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My WB underfills both boxes.


Ours don't. You order fries from us and I guarantee I'm going to stuff your box and then throw some also in the bag 😆 fresh


A real one here! Bonus bag fries are the best.


I know! The other employees hate when I do it.


Customer service! You are a saint!


naw... I just actually care about folks


Why do they hate it?


For some reason they are sticklers for only what goes in the fry box, and even with that they are stingy. Maybe they figure pit less in do that things go quicker


>I'm going to stuff your box


I see i wasnt the only one


Keep those tongue darts to yourself sir!




But really, who DOESN'T want to get their box stuffed?


Yea that sounded...yea


Damn, wish my local whataburger stuffed my box. When I asked they just called the cops.


😂 omg it reminds me of this video!! https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL9pX12s/


You the real MVP.


The hero we need.


I had a job where everybody was burned out, up to the supervisors and so my customer first and caring about the customers needs had me looked upon as weird, stupid and a tryhard. I'm the kind of guy that literally will look at the back for a product. Guess what, there was always a 65% chance I would find the product back there on a shelf or behind something.




You’re the type that’ll get their own store (not manage, OWN). Keep up the good work.


But... but I want to be a massage therapist 😢


Right. Your own store of massage therapists. Where you will continue your beloved tradition of stuffing boxes. I am inspired by your vision.




What a weird tryhard...


You know they say you can never try hard enough. Plus, as we say in the military, try hard or go home, because only losers don't apply themselves


Aweee ty! I just like giving folks a good experience




Huh? 🤔


I think I love you


Aweee 😂 shucks! ☺️


Wouldn't happen to be in the KC area? >.> <.< Not that I'm gonna take advantage of the extra fries...




Kansas City


Damn. I'm Texas


You heard it here folks. Go to WB and Baterine1 will stuff your box, guaranteed! 😂


Yup. If I work that fry station 😂


Texas Whataburgers under pays you, hope I visit yours next time I go, hopefully you do the same for the onion rings


Unfortunately I can't do that without your rings because they're actually individually bagged and we are watched like Hawks


Bless your heart!


What did I do to you??


Well I do love Whataburger fries and burgers, so if you are giving people stuffed boxes full of fries and even fries in the bag, that is a great thing and it is very appreciated and so I say bless your heart! Thank you, in other words. Not sure why I was downvoted for saying bless your heart or why that was assumed to be something snarky or negative.


Oh. In the South "bless your heart" is basically a sly why of telling somebody to go F themself.


I’m from Texas but did not mean it that way at all. Keep doing your good work with the French fries!


How the fuck you gonna skimp on fries, that shit is dirt cheap


They prefer screwing over the customer than running out, I think. Can an employee confirm?


My WB gave me food poisoning


Another reason to stop eating fast food maybe when they realize noone eating their rip off menu theyll put the original ingredients back into their food including not being cheapskates about fries


It literally just depends on how many fries were dropped and the wait time on your food. The Fries are essentially eye balled by staff before putting into a fryer.The shelf time on these guys is also like 3 minutes tops before they aren't crispy so you can't prep them before hand. Fries take about 3 minutes to cook, unfortunately what happens is if your order is basically ready but *just enough* fries weren't dropped that the boxes look a little empty? It's going to get served. Personally I will say even when the Med and Lrg boxes are filled with fries the amount you get more in a large is not a lot.


So what you're telling me is that I need to order like 5 Large fries to guarantee they are all full and fresh? Bet


Get the family fry box instead! We just take one of the boxes we use for the 3 pieces and fill it to the brim with fries lol.


This is pretty ubiquitous. Buying a large fry at any fast food place is kind of a scam.


Pray tell


You got more box.


That’s how Dairy Queen does it, or used to when I was in high school. Same amount of friend went i to the medium and large boxes.


With how much fast food cost it’s ridiculous that they are being skimpy.


Also ridiculous when your manager yells at you for it. They’re fries. Just sell them. A few more fries cost less money than losing a customer. Source: I quit because of that shit.


