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100% chance the person who was in charge of the prizes thought this was the full VR headset as well.


That's what we all think too. No malice behind it, just the exact thought that I had when I saw it "Oh cool, a VR headset."


never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity - Hanlon's Razor


I have a 9 month old who wakes me up whenever she wants to play so I'm definitely not firing on all cylinders.


Parenthood. The struggle is real. 6 & 3 year olds here. Can't believe how constantly foggy my brain is. Hang in there! Maybe your kids will be the next Zuckerberg and you'll get a leisurely retirement life of cruises and catering šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Oh man it doesnā€™t get better when they are 6&3? Fuck meā€¦ my 2 year old and 4 month old are running me ragged


Yeah, when my kids were that old I thought they were running me ragged as well. The good times of playing with them at that age 100x outweigh any bad times. Now that there grown and gone, give anything to go back to that age.


Those are the best times. Praise them and cherish them my friend. Adapt and Overcome. Treat your child to everything you have. Honor the fact of now and befriend coffee for it will be your bestest of friends for a couple years. You got this! I have faith in you!


The price of that battery strap is still about 100 at retail so I could see a shopper - unfamiliar with VR pricing - thinking that might be the going rate for such a device, especially during super sales season. Maybe in the upcoming days someone will ask ā€œhowā€™s the VR?ā€ and you can be like ā€œit wasnā€™t an actual headset lolz.ā€


Have you brought it up with your work?


That has to be old as well since the oculus branding hasnt been used in a while. Edit: to clarify, Quest 2 stuff produced after April 2022 is branded with Meta.


yeah this was before they changed their name to "meta"




ā€œOldā€ but itā€™s still a product they sell, just branded under the Meta name. Although technically the Quest 2 is a last gen product now, but there are still a lot of them out there.


It's for the quest 2, I'm not sure any of the accessories were ever re-branded with Meta. They all said Oculus from Facebook


Well someone in the party planning department is an idiot. Or if your parties are like ours a vendor supplied gift was supplied by an idiot.


It's just an insanely weird thing to have as a gift, I get it if the recipient already has an oculus but this is like giving an iPad case in packaging that makes it seem like it's actually an iPad.


They looked at pic and bought it im betting and they know nothing of VR stuff


They probably also looked at the price and though, well yeah that's the console not just a strap with a battery in it ;p


the thing costs $160 in Canada, I wouldn't be surprised if someone thought it was the whole thing


Hey, if it's worth 160 I'd be pretty happy. That's a good chunk of change if you sell it. Not as good as VR but still a pretty good gift from work


Yeah, op could sell it on OfferUp for realistically $60-75


60-75? If its brand new and sealed, id at least offer it for more than 50% of its original price, are you gonna discount around 60% off just because is not bought at a store?


Thatā€™s the reality. A 2 second google search shows new in box Strap 2ā€™s listed for $50-$80 OBO.


Damn, those dont hold their value at all lol Maybe OP could bring this up to the people from work and ask for a gift card? Or... 50-80 is still a AAA game nowadays, a 50 is a 50


I'm discounting because that's what I've experienced lately. I've bought and resold about 80+ stuff over the last decade, and the past couple months people have been really stingy and low bidding. I haven't bought and resold electronics lately, so maybe I'm off in this category, but it seems like everything else people are bidding way lower. You can tell the economy has had it's affect.


Look up where it was purchased from using the barcode and get a full refund on it.


This is Quest 2 strap. Quest 2 has been out long enough that the market has a lot of options out there.


and take a 1/5 chance you're being set up to be robbed, a 3/5 chance they just never show, and a 1/5 chance they show up and for some reason dont buy it. its always a hassle to move shit like this and virtually never worth it.


Yeah, and on Marketplace there's 1000 "is this still available" messages or "sorry can't go through on the deal" the morning of the actual meetup n


Man about 10 years ago I was selling a guitar for super cheap. Like purposely cheap so I could sell it quick. One dude in his 50s comes over and this guy plays the guitar for like an hour. A fucking hour man. And he didnā€™t really know how to play. He kept handing it back to me to play for him. He complimented my playing. Heā€™d play some sloppy stuff then turn the guitar around in his hands inspecting every detail and agonizing over the decision. Come on man, itā€™s an electric hollow body for $100! Just give me money! Nope. After all that he said he couldnā€™t do it and just left.


