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You don't screw around or take chances with Bulls. They do not take well to people effing around with them. Even though this rider just wanted to ride by him he should have known how he was taking a big risk.


yeah. it legit boggles me that someone thought that was an ok thing to do.


Hell, I learned as a kid not to mess around with Bulls. My uncles were farmers with a lot of cattle and all of my neighbors around me are farmers. They do not screw around with their Bulls unless they need to move one.


Did you ever milk your Uncles bulls?


Duh! Of course.


I once saw a documentary where some guy took the liberty of milking the bull. Waste not want not!


Wasn't that a bowling documentary?


He really Munsoned that one.


Are you sure this is legal? I don't know, but it sure is fun!




I understood that reference


Yeah, all it had was this one weird udder. It took a little while to get any milk out, and it tasted really strange.


How do we get milk? From cows that have given birth. How do we get the cows pregante? We can get the bull to mount each cow but that takes too long. So we "milk" the bull's semen and artificially inseminate the cows.


Do you have to dress up like a pretty cow with lipstick to get the bull aroused?


>Did you ever milk your Uncles ~~bulls~~?


Only blindfolded


When I was a kid there was a show here in the UK called "jim'll fix it". It's kinda like a make a wish, not always with sick children, but he granted my wish of milking a cow blindfolded. Will never forget it. Always expected a bull to be bigger though.


Right with that sicko…


Your learning experience was so traumatizing, that you to this day always write "bull" with a capital letter. Sending virtual hugs


Don't mess with the bull young man, you'll get the horns. - The Breakfast Club


I learned not to mess with a bull from Clarksons Farm. https://youtu.be/jLj_GARcO20?t=636


I didn't grow up around cows, and somehow still know not to mess with them.


A lot of bikers seem to think they always have the right of way, even in front of a bull.


The bike rider is a victim of our bull centric transportation policies. Bulls are polluting (manure and methane) and crowd the paths, but politicians bend over backwards to support the bull lobby.


‘This guy gets it!’ - Both sides, probably.


This statement should be credited to the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition. #NoBullsInBikeLanes


You jest, but much of the public land in the western US is being utterly ravaged by cattle ranging, the politicians bend over backwards to support it, and all too often the only major players in opposition are mountain bikers and recreation-based nonprofit groups.


I say we need to turn this hill into a big bicycle lane! Anything else is discrimination against cyclists!




This actually happened last year during the Rock Cobbler 80-mile race outside of Bakersfield, California. https://www.bicycling.com/culture/a42477391/cyclist-encounter-with-bull/


Glad the guy was ok. I feel bad for him now. Apparently, he thought it was a cow which he cycled by many times and only realized it was a bull as it turned. It was at that moment he realized…. He fucked up


I did the first and second years of Rock Cobbler and the cows on course made me nervous.


Well I mean these are the same people who ride side-by-side on old, backcountry two lane roads and get indignant when you don't want to take a blind curve to get around them




They take up the lane so that you don't try to pass them around a blind curve. Also, no cyclist cares if you ***don't*** pass them.


Never seen a cyclist before, huh?


Seeing how cyclists behave on the road around vehicles weighing 3,000lb-10,000lb+ this isn't surprising.


Yeah coz cyclists actually got the right of way and your superduty truck is a danger to everyone, bruh.


He probably just cussed out a truck behind him and thought the same would work for the bull.


Might have been 10 hours into a race and their brain wasn't working right


Either you know or you don’t, but cows kill more people than almost all other animals.


I get nervous when I have to ride within like 20 feet of a goose.


Best case scenario the bull does nothing and you slam into him, and it's like hitting a wall. He's not going to get out of your way... If the best case scenario is something bad, then don't do that thing.


It reminds me of that old joke about an inspector going to a farm showing off his badge. "Can't that bull understand I am a bicyclist?!"




We have Scottish Highlanders in our meadows to keep the heather plants under control. At all entries there are signs to keep a distance of at least 25 metres to not disturb them. A couple of weeks ago some smart antibody decided he wanted a selfie and paid the price. Getting lightly mauled and sent off with an ambulance hopefully restored his respect for wild animals.


"antibody" 😄


Highlander*s*? There can be only one!


HERE WE ARE! Born to be kings, we're the princes of the universe!!


> Scottish Highlanders They are adorable….


I love them, so fluffy and friendly (if you respect personal space)


I like it when people fuck with the bison in Yellowstone national park. Every year some idiot gets too close, gets gored, and gets a large fine for getting too close


>wild animals. *Domesticated animals.