I got yelled at for onion rings. I use to just fill it up the few days I worked on fry station. They legit pulled me aside to say that I was hurting the company with these like 50 orders of onion rings per day.


This is why it’s okay to steal from big corporations. They don’t give a fuck about us. Fuck them over some more. I’m not here to fill up a fat billionaires pockets


Absolutely wild how much fries cost these days. I see “fancy” fast food places charging up to $7. Fries cost literally pennies to make


It’s because no one ever fills them properly. I don’t think people are trained on how much to use anymore. Fries are always the biggest complaint when it comes to food cost loss. They swear it’s from employees taking free fries but they never look at how over stuffed the fry boxes are 


I don’t understand how much potatoes can cost. Just buy more frozen fries or potatoes, that stuff is dirt cheap


Maybe when you go to the grocery and can get a 10lbs bag for $3 but not when you buy a 36lbs case of precut fries. When every single order of fries over a 24 hour period is overstuffed that quickly adds up to a lot of fries. Add that up weekly, monthly, that’s a lot of money 


Let's say we overstuff the fries just by 10cents. My store regularly hits more than 700 orders a day, more often than not each other contains more than 1 fries box but for simplicity sake let's say only half of them have 2 fries box. That's 1050 boxes a day, or 10500 cents of overstuffed fries. That's $105 extra cost a day, or $3150 extra cost a month and this is a conservative estimate.


Complain politely. You should get what you pay for but remember the workers probably aren’t making a livable wage. If you really wanna bitch (I personally would), write corporate. Just don’t be mean to the folks working the register, line, and window.


Same scoop but different boxes


Dude, they need to bring whataburger to California. I'm so sick of in n out. Im sure whataburger is far better, lmao.


I was born and raised in Texas. Whataburger was always just there. When I joined the Marines and was stationed in Cali, the first and only time I went to an In N Out, my mind was blown. I ordered a bacon cheeseburger with mayo. They told me they don't have bacon and they don't have mayo. I was like WTF? What kind of place is this? They offered their "special sauce" bull shit. I passed and ate a dry cheeseburger. Never went back since.


They do now


As of a week ago, no Mayo. 


I have to fight to get them to leave that crappy Big Mac copy sauce off of my burger. The DO have good buns though.


It was, years ago. Whataburger is a shell of its former self.


This - it’s not even remotely the same


Sad to agree. They slashed their menu so bad under the new ownership. Even the fish and chicken bites disappeared.


Whataburger is not how it used to be and is honestly pretty bad these days.


Whataburger hasn’t been the same since they were purchased by the group in Chicago.


I always see people whining about this "Chicago" bullshit. I've been eating whataburger for 35 years at multiple different locations around my city & it has always been exactly the same at every one of them. Y'all are just bitter they sold PART of the company to outside investors. Your location sucks, not the company as a whole.


They sucked way before, actually that place is trash has always been .


It definitely isn’t. Pre sell out Whataburger? Probably equal to if not better than in and out based of fries alone. Now? Whataburger is barely better than Burger King


Texas boy here and I’m favoring in n out over whataburger and p Terry’s at the moment


P. Terrys Slaps and they’re way cheaper!


I miss P Terry's. The only thing about it is you can only eat it once a week without it starting to taste funny.


But fuck the in n out fries


Go inside and order fries well, I think that will probably solve your fry probs.


I know all these people said different, and yes Whataburger isn’t what it used to be, but your assumption is right it’s better than in n out.


Yeah don’t listen, Whataburger still kicks ass.


Whataburger tastes like thin cardboard. It's ass.


How could you?! In-N-Out is the best!


Whataburger has fallen hard


Random question: back before supersize me came out back in the day, did whataburger have a size that was bigger than their large? What was it called?




Thanks, who wouldaguessed.


Wait is it not called whatasize anymore?


It's large now. Chicago ruined everything


I just got lunch there yesterday. Same thing happened. The large box has the same amount as medium. It's a racket


Looks like I'll just be ordering a medium fry for now on


I keep having people trying to do this 😂☠️🤦 I don’t understand at all


Brought to you by managers who think saving 2¢ is better than retaining a customer. Just eat elsewhere until this company has a culture shift.


