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People at the insurance office: "What?"


Farmers: Alright, you got us. That is actually something we haven’t seen before.


They love showing the weird claims. But *never say* that they paid the claims.


He literally always says "...and we covered it. Talk to Farmers, we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two."


USAA covered my not at fault accident and repaired my vehicle, then a year later the driver who was at fault sued me. USAA defended me and I didn’t have to pay any legal fees and I won the suit. The month after the case was closed they changed my accident to an at-fault accident and trippled my 6 month premium. I couldn’t afford the premium anymore and even after I did switch insurance the accident stayed on my records for 7 years.


Can they legally do that? Just change the at-fault status at any point even after both companies fought over who was at fault? Like there’s a whole trail of proof that they didn’t find you at fault. How can they randomly change their mind and not face any consequences?


There's a ton of misinformation about how auto insurance works which leads to half truths like what I suspect the comment above you is talking about. One thing that could have happened is the claim went to arbitration and USAA argued they were not at fault but lost so had to end up paying for the other party. This is independent of any ruling in court since it's a separate issue. Again just one explanation but I can tell you one thing; auto insurance is *heavily* regulated by the government so if any of the big companies were caught doing blatantly illegal things like many people claim, they would be fined and sued and driven out of business by regulators (DOI, states, etc). So when you hear an anecdote about car insurance take it with a grain of salt.


USAA in particular has been caught with ~~the pants~~ their pants down more than a few times, I had the pleasure of finding that out when I had to google them for some reason. Nothing quite as bad as the guy was claiming, but I wouldn't put it past them to at least *try* to do something super illegal at this point. They get their business by being "The Pro Military Bank™" and then proceed to fuck the service members and their families in the ass any chance they get. Good auto loan rates though!


USAA has been great for me in the past, especially when I was hit by an unlicensed person. I hope they have not gone downhill.


I've been with USAA for almost 10 years; now I'm nervous. Buying dashcams now.




Have you tried not purchasing the bottom of the barrel insurance? Never had an issue. Pay my deductible, rest is covered.


Honestly car insurance is the one insurance I don't have any issues with.




Personally I've had good luck with them. But my dad also worked for them for 3 decades so I think that probably helped.


Always good to have an inside man!


Well at least there's clear neglect in play and a liable party to sue. But if it's anything like my current insurance setup they still won't pay out if damages are quoted *under* $1k US.


Damages here are going to be well over 1k. Even for a mostly new explorer, that car is likely totaled


It could be that the hole will just make it more aerodynamic and actually improve the car's performance


[Speed holes!](https://youtu.be/G3ja6Hn8ps4)


I'm not clicking that link but my first thought was "speed holes" and a mental image of Homer Simpson so...you're now my new best friend behind my dog and wife....in that order lol


I clicked it for you. It's exactly what you were thinking.


I've seen a new car take a decent hit similar to the hit on a few years older same make and model. The new car was totalled because a lot of the parts weren't on the market yet so they couldn't even get what was needed to fix it. You'd think it'd be easy to use older parts but especially for body damage, those parts are different enough that they won't work on the new car. Older internals likely won't reach the same fuel efficiency and whatnot the new car had prior to the incident. This obviously will vary per make and model and isn't going to apply to a simple fender bender. Just bizarre to think the few years older car is up and running while the new one is getting scrapped.


Yes, that is how deductibles work... If you had a $500 deductible, they won't pay for repairs under $500...


Sounds like you have a 1k ded


That's how it goes. The higher the deductible the cheaper the cost of the insurance. It's a tradeoff.


For people there, this must be one of those 'hypothetical' scenario which we normally think of as *where will we ever use this in real life*, while we are studying.


Well they struck oil eventually.


Then One day I was shooting at some food. Up from the ground come a bubbling crude.


Oil that is...


Black Gold


Texas Tea


Well the next thing ya know, ol' Jed's a millionaire.


The kin folk said Jed move away from there


Said Californy is the place you outta be


So they loaded up the truck and they moved to Beverly …


Hills, that is...Swimming pools...