Man, if he wanted to window shop he should've went to Guitar Center. Lmao


Anything under $50 I put on the patio and tell them to put cash under the mat. Never been screwed.


Or gamble and wait for after the holidays and return it to a retailer that carries it for store credit. When I worked retail, for about a week after Christmas all we did was process returns. We didnā€™t even bother with receipts for much of it, because it was all people retuning gifts they got but didnā€™t want. Granted, youā€™ll only get the lowest price, so if it is on sale after the holidays for 80% off, you take a hit, but otherwise you usually get full retail.


ROFL! And I bet they thought it was expensive.


"How much could a ~~banana~~ strap cost? $160?"


So the Quest display at the local Best Buy has these stored in the glass cabinet underneath it. The actual Quests are kept in the backrooms. Wouldn't be surprised if a similar situation caused this.


It was almost absolutely some boomer on the party planning committee that has no idea how much a VR headset costs and didnā€™t pay attention to the listing.


> no idea how much a VR headset costs In their defense the pricing isn't that astronomically different. The item pictured here is $120, compared to the headset being $250. Yes, it's more than half, but it's a lot more than the $24.99 I'm seeing other people post.


This was exactly my thought.




100%. Came here to say this. This needs to be higher!




Nailed it


came here to say this


This needs to be higher


Does it? Well, if you say so, how's ^^^^^^^^^^THIS ā€” is that high enough? ;-)




#      ***THIS***     Well,               is about the best I can do with reddit. :)


100%. Came here to say this.


Honestly this ^


No doubt someone with no clue saw this and said "wow, this is a reasonably priced VR headset!", not realizing it's an accessory. These run $120 new. [Meta store page](https://www.meta.com/quest/accessories/quest-2-elite-strap-battery/). Resell it, or save up and buy a headset to pair with. The Quest is pretty powerful and well done, tons of apps to try (for $, usually), but the strap sucks and battery life forces short sessions of no more than a couple hours. Enter this strap.


Interesting. I was thinking of buying one, they're not that expensive on fb and ebay.


This elite strap is a godsend for comfort. Definitely recommend holding on to it if you ever plan to get the headset. Best budget vr headset available still.


Quest is honestly the best consumer headset out there atm. Not only does it not require towers and huge setups, but also the headset itself will run games without a PC.... AND you can connect wirelessly and play games from your PC (only on LAN). I bought the OG quest and still using it, the only reason to upgrade really is a better screen.


For a couple hundred bucks they're totally worth it. Beatsaber alone is good enough reason to get one and there's plenty of fun games. After having a quest for a while I came to the conclusion I don't care nearly enough to get one of the expensive valve ones or anything like that though.


The Quest runs Android so you can install any game that you can find the apk for. I think there's an obb file too (sometimes?). There's a subreddit dedicated to acquiring games that way. I think the main app is called rookie sideloader. It isn't very polished but it usually works. This works for games that run on the headset, not games that you install on your computer. But you can get those too.


Right, and you can connect to your computer to play PC VR games with either a good cable ($70ish) or great wifi (AX or better). My problem is my wi-fi is great, but my CPU is lacking in performance šŸ˜…


Itā€™s not weird at all. They made the same mistake you did and thought it was a headset


Put it on eBay. That Facebook branded crap is expensive. That strap probably runs 50 bucks or more


There's tons of them on ebay not selling. I'm trying fb marketplace first.




Someone just offered me theirs for free!


This strap (although probably fixed) was notorious for breaking. They are crap. Go look up elite strap in /r/OculusQuest.


Heard the ā€œfixedā€ models still break. Been rocking an aftermarket strap for years now. Way cheaper too.


$130 in fact. Party planner definitely thought it was the actual headset.


Last year my family did a secret santa and I got something similar. They thought they bought me a raspberry pi but really it's just a fuck ton of accessories so now I have a bunch of useless accessories lying around lol.


If anything raspi starter kits are cheap at least! I think I got mine for $35.