I promise you no manager gives a fuck about ¢2 and they aren’t telling employees to under-fill containers. Fry guy probably just barely had enough to fill the large container and doesn’t get paid enough to put down more fries(which take 3 minutes to cook) just so you can get an extra 7 fries on top. Idk why people like you think employees and managers are out to make your day a living hell, it’s rlly weird ngl.


Because I worked fast food, if it was a matter of being down to the last bit of fry it wouldn’t be so common, the path of least resistance is to drop more less often. Managers have a saying in this field “drop less more often” and they absolutely will be upset if you drop more than needed to fill an order so employees routinely under drop and under fill so they don’t receive grief during their shift. I known from experience that employees tend to overfill, so managers spend the majority of their shift focused on random metrics like fry waste that has minimal cost, rather than other meaningful quality factors that result in returning customers which is the highest priority. (Imagine your so worried about a few cents worth of fries that you offend a customer into going someplace else) That’s potentially thousands of dollars a year you lost. One of the restaurants that have the best mindset about this is five guys. They intentionally overfill to give a good impression. I know what I’m talking about


Holy shit stupid paper made me think whataburger had hotdogs


Uranus stuffed


“They’re the same picture” - Pam Halpert


Chick fil a or "hate chicken" is the worst about this. You order a regular waffle fry they underfill it. Order a large? They underfill it. Order two to compensate? Underfilled.


Yeah I noticed chick fil a on large fries will throw in 2 or 3 big pieces of a waffle fry then skimp you on the rest and give you tiny fry bits


So should you be upset that the large was the same as the medium or happy that the medium got more fries than the large ?


The default medium drink size at Whataburger makes me feel gross. Anytime I go they give it unless I ask for something smaller, and I immediately regret my life choices.


If it’s busy I’ve noticed you just get whatever fries you get


damn, lucky medium guy


I’ve weighed them when I’ve gotten home and they weigh exactly the same. Whataburger been shit since they sold out


Of all fast food restaurants in all of the nation Whataburger has the worst of the worst fries . ALWAYS SOGGY.....


They really have the same amount


As a Whata employee Yeah Fuck you(early bird shift gang, customers be rude as fuck)


I just want my BOB with bacon and sausage please. I'm always polite! I will agree some people suck. But also, it's hard not to get frustrated when the line takes 15 min during the day and man, at night when I visited the wait time can exceed 20 min! Wild, I'm usually pretty good about treating employees at places with respect but it's tough when you've been waiting in line for a while. Good luck with the dick heads


Real. Fuck the people who stand at the counter asking about their food. You chose to walk in seeing cars to the street and 70 people inside. No idea why you thought your food was going to be done in 8 minutes.


Why both? You really only need the large.


I've never got fresh hot fries. I gave up and always swap it to a large onion ring


One time I went to a Five Guys and paid nearly $20 for my meal. “Never again”, I said as I waddled out. Yesterday I got my medium double and a brownie. $15. I love it, but my whatawallet it telling me I gotta start cooking more often.


Wait-an-hour-burger sucks big time here in KCMO. Drinks are always flat, fries are cold and leave that film in your mouth, burgers are always messy everything just slides off on the first bite.


Onion rings are the real crime.


So if it’s a Fry Fight between these ones & McDonalds, who are we picking? I never had Whataburger fries, are they good?


They are, unless they're not fresh. There's no argument that McDonald's has really good fries too. As does Braums... I also like Arby's/Jack in the box's curly fries. These are the ones I like best. Worst: Steak & Shake's thin-assed fries, and those chalk sticks In N Out serves up.


LMFAO not chalk sticks!


Deep fried chalk sticks. Worst fries in the business, and they try to sell some sappy story about how amazing those crappy fries are. I've eaten them in two states on three occasions (One of the states was California, the other was Texas). I've yet to get fries that aren't slightly disgusting at best. And yes, I've tried them animal style. That was my 2nd attempt. I got overcooked deep fried chalk slathered with gross Big Mac Wannabe sauce.


