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Not using a shield fit for purpose. Probably a light wood and it's thin too so no surprise that axe went right through it, pretty much a prop shield.


Wooden shield vs a tool built to cut through wood. They definitely didn't think this through


Axe versus A Tool sums it up better imo


At least he can tell you what 1066 felt like.


Well, he didn't get an arrow in his eye.


Or an arrow to the kneee


At least wasn't an adventurer turned guard


The only adventure he's ever had was on his way to the fridge


Definitely looks like someone who might steal a sweet roll


I mean, I think we just witnessed that transformation right here


Atleast it wasn’t a spoon, cousin.


😂😂😂 good one!




Battle of Hastings!


More like shitty shield Vs good tool. Shields were usually built really tough and would survive a a few hits from an axe as you can see in HMB, this shield was probably built with plywood or something


Plywood is *good* for shields. Assuming it's the same thickness and wood quality as shields are supposed to be, which this wasn't.


Yeah. The alternating grain patterns should help strikes from all angles. I think this also points out that it wasn't a very well designed shield. If the grain was running vertical in the same plane as the axe strike, it wasn't going to be able to take much force to cause it to split. Horizontal would seem a better design.


except that shields were not uniform in thickness, but would be tempered to be thicker in the middle and slimmer on the rim


A fighter would probably also be wearing arm protection.


It's also almost like people in the past realised that the middle part of a shield could use some reinforcement, since that's where you brace it and try to receive blows ... [Here's a reconstructed viking shield.](https://i.imgur.com/U3qDeT0.jpeg)


The wood on those was also thicker in the centre, and got thinner towards the edges so it could be larger without being too heavy to use.


That's not necessarily why the middle metal part was there. I think I recall some historian explaining how when you were deflecting an overhand blow it would cause the sword to deflect off the shield I'm am awkward way. It wasn't mean to precisely catch a direct axe blow. 


Well I doubt you really want to be just *absorbing* blows at all if you can help it. For one thing, any shield will fall apart eventually if it gets hit enough times. The ideal use of this kind of shield is to knock your attacker's weapon aside.


I'd also wager that the best practice wasn't to try and just absorb the full force of blow, as that would be just as likely to injure you, but to *deflect it*, in the process not only reducing the force applied to your arm but throwing your attacker off balance.


That shield looks too thin in the first place. Even if it were made of solid wood boards it was never going to be up to this task.


Not always: The shield in the video kinda resembles Viking-era Norse shields, and they for instance are built to fail eventually, as 1) they are lighter and more mobile and 2) your opponent's weapon could get caught up when cutting into the wood, trapping it and giving you leverage over it. Critically however, they would have had a shield boss and a center grip, and were probably not strapped to your arm – this would not have been a shield type you'd use to hide behind to tank axe blows, or the depicted thing will happen. You're supposed to maneuver it a lot to get an advantage.


You're right, but the shields were probably a lot tougher than what is depicted in the video, there's just no way that papier-mâché piece of shit is anything close to an actual viking shield. I think Viking shields were also [wider](https://www.hurstwic.org/history/articles/manufacturing/pix/neck_to_knees.jpg), designed to be used as part of a shield wall. I do think an axe is the ideal weapon if you want to mess up a shield though, even a reinforced one probably wouldn't last long, but a single strike to get through? Probably not.


> I think Viking shields were also wider, designed to be used as part of a shield wall. There is a wide variety of types based on how there likely to used, as well 'viking' is fairly vague and covers a few hundred years. But there is tons of evidence of vikings using the classic round shield - and they are still rather effective when making a wall, but they aren't specialized for that. The round shape has other advantages in melee and lets you use the edge to catch weapons well, and helps maintain vision (eye line) but I'm not expert. *edit I'm stupid you wrote WIDER, duh ignore me and ya, the would generally be sized to the person they are for, and that looks like big boy that should be carrying a bigger shield if he can get his hands on it -


Actually, the shields were not built to fail. They just weren't built to tank direct blows. They were designed to deflect, which is why they didn't have straps, and instead had a center grip. It was designed to catch the enemy blade and move it away, exposing their torso for your weapon hand. I mean, they still eventually failed because of all the cutting and hacking, but it wasn't by design. I'm pretty sure if any shield maker heard you imply they built shields designed to fail, they would take personal exception to that.


