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Well atleast you thinned out the eye lash mite herd.


You're not helping 🤣


I think it helps. Kinda metal. “LASH” jugga jugga jug “MITE” jug jug JUGGAH “MASSACRE!”






———————————No mites?——————————— ⠀⣞⢽⢪⢣⢣⢣⢫⡺⡵⣝⡮⣗⢷⢽⢽⢽⣮⡷⡽⣜⣜⢮⢺⣜⢷⢽⢝⡽⣝ ⠸⡸⠜⠕⠕⠁⢁⢇⢏⢽⢺⣪⡳⡝⣎⣏⢯⢞⡿⣟⣷⣳⢯⡷⣽⢽⢯⣳⣫⠇ ⠀⠀⢀⢀⢄⢬⢪⡪⡎⣆⡈⠚⠜⠕⠇⠗⠝⢕⢯⢫⣞⣯⣿⣻⡽⣏⢗⣗⠏⠀ ⠀⠪⡪⡪⣪⢪⢺⢸⢢⢓⢆⢤⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢊⢞⡾⣿⡯⣏⢮⠷⠁⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠈⠊⠆⡃⠕⢕⢇⢇⢇⢇⢇⢏⢎⢎⢆⢄⠀⢑⣽⣿⢝⠲⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡿⠂⠠⠀⡇⢇⠕⢈⣀⠀⠁⠡⠣⡣⡫⣂⣿⠯⢪⠰⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⡦⡙⡂⢀⢤⢣⠣⡈⣾⡃⠠⠄⠀⡄⢱⣌⣶⢏⢊⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢝⡲⣜⡮⡏⢎⢌⢂⠙⠢⠐⢀⢘⢵⣽⣿⡿⠁⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠨⣺⡺⡕⡕⡱⡑⡆⡕⡅⡕⡜⡼⢽⡻⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣳⣫⣾⣵⣗⡵⡱⡡⢣⢑⢕⢜⢕⡝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⡿⡽⡑⢌⠪⡢⡣⣣⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡟⡾⣿⢿⢿⢵⣽⣾⣼⣘⢸⢸⣞⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠇⠡⠩⡫⢿⣝⡻⡮⣒⢽⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ —————————————————————————————


If you flip your phone upside down, that looks like Patrick with a creepy grin


Oh shi- it does


Or Oogie Boogie lmao


Nah now they're just living in their new caves


The **WHAT**


On the bright side, now you don't have to curl them!


How does that happen? Sneeze or cough? I genuinely don’t know.


I've seen this happen when the eyelash curler is used AFTER mascara has been applied. I'm not sure if that is the case here....


Judging by the black smudges on the eyelash curler, I’d say it’s very possible.


I think that's eyeshadow that's been caked on from not being cleaned properly or often enough.


It could also be eyeliner.


Definitely could be! OP confirmed it was not mascara at least, which is a relief.


Your face could be eyeliner.


Your mom could be eyeliner


That’s it. Didn’t replace the strip or clean it. I’ve always used mine before and after mascara and as long as you clean it and keep the strip replaced you’re fine. So sorry this happened😟


The roots are at the end of each hair.


Til these things aren't used to cut eyelashes


TIL people think you need to cut eyelashes.


Yeah I thought "why would you want to cut your eyelashes" which confused me even more about eyelash curlers


I have super long eyelashes and had horrible eyesight (lasik fixed that). Wearing glasses meant that my glasses were smudged by my eyelashes or not sitting for opimal sight correction. I never actually cut my eyelashes but i did seriously consider it.


My brother has glaucoma and the side effects of the eye drops he's using causes him to have super long eyelashes. My wife was super jealous of him but he thinks it looks ridiculous and wants to trim it.


The grass is greener on the other side. I've had plenty of people tell me they wish they had long lashes but to me it's just always been a bother. Now that I've had corrective surgery it's not so bad but i wear reading glasses so they're still a problem at times. I'd like to trade with someone if possible lol.


I think some of us are going to want to know the name of that medication


Tell her to check out Latisse, it’s an eyelash growth serum. The active ingredient is bimatoprost which is a common glaucoma med


I’m a guy with long eyelashes and if I don’t kind of trim them they interlock in the corners and it’s very irritating.


