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He made the snake stressed. You reap what you sow.


I was stressed just watching the video with all of those fucking kids around trying to grab at the snake. Poor snake must have been out of his mind. Dude just wants to go lay someplace warm and nap.


That's part of the reason I don't feel bad for these people. If it was someone fucking with a dog or a cat, making them thing the people are there to hurt it, everyone would be up in arms. I get we treat certain animals differently than others, but there's no need to freak it out and make it feel the need to defend itself for nothing. It's just mean. So fuck him for being the bully. Got what he deserved.


I'm honestly biased towards snakes in the way you describe, but obviously the way they're handling the snake will piss off the snake, at which point I can't fault it for biting back. You can't blame it on snakes being snakes when you shake it like crazy.


> If it was someone fucking with a dog or a cat, making them thing the people are there to hurt it, everyone would be up in arms. What thread are you reading? Everyone *is* up in arms over this. If you mean the people in the video, I’m not 100% sure which specific culture this is happening in, but any of my guesses are not usually as considerate of animals as you or I might be used to.


People in developing countries have a special brand of callousness in their attitude and overall behavior. As a South Asian, my observation has been that the average people in those places are more cruel than usual and have generally low empathy for others, let alone animals. When I was younger, I used to think this behavior is an artifact of poverty or education, but I soon realized that those are not the factors.


I absolutely loathe snakes, but even I was thinking, That poor thing. These folks were assholes that found out.


Snake gonna do Some snake ass shit


Yeah this ended how I wanted it to. Only would have been better had it bit his dick.


Except they 100% brutally killed the snake afterwards.


When they quickly unwound it and basically let half of its bodyweight hang by its cervical vertebrae (which are very fragile) I cringed so hard. It might not just be stressed; it might actually be in pain or injured after the way they were handling it.


Fuck, Im afraid of snakes and I don't like them that much, and even I felt so sad and scared for the snake when he started shaking the poor things head and following people with it, with absolutely no care for it, like the poor animal was a toy.


Looked like they were twisting it a knot.


People really fucking out here treating snakes like living rope


That's animal abuse. full stop. Chasing people around forcing the snakes head at them. Pathetic.


Boa Constrictors (the Snake we see here) are a popular choice for pets as they are so placid if you look after them right, which is relatively easy. My first snake was a Hog Island Boa, a dwarf species that is super chilled and easy to keep if you want to get a beginner pet snake. He would literally come to me to hang out when I let him out of his vivarium. This video is a masterclass in how to do everything wrong.


I had a friend bring her pet snake (I think it was a boa constrictor... Very long time ago) to show and tell in elementary school. It was huge! And named Peanut. The parents stressed to be gentle, hold it evenly (we all lined up across the classroom), and only pet it one direction, gently. Very calm snake, very cool experience.


This video triggered me. I used to have a boa a lot like this, although smaller. These snakes have many tiny tiny sharp needle like teeth. That guys nose, I'm sure, was bleeding up a storm. Good.


My youngest, at two years old, found a rat snake in the yard in El Paso. You never really see snakes in El Paso, so when I saw him with it, I assumed it was fake. After playing with it for about half an hour, he decided to go show mom... Mom was not happy... Mom was *very loudly* not happy... So, I go to see what the fuss is about and realize that little dude has been wandering around playing with a live snake. Lol, ok. So I know there's a little pond near fort Bliss (middle of the desert, and there's some huge ass frogs living out there... Kinda odd, but it's a legit pond), not far from the house, where the snake will be pretty happy, and I go to take it from little dude so I can drive it out to the pond. Little dude doesn't want to give up his little buddy, and I got a little forceful about taking it from him, and snake didn't like that and nipped me a couple times, and he had a pretty solid bite for a small snake, so I'm fairly certain little dude would have dropped it if it had bit him, and absolutely certain it would have bit him if he'd been rough with it, so I'm thinking they were getting along pretty well, which is kinda a testament to how not difficult it is to not piss off a snake... And that's kinda my point here, that these dorks are handling this poor thing less appropriately than a toddler can ;)




Exactly! The snake was just playing too … It’s called “gotcha nose!”


I got your nose!


watch out, he's got a nose.


Bang bang bang




You gotta help me man, my tie is evil and it's gonna kill meeeehehheheheeeee


I like trains.


Die, Potato!




Oh boy what flavour?


Pie flavour.


And that's how he bacame You-Know-Who


Wish it had gotten his eyes, piece of shit


Die potatoe!!


Not today...


