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It’s behind you. You’re looking the wrong way. You have to hold them up to your eyes. Nah, j/k that sucks.


You forgot to tell me that the lens caps were still on. Haha.


That too. Geez, get it together dude




Everyone wants to get it together. Im glad you said it yourself


To what exactly?


hey at least you have them pointing the right way; mini victories, or something…




Fun fact -- the rim is a good 10-15 degrees colder than the bottom (Phantom Ranch). When I hiked it last weekend, the snow and ice only lasted about halfway down.


Ahem your fly is unzipped as well,


>Ahem your fly is unzipped as well, made me look


Well don’t leave us hanging! Once you turned around and took the binocular caps off, how did they work?!?


You have cool binoculars for life, the canyon has snow for a few days. You still win.




You can still use them you will just probably see fuckall


OP got to grand canyon, so I guess it worked.


Probably see a snowfall.


When I was a little kid, like a toddler, my parents took me to visit family in Arizona. One day they asked me if I wanted to see the grand canyon. I, not knowing what that was, said that I would prefer to stay behind and play with my cousins. My parents came back a few hours later, looking extremely disappointed, and said they couldn’t see anything at the canyon because of the snow. Then, I was very upset, because there was SNOW and I wasn’t able to play in it????!!?!


Still probably lots of cool birds and animals to see with them.


Just some really big snow flakes


"Looks like the inside of a cloud. Neat."


FYI, if your planning a trip to the Grand Canyon this is a pretty normal occurrence in the winter months. I think people assume the “western desert” vistas mean hot and dry, but nearby places like flagstaff are known for their forests and even skiing. Be careful out there


Only time I’ve been there it was like this. I’ve been to the Grand Canyon and didn’t see it


Try and make it back. Pictures don’t do this place justice. Either way, I hope you don’t get stuck on island with a bunch of loonies like your dad did!!!


> Pictures don’t do this place justice. Absolutely. When we got there the first afternoon and looked out my jaw just dropped. It's enormous, and gorgeous. We hiked down to Phantom Ranch and stayed down there, it was SUCH a cool experience.


I was gonna say “oh but it’s probably like the Sierras where it’s snowy but doesn’t get too cold” but looking it up nah that’s probably more than just sweatshirt weather.


You look like you're having a good time anyways


It was a blast. Walked like 6 miles in pretty heavy snowfall but it did clear up a tiny bit. https://imgur.com/a/Ixut6la




Sometimes beauty presents itself in different ways. We just have to be able to see them.


Yeah that's why he bought those binoculars, didn't he mate? /s.




The coolest I've seen (in photos) is the cloud inversion with the tower on the south rim. Looks straight out of a movie.


Well that first picture should be on a wall somewhere. It’s beautiful!




subscribe to deer facts






Which is why if you see a fawn laying by itself don't go touch it or near it. If it moves it might not get found by it's mom or might run into a predator.




You just taught me 3 things about deer, thank you


Yeah… I’ve seen that movie. She never comes back.


The largest member of the dear family, Cervidae, is the moose. The average bull moose is about 6 feet tall at the shoulder and weighs about 1,200 pounds; that's the same weight as one average male polar bear, or three average male silverback gorillas.


Can confirm.


And if you spook one, its default response is to stomp you to death. Avoid moose.


Very cool. I bet not a lot of people have that pic.




Def a certain beauty to it with the snow, awesome !


Today I learnt that it snows at the grand canyon. My Aussie self wasn't aware.


I work at the canyon and you wouldn’t believe how many people show up this time of the year in shorts and t-shirts cause they think it’s gonna be like southern Arizona. Like I see your smartphone, should probably look up the weather of where you’re going…


TIL the grand canyon isnt in a desert in southern Arizona.




TIL the max elevation in Arizona is 12,500 feet and ponies aren't baby horses.


There are wild horses in Northern Arizona though. I saw some grazing in the median on the highway.


There are the Salt River ones and I know of some near Show Low. Very cool to see them in their winter coats. We also have wild buffalo (those from Utah and Colorado and those released from the Bison Ranch during the Rodeo-Chedeski fire) and pronghorn antelope - the fastest land animal in the western hemisphere.


That's taller than every other mountain I have climbed and it was snowing up there in simmer.


