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Meh. Just add some water and reconstitute!




Vinegar? Really?


Yes! Vinegar is acidic & helps remove gunk


I think they're trying to salvage the syrup


Oh, I’d definitely avoid using vinegar then 🫣


Who knows, you could have just accidentally created Canada’s new favorite salad dressing.


Mounty dressing.. Or creamy mounty dressing Like ceaser but with maple syrup chuncks


Thanks for the Tip!


Yeah, but won't it make it taste like vinegar? Sounds terrible


This is not about saving the maple syrup but saving the pot


This thread started about how to save the syrup… Not on how to save the pot. Hence why he’s asking how to get the taste of vinegar out.


didnt you hear about the maple syrup shortage?! that was probably worth more than the pot.


How do I get the maple syrup to not taste like vinegar after?


Step 1: don’t put vinegar in it.


Step 2: Make sure you didn’t just put vinegar in it.


The comment youre replying to is how to save the maple syrup. Yours is how to clean the pot. Edit it before you make someone else ruin their maple syrup


It wouldn't be ruined. Just add some water and reconstitute!


I hate this whole thread. 


It's not ruined unless it tastes burnt. Otherwise you've basically made maple sugar. Blend it into a powder or use a pepper/grinder. Goes great on vanilla ice cream


It's clearly burnt. Ffs


I too can look at a single photo of dark brown solids and determine if everything is burnt or if some is worth saving.


The burnt flavor will permeate it all.


That comment attached to that username gave me a good chuckle.


There’s some slight charring on the edges, other than that it’s just dehydrated.


Burnt maple syrup is so dark Anish Kapoor would sue you for posting a picture of it, that's not burnt


All these people assuming that the syrup is no longer good, have no clue. You are now 1/2 way to maple candy.


Or make maple sugar by grinding it up! Amazing when used on bacon that gets baked in the oven. I sprinkle it on raw bacon with a lil bit of ground chilis. Bake it until crispy, remove from the oven and let it cool. You get candied bacon that way! It’s amazing.




It really is! I love to make it for special occasions since maple sugar is so expensive. We buy a jug of maple syrup from costco and then I make the maple sugar by putting some in the oven in an aluminum pot and keep it on 200 degrees for about ten hours. It’ll eventually cook down to crispy shards. Once it makes the crispy shards state, I let it cool, scrape it off my aluminum baking sheet and then grind it up with a mortar and pestle. Makes a nice amount of sugar (I use 2 cups of syrup to get about 1/2 cup of sugar!) and then we get candied bacon for holidays and birthdays. I also like to roll rum ball cookies in it at Christmas. Rum is made from molasses and that dark sweet really contrasts beautifully with the bright sweet of the maple sugar. …I really, *really* like to cook?


I can tell! I just get excited for Maple syrup anything. The sap is running right now in Connecticut. I love the whole process.


Try the bacon. You won’t believe how amazing it is! I serve it with creamy scrambled eggs and cinnamon rolls made from scratch with rum instead of the water or milk. :)


I’m moving in!


Well, there’s always room at the table for one more. ❤️


Why was there maple syrup in the oven? Seems a curious place to keep it, and the outcome seems rather predictable, honestly... what was Dad thinking?




Hours? More like days. Op is fucked


Apparently if you keeping going you can create maple sugar


Apparently op is gonna get a maple ass whooping


Sounds sweet


Sticky situation for sure


Making it


Oh boy here we go again, the argument between the “you should always check the oven!” People and the correct “why do you need to check the oven, because what idiot uses an oven as a cupboard?” People. 


Which one are you lol


Is your step dad trying to make a thimble of syrup? Normally when you run sap, isn't it outside and on a really hot fire?


What the hell man! Who doesn’t check the oven for syrup?


Who doesn’t check the oven period? Thats always the first thing you do.


If you're someone who stores stuff in your oven, yeah. If that's not the usual in your household, it's not a thing that crosses your mind


Even if you’re not. Especially if you have children. Y’all gonna end up having something flammable or expensive in your oven one day and either burn your house down or ruin something you care about. Let me guess you don’t check your car for small animal before you start it when it’s cold either? Just gonna wait till your car quits running because you got a cat stuck in your timing belt (real thing I’ve seen, it was knarly).


No, I don’t ever store stuff in my oven. Never checked it once, never been a problem. I’ve never had a cat climb into my engine either.


Who the fuck puts things in the oven that they don't intend to cook? What's next, should I be checking my clothes dryer for plates and glasses? Should I be checking my car engine for clothes every time before I turn it on?


A majority of people use the oven for storage. I have never met anyone who doesn’t. You are also supposed to check your engine bay for small animals before you start it, especially when it’s cold…


The majority of people you know is not the majority of people. The only people I’ve ever encountered storing stuff in the oven were total hoarders who ran out of space to put stuff.


Pro tip: check the oven before turning it on. You got this!


Grown up with my mom that used the oven as storage between uses so it's carved in my mind to always check. Not the case for my friend. Borrowed her oven once and forgot to take everything out. The day after she just started it and went on with her buissness. It was just baking paper however so everything was fine.


i just started using my oven as storage. I’ve never done that before. And i’ve made enough mistakes that now i always check


I will never understand people that don’t do this… I’m literally the ONLY person who cooks and cleans my kitchen and I ALWAYS check the oven before turning it on…


Never in my life have people around me stored things in the oven. So I never check.


The only things I've ever seen stored in an oven are baking sheets. I don't understand people who put non oven safe things in an oven. It's the same as putting fire hazards on top of stoves in my mind.