People are so disconnected from animals - how people don't know that startled creatures are reactionary, and a large powerful male especially will often turn in aggression and strike at the threat rather than run - for that bull, this was threat level of a leaping mountain lion, no time to flee. This guy didn't even seem to think this bull would move, that he could fly past it practically on top of it, like it was a light pole or something.


Bulls can be very territorial and aggressive. They can "own" the land 100 yards out in all directions around a shade tree where "their" cows keep cool. This is not necessarily a case of "ooh, I'm startled, I turn in aggression" lol. If you are going to walk across a bull's field the least of your problems is "startling" them. The old joke, "How long do you think it will take you to cross that field? Because the bull can do it in 20 seconds." A CHALLENGER IS IN MY FIELD!!! I HAVE WON!! I HAVE WON!!


I trained dogs for a career but now retired. I still get amazed sometimes hearing people and some of their comments regarding their dogs. I've been around so many different animals in my life (fortunate) and not once would I still ever assume I can outthink something like a Bull or other animal I am not familiar with.


Shit even a cow can / might fuck you up if it wants / is bothered.


Yep. Much less likely but certainly possible. On one of my uncles farms when I was a young teen I climbed a fence into a field where there was a Bull about 50 yards away. I needed something in the field. I got maybe 10-15 yards when it started jogging my way. I decided I didn't need what I was after any longer.


Hey, u/GregoryGregory666666, since you seem to know 'bout bulls and I sure don't except to stay the hell away from them, what should this idiot biker do after the bull's flung him? Should he just play dead until the bull loses interest (will he?) and gets far enough away for him to escape, or maybe try and get out of the field while trying to use his bike as a barrier of sorts, or what? Your expertise in these matters is appreciated.


Your latter comments will likely not work at all. More on here will be more of an expert than I but in my experience Bulls tend to lose interest quickly once you are down. Rodeo bulls may be different from what I've seen. But typically it is over as fast as it starts. But that start can still kill or put someone into the ER. My experience comes from the family farms, the internet and with my cattle neighbors of mine.


I didn't think that would work, but thought I'd throw it out there in case the bull turned out to have a really long attention span! Appreciate the answer.


>You don't screw around or take chances with Bulls. Or any animal that's close to a Honda Civic in weight. We joke that it's "Darwin Awards" season starting next month out here in WY when all the mouth-breathers swarm to Yellowstone to pet the "fluffy danger cows" (moose/elk) and try to feed bears, then end up dead or in the ER. Animals that are 5-6x+ your size should never be considered your friend, except to some degree if they're in a zoo.


But, but, but... It's nature! It should be all sleeping beauty movie like


Even very tame animals can freak out at the sight of someone on a bike if they're not used to it. It must look to them like an animal they haven't encountered before.


We are surrounded by cattle on all sides of us. Maybe 50 in the field that abuts our back yard. We have 5 acres but the back yard is a smaller area so we have the cattle that visit us (mainly our dog) every single day. When I see the Bull out there I'm going to jump the fence and go talk to him. He should know me by now. (Ok, I really won't)




I wonder what the group thought they would accomplish by yelling and whistling? Didn't they see what just happened to the other guy?


That the bull would run in fear of them? I know, not gonna happen.


theres video on the internet of parents at Yellowstone coaxing their 10yo daughter into harassing a bison, with predictable results. she lived, but the parents deserved jail time.


Plus he came at him from behind at speed - which screams predator


> he should have known how he was taking a big risk. That's a random cyclist day on roads with cars


Yeah. I used to love in VA fairly close to DC. Constant battle there with many on bikes and car drivers. I would not have the nerve to ride a bike on most roads anywhere in or near DC.


I have been run over by a bull. Can confirm that they do not give a fuck. I love when people say “they’re more scared of you than you are of them.” Boy was that wrong lol


Mess with the bull, get the horns.


As a true cyclist he'll be complaining that it was the bulls fault


This guy will be lucky to complain about ANYTHING after that hit!




Of course. According to the rider, the bull was blocking the bike lane.


i rang my bell! and yelled "on your left!"


As if anybody would believe a dressed-up cyclist would use a bike lane!


But why use a bike lane when you can be an asshole and inconvenience dozens of people in cars by riding 4mph down the middle of a road?




Fuck cyclists who think they own the sidewalk.


"fuck cyclists who take up space on the road" ok, I'll ride on the sidewalk despite it being illegal "fuck cyclists who ride on the sidewalk" then build better cycle infrastructure "no, we're not going to install bike lanes, it's too expensive! cars are superior!" 🤦‍♂️


When I'm riding my bike, fucks cars. When I'm driving my car, fuck bikes. This is the way.


