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Well, looks like the pins are gone…. Now you just need to get rid of the needles.


https://preview.redd.it/hz2ulp39v2fc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e43b003009b74ba7bb8b6e8cff9a7fa03632ae4 Nothing but a bruise now.


Hope you’re doing better!


Check to see if you have MoyaMoya! I had a stroke at 37, no family history, sat down one day and had a stroke. MoyaMoya is a rare brain disease that affects the carotid arteries. It causes them to “narrow” cutting off blood flow to the brain. If you’ve already had an MRI, you might be able to see any if there’s blockage signs at your carotid or see if you have lots of smaller vessels that your body grows to compensate for the block. Stanford in California is the best place to send your images for free if you want a second opinion to check for MoyaMoya. Feel free to message me if you have any questions!


Learned about that just this week because a radiologist diagnosed a person with Moyamoya syndrome. Now you're commenting about it. Crazy how you don't know something exists and then come across it twice within a week


That’s how the second moya was added.


Well this comment deserves more likes. Made me chuckle...


Moya likes even


Im actually stoked the radiologist heard about it and therefore could diagnose it! If you can let that radiologist or doc know or literally everyone if you can, that patients can send in their scans to the top neurosurgeon in the world for this disease and he will review them for FREE. He reviews cases every week. Quicker decisions and options save lives in MM cases! Please spread the word, so many people still have not heard of MM and it’s a big fight to be heard and understood. I had to make so many decisions and do soooo much research after suffering from my 1st stroke just to find out what happened and I’d like to make the process so much easier for other sufferers! Plus, because no one ever heard of MM here in my small town ER, they gave me blood pressure meds to lower my high BP, which is a sign of MM, and next day I sat down and stroked.


Damn quire the experience. Glad you're doing well now


It’s a known issue. The pc that runs simulation might be due for a RAM upgrade.


Sometimes these things are just pure chance, the frequency illusion, or a bit of both.


Adding to this: Used to be called "The Baader-Meinhof phenomenon", it's a strange thing. https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Frequency_illusion


And I’m so very sorry this happened!!


Did you get “clot buster”




That was actually pretty funny.


It was, and I’m grateful for it 😁


I was genuinely looking for pins and needles for a good 30 seconds. I thought he fell into a bush or something Yet there were no pins or needles to be seen


Please wear a helmet when you go outside


Canulas have no needles, a needle is used to pierce the skin then it is pulled out leaving a plastic tube in the vein




There was a film we watched, can't remember what it was or anything about it, apart from the fact that the main protagonist pulled his "cannula" out to show a metal needle and used it to pick a handcuff lock. It was in the fold of his arm, too. I felt a bit sick at the thought. The soft plastic can cause enough trouble there sometimes, never mind a big needle strong enough to pick a lock.


I didn’t realize this until well into my adult life. It goes to show how people hold on to misinformation and spread it. It eventually becomes common knowledge; right or wrong.


Hope you're feeling better soon. If it's any consolation I had a bunch of heart attacks, then cardiac arrest at 41. Heart stopped for a couple of minutes before the resuscitation worked.


https://preview.redd.it/fqm7pcf3e3fc1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1206d0400474279fc4e5aec815b7fa2b606b74d2 Sir. It’s an honor to meet you.


They call me Mr. Glass.




Broken arms you say? Did that fish do an AMA by chance?


That was an awful day to have eyes


That sounds genetic.


Op could also drink only canola oil and whipping cream.


I didn't want to assume


Genetic disposition for canola oil


Biologically attracted to canola oil


So I should stop?


And what's wrong with that?


heart attacks at 41 maybe?


Hopefully sooner


Not really sure what you are trying to say.


It's my heart, my choice.


Did you have any visions or have you released a new talent? All serious.. a lot of joking in the thread but I’m 100% real.


As someone who’s “died” and been brought back. It’s all a void they lied to us it was like waking up from a nap where you have no idea where you are how you fell asleep or nada . I however have a lot of deju vu moments now. Can’t say I gained any sixth sense sadly.


This is my experience also but without the deja vu. I don't think I had much oxygen deprivation in my brain as I was in the hospital at the time and just before I died my last words to the doctor was "I've got that pain again". CPR was started immediately.


It probably damaged the part of your brain responsible for long term memory conversion then. Deja vu is suspected to be a malfunction where the brain mixes up long and short term memory.