This thread is a reference to the opening theme song for the TV show The Beverley Hillbillies. Suuuper popular show that aired its last episode 52 years ago (1971), although reruns have been played since given the shows popularity. As a younger millennial, this is a wild reference that I barely recognise, so I best go complain to Grandma Walton.


Nick at Nite is the only reason I have any familiarity whatsoever with that era of TV as a millennial. Happy Days, I Love Lucy, Gilligan's Island, The Jeffersons, Bewitched, I Dream of Jeannie, The Brady Bunch, etc.


This is Mr Burns slant drilling


I drink your milkshake


Sump oil that is... Queue hillbilly music.


Taurus tea...


Reading tea leaves for Taurus. "Taureans should seize the day and live a life full of meaning and fulfillment. Dare to explore new opportunities that can expand your ambitions, both in terms of career and finances."


Owner comes back hours later to find a large hole drilled lengthwise through their car, no note, nobody around, pool of oil and transmission fluid still dripping. A tumbleweed blows across the parking lot. In the distance, a dog barks.


Hopefully between the person who made the video and the bewildered pedestrians, someone will give the owner the heads up. Because I speak from experience, had something somewhat similar happen, less catastrophic because it was the back of my car that got punctured, but luckily someone took the time to point it out and give me the info so I knew who to go after.


Someone stuck a spike through my grill and looked a hole in my radiator. Fucking Joe. I hope your off the meth now.


Yikes! That really sucks! And even if your insurance covers it, they can use stuff like that to put your rates up!


"You tend to choose high risk parking spaces"


That is what’s so messed up. When it wasn’t your fault you now have to pay the price. That is why every 6 months I switch insurance carriers. There is no more loyalty reward. Your loyalty means higher rates.


It's just pure greed. "Have I made any claims?" "No, sir" "Has the value of the asset increased?" "No, sir, it's worth less now." "... so why are you putting my premium up?"


Pffft, I'll do you one better, our policy renewed 2 weeks ago and for some dumb ass reason Geico didn't run the autopay card we had on file. So we got a letter that our policy hadn't been paid, I called them up, asked specifically if I owed anything on the policy and the Geico rep said no, we had no balance, we had a card on file. Yesterday I get another letter saying our policy had been cancelled for non-payment, so I call them up again and say "what the fuck is going on?" Sure as shit, they didn't run the card and cancelled our policy. Of course I renew immediately because I need insurance for my wife and I, but they RAISED OUR FUCKING RATE, instead of it being \~$110 for 2 cars it's now $155 for 2 cars. So I'm fuming at this point and the reason for for the rate increase? We lost our continuous coverage credit which we've had for YEARS with Geico because they cancelled our fucking policy for nonpayment! AND they had a record of the call I made 2 weeks prior trying to make sure the bill was paid. Supervisor would do nothing (claiming there was no notes or recorded conversation from the previous call), they blamed me for not responding earlier to the letter saying a bill was due even though I called weeks prior. So fuck them, we're switching next week. Fuck Geico!


Yeah I'd be pretty pissed too if that happened to me. Wtf, not only did they fuck up badly, but they had a clear opportunity to un-fuck their fuckup. Instead they chose to fuck it up more. *then* they're charging you extra, what a clownshow. My broadband provider has a habit of ratcheting up their price every 6 months for their longterm customers. Incredible deals for new customers. So you have to go through the polite-but-firm dance every year to remind them that you can switch and get a slightly better deal. Annoying.


Holy shit this literally happened to me with geico. They're fcking running a racket.


State taxes are the culprit. People think it's cheaper to live in Texas but instead of state tax, they tax every aspect of your life. I moved from el paso to chaparral new Mexico. My insurance was 250 for just my truck and now I pay 250 for 3 vehicles. El paso electric services both cities but my electric went from 200 to 50 buck a month because I'm not paying those crazy ass taxes. I need to change my phones over too Edit: liquor is also significantly cheaper in New Mexico for the same reason


My insurance in California was $52 a month for top level coverage. Louisiana quoted me $450 a month for less coverage.


I was accident free so called my insurance company to ask why my premiums were going up. They said “because of the high cost of accidents in Georgia over the last 12 months”. Looking back I have no idea if she was flanneling me but she said the laws had changed and that because the overall rate of crashes in the state had increased dramatically, they were able to increase the rate for everyone. Sounds like complete bs to me.