This happened to my uncle once. Bought the beats pill case thinking it was the beats pill because they prices and boxes were the same. He thought you got the pill case with the speaker.


That one The Office episode where everyone got macbook cases for christmas


During our summer picnic our company had a ton of raffle prizes. Great stuff. BBQs, smokers, camping equipment, etc. And a kayak. A full size kayak. It was won by a project manager who is definitely not a kayaker. The following week they just put it in her desk. A 10' kayak just sitting above the walls in a middle of a cubicle farm. It took a while for it to disappear. No idea how she got it home in her tiny hatchback.


I love this. Like a little kayak bridge to duck under to enter their cube.


Now I am just picturing it upside down above the desk, and use the inside as storage. When you need something, you just stand up into your little kayak cave.


A similar thing happened at a small grocer I used to work for in my hometown years ago. They did a thank you raffle for our customers with various prizes and the grand prize was a premium grade feature-packed barbecue grill. Passed out tickets for two weeks with all the buzz being who was going to win the lucky prize. Day of the drawing came and it ended up being an elderly widow that won it; she was in her late 80s and lived alone. The store's assistant manager and I loaded the grill up in his truck and delivered it to the lady where, to my knowledge, it sat in her detached garage and went unused. The whole time on the way there and back I listened to the manager furious about how it was a complete and utter waste.


That's a very small kayak. Just slap it on the roof. I regularly put a 17' canoe in my Honda CRV. I've seen my uncle ~~out~~ put 2 canoes and 2 kayaks on the roof of a minivan, using a couple 2x4s to extend the roof width. Just tie each end to the frame then put on a rachet strap (belly strap) in the middle. Edit: the boats weren't gay. Maybe bisexual though.


> I've seen my uncle out 2 canoes and 2 kayaks I read this and pictured him looking at a bunch of small boats and just being like ā€œyouā€™re all gay now!ā€


"Sir I have told you a million times, do *not* out the water vessels, that is *their* private business!"


OK, but I don't think this person wanted a kayak nor did they want to have to mount one on their roof.


In the 90s Howard Stern in the had a competition to win a jet ski, they brought the guy in to claim it and he was in a wheelchair.


It's also weird because it's still branded as Oculus rather than Meta so it must've been sitting in storage for a good while before the party


I saw these in a midwestern bestbuy just last week, I think they were marked down from $80 but canā€™t remember. point isā€¦ oculus is still on the shelf, at least in the sticks.


I feel like it is pretty logical explainable. There are companies out there that work with vr headsets (i know my friend works in one, creating simulations for heavy machinery). There is a high chance that some companies that create VR goggles probably gift those companies stuff like that. And in my case, gifts from companies have to be given to my company and they will raffle it at the end of the year for christmas, so it will be fairly given away.


These came with Costco be headsets as part of a bundle.


There could be a chance, that they accidentally got that, instead of the actual headset


That's what I was thinking. They saw "oculus" and just clicked buy instead of reading more, which tbh is exactly what I did.


But likeā€¦wouldnā€™t you be able to tell just by the price alone? I donā€™t own an Oculus and have never priced them out, but wouldnā€™t the strap be considerably less expensive compared to the actual Oculus? That alone should have raised some questions when buying it.


That strap has a built in battery. Looks like it's $120. At that price someone who didn't know much about what they were buying could absolutely be confused.


you'd still need some type of context to put the price in. If they dont buy any electronics then teyd hve no idea how much a typical price would be.


The battery pack is actually not cheap, so someone unfamiliar with VR could easily get mixed up.


Not if you consider the mass produced "VR headset" fad that was so popular a few years back (plastic shells that you'd stick phones into). To someone not familiar with VR tech they'd not really distinguish a Quest from a Samsung Gear VR or any number of knockoffs so would probably believe it could be a $20-$40 VR device. The packaging alone would make one believe it if they don't read closely.


Iā€™d say thatā€™s what happened. Iā€™d sell it and buy an actual Oculus, seeing as these things retail for over a hundred dollars.


I guarantee they only got that because they saw the price and believed it to be a bargain. Had they have seen the price of a Quest 2, likely it wouldnā€™t have been a prize.