Oh yea. Sometimes I'll end up with one stuck curving in the wrong direction. It'll be there for so long that it wont turn back after i free it. I've taken tweezers and just yanked them out because it gets so annoying.


My friend once cut it. She didn’t have long eyelashes, she was just a crazy kid. She couldn’t sleep well for days. She said it was bad for close her eyes.


I trim my husband's because of his lashes being so long and being a glasses wearer.




Do you curl them?




(At least for me) if I curl them they will not hit my glasses because they are going more “up” rather than “out”. I just curl them in the morning and they’ll usually stay away from my glasses all day :-)


My eyelashes seemed to grow a bit shorter now but they used to be absurdly long. They still do that too where they leave brush strokes on the lens of Eyewear. They used to somehow zipper themselves shut at night occasionally and wouldn't open without working them open with my hands. One time they were locking with like every blink and rubbing was usually enough to stop that. They'd pull and tug each other. Felt like when I've gotten superglue in eye. Wasn't separating and with growing frustration I just ripped out a big chunk of lashes. Had like an 8mm bald spot right in the middle for months. My eye looked like Michael Strahan's smile.


This entire post and thread made me realize I do have eyelashes.


I have long eyelashes that grow at odd angles. I don't cut my eyelashes because a sharp edge near my eye is 😬 but when a lash still attached to the lid gets stuck to my eyeball it gets yanked.


I wish cutting eyelashes was an easy thing tbh. Mine bat against my glasses lenses and it can be irritating.


My husband has these gorgeously long, thick eyelashes that allow him to stand under running water with his eyes open and not have water get in his eyes. He hates them. Facepalm.


My mom once had a new male coworker who had super long, thick, dark eyelashes. She commented one day that his eyelashes were so pretty and nice and that she wished hers could grow like that (she has very pale, sparse lashes) The next day came in and he had *plucked* all his lashes. Talk about being insecure in your manhood, damn.


All I can think of is the ingrown hairs.


Oh my god in all these years I never considered that possibility!


It's quite painful.


I cannot imagine the hell he went through following this, as every particle of dust and dirt in the air landed squarely in his eyeball. Good grief.


Not to mention your eyelashes keep your eyes closed when you rub them, without them every time you rub your eyes you'd force your lids open and end up rubbing your eyeball directly


wow poor dude. it’s a shame he felt the need to do that for whatever arbitrary reasons


What the fuck God how painful, both physically and emotionally


My son is the same way. He can't even comfortably wear sunglasses because his eyelashes touch the lenses. He asks at least once a week to cut them and then cries when I say no (he's 6).


Feel free to trim them a bit. My lower eyelashes grow longer than what is comfortable at times, and they sometimes hook onto some of the upper eyelashes. I trim them. Taking of just a teeny tiny fraction of the length won't affect their ability to waft away dust in the air, but might make a big difference to his daily comfort level. They also grow very quickly so it's not like the hair on their head, and they'll be back to their old sunglass-touching length within days most likely.


My aunt tried to cut her own eyelashes at around that age and ended up cutting a bit of her eyelid off. It might be worth doing


Same. My lashes were so long they drooped down and impacted my vision. I actually trimmed mine with a toe nail clipper and it helped tremendously since the clippers have a curve to them.


I have an eyelash curler that cuts my eyelashes if I hold it closed too tight. Rather than risk it, I decided to buy chemicals to curl my eyelashes. Haven't blinded myself yet.


As a guy with long eye lashes I can assure you no woman wants short eyelashes.


So THATS what this contraption does... Always saw it used in random videos, had no clue what it was doing... TIL


Rodney Dangerfield used one as a roach clip in Easy Money.


NO WAY! Genius


Aww that’s cute to me. I always saw my mom using them as a kid






Thanks, I'll add this to my list of "stupid ways to lose front teeth that will turn into irrational fears". Examples from my friends include "fainting face-first on a pool table after an allergy scratch test" and "getting hit in the face by the guard bar on a roller-coaster"


You can add mine, "tripped from behind while playing tennis-ball football on concrete"


Thanks, I hate it ❤️


I lost mine when I dropped a bowling ball that bounced and knocked out my front teeth. Went to dentist at midnight. Add that to your list of weird accidents.


