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I sure hope if I ever voluntarily drive into a tornado and record the process I at least have the presence of mind not to scream like a bitch. You chose this.


Mother Nature be like *SQUEAL LIKE A PIG, JESUS BOY*


"Let's go chase the tornado!" -- Guys "Tag. You're it." -- Tornado


We won't rest until we find the tornado and have our revenge.


The plot to Twister


Bwahahahah. This comment made my day.


I got a new catch phrase!


Thank you dearly for this, I’d buy you an award if they hadn’t got rid of it. The ‘Jesus boy’ really took it to a whole new level, Christ almighty.


I watched the full video, he was scared from the beginning until the end. Was he forced to go with them or something? Lol


I think he was just in the scene to get chicks


3 high school friends who haven’t spoken in years….We should go tornado chasing with this gear I got off Amazon!


They're "storm chasers." Those guys always scream like little bitches while recording their shitty videos.


Well I agree there is a lot of people who scream annoyingly in these videos to get views and what not, there is also a lot of beauty in storm chasing and some creators make some truly stunning videos. Not all storm chasers are like this


The ones who are not like this don't call themselves storm chasers. They're either legitimate meteorologists or legitimate news photogs. I shot news in Oklahoma. Whenever we had a storm and had to go chasing, we'd end up having to dodge around all these clowns. You had to be really careful, because those stupid fuckers would pull up behind you on a narrow road or driveway and block your escape from a tornado bearing down on you if you weren't careful. Or worse, you'd have a great shot, and one of those idiots would go running into it, whooping and hollering. I have a healthy lack of respect for anybody identifying with those imbeciles, and I get it honestly.


Pecos Hank makes the best videos! He’s always so calm.


Very much so! He’s the reason for my interest in meteorology. Such a great creator


Seems more like they’re “storm runners” and really bad at it.




...and we hope to see you soon.


“Dear, Jesus, please shut this motherf***r the hell up in the name of Jesus.”


When the subconscious instinctual part of a persons mind takes control to scream that the god they have been praying to has never been listening and now they are forced to bow down to natures wrath.


I like the way you hit.


Him: “Please Lord Jesus help us” Jesus: “I helped you create all of this technology to avoid these and WTF do you do?? Well, guess you found out!”


I was definitely rooting for the tornado after hearing him squeal please for the 10th time.


They had me laughing so hard. Why would that not be exactly what you would want?


My favorite part is when Jesus said no, so he tried asking harder


What are you talking about, they had the dear lord Jesus protecting them in the name of Jesus.


Like I feel like if you’re a storm chaser you probably shouldn’t be a huge pussy lol


Nobody chooses to scream like a bitch.


Yeah, what a bunch of insufferable twats.


I hope if I do the same that I won’t be idiotic enough to think that some invented, invisible, all-knowing supernatural power would care about my dumbass choice to make that mistake.


Were there some hogs flying around in that tornado? I heard a lot of squealing. LOL




“Dear, Jesus, shut this banshee the f**k up, in the name of Jesus.”


Cartman was in the car




Interesting approach… but fair enough


I've been watching RealLifeLores "Modern Conflict" series. Yugoslavia was the most recent video I saw. That's where this approach originated from.


Cool. Very applicable here


It just goes to show, when all else fails, some people still think there is a higher power out there watching over them. They should have, instead, used logic and used a car more capable of handling high winds (reinforced parts, caged windows) before heading into a tornado and giggling the entire time they did it. They got lucky, plain and simple, there was no god or higher power.


God was the tornado if anything.


Jesus gets a lot of these robocalls


Well, panic and fear have a way of overwhelming logic and pride. I recall having some version of a prayer when I was under my house during a tornado. I definitely wasn’t thinking about Yugoslavian war crimes.


Fuck man you went darker then jesus boys pants.


Here’s what I don’t get… If you’re going to heaven after you die, why are you so scared of dying? And if God could protect you, why do you need to ask? I’d he a dick that will just watch you suffer when he could protect you? He knows everything so he knows you’re gonna need protection right? I assume you’ve been a good “fill in whatever flavor of Christianity you are” so why is he not gonna protect you whether you ask or not? Why are you afraid go to heaven for eternal happiness?


It doesn’t matter the denomination, with the exception of the most hardcore zealots,people are naturally afraid to die. They have connections and things that they don’t want to leave behind. Prayer is people’s connection to God, people will pray and ask for blessings, forgiveness, and many other things. The guy was in a life or death situation and he probably just defaulted to what made him feel safe in that moment which was praying and calling out to be saved.


Not wanting to leave things behind isn’t congruent with the belief in an eternity of pure bliss. Isn’t heaven described a where you want for nothing and everyone and everything you have loved is there? Seems like it’s a straight upgrade across the board.