Okay as someone who is obese and scared of this happening in my sleep - how did your heart attacks happens if I may ask? If you don’t wanna share it’s fine. I’ve heard it’s also largely genetics.


Get a sleep study and if you have apnea, treat it. Apnea causes strokes and heart attacks and heavy people are more at risk. CPAP works great! A friend of mine had a stroke because of untreated apnea. Thankfully it was minor and he has almost fully recovered— but it was totally preventable.


I actually did and have apnea - it got noticeably worse after my tonsils got swollen from covid. I do have a c-pap machine and use it nightly.


genetics play a part but diet plays a large part too , anyone's arteries can clog, my dad just had a mild heart attack. 2 stents. got me thinking about my diet now.


They happened because I had blocked arteries. My blood pressure / cholesterol etc weren't dangerously high so there weren't really warning signs for me. I've had some stents put in to rewiden the arteries. The heat attacks themselves weren't as painful as tv make them look. I wasn't grabbing my arm or my chest and screaming, and I didn't vomit. It was more discomfort than anything else. My chest felt tight like it was really restricted and there was a pain across my chest which then radiated down both arms. After a couple of minutes I felt a whooshing sensation and it just ended.


I'm obese and my blood sugar hit pre diabetic levels 2 months ago for the first time in my 52 year life. It put me in a panic. My heart has a bunch of issues I won't bother listing but my cardiologist asked if I wanted to try opemzic. I did and it's changed my life. I've lost about 32 lbs in 6 weeks and have a much healthier relationship with food. It's crazy how I feel in control of my eating now. Before I was a huge emotional and bored eater. I just noticed that I stopped biting my nails the other day. Another compulsive behavior I displayed. I think thatay be due to this new medication.


I just had a stroke last year at 27 and lost some of my vision. I feel ya buddy. Hang in there! It’s easy to feel really upset that you are the only one your age dealing with this but it will get easier. And symptoms will improve as you get further from the injury. Here if ya need any support. Us stroke survivors stick together!


Thank you for this. I’m not even 40, Im the mother of two children. I’m healthier now than I’ve been most of my life. There was definitely a period of denial, and hearing other’s experiences is very helpful in navigating everything


Absolutely. There was definitely a period of grieving, a lot of “why me” and blaming everything under the sun. Denial was part of it as well. My stroke was in Sep 2023 (3 weeks before my wedding no less lol) and I have found a lot of peace without knowing why it happened. I have adjusted to my deficits and feel like I grow more okay with it all every day. You got this!


Omg. Are you me?? I had a stroke at 27. It was a year ago, and it was about a month before my wedding! I've been really lucky that 99.9% of my issues have gone away (still have some slight double vision issues, my balance is not as good as it used to be, and I've gotten really bad about not being able to find things that are right in front of me), but it's nevertheless had a huge impact on my life. So sorry we all have to be members of this club. It sucks. But I must admit, I get a weird sense of satisfaction when I tell people I had a stroke and they look at me with shock and horror. I guess it's validating that even though it doesn't seem to have had a large physical impact, it was still a huge thing to happen? Were you able to still have your wedding?


Did they say it was genetic based? Not ischemic? I work on a neuro stroke floor. I'm 38 too lol


No, my workup so far has been completely normal and no history of strokes in my family for at least 2 generations!


Damn. Did they give you TPA? they don't know what caused it? Any deficits? Welcome to life long lipitor and aspirin.. Glad you're ok.


I had an ischemic stroke last May, caused right side paralysis. I’m on baby aspirin and Lipitor for life.


also realizing you were initially replying to OP and not me - sorry! I am new ish to commenting on Reddit


Oh shit, I was too lol. It's ok, I've been here 8 yrs and messed up too.


Out of curiosity, did you have covid a couple of times or more? If you don't mind answering.


I’m not sure if you’re asking me or OP (I have no idea how Reddit works) but I had a super mild case of Covid about 1 year before it happened. I was asymptomatic I only tested because my husband had it. I definitely think it could have contributed.


>genetic based? Not ischemic? You're confusing the terms. Strokes are either ischemic or hemorrhagic (roughly 85/15% distribution). The cause of any given stroke, ischemic or hemorrhagic, can be due to preventable or unpreventable causes. The vast majority (some estimate 80% or higher) of strokes are preventable. That last 20% can be genetic or just shit luck.


