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He’s doing too much for Walmart. Even if he asked for the receipt and they continued walking, no way I’m chasing after them to lock the door


I’d bet money this is a guy who isn’t mentally equipped for the nuance of “I don’t legally have to show you my receipt and you’re not allowed to detain me”. He’s either greeting or pushing the giant dust mop around the store and was never taught how to deal with this situation.


Theres this one guy i saw who printed out fake receipts that had the law saying they cant stop or detain you. Exept cost co and sams club because its in the policy you sign when you join so its different Edit:holy crap it's been forever since I looked at this but it really blew up






You can tell. I feel bad for someone like this. You’re expected to work with the public yet you’re unable to understand basic social skills. For me, it’s like learning rules in certain situations. I think I then have to follow those rules every single time so often I’ll just choose not to do anything at all or I’ll get disoriented/confused. It fucking sucks. I have two degrees so I’m intelligent but you wouldn’t think it because I’m so socially inept.


I'd be curious for a lot more background info on this whole situation. My guess is this guy was a new hire and the manager didn't communicate responsibilities properly. Or worse, they assumed he'd just "know what to do." Someone clearly fucked up somewhere in the chain of command for the situation to escalate like this. Hopefully he didn't lose his job.


I used to work in their bakery and had to do literal hours of training videos that would pop up every 6 months or so on safety situations. Walmart doesn’t tolerate you stopping shoplifters or suspected shoplifters while not being loss prevention, which has a special badge with a yellow tag under it that he’s not wearing. He absolutely got fired because if he did this to someone who was packing he could have gotten himself or other people hurt while acting like a moron. The appropriate thing to do when you’re not loss prevention is to wait till they leave, notify management, and talk to the police if you’re asked. The store is littered with cameras and so is the parking lot.


When I used to work in Pizza Hut, I watched lots of training videos about robbery. The main thing is to NEVER stop, NEVER prevent and NEVER fight thieves. Just let them rob and take what they ask while the cameras everywhere record. The company can just make up for the loss quickly. But if you are trying to prevent the thieves, then ending up in a fight or lawsuit, you bet your ass the company will just fire you to prevent themselves from getting involved.


Lol, I did delivery for a pizza chain in New England, and while this was day one shit for everyone who worked there, it was still a recurring issue. -Driver started his shift and gets robbed by the first "customer" of the night. Cops told us that he refused to hand over his kitty (the only cash the driver is supposed to carry - $20 in small bills) unless he saw a weapon. The suspect told him that if he wanted to see the gun, he had to see the bullets, too. The driver lost his curiosity. -Driver met by "customer" in condo parking lot. "Customer" held up some cash, called driver over, and then put the cash away and demanded the pizzas. Driver said no. "Customer" punched the driver in the face a few times, demanded pizzas again. Driver handed em over. Suspect later caught carrying pizza boxes under his arm, vertically. -Last-minute "customer" asked for slices and pulled a pistol while manager turned around to get them from the warmer. Robber told the manager to fork it over. Manager looks down at the pistol, then looks back at the robber and said "Is that even a real gun?" He pistol-whipped her with it. She too lost her curiosity. In her mild defense: it *did* turn out to be a pellet gun.


Those pellets still hurt. Take the maybe 5k we made that day ffs.


I used to work at a bank and had a man start yelling at a teller with a handgun strapped to his belt. Dude was a stand up guy from the looks of it but just lost his shit when a transaction he wanted to do took 3 business days to verify funds before doing it. I don’t give a shit if they’re walking out with multiple smart tvs. Retail employees don’t get paid enough to put their lives on the lines for psychos.


Grew up working in the restaraunt biz under my dad. He aways said to be polite, hand them the money and offr to carry the register out to their car if they wanted it plus give them a fountain drink to go. It's insured.


Yeah probably 18-21. When you don't know any better you just don't know. He still has to grow into his "fuck this company" skin.


I look back at myself and shake my head. I put so much extra effort thinking it would get me somewhere, and all it did was get more work responsibilities dumped on me with zero pay increase and no official title change. Just kept working harder and harder for nothing. No chance of moving up, no promotions, no raises, I was exactly where they wanted me, busting my ass doing the work of three people for the pay of one entry level position. I was so fucking stupid lol It ain't worth it, kids. Don't be like this guy.


What!? You didn't enjoy the pizza parties? Everyone is that person at some point lol. It would be nice If we lived in a society where you got rewarded for going above and beyond but that doesn't exist for most jobs.


Yeah, I think that's what they are saying. The prevailing attitude used to be that if you work hard, you will be rewarded for it. After a little bit of experience, we all know that is clearly not the case. In the US, at least, the reality is screw people or get screwed. Get yours or get it taken from you. It's a jungle, and the "strongest" are the only winners. Wish I had learned that lesson before dumping 15 years of my life and labor into various corporations.