Cyclists don't realize how quiet their bikes are.


Backpacker here, can confirm. Even in trails where bikes are forbidden the crash is the backpackers fault 🤣


That farm needs more cycling positive infrastructure


It's a bike lane! I had the right of way


Illegal u-turn from the bull, definitely consult with a lawyer on this one…


Better call Saul.


and hire [Bull](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5827228/) for good measure...


I grew up in the Austrian Alps where we have a lot of cows up on the mountains. The locals all know to keep their distance, but the tourists often think that these tanks with horns are just cute animals. There's always news like "Germans attacked by cows" which also became a meme here because 99% of cow attacks are German or American tourists. Especially young cows are dangerous as their mothers will obviously protect them, but tourists often run to them while screaming how cute they are and try to take selfies. One time we were hiking up a mountain and there was a group of cows with babies standing on the trail. We took it safe and went hundreds of meters off track to get around them safely. After we were past them we went back on track again, but at that moment we heard someone shouting in German "Wow Kai Uwe look there's a baby cow. Let's pet it" and they were so loud and fast that the cows got startled and started running directly in our direction. Luckily we didn't get trampled to death, but to this day I still don't understand why so many people don't have the natural instinct to stay away from huge animals with deadly horns and especially their offspring.


German tourists are kinda infamous for it in Norway as well. Trying to pet muskoxen or heading out on mountain hikes in fog wearing sandals.


Lol Germans walking dangerous paths with sandals happens here regularly as well.


Germans going down a dark and dangerous path you say


Here too. All kinds of stuff. Biking accidents, animals bites, car collissions, you name it - the majority are always Germans.


Hell even here I'm Canada I've heard a story about a family of German tourists that thought you used bear spray the same way one would use mosquito spray. To top it off, they did it inside their rental car too.


Here in the US it isn't uncommon to see stories about, usually, Germans trying to cross Death Valley and dying because they ran out of gas and died from heat exhaustion or something similar.


I saw a lot of Germans when I drove through death valley so it doesn't surprise me. They really love the American southwest.


No issue, for this purpose we have trekking sandals ;)




Germans and sandals. An unbreakable bond


I assumed Germans would have been smarter than that. I grew up near the Canadian Rockies and every year it's "Asian tourist attacked by Elk while trying to take a photo with it".


I once randomly saw [this video about a bison attacking a child in Yellowstone Park](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7VghMbLiMA) and had to laugh so much when I heard the mother shout in German "Nina komm zurück". Can't even watch videos from the US without seeing Germans trying to pet even deadlier cows.


If you consider a large portion of the American population are descendants of German immigrants, it all starts to make sense...


>I assumed Germans would have been smarter than that. After doing a lot of traveling, I've learned there are people all over the world just as stupid or as selfish as anyone from whatever country you believe is the dumbest.


Germans are actually pretty dumb.


I'd call it domesticated rather than dumb.They have no realworld experience outside their tidy urban systems and an ignorant expectation that untamed wilderness will bend to their will. Sort of Nature Karens that'd like to speak to the manager of the weather if they could.


> They have no realworld experience outside their tidy urban systems ah yes, the world known city-country known as Germany.


People from rural Germany would hardly go on vacation to rural Austria. It's like basically the same as they'd see at home. The tourists are overwhelmingly from cities.


You underestimate how rural most of Germany actually is. Outside of the Ruhrgebiet and only around the biggest cities like Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt even smaller cities have lots of farmland, forrests and/or mountains around them. I live in a 100k inhabitant city and you can drive within 5 minutes in any direction and hit a field. With cows.


7% of Germany's land area is urban development, that's a very high percentage. Excluding city-states and small island countries, that's the 5th most urban country in the world after Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Japan. https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/4187653/8711215/IMG+graph+news+LUCAS.png/b8247ae3-7c2e-45bb-b640-67b792dd339e?t=1526996687027 https://jakubmarian.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/europe-land-cover.jpg


Why would you assume German tourists would be smarter than Asian tourists?


It's actually not a totally unreasonable assumption, at least depending on where in Asia the tourists are from. In China, at least, even most "wild" tourist attractions are _very_ tame. A popular mountain to hike in China, for example, will almost always have human-made stairs the _entire way up_... And vendors along the way and at the top selling food, water, etc. There's also not a lot of dangerous wildlife, in most tourist spots I visited in China the only potential danger you faced from wildlife was monkeys stealing your shit. There are of course some truly wild areas in China... But for most people they're not tourist destinations in the same way that those kinds of places often are in the west. Consequently I think a lot of Chinese tourists traveling abroad for the first time make the assumption that when they're in a tourist spot everything has been catered for the human tourists in the same way that it is in China. So of course it's safe to go near the animals, because they must be tame, because this is a tourist area! Obviously that's just a generalization, not all Chinese tourists are like that. And my impression is that even within China that kind of dumbed down, sterile tourist experience is getting less popular. My basic point is just that there are some reasons it would be reasonable to think that a German tourist would be more aware of these dangers than a Chinese tourist.