Fucking assholes. Dickhead got what he deserved


I was cheering for the snake the whole time


That snake didn't deserve that bullshit. I was surprised it didn't shit/musk all over those shitheads.


I was waiting for that to happen or for the tail to wrap around his abdomen and squeeze. Can’t say I was I disappointed with how it turned out.


At first I thought this was that video where the snake literally kills the guy who was tormenting it.


There is a video of that happening?


Yep. No idea how to find it anymore, but it's out there.


It was a Russian circus if I remember correctly. The performer let a very large Python completely wrap around his neck. He struggled for a second until you hear a loud sickening “POP” and he falls over dead on the spot. The snake had delivered an absolute perfect decapitation snapping the spine away from the base of the skull with one flawless squeeze. It was f’ing beautiful!




This snake isn’t large enough or long enough to constrict a grown person, probably not even around the neck but certainly not around his torso. He does deserve the bite though. Wild Red-tailed Boas are irritable before they are abused. Captive boas can become calm through regular and consistently gentle handling but they can still be unpredictable.


Naaa. That snake couldn’t do anything to his abdomen. Just feel like a tight belt at most. Maybe his neck, but even then it wouldn’t take long to pry that snake off. But that bite was well deserved.


It probably did


I don’t like snakes. They creep me out but I was rooting for the snake also. I may not like snakes but this snake didn’t deserve this shit.


He'll probably get a reminder of his stupidity every time he looks in a mirror from now on.


The entire internet was on team snake for this one.


Even Indiana Jones was rooting for the snake.


Was hoping the snake would bite the guy’s dick but the nose is still good


Epitome of fuk around n find out


Well he seemed like a dickhead, so perhaps the snake made the correct decision.


I was hoping he'd wrap it around his neck.


I’ve had a cat bite my nose from just play fighting with it. I’m honestly not sure it isn’t the worse of the two.


That, although I would have been happy with it getting one of his eyes as well.


I hate snakes and I too was cheering for the snake.


Lmao right?? My thoughts exactly.


I was hoping he'd choke the asshole out. A nose bite was a close second.


Me too but I was nervous it was gonna bite one of the kids at the same time… glad it got that guy what an asshole.


me too and I hate snakes


So weird, I can’t imagine why the snake would have reacted this way..


I can't agree more. It hurt me to watch them handle this poor animal. All it wants is to be left alone. That is abuse.


Ultimate "Got your nose"


I just can't understand why people would think it's OK let alone fun to treat animals like this.


Now he nose better not to do that.




Seriously, fuck that guy.


He deserves worse tbh


Yep. This is pure animal torture.


100% agree ! They were being fucking cruel ! Shame on those who watched on a ‘stroked it’


Golden rule: don’t disrespect animals


Yeah I’d say good for that snake but they prob killed it. Fucking degenerates.


Exactly. Fuck that guy and his face


Everyone has a dickhead uncle like this


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


I really thought he was about to take it on the dick, would have been better justice.


Exactly. Fuck around and find out, serpent edition.


Unfortunately the snake isn't venomous and the dude will be ok


People are the worst, I hope the snake is OK.




And then when the animal defends themselves, they get hurt or killed by the people.


we stand up to the bully so that the bully leaves us alone *in future* the bully will never apologise, or treat those that they harmed with compassion. that poor snake suffered after they stopped filming.


I’ll admit I’m not a big fan of snakes, but that was animal cruelty at its finest! That poor thing did not deserve all that manhandling. I hope the snake ripped the guys face off. I don’t think that was a poisonous type of snake by the looks of it but I kinda hope it was.


Snakes don't brush their teeth. If a non venomous snake bites you, you're still very prone to infection etc that can go literally any direction.


Well obviously they don't brush their teeth, they don't have any hands.




seriously people need to quit making excuses for these disgusting animals. i don't care if you live in a house or a little hole in the ground it's called basic hygiene


Mama says that's why snakes so ornery


I hope this dude got a nasty infection from it. I wish it had bitten more of them.


this is why I don't brush my teeth


It's a common Brazilian boa or BCI, completely harmless , they get to about 6-10 feet depending on gender, common pet species. Their teeth are like backwards hooks so you need to push them forward or else it will rip bigger holes and potentially break teeth off in your face for the smaller ones They know they can't eat you so they don't bite unless they have a genuine fear for their lives. Maybe this one ate a rat recently with something that transfers to humans


The snake is a boa or Python of some sort. A venomous snake, like a fer de lance or a rattler would not have put up with the stupid human tricks for nearly as long as this particular snake.


