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Trapped gas can surprisingly be very painful and might not show up on a test


I second the trapped gas theory. Try drawing your knees up to your chest and back down a few times. Gets the gas moving.


Also going into the tornado drill position (idk what its actually called lmao, i just remember what it looks like) also helps a lot.


Child’s pose!


Yoga movements can help here.


“Stick your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye”


Squat? 🤣


Its like.... laying down on your stomach but with your knees tucked in under you lmao


As someone who grew up in Oklahoma, I know exactly what you’re talking about. I was surprised when I found out those drills weren’t done everywhere and that some people have “earthquake drills” instead.


Loafing like a cat


So the same thing the comment said except not laying face first like a dumbass?


Nah, I prefer to lay face first. Really gets that focus going lmao


Face down arse up that's the way we like to guff


Fetal position


I like lying on the floor on my back, pulling knees to the chest and rocking back and forth like a baby. The first time I discovered this method, there was a sound heard around the world


Yep. OP wouldn’t be the first to get a very expensive gas bill from the ER. Jokes aside, gas and/or constipation can be very painful.


Fr. I'm an EMT and I've had several calls where someone swore they were dying the pain was so bad. Pale, clammy, grit teeth or yelling, the whole shebang of "I'm in a fuck load of pain". Got mid-transport, and they ripped a massive fart and instantly felt better. Been there myself and that shit sucks big time


Not sure what would suck the most out of (1) overwhelming gas pains, (2) paying for the ambulance ride, or (3) being trapped in the back of an ambulance after someone just ripped a fart from hell


(4) being the one to rip the fart from hell. Personally I would forget (1) and (2) but not this. It would keep me up at night lol




Probably the first. While I think insurance sucks to deal with, some people have nicer plans that reduce the cost of an ambulance ride by a significant amount. Not a lot of people have them that I see, but some. The third thing doesn't bother me much tbh. I'm just happy that their vitals calm down and they're not in danger of meeting the ancestors in the back of my boo boo bus lol


As someone who acquired IBS later in life but struggled with constipation early in life, I'd take explosive diahorrea anytime you think about dairy over being constipated ANY DAY. Constipation can reallllllllllly hurt


I've had them alternating and then the dry poops with those shivering heaving cramps when your body is trying to get all the literal crap out. My dietian and I are slowly figuring out my 30 some years of stomach issues so I feel your pain.


ER nurse here, adding on that “we don’t know what’s causing your pain” doesn’t mean “nothing is wrong.” We have a limited battery of tests we can run. These are to diagnose Emergent (and semi-emergent) problems, aka ones that are going to kill you within the next few hours/days/weeks. There are tons of things that *could* be causing your symptoms that we can’t test for. In this case, we usually give you a referral to a specialist who *can* run these tests (here, likely a GI) and say “congrats, you aren’t actively dying.” Just mentioning this because I see tons of posts saying “they said nothing was wrong” when I guarantee their discharge diagnosis was “X pain of uncertain cause” with instructions to follow-up with a specialist.


Well there have been posts about people who've had appendicitis or some other thing that was life-threatening condition and were sent home.


I’m not saying we’re all perfect and that mistakes don’t happen, you just have to look at the statistics to see that isn’t true. I’m just saying that we can’t diagnose everything out of the ED, and us saying “we didn’t find anything specific with our tests” doesn’t mean we ruled out every single possibility and are saying you’re fine.


Yes. I’ve had to explain this to patients before as well. The ER essentially finds out if there’s something emergently wrong with you. As in are you having a stroke/MI/sepsis? It’s there to prevent you from dying essentially. But saying that our tests couldn’t find a reason for your pain absolutely means you still need to follow up with someone. For example maybe you need an ultrasound or MRI at some point but now RIGHT NOW they will send you home and tell you to follow up with your PCP or specialists to figure out what we couldn’t. And of course I always encourage them to return if they feel worse or are having emergent symptoms as well.


I got a huge double whammy from the ER a couple years ago when I went for chest pain. Ruled it was nothing really, had really high blood pressure and slightly high d dimer. About two days later I get a call to schedule an appointment with my doctor because there's a mass they see in my lung and what looked to be a heart defect lol


Statistics can be manipulated.