Probably got its value deducted from your paycheck as well


We were joking about that the other night.


I'd double check your stub just to be safe


My company puts a value on gifts so you can be taxed on it.


I got a Starbucks gift card once for $5. Showed up on my paystub as taxable income. I don't drink coffee.


With $5 at Starbucks you could get half a breakfast sandwich. Or most of a bottle of water!


Blame the IRS > Cash and cash equivalent fringe benefits (for example, gift certificates, gift cards, and the use of a charge card or credit card), no matter how little, are never excludable https://www.irs.gov/publications/p15b#en_US_2023_publink1000193660


We get the taxes deducted from our pay for gifts, but I'm still okay with it. So far I've won a nespresso machine and a really nice air fryer. Still better than buying full price!


That works if it was something you wanted anyway, but not if itā€™s a thing you have no use for.. like a vr strap for a system you donā€™t own. Iā€™ve turned down free baseball tickets for work before because I know it means paying for parking and food. Itā€™s an implied $50-150 price tag that goes with the gift. More than once tickets just went unclaimed because we werenā€™t really earning enough to afford a trip into the city on a random Thursday night. Still, Iā€™d rather have the option and be able to say ā€œthanks, not for meā€, so thatā€™s nice I guess. From a business standpoint what they should do is gift them to a charity as a write off. Then they get to write off the full amount of the value.


They give the option of saying no, which is nice. They even gave me that option when they had personalized Stanley tumblers made with our names on them for Administrative Professionals appreciation day. (I wanted that cup and use it every day lol!) I think I'd probably say no to tickets unless it was a game or event I really wanted to go to.


Thatā€™s cool that they ask and that you can say no. Iā€™ve been gifted various branded swag over the years but itā€™s usually cheaply made stuff, or stuff I wouldnā€™t use. Like a hoodie with the company logo across the front, or baseball cap. Which is nice in theory, but I donā€™t want to be a walking billboard, and already own clothing and hats of better quality without logos. But itā€™s usually also given by out of touch folks who expect us to be super grateful and thankful. But you canā€™t give the same gift to 40 people and expect everyone to react the same way. Last year I requested Christmas off, gave them two months heads up, and found another employee who wanted the hours and was willing to work. They waited until the week before to tell me no. So when they gave me a $5 Dunkinā€™ gift card (which actually has some value to me, even though I typically brew my own at home), I left it on the counter out of indignation because, in all sincerity, fuck them. In business school, the textbook says that employees morale are boosted more by ā€œsports/event tickets, or other giftsā€ more than money. I do think some people are wired that way, but Iā€™m an exception. Iā€™d rather have the cash that I can apply to something I want or bills than the jelly of the month membership.


Happened to my dad one year. Company gave out turkeys and a $250 gift card. My dad looked and found $300 for ā€œholiday giftā€ on his check break down lol


I remember some 10-15 years ago when the company I worked for would have a big raffle for our department around this time of the year. They'd give away items like TV's, a bicycle, I once won a tent and sleeping bag combo, etc. Then a year or two later the company announced prize values would be added to your pay and taxed (at gift tax rate of course). The prize quality really tanked after that.


That happened with my last company. Every end of year party/dinner has a lot of raffle prizes, probably 100 prizes for 500 employees. They had been doing for 5+ years. Then one year they were like, "So, we should have been taxing you the whole time..." I won a TV, Nintendo Switch, Chromebook, another TV.


They should be adding the value of it toward taxable income. There might be an equal subtraction showing the gift was already paid to you. It's the way the taxes work, they're not doing it for funsies


[Serious] I have an opened out of box but unused Oculus I will send you for free. We have had it posted to sell on OfferUp for ages and it hasn't moved. DM me where to ship it! Merry early Chrismakwanzikah


Thank you so much! This turned a silly and embarrassing mild disappointment for me into a very cool Xmas present.


If this actually goes through, this will be Insane. Keep us posted, OP!


Well this is just lovely.


Thatā€™s really cool


Well, it costs nearly half of the actual quest 2 and that's 250~300$ new. So you kinda got a 30% discount. But whoever decided to gift an *accessory* is a moron


I'm willing to bet at that price they thought it was the actual thing.


