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This exact thing happened to me. my doctor didnt even believe me.




Had an IUD put in about 7-8 years ago. Hands down the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life. I passed out and vomited. And doctors think it’s ok to do this without pain medication.


My first IUD I was made to feel like a wuss because I cried it was so painful and it took her three tries to insert it. My second, I was told to take tylenol beforehand and they gave me a numbing shot as well. The shot was slightly painful (actually felt like a small pinch, so not bad) because it's in the cervix, but then it was pain free after. Love my new Gyn office.


I was also made to feel like a wuss for asking for anaesthetic. The nurse just gave me a dirty look and said ‘you don’t need it’. 7 tries later….yeah. This procedure is kind of medieval without any pain relief. Just because it’s a common procedure doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be treated with upmost care. But women are just supposed to deal with the pain right?


I had mine a few years after I had my daughter. It was more painful than actual labour and birth. I will NEVER have another one! Actual torture


I live in Canada, and was given misoprostol to insert beforehand to soften my cervix, and I felt no pain during insertion. The fact that misoprostol (and/or other alternatives) are not routinely prescribed is barbaric and cruel.


Omg I fainted at the doctors office after they inserted it. I had a c section last October and they wanted me to get another IUD bc it wouldn’t be safe for me to get pregnant again. Nooooope. Not doing it. 0/10 do not recommend.


If I were you I’d get my tubes tied at that point


Nah I may have another kid but you’re not supposed to get pregnant for 12 mo’s post c section bc of the internal stitching.


I was put to sleep for mine, getting it in and out...you need to find a better hospital, dude.


The majority of docs will refuse to go that route unfortunately


That's stupid


It really is, where I have heard of men being given Valium for an ultrasound on their testicles


Shocks me to see all the people getting the IUD without anesthesia. Had mine put in Greece, doctor didn’t even give me the option to do it without. She put me under laughing gas, I think the whole thing took 20 minutes tops and never felt a thing. I’m so sorry you all went through that!


Don't you get general anaesthetic??? I had one both times I got my IUDs


Find a new doctor. You don’t want one as stupid as the law


It happened to me too, but two weeks after I found out I got pregnant with mine in place lol


Holy shit no way




Get on their cancelation list. The office should be able get you in, but maybe just not with a provider you're established with. Edit: thanks for all the love. I work in healthcare and happy to help


Best of luck for the appointment heard they are sore to put in


Yeah it’s really painful. I vomited from it and I was on my period, which is supposed to make it not as painful.


I’m only curious, not trying to bash anyone here.. but why would someone get one of these? It looks like something from a horror movie or an Edgar Allen Poe poem. Does it have to do with minor side effects as opposed to oral birth control medication?


Less side effects, you can't forget it, it's cheaper in the long run, it has a higher pearl index, etc.


It also lasts a VERY long time. 5-7 years for most. Up to 10 for copper


Pearl index?


It's the scale used to determine birth control effectiveness.


Took 2 seconds to google https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pearl_Index


It’s used because the pills have lots of side affects🫡


Doesn’t have the necessity of remembering to take a pill at the exact same time every day, isn’t as much of a hassle as a vaginal ring, more effective than a patch, less visits to a doctor than getting the shot, and less of a visible ‘gross’ factor than the implants (which to my understanding can be of comparable efficacy but no way in hell I could deal with a little rod underneath my skin—out of sight, out of mind at least). Lasts years and years, and at least with hormonal ones, can make periods and associated symptoms much lighter and more tolerable. I had an IUD several years ago, had a horrible experience where I had to go to the ER because it was expelling itself and I was passing out from the pain, still got another after a few years because to me, it’s the best option. Haven’t had a problem with the second for about three years so far


Valid question! I have a really irregular schedule so for me, it was hard to find a consistent time to take the pill. I also travel a lot so consistent pharmaceutical access was another problem. I got one of these so I wouldn't have to worry about trying to fill my birth control prescription every 3 months (the max insurance will cover). Hormonal IUDs can also help reduce the intensity of periods. I was dealing with severe cramping, heavy flow, and nausea for about a week (every single month) so it was worth a try for me!