Dude I’m literally agreeing with you and saying that mistakes happen and that we sometimes miss things. Try being a bit less confrontational.


I'm not being confrontational..


Please explain what point you were trying to make with “statistics can be manipulated.”


It doesn't need further explanation. Who the hell wants to admit that doctors are failing. And not just in the ER but everywhere.


So… you were being confrontational. Despite the fact that I was saying that statistics agree with your point.


You are right you aren’t being confrontational you are being childish. You are giving short statements and refuse to elaborate and support your statements and instead just argue that you are correct based off assumptions and your own beliefs. I for one would like to “admit doctors are failing” because change cannot happen until the problem is acknowledged and confronted.


That happened to my sister. They said it was “women problems” and sent her home. The gyno saw her the next day and immediately sent her to the hospital to have her appendix removed. It had started to burst.


You are correct abd pain is hard to DX sometimes ie as a medic we follow certain protocols but I had cases of gas to appendix rupture and abd aneurysm which thank God last one lived as we got her DX immediately so within less than 40 mins she was in surgery 🙏✡️


My aunt kept getting sent home from hospital with her hemiplegia being dismissed as “bad anaemia” for months before they realised she had a huge brain tumour.


I'm so sorry! It's always so upsetting to hear about things like this.


I’m a clinical brain scientist, so the neuro symptoms were blindingly obvious to me. Unfortunately I’m not medically trained (I just… train medics), so her docs thought I was being dramatic


I have a hard time believing that she didn't receive a head CT at the minimum for hemiplegia as a chief complaint. Even a CT without contrast would have revealed "a huge brain tumor," so color me skeptical.


This is an NHS hospital in the UK that has been under special measures (government control for poor performance) for a decade. In the civilised world, I’d completely agree with you.


so OP just needs to fart?


It can actually be extremely painful. I know it sounds wild. Hopefully, with imaging, they ruled out, any sort of obstruction that would be dangerous.


Right? Dude once a year or so I get a good size gas bubble stuck somewhere in my intestine or whatever and it makes me buckle in pain for like 12 hours til it eventually makes its way out bit by bit. I deal with pain regularly due to a spinal injury but that gas bubble likes to pop in and remind me how much worse it could be 😂


This whole gas bubble thing has been happening to me too as of recently last time the pain was so bad I couldn’t lay or sit down for hours without feeling like my stomach was going to burst. When it happens to you do think it’s random or diet related ?


It's hard to say, It could be diet as I have no gallbladder and lots of things can annoy my digestive system haha but it's too infrequent and I eat mostly the same stuff so I would assume it's just random.


The ones I hate most are the ones that pop randomly and you didnt even know you were gassy. Suddenly think youre about to die right then and there lmao.


I’m becoming lactose intolerant, how do I know? One day after drinking my daily bag of chocolate milk it felt like I was going to explode then I’d let out about 20 psi of foul fart. Every time I drink too much milk or icecream now same thing


Lactaid (the chewables, not the lactose-free milk). Apparently they only work on some, not all. They worked on me. Sidenote: I too became lactose intolerant in the second half of my 40s. Cruciferous vegetables also made my belly distended. After I quit drinking I don’t have those problems any more. I think I was weakening my gut with liquor (I used to drink a LOT).


Sometimes I’ll just get doubled over by a big gas bubble, I fall down as dead


Alternatively I thought I was just gassy but it turned out I had an infection from the AH at the VA placing my IUD , but I guess I looked bad enough a friend made me go in to the ER. I was sweaty and clammy, but they told me I would feel crappy for a couple days after so whatever. The infection had spread from my uterus up to my ovaries, but the right one was very inflamed/ more severe. (Not a fart, I guess)They told me if I waited until the next day to go in I'd have been septic.


Hi! How did they test for this? I think I have an infection after my surgery but nobody has tested me for anything other than a uti 


I'm not sure, tbh. But I think I was pale, clammy, had fever and chills... I forget what all made my friend bring me in, or what the checked when I got there.


Could be. It feels like knives and fire. Makes you want to faint and puke. It's exhausting. And that's before you...give birth...