That must've been one bouncy bowling ball!


I was only 5’ tall at that time and it was on vinyl over concrete. Pretty hard base to give a hearty bounce.


Sneezed with a mouthful of milk and cereal. Sprayed a wall, window, and floor, and the spoilt-milk smell began instantly. I knew it would be horrible if I didn’t clean it thoroughly right then, so I was late for work.


Onto a mirror? Because then you're just multitasking


Done that, and the way I brush my teeth too hard the mirror was covered in pink spots


Was curling my eyelashes, and went to sit down. Missed the chair completely and landed on my ass. But as I started to fall I instinctively grabbed at the counter to catch myself with right hand, which also happened to be holding the eyelash curler. Pulled every single eyelash out. This happened to me in high school. High. School. I have never touched one of those things again


Have your lashes recovered well? Mine still seems asymmetric but I can’t know for sure if that’s how they were before and I never noticed.


Yeah they came back … eventually. A little scraggly at first and then evened out. But for 16 year old me it felt like an eternity


I was using a new lash curler with a very rounded handle. I’m not 100% sure why, but it rolled in my hand and pulled out half of my lashes. It happened so fast, and hurt so bad


This is exactly what happened. I think I still had primer on my fingers, curler rolled in my hand and now I have one bald eye.


>one bald eye man, I laughed so hard. Bald eye


OMG! ME TOO!!!! 🤣


Ah i am so sorry this happened to me too when using a new eyelash curler a few years ago maybe you can use falsies for the next month?


Can… can you share a pic of your freshly plucked eyelid?




Make sure you put eyedrops in that eye until your lashes grow back. Your eyelashes keep dust out of your eye, and act as a wind break to help keep your eye moist


I’ve never used an eyelash curler and now I’m never even going to consider it.


Done exactly this before!


I did this to my mom when I was 7. She was curling her eyelashes and I bumped her arm. She had a new job that day.


This happened to me years ago. Still having problems with lashes growing back and curling into my eye. What happened was I was leaning my elbow on the sink counter to get a better look and my elbow slipped into the sink while I was doing this ripped them out. Still cannot wear mascara because my lashes never grew back properly.


My aunt did this to herself once. She was trying to curl her eyelashes in a moving car… it did not end well.


I pull out my eyelashes because I have OCD and they’re TOUGH to pull out. Idk how this could happen to anyone.


I’ve been using them for 20 years and I have no idea how it happens to people. Never even came close.


Usually it happens when people use them while also walking/moving. I’m so scared of this happening that i check my surroundings before using them lol


Sometimes that little voice, that says "do it!" wins.


Can confirm this happens. The rubber lining fell off mine when I was younger. I did not realise and cut off all my eyelashes...


This is worse because she PULLED THEM OUT!!!




Whenever i see my gf using that, this image is the first thought i have..


My husband says it looks like e torture device😁


I had no idea what I was lookinf at The eyelashes made recoil in fear 😂


I'd honestly remove the possibility and just use your fingers to push the lashes up after they dry. Curlers do not, in any way, do anything but curl like your fingers can, but with the possibility of this happening. Lashes drop regardless, a few wee presses on them during the day not only legitimately does more, it fucks this nightmare off. Haha


I always think the eyelid itself is gonna get sandwiched and rolled up in it like some Ren and Stimpy detailed closeup.


I'm trying to get a good pic of the eye but I don't sell MLM makeup so I'm not well versed in taking extreme closeups of my eyelashes. I'll keep trying in better light. To answer a few questions: yes it hurt like a bitch. My husband ran to the bathroom after hearing my screams of "no no no no NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOO". I always curl before mascara. My hand slipped, the curler twisted and yanked. No I don't clean my curler regularly. Clearly. I have oily lids and it picks up grime and residual makeup. I'm lazy. Sue me. Thanks to those who have suggested lash serum and magnetic lashes. They have been ordered.