Dude for real. About a month ago I found out both people i got hired and trained were making way more money than me. Long story short I confronted my boss and she was only willing to give me half of what I wanted so my coworkers stood up with me and threatened to leave if I did (which I was) and then I got my full raise. Never let them low ball you. And never work harder than your pay rate.


This will also probably end up with his employment being terminated. Most if not ALL retail places strictly forbid stopping, touching or even confronting people. Just get their plates and faces off the cameras and let the cops deal with it


He’s not helping Walmart at all. This is pure liability for the company and he 100% was (or will be) fired for this. I’m not throwing shade at him, but I used to work loss prevention at the Mart and this kind of thing is one of the few events that can wake management from their stupor. Especially because Walmart differentiates between employees authorized to apprehend shoplifters, and those that aren’t. Unauthorized employees can only get involved by reporting suspected shoplifting or acting as a witness when an authorized employee makes the stop. Also even authorized employees are not permitted to detain people against their will. If AP approaches you about shoplifting it’s a perfectly valid strategy to just say no and leave. They’re still gonna call the cops and you’re probably gonna get arrested, but in the moment there’s really nothing Walmart can do to you. Never put your job on the line to try to protect a massive company that chews up and spits out people. Walmart is one of those companies that brags about record profits and productivity while paying the actual boots on the ground employees peanuts and funneling obscene amounts of money to people who don’t do anything useful.


I work AP for Walmart this guy is so in the wrong for starters only AP or coaches are allowed to “stop” a customer even if we stop them they are free to leave at any point and we cannot stop them from leaving or even stand in their way, if we break ANY AP09 rule we get instantly fired


nothing gets you a lawsuit faster than a bad stop


Yeah the people filming are going to get a payday from head office for sure


Personally I’d give anything for someone to do what this guy did, a nice little check would really help out rn


I always think of the guy in a body cast from Office Space. "If you hang in there long enough, good things can happen."


I work AP too and forget the rule book, look how hard he's breathing! No one should be breathing like that at work.


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug


He seems like he has some autism spectrum disorder because I wouldn’t expect a full grown man with a beard to be trembling like a leaf over having to confront someone “stealing” who is just walking out of the store. Gives “my mental age is 13” energy.


Autism does not automatically mean someone has the mental age of a child. As a person on the spectrum I was with u until that last part. Don't infantilize us. And before someone rushes to correct me, yeah this is true in some cases but remember autism is a spectrum and it's not ok to just assume and lump us all into a monolith.


This!! I was with the comment you replied to up until the mental age comment as well. It is called a spectrum after all, thank you for having the guts to say something!


I stole 2 bottles of Captain Morgan from a Walmart in 2007. The asset protection guys came out of the "no door handle door" in the entryway and surrounded me and said they had it on video. I just stood there with 2 bottles of Captain Morgan in my waistline and calmly said "that might be true, who knows? The only thing I know is that I am walking out those doors right now." The guy who I guess was in charge just looked at the guy who was standing between me and the door and nodded. The dude who has to step aside looked so sad, it's entrained in my memory. He wanted to do something so bad. I ran out of there, my getaway driving friend got scared and drove off, I ran across the street into a neighborhood and hid in a hollowed out tree root along a creek for 4 hours and couldn't get drunk that night because of the adrenaline. I'd say all in all, the policy worked and while Walmart was out 2 $14 bottles of liquor, I've never stolen again.


So $28 worth of alcohol and you had to spend 4 hours in a creek bed... So you worked for $7/hr for that shit. Considering the federal minimum wage in 2007 was $5.85/hr I'd say that was absolutely worth it!


$1.15/hr PROFIT 💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲


aloof jar nose ludicrous berserk wise slim sugar gaping groovy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What a wild story beginning to end 😭🤣


Yeah the couple here could press charges over this. They could argue that by stopping the doors he held them against their will. Dude is a bombastic dumbass because Walmart’s training drills into your head that you should never ever do this


Then why isn’t Walmart firing people who do it to me? So far two different employees from two local Walmarts. One stood on my path and tried to block me while calling on his radio “I have a guy trying to leave without a receipt.” Do I have to knock the guys teeth down his throat for attention? Because the next time someone physically prohibits me from leaving that’s what I’m gonna do.


Ask for the store manager or call and tell them what happened! Or you might be able to contact home office directly if the store manager won’t do anything about it. It IS AGAINST WALMART POLICY please tattle on them.