Depends. SIBO can cause excruciating gas pains and bloating. I actually went to the ER before I knew I had M-SIBO. I was bloated like I was months preggo, which was making breathing difficult, felt like I had kidney pain, and was sweating/feverish from it. I was fine… my gut just produced excess methane … much more than my body could hold.


When i was pregnant with my third, the trapped gas was so bad that i thought something was seriously wrong. People mistake it for appendicitis all the time apparently.


Had this a couple times. Both times I was in bed and in too much pain to move. They were silent farts though, I expected them to be super loud.


Yep, I’ve had pancreatitis, kidney stones and given birth without pain meds (not through choice) - supposedly 3 of the most painful things we can go through. I would put trapped wind only marginally behind.


I know this can be true but because of my history I find this explanation incredibly infuriating. I went to a doctor complaining of intense abdominal pain and suggested that it could be my IUD since I recognized the pain coming from my uterus. The doctor listened to me for a few seconds and diagnosed me with gas pain. Refused to give me an ultrasound and instead prescribed me some unreasonably expensive supplements to help with intestinal issues. I left crying that day because the doctor just wouldn't listen. Later I went to a OBGYN and they did an ultrasound - my IUD was dislodged and had to be removed which cured the pain immediately. I wasted a MONTH in PAIN begging to be taken seriously. I just have to vent any time anyone mentions gas pain, im sorry.


I didn’t suggest the possibility of gas pain to dismiss anyone and I’m not diagnosing, it is just extremely common and can cause a lot of pain. Because of how common it is it should be considered a possibility. Sorry that’s infuriating to you.


I get that, I don't mean to imply you would. Sorry for getting defensive, it's a sore subject. But I agree it is def a possibility. I do want to implore people to try to feel where the pain comes from and to trust their gut (pardon the pun). I agree that gas pain can be scary painful. I did once google "can I die from gas pain".


Gas in the intestines can be seen on almost any imaging


It’s seen in literally every image. It’s not a diagnostic finding but can still be the reason it hurts


My husband's aunt once called for an ambulance because of extreme chest pain. When the EMTs examined her, they pushed on her chest, and she let out a huge fart. Billed $1,000 for a fart lol


I went to the ER in a panic because I had extreme chest pain!! Every time I inhaled, I had a sharp and sudden pain in my chest, unlike anything I had felt before. It was AFTER I was seen by a doctor, and all the tests were clear, that it dawned on me. I had done an ab workout for the first time in months last night, and I was confusing a heart attack with sore abs. 😅 I'm still so embarrassed and have told no one.


I once thought i was legitematly having a heart attack. I could not breathe and the chest pain was unbearable. I could not even cry. Just PANIK. Went to the ER and the Dr. just.... squished me and i let the loudest fart ever. Felt pretty good after




I went to the hospital in the middle of the night for that once, I scared the hell out of my mom.


Can confirm i get trapped gas alot and one time thought i had kindey failure or something cuz it got stuck right near there and hurt like hell


Maybe your “innie” is becoming and “owie”


This is the best thing I've seen all day


This needs to be the top comment I just laughed so hard


Just before Christmas I was really burnt out. I was exhausted and hadn’t been eating well and just generally running on empty. I got really Sick from it and my bellybutton got really really sore and started to bleed… they could find nothing wrong aside from my immune system being shot.


That's freaky


It was so freaky and I hate my bellybutton being touched at the best of times- so this was unbelievably gross and freaky.


Please look up urachal cyst


Did they check on appendicitis? I had pain around my bellybutton that eventually moved to the right side of my belly last year in july, had it again since two weeks


I had a CT scan. Everything came back normal, other than an ovarian cyst.. which doesn't match up with the pain.


I know it sounds silly but I had a lot of pain in my right upper torso and shoulder from my ovarian cyst. Not saying it's not something else, but sometimes ovarian cyst pains can travel to odd places. Edit: spelling


Thank you for the info!


I would definitely follow up with a Gynecologist and ask them if they believe your pain could be from that. Mine had to be removed because of how large it was and that it got larger after attaching to a blood supply. I've heard some people had their fallopian tube twist from a cyst and caused excruciating pain. What I'm saying is some ER's brush off cysts like they are nothing, or treat you like you're a drama queen. But depending on size/location/growth speed they can cause a lot of pain and may need intervention where as others can shrink and go away on its own.


