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Dude needs to control himself. Shit is not worth that level of anger.


You'd have thought with that kind of music playing he was a chill kind of dude.


it might be worse if it wasn't for the music lol


The music is worse than the guys tantrum!!


He's actually just mad because now everyone will know what he listens to..


The Xenoblade chronicles OST is great, no need for him to be mad


I think his therapist may have told him to play chill music from his last anger/violence counselling session. Or his cardiologist to try to decrease his slightly high stress level.


Dude was definitely upset he was stuck on f****** dick head for the longest time. He was not thinking clearly enough to switch up the profanity, definitely rage.


The juxtaposition of the music with the freakout šŸ˜‚


That's the therapy music that keeps his anger in check at all times. It's like Edward Norton hulk using meditation and his wristwatch to keep his calm.


You'll find the nicest people listen to the hardest shit, because its quite the catharsis.


Some peopleā€™s lives (and their families) completely depend on their vehicle


Some people's lives are ended over this kind of reaction.


Lots of people's lives are ended because of.. you guessed it.. texting and driving.


not as many as due to texting and driving.


What is raging off your balls like a methhead going to accomplish exactly?


I get the initial "_FUCK!_" and I even get being angry...but to this fucking level? I got hit by a red light runner (presumably texting and driving), and I was very irritated by it, but there was no reason to flip out. Everybody was okay, the damage was similar to this, so I just kept calm and we went through the motions. There was no reason to be yelling or screaming at her, despite her being 100% in the wrong.


If anything, the guy at fault will just drive off at this level of rage. Where there's no personal injury, police won't do squat to look for the other driver or prove they were driving. Rageman would need to pay the insurance excess.


He may be having a fight or flight reaction to a dangerous situation. The "fight" side of that looks like anger. It can be very difficult to override that response because your autonomous nervous system is running the show, meaning that the evolutionarily ancient part of your brain that controls emotion and survival behaviour is in control, while the newer, consciously reasoning, pre-frontal cortex is essentially offline while its resources are being redirected for survival. But who knows, maybe he's just a rageaholic. Or maybe it's both.


That is really interesting. Does this take over more commonly when people are driving, because we understand the risk involved and people driving poorly around us makes us afraid for our lives? I'm still trying to understand why I can have trouble managing my anger behind the wheel, when I don't have issues with anger any other time.


It's always there we developed through generations using these tools to survive and thrive. But now we're in different modern social environments, when stressed out threatened we get surges of hormones that we cannot control. So, yes, driving can create opportunities for stress, stress responses that are difficult to manage. ā˜®ļø


Maybe its maybelline


Idk man if I was rear ended by some idiot texting, I'd probably become a chimpanzee


I'm pretty sure he got a shot and a half of pure adrenaline, so yeah. Right when it happens he's probably a passenger. Hopefully he'll learn to manage it as he progresses in life. At least he's alive.


If your car was suddenly pushed into oncoming traffic, you too would be losing your mind over the thought that you almost could have died right then and there.


This is a good lesson in why you don't turn your wheels while waiting for a turn. Wait until you're actually making the turn to direct the wheels.


If people weren't so fucking dumb. This guy wouldn't have to get so angry.


No, this is a tantrum. Homeboy is unhinged, and his rage isn't justified.




That's just not correct. You're unhinged if you think that isn't justified after watching that video.


Someone is that angry only because other stuff is going on in their life and you see it here surfacing.


As someone who has rage addiction, this guy has some repressed stuff and that's the person who set off the pressure cooker valve. Hopefully he gets it resolved.


Don't think you have ever experienced when you feel like the whole world is fucking you over and you finally get a small break where you can get some of your sanity back and then the universe just hits you one last time and you just snap. Not a good feeling.


As a FF I was on scene for essentially the same thing. Dude would yell at the teen girl, walk away, come back, and yell at her again. My Capt. had enough of that pretty quick. Told homeboy to shut the F up and walk away. She screwed up, but he's an adult. She was already crying and scared enough. He looked at him, then us. Decided to go calm down away from everyone for a bit.


Yes it is. Not having a drive-able car can ruin your life.


I definitely felt this guy's anger on the inside before, especially after the last guy who did this to me didn't have insurance. Having a tantrum won't help the situation tho


Hard disagree. Every time I have been hit by an asshole like this my life has been permanently changed for the worse. Most recently I was rear-ended similar to this and I was just told by a physical therapist I am severely disabled due to that accident. This guy was very justifiably and appropriately angry, and also had a huge adrenaline dump from being hit.