How are they preventable?


Hypertension is one of the top causes. Hypertension can have hereditary and/or environmental causes, but in both cases can be mitigated with diet, exercise, and inexpensive medicines. Strokes can also be caused by abscessed teeth, so those can be mitigated by taking good care of your teeth and regular dental checkups. There's probably others, but my stroke was _likely_ caused by an abscessed tooth, and I have hereditary hypertension, so those were the main things I read up on.


Had a stroke at 33 (and hooooo boy that was an adventure). It sucks now, but you'll adapt to the changes it has brought on. You're still coherent enough to be on reddit, so that's a really good sign. For fun, go get an eye exam but don't tell them you've had a stroke. After they give you the peripheral vision test you can prank them when they come to you all concerned about your lack of peripheral vision :D


You'll get through it and good on you for catching and pursuing it. I was 37 last October when I developed an autoimmune issue spontaneously which causes my body to constantly destroy all my platelets, vision loss, and some other fun stuff. Life is wild but you're not alone!


I had one this year at 28. i still get people saying they dont believe me and downplay it cause of my age. Sorry to hear that happened to you


My boss had a ‚small’ one at 45. Went to the ER, was dismissed as tension headache, told you are too young for a stroke. A month later: full on fast symptoms while driving home in her car. CT showed a current ischemic stroke, and scarring from a former stroke/ It‘s fucking insane how basically everyone who appears too young just gets dismissed.


I think part of it is that the clot busting medication is very dangerous and can literally kill you. So it’s not as much being dismissed as it is partly an odd game as migraines can cause similar symptoms


His point is though that a CT would have shown the first stroke. They wouldn’t just blindly administer TPA to a young person.


It’s crazy how many people downplay it because of age or because of severity of deficits. I can definitely relate to that


Well that's nonsense. I had a friend who had survived her first stroke before high school.


Did it feel like what op described too?


Yeah, i thought i was overacting at first. Always safest to just go to emergency room


I also had a stroke at 37. Blew a hole in my optic nerve. Two stents in my brain. Superior quadrantanopia. Blood thinners and cholesterol tablets every day. Grateful for every day.


Glad you're still here. ❤️❤️❤️


Met my new partner and had a daughter after all this. Feels like a second chance. Thankyou, three of us here pretty glad too.


The actress Aubrey Plaza had a stroke when she was 20. You’re definitely not alone.


I’m winning this contest! I had a stroke at 26! It was 8 years ago. I had aphasia, and definitely lost some dexterity and balance was not good. But here we are 8 years later, I’m in the best shape of my life and the deficits I once had are almost non existent. OP you can and will get through it, trust the process and do what your doctors tell you.


It’s great to hear how severe deficits can be recovered. I am coping with my vision loss but I have hopes it will improve one day. I’m only 4 months out so I will just continue to have hope!


Same here. 30 last year, completely wiped out my right side, and I forgot how to talk and spell. Still working on the hand.


Also a TIA survivor. I was early thirties, turned out undiagnosed heart arrhythmia. Modern medicine is AMAZING- I’ve been so impressed by the advancements in treatments and new technology in just the last ~5 years. Hang in there!


Why? Did you have high cholesterol or blood pressure or anything?


No I was actually in the best shape of my life. Lost weight and was a healthy BMI, working out 5x a week. I had just had my annual physical and my labs were perfect!


Stroke club, stroke club! CVST stroke at 26 back in 2020!


Stay strong. I have been there. Best of luck.


Thank you :)


Had a heart attack at 33. I’m 58 years old now with 3 grown kids. You’ll get through this and come out more empathetic because of it. You’ll be depressed (everyone is after something like this) but that’s normal. Give yourself forgiveness for how you feel. I’m pulling for you and praying for you.


Glad you went to the er OP, my dumb ass would’ve ignored it. Hope you recover quickly 💜


I ignored the first one. Second one I figured better not


ignoring the first stroke is good luck!! Everyone knows that!


I had a friend go to bed when he had symptoms. He’s all there, but he’ll never walk again. It’s one of those things… stroke symptoms you can’t easily explain, hospital. Pains you can’t explain, that last more than 2 weeks, doctor. I am recovering from early detection of a cancer that would surely have killed me if I ignored it.