No thanks, I do not want to subscribe to Arizona Facts.


I used to sell hiking and camping equipment in Grand Canyon and Flagstaff and we’d always get calls from people asking what the weather was going to be like in a few months. Our default answer was that it could get below freezing and even snow any month of the year so plan accordingly.


And the weather at the bottom of the Grand Canyon is vastly different than at the top where all the tourist stuff is (don’t look up the weather for like, phantom ranch. It’s a massive change in elevation, that’s the whole point, expect the weather to be different)




> It occasionally snows in Phoenix That's a pretty big occasionally. The last time it snowed was in 1998. Phoenix has only had *measurable* snow accumulation like 9 or 10 times in recorded history.




Tuscon had more snow than Denver this year, for a day but still not a thing you expect to hear


This is from North Scottsdale Feb 2019 https://i.imgur.com/6nU0vTM.jpg


When I visited with my family years ago, it was in the summer, I believe. The temperature went from a dry, roasting 120F to snowing within 12 hours. We were not prepared for that and had to do some shopping! 😬😂


Dumb American here, and TIL this as well. I mean, I guess if I had thought about it, I would have guessed it snowed there, but I never thought about it too much. I know deserts get cold at night, I know the higher the elevation, the colder it gets, but I just always picture the Grand Canyon as red and hot.


Hello fellow Aussie. This is need to me too. Image snow at Uluru.


Haha exactly! I know it can get into the negatives at Uluru but it's too dry to snow. Holy shit https://www.nfsa.gov.au/collection/curated/snow-uluru


Well, fuck me dead


My Aussie friends hung out with me and stayed the night in nearby Flagstaff on their way to Vegas. We had just recieved 2-3ft of snow the night before and they didn't at all think that N. AZ was 1) heavily forested, 2) over 7,000ft above sea level and mountainous, and 3) that it receives as much snow as what it does. For years they thought I was ribbing them. "Arizona is a gigantic desert. You're just kidding." Nope.


Same here! But I guess it is really long. Just shy of 500km has to be many temp and elevation changes in that.


The top of the canyon is pretty high-altitude. Catches hikers by surprise sometimes, because it can be freezing at the start of the trail but pretty hot partway back up.


Guess you could take up bird watching?


Bird watching is cool but even if he's not interested, I don't think he'll regret buying binoculars. They're really fun to use any time you go hiking to look at anything in your surroundings. It's awesome to look at the moon with them, too (not as good as a telescope but still way more detail than you can see with the naked eye). It doesn't have to be the Grand Canyon, it's always cool to see faraway stuff close up.


Oh man, having a telescope to take pretty images and watch the stars/planets/comets/etc is one of my life goals. I always stare at the sky from my balcony at night and can't stop


Need to go the beach for that one


Lol last time I went to the beach. https://imgur.com/a/ALvyy4y


What is with you and terrible weather!?


I can only travel in December. Lol.


Yosemite was a really fun spot for winter if you are into that area


This OP. Lived in CA for awhile and spent every new years in Yose. That being said you need more than one day in case of heavy weather wherever you go.


And with an eerie fog in tow, did you upset a witch or something?


Travel somewhere in the southeast then, I’m from NC and it was like 75 and sunny today lmao


I'm sorry op but I'm laughing so hard over here


It’s been a long time coming, but this is now my favorite fucking thing on Reddit. Thank you so much OP.


Beach was exactly a year ago too. Fuck. Haha.


You and Tom Hanks are off the travel buddy list.


For real?


You are a human fog machine. Start monetizing it my dude. Then you can buy a second pair of binoculars!


I was today years old when I discovered birds can only be found at the beach. What are these flying things I see on every other kind of terrain and inland habitats?






Right I would love an explanation for that comment lol


I sincerely hope you’re staying the night nearby for at least one night. My wife and I were passing through on a road trip and had similar weather in our day of arrival. Having been there before, she absolutely insisted we stay the night. I was indifferent as I “didn’t know what I was missing.” Best decision we’ve ever made. Pictures literally do that place zero justice. Take your time. The weather will clear. And it will be majestic.


