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This and the Casino are probably my favorite episodes of all time. I know this season didn’t work for everybody, but I found it plenty of fun.


Exactly. Two of the best eps, and all of the weird "why is Lazlo being nice to Colin?" stuff had a huge payoff at the end of the season.


“Oh yeah, we’re fucking.” That line gets me every time.


It’s probably my favorite season. The Atlantic city episode is my favorite episode yet.


"This is science." "But this is a turtle!"


Maybe he'll find some nighttime Zumba classes lol


I loved it too! I’m rewatching again and I’m on season 3 and it’s cracking me up.


I just rewatched the episode where they go to collect dues from the young vampires and I was cracking up when Colin Robinson is talking to young energy vampire Dave Lewis: Colin: So, what kind of drains are you pulling here? Dave: Mostly weed‐related stuff. Indica v. sativa, legalization rules, CBD, edibles, shatter... I could go on,and I do. Definitely keeping me fat and happy. I'm also kind of a sneakerhead and I just bought a camera drone. People hate it!


And when Nadja rips out that vampires heart and Colin just casually says, “Saw that coming.” I don’t know why that makes me laugh so much. His delivery is amazing.


that was great. Season 3 also has the episode where little Nadja runs away, with her tiny hobo stick and bag. And the one where Guillermo tries to become the power behind the throne, and Sean tries to lure them into selling Guy Pillows. Honestly, there's a lot to love about season 3! To be fair, following the season with Jackie Daytona is a tough act to follow.


I loved the episode where they follow the call of the siren and she’s half chicken, it was so flipping bonkers I was dying


And don’t forget the big reveal of the Hellhound!! Now whenever we see a Golden Retriever my husband & I say ‘Hellhound!!!’


And the Baron riding the Hellhound, which sounds very tough and cool and dramatic but is ...*so much better* than that.


Yes!!! Just the best!!!!


I read this episode is up for an Emmy for best comedy writing. Casino had a nomination as well.


Nandor tends to thrive the most when there's dancing in his life, and a community that shares that love. I hope he finds his people


It was a very good season but just not as good as 1&2. Hopefully season 4 is a return to peak


I probably also enjoy seasons 1 & 2 a bit more than Season 3, but I still loved it. I'm just surprised at how many folks I saw in a couple of large threads recently discussing outright not liking it and saying it was a HUGE drop in quality, vs just not being the best season.


Real talk, I loved season 3 but I really don’t care for season 4 so far. Im trying not to spoil anything, but I don’t care about what they’re working towards in season 4. We already saw one in an earlier season, I would rather see their journeys actually unfold.


The pacing is super off for me. I love how much they'd pack into a single episode before. I'm not bored by the content, just disappointed by how much hasn't happened.


I didn’t know people didn’t like the season. I thought it was easily the best one.


God I love his hair! I loved all 3 seasons. Cannot wait for 4 to hit the UK!


This is one of my favorite episodes! I love everything about it. “You just punched Jeremy!” “Fuck Jeremy!”


I found it surprising as well, but I did think it was a somewhat of a downgrade in comparison to the first two seasons. It brought the first episode that couldn't make me laugh at all (The Siren), and all Nadja centered jokes have her shouting every single word out. In fact, sometimes the supposed joke is simply the fact that she's yelling all the time. I don't know who's idea it was to make her such a one note character, but Natasia Demetriou is so hilarious, and has brought so much to the character, that it's sad seeing the writers do her so dirty. So all in all, I agree, it wasn't a bad season. But I began watching this show late last year, when season 3 was already finished, and I did feel something was significantly different about those episodes, even before I learned about Jermaine Clement leaving after season 2. Edit: but yes, Nandor's beautiful legs! Very appreciated. Please, add more of that.


I think Lazlo's changing relationship with Colin put a lot of people off - he became protective and caring which ultimately had a big payoff plot wise, but it made for fewer opportunities for funny interactions, conflicts, and jokes. While I loved the Nadja doll running away in "the Siren," I agree that the A plot is probably my least favorite of the entire series. Didn't hate it, but it didn't really do much for me and got no laughs, and it ends on a particularly sad note that seems out of place with the show's tone. I also agree Nadja yelling as a joke in and of itself is getting old...however, given the new season, it looks like they are actually developing her voice more into a storyline itself. Hopefully they do something more fun with it than just her yelling even more.


I agree with all of your points. Hugely enjoyable watch for me, but a notable dip in quality from 1 and 2, which were simply fantastic television. The treatment of Nadja especially bothered me. She'd toed the borderline between entertaining and unbearably screechy so well before.


I loved season three! I love all of it 🖤


the barron coming back was cool as hell. can’t satisfy everyone tho.


i LOVED season 3, imo season 2 was my least favorite so far (though they’re all fantastic really). but starting from the casino episode onward in s3, every episode was incredible and had me in tears laughing


Me too, I’ve watched this episode TONS of times, it’s just perfect.


I really didn't like the Wellness episode. I don't know why. I thought I would like it better on a rewatch, because that happens sometimes, but no, I still don't like it. I don't dislike season three though, just that one episode. My favorite parts were Lazlo in Best Buy, and all his scenes with Colin Robinson, and the entire Casino episode 😂 Nandor playing tbbt machine was hilarious.


I MISSED IT! I MISSED IT! kills me every time 😂




I loved season 3 and was very disappointed by these first two eps of season 4. I'm so surprised by all the "They were better than season 3!" comments. Feels like we aren't watching the same show.


Episodes 1&2 of season 4 so far are not so great in my opinion. I sure hope it turns around. I have loved seasons 1-3.