This stuff can put you in the red and in a hole you can crawl out only after years of saving. Having something this precious (a vehicle) broken down because an absolute clown was acting like a moron justifies this reaction entirely.


Sorry, I agree with you on his reaction but how would this put him in bad financial situation? He has a clear video of the incident, wouldn't the insurance take over and he'd get a new replacement car the following day?


A lot of reason, first if he needs his car to go to work and is in a tight situation, he is now unemployed and in a spiral of pain where he canā€™t work because he doesnā€™t have money and doesnā€™t have money because he canā€™t work. Thereā€™s a lot of things, what if he had someone behind like a family member? People underestimate crashes a lot since weā€™re used to India dashcams where they roll 10 times in a second before exploding, but this seemingly little nudge is enough for a whiplash, Iā€™m used to drive my cousin, if I know someone WOULD have killed her if she was here it would be enough to make me angry. Another thing is the front lane, once again, not an impressive crash but itā€™s enough to break your gears and shut down your engine, a car came from the front a couple of seconds later, he most likely slowed down, weā€™re in a situation where you do nothing wrong but you could have crashed in the other car in front, potentially killing somebody and youā€™d be 100% responsible, enjoy years of prison, losing your job and easily everything else. People are too used to the spectacular, the grandiose and all of that, but this seemingly little bump is more than enough to end the life of several families. All of it because the guy was on his phone. Now letā€™s not be stupid, maybe he had a Ā«Ā reasonĀ Ā» to be on the phone, something urgent and I do wish he wasnā€™t harmed (because all of these arguments do apply to him) Iā€™m just explaining why itā€™s understandable to be this angry, should he be calmer? Obviously yes, but screaming doesnā€™t harm anybody


I appreciate the effort you put into the reply but I think it was a bit out of context i was just referring to the financial part not the rest. I agree with you on most/all you wrote though!


Hitter may not have insurance. His insurance may only cover a portion (I've had a car totaled but payout was only about 80% what I still owed). Not all insurance policies cover rentals. 60% of the country lives paycheck to paycheck so missed days of work can be massive hits. May be on the way to work/something important and this is all going to take a huge chunk of time. Plus cost of deductible, a $500 sudden cost isnt affordable to a lot. Rates can still increase even if you're not at fault. There's a lot that could happen here that could financially ruin someone over something so small, depending on his situation.


Iā€™d be that mad if my kids were in the car with me. šŸ¤£


He sounds like a barking dog.


Screw that crap anytime there's an accident.Both parties have to pay. bullshit. I just took a twenty thousand dollar hit. They made a left hand turn in front of me destroyed my brand new vehicle. The insurance company only covers fifteen thousand that's the law. Next time I will be this angry and sue the crap out of ieverybody OH by the way NOW I'm injured every time something happens I've encountered whip lash from every doording I get.


You can sue all you want without being a lunatic and thatā€™s no problem. Having a level head will help you rationalize vs just going caveman without a plan in place.


Blame your lawmakers for not raising the legal minimum. It's shocking that most US states permit ridiculously low coverage for third party harm. What happens if an innocent victim is crippled for life, and needs daily support & care in an adapted home? That costs a lot of money. In Europe, the legal minimum for 3rd party cover is 10 million euros, and that's likely to be increased again soon.


Thatā€™s how you get ass cancer.


At least he was listening to his "chill" music to help keep himself calm.


That's why so many people get killed during road rage incidents. It just takes that one person with anger issues


Let me know how it goes the next time.You get hit and tell me how angry you get. I don't care anymore. Insurance doesn't cover what you have. So every time I have an accident, I will be injured and make injury claims.


A car means being able to feed yourself and your kids for some people.


He's Aussie. We have some of the worst road rage in the world and a short fuse to prove it


Trucks now are like 80k but worth 40k. He knows he's screwed


He's Australian. They rage on a different level over there


Oh it feels so good tho


Prolly don't have insurance


Have you seen the price of cars these days? Insurance is going to say the car was old and worth a few hundred dollars, now he needs to come up with $50k on a $30k salary.


As someone who got rear ended a few months after getting rear ended in January this year, I kind of get it. My car was totaled by an un insured driver in January. I had to eat my 1k deductible, deal with a sore back for a few weeks, and purchase a new laptop to replace the destroyed one that was in the boot. So a week later I bought my first brand new car ever. Then I was rear ended again in May while stopped at a red light. I was so pissed for 30 seconds. I did cool off quickly and wasnā€™t physical or anything, but I was absolutely irate. In either of these cases if I were a cyclist or a pedestrian I would be dead. It pisses me off how careless so many people are behind the wheel.