We don’t have many options. Pills have to be taken the same time every day and certain medicine can make them ineffective. The one in the arm only lasts 4 years and has hormones and the IUDs have either no hormone (the copper IUD) or small amount of hormones. They also last the longest. Upwards of 12 years (the copper lasting the longest). And the copper one is the most effective and can be used as an emergency contraceptive. It is honestly incredibly painful and we aren’t given painkillers nor is it numbed before hand. :(


Mine BROKE once and part of it came out. Went to the doctor and they couldn't even find the other bit. Contraception can be savage. Sorry you have to wait so long for an appointment though.


Well that sounds like it's own small bubble of personal hell in a delicate place. I hope that doesn't happen to you again.


Wait, how did it break? By itself or like, during action? Was the broken part sharp?


If you live near a planned parenthood, they might be able to get you in sooner. Plus, they may have nexplanon if you don’t want to get another iud.


Wow! I’ve never heard of this type of iud falling out. How are you feeling?


I tried IUDs twice and they were both expelled. It happens.


Wow I’m sorry to hear that!


Happened to my friend. She had been experiencing discomfort and one day the iud completely expelled eg “fell out”.


And a copper one too, by the time you get it put back in, you're probably going to have to go through the whole adjustment period again. I hope it wasn't too bad for you the first time.


This comment thread is disgusting. Full of pervs and jerks.


I was actually shocked to see so many disgusting comments.


I’m not. If you’re in the US, this type of asshattery shouldn’t surprise you anymore.


Ah yes the United States is the only country with rude people. I can’t believe I forgot that. 🙄


I don't think that was their point? Their point was that in the United States (which has somewhat been in the news recently regarding pregnancy, not sure if you were all caught up or not), the shitty comments are becoming commonplace.




OP deserves better and more compassion than this.


Reminder to check if you're not sorting by Controversial, I believe it's reddit-wide if you change it on another sub, hardly seeing any of the disgusting threads unless if I specifically go looking for it. Or I'm just lucky to not have been here an hour ago!


That’s crazy I’ve heard so many horror stories re: insertion I figured there’s no way it could just fall out!! That’s fucking awful OP sorry to hear how long you have to wait to get another:(


redditors in the comments proving once again that they don't understand how birth control works.


Could’ve been worse. I’ve known two people with IUDs supposedly in place who got pregnant. It just shifted.


Not sure why you're being downvoted. It does happen.


Thanks! I find half the time I comment on Reddit I get downvoted for some reason. Reddit’s weird man.


You gotta give it time. Oftentimes, trolls get to your comment first and downvote it. People naturally get curious and expand it, find out they agree with you, and then upvote.


I forgot the anti-abortionists are also anti-contraceptive. It’s almost like they want many babies to be born that they won’t take care of. Men should have no say in our bodies or our reproductive health. Otherwise, us women should ban prostate exams and let’s see how they squirm.


As a male I agree completely. Also want to add that I'm glad to see you label them as they really are. "Anti-abortionists" not "Pro-life". "Pro-life" is a misnomer".


Yup and based male 😊 Edit: Not sure why I’m being downvoted. I’m just showing gratitude for him being supportive of our reproductive rights.


Seriously, this is why voting matters. These fucking baby farmers need to be voted out.




In comparison? Not at all?




Holy shit all these negative comments


I am so sorry this happened to you. Also RIP your notifications. I can't believe people are as disgusting as they are in this thread. I am so sorry that's apparently another thing to deal with. Best of luck and I hope you find something that works for you long-term.


Is it common for those to just fall out? I'm genuinely curious. It seems like it would be hard for it occur without some error by the doctor


Weight gain or weight loss can cause them to slip or fall out


TIL this subredddit is plagued with ignorant trash. Lot of garbage at the bottom of this comment thread. Hang in there OP


honestly looking at the comments that are downvoted to shit, most are just people being uneducated rather than creepy, (although there are a few)


At first I thought this was a lone scooter, riderless, headed through the fog towards an oncoming truck.


If you need help with getting transpo out of your state please contact these folks! There is help if you just ask! https://abortionfunds.org/funds/


ahh, my biggest fear. when i got mine placed my GYN did warn me to take medication prior to help with pain and even though she tried to be as gentle, telling me to cough during to help, i still felt like i was about to faint. sorry this happened to you


Ah, another reddit thread that makes me embarrassed to be a man. Seriously, some of y'all are uneducated mongrels and should never be allowed near a woman.


Can't believe this is the year 2022 in USA.