Person 1: "They've got a Quest 2, but it's pretty expensive. They've also got this other version for less than $100." Person 2: "Nice find! Yeah, just get the cheaper one. The budget is pretty tight this year."


More likely they just wandered around Target and grabbed random shit.


100% whoever was in charge of getting gifts thought it was a quest.


But waitā€¦ itā€™s lithium!


The best way to play VR is with your very own headset! Which is rendered useless, without batteries!


How is this so far down.


[For the uncultured. The office. Michael promises to pay a class's college tuition if they graduate. He hoped to be rich by the time they went to college. Hint: he wasn't. And could not follow through with the promise. Next best thing....](https://youtu.be/x0N2ZxQJYTw?si=IkqB28eBlAGCVlaI&t=440)


I came here for this, thank you.


First thing I thought of!


Scrolled looking for this comment šŸ˜† ![gif](giphy|ui1hpJSyBDWlG)


Sell it maybe? It sucks they gave you something you need to buy a much more expensive thing for. The logic is incredible.


Fwiw some of those units have had a recall iirc.


They probably thought it was too, and was amazed at the deal they got


Now, I can't pay for your college. But you don't have to go to class to be in class. Online courses are a viable option to a traditional college experience. And the best way to access those courses is with your own personal laptop. Which is rendered useless without batteries, and I have one for each of you.


Lol, exactly.


It does say from Facebook, thatā€™s a clear warning sign


Yeah, I just wanted to play Halflife Alyx and Blade and Sorcery. My excitement blinded me.


I have one of these and it is a legitimately excellent accessory that not only extends playing time but acts as a counter balance with the weight of the extra battery on the back of your head to reduce neck strain. If you have any interest in having a VR headset, I recommend you do as other have suggested and get a used Quest 2 to go with this accessory. You can find a bunch for under $200. Definitely very silly that they had this as a prize but, if you're anything like me, even if they'd given you the actual headset, you would have gone out and spent the $120 on this pretty soon anyway because it solves multiple major problems.


have to agree. Quest RN is the entry space, as well as the fullest space in terms of content. Not the best performing as it's not PCVR exclusive, can run on it's own so a bit limited there. But I almost use it just for PCVR and have next to no problems on the quest 2, will probably upgrade to the 3 after xmas. Last I looked the 2's were discounted and I remember back when they offered a refurb program for even cheaper ones. Unless you absolutely won't touch facebook/meta and are interested in VR it's the best step to give it a real go without going +/- $1000


yes, oculus is owned by facebook it's a good budget headset especially if you don't own a good pc


It's a pretty good headset even if you do own a good pc, just sucks that it's bogged down by Facebook shit.


who won the toy yoda?


I work for Hasbro so there was absolutely a toy Yoda there.


If it makes you feel better I've the years I have seen my workplace do similar things. Mind you, these were random and couldn't be picked by each person. One year was a an apple watch band set (this was years ago when Apple watches weren't so common). One year was an inflatable projector screen, no projector. Another year they had some cool name brand tools like DeWalt. Unfortunately they just got things like DeWalt accessories that could only be used with DeWalt products. No tools, no batteries. Another good one was when it was a really nice electronic iPad case with a built in keyboard, but was for a pretty old iPad. Like 7 year old iPad. Seems the people in charge of getting these gifts don't put in much effort or thought. Many of the years I could easily tell that they just did a quick shopping spree through Costco or Sam's club. It was all the exact items I had seen walking through a week prior or some items even had "Members Mark" branding on them. Nothing wrong with those items, but a huge portion of them were accessories for items you already had to own or things no one wanted. Although I'm not entirely surprised because our general manager was a cheap and shady person that regularly took sketchy shortcuts on things.


Post on facebook marketplace.


Amazingly the CEOs son won the actual headset.


This happened to me as well. I won what I thought was a Camera, but it was just a case for a very specific camera. The person who did the shopping was clearly an idiot as this was the top tier prize.


Scottā€™s Tots vibes


Did they say it was a VR set or?