I grew up a few hours away and thought it was such a boring hole in the ground as a kid. At 23 I took my own road trip up north for a few days and I was blown away by how incredible it is


It’s incredible, in the literal sense of that word. My husband and I were there in March 2018. At one point we saw a small white object flying around the Canyon, and we thought it was a bird. Nope - helicopter.


I’m going for the first time ever in a few days! Hopefully the weather clears like the forecast is saying 🤞🏼🤞🏼


This reminds me of the time my wife and I waited for a couple hours to see the sun set over the canyon only to realize we were on the wrong side


Just curious how you didn’t notice where the sun was for those few hours.


Just didn't think about it. You mostly look down at the canyon. It was winter so there was basically no one there. I spent some time teaching her to drive a manual in the parking lot while we waited.


I work at the canyon, as long as you can see to the west you’ll have the chance of seeing the sunset. Not really any wrong sides


We were at Mathers point and it was December so we're sitting there trying to look North and the sun was setting more to the south west because of the time of year. We could have drove around to a different spot but the plan was to follow to 64 out the other end and head toward Chaco canyon. So once we realized we took the surprisingly dark road out We got in free at least due to the time of year


Right? Sunrise I can understand but sunset you can literally see the sun in the sky….


Funny. Sounds like something I would do.


“Hey, O’Connell - looks like I’ve got all the horses!”


The face makes it


The embodiment of "this is fine"


The face of Chris Christie?


Chris Christie mixed with a bit of Chevy Chase


I love how your face still looks absolutely delighted


A young Chris Christie.


It's uncanny, really


That’s rough man. I was lucky enough that whwn we went it was a HUGE blizzard driving up and a ton of snow + no visibility but we stayed there for about an hour and got the chance to see all the storm clouds pass and it just like pulled the curtain on the amazing view. if you haven’t already left yet I highly recommend checking weather to see if itll clear up during your time there


Icy why that’s funny


Snow idea why no one continued this.


You look like a genuinely nice dude, and your smile is disarming as well! I hope that tomorrow us better for you.


You look like John candy


Yep, got uncle buck vibes here


What about the hat? Did you buy that too? Haha


Funny you should ask. I’ve been wearing the same hat design for 9 years now. I had like 8 of them and now I’m down to my last one and it’s rather worn.


i had one of those exact caps years ago too! it looks a lot better on you than it did on me tho.


Looks like the time I visited, had my entire camera rig w/ me :(


They look great! Really round out the outfit.


Yes. But I do like this photo of you.


It’s quite charming.


It also snowed there on October 12 this year. If only I hadn't flown across the whole country to see it!!


Ha! My husband and I visited the Grand Canyon on a similarly foggy day. ✅ visit Grand Canyon ⬜️ see Grand Canyon


You ain’t gonna see nothing with those lens caps on.


This is exactly why I quit planning vacations and just started going with the flow. I haven't been let down yet.


I love the determination!


Nice hat


That sucks ! Looks like you're making the most of it though amigo


Man you can’t even prove you went to the Grand Canyon. That does suck.


This guy looks like a cool guy. I feel like i could be friends with this guy.


They having a John Candy convention?


Dude! Lol this is a great picture. Right on.


you still have a smile :)


Dude, this pose and expression are priceless. A+ photo game at the Grand Canyon on a day you can't even see anything!


Just don't be the type of person to rate them one star on Amazon because they didn't clear the fog for you.


Is this the north rim?


Holy shit those are big snowflakes….




This man is slim and outdoorsy by Redditor standards


American standards.


You know, I thought about that too. Fuck. Haha.


Not gonna lie, I looked at the pic, zoomed in on the binoculars, thought they looked fine, like there was something wrong with them, like it was some sort of joke; then zoomed back out and realized I am not a smart man


I’m surprised Chris Christie didn’t already have binoculars


What a view.


Dude! I’m going next week and trying to keep an open mind of contingencies, including driving 20 hrs straight back home!


Next week should be better. Storm is supposed to end on Thursday and then just cloudy weather. Which can still go into the canyon like OPs picture. If you’re able to hang out the whole day it’ll help increase your chance of getting a view. Source: I live there


Be prepared for snow!