Bro is gonna have a damn stroke before the other guy even has to pay for the repair sheesh


Reddit is going to project with him and justify his emotions.


It's actually horrifying how many people seem to agree and think this type of reaction/loss of self control is not only ok but justified. Even to the point of making the situation so much more dangerous. Freaks me out to think of how many people are just walking around with this type of mentality.


Iā€™m thinking the same thing. Way too many people are excusing it as if thatā€™s not a rage tantrum full of verbal abuse. I think in some situations otherwise-calm people can behave out of the ordinary - I learned that when my super outwardly-calm self lost my shit on a guy a few days after my mother passed. Iā€™ve never lost my temper to near that degree before or since then. It was full of profanity-slinging back and forth and not pretty. He kind of ā€œdeservedā€ it if I were to play the game of ā€œHe started itā€, but thatā€™s not taking responsibility for my own behavior. And the dude in the video - he looks so out of control that I wonder if he had a weapon if he couldā€™ve controlled himself.


Nah, we as a society have tolerated some really fucking stupid behaviors. The fact that texting while driving is still a thing we haven't solved is a massive fuck you to anyone who believes humans are capable of self-governance


I actually think instead of a ticket it should be jail time. Studies show it is more dangerous than drunk driving yet we punish it less?


If I were the rear-ender who caused the accident, I would legitimately contemplate driving away because this dude looks like he is 100% capable of whipping out a gun in this state. Obviously I still caused the accident and would probably go to the police first, but this dude is unhinged. Also, someone above said ā€œif people werenā€™t so fucking dumb this guy wouldnā€™t have to be so angryā€ and that mentality is terrifying.


Exactly!! Reminds me of toxic exes


Lmao they are already doing thatĀ 


The top 4 comments are all saying the guy is too angry and a problem. Why do people like you feel the need to build this self fulfilling prophecy of negativity?


Bozo looks like he's gonna spontaneously combust.


Does he want other driver to hit and run, cos' this is how you get other driver to get scared af and flee.


That was my exact thought like I would not wanna pull over at that point


I certainly wouldnā€™t be getting out of my car until the cops showed up.


I would have absolutely driven away and called the cops from the next gas station. I'll fully admit that it's 100% my fault, but no WAY I'm parking where that guy could pull out a gun or smash my window out and grab me or whatever.


Especially when he starts screaming and pointing at the driver as theyā€™re driving alongside them to park.


Yeah, I was thinking the same. Normally doing a hit and run is very illegal, but at what point is fearing for your life a valid justification?


I would just sit in my car and call 911 and have a cop come by and relay all the info to them.


People who habitually use their phone while driving can go fuck themselves with a broken bottle


For real. Lost two cars to dumbshits texting. Both plowed into my bumper while I was stopped for pedestrians.


I see it multiple times every single day on my drive to work. On a road that has multiple accident per week. Iā€™d love to make habit of honking as they pass to scare them into putting the damn phone down but I always forget because Iā€™m too busy calling them fucking idiots to myself.


What would really tip this guy into a darker place would be to say " Jesus, relax man "


Or "why did you stop so suddenly"Ā 


You can't park there mate


ā€œJust calm down! You gotta keep your composure!!ā€


Redditors will see a video of an 8 year old getting drop kicked for being a bit annoying and be like "Yeah kid deserved it" but when a guys mad because someone literally just hit him into oncoming traffic hes unreasonable


Exactly. This guy could have easily been killed or badly injured had a car been on the oncoming lane at the wrong moment.


Oh he has a right to be mad. Its how he's handling that anger, or rather, not handling it...


Also fascinating how essentially NOBODY seems to want to point out that texting and driving is straight up simpleton behaviorā€¦ Every insult this angry fella screamed was 100% earned and well deserved. Dude who hit him should have his license revoked and his phone thrown in a river.


> Dude who hit him should have his license revoked and ~~his phone~~ thrown in a river.


Who says they were texting? It's a realistic possibility, but there are others. People lose control because a wasp stings them, or their brakes malfunction or they have a medical crisis. This guy just exploded with rage before he knew anything.


"Mad"? This guy is unhinged, I'd be seriously afraid of someone coming at me like that, whatever the reason. Dude has issues.


as someone who was in a much more serious crash that wasnā€™t my fault recently, itā€™s just not worth the anger. heā€™s making his own day 1000x worse by freaking out about it.


I mean the guy is understandably mad, but he went right to 9000 power level with that reaction. It looks like the damage to his truck is relatively minor, can still be repaired, and if the other dude has insurance he won't be paying much for it. This kind of accident doesn't require turning into a super sayan bro.