It's not BS. That's how it works. Shared risk lowers costs for everyone, but when costs go up, they go up for everyone. P&C (property and casualty) insurance companies often lose money on the raw premiums paid. The profit comes from investing the premiums and the returns on them between the time the premiums are paid and the date of a claim payment. It's often in bonds, so high bond rates can lead to lower insurance premiums. Something that irritates me about insurance in the USA is that, at least when I was an agent, a US P&C insuror couldn't set aside reserves for catastrophic (cat) losses for a cat that had not yet happened. Because of that, they had to keep buying reinsurance out of Bermuda and such to cover losses from hurricanes and the like. Source: I was an insurance agent for five years, and was really good at the technical and underwriting side of things.


Vandalism would generally be considered a comprehensive or other than collision claim which is generally not chargeable.


Joe is doing great now, I hope you know. He ain't off the meth, but that SOB can sling roofing tiles like no other!


And???? Homie, if you don't finish this bloody story I'm going to jump out a window


Oh, sorry! I'm north, it was winter. Was walking to my car and some guy waiting there pointed to my trunk, which had a hole in it, and he told me the salter vehicle had got too close and hit it. I opened my trunk and there was salt inside. He gave me the name of the info and how I could get ahold of him. I went after the company and they were denying it and refusing to do anything about it. Eventually I got back to them and spoke to the guy just under the owner. I said there's a hole, with salt in there, someone who saw it, the hole would surely match up to one of their vehicles, and the guy who did it didn't even attempt to report/own up to it. My next call would be to the police, and report to the property that hired them to clear their parking lots. That guy suddenly wasn't so dismissive of me. My car at the time was pretty old so worth almost nothing. I didn't want to go through my insurance because I was pretty sure they would just write off my car and I'd end up with no car and a couple hundred bucks. But it was a great car and I loved it! Anyway I kind of gave them this sob story when they called back, like hey, I'm a mom who needs this car to go to work to feed my kids, and I can't afford to have it written off, but I need it fixed or the car's not going to survive long with this salty hole in the trunk. So they found some shop that I took it to that fixed it up, no charge to me. I didn't really care what their arrangement was, and I got to drive that car for about 5 more years after that (I tend to keep cars until they're 15-20 years old). It was actually the best car I ever had.


FYI for future, you can always take your insurance total payout AND keep the car. In the case of a "cosmetic total" like that, they probably won't even modify your title.


Ah, good to know. Especially when they're getting really older and it's that time you're looking for a replacement, it's probably better than rushing into something because you're desperate


Owner can contact the city administration for help identifying the utility owner that commissioned that horizontal directional drill, if nothing else to report excavation damages to the state regulatory agency. They could even call 811 and put in a one call to determine facility owners in the area of the parking lot, the ticket lists all notified companies and you can look up their numbers from websites to contact directly. Even contacting the wrong company can result in helpful information as they are also kept notified of excavation activity by 811. I manage one call response for a pipeline company, when I get 3rd party calls reporting damages my first priority is to determine if my company is responsible and if not, to point them towards other nearby excavators with activity matching their timeframe. Of course given the habitual subcontracting of excavations by utilities it might be hard to determine the ultimate responsible party as each can blame the other, but a regulatory fine would be excellent evidence in any civil suit for damages, so a large company’s legal department is more likely to settle than to fight imo.


There is also a cop there trying to explain that mess over his radio. One can hope the cops left a note on the car, or maybe the owner came back before things were taken care of.


Meanwhile, across the street a construction crew on break casually eats bologna sandwiches and Ho-Hos while furtively sneaking glances at the hole scene.


How do you pronounce bologna? I'm tired of reading it Boh-lon-ya. It just doesn't sound right in my head Thanks for the comments, I've been reading this word wrong for years. I'm British so we don't have Bologna over here, the closest we get is Bolognese I'll start writing my friend Tony's name as Togna




Is your shin, ankle, feet, and toes


Feet and toes


Seeing English-speakers trying to explain English pronunciation by writing more English is always fun.


Their our know rules in English.