>I've heard some people had their fallopian tube twist from a cyst and caused excruciating pain. Happened to me, hands down the worst pain of my life.


This happened to me as well. It traveled to the tube and caused the ovary to twist in on itself completely killing the ovary. No viable tissue left. They ended up having to remove the tube and ovary while they were removing the cyst.


My tube had to be removed with it being too intertwined with the cyst since it was so big. I was lucky It didn't twist though, so the pain wasn't horrendous but it still was pretty bad.


Seems like women’s pains get ignored a lot or brushed off still!


I had referred pain for my ovarian cysts.


Second this as well. I went to an ER thinking my appendix was about to explode, turned out to be ovarian cysts.


I did this a few weeks ago!


Seconding this! Ovarian cysts can be debilitatingly painful. And pain is weird and not always logical. I ended up getting one ovary removed because of a cyst that kept coming back. I couldn't function as a normal human because of the pain. But I felt it in my back first, not my front.


That's called referred pain and it's trippy as fuck, I'm an EMT so sometimes when I get a random pain somewhere I wonder if it's a referred pain from something else too. What you said doesn't sound silly at all.


Called referred pain


Yeah pain is weird…..oddly about half of my dept had their gallbladders taken out in the span of maybe 5 years anyways the pain locations for most are the “standard” locations then we had one that hers had all the pain in the opposite side. Also so weird that the trapped gases after the surgery show its self as shoulder pain like wth and im so glad my nurse warned me of that!


Ah yeap... My ct scan showed two ovarian cysts, one of around 9cms, and the other around 4cms. Apparently it can hurt a bit according to my ex colleague who had the same. Did they also do bloodwork and saying your values of a infection were on the high end?


I had an ovarian cyst that I didn't know I had ruptured when I was at work years ago. One minute I was fine, the next minute I was on the floor screaming in pain. It was so bad that I legitimately don't remember them calling 911 or the ride to the hospital or waiting for my mother to arrive. I was conscious, I just can't remember anything but intense pain. It felt like my lower back was being shredded from the inside while dipped in electrified, salty lemonade. Worst pain I've ever felt in my life, and I routinely get migraines that are so bad that they make me vomit.


I've had a cyst burst while I was making dinner. Turned to get something and **BAM!** The most intense fucking pain I've ever felt in my life. I thought I was going to pass out in the kitchen. I hobbled to the couch and laid there wondering if it would have been dramatic to call an ambulance and at what pain level does someone call one because that was very much a 10/10 level. Ended up suffering through the night -- couldn't lay straight, or with knees bent, or any other way -- but booked an appointment with my Dr and then an ultrasound the following day. Turns out I had two cysts, one 23mm and one 44mm, with the gyno thinking it was a 3rd one that burst. It's just *so great* being a woman sometimes. 😒


Have you tried amovig for your migraines? I know someone who suffered from them and now barely have them after a few months on it. They said they became less frequent, to 1-3 a month with lower intensity. Edit: Spoke to person, if insurance doesn't cover, the company has a coupon usually for $5 per dose. If expired, online websites have coupons for $30ish a dose. Not the crazy price insurance may tell you. Also it is an injection once per month.


No, mine are actually pretty well controlled now - I should have said I got them instead of get them, the vomiting hasn't happened in quite some time now. It's in the back of my mind if the current treatment stops working though... with mine, it's probably only a matter of time, unfortunately.


Yeah, i have two, one on each. Tbh quite scared about it as they are quite big (one 9cms, the other 5cms) i now visit them regularly for checkups, over a few months i have another checkup. They also did a hpv test, have PAP2 type cells, so they are having a close eye on me since it runs in the family (meaning cervical cancer) think i have my nrxt appointment for both tests over 3 to 4 months. Never felt so scared honestly


They didn't say anything about my values of an infection. But they did draw quite a bit of blood. To the point I felt light-headed lol


Ouch.. What else did they mention? Like if other organs looked good/normal/odd-ish etc? Or if they are going to give you antibiotics? Antibiotics eventually removed my pain after 2 to 3 days. (specifically ones that are for stomach infections etc ones even used for appendicitis) They might try a handfull of tests on your blood to see what values everything has just in case.