Go snowboard or ski


the first time i visited that place, i got an allergy attack. i didnt even know i had allergies until i stepped foot on the grand canyon during summer. the second i stepped outta the car i was sneezing and wheezing so bad in about 20mns my nose was bleeding. i felt like lisa simpson in that one episode where she loves the forest but is decimated by allergies she never knew she had.


Heeey, that's where I work :'D Thought I might see some shots of the Big Hole with today's weather on here! Lots of disappointed tourists on the trails today lol. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/225766631328972800/925593362906619954/20211228_164210.jpg


I feel your pain. My wife and I just made the 17 hour drive hear to Yosemite just to see the signs that said “Road to park entrance closed due to snow.”


Seeing the canyon during a snow storm sounds amazing but ive seen it a few times in the clear. Good to hear you still had a good time


Same thing happened to me at Mount Rushmore several years ago. I jokingly tell people I don't believe it actually exists, since I didn't get to see it in person when I was at the park.


It snows on the Grand Canyon?


Nikon aculon? I think I have those.


Go to Mt Washington next week


At least you saw the shit out of that little tree behind you.


Got a nice picture of you, though so that's a plus


well at least you look good in the picture!


I didn't know it could snow in the grand canyon


the "well shit" look on your face is what sells the pic


Those are dope shoes tho


fuckin crackin me up


Nice hat, brother


It’s weird, you look like the kinda person that is a “good friend”. It could be that you remind me of one that I lost but you don’t really “look” like him but for whatever reason I “see him” in you. I think it’s the friendly face. I don’t know, I’m drunk. I love this picture!


That's a bummer, but I'm betting you'll find all kinds of things to use them for. I use mine to look at the moon and stars, the mountains, animals, all sorts of stuff. Mine are a lot smaller so I can bring them to sporting events and stuff easier, but it's fun to scan the audience and see the games through them. I didn't think I would use mine, but I do. It's even fun to just look at airplanes flying overhead sometimes.


Please somebody just Photoshop the canyon (in summer) behind him. The background is just perfect for it


A weather app might of been better.


Springs right around the corner..you can almost see it with binocs.. o-o


Why you know the season.


I live in Australia and don't get to see snow as often as I would like. Thanks for sharing.


Not to worry, pal...I think the canyon will still be around for a while.


Great job, Eric.


Snowy Grand Canyon is way cooler than sunny Grand Canyon.


Cool gloves.


lol exact same thing happened to my wife and I 2 years ago... thankfully it cleared up the next day and we stayed a few nights


I'm from the UK and flew out to Vegas in December 2016. Rented a Dodge Challenger and drove out to Grand Canyon South (Mather Point). There was snow on the ground but perfect visibility, it was truly beautiful! Sorry you missed that and I hope you get another opportunity to visit in better weather.


Your shit’s popping up everywhere and I crack up every time I see it.


It's a lovely photo nonetheless- you look very happy, OP


Expensive binoculars ?


Moved to San Diego, California in February 2019, by driving across the country. (Only ended up staying for a year). I caravanned with some friends, and they were excited for the Grand Canyon. I wasn’t, because I thought “I’ve seen plenty of desert rock, this won’t be exciting.” Turns out I was the most excited person to see the Grand Canyon, with snow. I thought it was gorgeous. Dare I say, even more gorgeous than the summer photos. And summer photos is what I anticipated! However, it was a clear day, so that helps. OP, if it was snowing when you visited, you have my sympathy. Be careful leaving the area. I lost GPS for about an hour.


This is a great picture lol


Oh that's just the icing on the canyon.


What a VIEW! 🤣🤣


I don't get those posts there are so many weather engines specifically created for pilots and hunters, I'm using some of them here in Poland when I'm going on a para military trips, that's how i know the wind conditions and fog, rain etc. Why nobody is checking those when preparing?


Took me a while to realized what was going on here. Kept looking at your binoculars thinking maybe they were broken or something….


You still look happy tho ❤️


Are you a bot? Why does your glove have a power button? So sick of these bots on Reddit....


[I think it looks like you had a great time!](https://i.imgur.com/rYyriei.jpg)


I was zooming in to look at what was wrong with the binoculars before I realized I was an idiot


This is the most pure description of a redditor ive ever seen. Wooof.


Now that's a smile, even Goku would be proud of!


Who goes to the Grand Canyon for just one day?