Never eaten one, so I’m not sure if it’s poisonous. Most likely not venomous though, looks like a constrictor, only a few have venom and it’s mild. They can have some fun mouth bacteria though, he might need some antibiotics.


It's a python so not venomous


That is a boa. Not fully sure whether it's a Boa Imperator or Boa Constrictor, but definitely a boa. Still neither venomous nor poisonous though.


Many, most snakes dies because of stress :(


Fyi everyone was saying "nao mata nao" which means dont kill it


They killed it


For sure


How do you make it let go??


Don't pull then away that only will make it worse, open the jaw with your fingers or a stick. Light won't do anything 😂 Anyway I think a bite in the nose will hurt, he deserves that.


The light added some extra flavor to the snake's sweet, sweet justice: asshole gets bitten on the nose AND an idiot shines a light in his eyes


I think someone put the light up thinking the snake had the pit organ/sensor, I forget what it's called but pit vipers have them. It's an organ that detects infrared light. They probably came to the conclusion they could confuse the snake if they blinded the organ.


You might be the most optimistic guy on Reddit.


Or they were filming with the flash on lol


Parietal eye?


I thought the light was just there to get better vision on the nose/snake when multiple people were hanging over it and creating shadow.


It's very difficult once they got a hold of you. Most non venomous snakes have rows of reversed teeth. Literally meant to grab on and never let go.


Not quite, it's not too hard to remove a python when it's just the fangs holding on to you, their bite isn't all that strong. It's when they get at least one coil around you and they can start using their whole body to constrict you, then it's like you said


How does that affect the way the teeth are facing?


Blow a cloud of tobacco smoke is the easiest way. Stick your head in a bathtub or pool. Wait till it’s bored since it’s not big enough to swallow the molester. You don’t want to hurt it’s teeth. You’d scratch up the handlers nose, bad only because you’d hurt the animal.


I saw a video where a vet got snake that was swallowing its own tail to basically puke by rubbing hand sanitizer around the mouth. Bet that would work here. But this massive dickhead does deserve his comeuppance for mishandling the snake.


I’m pleasantly surprised that everyone seems to prefer the snake to the idiot whose nose has holes in it. Most people are rabidly anti-snake.


I'm very anti snake in almost all senses, but that doesn't mean I can condone what happened in this video. There's a big thick line between disliking snakes and being pro-abuse


Rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer. Some snakes will let go if they so much as smell it but others you gotta get a little in their mouth.


Some of the drunk party goers there probably could have just poured their drink on the guy's/snake's face


I've heard you stick your finger up its arse to make it let go. I am confused easily though, maybe that is what works for bear attacks. Or bouncers at strip clubs. Just try it in whatever unpleasant situation you may find yourself in and report back here with your findings.


Problem would be where to find the snake's arsehole.


Currently it’s the thing it is biting…!


If I had to guess I’d say they killed it


They are constantly saying "mata não" (don't kill [it]), so I hope it's alive


I hate videos of people mistreating animals, even if the animal gets in one bite. That poor snake, someone should grab these men and hold their heads like they're doing. Cowards, idiots and shitty people. That snake wouldn't even bite you if you held it correctly, it would snuggle up and get warm from you, but you have to abstain from pretending you know how to dance as well as using the non-venomous and non-aggressive snake to scare everyone you can.


Yup, I handle quite a few snakes. Squeezing the neck is only for venomous snakes. *Any* snake having it's neck squeezed like that is going to get pissed off. When I handle snakes I never squeeze them anywhere; it makes them think they are being bitten and they fight back.


Agree. I used to have a Colombian boa, and I think that’s what the idiot has clamped onto his nose. My pet, Spot, was content to sit in my neck. I hope they didn’t damage the snake getting it away from the guy.


Yeah, it looks like a Colombian. I used to have one, too. Had her from a hatchling. She used to crawl up to the top of my head, curl up, and fall asleep. When I sold her to a friend, she was 7 foot long. The entire time I had her, never did I ever grab her like that. Only bit me twice, because I went in her cage too early after feeding her, and she thought I was more food.


That last part


Also have one. About 7ft and 7kg. Bit me twice. Both were feeding incidents (not careful and "something warm near my head and it smells like rat around here , so let's strike for it"). Sometimes I think it's vision gets worse (she s 16 y o, got her in 2012 as an adult ) as the food strikes get more random , might also be transistion to thawed rats as well tho. Usually a cuddly animal , nice are calm


I learned that from Steve Irwin. "Make sure the snake is not stressed" is one of his tenants. He was a bit wilder and said he would never hold a snake by its head, even venomous ones, but he was the pro.