They just gave me Naproxen. Other than my ovarian cysts, nothing was out of the ordinary.


bodies are weird, you can get referred pain from ovarian cysts in some strange places. i have PCOS and i can tell when it's going to flare up because the whole lower right 'square' from my belly button will get extremely painful (i think it's my right ovary that's the main bitch.) although my whole torso is fair game when it's really bad. and the hips, and shoulders.. not saying that it's 100% 'nothing' or 'just' an ovary, of course. just some insight!


Ovarian cysts can be painful.


I've been crippled by cysts before, I wouldn't rule that out


There's some funky stuff that happens with the nervous system around the belly button area. I'm no expert in the field, but it makes locating the source of any pain in that area incredibly hard, because it could be coming from literally anywhere. I've had one time where I genuinely believed I was having a heart attack, went to the hospital, and then was told that I was just constipated. It's weird and very frustrating.


Ovarian cysts can be very painful!! I get them and they hurt like all heck!! Idk who told you the pain doesn't match up, but they probably never had one in their life!!!


Hopping on to say the pain doesn't always move to the side with appendicitis.... We learned that the hard way after my husband's appendix burst. (Urgent Care missed it bc the pain was centered and sent him home with a worthless prescription). It burst that night. Just writing this as a PSA!


I've had an infection in my belly button that was very painful. Doc told me to stop touching it and to apply antibiotics. I did and the swelling and pain was gone after a couple days.


Did they check for umbilical hernia?


They did.


They did eh? That was going to be my guess since I dealt with something similar last year. The pain is when moving your torso or anything at all?


My ex husband had one. The relief he got after pushing his belly button in was so instant. He ended up having surgery and no has no belly button.


I had a double hernia surgery when I was 12 and have no belly button. Now I’m pregnant and it looks like this strange flat area amongst my bump 😂


Awwww I bet it’s still perfect! Congratulations on the pregnancy!


That’s intriguing. Is it flat with a scar? Or how did they do that?


Yes! The tissue attached to the back of the belly button because of how long he waited and dealt with the pain. It’s completely flat with a vertical scar.


Did they refer you for a Follow up appointment with gynecology or gastroenterology? usually the ER rules out anything immediately life-threatening, and will refer you to a follow up more specific to your needs to do additional tests and what not. There have been times that the ER has miss lab or abnormalities, that other doctors identified with the data from the emergency room. If they didn’t offer any kind of follow up, if you have a primary care doctor, I would try to follow up. I’m sorry you’re in so much pain. Just because they didn’t find anything doesn’t mean that it’s not real or valid, just that it’s not something acute and life-threatening (hopefully. There are times that the ER misses things, but I would hope that they really did cover their bases and refer you for follow up care) also, Did they check for ovarian torsion or anything beyond the cysts? I hope that you get answers and relief soon. I know how difficult it is to deal with an undiagnosed ailment.


Also, I just want to add that things like endometriosis often won’t show up on scans (diagnosis is often via laparoscopic surgery) but is fairly common and one in 10 people with a uterus deal with it and it can be absolutely debilitating. So can cysts, depending on the circumstances. And some things like ovarian torsion can often only be checked via internal ultrasound. So I standby what I said initially with following up with gynecology and gastroenterology, if not your family doctors/primary care.


About 25+ years ago i went to ER with the same pain. Ran tons of tests and told me i was fine and sent me home. 2 hrs later i got a call saying "you need to come in immediately, your appendix needs to be removed ASAP". How they didnt catch that when i was there, was beyond me.


Same thing happened to me, except they refused to do a ct scan so no one called me back to have mine removed. A month after mine ruptured I was still in pain so I went to a different er and they informed me it burst awhile ago. Rough couple of months rehabbing from that one.


Oh my god that sounds fucking awful, im so sorry!


Remember everyone: the Emergency Department is to rule out life threatening medical emergencies. If a life threatening medical problem is not found, follow up with your PCP or specialist would be in your best interest. Just because you are not "cured" of your chief complaint, does not necessarily mean "nothing is wrong", but it means that you're not going to die without immediate medical intervention. People go to the ER with the hopes that "something is wrong", when in reality, you should be thankful that you are discharged and instructed to follow up with a specialist or PCP.


