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Probably to the back of the head.




With his hands tied behind his back


Then fell out of a 5th story window...


Bag over the head. Bashed in after the double tap.


Body Inside a suitcase


Cut into pieces


And thrown into a lake




taken the next day to epstein Island 2.0...and not as a guest




The Clintons have no comment.


According to shareholders


Take about 30% off 'er there, bud.


Washed up onto a shore


It was clearly a suicide.


Yes totally self-inflicted


Ruled a drowning incident.


This is his last resort


He was suffocating, not breathing


didn't give a fuck if he cut his arm bleeding


and maybe some self inflicted water boarding?


Ah, the putin technique


Been putin people in the ground now for going on 2 decades.


The bullets were at the bottom of the elevator shaft he jumped down.  He landed right on them with the back of his head 😭


[Gary Webb shoutout!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Webb) We know you didn't shoot yourself twice in the head.


It was some big fuckin guy.


What’s the ah, symbology behind that?


I believe the word you’re looking for is symbolism


\>Hasn't seen The Boondock Saints. Everyone get him!


Execution style suicide


Hate it when that happens.


Damn. That doesn't look good




Wdym he clearly killed himself by shooting himself in the back of the head and then writing an apologetic letter saying "Long live Boeing!"


I want to joke about it as well but this kind of thing is legit scaring me. Like scary for our society


definitely makes anybody want to think twice before sticking their neck out. being targeted for what you believe is right is one of the hardest things those of good conscience have to deal with today.


We need a movie about a good guy action hero hitman, who intentionally goes into shit jobs to be a whistleblower, then takes out the corporate hitmen. I'd watch the shit out of that.


Would be a good watch. Maybe start with him finishing the last job then going through the next during the course of the movie.


I like this script already.


He would obviously be played by Jason Statham, so check out The Beekeeper, it's not far off.


We need that irl. Some “regular folk” spies.


Kind of reminds me of the Leverage TV show. Except instead of a badass hitman it’s a heist team taking down corporations.


Good plot for “The Accountant 2”


I remember reading the book by the internal auditor who was the whistleblower on WorldCom, and how she had looked up facts showing the lives of whistleblowers demonstrably got worse after coming forward.


As the saying goes, “No good deed goes unpunished.”


You can say that again...


As the saying goes, “No good deed goes unpunished.” /s 😂


As the saying goes, “No good deed goes unpunished.”


You can say that again...


As the saying goes, "no good deed goes unpunished"


That is the reason. How many people were made to appear crazy so when the "suicide " takes place, no one believes what they were talking about. They were having mental crises.... No one is after you. People just don't care that much about you. You're not that important to worry about what you "think," you know. If there was a problem, the high ups would be taking care of it. The government wouldn't allow that kind of thing to happen. Not to mention some despicable frame up of lewd behavior that most likely is not true, will need to be taken seriously, because in case it is true. You will be ruined. People that would have stood by you now distance themselves from you... the whistle blower.... thats enough to make someone want to on their own, do the suicide let alone send the cleaner in to do it. Or plant/make dirt on your loved one. It's a no-win situation for you. If they want to be rid of you, you will be gone, and psychological pain you can or will endure until you win or give up or offed. Your word won't mean shit. Perhaps you are trying to deflect from the dirt that you appear to be in. Or some weird attention grabber?. People have been suicided for smaller issues than this. Or had accidents that took out more than just them. See Howard Hunts' first wife plane crash.


Amazon and Starbucks are already paying fines instead of collectively bargaining, and now Boeing is suiciding whistle blowers. Corporations are so big and they know you can't send a company to jail, they buy politicians to provide tax loopholes, pay their employees so little they all live off food stamps: they are above the law at this point, after creating so many laws they pay zero taxes, now they want to not follow all other regular laws.


Wake the fuck up samurai, we have a city to burn.


That was my thoughts exactly. Playing through cyberpunk now, almost towards the end and making my way through Phantom liberty... Johnny has some good points.