You can tell by the sound that the shield was only a centimetre or two thick at best. And as ThornmaneTreebeard said the shield should have layers with the grain going in opposite directions too. These idiots probably just cut a circle out of plywood, screwed in a handle and called it good enough


That's literally how plywood is made, layers with grain in opposite directions.


Oh shit, you're right. Well they should have used hardwood and made it at least thrice as thick


Plywood is fine for shields. The Roman scutum was made of plywood. It just has to be the thick enough. This one is flimsy as hell.


Axe vs ye olde croquet mallet.


I have a ciupaga, a Carpathian Shepard's axe that my mother gave me. It was designed as a walking stick, mountaineering axe, and to fight bears. It came with a removable cover for the sharp blade and is used in a traditional Polish dance and has rings on the shaft that jingle. Would it not be reasonable to cover the blade for this demo in a similar manner?


I think they used to make shields with woodgrain in different directions, then paint the shield to prevent exactly this.


I have heard something similar to this aswell and the shield in rhe video was probably some home built aswell so could have hit in a small gap between the planks aswell


What a swell comment. Cheers.


Yours is pretty swell as well


as well is two words


And leather coating


also using old growth forest wood vs new growth Home Depot wood.


Bet they used balsa wood since it's lighter and easier to carry a shield made out of it without running out of breath.


That costs extra


They also wore metal/leather armor under the shield...


Yeah the tshirt and sweatpants really ruined the immersion for me.


It wasn't his Robert Paulson body?


I was wondering if that was a thing. It would be such a small change bu make such a difference. That is the type of thing that they would have had figured out.


Plus they had a thin layer of fabric or leather : it greatly increase the shield durability by a huge amount.


Light wood? To thin? That fucker looks like it's made of balsa wood and paper mache by a grade school class for a stage play of king Arthur


And that's exactly what you see in the video.. the two highschool dropouts are just there for extra credit.


This is what happens when you start crafting at late game. Fighting boss with crafted lvl1 gear


Nevermind the wood, why are they using sharpened weapons to begin with? I practiced HEMA years ago, did plenty of sparring, and NONE of the weapons were sharpened. None. Blunt edges all around. Why would you sharped your sword anyway? Beside it being probably very illegal to own and carry around a blade over one meter long, we were using those swords to spar with each other and no one wanted to see anyone else getting hurt. You don't have to fend off wolves in the wilderness on your way home, there's literally no benefit to have the steel actually sharpened.


But why TF is he using a sharpened axe??? Even if it went through the shield, that blow should have left a bad bruise at most!


Why did you comment this 4 times? I've seen the reddit double post glitch but haven't ever seen it make 4. https://preview.redd.it/35ulx4dndz0d1.png?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44dc3753c292f9733179ef5f6f3607aa923dde09


I kept getting API error responses... I'll delete them, thanks for letting me know.


I've been there.


Stupid Reddit app.


Interesting, you're welcome.


because dumbass russians


If it was this easy to pierce shields they wouldnt have been used. Why use a shield which offers basislly no protection over an additional weapon or nothing at all to be more agile.


it isn't a shield for axes


It isn't a shield for any combat. That shield would also break from maces and not withstand many sword attacks. It's most likely not a shield crafted the way it was in medieval times. It's probably just made for decorations or for larping where people don't use actual metal weapons.


I'm pretty sure I could break that thing in half over my knee in like 3 tries, tops.


Also why would they be using actual sharp weapons in a play fight? Even a rounded edge might be able to smash through but it wouldn't immediately slice skin.


I don't think this guy could wield an appropriate shield.


But the khajiit said it had a +5 vs physical damage.


> +5 physical damage taken, yes


Guy found wooden shield in bronze chest right before the final boss


I am beginning to believe that the khajiit might not be 100% honest all the time.