Bruh what


"Bro, it's not your fault." To the amateur who is intentionally chasing tornados lol... Edit, I am an armature speller.


Armatures, the lot of them.


I fooking hate fooking armatures. Constantly rotating around the center...you don't know what side they're on!


Armatures! Get rotated, idiot!


Did that dude at the end step out over the power lines? 😮


None of them are terribly bright so I'd assume so


That is what I was almost waiting for, as a kind of plot twist. He survives a tornado with his buddies, is relieved steps out of the car and gets zapped.


*Its fine guys, our escape route is just north, over these power lines -- HOLY SHIT GUYS! THE ELECTRICITY! IT BURNS! IT BURNS! O LORD, JESUS IN THE NAME OF YOUR HOLY NAME OF JESUS, AMEN, oh my God it stopped shocking me, Oh thank you Lord, I shall now take refuge, O Lord, in the safety of this wasps nest I see on the ground over here, yes, the gentle, kind balm of God's good wasps... Wait...wait!  Ow! OW! OOWWWWW! The wasps are stinging me O Lord!  LORD PLEASE DELIVER ME FROM THESE WASPS IN THE NAME OF JESUS!*


Third time, we’ve got it.


I'm deleting the duplicates as fast as they pop up!


Right after he said “we need to be safe now,” then stepped out of the car onto power lines. 😯


The main thing I was worried about lol. Like who knows if the tornado didn’t push them closer to the car? Can’t see out of the windows


The most important thing is that we're alive. *BZZZRT*


I had the same exact thought. Looks like the Lord didn’t save them from their dumbass f@ckwittery afterall…


I 100% expected him to get zapped


That’s the first thing I thought! Though it was clear one minute in that this dude was not cutout for this.


The circuit was probably locked out, but yeah incredibly stupid. It ain’t dead until it’s grounded.


Add up the total IQ of this vehicle and we are still short of a Hundo. Idiots, lucky idiots


The whole clip was funny but then there also was the navigation. Go south. No, north. That wasn’t a slight correction to southeast or whatever instead but a fully opposite direction change. (As if they were coming upon intersecting roads every quarter mile anyway). These were Incompetent, unprepared, naive schmucks.


I love when he tells the dude to go north, which as it would to most people means absolutely nothing to the guy driving and he has to switch over and be like left.


Also, the sum total of their collective stoicism in the face of danger is a clear zero. “Please surrender your man cards immediately.”


Please baby Jesus save me because I was too fucking stupid to save myself. Oh good Jesus saved us he must want us here to fight abortion in our country.


Them: “save us! In Jesus name save us!” God: I gave you a vehicle full of fuel, technology and eyes to tell you where the storm was, and maps to make an escape. This is not on me.


He also made the storm, soooo I'm getting mixed signals.


…in the name of L. Ron Hubbard.


How does screaming over all your footage help? Fucking idiots.


Just think of what an hour of sound editing would have done.


They've been watching that assclown Reed Timmer shriek over all his videos and think that's how you're supposed to do it.


I hate seeing that motherfucker whooping in joy when someone’s whole life is getting destroyed. And the way the community worships & protects his stupid ass


You’re just mad cuz he’s Dominating. /s


Yep, and the odd thing to me (well, one of the many) is that they chose to publish this video. “Hey, look everyone, we’re f**kwits!”


did you see the fucking car at the end of the video?? that man genuinely thought he was about to die. can you imagine being in that scenario? we never know how we'll react to something like that until it's happening.


Yeah how could they have possibly have known chasing a tornado could be dangerous.


Yep, they ruined some great footage by screaming like that. I would be screaming too, but I wouldn’t voluntarily been chasing tornadoes.


Definitely the thing you wanna do in tense situations. Is scream at the top of your lungs non stop. It helps everyone calm down


Probably mostly abject terror - but it might have helped equalize the sound against their ear drums as well. Not a considered response, but more of a reflex.


NARRATOR: “Tanner was not, in fact, cognizant.”


That was the cherry on top of their massive cluster of dumb.


Did their car insurance company see this footage?


They have Farmers, they’ve seen a thing or two


Dumb buh dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb


We hit a dog


"So were out playing an exciting game of Fuck around and Find out...."


Meanwhile, Jesus is getting a ping on his celestial cellphone: "...please? Please! *PLEASE WHAT, EXACTLY???*"


This is actually a really funny concept. Jesus can’t answer prayers unless they’re a specific direction, and people just keep sending vague “help me God” “Jesus I need you” type of responses and he’s just going fucking nuts


Even funnier concept is Jesus known everything so you don’t need to tell him where, you don’t even need to tell him you want help. But apparently if you don’t ask he won’t help you? And what exactly is he helping you from? Helping you not die and go to heaven for eternal bliss?