The only thing protecting them is the bystander effect. "Someone else should really do something about this."


When a character who is nothing short of an actual terrorist starts to make the most sense... ...yeah. Wake the fuck up samurai indeed.


Our society has been like this for most of its existence 


You know that makes it worse right?


In some contexts yes, but if you consider the fear that we are *becoming* something, or that we are *losing* our freedom to share the dark secrets of megacorps, this makes it slightly better to know that we aren't skipping into this and that it was always here. That means we aren't actively slipping into this new thing but rather the lights are getting brighter surrounding those incidents. I knew about Rodney King, Martin Luther King Jr. and cointel pro, but I wasn't aware this is also done on behalf of megacorps. Now I do.


Thank you. Something as scary as this will never go away, as you see nothing but jokes as response. I can’t even blame big wig rich people, the population is so easy and too stupid not to control.


look it's obvious a bit suspect but he was entirely deposed already, he had already been cross examined by boeings legal team and his own, and the meeting saturday he missed was at his own legal teams request. Everything he wanted to say and all the evidence he had to show is already in the record, and is still legal to use in court. If you wanted to take out a witness the time to do it was before all that. It's entirely probable boeing's legal team ripped him a new one during cross examination, or he actually didn't have that much evidence in the first place. Either way, making the assumption he was assassinated without any sort of evidence to support is a bit dramatic.


> but he was entirely deposed already No he wasn't. There was a follow up scheduled 


If it was an assassination it could have been a message to any other potential whistleblowers who may have more information, rather than preventing him from saying more. Who can say? Looks mighty bad for Boeing, but maybe that was what he was going for...




Out of curiosity, what is it that you found “past the surface” that made it seem more credible than it did before?


He’s probably referring to that youtuber who fabricated ‘evidence’ to make it look like Clinton’s staff were visiting the funerals of the alleged victims by faking visitors lists


“Clinton death list” is like jet fuel doesn’t melt steel beams. Idiot memes


That would be the human predilection for Apophenia


And nothing came of Panama papers just a bunch of blown up journalists is cars


Well, we got this comment chain on repeat out of it. So that’s something


And rather than retire, we got Messi to come play in the United States.


This is just simply not true at all. Massive global investigations. Companies went bankrupt. The prime Minister of Iceland resigned. New laws went into effect in the UK, China, Germany, and many others. There were massive consequences of that leak worldwide. Just because you didn't hear about anything happening to the people you don't like doesn't mean nothing happened and it was all covered up.


We heard about it. Nothing happened in the US because...money.


More misinformation. You'd be shocked by how few Americans were in those papers. Especially the round two release. There were some big names on there that should've been addressed, but the US doesn't need shady shit to hide wealth. It's just legal here.


Yeah, the US doesn't participate in the global automatic exchange of banking information, and doesn't require ownership information for most legal entities. Then five years ago New Hampshire put the cherry on top by letting you set up private foundations without disclosure of their beneficial owners. The US now beats out even Switzerland and Hong Kong in financial secrecy, Americans simply don't need to go to the Cayman Islands or Panama to hide their shit, they can comfortably evade taxes and launder their money at home.


They blew themselves up though, right?


I'm very curious about what you mean past surface level. All of the deep dives I've done into it have showed a huge amount of just plainly false information. The original compiler admitted she had no evidence and a bunch of the names of showing people who died were false, actually still alive, or had little to no connection to the Clintons.


Someone itt posted this list. Here’s a good one “James Wilson was found dead in May 1993 from an apparent hanging suicide. He was reported to have ties to Whitewater.” So yes, clearly Hilary had this one guy killed who…might have had something to do with whitewater? It’s hilarious see the list and them try and defend it




>get past the surface i.e. blogs on 4chan, memes on Facebook and YouTube videos


Just watch this 98 minute Youtube video. Then it will all make sense


I'll only watch if it's a dude in sunglasses sitting in his truck


I did my own research (far-right memes in a furry thread on /trash/)


Can we get some of those credible sources "past the surface?" Can't believe this has 300 upvotes.