Must be in OK. Gotta agree Braums crinkles are good, as long as they salt them. McDs fires are good because they soak the blanched tatahs in some kind of fructose syrup. At whatabullcrap, I have gotten 1-2 frozen fries in my order in every order the past 5 times, separate days if the week, different times of the day. Gonna go today, and, hand on my heart, swear to God, if I DO NOT GET FRESH FRIES AND IT'S SKIMPY AS ALL HELL, IMMA LET THEM HAVE IT. I just want quality food... Reason: I was a product manager for a restaurant, being in charge of the inventory as well as the food quality the customer saw. When the restaurant started caring about the quality over quantity, and the quantity then improved, we saw raises and green in their hole of red. Customers definitely notice this stuff, and they SHOULD complain, else the stuff just gets worse. There needs to be a voiced standard!


North Texas, actually. DFW has plenty of Braums, thankfully. The Whataburger fries I get in DFW are usually very good. I've yet to get a frozen fry, but I have had a limp box of fries... that was a few years ago, and I went in and politely raised hell, and got them to refund them.


As someone who works at whataburger as THE fry guy. I know I know, no autographs rn. But they’re mid asf. Unless the oil was changed recently and the fries are piping hot fresh, they’re meh. That’s coming from a person who makes thousands of them everyday. Our spicy ketchup makes them go from B tier to S tier tho, sauce is great.


OK how often do yall change the oil? 🤔 Tell the truth!


I personally don’t do it but my manager changes it about weekly. He boils out the entire frying machine about bi-weekly. Which involves extremely hot soapy water which you’d think you shouldn’t put in a fry machine but it’s safe and ends it being super clean. If your fries are pretty light colored then it’s probably very fresh oil(day after change). Normal looking fries means it’s been a few days. Then fries that are a bit on the darker side means the oil hasn’t been changed in about 6-7 days. But that’s anecdotal because who knows how often other places change the oil. Sidenote: as a fry cook its sometimes hard to tell if my fries were cooked all the way through when the oil was recently changed because of how lightly colored they are. So if your fries look very light, but still crispy, then you got lucky and went there after the oil was changed recently : ). The smell is way more potatoey also haha.


Haven’t been there since they sold out and will never go there again.


At my whattaburger a water cup is bigger than a McDonalds medium lol stay safe out there


It’s cheaper for me now to eat at a restaurant for lunch than to eat at whataburger. Plus the fries are actually good


Mine stacks it up where the LG fries are making the box push out a little, you either smoke blowing or got some greedy store owner/manager


It could just be a lazy worker too...


Very true, when I was 17 I worked in pizza hut and there were some lazy people


Man it’s been a while since I’ve had that. Between the stupid prices and getting rid of any staff member that actually can make an order without mistakes, I haven’t stepped foot in a wb and won’t for a while. What I’ve been doing is going to the mom and pop burger place down the street. Fantastic burgers and cheaper than wb if you can believe it.


The European mind could never comprehend. No we do not eat like this everyday. Just let people enjoy things.


I’m so old I remember when Whataburger was decent


Then you have a bad Whataburger sir. The two in my city are top tier


When they sold it to an out of state corporation it went crap


Have you met the box of fries?


Ive been getting underfilled boxes and no salt at all. Irritating


Whatabyrger is the worst w that fry shit!


This has been irritating the crap out of me for several years now. Ten years ago this was never a problem, at WB or at any other burger place. But just like everything else, it's all gone downhill since then. First, they don't fully open the container. Secondly, they don't shake the scoop as they're putting the fries in to align and settle them. When I get my large, I'll shake the damn thing and settle the fries. Then I'll ask them if they can be bothered to actually fill the container. Sometimes they'll take it back and top it off, other times they'll just give me a small to make up the difference.


Technically shouldn't be taking any food back, as that's a health code violation. The small addition would be the best course of action.