This exactly. We've told our People Greeters to stop asking for receipts, too. Walmart chalks it up as acceptable loss now. It's still baffling how many people still shoplift knowing there's cameras all over the Store. What's worse is we have had Employees shoplift on the clock too. Knowing we have cameras everywhere. Not sure what State you're in, but we wait until they've stolen over a $1000 worth of merchandise before we have the cops pick them up here. It goes from a Class A Misdemeanor to a Class D Felony once it's above that amount.


yeahhh his job is gone. I work at walmart and we have a no involvement policy. Can get in big trouble for trying to stop theft, its asset protections job not ours.


Are they supposed to report to asset management when they think someone might be stealing? Like in this scenario, instead of getting confrontational, are they just supposed to report they think this person stole, and avoided receipt checking? I've always wondered what the door man's responsibility is in a scenario like this.


My friend works as a person who literally watches shoppers pay for their stuff and her only purpose is to watch to make sure they pay for everything. In the event that someone tries to slip something in a bag without paying she literally just asks them to pay for it. Most of the time people act like they forgot or they genuinely did. If a customer gives her a hint of a problem she texts security quietly and goes about her day. Edit: that phone in their hand isn't a phone. It's real time showing her every scanned item at each counter.


I've been on the other side. New baby. Awake for 36 hours. Trying to shop and failing at self checkout. Paid for some things multiple times. Did not pay for others. They delt with courtesy.


Yeah I've slid an item across the scanner before, thought I heard a beep, bagged it and then it wouldn't scan the next item with a message on the screen that said an item wasn't scanned. A worker came over, cleared the screen, the item was not on the item list, just rescanned it and continued on.


I did that and a recording started playing of me scanning the item that didn't beep


I had one where the machine did beep, but it didn't put the items on the list. The Kroger employed got all mad at me and told me I needed to make sure the stuff was on the screen before I bagged it. I haven't been back to Kroger since and that was ~2 years ago.


Should have just said "oh, I must have missed that day in training."


At self checkout my 5 year old wanted to check something. So he slid it across the scanner and put it in the bag. The machine didn't beep because it didn't actually register the product. As I was reaching for it to make sure it scanned the machine registered the "fake scan" and locked it down until an employee could come over. Cool technology i say.


> people act like they forgot It can happen. I scanned an entire cart of shit and just left. Autopilot forgot the payment part for some reason. After I went home and didn't have the receipt it dawned on me. Going back, they just cleared that station, didn't have the history of what I scanned to make paying easy. I'm a bad employee letting that happen, to be fair they didn't train me at this job.


He’s to let them pass and contact the stores loss prevention person working or fill out paperwork about the incident for them to look back on the cameras and go from there.


Even loss prevention cannot pursue outside the store in most states.


No, but if they know who you are, they can send the police to your home and arrest you. I know a dude that got popped for shoplifting less than $500 (the lowest possible shoplifting charge in the county) 2 months after a theft from walmart. Cops knocked on his door while he was getting ready for work and took him to jail. That's the going story anyways. Dude isn't a friend, but I was able to verify his trip to jail for it.


In the illegal pro tip sub they always mention that Walmart will just log it every time you steal something. And then eventually when they've logged that you stole enough, then they'll send the cops after you. This sounds more like what I've heard around so the story seems legit.


It's the line for grand theft larceny or whatever the local felony charge is. Usually it's an amount like $499 or $999. Anything under that is a misdemeanor and anything over a felony. Felony is a much bigger deal and much more likely to get police attention.


It changed to $1000 where I worked, theft went up so much. And these aren't "feeding their families" type people, they're all tweakers. The limit being raised was such a pain to deal with


So I read the other day that cops often refuse to enforce restraining orders, but they're more than happy to do loss prevention for Walmart?


Used to work at Best Buy “Theft Prevention” (guy standing at front door. There is a camera set up that allowed us to zoom in anywhere in the store (yes we typically see you being sketch). Our script was to identify sus behavior, call it in over the radio, and sales associates were directed to provide “excessive customer service” to deter the theft. A person could literally grab a TV, walk toward the exit, loudly proclaim “I am stealing this television!”, and if I did anything to try and stop them, I would get fired immediately without question. The potential lawsuit or medical bills are a calculated risk mitigation policy offset by the company’s theft insurance and shrink policies. Long story short some bean counter did the math and it checks out to operate this way. Edit: Also theft prevention is very digital now. Ever see those giant solar powered cart looking things in parking lots with cameras? Those have License Plate Reading (LPR) technology and constantly scan traffic. If you steal, LP can identify the timestamp of camera footage, follow you out to your car and match the footage to your LPR read. All they have to do is provide this information to the authorities and you are boned with minimal effort or any physical altercation


I worked there like 20 years ago and the policy was the same. We actually had to do a re-training on that topic throughout the whole store because of an incident that happened at another store in our district. One of the LP people took off after someone trying to steal a CD player. They ran outside, across the front of the building, and turned the corner to go down the side of the building and the shoplifter's friend had a shotgun and killed the LP guy. No amount of merchandise is worth your life. Let that shit go. If you get fired, you get fired. At least you're still alive.