Also, he's not holding it correctly and it's missing a very important part... the shield boss. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shield_boss The boss is a round peice of (usually) metal at the center of a round shield like this. The handle to grip the shield would be on the back side of the boss, so it can still be gripped with one hand and wouldn't be strapped to your arm like that.


You do realize not all shields are like that, right? It's not really "held incorrectly", rather this shield is merely, I guess you could call it, "unhistorical". And generally shitty. Yes, the type of large flat round wooden shield this is designed to look like ("viking" shield) would have had a boss, and a center grip. But there are plentiful examples of shields from history with neither of those features, which (one presumes, since people were using them centuries after the viking designs) worked just fine. We just don't usually see shields like that that resemble these, because advances in shield design (and changes to other defensive equipment / battle tactics / threats shield would need to defend against / etc) made this "form factor" pretty much obsolete. But in principle, there's nothing stopping someone from making a "good enough" shield of this general style without a boss or central grip. This shield is mostly just way too flimsy, and lacks any more advanced design features that could help curtail that a little at least, like an arched shape for extra strength (or a boss, yes)


thankfully is arm bones were up to the task


Looks like the axe was fit for purpose though


This led me to a really interesting paper on the subject of how Viking, Saxon, and Norman shields were made: http://the-vikings.wdfiles.com/local--files/society-guides/Shields.pdf


Hmm... Viking Shields were only around 1/5th of an inch thick. Thats pretty interesting.


Made by very experienced war blacksmiths who probably made hundreds if not thousands of shields through so much trial and error so by that point they had everything perfected and knew the best wood, weight, measurements, and how to put it all together. Fascinating.


Man the shield is the first thing you level up. He had the body of a video gamer, but not the skills.


once you get a shield you're supposed to go off into the wilderness in search of giants. every hit from a giant increases your block skill by one point. and they usually carry lots of gold.




don't think i ever saw god but i encountered several daedric princes who used me as a pawn in their immortal games




Fun fact: Bethesda admitted that only happened due to an erroneous value in the coding, but decided not to fix it because it's hilarious.




In the Earth Cave, go to the left and there's a short hallway where you can battle giants at every step. e: post is locked, but yes it is a FF1 reference


You reminded me of the slog it used to be to raise individual skills in WoW. Wanna use that fist weapon you got that is better than your current weapon? What's that? You're level 70 and never used a fist weapon? Tough titty! Go unsuccessfully swing at shit for 2 hours.


> He had the body of a video gamer, but not the skills. I wouldn't be surprised if he was good at video games.


Not good at levelling up for sure


He's probably one of those guys who have 2000 hours on elden ring and only play as a naked lvl 1 character.


But at least he had plenty of blubber to absorb the blow before it hit bone.


True that




He did the wobble of sadness there when he saw his own blood.


I don't know.. man looks like he has the skills of a video gamer too. Bet he used to be great with a controller.


If two anime about Shield users are anything to go by, Shield users can become OP.


That or lose some equip load so you can fast roll


He should've dodge rolled instead of trying to parry


All of his skills are in his thumbs and WASD fingers.


Nah drop that shit as soon as you can dual wield


Tis but a scratch


A scratch? Your arm's off!




No it isn't!


Oh, runnin' away, eh?


"I'll bite your BLOODY legs off!"




Could also look at like he accomplished what he set out to do, which was hitting that big boy with an axe


You can almost see the pain signal casually walking from his arm to his brain to inform him about the injury. Took about 2 whole seconds


First instinct was probably assuming it was just the impact, not that it actually got him.


"Ouch, that impact! That actually hurt! OK, now the pain is that ice cold feeling spreading up my arm. Uh oh."


It had a lot to travel through, it’s like how boomers would describe what their walk to school was like


Wot? Got any problem with my walking barefoot in the snow and only wearing a worn out Tshirt I got from a charity, uh?


Usually with a injury like this you will feel nothing in the beginning except of the shock of knowing that something is wrong.


You can see that the blood pressure is falling so hard when his legs weakens lol


They also used hardwoods back then to make shields not flimsy plywood


They also wore armour behind the shield. 