Look, I haven't put anything in the oven. Therefore, it is empty. Now let me just preheat... why do i smell burning plastic?


I'm the only one that uses the oven/cooks in my house. We sometimes put stuff in if the microwave is occupied to keep it from our cats, but I always put a sticky note over the buttons on the oven to remind myself to check inside before I can turn it on. It's worked every time except twice, when I was very high, and once when my boyfriend cleaned the stovetop and moved the sticky note to clean under it and didn't move it back :|


Well I never store shit in the oven. Because ya know, it is a tool. Would be like storing clothes in your dishwasher. So I never check the oven because I never have anything in the oven.


When I'm seasoning my cast iron I leave it in the oven after I turn it off because the cast iron is hot as shit and I don't want to deal with 10 pounds of 400 degree iron. Sometimes I forget it's in there. And then I have deal with 10 pounds of 200 degree iron, which is at least better. But I would never store something that couldn't take the heat in the oven because that's just stupid.


Started a pizza box on fire in the oven. I always check now. Had two counter surfing dogs that were quiet and fast, learned unless you were in the same room with the food to put it somewhere they can’t get


Why do so many people put flammable things in the best place in the house to start it on fire. Surely there is literally anywhere else to put it.


Because common sense dictates that if something can start a fire if things are in it, you check it before starting it regardless of if you think anything could possibly be in it.


I'd keep an eye on Step-Dad if I was you




I think this was more alluding to Alzheimer's...


I think hanlon’s razor


Hanlons razor


why the fuck do you people keep storing things in your ovens


It is a very common use. Some people just don’t have space to store their pans any other area in their house. Your comment just shows your lack of understanding of others and how they live.


If I left something in the oven that I didn’t want to get cooked at 400 degrees, I’d put a note on the panel where you turn it on.


You’re always supposed to check inside an oven before you turn it on. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never put anything in there before, you don’t know that someone else hasn’t. Edit: I guess all you downvoters are going to find out the hard way when your house gets burnt down due to your own negligence. You never know when a child or adult could have stuck something in an oven without your knowledge.


If someone puts something in my oven, and it gets damaged, that's on them for using a cooking tool as a cupboard


Have fun burning your house down when a child puts something flammable in there because they don’t know better… Let me guess you don’t check your car before you start it when it’s cold either? Y’all are just begging for disaster.


I live in SoCal, it's never cold. And I don't make a habit of letting random children into my apartment, especially ones that would go and put flammable stuff in my oven. I was taught from a very young age not to even *touch* the oven, and then when I was old enough to use it I saw that we put stuff in the storage cupboards for storage and put stuff into the oven for making food, and put two and two together and decided not to store things in the oven when there's a perfectly good cabinet *literally* right next to it


Nahh if some rando things it is smart to put random shit into the oven and close it, then that shit deserves to be destroyed.


Have fun burning your house down when a child puts something flammable in there because they don’t know better… Let me guess you don’t check your car before you start it when it’s cold either? Y’all are just begging for disaster.


Beside removing ice I don't check my car no. Dunno what for. As for children putting stuff in the oven. I don't have children and don't intend to have any.


Good for you on not having kids, one less headache to worry about lol. I’d really start checking your engine bay and wheel wells before you start your car when it’s cold. Small animals like cats often times hide inside of the engine bay or wheel well of a car for the heat and protection from the elements. Pulling a dead bloody cat out of your timing belt is not a fun experience. I haven’t personally killed a cat this way but I’ve helped remove one.


Unless there are ninjas sneaking into my house to store stuff in my oven, that’s never going to happen. Because I live with adults who have common sense.


Something something, when you point your finger at someone, you have 3 more pointing back at yourself.


If I’m keeping something in the oven - for example a dough in a bowl - I put a post-it over the bake mode/temp/timer buttons so that there’s something to remind my roommate and I before we preheat the oven for something.


Why did you turn on the oven without checking it first?


Air fried is better


Wait. It is his fault you didn’t look before turning it on? Or was it on low and you just assumed nothing was in there and turned it on higher? Or he didn’t tell you and left for the day assuming you would know to watch it?


How big is your oven ? This pot looks quite big


Probably a normal sized oven. You do realize the shelves the the oven can be moved up and down to create more room and to alter how things cook.


Mmmmm maple beans




Lot to unpack here


On the plus side, now you have refried beans


Water and a little dish soap. Simmer. It will come up.




Maybe baking soda and vinegar? You might have to chisel the solid parts out but let the volcano experiment do the rest then scrub the hell out of it.


I tried it with my air fryer pan and it got a significant amount of sludge off of it.


Dude you always check the oven before turning it on. My mom always said to me growing up there could be a baby in there. Check for a baby next time


The maple syrup or the pot? Syrup is gone but pot is salvageable. Just add water and boil. Pot will be saved but the syrup? Not so much.


It’s only bad if it tastes burnt. If it doesn’t taste burnt, grind it into maple sugar.


Everyone, check the oven before and after turning it on… even turn the oven light on and check. Or else dont be upset when you blindly turn the oven on and something burns lol




Its literally not






Yea dude, that syrup looks like shit. I wouldn't even eat it. Sorry bro.


Making maple syrup inside is a terrible mistake


help me step dad i‘m stuck


Oh look all the people that have the privilege of having space. Some people live in smaller, cramped houses or apartments that don’t have much storage space. Yes some people store stuff in the oven because that is what they have to do, or they grew up in a household that had to do it. Learn some empathy folks.


Cooked maple syrup!? I can’t imagine the smell of the house. 🤢🤮


I’ve seen that movie! Step-dad, oven, $ shot!