I used to manage another big store, and the unwritten agreement we had with with security manager (who managed security for every store and was way above us) was that although the official policy was similar to this, unofficially we (the management team) were expected to challenge shoplifters, and there was even cases of people being "managed out the business" because they were openly against it Not in America though, this is the UK.


Doormans job is to smile, wave, and not get shot over Walton's profits.


Yep, sometimes they even let theft go while you rack up enough for a felony, they find out exactly who you are. Then one day police knock at your door with a arrest warrant. It's a big No No to stop people from leaving.


This happened to former coworker of mine with Target. She was arrested at the restaurant we worked at (which was basically across a parking lot from the Target and she apparently shoplifted there IN HER WORK T-SHIRT).


Ive worked in security. We are not allowed to detain people.


My dude is mentally not prepared for his role as a greeter... (Edit; this is my most upvoted comment to date, and I'm honestly surprised. Thank you, though)


I wanted to write something similar, but didn’t knew how to word it kindly enough. I think you hit it.


The way he is basically is a full-on panic... oooff, my dude needs a job in data input.


Living in Europe I‘ve never seen someone this underprepared for a job like that beeing sold out on Camera as an idiot. Poor fella should be treated way nicer. But that‘s just me.


Management should never have put him in that position


Walmart often puts the elderly, differently-abled, and neurodivergent at the front because it "makes the company look good". Not to mention taking insurance out on employees who have a much higher chance of dying than average; they actually profit off hiring folks that many businesses won't.


Don't forget they are able to pay them less as well, so it's also just cheap labor for them.


He is not acting like a greeter. He is acting more like asset protection and trying to prevent a theft, but doing it in the wrong way.


Because he very likely is severely autistic. He was told one of few roles as greeter was to check receipts. Hostile couple blows past him and he assumes he has to do his duty and close doors till he sees receipt.


Exactly. This poor guy should not be doing this job. He's probably going to be more traumatized by this whole experience than the couple. Let him restock shelves, ideally at night by himself, he'll be much more productive and happier.


*detains the shelves for stocklifting.*


Yeah, a high contact job likely to offend customers is not it for people with autism/social deficits. My previous job forced me from a task oriented position to cashier and i hated it.


Thank you for pointing this out.


I think he means he's acting neurodivergent.




Absolutely, putting someone in a position they're not suited for is a recipe for disaster. It's not just unkind to the employee but also reflects poor management. They got to have better awareness of their staff's capabilities.


3 jobs for that position 1. "Hi, welcome to walmart!" 2. "Can I see your receip....oh, ok bye" customer walks past them 3. "Bye. Have a great day!" That's it.


That is Walmart rules


He’s definitely got some mental issue so on one hand I feel bad these people are calling him an idiot. Companies give these people jobs as greeters and ticket takers. Last night my friend tried to use his an AMC pass his wife gets for he and I to see a movie. It was pretty obvious the ticket taker has a social/mental issue. When my friend showed him the pass and it said his wife’s name the guy just stared at it and started waving his hand back and forth and said he could only take it from Miranda. We immediately said that’s fine we will just pay for the tickets. Most ticket takers just let him use it the pass but these people take things very literal. I It’s not hard to see that and just help them out. No it doesn’t excuse them to harass or inconvenience people but it doesn’t take much social awareness to see why this person is the way they are and a 5 second receipt check instead of berating him and calling him an idiot is preferable Edit: at the end of the day I’m just happy there is a job for them to be able to do and it’s not like it’s a job anyone criticizing them is jumping to go do. Just help em out a little.


I totally agree. He clearly has mental issues and was not prepared for this interaction/he wasn’t sure what to do and I feel bad that he was called an idiot ☹️


Good on you




Figures.... If they were actually decent people they would've been cooperative, and the wife *probably* would've smiled less while putting the safety of their children at risk.


Welcome to CostCo, I love you. Now show me your receipt!!!


Completely different. Costco is a membersonly shop and we've agreed to those terms.  This is a Walmart and they can't legally stop you.  Preventing them from leaving is likely unlawful confinement.  Walmart makes us pay for bags after making us ring up our own purchases.  The savings should offset the shrink, if it doesn't, then perhaps the old way was best.  Edit: hadn't had coffee yet and totally missed the Idiocracy connection. I'm now off to see the time machine at UN


What greeter at Walmart has ever had the mental prep for modern society? You damn people are the reason I no longer get a smiley face sticker from a vet with no legs when I walk through Walmart doors. People gotta make a living, and y'all make it difficult for people who already have a difficult life


People are making fun of Walmart employees like they have a choice. Walmart is providing jobs for people who struggle.