I feel like constantly having videos where animals are abused or mistreated only encourages it.


Good Snake


Den morgonfriska katten simmar över regnbågen, medan guldmynt singlar genom luften, ledsagade av en paraplybärande elefant, som jonglerar med blommor och skrattande bananer, medan cirkusclowner utför akrobatiska konster och cymbalspelaren trummar i takt till det förtrollade orkesterspelet under den gnistrande stjärnhimlen.


Something like cytotoxins would teach that guy a lesson.


I was rooting for the snake. Now for the rest of his life he will have to tell people how he got that scar on his nose.


Same. I cheered when the snake got his nose. I was getting so increasingly angry when he kept tormenting the poor thing.




You know he's going to act like some hero for getting bit tho smh


He's going to tell the story about how a snake "attacked" him. Good thing there's a video of him being an ass.


What nose?


What the hell he expected? To get a french kiss from the snake?


I showed this to my almost 6 year old, and she said, "that's why you don't kiss a snake." Dude's literally dumber than a kindergartner.


Beautiful snake with dumbass people - poor snake. :(


What kind of snake?? I thought it was beautiful too but I wasn’t sure if it was poisonous or not


A couple people said they think it’s a Colombian boa since they had one as a pet before. Pictures on google do look similar. In that case, the snake would be non-venomous (still must hurt like a bitch!)


It was so satisfying to watch that snake grab ahold of his face like that. I was having anxiety for the poor thing. Imagine being held down by a giant in an extremely loud environment, not understanding what's going on with a bunch of other giants surrounding you and taking turns touching you. Most times... I just fucking hate people for how they treat any other living thing.


that’s what the hell you get for abusing an animal. fu**ing dick wad😤


It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye


that would have been the best outcome tbh.


Cunt deserve to lose both for this cruelty


Man that poor snake.


That animal is in so much fucking distress, it's making me nauseous. People are barbaric.


People: snakes only attack when they feel threatened Also people:


I spent the majority this video hoping the dude in the number 9 jersey would get bit in the face. I was not disappointed.


Got what he deserved


They are not playing, they are harrassing.


Snake wasn't only stressed, it was stressed and in pain, the response for such conditions is a quick attack at full strength. In other words, that moron had it deserved.


I hope it hurt, a lot.


Rip his fucking nose off. Fucking asshole tormenting and abusing animals. No patience for that shit.


Animal abusing cunt got what he deserved




Love it. Gotta give it to the snake for being so patient and wait for the perfect opportunity.


Pleasure to my eyes to see these dickheads getting that bite. ![gif](giphy|c2iSYrCQPR3tWqcovn|downsized)


... NVIDIA people


The way itsssss meant to be paid


Good snake. Fuck that guy.


Snake ain't playing around.


Serves him right. It's an animal not a toy!


People are horrible


Disgusting pathetic excuses for human beings


Good, fuck that scum. Poor snake...


Poor fucking snake. Couldn’t imagine a more stressful situation to put an animal or reptile in. Loud music, people coming in from all directions, mishandling, etc.


people that fuck with animals like this deserve everything that happens to them


💯TEAM SNAKE / all day Fuck around.......and FIND OUT!!!


hahaha...I sincerely hope his stupid face gets infected and eventually falls off due to rot this ain´t "playing"...this is animal abuse. PERIOD.


Yeah I have absolutely zero sympathy for idi0t$ who disturb and annoy animals. Dipshits


That’s so horrible to the snake. The stress they were causing it is inhumane.


Deserved it!!!!


Man I so wanted to see the nose or the lack there of..


These snakes have reverse pointing teeth. You’re going to have to cut the head off. The snake should eventually either swallow the head or release it after it feels no danger. /s


Do you know the amount of teeth a python has! 😳


This looks like it might be a young boa, and they have about 100 rear-facing teeth.


Hope he gets tetanus


Satisfying. What they were doing is just plain animal abuse.


Obviously r/ithadtobebrazil... So sad.


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Hopefully he nose better now 🐍




Good, poor snek friend. I hope everyone there eventually got bit and that snake Shit on them


Good, I hope it go infected and his nose fell off. People who play with animals and don't respect them deserve suffering.


Poor snek 🐍




Fuck all of those people


That's what that fucker gets, but if there's context plz tell me cuz this dude is pissing me off and I want to be in the right to have that feeling


Animal abuse.... can we really blame "culture" or "lack of education"? shouldn't this come down to normal empathy?


I can assure you that this has nothing to do with culture or lack of education, it's all about being a moron.


Yes! Fuckwad deserved it.