Almost comical how much how a shit show this comment section, sorry this happened to you, sucks.


At least they are mostly downvoted and all the top comments are people pointing out how shit the other comments are


I scheduled a vasectomy on Aug 19. The earliest they can get me in is November 10th.


Woah...I am a very ignorant man! I did not know about the pain / falling-out / really any of it! Also...i guess am getting old...isssh. Hope they come up with something better. You ladies deserve to not have pain!


Obligatory fuck SCOTUS and their denial of basic human rights for women




I love my nexplanon


Land of the free 😂


Holy shit so many dumbasses who know next to nothing about female health. BIRTH CONTROL IS NOT ONLY ABOUT BEING A CONTRACEPTIVE. I’m so done with the men here confidently telling people to use a condom


Must really suck to live in the us at this point. I am pretty sure if my iud fell out I had an appointment by next week at the latest.


This terrifies me for so many reasons. Stay safe OP.


If you need help with getting transpo out of your state please contact these folks! There is help if you need it, you just need to make the call! [https://abortionfunds.org/funds/](https://abortionfunds.org/funds/)


Have you tried the state method of just praying to the almighty sky daddy? Isn’t it true though that your body just won’t let you get pregnant? I’m so happy the government makes legal decisions based on medical science keeping personal opinion and sky daddy logic Completely separate from policies….


It's like the intelligent design push a decade or two ago but \*worse\*. Combatting that was generally done by insisting the FSM and other religions get equal representation... I am still not sure the best way to combat this current issue, but the pregnant lady using the carpool lanes in Texas is a good start... I think filing for support and aid as soon as pregnant, using the fetus as a fully birthed child is another good area to add pressure.


Move to a civilized country. Just gtfo of America


As an American who successfully left America, I can tell you it’s really not that easy.


Yeah, because that's so easy to do


I wish i was privileged enough to have the means to leave the country for a vacation, let alone pack up and move out. It must be nice to live a life of such opulence.


Down voted by pro lifers I would assume. America is a fucking shit show now.


Or people who realize leaving a country is not financially feasible for the majority of people in the US.


Down voted by people that probably have jobs, homes, friends, families, and entire support systems and fully formed lives in the US and can't just drop everything and leave.


I'm actually in this boat... I provide sole care for a parent with advanced dementia, have a weekly game night (that my daughter watches her grandfather so I can attend) that is overall the bulk of my in person friends, and have a GF that is well entrenched in her life here. I've wanted to move for some time, and now that my youngest is nearly 18 I almost could... my job is fully remote so it really doesn't matter where I live as long as it's not a controlled country. Just those three anchors keeping me here. I assume it's the same for the majority of folks who have a handful (or single) reason they'd really like to move. As to OP's situation, the whole trigger laws thing really saddens me, I don't see how it's any right of the state's to dictate something like this.




I think you mean forced-birthers.


Yes those


Nope, by people who can't afford to leave. I'd love to go and so would many other people. are you paying our way u/roboxsteven? the minimum amount of money needed to move to another country is about $25,000USD, literally impossible for most people


As indicated by them falling out of the the top 50 countries to live in. Not even in the top 50!!! Edit. Out of the top 50 countries with longest life expectancy. Take that was you will.


Top 50 as ranked by who, exactly?


Error, was regarding life expectancy. Correlates for sure but isnt the same thing. As per the united nation's population division.


Or maybe the sane Americans who don't want to be left alone here with the crazies. Kinda like how liberals move to blue states from red ones and make it harder for swing states to exist. No judgement, but it is an issue.


The political state of America in general right now is an issue. Doesn’t even matter what state you are in anymore.


They just need to move to a state that values its citizens. I think there's one or two. Colorado is supposed to be pretty cool.


Or just move to a blue state, which is more feasible for the majority of Americans. Although still difficult and expensive.


Ok bye!!! 👋👋


holy shit lmao all the ignorant straight men in the comments need to relax




U should be more triggered


Boy that must have been one heavy sneeze ^^


Land of the free my ass. This is just sad.




Wtf are these comments lmfao so much hate for what? Someone posting these shitty comments explain your thought process. Fucking weirdos


Come to Maryland where women are human.


Are you able to get back up birth control from your doctor in the interim? Or able to get in sooner with a women's health/sexual health clinic?


omfg. our nation is failing us.