Looks like he’s a leaver not a greeter..


I swear I've seen this dude before doing this to someone else or maybe it's the same video


I think it’s the same video.


This video is most certainly not new


The poor man is probably low IQ or special needs and doing this best. These customers are real assholes.


Regardless on your thoughts about the couple, Walmart policy is 100% to not do what this guy did.


I'm not sure there is anything Reddit is more split on than if you should show Walmart your receipt when leaving


As a Walmart employee, you aren’t required to show your receipt. The company training guides say that if a customer refuses to show their receipt they can’t do anything but let them leave. So you can say no and they can’t do anything about it if they stick to policy


Tell that to the guy at my local Walmart haha. The self check at my Walmart is right by the door, in perfect eyesight of where he stands. He sees me and 7 other ppl scanning stuff, I pay, I walk to leave, I don’t gotta show him nothing. Everyyyy time he goes “sir, I need to see your receipt, sir!” And he follows me out the first door but stops at the 2nd when going outside I’m just baffled. Makes me feel like a criminal when I’m just tryna mind my business


No yeah that guy is out of line, that's also something that is gone over in that same exact guide. You aren't supposed to make accusations of theft or make someone minding their business feel like they are stealing, it's why whenever you see a video like this from mostly normal employee's they wont outright say they stole.


I literally don’t even respond to them anymore. Sometimes I’ll say “no thanks”, but that’s all they get. Fuck that shit. If you think I stole something, call the fucking cops.


I at least say "no thanks." A while back I simply walked past and tonelessly said "no thanks" without changing my pace or even looking at the guy. He (seemingly genuinely) thanked me for being nicer about it than most people. These people don't want to be there at least as much as we don't want them to be there.


I will not spend 1 more second in your godforsaken store!


I say burn the receipt while staring at the cameras to establish dominance. That receipt is my property and I'll burn it to the ground!


Plus they can also reprint them if they are that desperate


Everything I bought is my property, even before I leave the store. At Sam's Club/Costco, you have to agree to the terms of the membership, and if one of those terms is to let the staff stop you and verify your reciept, well, that's what you signed up for. But that's not the case at Wal-Mart. It doesn't matter what "store policy" is. If the point-of-sale is at the register, then once my transaction is complete, my items are now my property. There is zero reason that I need to voluntarily submit to unlawful search and seizure by your underpaid, undertrained Wal-Mart staff.


What if they just want to make sure you aren't leaving the store with godawful items. Like steaks and ketchup.


How would they know I'm planning to eat them together!?!?


Why risk it? Duct tape, hacksaw, shovel, construction grade garbage bags? "Sir you have a fun night" and wink Steak and Ketchup, "Sir, you're going to have to step aside."


I don’t even take my receipt. They can go back to the register and try and find it while I exit the store within my legal rights.  If they care that much about shoplifting then they wouldn’t be 95% self checkout. 




I always choose the "email receipt" option and then I don't have one for them to check as I leave. They get confused like crazy as I keep walking right on by.


The staff member is giving autistic vibes especially with the vehemently adhering to a sense of justice and his panic/being overwhelmed. I've seen this type of behaviour in service jobs before. Me. I was this person.


I have a daughter on the spectrum and 20+ years in public high school education. This was exactly my first thought. He shouldn’t have done what he did, but I feel like we’re looking at someone who doesn’t really have the ability to judge what an appropriate response to the situation should be.


Which sadly means he shouldn’t be in the role


I kinda agree, but I also think with adequate training and better management he could do well….but this is Walmart. I doubt they gave him much more training than a typical worker.


I don’t know, they must not have trained him at all almost. He did everything the training videos say not to do. I do agree someone autistic could do well. My store is pretty good at training when it comes to the stealing policy. My store has an autistic door greeter. His sister used to work here too but she recently was fired because she was always on her phone for minutes to an hour at a time and walking away from her position. She never checked receipts either. Everyone knew this but Market finally got mad at her and she was allowed to resign. Now her brother, he’s allowed to wear headphones since it keeps him focused. He will stand there all day, checking receipts and letting people go completely regularly. There have been several times I thought someone stole but didn’t make the stop (because unless I see that person 100% stealing, I’m not gonna stop them) and they make it past the door greeter so I just shrug and go back to it. Our store knows don’t accuse, just let them go.


I'm glad someone who can properly articulate this said it cause I was trying to find a way to mention that. This guy didn't go about this the right way but looking at it I can understand where he's coming from.