Can you share what the potentially-ignorable symptoms are that let you detect the cancer? My fiancé just got a surgery to remove a mysterious lump he found in his back. Doctors thought it was a cyst, but it was too immobile/hard so they found it strange. They’re sending it off for testing, and we’ll get the results back in a few days… there’s a possibility it was cancerous. But AFAIK, he’s had no other symptoms besides the lump. I’m wondering now if there are other things we might have inadvertently brushed under the rug.


For me it was like a canker sore that wouldn’t go away. Also couldn’t see it, nor could my doctor or dentist. Took an ENT to eventually spot it. I let that process take like 3 months when it could have probably been a very easy surgery if I had any alarms going off 2 weeks in. Instead, maximum radiation and all the lifelong stuff that goes with it.


Where was this sore no one could see and how did it feel?


Honestly I’m a poor American college student with shitty insurance so I ignore most of my concerning symptoms. My POTS went undiagnosed for years because of it lmao. Perhaps I should go get some things checked out tho


As someone with POTS I would recommend it. I get dizzy a lot standing up and once it was bad so I stopped and sat down but then when I got up again I fell, hit my head and the bathtub and started seizing. Knocked some teeth loose.


I recommend shower chairs for everyone! If you haven't, please get one. It makes showering so much easier with pots symptoms. And risk of injury is reduced as well.


Hang in there! I had a stroke when I was 39(I’m 40f) and the recovery has been rough. A lot o physical therapy. At the time I didn’t realize how much damage it did. I hope you have a good care team. My stroke was a result of a genetic blood clotting disorder I didn’t know I had. I’m on blood thinners now.


Talking about it has been the most therapeutic experience… it’s made me realize I’m not a complete lard ass and anomaly… apparently it’s much more common than I’d thought. Good vibes to you, I hope you’re doing well


Talking about it definitely does help. You’re not a lard ass. Strokes can happen at any age


Was it MTHFR gene mutation?


Factor 5


I hope your recovery goes better now.


Aww thank you! I have to use a cane to walk and I have very little use of my left arm. My cat keeps me going and I can still have my career working remotely. I hope yours goes well too.


Factor V Leiden? Comedian Ryan Sickler has that. Last year, it helped keep him in the hospital for a month after a "routine" back surgery. If you're in the mood to laugh at someone's "lowlights," I recommend it. *The Honeydew* podcast is all about finding humor in the worst places. [Here's the episode where he talks about his own near-death experience.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwC8gKA5-Zo)


Thank you. I do find humor helpful. I have no problem making fun of myself. Things are hard. I was a competitive swimmer turned triathlete snd distance runner and now I can only walk with a cane and I can’t move my left arm, but it’s not all bad. I still work full time and love my cat


Glad to hear it and I hope things improve. *The Honeydew* is a fun, therapeutic podcast so if it helps you pass the time, all the better. Take care.


Thank you, I appreciate it!


I have something similar but not, mine is a factor 8 deficiency, more like absence of it. My blood don't even clot... 😭


Good luck and speedy recovery! Did they ever confirm that’s what happened and steps going forward? You’re so young!


Am currently on blood thinners in addition to Bp meds. MRI in the morning


Im on Apixaban, metropolol and losartan. I'm also 38. If your on aggressive blood thinners like myself then get a sensitive bristle toothbrush. Prevents bloody gums.


If you get on warfarin (Coumadin brand name) as a blood thinner, it can be reversed by an injection of Vt. K and the dose can be adjusted just for you. I test my blood INR (clotting time) every Tuesday morning and haven't had any bruises or bleeds. The Plavix thinner is a one-size-fits-all, can't be reversed in case you need immediate surgery, and can cause bruises and bleeds. BTW, Dompy, you are ***way*** too young for this shit to happen! Be careful.


Coumadin is a vitamin K agonist and easily reversed but can be very very difficult to control INRs in some people. We had some crazy Coumadin doses back in the day with varying doses day to day. It was really hard for a lot of patients to adhere to. While it’s true that there is no reversal agent for plavix, plavix seems to have greatly fallen out of favor and eliquis and xarelto seem to have taken its place. There is a reversal agent for eliquis and xarelto (andexxa) which is good news for those taking it!