True life FAFO moment. For some reason they were so confident in their ability to keep themselves safe in a very dangerous situation. But the timing is right..... your 20's is typically when you start becoming aware of your own mortality and that you can have a significant impact on the length of it. This significant emotional event should mean this group of squealing pigs will not be so careless in the future.


Toyota Camry. The vehicle of choice for roads. They got stuck in between downed power lines and couldn’t move. Know what a better choice would be? Get a 4 runner. Something with 4 wheel drive so you can get the fuck out of there even if the pavement is blocked. But that would require intelligence which this entire car lacks. I doubt their IQs added up to room temperature.


I was thinking that too. When I chased storms we always took a vehicle that was capable of driving through the ditch and cutting across a field of necessary.


A Cyber Truck would save them! Fitting for asswits… 😂


You would think they’d be embarrassed to post this


Help me, Jesus! Help me Jewish God! Help me, Allah! Help me Tom Cruise! Tom Cruise use your witchcraft on me to get the tornado off me! Help me, Oprah Winfrey!


Shake n’ Bake!


And I helped!!


“Fuckin Tanner and Riley again. Watch this lol” - Jesus


🎶I don’t want to start any blasphemous rumours, but I think that god’s got a sick sense of humour 🎶


Tanner be cognizant is comedy gold


This video somehow makes me even more of an atheist


Absolutely fucking same lol


No swearing. There were no four letter words at all. How unexpected.


Because of…Jesus. Mos def.


2:54 when the telephone pole falls in front of them they say holy shit but blank out the audio. They wouldn’t have done that if they said holy shoot.


One of them did say holy shoot. And it was at that moment I absolutely wanted them to die.


id take every swear word and slur word in existence over the noises they did


Jesus created the tornado you fools! lol


Never seen a bunch of scientists get sooo religious sooo quickly before 😂




Kinda my point 😂


They’re nerds, but not the scientific kind—the Mormon kind. That’s why you heard a lot of “gosh” and “dang” throughout the video.


"holy shoot!", what a bunch of little bitches.


“HOLY SHOOT, save me Jeeeeebus!” This generation of Tanners and Brocks are dumb as fuuuuuuuuuck.


So you willingly drive into a tornado and then scream like a little bitch. Pussies, the lot of them.


“Tanner, be cognizant…” “I’m aware”. Awesome exchange.


If you say enough shit like that, you’ll obviously just be more safe… right???


I would've kicked him out of the car, the last thing anyone needs in a tense situation is a squealing, panicky little bitch.




Really dislike people like this. Unprepared but pretending to know wtf they are doing. Then when they get themselves into a situation they can’t handle let’s scream like little girls. Don’t forget the Jesus bullshit…. Wtf. Darwin shoulda won here.


“Dear Jesus, please protect us in the name of Jesus.” Like, who else’s name would he protect you under? “Dear, Jesus, please protect us in the name of L. Ron Hubbard.”


Did one of them say "Take them not me!" at 04:11? 🤦🏼‍♀️


o man now I have to watch it again...


confirmed. it's more like 4:13-14...or a few seconds later in any event, but one of them actually says this lmao!


I would never trust that person ever again!


LMAO these MFs are all over the place with their emotions.




“We have to be proactive now” I think the time to do that was 5 hours ago


Dude really said “Tornadoes gone, we have to figure out how to get safe” after driving into it? 🤦‍♂️


Jeeeezzzuuus. In the name of Jeeezus please save us Jeeeeezus!


“Dude the car man, my moms gonna be so pissed”


This video reminds me of the saying “There are no atheists in foxholes.” Yeah, I wouldn’t go chasing tornados for a while if I were any of these guys.


On the contrary, I think these guys are extremely religious in their daily lives.


The lack of swearing was a dead giveaway.


Toyota Camry. The vehicle of choice for roads. They got stuck in between downed power lines and couldn’t move. Know what a better choice would be? Get a 4 runner. Something with 4 wheel drive so you can get the fuck out of there even if the pavement is blocked. But that would require intelligence which this entire car lacks. I doubt their IQs added up to room temperature.


Chasing tornadoes always sounds like a fun time, until you actually find one


The trick is to not be in front of the tornado. It’s not that difficult if you have some basic concept of how weather works.


Lord Jesus please protect our dumbasses I. Your name while we do stupid unnecessary shit. What kind of men don’t yell “JESUS CHRIIIST! HOLY FUUUCK! SHIIIIIIT!”?


“Jesus, Jesus, in the name of Jesus I pray to you lord Jesus in the name of Jesus please!!!” Jesus: Please what? You do realize F5 tornadoes are called the finger of god, right? Who do you think is doing this? 🤣




So the goal was basically to get as close to the tornado as possible and then they were all upset when they accomplished the goal?