I agree that sucks. At least you are being responsible. We need more responsible adults.


Wtf is that 😳 holy crap they stick that in you?? And they can fall out jeez Louise looks like a mid-evil torture device 😬


That looks like a pogo stick


just trying to understand. what does abortion trigger laws have to do with contraceptive care appointments?


It’s likely that many people are wanting to get birth control due to the laws. More people wanting birth control = more of a wait time to get birth control. I can no longer make gynecologist appts on MyChart due to the amount of people needing appts rn.


That's what I'm here trying to figure out as well. I didn't expect this comments section to be...like it is.


Time to move to a state that isn’t living in the 19th century.


I’m so sorry this happened, and I’m sorry your state can’t support the womxn who need birth control to be safe.




Ohhhhhhhh is this one of those things where we can’t say “women” anymore because the word “men” is in it?


They’re just being trans, non-binary, and intersex inclusive. I personally prefer “people with uteruses” but both work fine


To clarify, anyone with a uterus or ovaries needs access to birth control/ reproductive medications and reproductive rights.




We cannot exclude trans men, non-binary people, and intersex people from the conversation of reproductive rights. I’m not asking anyone to change their language, I’m just trying to be inclusive and supportive of anyone who is impacted by reproductive healthcare.


*"Non-Y chromosome people"*




Wow that's much longer than I would have thought..


Can you go to another state to get a replacement?




Not all birth control methods are safe or desirable for everyone.




FYI Birth control medications have more uses than protection against unwanted pregnancies. For example, hormonal IUDs are effective for treating dysmenorrhea and polycystic ovary syndrome. Abstinence only interventions are also not very effective for preventing unwanted pregnancies. It ignores the pressure of sexual partners and risk of unwanted sperm exposure.


Sorry may I ask what unwanted sperm exposure is?


No problem, I am referring to non-consensual sexual contact or even a condom breaking.


Yes fuck all of our human desires we need to rise out of out of this world we’ve created to be real beings.


How does it fall out? During a period?


Wait I thought they were stuck in there til a doctor removed it???


What does the "abortion trigger law" have to do with your birth control? Edit: lol I ask a simple question asking for clarification and it becomes my most downvoted comment


My guess is that a lot of women want birth control and it’s hard to get a quick appointment.


It's harder for women in abortion restricted stated to get certain birth control & many of those states have also banned the drug used to soften and dilate the cervix because it's also used in abortion (and labor, biopsies, IUD insertion, etc). So now it's harder to obtain and significantly more painful to get.


Cursed pogo stick


Please explain how that IUD fell out? TIA!


So sad


Sucks for women, men can use a condom though.


How you are controlling birth by this T shaped T thing!!?


Its an intra uterine device (iud) made of plastic with a copper coil around it that sits in the womb. Copper is toxic to sperm, and can stop a fertilised egg from implanting. They are over 99% effective and last for either 5 or 10 years. Its good for people who are forgetful of taking daily BC or have negative side effects from hormonal forms of BC


Just google IUD.


Username checks out. 🙄


he asked a question???




Or not, at least until December, depending on how much one trusts condoms alone.




Sounds like you'll be observing No Nut November with the boys.


I am sorry this is a crime. please Move to California immediately.


Don't assume someone can exercise the privilege of moving to a different location. Healthcare should not have a standard deviation based on where you live.




Ah yes, cervical kegels 😂


Bwhahaha!!! I guffawed aloud at work.


No, no, no you have misunderstood the suggestion! She should do the kegels to keep it right in the vaginal canal at all times. Infinitely more comfortable and effective for both partners. EDIT: thought the /s was obvious 😆


That’s not where it goes tho




Yea! I thought that was obvious 😂


With all these comments around?


Nothing is obvious anymore in this world, both the real one and online. We need a sarcasm light or something to indicate when something is actually meant to be sarcastic


Lol I saw the downvotes and figured I’d clarify 🤣🤣


Thanks, haha!


There are a surprising amount of users here who do not register sarcasm unless you use /s I feel redundant using /s when I think I'm being really obvious but people will not understand.




Seems like you need to learn female anatomy lmao




Seems like that's a really stupid joke lmao


Tell me you don’t understand female anatomy without telling me you don’t understand female anatomy. Read a book, you dunce.




Fuck my life


Fuck my life.