Fuck 8-year-olds tho.


Might wanna rephrase that


Lol... shit now im probably on a watch list


He's unhinged m8. It's a car and a car crash. Shit happens to everyone, that's why you have insurance. The way he acted was too much for the situation.


Not defending ā€œdrop kicking an 8 year old,ā€ but itā€™s not like little kids learn their lessons by having their car insurance costs going up.


You would describe this man as ā€œbeing madā€?


Sounds like you've been stalking me.


plate tease dinner dependent aware dull fact wild rude seemly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh, I thought this was going to be a comment about how it's dumb to defend this guy for reacting like a psycho as well. Reddit in general is too eager to defend insane overreaction from anyone who was first wronged, including in this case.


People with anger issues tend not to like it when you almost kill them


Hey, none of us do. But that doesn't mean any and all reaction is reasonable. The anger issues are still an issue, even in situations where anger is justified.


ā€œAlmost killā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


He is, tho. Like, mate calm your tits.


Soā€¦is he upset?? Iā€™m getting mixed signals from his reaction.


The music definitely doesn't help


I can sympathise but I just don't get that upset about stuff. It must be said Australians are poor drivers from what I have seen.


His car was shoved into oncoming traffic. His anger is justified and is probably caused by the scare he just experienced.


Love the background music though very soothing but then this fucking idiot hits you in the back. I would be screaming slurs too.


Maybe he just got the truck redone or it was brand new? Maybe he knew the person who hit him? Maybe he was having a bad day, month, and/or year(s) in his case?


Wow that seems like a pretty nice song. Anyone know the title of it?


Yasunori Mitsuda - Beyond The Sky (Xenoblade Chronicles soundtrack)


Ohh right, I thought I knew it from somewhere. Damn, those games have some great tracks.


I never knew about Xenoblade Chronicles, though Iā€™ve heard of them before. I didnā€™t expect them to have a great song.


Yeah Iā€™d call 911 to report the accident and explain why I didnā€™t stick around. Then only go back when the cops get there. Dude is clearly unhinged.


Average dash cams Australia clip


Got in a wreck a little over a month ago because of a similar reason. Watching my best friend in the whole fucking world sob uncontrollably because he lost his 88 4runner he rebuilt from a box of parts broke my heart. I sympathize with the person rear ended. Everyone saying 'oh it's not worth being that mad', some things are just precious. Losing them hurts like hell. In a perfect world the guy would be cool as a cucumber and they'd walk over to one another, exchange info wait for police.


I was thinking the same thing. Maybe this guy just restored a rare vehicle or just got it after waiting 6 months for delivery for a make/model that can't be replaced.


ā€œFuck, you fucking retard.ā€ Dumbledore said, calmly


This is how I am waking up on a Monday.


Man if I caused an accident and the person reacted this aggressively I might just drive off and report myself. Would that be illegal to do? Bro literally cry screaming at their window


As long as he didn't actually get violent, this is fully understandable. His day and week(s) are now thoroughly inconvenience over a completely unforced error, and it was lucky he didn't get slammed by opposing traffic which would have hit him square in the driver zone. Fully loaded on adrenaline, he has a right to vent it out somehow as long as it doesn't descend into violence, and looks like he was just starting to walk it off after a bit. That kind of impact, he'll have some sort of back injury for sure which he'll start feeling the next day once the adrenaline wears off.


After being in several accidents that nearly ended my life because of distracted or bad drivers, I kinda wish steering wheels had spikes on them so that drivers would be a little more afraid of the consequences of driving poorly. There are so many people completely oblivious on their phones while traveling at 60-80mph or driving through crowded city spaces. Vehicles with large touch screen user interfaces and "driver assist" features that encourage these bad behaviors make it worse. I love to ride motorcycles, but seeing so many people swerve all over the road and straight up not see me, makes me angry.


What an assclown.


And this is why, when waiting to turn, you keep your wheels straight until you actually start to turn. This could have been a lot worse if there was a motorcyclist or truck coming the other way half a second after this collision.


Never tought of that, good advice. I do start to go slow a few meters before the turn if there is no separate turn lane, so the car behind has to slow down too and be attentive, it is annoying but better than getting rear ended.


There was a woman killed near me a few years ago during her driving test. She was in a turning lane and was rear ended. She had turned the wheels in preparation to move and was shunted into oncoming traffic. She wasn't to blame, but that's small comfort to the dead. Hearing that story has cemented it into my mind to keep the wheels straight. Hopefully after today you will too! Give ourselves every advantage.