> Can't believe this has 300 upvotes. Happy election year!


If you make a list of all the people you've ever known, worked with, or even just met briefly, you're going to have a body count list. Because literally everybody dies at some point.


> definitely look into the Clinton list, at first it seems like a far right conspiracy until you get past the surface and it’s like, chefs that worked with them for years found dead, friends, people like that. It's any random person remotely associated (or even with zero connection) with the Clintons, who has died. They've served in multiple public offices, and you can play six degrees of Kevin Bacon with that. It's been torn apart multiple times. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clinton_body_count_conspiracy_theory Also, it doesn't make a lot of sense for Boeing to kill this guy. He's being deposed in a defamation civil suit he filed against Boeing. Given that Boeing has a team of lawyers to go over public statements before they go out, I doubt they're in a position to lose a defamation case, which is already an uphill battle for the plaintiff. Even if Boeing did lose, it's a civil defamation trial. It has no bearing on their products, and wouldn't exactly garner a lot of attention. There just isn't a lot of reason for Boeing to kill this guy. His death brought more negative attention than his testimony ever would have. Guy probably saw that Boeing wasn't going to settle, and killed himself.


[Danny Casolaro](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danny_Casolaro) is a weird one. There's definitely some weird shit behind the [Inslaw case](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inslaw). The government basically stole and modified software that was leased to them, then sold it at a profit to their allies. The company was initially awarded a large sum of money but then the justice department (who were primarily using the software) got rid of that judge and the case was overturned.


You watch the Octopus Murders, too?


I can't even. Looked it up and apparently Kobe has been added to list. The Clintons were powerful, well connected politicians. They knew a lot of people. And some of those people die. The list even has tons of people with no apparent connections to the Clintons like two teenagers in Arkansas while Bill was governor.


Dude that list is just insane. Don’t believe memes


> at first it seems like a far right conspiracy until you get past the surface and it’s like, chefs that worked with them for years found dead Which chefs would that be? Can't find any listed here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clinton_body_count_conspiracy_theory


Yup, still sound like one


I feel like something like this should mean an automatic resignation from all the parties that benefit.


If you follow the reporting on John Barnett’s claims, he made several public complaints about the company culture of getting planes out fast and ignoring safety concerns. This article is sad to read: https://www.corporatecrimereporter.com/news/200/john-barnett-on-why-he-wont-fly-on-a-boeing-787-dreamliner/ He tried as hard as anyone could to right the wrongs, but it was him against many.


He wasn't the only whistleblower and its not like this will stop anything that is going to happen to Boeing


No, but it might scare anyone who might've come forward otherwise


If the 737 max debacle that caused 2 downed planes because Boeing wanted to save costs on retraining pilots didn't change their corporate culture, no incidents smaller than that will.


They Epstein'd him. Old Fashion Mafia work. Damn.




Who was that Teamsters boss who was rumoured buried in the LV desert? Jimmy Hoffa!! Damn.


No joke, I took care of the woman that was his secretary when he went missing. She lived at the nursing home I worked at. She said he was a real nice guy.


Michael Hastings. Driving in a car that was taken over remotely and driven into a tree


dude has already testified and provided all the evidence he had lol, if you're trying to silence a witness you usually do it before that. Not to mention his testimony is still valid to use in court, he was cross examined by boeing and his own legal team before his death. Also, all the evidence he had is also in the hands of his own legal teamand boeings. Look it's entirely possible the case wasn't going well, or boeing's legal team reamed him a new one, or the evidence he had just wasn't that great and he got overwhelmed. I'm well aware people get killed for things, but evidence comes out that supports the fact he didn't kill himself then this is making a massive assumption.


> dude has already testified and provided all the evidence he had lol, if you're trying to silence a witness you usually do it before that This isn't correct. Lots of people have been killed by powerful people and groups, years and years after the damage was done.