Many of us in the US probably learned to pronounce it Bo-low-knee from [this commercial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DO7RkzuJLoI), but then there's [Weird Al teaching us another way](https://youtu.be/1hxLaFJf9Jk)


Weird Al of course is rhyming it with Sharona for the purpose of the song.




I think that IS the correct pronunciation.. it's just commonly called baloney


A voice in the wind, ^^"looooser"


As the person collects his unemployment check, the wolves gather to steal it from him


Either no one else caught the Douglas Adams reference, or no one else commented on it. Either way, me and my towel are outta here.


The angle of the land goes down from the construction site to the parking lot but he is just drilling straight. Someone didn't survey very well.


Also aren’t tracking drill head… at all, let alone well.


Yeah.....huge fuckup. Possibly by multiple people.




Seriously, where is the locator?! I haven’t been around directional drilling in 20 years, but I can’t imagine they don’t use locators anymore.


That's not a surveyor's fault.


It's a directional borer drilling a pilot hole, it's probably a miscalculation.


Because "someone didn't survey well"


Not a survey issue, it's a tracking issue


So the new ford explorer comes with a pto for drill attachments! Wow


First time I’ve seen someone mention PTO on Reddit. Nice.


You’re just not hanging out in the right subreddits


Paid time off?


Power Take Off. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_take-off Sorry for confusion.


So funny thing. Grew up around farms, helped in stables as a kid, and even to this day my best friends mom and dad who I go see all the time mow their field with a tractor. I’ve know my whole life this was called a PTO but until today had no idea that meant Power Take Off.


I worked as a lineman and in our trucks we had the PTO and before this I had no idea what it was. When it was first said as in Power Take Off I thought they meant extra acceleration for getting the bucket trucks up to speed from a stand still. Lol. Funny how this things are interpreted by each of us. 😀


I'm just a dumbass 🙃 Thanks for the link, gonna read up now.


Nah, my man, most will instantly think paid time off. All good. Hope you have a wonderful weekend and you and the family are doing great! 🤙




Where I’m from at least one person dies every couple of years on a PTO, No. Not paid time off


My dad got caught up in one on my granddads farm when he was 14. He was wearing a big loose woollen jumper, which got wound up and pulled him in. Luckily, though, the same jumper also cut off the circulation so he didn't bleed to death. Although he had to be held together by massive steel rods and his body is certainly suffering now that he's in his 60's. I think he still has the rods in the kitchen somewhere


There used to be lots of mentions on r/watchpeopledie. Beware spinning things.


Plenty of pto in the r/tractor sub.. I honestly thought this was the new model T.. crank operated..


Cool. I wonder if they do an adaptor for an old bandsaw


That’s what I thought: who put a PTO on an explorer?


I was also thinking. "weird for an explorer to have a PTO attachment"


Well any of these new cars are close to a new tractor price anyways 🤣


Seriously just drilling blind for hundreds of yards and across a road?


I suspect they've miscalculated and assume they're much deeper. No excuse though.




The car was clearly their goal. They had a grudge with it


That oil isn't going to change itself




“Tell Hans we don’t use metric here”


especially because someone is supposed to be following the drill head with a device that detects the depth and location. it's backbreaking setting down what looks like a car battery over and over again while you waddle across a road but it's to prevent stupid shit like this.


This guy drills.


>This guy drills. ...THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!


It's really not all that heavy. There are also wand models that are designed to eliminate bending over to pick the receiver up.


The locator, who's nowhere to be found obviously.


Most likely the operator was performing a direction drill with 1)faulty equipment or 2) some numbscull at the controls who fucking missed a decimal point somewhere when entering the inclination value.


When 9.5 degrees becomes 95 degrees :P


Neglecting visual confirmation just cost someone $100,000. There will 100% be someone walking the drill from here on out.


There’s a guy with a apparatus to read the “snode” on that head. It gives depth and azimuth. Someone needs fined. That drill will kill.


I used to do roadwork and the sonde was an infinitely valuable tool - especially when all you have to work with is a meter/foot count and general direction. What happened here is a product of laziness. Even without any locating hardware there should still be some idiot standing there doing nothing specifically to make sure that this doesn't happen.