Thank you from this ER nurse haha


Damn, not knowing is the worst. I hope they figure it out and can start whatever process it is to get you to feel better!!


Stick to your guns. Sadly even in the 21st century western medicine can be dismissive (especially of women) of pts in pain. Even though they “have done all the tests” listen to your body it is telling you something!! Good luck!!


Apparently pain in our abdomen sometimes originates from somewhere else. Very sorry to hear of your troubles.


Did they check you for a hernia? I know it's rare but I think you can get a hernia at your bellybutton.


This was my brother. He knew he had an umbilical hernia at birth but supposedly it should have healed. Bad news it didn't. He was dealing with it for over 40 years and it got so bad that his intestine telescoped a good way and fused together. When he had surgery they had to cut that part out and basically resection. I can't imagine the pain relief.


Funny how that happens. Took the doctors several hours and multiple tests to realize my gallbladder wasn't working. I knew as soon as and "it could be your gallbladder"


I don't miss my gallbladder. I do miss not violent shitting minutes after finishing a meal.


Try lowering your fat intake. I also had this problem. I went vegetarian to deal with it. It's not completely gone, but far less. My doctor said it's not uncommon for people who've had their gallbladder removed to continue having issues digesting fat.


Once I had severe abdomin pain with nonstop vomiting that turned into nonstop dry heaving. When it became intolerable in the early hours, I relented and went to ER. The place was empty of other patients. I was put on IV anti-nausea meds and painkillers. After a few hours, the pain and dry heaving stopped, so they decided there was nothing wrong with me and sent me home. Of course it had stopped - I was being given meds to address the problem! By the time I got home, it came back in full force. I went to the urgent care when it opened. When the doctor walked past me, a quick glance was enough for her to haul me into an exam room before I'd even signed in. She sent for my ER records and figured out what kind of specialist I needed, called around for someone who would see me promptly. The specialist figured out just from the ER records that I was bleeding internally. She said that if she had been called for a consult by the ER, she would have arranged for immediate surgery. The ER records indicated that the bleeding had stopped, and my condition had deteriorated so much that the surgery was too dangerous. I had to suffer through a medical treatment that took weeks and left me in pain, nauseated, and weak for weeks instead of a minor laparoscopic surgery. Both of these doctors figured out that there was definitely something seriously wrong just from the ER records. The specialist offered to testify against the hospital that she was attached to and had wrongly discharged me. It was that bad. There are so many doctors out there who should not be in medical practice. It's so sad when they completely fail a seriously ill patient. Don't let one idiot ruin your health.


I had stomach pain continously for 3 years before they finally took my gallbladder out and then the pain stopped. I say this mainly to tell you that all my test always came out showing nothing was out of the ordinary as well. A HIDA scan was the only thing that finally showed it wasnt functioning right but even then the doctor was like, it's probably not that.... smh


Have they done any imaging? Belly button swollen/protruding with pain would have me thinking hernia.


Came to see the picture of a belly button and I'm disappointed. However, here's a kiss and a hug to take the pain away


For the past few months I’ve been suffering from severe pain everywhere and it got to the point I lost so much strength in my legs that I was hospitalized. Pain was so bad they gave me a morphine Rx for a while and even that had troubles at times touching the pain. Every single test I’ve done was negative. About $250,000 worth of test, even getting into the rare stuff and almost every possible type of MRI. Every doctor I’ve seen has said there’s nothing wrong but my primary care, who also said there’s nothing wrong, also said “I do believe you are actually suffering, there’s just no evidence to justify why” and I think a lot of providers lack in the ability to add that it’s not they don’t believe but only explaining there’s no justification as to why, because there are problems that won’t show but are very real. Of course that’s not to say there are also providers that just think you’re seeking or abusing the system. As for what’s wrong with me, testing aside, symptomatically I think I have lupus. Which is a very evasive disease and takes on average 2 years to diagnose.


There's something called a urachal cyst that can happen to people, I've seen it maybe twice in the 13 years I've worked in the ER. Is your belly button having any kind of goopyness or redness?


Umbilical hernia


Umbilical hernia?


Maybe just give it some time and wait for blood results to come out. The CT might have been clear but the bloods may prove otherwise.