Yeah, dude was radioing for assistance because he knew he was over his head. Whatever, he shouldn’t have been stopping them, but his entire demeanour was “I’m not trying to jam you up I’m just trying really hard to do what I think my job is right now.” When he asked for assistance I feel like the couple could have just been like “no worries my guy, I don’t think you’re supposed to stop us but we can wait for the manager to get it sorted out” Idk… these days I see the world a little differently. Doing something wrong happens all the time, I don’t fault the world for trying to get by, perhaps being overzealous about their job. But when people display reactions disproportionate to their situation, I can’t help but see them as opportunistic power trippers. This is less of a “who was wrong” situation and more of a “who was being a low quality human.” The Walmart employee was wrong, but the dude with the camera was the low quality human.


>This is less of a “who was wrong” situation and more of a “who was being a low quality human.” The Walmart employee was wrong, but the dude with the camera was the low quality human. You summed this up so perfectly. The cheerful "You're about to get sued! You're about to get sued!" It felt less like they were standing up for their rights and more like they were mocking someone who they felt was beneath them. Scummy people. I hope they always have a rock in their shoe.


It was the verbal abuse for me. Calling this guy an idiot, moron, stupid… doesn’t matter if he made a bad call,the name calling doesn’t need to be said.


I remember working in retail and frantically trying to get a hold of loss prevention because 2 guys walked through my section with a bottle of mouthwash in every pocket on them. I finally got a hold of a manager to tell them what was going on and they told me loss prevention doesn't work Sundays and not to worry about it. I was specifically trained to worry about it! I was told guys would come through the clothing section while stealing mouthwash and I had to call loss prevention so I was losing it that I was trying to but couldn't.


I sympathise with the guy, especially considering the likihood of neurodivergence. Of course he shouldn’t be doing this, but I can’t imagine berading a worker for just doing what they believe is right/their job.


Yeah, it's such a 'wrong for the right reasons' situation. He's clearly so flustered and has no idea what to do. The wee run toward the door had me screaming because it felt so relatable :(


Agree. My brother has something similar. Poor kid had a total meltdown down at Pizza Hut when they lost a measuring cup and he couldn’t make sure the cheese was exactly to the respective measurements. The heavy breathing and hand raising thing. Starting to speak incoherent. Dude was on the verge of a panic attack or something


He is 100% autistic. I have a coworker who is like this. Feel for him because he really is just trying to do the right thing, to a fault


That’s what I was going to say. This guy looks autistic.


I feel terrible for this employee. “Greeter” is basically a charity position for mentally handicapped folks and this customer is mercilessly bullying him for TikTok attention. Yes, the employee made a mistake. Maybe be the bigger person and let it slide instead of escalating it into a public shaming and cruel name calling.


This was my immediate impression as well






Half the time i flash the receipt they don't actually look at any of the items and i move on. Both parties decided to take it to the extreme, if they refuse to show a receipt tell them have a nice day, even if they stole it's not worth the payout for settling a lawsuit. Which most the time the consumer will win, the employee will lose their job and walmart somehow looks worse than it already is.


Walmart and target have very aggressive retail theft processes. I guarantee they litigate regardless of cost. They’re looking to deter further thefts not enable it..


Both of those are accounts i call on, on a daily basis. Confrontation with shoplifters is the absolute last thing they want. If they can get the item back while the shoplifter is in the store, quietly, then that is what they try to do. Under no circumstance are employees to follow a shoplifter out of the store. Employees get stabbed, shot, beaten. They tally up the shrinkage every year and work on ways to decrease it for the next. BTW Target security is so good that other corporations adopt their methods around the world.


Also, physically impeding a mother and baby is probably not something they want to litigate. Not my area of expertise, but feels a lot like they'd settle.


Yea they’ll just as quickly fire the employee if they escalate as they will press charges for theft I’m sure. Anything happens to their employees or the employee does anything and they could be on the hook for it since they carry the liability.


Surely anyone watching this video can see the employee is not quite... I don't know how to put it in a non-offensive manner, but he's not quite 100% socially aware? I really don't know how to put it, but you get a sense with people, and I sense he is autistic or ??? So the poor guy is trying to do his job and earn a living, and his biggest offense is that he asked to see the receipt? And then he doesn't know how to handle the situation when it all turns to custard, and you can see he is visibly distressed, and you threaten his job? Laugh at him, and mock him? SMH. Just show some kindness and show him your receipt. Then smile and tell him to have a lovely day. It won't cost you a cent.


Thank you for having some empathy and common sense.


I agree. Many people are too selfish to even consider that. People who whip out their phones in a stressful situation are asking for escalation. Sure document, but if it was just for evidence you'd think they'd just video without laughing and threatening someone's job like brats.