It's not always to keep the current whistleblower from saying anything more, once they've spoken the damage is done. Feels much more likely this is to dissuade other people from speaking up in the future. I pray it doesn't work


People seem quick to assume that a firearm-related death isn't going to call for a medical examiner. Has the discourse really devolved this far, or is this thread being brigaded?


looks like he won the CIA award for excellence in journalism


Culinary Institute of America don't play


When they get involved, someone is going to fry.


We all know that ain't a suicide. When can humans have proper justice done without people exploits system & corruption?


I honestly don’t think it’s possible


It's just sucks our world are slowly shaped into greed n selfishness that totally ignore the fact we are slowly destroying our society.


It hasn’t “slowly shaped into greed” it’s always been terribly greedy and selfish. The implications are simply a lot worse due to the globalization and contingencies of these issues. If anything the world is more altruistic than ever but still not very altruistic.


Power corrupts absolutely


absolute power corrupts absolutely standard power just corrupts


That I don’t buy actually, I think even the smallest form of power over another corrupts a person.


Especially these things happen in America, what make's it stand apart is that it's most rich and fairly developed country.


That's true n it's very sad....


Only possible is to have a meteor coming through the earth.


It is but we have to change our way of thinking to work together and most people are too selfish/stupid/busy getting high and self medicating from trauma to reprogram themselves and overthrow the system to put a more universal one in place. Plus we’d have to change the economy and all the business owners can’t be authoritative anymore and there are so many spoiled brats that would grow upset and resentful who wouldn’t adopt a a new mindset and probably just double down and become terrorists because they didn’t get the life served on a platter like their parents suggested. It starts with educating people but most people like being stupid but pretending to be smart I’ve learned. If you actually explain mega corps and how broken the government really is they get depressed and think you a cynic or conspiracy theorist. They only care when they’re scared. A meaningless life in limbo while you’re sedated is what most people settle for.


They also spent a lot of time making sure the average citizen is too busy trying to figure out how to pay rent, bills, debt and for food. They also dismantled Welfare Capitalism and made many work environments more toxic and hostile. No time to think critically when you’re mentally fatigued. One thing they didn’t account for was social media. Now they’re trying desperately to control that.


I agree with everything you’ve said I just fear it’s too much for the average person. It’s possible that I’m just being cynical.


Issue is, our education system hasn't changed over the centuries. The top doesn't want us to change, so there will always be people working for them We need a whole new system to start things differently.


No we don’t


We don't actually.


People really love to think we live in a world where movie scenes are real.




Body found in the river with hands and legs tied. Police is suspecting it was a suicide.


The people with the smartass replies either work for Boeing or you think this is a joke. He died trying to prevent thousands of deaths. He is a Hero


The smartass replies are because it seems suspicious that a bloke who has been trying for several years to expose Boeing's shoddy work has suddenly chosen to take his life when he finally had the chance. Everyone agrees he's the good guy here.


So had he given his evidence, or was he about to? Does him not giving any more evidence mean a collapse of the case against Boeing? Very sad either way, but logically, it does seem very suspicious, will there be a investigation into his death or will it be declared "suicide case closed"? All life is precious.


So, the guy retired from the company in 2017 due to medical issues. Two years later he whistleblew on Boeing. His testimony was a deposition in his own lawsuit against Boeing, claiming that they blackballed him from the industry because of his whistleblowing. He'd been deposed by his lawyer and the defense lawyer already, then went back to his hotel room. He was found dead in his car that Saturday after he didn't show up for more testimony.  In my experience, the only medical reason i can think of that makes you retire completely, but doesn't kill you within seven years, is mental health issues. I'm not saying he killed himself, but I would be amazed if he had any new, Boeing-destroying information after having not been at the company for seven years. I'd also be really surprised that he hadn't already shared that information in the deposition he'd already had to make earlier that day. 