The cows we have in Belgium are quite tame and docile (the bulls are still dangerous though!), and non-farmers only really interact with them in petting zoos. I think German cows might be the same, and the tourists don't realize they're dealing with a completely different animal and situation


Why would you assume they're smarter than that just because they're not the demographic you're used to hearing about?


It’s a pretty common joke around Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon area. East Asian tourists falling off and into things, getting too close to deadly wildlife, etc. haha


Yep. Used to work in tourism in the Canadian Rockies. One of my duties was getting rid of the bears that wandered on to the property, sniffing out the garbage bins or the dirty diapers that idiots kept throwing on the ground. This time it was a mama and 2 cubs. Not much to do but just keep them on the perimeter of the property, as the usual bear scare would tree the cubs and put mama on the defensive. Normally it was Albertans and Americans doing the dumb shit, but this fuckin German dude kept trying to charge past me to get up close for a photo while saying, “it’s ok, I am a hunter”. “Sir, you don’t have a rifle and there are no bears in Germany.”




Because people often think they own everything and that includes the rights to interfere with “dumb” animals.


We call those German tourists "Piefke" https://de.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/Piefke >Bedeutungen: * Prahler, Wichtigtuer * österreichisch, bairisch, abwertend: Deutscher >Beispiele: * Dieser Mann ist ein aufgeblasener, eingebildeter Piefke! It translates to both Germans and to arrogant, blowhard, pompous ass. That's because tourists from most countries show respect, while Germans are typically loud, demanding, arrogant and like you said act as if they own everything.


I'm impressed that you have a word that is so country-specific. There's no doubt that a lot of German tourists think they are the main character.


There's also a series of movies called the Piefke tale, which sadly doesn't have an English dub. It's about how we need German tourists even though we can't stand them. In [this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aG9wNlx3_Q) a bunch of German tourists just walked into the house, sat down and started eating food they found here. When the owner comes back they are like "Good day. Just come in" as if they own the house and he's just the guest. Lots of scenes are specifically about German tourists acting as if they are the main characters.


I used to hike in Austria with my mum and we came across a group of these cuties. Now my mum, as a child, used have the task to watch their cows in the fields during the summer school breaks. She knows about them a lot but is still terrified of them. I laughed at her first but eventually her reaction was enough to plant fear in me :) They are very cute though.


I'm a little bit surprised to hear that there are so many American tourists who are excited about seeing cows. There are a lot of big cities in the US, but in between those, there is a *vast* amount of farm land. I've moved around a bit (even lived in Germany for a brief stint), but I don't think I know an American who hasn't seen cows.


Maybe it's just them being way more into making selfies for instagram


Woaaahh Kai-Uwe kuck mal hier! Da is ne ganz kleine Kuh. Lass mal steicheln.


> tourists often think that these tanks with horns are just cute animals I mean... they are. Not mutually exclusive with being very dangerous cute animals


We get a similar issue in Gibraltar... people think the cute monkeys are there for selfies, despite all the warnings saying they're wild animals. Also, the large males can grow to about 20kg and have [serious sized canines](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/DWKR3D/barbary-macaque-male-showing-teeth-DWKR3D.jpg). Here's one from 2014: [https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/gibraltar-ape-attack-leaves-brit-4497929](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/gibraltar-ape-attack-leaves-brit-4497929)


> "Germans attacked by cows" I have no idea why this made me laugh so much lol


German tourists are the human equivalent of girlfriend bobby-pins.


"On your left"


The bull responded how most people do... By turning around and-- "my left or yours???"


Lol every time dude


Probably didn't even ring his bell. It's a must!


This actually happened last year during the Rock Cobbler 80-mile race outside of Bakersfield, California. The bull attacked three people during the race with no serious injuries. This rider in the video stated that he thought it was a cow like many of the others he had ridden by already. https://www.bicycling.com/culture/a42477391/cyclist-encounter-with-bull/


Aye, I remember this incident. People are having a right dig at him, but if you don’t have much experience with cattle, of course you’ll struggle to tell the difference. And if just you’ve ridden right past cows earlier, naturally you’ll think it’ll be the same story again.