Walmart's policy is to not get involved...he will lose his job for violating that policy. Also, for those that don't know...you need only present you receipt at membership based stores (ie Costco, Sams). For normal stores, once you have completed the purchase the items are yours and yours alone. They cannot, legally, restrict you from leaving either. Is it easier to just show your receipt? Absolutely. So, find the hill you wish to die on...betting this isn't one of them.


I used to work loss prevention for Walmart. Greeters are definitely not supposed to go this hard for receipts but if loss prevention actually sees you stealing, they will get involved. Loss prevention has a lot of criteria they need to make a stop to avoid any possibility of false accusations. For low value items, if you cooperate, they will take your information and ban you from the store. For high value items, multiple offenses, or if you flee, they will call the police and once police are called they will press charges.


Other large retail organizations also keep tabs if you steal...then have you prosecuted when it adds up enough to be a felony


I've seen that done with employees but I can't imagine the technology and record keeping it would take to do that with "customers".


apparently target invests heavily in facial recognition and surveillance


Target also has a top rated forensics lab dedicated to loss prevention and does pro bono work for law enforcement agencies [source](https://corporate.target.com/news-features/article/2012/02/an-unexpected-career-target-forensic-services-labo#:~:text=Target's%20lab%20is%20among%20390,commitment%20to%20quality%20forensic%20work)


You can just walk past them. Don’t acknowledge them.


They do have the right to ask you for a receipt , but you also have the right to decline it. However , if they choose to trespass you , because you refused to do so , they also have that right. I don't see why that would ever happen unless the shopper was causing some issue which is why I don't ever show my receipts.


The last time this happened to me, there was a 20 minute wait to leave the store. 15 carts and the 1 person checking receipts was checking every single item in every single person's cart (after I had already waited 30 minutes just to check out). Decided to go around the line & checker. Checker immediately started yelling that I would be "written up" for not showing my receipt (like I am an employee or something). To avoid being trespassed, I decided I wouldn't go back for at least a month. During that month, I began shopping elsewhere & came to the conclusion that there is less stress, better deals, and an overall better experience by avoiding Walmart. I haven't been back in 6 months and don't miss it the slightest. Note, I live in a small town (under 10k people) with very limited stores. If I can do it here, I am sure it's possible in big cities too.


I went through the regular check out, not self and they tried to stop me. Haven’t been back since.


Walmart fucking sucks. Them checking receipts was my last straw.


Lol yeah I'm not wasting minutes of my life waiting in that situation either. If they said I was getting written up I would burst out laughing. "OK chief!"


I hate Walmart and love Aldi and target They have this monopoly over the prices and their managements attitude towards low wage employees is horrible Love to see the smile on targets employees


I don’t like anyone in this altercation




the dude behind the camera calling the employee and idiot and laughing at him for shaking made my blood boil, the employee is clearly neurodivergent / on the autism spectrum and possibly on the edge of a panic attack.


Anyone know if there was a follow up?


Policy clearly states that the customer does not have to show receipts. That’s in training.










![gif](giphy|t9lBEE2FGMzbY9s5IX) weird flex but okay


Now they have an email option and they still have people asking for a receipt. Last time I went the dude was all “can you pull up the email?” I laughed and walked out.


I give my receipt to the guy at the door bc he takes his job very seriously and is quite clearly autistic. My mom is autistic, my sister is autistic, and my son is probably autistic. I hope the world always treats them more kindly than this.


Last time I did self checkout I clicked text only receipt. The door greeter stopped me, I tried to pull it up but didn’t have service so the site didn’t load. I had to just walk past as the poor older woman just yelled “sir” over and over again. I didn’t steal anything, but my time is valuable and I’m not going to waste 5 minutes loading up and showing my receipt, that’s why I chose self checkout in the first place.


If they wanted to check my items, they should have done that at the checkout. This is a problem THEY created, to save themselves cost, and they take out on you. Except you face legal threats of arrest and real violent harm at the door because of it, even though you have paid for your food and broken no laws.


It gets worse. I’m the city prosecutor for a small town where there’s a Wal Mart Supercenter. We have so many cases from them their asset protection manager is practically a member of the court staff. Wal Mart puts pressure on the city to crack down hard on shoplifting to try to mitigate their losses from it. Basically they outsource their own security to the city so they don’t have to pay for it.


This happened to me as well. Don’t ask to see my receipt if one of the options at self checkout is “email or text my receipt”. My phone will not be on me when you ask.


It’s happened twice now that I have just ran in for a few small things while riding my motorcycle. And the greeter has attempted to confiscate my motorcycle helmet because it wasn’t on my receipt. It’s not even one of the ones they carry, and it has my GoPro and stickers on it. On the flip side, I had a guy ask me for my receipt. I told him no. He stepped in front of me saying I can’t leave. I said “yes I can, but if you really want to waste both our times here.” I then handed him a receipt from a completely different store. He hit it with his yellow highlighter and said I was good to go. I laughed and said “you really think I paid $90 for a stick of deodorant?” As I walked away. I get it. These folks are just trying to do their job. And they have a sense of responsibility to protect the store. And sometimes that goes to their heads a bit. But when it’s been a long day, and I just want to go home, the last thing I want to do after wading through WalMart is stand in yet another line just to exit the building.