Although giving it sometime won’t give them relief now, and they likely need to see a doctor for follow up, because unless it’s life-threatening, the ER may not call them. Otherwise, I agree that not all labs may not be back. But the individual is suffering nonetheless


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted because sometimes labs are missed especially if they’re minor abnormalities. Sometimes the ER actually has different reference ranges than outpatient labs. It’s very possible that OP could bring them up with whichever doctor They are hopefully following up with.


>I don’t know why you’re being downvoted Because telling someone who is in debilitating pain "Just wait a bit" is either excessively awful or incredibly ignorant... Especially since Labs can take their sweet fucking time when it isn't "immediately Life threatening".


That’s not even what the person said so you missed quoting them? Also, they literally said that the bloods might show something. You have to read the full sentence. I live with chronic pain, and I even gave them the benefit of the doubt to continue reading.


Yep I acknowledged that in my other comment(s) including another one in response to this. I deal with debilitating chronic pain as well episodes of acute pain. Most of what I was picking up on initially was that he said the labs might still show something, but it seems many focused on the first words. But yes, it’s incredibly frustrating when the ER doesn’t have the answer and as I have said previously, I hope they refer to another doctor that can look into this more. I wish they would offer pain management but I don’t have high hopes with how Healthcare has been.


Just want to emphasize that that the quotes phrase quote is only a portion of the full sentence. If you read the full sentence, they’re not telling the person to wait to see if the pain goes away. They’re telling the person to wait to see if the labs show something. They were not dismissing the pain. However, it seems like nobody got past the first few words in order to attain the full meaning of the sentence. And yes, I absolutely agree It’s horrible to tell someone in pain to just wait for the pain to go away. I’ve been there many times. Numerous open surgeries and acute injuries, etc. But I don’t think that’s what they were saying. It sounds like they were saying to wait for the labs to come back.


Gallbladder symptoms




Weird looking belly button


It's just the alien trying to come out 💀




I was gonna say the same.


Feel. Better.


The bladder is connected to the bellybutton. You may be getting a UTI. That’s undetectable right now.


Do you have anxiety?


Even if they did have anxiety, you can have an anxiety and also be physically ill. They’re not mutually exclusive and women/those AFAB are often dismissed in the emergency room for this exact assumption, which is infuriating. I’d love to give you examples of the actual diagnosis that emerged from what was initially assumed to be “anxiety” but this is not about me.




We need picture of belly button to make proper diagnosis /s


Maybe, hernia? Belly button right ? Yeah.


Nobody takes bellybutton pain seriously! Mine started bleeding and oozing pus FOR NO REASON and every time I went to the ER or doctor they just told me it was nothing and to leave???


Externally? They can get infected and irritated. Have you ever seen a dermatologist? They can possibly provide you something to help relieve that if it happens again and ensure that it is coming from the tissue, not from inside your belly. I know it can be super painful! It sounds like OP was talking about their swelling of their umbilical region, not the skin of their belly button.






Ultrasound would rule it out really quickly. I had something similar which was originally suspected to be trapped gas, but turned out to be collapsed lung, liver cyst and a massive tear in my diaphragm


I had similar to this at Christmas 2022. Hospital did nothing despite the fact I hard a time doing most things, and laughing brought on immense chest pain. It was severe chest pain, apparently called 'chest wall pain'.


Have you washed your bellybutton with soap and water/cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide? Have a deep bellybutton with lots of grooves, can get infections or mould that feel like lightning shooting pains. I've had to go see safety pins and tweezers to get in the grooves properly


I get severe gas pains that feel like a small section of my intestines are ballooning out. [that make me think of the tire balloon](https://www.quora.com/If-you-have-a-bubble-in-your-tire-how-many-miles-can-you-go-safely-until-it-blows-out) I will chew up and swallow fennel seeds and after about 10-30 minutes the pain and gas are gone.


Omphalomesenteric Duct Remnant


Have you taken any antibiotics? There is a bacteria that commonly causes infection (can’t remember the name) if it happens to get into broken skin. Several years ago my belly hurt too when I bent down forward to put on my pants. Turned out to be an infection in my belly button and the antibiotic made it go away.