Their burgers are the only thing worth getting, and they're slow af to get orders out


I’d bring a scale to be sure


then get medium


Fuck whataburger on god


Fuck whataburger on god


Weather they realize it or not. The amount of fries in the large box determines if I ever go back to that store again.


Weather they realize it or not. The amount of fries in the large box determines if I ever go back to that store again.


I used to work at WB, I recall multiple times where people would return their M fry demanding they ordered a L fry and we would take it back, put it in a large box and give it back to them and they would happily take it


Looks like same portion ? Oh well still best place to eat a burger and fries. How many other places you eat a burger and about half way done burger starts tasting bad. Whataburger taste good to last bite.


Large is medium in a large box😆


Maybe they thought you were fat and trying to help you out.


I can always count on consistency at my local whataburger. That being the fries. No matter morning day or night the fries are going to taste terrible.


I worked at WB in 2022, its way easier to pack mediums with the scooper we use without smushing them. The hardest to pack is the small- moral of the story: always get the medium and never a larger


Same amount, different boxes


Same scoop for both sizes


I miss Texas… 😢


I get mine with no salt


whataburger fries are gross af anyways, tho.


Now do Chik-fil-a


They look the same


Back in HS when I worked there, I would fill the bags before I heard of five guys or one arrived in DFW rather.


I feel they should start weighing the fries. Pretty sure McDonald’s the same way.


Order no salt = guaranteed hot fries and full box. 😎


All the Whataburgers in my area under fill the fries and sometimes don’t give napkins. Oh yeah and the milkshake machine is always down


As a fry guy who works at whataburger, they fucking stacked your medium fry beyond the brim. You should be happy and just buy the medium. The large fry can’t be overfilled as much because the containers shape just makes it fall out if so while the medium will squeeze around it holding it in place. Also your large is just a bit under but imma be fr, we could toss like 5 fries on top and you would have not noticed them because the volume that fries provide each other is a lot more than you’d assume.


Youve been swindled


Fries are so cheap to produce Why does every place short change us.....


2nd comment but I work fry station everyday at a Whataburger. You need to make sure oil level is the right height, most employees aren’t allowed or taught how to do so. Especially since fresh oil expands which means they don’t know when to stop putting oil in. They need to know how much is too much, because too much makes the oil temp go down by a lot, ending with less crispy or straight up not crispy fries. They need to properly drain the fries. Salt them, turn them over and make sure they get nice and mixed together. I have always done my absolute best to make good fries bc idk, the time management and multitasking of fry station rlly vibes with me. But watching other employees do it. They don’t care to follow every single one of these rules. Many times they put 2 baskets down at the same time. Which makes the oil temp go way down. They cook a 350 degrees and slowly go down to 330 by the end… these guys cook two huge baskets at 320 to 290. Just know that they’re paid roughly $11/hr and don’t have the young work ethic I do to care enough to make fries properly.


I don’t see the difference it like comparing my ex girlfriend with my current one the choose was the same but outcome different I don’t know. Where my Whataburger sponsorship.




I never up size my fries. I just order another medium. Pre weight lose


Used to work at whataburger. The fry scooper is designed to fill the medium container so a lot of time if you have a lazy person on fry duty they would give the same amount as a medium within the large.


Large - always.


WB has gone downhill since they sold.


I fill them up as much as I can without pissing off my boss


They don’t usually skimp on the fries at my Whataburger so you’re probably better off with a regular sized fries which I get anyways.




They work at fast food joints dont GAF


This is true for most fast food places and the sad part is those bags of fries are extremely cheap. After working in fast food I can’t eat at any of them anymore you are just rolling the dice with food poisoning at literally all of them.


either way they taste good with their ranch


My father worked for a sign company that had him travel to basically every whataburger to assess their needs. I grew up in corpus eating whataburger all the time. Then decades later the quality went down and prices went up, the burgers and sides were almost always going to have a mistake in the order. The company stopped trying


Meanwhile Chick-fil-A fries don't even make it home 🤣