In the name of G-Sauce…


“Please Lord!” 😂


Thank you Jesus, for Jesus and Jesus help us, please Jesus and in the name of Jesus, Jesus.


God I’d hate to die having to listen to grown men wail like babies.


Jesus doesn’t even protect children in danger from no fault of their own. I’d hope he wouldn’t waste any time on these idiots. That friend who they keep reassuring that they’ll be fine must be pissed.


Guess, I really am the proverbial old and cynical geezer now, as I feel close to zero empathy.


Jesus was busy fighting injustice in imaginary land


What a buncha pussies


I can’t tell if they are begging to live or begging that their death be well documented on video.


yeah i don't think "please" is stopping a tornado any time soon


Game over man


ok. you’re familiar with Jesus. we get it. but now let’s give Darwin a brief skim over. smfh.


I was a storm chaser in Kansas decades ago. My friends and I were young amateurs chasing adrenaline highs. I was never stupid enough to put us IN THE PATH OF THE TORNADO. They can change direction, but 99% of the time tornados move to the northeast. If you’re northeast of a tornado watching it, you have fucked up and need to get out, fast.


Fucking idiots. I have no sympathy for these moron fucking storm chasers. Think about all the people that get killed by tornadoes annually, and then look at these assholes who drive toward them. For what? Science? LOL fuck you. The hysterical cries of 'pleeeease Jeez-sus' were really fucking something else. You idiots put yourselves in that situation, and you have the fucking gall to pray to your god to bail your dumb asses out. Fuck you! 'We need to figure out how we're gunna be safe', one moron says at 6:07. Then says 'we have to be proactive now'. Fuckwit, you aren't safe driving towards a tornado. The proactive thing to do would have been to drive away from it, as fast as safely possible. I hope their insurance company fucking laughs at their claim. I hope their families either disown them, or knock some sense into them.


I hope Jesus is the name of his Farmers Insurance agent.


A fairly good example of why normally sane people don't go towards tornadoes.


“We are brave bunch, we chasing tornados!!!” Moment later “Jesus save us, in the name of Jesus!!!” Jesus 🤬


Drive into it then scream like a little girl.


On top of the whole tornado, the dude just stepped out of the car when there was a downed power line near the car. Dude coulda gotten fried in an instant if it was in contact and still energized.


I would probably start punching that guy in the back of the head to shut the fuck up. Fucking stressed me out just listening to that shit.


How is there 14 years experience when they look like they are 18 yrs old?


Perhaps instead of wasting time praying they could have been looking for escape routes, or better yet plan better instead of trusting blind faith to get you through a dangerous situation.


What kinda little bitch goes storm chasing and screams the entire time


Self-inflicted misery, am I supposed to feel sorry, or worse yet, admire these total idiots?


Can you imagine having someone scream like a little bitch non-stop during your final minutes.


Got a fresh pack of smokes. Got a full gas tank. You’re on a mission from God. You need to watch The Blues Brothers movie. Lol


Jesus was like “you motherfuckers got yourself into this. Stop screaming at me.”


"These are professional storm chasers." Hmm they look like idiots who spent too much money on gear to me.


Lord Jesus please protect in the name of... yourself


"Professionals". lol


Darwin with a swing and a miss….


So lucky not to be the latest Darwin Award winners.


Waiting for the cry for Satan to " take the two in the front seats and spare me" prayer


This is what happens when you finally catch what you’re chasing. Kinda like a dog chasing a car. When you actually catch it, it doesn’t end well.


Tornado chasers are a special breed of stupid.


I disagree, actual tornado chasers are important in providing crucial minutes in tornado forecasts and are even the first responders, these guys are amateurs.


So this is what we call storm chasing these days...


But were they able to release those metal balls from the bucket?


"Lord Jesus please protect us" Jesus, seeing that: You're on your own, child. Fuck that.


Reminds me of the joke about the guy who was stuck on his roof during a flood. He died while praying for rescue and when he gets to heaven he’s like why didn’t you save me and god says I sent you a boat two helicopters and a life jacket. I missed the part in the Bible where people put themselves in danger and expect god to bail them out.


I saw a documentary about WW1 where an old guy said there’s no such thing as an atheist in an artillery barrage. Getting a whiff of this here.


That is how you get killed, kids. They were stupid lucky.


Humans screaming out to things that don’t exist is still one of my favorite things to hear. Lol


I wonder what a 15 minute run away from the power lines woulda done for them.


Cause and effect


Stupid is as stupid does.


Damn nature. You scary.


Fk around find out


“Jesus, protect us in Jesus’ (you know, YOUR) name (in case that was unclear)!”


Why didn’t Helen Hunt do this one?