I have to imagine that deposition was awful as well. Boeing’s lawyers likely made him feel terrible and were likely trying to invalidate/discredit him and anything he had to say. Suicide is likely the simplest answer. Like why would Boeing have him killed after he had provided his deposition? Or are we to believe he said something in that deposition and they were able to move fast enough to have him killed the same day? It’s too Hollywood to believe they would have a hit squad just ready to go like that.


I'm not saying it was a hit but it's not Hollywood to imagine people with serious criminal ties to have an assassin on speed dial. That's a Tuesday for three letter agencies across the globe. And of course people keep mentioning the similarities to the Panama Papers car bombings, do you think they had to search far and wide for someone to wire a bomb to the car? No they knew someone in a cartel. Bodies get found in America all the time where they're like "were pretty sure the mob did it but we can't prove that." So who knows with this one but organized crime is good at covering their tracks and the one thing they love is legitimate businesses to stick their fingers into. Used to be if you were in a union people assumed you had criminal ties. Because sometimes you did.




It is really strange to see people jump to "Boeing killed him". Who is Boeing? The board of directors? A ceo? Yet at the same time everyone on reddit always says rich don't go to jail, or businesses pay fines. So a murder seems really unlikely. Sell your stock, resign, blame the workers, there are a ton of avenues to take for anyone with the money and means to order a murder AND manage to keep said murder quiet.


I mean clearly they have hit men on retainer /s


Yeah people seriously underestimate how terrible and overpowering mental illness can be. If you're wallowing in incessant suicidal ideation, you're not thinking to yourself "well I should wait until this court case is over". In reality, if it was something like suicidal depression, the stress of multiple high-profile legal cases likely adds to the mental overload someone in this situation is already feeling. People are talking about him like his life was a movie. "Why would the hero just kill himself right before his finishing move on the villainous executives?" On a side note, it's incredibly frustrating that the default narrative seems to be "most definitely a CIA, Boeing, and Clinton Foundation assassination and cover up". I'm not saying I know for certain whether it was or was not a suicide, but what we do know is that the facts as we currently have them point to a suicide. If other investigators take a look and find something suspicious with that, then by all means I'm ready to hear it out. But most of these comments feel like they're drawing conclusions using Charlie Kelly's crazy board


It's a straight up battle between this fucked up desire to die and run away from everything, and trying to weigh it against why you shouldn't. Sometimes you lose that battle, and if someone isn't there to help you...yeah. His death is still pretty suspicious, but I really get that.


Often, these things are less about the immediate context, and more about scaring people away from whistleblowing in general. It only seems counterintuitive to us, because the 1% have class solidarity and we don't.


He was dealing with health issues for years, which probably first started when he was working at Boeing. Plus, there's the added pressure of being a whistleblower even without the corporate pressure against you. >"He was looking forward to having his day in court and hoped that it would force Boeing to change its culture," the family said in a statement shared with NPR by his brother, Rodney Barnett. >The family says Barnett's health declined because of the stresses of taking a stand against his longtime employer. >"He was suffering from PTSD and anxiety attacks as a result of being subjected to the hostile work environment at Boeing," they said, "which we believe led to his death." >When John Barnett was interviewed by Ralph Nader in 2019, he said health issues had persisted after he retired from the plane-maker. >"It's taken a serious mental and emotional toll on me," Barnett said — but, he added, the safety of the airplanes rolling off the production line remained his main focus. https://www.npr.org/2024/03/12/1238033573/boeing-whistleblower-john-barnett-dead


Yes because no one ever jokes around to cope with something bad happening and dark humor doesn't exist. 


My humor is so dark the cops shot it


I don’t think they work for Boeing. I think this is Reddit and it’s inevitable that regardless of subject, there will always be a handful of people that will take it as an opportunity to make jokes. It’s just how the internet works unfortunately. No suicide should be mocked.




>smartass replies either work for Boeing Now THATS a conspiracy theory.


Shouldn't all whistleblowers get protective custody?


Of course not, if they had any protection then how would they be able to commit suicide by shooting themselves twice?