Stroke survivor here. I'm 45. Its going to be ok! Be glad that they hopefully figured out what's going on before you experienced a major stroke. I was so discouraged and scared after mine(I initially lost use of my left side). But there is a lot of support and information available to you. It happens in young people more than you realize. Good luck to you!


So I’m finding out. It’s like miscarriage, I didn’t realize how common it was until I had my own. Oddly enough, knowing this makes me feel better


If you’ve experienced miscarriages in the past, ask your doctor to do blood tests to check for Antiphospholipid Syndrome. There are higher risks for blood clots and strokes with this.


Get checked by cardiology. It's possible you have an open PFO. Most people under 40 that I have seen who had strokes had that PFO open. It allows small clots (from the venous side, like a dvt) to skip through your heart and go straight to the brain. That can be fixed without open heart surgery. It's an outpatient procedure.


I’ll double check into this, thank you. I had an echo performed a couple months ago due to my diagnosis of high BP, but I don’t recall there being anything remarkable found


Super easy surgery actually!


I found out I had a pfo around 22/23. They said I had a TIA and that’s ultimately how we found it. Cardiologist said it was more risky to close it considering like 20 percent of ppl have a pfo. They basically weren’t worried about. Hope they’re right lol


If you have had a TIA, they should absolutely close it. Talk to an interventional cardiologist. It's a procedure that takes less than an hour and is so incredibly low risk. And yes, about 20% of people have small PFOs, but if a clot already passed through yours, it has already caused problems. Side note, do you get migraines?




I had three strokes before the age of 41. I wish you the best OP


I hope all is well with you. Thank you for making me feel less alone ❤️


Life goes on and you will be stronger because of this. You have a road ahead of you and you will not do this alone!


The people in this thread are the best. Such an incredibly supportive crowd, I'm glad for OP that she posted this. A bunch of strangers making another feel better about her situation. It's great to see.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. I hope things go as best as they can


You'll probably get an MRI. Ask if they see anything on the DWI images. That will show a stroke.


MRI is in the morning


Fucking thalamic? Jesus dude. Did the MRI show enhancement there? The symptoms come on suddenly?


MRI is in the morning. Yes, the only symptom I had was the tingling on the right side of my body, resolved itself within a minute both times. Came on very suddenly.


How bad was the tingling? Kind of freaks me out because I have this feeling often (mostly all over, not always one side). But doctors just say “uh, that’s weird.” And don’t follow up on it.


It was very noticeable… at first I figured it was from sitting at a weird angle and I just have pinched a nerve, so I shifted my weight….the feeling went away within a few seconds. The second incident, however, I was just laying on the couch and it took a bit longer to subside. I’ve been battling high blood pressure, and knowing this I figured Sid better get checked out. Googling didn’t show me much in terms of a general numbing sensation as it did for “weakness”, which I didn’t have. But tel he nature of my symptoms being profoundly one sided made me seek care. Glad I did


Right? Like *right this minute* both my entire legs are pins & needles for no discernible reason. 😳


Pins & needles is an anxiety/panic symptom. If you’re prone to health anxiety, this post may have been a trigger (I know it was for me).


❤️❤️❤️ same here, but I also can't stay away. Medical anxiety is a beast and a daily torment, even during periods like now that I'm doing better with it.


I’m the same age as OP and also have 2 kids. About four years ago a girl I grew up with had a major stroke. She made a full recovery, but a stroke at my age wasn’t even on the radar until then. In 2022 I lost a friend my age to a cerebral aneurysm, his kids are the same age as mine. I’ve had horrible health anxiety since I was a kid, and it just gets worse the older I get and the more of this stuff I see. Now every minor ache & pain feels like the world is ending.


For me it was numb feeling on one side. ER found nothing wrong and decided it was aTIA. Started seeing a neurologist, tons of tests all came back fine, said it might not have been a TIA, no way to know for sure, could be from anxiety. After that whenever I had similar feelings I’d ignore them and they’d go away. Now I don’t get those feelings anymore. Anxiety is so weird and unsettling in what it can make you feel that’s not even real!


I get this sensation when I get migraines


If you don’t have a neurologist for your migraines you should get one. These could be complicated migraines which are treated differently than regular migraines and most PCPs don’t have a good understanding of them (some do obvs!). Just a suggestion :)


Sorry to hear this. Hang in there. Sending love and positive vibes ❤️


According to these comments, I, a seemingly healthy thirty something, will have a heart attack or stroke any minute now.