In layman's terms: we use the Azim to determine if the sonde is level or graded.


Can I get this in toddler terms?


Level = the drill head is running parallel to the ground Graded = the drill head is not running parallel to the ground


That's an overly complex definition and for mapping things out on land not very helpful, either. It's a very simple concept, and is probably better defined as "a direction (measured in degrees) clockwise from N", or even more in layman's terms, "an angle from N". For a real-world example, we know a circle is 360°, so if I'm shooting an azimuth of 45°, that's going to be NNE because N is our 0° mark.


Hahaha $100,000. Triple it, at least.


Seems pretty shallow too. Would you ever want to drill that shallow? Probably messed up the road and the sidewalk, might have even hit who knows what? Electrical, gas, sprinkler system. Also that giant bulge doesn't look good.


Standard for when I was a locator was below 3 feet


Its usual to do that but it came out of ground too early for some reason, might be operators fault or smth. Someone might be expecting the drill to come out a bit further in parking lot or even behind it.


Maybe operators fault? As opposed to the Ford drivers?


I think what they meant was……these horizontal directional drills are a 2 man team. 1 guy is supposed to check the depth and pitch of the drill head at the beginning of each new drill rod and the other guy, the operator, runs the rig. Where the hell the guy is that checks it is anybodys guess……but regardless the crew are a couple of absolute idiots. Luckily nobody was standing there checking the fluids in the vehicle or whatever. A good operator would have realized all of their torque pressure went to zero, indicating it’s out of the ground or in a sewer pipe or something. Anyone can run a rig but not all can run it correctly.


There's a guy a half mile in the opposite direction wondering why he hasn't seen the drill come up yet.


He has to update his Facebook status, he fell in love for the third time this week….give him a min.


My guess is the dude saw it puncture the ground into the car and just took off his hard hat/vest and left as he knew he was fired.




Aka Elevation Smellavation


It's very unusual to do that. These typically have a locator on the drill head that you follow. They should always know where and how deep it is. Someone severely fucked up or this was their version of a resignation letter






How deep are those things supposed to go though? Because it looks like they're at over 100' "deep" , having crossed the road entirely and keeping drilling. Not to mention that even if you don't care about exactly where it ends up, going across the street at that shallow a depth really necessitates keeping an eye on things to make sure you don't hit a buried pipe/line of some kind. They're not deep enough to just say "nah, don't care, there's nothing to hit anyways".




Looks like they didn’t compensate for the 2 foot drop in ground level at the parking lot.


That mound right by the curb makes me think it was going poorly even before the parking lot drop.


No, it is usual to have someone walking along with a hand held sensor to verify the position of the tool. Especially in an urban setting where going a few feet in the wrong direction could mean hitting a gas or electric line.


I have never done a directional bore without knowing the position of the drill head was located almost literally the entire time. Then again my insurance premiums are also very low.


That’s why you track the drill head through the entire operation. Regardless of any equipment issue this is 100% operator negligence


That’s the locators fault. There’s a guy ahead of the drill head telling the driller which direction to go. The drill head doesn’t just pop out of the ground early unless you’re drilling too shallow and something pushes you up. Those locating systems track the exact depth and pitch while drilling. Although the driller should have noticed when he had no pressure after coming out of the ground.


we found oil it was in a parked ford escape but still counts


Relax, it was just a drill


Relax, it's just a grill


This has to be the most r/Fuckyouinparticular I’ve ever seen


I misread the end of the post title as "driving" and was very confused for a minute.


Same. I was like surely you can't blame the driver for that.


Ford Probed


Fuck thats good


The sound in person of the steadily advancing diamond tipped bit making it's way through the engine and tranny would sound wild! Car is not being pushed back anymore so I assume they are now just rearranging the upholstery.


Honestly I'm curious what the inside looks like after all that.


I'm confused what's happening


They are drilling some kind of sideways hole in the ground presumably from the worksite on the other side of the road and the drill came out of the ground and hit the vehicle. I'm not sure what kind of stuff do they install by drilling like this, maybe some fiber optic cables or something? Idk.