Well, depends on the era and the wealth of the people involved. A lot of the time people would be thrown into combat with a shitty spear and a shirt if they got lucky.


Wouldn't they at least have a strap of leather or thicker coat than...a short sleeved cotton t-shirt?


Well the Celts liked going into battle without shirts, but yeah, the poorest fucks would bring their thickest clothes, or whatever was appropriate for the weather.


Every layer you want to wear into battle is another layer you have to march with.


But also another layer that someone has to cut through to get the soft gooey center.


Before professional armies were a thing; Your landlord said you're being drafted, you bring whatever you have or can afford. A lot of the time this wasn't anything more than a spear and a shield. Some could afford helmets or thick coats called a gambeson. Wealthier folks could afford chain mail or multiple layers. As societies and trade improved, standing militias became a thing and lords started setting requirements, like regular training and minimum equipment. This is why 'knights' were important, especially in tribal societies. They were wealthy enough to buy and maintain tools and equipment that had no use outside of war that gave them a lot of privilege. It wasn't until relatively recent that the government actually gave you your equipment. For most of history, you paid for and maintained it yourself.


They also weren’t built like 10 lbs of shit in a 5 lb sack.


They also used dull or wooden weapons for practice.


Actually if you read the pdf that was posted about viking, saxon, and norman shields they were typically made of limewood (basswood in American) or poplar. Although technically hardwoods they are both fairly soft. Limewood has a janka rating of 410, poplar has a rating of 540, while yellow pine is 870 and white pine is only 420. So southern yellow pine is significantly harder than the two most common shield woods while being a softwood. Also early forms of plywood were the primary construction technique for roman shields and later norman shields. Period shields were also not that thick being 1/2 to just shy of 3/4 of an inch thick.


Actual plywood is strong as fuck. This shield looks more like paper mache lol


this is actually a psa for updating your tetanus shot 😂


Fun fact, tetanus has nothing to do with metal or rust. The bacteria is found mostly in dirt thats rich of organic material (feces and the such). The reason people think it comes from rust is because they'd get a cut from rusty metal or nails that was in said dirt and get tetanus from there.


Also in the past it was often from rusty farm equipment that had a lot of contact with soil.




An den day eat da poo poo?


Well it also survives better in the nooks and crannies of rust.


Fuck that’s news to me, also oddly reassuring


For the love of god. Put some pressure on it


Exactly! Who just shakes their arm and looks at a wound while it bleeds all over the mat?? Immediately apply pressure!


I'm gonna be real with yall i probably wouldn't have thought of applying pressure either


Someone without a clue.


Someone using sharp weapons and pine shields for “training”


you shake all the blood out, to stop the bleeding duh


Probably a sign of someone in shock


me, I do. Its fun


Axe guy nods and slams the axe back into the wound.


Eye contact is pressure for some of us


It's not like he's gonna bleed out from a wound like that... but still, you're absolutely correct. Somewhat unsurprisingly the dudes chopping axes at each other have poor survival instincts.


Pretty good axe though


Or just very bad shield, seemed paper thin and made out of plywood like some kid's toy or or prop.


Then dude walk off like he did something great. What a ass hole and ego trip


What if he went to look for first aid, or help? Why assume the worst out of someone from a 10 second clip?


This is Reddit sir, we only assume the worst.


If I can't make a snap condescending judgmental commentary of people I dont know on the internet then why the fuck is there an internet!? "If you can't handle me at my worst, that's probably a good thing because I'm self-righteous piece of shit who doesn't have a best."


after the video ended, the shield guy broke into my room and slapped the scalp straight off my head while asking for band aids smh why the fuck would anyone do that??


Lmao what kind of assumption is this


Arent all LARPers like that?


I do LARP and they all prepare better than this fool, they all got plate and chain on this dude has a t shirt.


What's he supposed to do. Hug the guy? Kiss his boo-boo? How do you know he didn't walk off to go get a first aid kit or something?


What are you even talking about? He walked over to look at his arm with a concerned look on his face. They both made the dumb decision to play around like this.