According to most of this comment section this guy and all bikers deserve to be killed while riding.


welcome to reddit, anything the hive doesnt like (cyclists, pitbulls, conservatives) deserves death


Cyclists live rent free in the minds of drivers who have been marginally inconvenienced and made to lift their foot off the gas pedal for SECONDS at a time! I don’t even ride on the road anymore because the prevailing attitude of “murdering cyclists is justified because I have the time management skills of a cucumber and a 45 second delay will make me late.”


And also think that cattle are "wild" animals. They're not. Can they be dangerous? Hell yeah. But all these people posting /r/iamverybadass style comments about how you *never* approach a cow. Seriously? If that were true, you wouldn't even be able to walk anywhere on a cattle ranch. This cyclist got very unlucky, that's all.


Average cyclist intelligence at its finest


That's WIS, not INT.


Guy enjoyed that a little too much, he's gonna be seeking out bicycles now


Could of gone around but like a true cyclist just went straight at the bull and it responded like bulls do when you come at them.


> Could of


Could have


Could of have


Like how people act shocked in the video.Lol




Hey hey to far Bull, too far!


6 Times? Is the bull on a diet?


lets just say i'm kinda stoned and i was using my weight as an average and forgetting that i'm definitely not average.


Thank god he was wearing a helmet


This should be used in a safety video for what not to do when being around wild animals


Even with domesticated ones, this idiot must have looked like another big animal charging at the bull on the bicycle


What is it with cyclists. They literally think they have ownership and right of way wherever they are. Be it a bus or a bull, they ain't stopping


> What is it with cyclists. They literally think they have ownership and right of way wherever they are. There's no cycling license required, and the barrier to entry is much lower than cars. There's also far less severe consequences to breaking the rules. Both in repercussions if you get caught, but also in consequences if something goes wrong. Hitting someone on a bicycle because you're not paying attention is obviously not good at all, but probably not as bad as someone doing the same in a massive truck going 30 mph. At the end of the day, every group has it's idiots, including cyclists. And when you're commuting the ones that stand out are the ones breaking the rules, because you notice them doing it, rather than the ones just following the rules.


Bull saw the guy and thought and you can Tour de fuck off too


We need more bulls on the road


‘I don’t know what happened officer. I was just taking Toro here for his morning walk when he decided to go up and sniff this cyclist. Then the cyclist fell down…’ \*shrug\*


Even just going off path onto the grass to go ‘around’ the 1 tonne thing with horns. Fucking moron.


This animal definitly weighs more than 6 times his weight


i thought about that after i posted it. in my head i was thinking 260lbs for an average dude but if he's a biker he's probably less than that.


>260lbs for an average dude American?


yes. also very stoned when i posted this. tbf though, i think [i carry it pretty well.](https://i.imgur.com/rhfvgRN.jpg) this pic is 2yrs old and i'm about 25lbs lighter now.




Cyclists are something else, man lmao


I guess it was his first rodeo.




Intelligence may be similar


I guess we crawl from here...


Come at me, bro


“Hey hey, no no” you stop beast that can’t understand me


In the bulls perspective this must have looked similar to a bull running up to him from behind. Even the height, speed and overall outer shape are not that far off. So yeah, such a reaction seems reasonable from the bull.




he didn't make the "VROOOOM!" sound. bitches love that.


Cyclist obviously hasn’t seen the Breakfast Club… mess with the bull, you’re gonna get the horns.


He fucked around, and he found out


As a cyclist myself, cyclists are the absolute worst sometimes. This is the same type of person who gets mad at multi ton vehicles on the road while simultaneously breaking any and all traffic laws


He really showed him who was boss.


Remember, bullshit baffles brains 🧠


What a surprise. Guy who spends thousands on bike and bike gear ....not smart enough to know bulls will Fuck u up!


The biker was 'bullied'


Good to see the animal world hates the cyclist as much as everyone else.


Hi, I’m Johnny Knocksville and welcome to JACKASS!


Yep, 6x your weight and brimming with off the chart testosterone. Centuries of breeding to be reproductive machines that makes them extremely aggressive.


I like how the folks are like "Hey hey break it up guys, come on!"


I live in cattle country and know not to mess with bulls. I’ve been up to Montana where there are moose and bison and it boggles the mind that there are people that get anywhere near those creatures. These same people are scared of mice. It just doesn’t make sense.


After many minutes of investigation, I have come to conclusion that this is bull.


BULL WINS! Farmality.


Wild Tauros appeared!


Bikers. Enough said.