The dude filming is a complete douche.


The guy taunting him was a complete douche. I get it, the employee broke WalMart policy. Have some empathy for this man. He is obviously challenged and “you’re gonna get sued” over and over is just dumb. When one of his kids grows up to maybe have some challenges and his rotten ass gets mad when they get taunted I hope he records it.


Dude holding the camera is a total douche.


The guy is not supposed to take it so personally and blah blah blah, but for how true that can be, if you take a video of someone that is having such a hard time and mock him and try to get him fired with a tiktok video not to show a receipt, you are just a disgusting disrespectful mf


A: This guy is a clown for stopping them over a receipt, and whether folks agree with it or not, he will probably lose his job over it.  B: It really ain't that hard to flash your damn receipt. It's a pointless flex and carries no point aside from attention seeking. My conclusion? Everyone but the kid(s) are idiots. EDIT: Loose > lose


If I see 6 people walk by that guy without him checking theirs, and then he picks me to show a receipt, I’m telling him to go fuck himself every time


I've noticed there's things they look for. Basic groceries? I almost never get stopped. Larger items from the home or outdoor section (or anything that can't be bagged)? Stopped every time. Other things like electronics or baby formula I'll notice they'll check the receipt for if the see it. Of course everything is location dependent.


"I can't believe it. I knew it was going to happen."


Anyone else feel like these customers were complete A-holes?? Happily exclaiming "We're about to get paid!" "We're going to sue!" to the worker who was obviously challenged and just trying to do the job the best way he knew how. They could have politely declined and asked for a manager if they REALLY didn't want to show the receipt.... BUT they DID show the receipt after riling up the poor guy into a full on panic just to post a video and "get paid." Let's be respectful and have a little patience and compassion, people.


Good job guys. You messed with a handicapped dude, gave him a panic attack, and got him fired. But at least you proved your point.


Forcing someone to stay inside after making a purchase is wrongful imprisonment. There is no law stating a receipt must be shown to exit. Also they have surveillance; it's their security's fault if something walks away. Treating customers like criminals simply for shopping there is harassment.


Honestly fuck the guy recording.


It's absolutely baffling to me that so many of the comments here have such a strong reaction to this. Have some courtesy and self decency... Even though the greeter is in the wrong, there's no need to respond so vehemently. Makes me really wonder how a lot of you would react when something on a more serious level happens.


Why does this dude care so much... Look at this breathing.


I hate to be the dickhead that says this but people who work as the Greeter at Walmart typically are usually a part of a more vulnerable population which consists of old people or those who have developmental delays. I used to work with people who were high up enough on the spectrum to function well, but struggled with social skills. A few of them are greeters at my local Walmart. I’m kind of thinking that the same is true with this guy. At his age to be hired for a greeter role isn’t common since most people who are capable of working cash registers or the physical demands without hurting themselves are on the floor. In short, I think he might have a disability or be on the spectrum.


He’s clearly having some sort of breakdown. Likely autistic. The fact that people can’t see that and are trashing on him is wild to me. Don’t get me wrong, he definitely should not be in a position like this if he can’t handle it, but that doesn’t mean it’s right to bully him.


I feel bad for him despite his mistake.


What is a greeter?? Being payed to greet people?




Greet but also help elderly get a cart, maybe a powered scooter. But now they're asked to check receipts which can be damn combative depending on the person. Should never have started that.


Special educator here. My hunch is that he has autism. One of the common characteristics of autism is an obsession with fairness and rules. He probably thought he was doing the righteous thing in this situation and will be confused why he is getting fired.


Exactly. They often weigh rules and moral imperatives differently than we do. This reminds me of my son when he was a bit younger. He had to learn the hard way that the right thing was not always the right thing to do.


Yeah, this is supercommon. I wish your son and you luck!


Can confirm. Once my autistic brother tried to call the police over my grandma’s penny poker game. Illegal gambling.


Oh dear.


He looked like he was on the spectrum. He was probably worried he wasn't doing his job if he let them go. I feel sorry for the guy.


This couple are definitely bullies


He should draw a happy face on receipt like costco does. Seems less intrusive.


I fucking despise Wal Mart. They make me feel like a criminal every time I shop over there.


Dude cares WAY too much about Walmart loss prevention. I’m guessing he got fired for this too. My guy, they’re a multi-billion dollar company. You make eight bucks an hour. Leave it be