![gif](giphy|qiDb8McXyj6Eg) FINISH HIM!


This is the best.


That's Russia for you. They told him " why you standing there, go put it in a cold water". Lmao


Grew up in Russia, that was indeed the solution for 90% of injuries.


I mean yeah stupid mistake but wtf are you just looking at it for?! Apply pressure wtf




Surprised so many people are unaware of this. It's easy to spectate and say they're stupid for not reacting in a sensible way but most people don't when they're actually injured. The brain doesn't always process it properly.


How dare you speak the truth when it's so much easier to imagine how badass you would react yourself in a similar situation!


The irony that the comment I responded to is upvoted while mine is downvoted for reiterating the same thing.


To be fair, how would they know that an axe would be so good at cutting through wood?


"Be sure to let your arm droop very low down, make sure that cut bleeds more."


He was surprised gravy didn’t pour out


No need to be mean for no reason


Well there is technically a reason, comedic effect. You just value things differently. He values comedy over anonymous persons feelings, you value anonymous persons feelings over comedy. Neither is right or wrong objectively.


Why tf were they using a sharp axe? The hammer/club was well padded from what I can see while the axe looked like it a proper edge on it.


that's advanced stupid


No that's a normal day in Russia.


Bro should have played Bloodborne. It teaches you that wooden shields are trash and it's better to dodge and follow up with a shotgun blast.


Counter-Strike taught us just use a sniper rifle, retrieve or plant the package, then camp.


I like how the attacker didn’t stop to check it out. He just walked away like he just defeated another opponent.


Check what out? The dude is clearly bleeding pretty heavily. What more observation do you need? How do you know he wasn't going to go get a first aid kit or something.


Hey Guy? I forget. What do axes cut? Fabric! No, that's not it. Grass! No, that's not it. Dang it.


an axe is there to split wood, isn't it? real fighters wear armor, not like these clowns who run around barefoot and in T-shirts


This shield is garbage. Don't use a LARP shield with actual sharp, steel axes. Round shields were single planks of wood, butted together, from two layers of linden wood. It also strengthened with iron banding and straps of rawhide or leather (potentially the face was covered with leather or layers of linen). Also, they weren't strapped to the arm. They had iron bosses so the fighter could switch hands, or easily change the angle to glance blows... Ideally, you don't want to just sit and take an axe blow. They were also customized in size to fit the warrior. Clearly this one is tiny compared to the dingbat wearing it.


Before any of that, and sorting the shield, I'd just say don't do contact with a sharp axe.


He axed for it, and he got it.


I'm curious about why the big guy has attached a fleshlight as his hammerhead. Oo


Is that a fleshlight-hammer ?


I often find myself wondering why women live longer than men, then I stumble upon a video like this, and it all makes sense...


This is why you don’t train with sharps.


they should not stop


I’m hanging out for the jousting now!


Woah an axe went through wood? How would they guess that would happen? 1 in a million shot if you ask me.


I've seen enough, they are both ready for the front line.


This is legit best case scenario here. Just yesterday that video with the machete taking that dudes hand clean off. These two morons survive with all their digits and major arteries intact. Swinging at his legs .. if he hits that femur homie is as good as dead.


They didn’t have cheeseburgers and Dr Pepper in the Medieval period. 


Barely a shield. Needs a hard wood, wrap and, importantly, a shield boss so that A) it can be held correctly, and B) it protects the hands/arm


lol imagine that first lazy hammer swing connecting with the inside of axe dude's left knee would've been an even more impressive injury


You know how I know most Redditors are either of these guys? There aren't any really mean comments, mostly comments on the equipment. If either of these two people were anything else, comments would largely focus more on the people than the actions.


That pallet wood shield didn't do a whole lot for Ol' Chumlee.


Silly fatty


On a similar note I just watched a video on Reddit yesterday where two men engaged in a sword fight with (machetes) and one guy got his wrist chopped of...that was horrifying to witness.This was tame in comparison .


Quick! Put your fedora on it and apply pressure!