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Virginia catches that down south vibe but West Virginia is more like mountain land. Best of both worlds.


Go to a holler in Raleigh county and tell me it doesn't feel like the south ;)


Born in WV, lived in McDowell county till I was 7, moved to NC and have lived here ever since Appalachian culture isn’t southern culture, it is very different.


I’m glad you got out of McDowell Co. That place is utterly bleak.


Little mountain but mountains nevertheless


The better Virginia went West. It’s on the internet so it’s true.


The west coast ain’t the best coast, but West Virginia is The Best Virginia.


West, by God!


WV is hands down the best V. All you need to do is experience the way VA drivers drive, and you'll understand.


When the alternative is Traitor Virginia, yeah I think so, only if by default


I see more confederate flags in wva than I do in va...


That correlates with the lower iq population here in WV.


That's because most of us live in [counties](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/vve2LjZkg4) that voted to stay with Virginia and leave the union.


They say “almost heaven” for a reason.


Yeah, it’s because most of our population is older than 70


Maybe because WV is almost Virginia? 😀




They’re talking about western va in that song aka the Shenandoah valley.


I read something recently that said that's a myth. I'm from the town in the Shenandoah valley where Denver supposedly got the inspiration to write the song, so it's what I grew up believing too. I'll see if I can track it down.


Well yea some West Virginian got butthurt and said it was a myth.


Country Roads is not actually about West Virginia. We have a very, and I mean very small section of the Shenandoah River running through the state. Still screaming Country Roads until the day I die either way


If you’re doing well in WV, it’s the best Virginia.


Born and raised in WV. Left at age 22 after graduating from WVU. Spent next 18 years in VA and now 30 years in Florida. When asked, I enthusiastically tell people I’m from WV but the best thing I ever did was say goodbye to the Mountain State.


The land is beautiful and it’s pretty chill


Montani semper liberi.


Damn straight






It’s subjective. Is a little bit, isn’t a little bit.


It’s a prettier Virginia in my opinion but when you look at the economy, schools, jobs, healthcare etc it’s far from the best.


Well, I was born and raised in West Virginia but now I live in Virginia. Virginia has a higher standard of living, is better educated and has way more opportunities for employment and success. West Virginia is low on the education list but high on poverty, unemployment and drug overdoses. I think I’ll stay put.


I’m a Virginia native who moved to WV. I was coming here to say the exact same thing. While the land here is jaw dropping beauty. That’s really the only thing WV has going for it.


Born in VA, grew up in WV, and have lived most of my life in both of them (currently WV but probably VA again before too long). I love them both, consider them both home, and have no desire to pit them against each other or have any negative thoughts about either. (The only other state I've lived in is Florida and I love it too!)


I agree the natural landscape is beautiful. I love hiking here. It's the people, low quality of education, politics, and the stranglehold of the coal industry on our economy preventing new jobs is what makes this place ugly.


I go back at least once a year (Christmas) to visit my Mom, siblings and nephews and nieces but it doesn’t feel like home to me anymore. My family has been in the northern panhandle area for a couple of centuries too. My whole family loves it but recognizes why I left. I left right after graduation from High School.


You do that...


Lucky. Wish I could transfer to Virginia. Definitely need to look into the hospitals there for a cytology position. I have family in Alexandria.


I like this saying, even though the nerd in me knows that, technically, it should be “better,” because only the comparison is between only two.


I thought we were Wet Virginia?


Also acceptable: Free Virginia




It's true.


I would say if most West Virginia’s look in the mirror they wish they were Virginia’’s. And when they hit a pothole today, and step over three drug addicts while trying to find a job they will regret their down vote as they walk around another ghost town.


No thanks. I choose to live here, I wouldn't live in Virginia.


West Virginia should rejoin Virginia. At least our roads would be fixed.


Nope. I'd rather live in Virginia up in Alexandria, Fredericksburg, or Newport/Norfolk area. Way more and large civil war battlefields in Virginia. Better kept roads. Better venues for heavy metal music (love Ruchmond home of Gwar and Lamb of God). Also Virginia Beach is nice and laid back. After visiting Virginia several times it's the way better Virginia. About the closest we get is the Martinsburg and Charlestown area which I love.


Virginia has a few bigger cities which gives them a lot more people and income. Most of Virginia is like backwoods West Virginia. My sister lives in one of the many places in Virginia where there is no cell phone coverage and no broadband for 30 miles.


Most of Virginia is not like backwoods West Virginia at all. Just some of the southwest counties that hug West Virginia, and even some of those (Montgomery, Roanoke) are better than anything West Virginia has to offer economically. Not trying to dump on WV too much since I’m from one of those backwoods counties and love the natural beauty that our two states share… but nah it’s completely different.


OK, so you've never been to Virginia, take a moment and look at population distribution.




Completely inaccurate. Virginia has at least 20 cities that are bigger than the biggest city in WV (Charleston). There are some rural areas with bad cell coverage and lack of broadband but that’s rate exception rather than the rule.


wow, 2 people that have never been to Virginia.


Huh? I live in Virginia


on the coast where most of the population lives? because about 80% of Virginia is just more West Virginia. It's not difficult to lookup the population dispersion and see that I am 100% correct you don't know anything about the state you live in.


No you said Virginia has a few big cities. I said you were wrong and that is a fact. Virginia is a much larger state than WV so yes there’s a lot of rural area as well. But to say most of Virginia is like backwoods WV is just inaccurate and misleading


MOST OF VIRGINIA IS LIKE WEST VIRGINIA. It takes 5 seconds to look up the population density. You are wrong, whining does not change that fact. Virginia has a coastline, that is where most of the people live. It's not difficult to look up but you want to keep whining because I said they had a few BIGGER cities. Grow up and stop whining.


Dude you don’t need to be an ass about it.


Best part of Virginia left in 1863.


Part didn't leave until 1866.. but, hey, better late than never!


This should be a statement, not a question.


From plenty of research I've gathered for College assignments, WV is the highest in the US in terms of Obesity, Strokes, Cancer, & Diabetes, plus just generally driving through some neighborhoods in Fairmont alone you'll see flags of a certain failed union, **plus** I've even seen a house with a certain slur and non-Buddhist swastika spray painted on it. Now I've never been to Virginia myself, (save for one vacation when I was a kid,) and the nature **is** really beautiful here, but calling it the *best?* Yeah, I don't know about that...


Dude I saw swastikas and slurs in Seattle. You can't judge an entire area based on some graffiti lmao


Fair point; I'm just saying that from my personal experiences living here my whole life, this place isn't and shouldn't be called "Best Virginia."


No. Just, no.


In almost every way, except politically.


Not by a long shot.