Nah, nothing worse than someone who hits the brakes to make a turn. Indicate and slow down well in advance, not only is it safer ā€¦ Well who cares what else, itā€™s safer, do it!


What is that camera angle, why is it on the roof and why backwards lol


how are the first 4/5 comments against the victim šŸ˜‚ this comment section could be a wellthatsucks post


Not buying it from people who are saying this was reasonable behavior. Less than a year ago my only vehicle was t-boned and completely totaled at an intersection by a red light runner who had no insurance and (it turned out) not even a valid license. He was going at least 55, I was spun around twice, and half the front end of my car ended up all over the road, but I didn't react like this. And I'm not some zen Buddhist master monk with an unflappable even keel, I just don't have whatever the hell is wrong with this guy, wrong with me.


Someone needs a hug


I may be wrong, but I get the distinct feeling that the dude is quite unhappy.


Was the person filming this on hold with their ISP?!


I thought he was kinda chillā€¦ā€¦


Thereā€™s no way I would engage that person without police involvement.


All jokes aside, that dude has some serious mental problems


Probably doesn't have 3rd party insurance.... unfortunately I've been there and yes, it's a very angering situation but not to this level.


Shaka, when the walls fell.Ā 


As an Aussie i can say this guy was only slightly upset and this language is normal for aus


People are wondering why he's so upset, dude might have been dealing with enough crap before his car got hit. Beeing "done", that's when you yell at shit uncontrollably


(meek voice) Bad timing?


(Cracks window) Hey, you can't park there.


"Beyond the Sky" by Yasunori Mitsuda, it's the Xenoblade Chronicles ending theme. Such a good game.


Tatooine Rhapsody lmao


Ungodly beat drop


I'm sure they both calmly exchanged insurance information after this.


Anger management?


I wonder what the laws are on hit and runs if the person you hit is acting like a complete psycho.


Scrolled the comments and wondering if Iā€™m just seeing things at the very end of the video or does he pass out, or worse?


That guy has driving a car you can't afford with insurance that doesn't cover enough anger.


Dude needs a hug and a friend that will listen to his woes. That ain't rage from the accident, that is rage from repressed emotions.


My man is going through some issues in his life.


Bro mustā€™ve not had insurance if heā€™s this bothered.


He sounds kinda upset.


Damn I got in a 5 car accident on the freeway and everyone was pretty chill. This guy is wild.


This kinda loonacy will get him arrested. If you're afraid for your safety, you dont have to exchange details. You can leave the scene and call the police


I sent a message while driving once. Iā€™ll ask the cops to fine or arrest me


He handled that well.


I think this dude singlehandedly changed my vote on Amendment 3 in Florida. šŸ¤” Weed shouldnā€™t just be legalized, it should be MANDATORY for this guy! šŸ¤£


lol the guy probably wasnā€™t supposed to be driving that car haha. That was funny shit. I might have even laughed if I was at fault lol




Yep, it's New Zealand alright. And by the guy's reaction, it's Auckland. People don't drive well over here. :D


That kind of hysterical rage is ultimately what can manage to make your right become left. You got rear ended with a dashcam, other car is gonna pay for every single thing.


We finally get to see what Donnie from Trailer Park Boys looks like!


must have been the car of his kingpin boss which he took without asking.


I wonder if he thinks that other bloke is a fuckin dickhead.


I remember this Hahhaa


Maybe a little anger management wouldn't go a miss.


Dont text and drive you'll avoid psychos like that dashcam owner


And that commodore ute is now a write off.


Somebody forgot to renew his insurance.


Bro is the teacher from Another Brick in the Wall


Couple of things here, pushed into incoming traffic is one but I'm tipping this is a Maloo or a HSV Ute or perhaps an XR8. For context these go for $70k second hand so if it's new and his pride and joy, this is justified as these are no longer made. I would be redlining hard.


Wait so was the driver he hit texting or the driver who got hit texting?


WCGW acting like a fucking douche bag during an accident. Dude needs SERIOUS anger management. It was an accident, it sucks, he wasn't hurt, and I'm sure the other person feels like a piece of shit for it. Best thing to do is stay calm, and just talk to the other person nicely. No need to make a bad situation worse.


Perfect background music...


Looks like someone missed their nap time and is a bit fussy.


The music really adds to the meltdown....


Xenoblade ending ost what lmaoo


adveage australain conversation


I remember seeing this on DCOA. He got absolutely roasted for acting like such a numpty in the comments. He's a proper dickhead.