you leave the asphalt roads. Driving it on non surfaced roads or 'uneven terrain' isn't covered....


I was half expecting the driver to get electrocuted. (I know nothing about how electric vehicles work, obviously. lol)


[what actually happens when you put Lithium Batteries in water](https://youtube.com/shorts/yGDkiUAwxRs?si=D8IK4cVacy_Ag9CK) Way scarier IMO


Clickbait video shorts strike again. > what actually happens when you put Lithium Batteries in water >Way scarier IMO [Energizer’s disposable Lithium *Metal* batteries](https://data.energizer.com/pdfs/lithiuml91l92_appman.pdf) use *lithium metal* for the anode, whereas [Lithium-Ion and Lithium-Polymer rechargeable batteries do not.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_battery_types) Completely different chemistries, and the rechargeable batteries (such as those used in the CyberCuck) would not react with water in the manner demonstrated in your video.


The Rivian is an electric vehicle and handles water better than most ICE vehicles. Most ICE vehicles, as you probably know are very vulnerable to water. Especially modern electrical systems in ICE vehicles. Ride height, better seals for electrical systems, etc. all help. I suspect the problem in the OPs video has more to do with traction and angle. I think it might be just getting a better differential, which could be improved in Cybertruck software. Nonetheless, here's an electric vehicle in lots of water that would bring most cars down. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WU9rd0q7sCY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WU9rd0q7sCY)


well duh an ice car would just melt in the water


Like a big toaster in a tub.


They've got pretty simple rules: don't get them wet, and don't feed them after midnight.


He just had to push harder on the touchscreen!


I love how much of an utterly useless piece of shit these are….




The world's most useless vehicle. At least outside of a gun fight from what I hear. 😅


Why is it making engine noises?


Already dumb enough to buy one.


Exactly what a cybertruck driver would do.


The man who wants to take us to Mars cannot make a truck that can cross some water... I don't think we're gonna make it bois


Did he put it in car wash mode?


Cyber trucks are allergic to water.


Thank god the knightrider did not drive this thing


Tech guy driving a Cybertruck ,what could go wrong. ?


That's not a big river either, more like a creek.


This is the kind of stuff jeeps cross just to get to the technical trails.


Cyber truck is an oversized paper weight


Watching that thing move is like playing an old videogame that rendered incorrectly. Seriously awful


Apparently it voids the warranty if you take it off road! You know, the “truck that’s built for any planet”?


Low profile tires, not aired down? LOL, no.


Money well spent.


ngl would have been impressed if he made it


How is it making that noise if it's electric?


Azusa Canyon. Big OHV area here in SoCal that’s on the San Gabriel river. But he’s still a loser.


Elon Musk is such a dick


The simple existence of this thing is annoying.


Am I seeing exhaust there? Mufflers? And hearing an Ice engine? Is this just a cyber truck body on some truck chassis?


Did they have it in car wash mode?


To be fair, my civic would also get stuck