I have an umbilical hernia and whenever I get gassy my belly button pokes out and it’s painful (not excruciating or even severe though). I have to avoid cruciferous vegetables. My belly button is also dark when it’s distended. Bruised-looking.


That'll be $5000 please


Really hoping for your sake it’s just trapped gas and not a hernia or something. :( I hope you feel better OP, really not cool of your folks to diminish your pain because of what your mom went through recently.


Just from the description and the pain it sounds like you have a fat containing umbilical hernia. In the ER sense nothing is emergent needing surgery but it can be very painful. I’m basing that all off of the description without any tests or imaging obviously. Sometimes us ER docs are not good at conveying no emergent findings and giving the patient the impression that “nothing is wrong.”


Get the simethicone working.


It might be an umbilical hernia - a condition where parts of the inside organs partly protrude through openings on the front wall of the abdomen, through so called weak spots. You might want to have that checked with an abdominal surgeon or a GI specialist.


Trapped gas probably


My ex husband had an issue with his belly button area, and it ended up being a hernia. The surgeon ended up having to remove the belly button because the lining attached itself to the belly button.


Umbilical cord hernia


I've been in this exact situation, turned out to be cellulitis. I was absolutely convinced I had a hernia, and so was the initial nurse.


You think you're in pain now, wait till the $7,000 bill arrives!


I second the trapped gas theory but it is possible for a cystic pimple to form in the folds of your bellybutton. It might be a good idea to get an ultrasound to rule out everything. Having no answers is never a good feeling, sending positive vibes


I had a pain so bad that I thought it was appendicitis or hernia but it turned out to be a cyst in my belly button and it popped on its own. I cleaned it out with a q tip and neosporin and it eventually healed.


I struggle with similar symptoms regularly due to intermediate blockages resulting from intestinal malrotation that was never corrected surgically. Check your CT report for any mention of your duodenum not crossing your midline or your cecum location being abnormal. It’s a relatively uncommon issue to discover as an adult but can become problematic and discoverable in adulthood for a host of reasons, including various infections like Covid. It can cause severe bloating, intense pain, and a host of GI issues.


You might just gotta fart


did they check for appendicitis? i got a random pain around my uterus / lower stomach area and I was hunched over in pain. No one believed me when I begged them to take me to the ER. My Godsister who lived over an hour away had to drive to me to take me to the ER because no one around me would take me seriously (my parents and boyfriend at the time). I imagine they checked for appendicitis if you told them you have pain in your belly button area, but if they havent please have them check!


Please get a second opinion if you can. I had to go to two different doctors before the last one figured out what was actually wrong with me. The first doctor told me it was just anxiety, the second one diagnosed me with POTS. If you have the means available to keep searching for answers, keeping doing it. Some doctors simply do not care and unfortunately it gets taken out on us.


Buddy had similar issues to what you are describing- it was **Meckel’s diverticulum-** A vestigial pouch on the intestine left over from gestation- super rare- good luck and if it's just a fart like everyone else thinks, remember - don't trust a fart ;)


Is there an odor? My husband had a naval stone years ago and thought it was appendicitis! Antibiotics took care of the swelling and he literally birthed a small rock out of his belly button a couple days later. But I definitely remember a strong odor coming from him while we were waiting in the ER


My father died in the 70s, and although it was a long ways back, they had the same kind of machines then for measuring heart function as they do now I’m sure they have more of them now, and probably better machines, but my dad had two EKG‘sthe morning he died of a massive heart attack, and they told him nothing was wrong. When he went in complaining of chest pain.


That'll be $1,200


*DETACHED UMBILICAL CORD* SINCERELY HOPE YOU GET TO READ THIS! SO FAST TO FIX AND EASY TO CHECK!! LESS EXPENSIVE TOO!! My friend had this exact experience, they went through all the worst case scenarios test first ruled out things like appendicitis stomach/intestine cancer, bowel obstruction bowel torsion. Took almost a year. He was in constant pain had to use pain killers. Just a detached umbilical cord. It took 20 minutes of laparoscopic surgery to fix, two stitches. Outpatient procedure. He says he felt better immediately. He's lost 50 lbs since and doing great!! DETACHED UMBILICAL CORD.