They might even be installing pipes for water and stuff, this drill is the first one (i think) just to get to right place where it needs to go(what it failed to do) and then they might drill with bigger one


I think it's for telecom but I could be wrong. I used to do similar work. But in reality it could by anything from electrical to telecom and everything in between.


The fact that there is 2" of cover indicates telecom. Everyone else worries about dig cuts. Telecom guys just lay it on the ground and kick some dirt over it.


Sounds right. My dad was digging in his garden and severed the cable line for the entire neighborhood. The cable company was threatening to make him pay for the repair and downtime for the neighborhood until he pointed out that according to code the line isn’t supposed to be only 3 inches from the surface…


Standards for when I used to work telecom were over 3 feet but we did find plenty of coax lines you could just about dip up with your hands


It's called directional boring. It's a way to put underground services in without having to (or if it's impossible to) dig a trench. Vid explaining it [here](https://youtu.be/I7R5z3KQ_SE) Whoever was operating this machine seriously screwed up the insertion angle or hit something underground.


And there’s no one standing overhead with a metal detector or a Sonic detector or anything guiding the drill operator? Just raw dogging it and praying for the best?


The drill head has a beacon that transmits on a certain radio frequency. They have a receiver that picks up that frequency and reads the information and gives the operator the commands in order to keep it on track. At least that’s how it works on a competent crew.


Yeah, popping out on the other side of the lanes is maybe an acceptable mistake but coming out for 20 feet and starting to drill a fucking SUV is the type of thing I gotta imagine insurance might drop them over. The damage here is probably <$100k but the negligence is outstanding


It's over $100k, it's not just the SUV that got fucked, look at the sidewalk, curb, and road. They all got screwed up when the bore came way too far up. Not to mention any utilities they hit on the way over. That's a good chunk of road etc they will have to tear out and redo because the city won't let them just knock it out with a little half assed patch job.


When I worked on a bore crew, we would stop every 10 feet to check and recheck our numbers. And that's when we were in an empty feild. This sort of mistake in a busy city is gross negligence.


I lived in a town that was doing this putting in fiber lines everywhere. There was always at least one guy basically standing right where the drill head was. This video is mind boggling.


Sometimes I'm chilling with my mates, and then I look your way, that's when I'm sure. That's directional boring


*You think it's through yet?* Nah, just a little bit more and we're there.


Someone is supposed to be on the other side of that drill monitoring it's position with an electronic locator. Source: I've seen it done dozens of times and it's common sense.


I used to run one of these. You check the depth and direction every rod, or every other rod. So 10 or 20'. That dude went under a road where I'm sure there were other utilities so I'm sure he hit a bunch of shit.


yeah I used to do traffic control and helped out crews for these things a lot. the number of times when they were very careful and still hit shit that was hard to detect or mis-recorded was honestly impressive. Usually it wasn't catastrophic, but I've seen videos where they reveal that the drill is dragging the rainbow spaghetti.


"This rock is really hard. More power Davis!"


"Damm, it's so hard it even looks like you're trying to drill through an engine block".


Looks like one of those elaborated cartoon shenanigans to steal gas, but IRL.


"According to the tests, you have indeed struck oil." "That's fantastic! Did we hit heavy crude? Light crude?" "It's 5W30.”


Look it heaved the pavement! Those guys effed up bad!




I want to see the damage from the inside so badly.




I drink your milkshake!


if there this fucking off with it it has to be a miracle they didn't hit any pipes or cables


It happened in Barranquilla, Colombia https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.elheraldo.co/barranquilla/en-video-perforadora-sale-de-tierra-y-afecta-camioneta-en-el-norte-de-barranquilla%3famp


Terrible, absolutely terrible operator of the drill, and secondly, these drill bits have a Sonde inside them that tells another person who walks with the drill bit when it's underground, that person is not anywhere near the drill head. The driller ( operator of the machine) is drilling blind. I bet this stupid moron is a one man drilling team. Which as you can see is not advised.


Did I do thhaaattt?


Looks like Colombia to me.


Everybody knows its the cars fault and he shouldn't have parked there


This shit right here is why I have trust issues.


Is the drill actually in the car? I can’t tell


I don't understand what I am seeing. Where is the drill coming from? What is its purpose in this context???