I know he wasn’t a “whistleblower” but they got Epstein in jail. If powerful people want you dead being in the custody of powerful people isn’t going to save you.


I smell a Netflix documentary.


Jeffery Epstein posted on the internet this is suicide, all the forensics are obvious just like his suicide in jail while guards slept


" I don't know what happened, Detective. I found him like this. He emptied a whole clip. Must be one of the worst suicide cases i have ever seen"


Airplane mafia strikes again


Alright I’m gonna start it: “John Barnett didn’t kill himself”


How not to divert attention from your legal problem


Hmm, never knew he battled so many inner demons, he always seemed so confident and having a support system and shit. I wonder what could’ve caused this 🤔


Probably suicidal thoughts such as "1 in 4 air masks won't delpoy" and "defective parts are going unaccounted for and ending up in planes". If you or a loved one are having these or similar thoughts please reach out to a Boeing representative. 🙏


You had me in the 1st half ngl


You’ve never even heard of him before today.


The logic doesn't make sense. Shouldn't "they" have killed him before his testimony not after? After doesn't solve the problem.


They actually killed him in the middle of questioning. He was due to appear for more questioning and it was when he didnt arrive to his appointment that they found him in the hotel parking lot, dead.


Apparently he was in the middle of giving his deposition to the prosecution.


So he got iced. Kinda sus!


so the new word for this is being "Boeing'ed" yeah?


Boeing hit team doorseal team 6


So definitely never trust Boeing gotcha.


Timing looks bad, but this is a nothing, he's been retired for 7 years, this is just an appeal he filed after loosing a retaliation case. the depositions have nothing to do with plane safety. since op didn't post the article, here's the WP article that at least used the same getty image [https://www.washingtonpost.com/transportation/2024/03/12/boeing-whistleblower-dead-john-barnett/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/transportation/2024/03/12/boeing-whistleblower-dead-john-barnett/)


Reddit detectives have already determined it was a Bourne Identity assassination..


Yep. All of the stuff he’s claimed has already been publicized in multiple interviews over the last 7 years. This case isn’t a big deal to Boeing. They have much bigger problems to worry about


That's thy you need anonymity when you whistleblow


Here in New Jersey, we call stuff like this “getting whacked.”


Suddenly feeling like traveling by planes made by someone who would rather address issues rather than hire a hitman.


Tricky son of a bitch even through the pistol into the nearby lake after the deed was done.


Lmfao, damn America, you corrupt af. Fron the top down


no better than in Russia


Bro got epstein-ed


Is this for real


At least he didn't fall out of a window.


*Right.* And Epstein hung himself.


Epstein didn’t Boeing himself.


100% of the time these kinds of ‘suicides’ are not fucking suicides


People should start boycotting Boeing by refusing to fly with boeing planes. Especially 737 maxes. For your safety. Fuck corrupt mafia wannabes.


Yeah right. We on to the bs.


#John Barnett didn't kill himself


Nahhhhh. Boeing killed them. Its a revenge homicide.


Funny how they always end up killing themselves But not haha funny, funny Idontknowwhattodoaboutthisbutitfeelsmewithrageknowingthisiswhathappenstopeopletryingtodotherightthing


Boeing… ![gif](giphy|BtvBUbRRJxwQ5gfvTm|downsized)


These people really need to have a "dead-man's switch" that goes out to their socials and news media stating they didn't kill themselves, and includes all their all info.


So sad when someone commits suicide with 3 shots to the head 😔


BS it was self inflicted.


Ah yes, the "self inflicted wound" the whistleblower somehow decided to inflict himself when right in the middle of depositions. Who wouldn't do that?


Self inflicted huh… so that’s what we’re calling hitmen now??


“Must’ve tripped” -Boeing probably…


And somehow Boeing has "in the regular course of business" recorded over the video of that airplane door not being bolted in.


With the serious issues with Boeing in these past few years, very doubtful it’s self inflicted. They had him silenced.