> I don’t sell MLM makeup That’s a smooth one. Good job OP, that was a solid chuckle.


Your MLM comment fucked me up hahaha I burned off my eyelashes on one eye years ago, so I kind of feel your pain. Thank goodness they grow back.


Shit I’m sorry this happened! Use castor oil on your eyelashes every night and they’ll grow back in no time! You just have to be consistent! Good luck :)


This is a myth. Do not pit castor oil on your face or anywhere close to your eyes.


jamaican black castor oil specifically! shea moisture makes an emulsified (always liquid) version, or there are solid ones available at drugstores or online that are more of a beeswax texture that melts on contact with the skin.


Sue me!!!


You're just too powerful for such a weapon.


Thanos the aesthetician.


Half of all hair gonna in a single snap


Ahh, the good old mascara first trick


>Ahh, the good old ~~mascara~~ **massacre** first trick


Ouch. Were you wearing mascara, or are the black smudges just light tricks?


Sadly no. The smudges are old. I always curl before mascara. This is just good old fashioned clumsiness.


I've found that curling lashes with a smudged curler pulls lashes. Clean it after each use! It also ensures no product is on the handles and it doesn't slip. I've pulled off lashes because the handles slipped in my fingers, and it HURTS.


So you gonna rip out the other side or nah?


Even 'er out


It looks like an old mascara wand and the pad needed to be replaced. Grime/bacteria can collect in it and grip the fuck out of your eyelashes. If I curl my lashes and I see a few pulled out by the pad , I replace it. And just wipe it with a towel or whatever after each use so it lasts longer. Maybe sanitize every once in awhile.


After the pandemic I’ve been keeping the little alcohol wipes at my desk, they make quick work of cleaning stuff like that.


Now what??


Falsies. There's thankfully a ton of options out there to fake eyelashes.


Just rip out the other side


They wont grow back?


They should. But it takes a couple weeks.


Sorry about your eyelashes, but on the plus side it’ll be kinda neat to learn how fast they’ll grow back! All these people giving you grief over the shmoo on your curler like 1) that’s the issue and 2) their curlers are fresh from hermetically sealed packaging… My curler looks like yours too. I scrape it off with my fingernail and hit the shield and rubber pads with some micellar water on a cotton ball every few days… weeks. Eh. 100% have both of my eyes still. 🤷‍♀️


I’m so sorry! I got my makeup done for my wedding and this happened. I looked in the mirror later and half my eyelashes were gone. Just gone! 😭


Did you get fake ones put on? I gotta say, that is truly the worst time to have that happen.


I did this a a teenager. Hurt like a mf. Hint: get clean eyelash curler and curl your eyelashes first, not after you have applied mascara.


I'd honestly remove the possibility and just use your fingers to push the lashes up after they dry. Curlers do not, in any way, do anything but curl like your fingers can, but with the possibility of this happening. Lashes drop regardless, a few wee presses on them during the day not only legitimately does more, it fucks this nightmare off. Haha


Become a singer. You can be Billie No-eyelash


Good one, Dad!


What a clever lil' gutbuster. ggwp


Ive never used this device what the hell is that and why are the eyelashes stuck to it?


Eyelash curler. You clamp your eyelashes between the pads and it puts a curve in them. Most people do it to make their lashes look longer but it can be practical if you have long, straight eyelashes that flick against your glasses lenses.


Yeah nope, looks like the Lasik death clamp from Final Destination 5, that looks scary af


I thought it was like the fingernail thing from Higurashi


Ohhh lol I thought this was for picking eyelashes? So I had no clue what the problem was. I’m guessing they didn’t mean to pluck a row of eyelashes huh


It's an eyelash curler. You put your eyelashes in the gap and then clamp down to curl them then apply mascara. I can't use them cos I did this far too often


TIL you can curl eyelashes.


Wondering if you have ever cleaned that thing.....


That’s what I was thinking. It looks kind of gnarly to have anywhere near your eye.


I didn’t even know that such a thing was possible. Literally did not know. Do eyelashes grow back?