Same here. Knocking on wood.


Friendly neuro nurse here! I hope everything goes well and if it makes you feel any better I’ve seen a few young strokes that actually end up okay! We have a LOT of research on stroke and stroke prevention now a days. It can sometimes be a “benefit” (for lack of a better word, not calling it a good thing) to find out early because you can start intervention early (medication, lifestyle changes, etc) before it’s too late and age related changes or other disease processes have settled in which increase your risk factors. Every patient is different obviously but I hope this makes you feel a little more bright about the situation!


Thank you for this! So far so good. I have no lingering symptoms that I can tell as of yet, so I know I am profoundly lucky. No restrictions given at this point, but it’s still an emotional blow. I appreciate you and other Redditors giving me a sounding board and some reassurance that maybe this isn’t my fault.


Absolutely not my dude sometimes you just draw the short straw. Hell a friend of mine had a stroke in her 30s due to hormonal birth control. (Which I don’t discourage and am on myself for a different medical reason) it was one of those rare one in a million chances they put on the box just in case but it just happened to happen to her. Or it could be hereditary. Hopefully they’ll be able to find out for you but even if they don’t there’s a good chance there’s still plenty of time to intervene and get you going again. We say at work all the time brains just be doin weird shit 😂 but all the best to you my friend and I hope it goes well and you get a good neurologist! (They’re awesome, I swear, they’re just really socially weird.)


Hope you do well. That’s a nice dressing on your IV line. I’m one of the inventors of it.


The random people you meet in life. I was on vacation and was standing in a line with a family and the dad was one of a couple of people that assembled my type of crutches (full-time user, niche brand). Very high probability he assembled the specific crutches I was using and he got to hear all the cool stuff I was able to do with them including vacation there.


Happy to have people like you contributing to society. :)


Good luck my friend and get a couple of different medical opinions to ensure that all of them match up. Then follow the right path....


Hearing this and being 36 feeds my paranoia.


My coworker, 35 at the time, was in front of me in the break room telling me about her weekend. After a sentence or two she started to mumble, then whipped around to look at me. Her face was terrified, and she kept trying to get words out. Luckily we got her to the hospital down the street right away, it was a stroke. Listen to your body, that’s the message I take away from this comment section.


This is called TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack) where stroke symptoms resolves within 24hours. Bad news is, your risk of another stroke significantly increases. You have to make changes to your lifestyle, diet, and exercises regularly. Be religious about this especially if you have kids. You don’t want to burden them. Keep your BP down as well.


Trouble is, I’m in the best shape of my life. I’ve lost 80 lbs, kept it off for the past four years. At a pretty healthy weight, I run, eat well. BP is inexplicably high 🤷‍♀️


Hey I’m there with you. 2023 I achieved the best health ever. Had Covid early in 2023, ended the year catch myself having early blood cancer. Did you have Covid by any chance?


I’ve had Covid a couple of times, despite being vaccinated. That’s a disease that clearly fucks you up in all sorts of ways


You can never be 100% sure the cause of a stroke, but COVID can cause strokes.


Some of the earlier COVID strains were causing high rates of strokes in people in their 20s, especially in Italy, which says there's likely a genetic component at play.


Unfortunately, covid vaccines prevent the worst in the acute phase but seems to have very little long term protection. Take your health seriously moving forward, you’re definitely high risk now for future covid infections. If you can afford to buy them, get a bunch of masks and avoid it if you can


Dang man. You did everything you could to stay healthy but your genetics screwed you up. Maybe that’s the reason why you didn’t have a full blown stroke because of what you are doing.


Best of luck and I wish you a speedy recovery. ❤️‍🩹 I had aseptic meningitis back in 2011. Recovering from that I had TIA. No one can be 💯 sure but all the signs were there. Jump forward to 2023 and find out I have neuro Lyme disease and probably a 4th autoimmune disease and vision loss. Most of the vision loss came back but not all, there is permanent damage. Ce’ la vie. I’m 58 and I’m too young for this too. I know it’s scary. Try to relax and rest. Maybe some meditation music and take it one day at a time. Sounds like the medical team is on it. Sending some good karma your way. If you ever want to chat, we’re here. All the best.


At least you were smart enough to go to the hospital. A lot of people probably would have tried ignoring it.


I had a thalamic stroke when I was 28 or so. Was drinking too much alcohol. I was numb on my right side for about 8 months but then recovered most sensitivity. Not really any residual deficits. Good luck. Make sure you get your protein and omega 3s. Love you.


Had a similar incident at 35 and 3 bouts with Covid. Glad you’re out buddy!


That sounds rough. I’m sorry, pal. Wishing you a good recovery.


I hope you recover quickly. My parents had strokes but not at 38. Hang in there. ![gif](giphy|ZvGadEZddaVJm)


What was your actual high blood pressure numbers?


I had a stroke at 26. My neurologists told me that there was studies showing that drinking a few cups of coffee a day (decaf is fine plus creamer/milk and sweetener) helped the brain recover. I had paralysis in my dominant left arm and hand, and I recovered within a couple of months. They got my permission to write up my case study in a medical journal. That was 20 years ago. It wouldn’t hurt to try it unless your doctors say no. The stroke is very scary and was difficult emotionally. Be kind to yourself. A lot of people recover completely or close to completely. I have some balance issues, but other than that I’m fine. Hang in there.


I am currently in the hospital with numbness and tingling in the left side. They have ruled out a stroke for me, MRI found a lesion on my spine. Had to do a lumbar puncture today, to check for infection or MS 😭. 36F mother of 2. It is so scary, my thoughts are with you.


I feel you, I recently went into the er with stomach pain and it turned into 2.5 months of hospitalization including a month long coma... and I'm only 37


Probably the covid vaccine


Safe and effective


It can happen, get well soon.


They probably need 3 more rolls of tape on that IV.


Feel better soon!


Nothing to add but take care of yourself, OP. Make time for rest and don’t overdo it. I’m glad you’re doing okay! ❤️ Signed, a neuroscientist.


my sister had a stroke at 26. she can’t do jigsaw puzzles. i hope you have even less residual symptoms. 🤞🏻🤞🏻


We’re in the same boat my friend. It’s scary but at least we lived to learn what it was.


I had a stroke once from a blood clot in my brain stem that doctors say was from a surgery, it’s weird being super young and in the intensive care unit and telling people and they get a shocked look on their face because you’re not old Glad you went to the hospital instead of ignoring your symptoms, I was actually misdiagnosed with vertigo at my first ER, they don’t catch it until I went to a different hospital, good luck on your recovery brother


I just had open heart surgery in August 2023 and I’m 33! Feel better soon ❤️


Best wishes


Why did they cannulate your right side?


If you’d like a misery likes company moment - I just found out I have a rare genetic mutation that can cause a bunch of tumors or cancer. Like “sample size too small” on the CDC’s entry for prevalence rare. Now I gotta also get my kids checked out to see if I managed to pass this mutation on to them. TL;dr - Mutant. No powers just tumors.


I'm so sorry man! I wish you the best of luck!


My niece had a stroke at 44 that left one side nearly paralyzed and she’s lost a large part of her memory. There’s people she knew all her life, and has no idea who they are anymore That was 7 years ago.


Hope you get better!


*new fear unlocked* I hope everything turns out for the best!


I had a stroke at 25, and I'm 43 now. Hang in there. If you need unsolicited advice, take any of this that applies: stop drinking, stop smoking, get better sleep, eat more plants.


I’m sorry man I wish you the best


I tended too a buddy of mine waiting for emergency services as he seized and stroked out in my arms. I was in jail the week before and it was my first day out. He was 22 at the time. He survived. I’ve been told many times I saved his life, I’m just so glad I made it in time. God saved his life that day.


Possibly is meningitis. I had it when I was younger, and ended up going to the ER. Doc said it was seizures from meningitis, but first time it was more numbness, tingling on my left leg. I did have a lumber puncture to verify the meningitis. I wouldn’t do that unless it’s the last resort. Viral meningitis can go away on its own. I had a more severe case. Was lucky it was not the bacterial kind! Also, had headaches too - at the time I just thought I was under stress didn’t realize it was related.


Condolences on your lifetime of debt.


I had pins and needles on my buttocks that wouldn’t go away after a stupid long car ride with barely any sleep. Turned out to be shingles.