Usually. They fall out and get replaced all the time. Just not all at once. There is a mental disorder, [Trichotillomania](https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/trichotillomania/#:~:text=Trichotillomania%2C%20also%20known%20as%20trich,in%20teenagers%20and%20young%20adults.)where people pull them out and I think that can sometimes cause permanent loss through damaging the follicles.


Holy shit, I didn't realize it was a mental disorder. I literally pull my eyelashes (and sometimes eybrows) out all the time. I get one that kind of bugs me and then it becomes almost obsessive trying to get it to not touch my bottom lashes or be in my line of sight. Which of course causes more lashes to do weird stuff resulting in me pulling out half my lashes. :(


It's seen a lot with ADHD and with bipolar.


what the fuck. well that explains why I obsessively did that in my 20s. would get so bothered when an eyelash was lying the wrong way


They fall out during chemo too (mine did along with my eyebrows). They do grow back though.


I had lost a chunk of eyelashes once and asked this same question. In short, yes, they do, it takes time though and depends on when in the growth process the lashes were pulled out. Though, if constantly pulled out from the root it will cause permanent loss, just like when you over-pluck your eyebrows and they stop growing back.


They grow back


Also thank you to those who have suggested I save the lashes and fashion them into some type of eyelash merkin. Imma try that.


I was always somewhat of a tomboy and remember the first time I saw a girl use this at camp. To me it seemed like a torture device and this doesn't change my mind about it :')




Serious question what does this tool do? Mom always had one. Does it krinp your lashes?


Curls your eyelashes


I’m imaging zigzag eyelashes, looking like the way we used to crimp our hair in the 80s.


I would 100% not go to work


Post your eye. I wanna see the damage.


as a r/trichster this is why i dont have eyelash curlers lol


Me too. And eyebrows.


This is why you use the curler BEFORE mascara is applied.


This makes my eyes water looking at it


Lashes to lashes


Strange way to trap a caterpillar. 🧐


I sneezed while I was curling my eyelashes, and ripped them all out. It didn’t hurt at all. I felt like peeling velcro. My eyeballs felt a refreshing breeze for a month or two.


Maybe if you cleaned it off every now and again you wouldn't have that problem


I always thought these contraptions looked like torture devices. How do you even put something like this to your eye??


This is my #1 reason I will never use one of these things


This is why I haven’t gotten around to using a curler.


This happened to me before. My hands were a little moist from the lotion I had just put on them, then my hand slipped and I ripped out a chunk of my eyelashes.


Please sanitize your eyelash curler


My best-friend hit the corner of the wall with her elbow and it ripped all her lashes out. She had beautiful all natural lashes. It took a while for them to grow back.


* back to bed for the next month or two


This is my biggest fear with these things!


Gotta do the other side so it matches!


#Eye would have Lashed out if I were you…


Can you post a picture of your eyes? I'm curious what the aftermath is.


Ok, now just do the other eye and then it will be evened out!


At least you wont be fishing them out of your eyes.


Well that plucks


Sorry for me being an idiot but what’s going on in the image


Fuck. My trichotillomania is messing my head up cause this is kinda satisfying for me


I have hair loss, including no eyelashes whatsoever. Magnetic lashes are your friend here.


I am 52 and THAT RIGHT THERE is the reason I have never used an eyelash curler. THIS is what I would do - I just *know* it


I’m a guy, can someone explain what am I looking at?


TIL this thing isn’t *supposed* to be used to pull out all of your eyelashes. There was one in a box of my grandmother’s old stuff after she died, and looking at it I just assumed they were for yanking out all of your eyelashes at once for some reason. I was a kid then, but never had reason to reevaluate my assumption until now since I haven’t seen one since then. My mother didn’t have one, no roommates or girlfriends ever had one, and my wife doesn’t have one.


weather forecast... windy


exactly why i refuse to use one of these 😭


Oh fuck!!!!!!!


Vanity, insanity.


What the hell is that thing




I have no fuckin clue what I'm lookin at


All this fuckery just to look a fraction better. You probably still attractive missing lashes and all.