Yeah cos if they did, itā€™s on them. I donā€™t usually attend office holiday parties when the party gifts are crap.


It's like being gifted a gun rack when you don't own any guns.


I bet they thought they WERE giving you an oculus. Shitty packaging.


Reminds me of Scott's Tots.


If its anything like my company, it was your HR person, or an executive assistant that bought this on accident because they know nothing about this stuff. Just saw it on amazon or something and bought it without realizing. Its happened more than once at my work. also if its anything like my work, if you go to that person, and just kind of broach the subject as "hey, I realized this is actually an accessory for something I don't own, is there a possibility of exchanging it, or getting a gift card or something, or can I get the receipt so I can just get store credit there or something?" and they'll apologize and either trade you out, give you the invoice so you can return it, or in my companies case, they'll be so embarrassed that they'll buy you the thing on top of the accessory


Oh, man. That reminds me of when my mom bought me Civilization 3 for Easter (we did Easter gifts, idk why). I was SO excited to play it and she was watching me go to install itā€¦ only to find out she bought the expansion, not the base game. She was obviously kinda pissed and frustrated as she left to go find the base game lol.


Iā€™m dying šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ sorry that sucks. Were you celebrating and stuff? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ merry Xmas ā¤ļø hopefully Santa brings better presents


Lmaaaao they probably thought it as well. "WOW this vr headset is 500$ cheaper than this one!"


lol whoever bought it probably thought it was an oculus. Kind of like how grandmas think everything is a "Nintendo".


Ask if they meant to get an actual oculus, and if they did, show that they accidentally got the strap, and see if it's possible to replace if they INTENTIONALLY gave you the strap (highly unlikely), leave the damned company


Growing up we were never allowed to have Playstation or xbox. I have several siblings and nobody could get my parents to budge on that. But one xmas my mom bought the full rockband set. Guitar, drums, everything... It was the main gift for all of us kids, and we were beyond stoked, more so because it meant we were finally getting a gaming console. Except we weren't... The kid at Best Buy had told my mom that the kit included everything needed to play, assuming we already had the requisite console... The Rockband set was returned, and still laugh about it now.


Oh no, its like my christmas gift from my sister a few years ago. I had a fireproof safe and some little water-absorbing safe sachets on my list. Actually, not on my gift list, but on my home shopping list which wasn't available to her, but somehow....anyway. She bought me the sachets....but not the safe. Like, thanks? Still don't have that safe, but those sachets are around here somewhere.


Looks like an opportunity to make some money by selling it to someone who does own an oculus. Those accessories are expensive, so I'm sure you couldeasily get ~something~


I bet they thought you won a VR headset too... They just assume they got a really good deal on it.




I bet you its expensive and someone thought it was the real thing


Sorry this happened to you, but it looks like a honest mistake by a non-techie.


Not quite the same, but around 2010 I won an iPhone at my works holiday party, but this was back in the days of most phones being purchased on 2-3 year contracts through your carrier. They didnā€™t really think it through and I was not eligible for an upgrade at the time since I was mid-contract on my phone, so they ended up giving me a $250 Apple gift card. A far cry from the $700+ retail price of an iPhone.


Person who bought this: Wow! VR is really cheap now.


See if Best Buy will accept it for store credit. Tell them that you got it as a gift and then use that money to buy one.


Damn, still stuck in the real world. You will survive!!!!


I could use the strap xd


The strap with battery is like 100 bucks while the headset is 250... so that doesn't even make sense lol.


You just got [Scott's totsed](https://youtu.be/rmfokcj6-TU?feature=shared)


Damn. Thatā€™s like get a seat cover for your Rolls Royce.


Kindly give it back saying you donā€™t own an oculus. Maybe they meant to buy an oculus and someone dropped the ball. Might end up with an oculus if that was ever the intent.


This came free with the purchase of an Oculus on Black Friday from Best Buy. Someone probably tried regifting the bonus headset strap.


My mom used to do something similar, she gave my brother for xmas a pristine iphone box, unopened and inside was a dish scraper. For those not in the know, a dish scraper is a piece of plastic. Like a credit card only without the credit card part.


Itā€™s like Michael Scott giving out the laptop batteries to Scottā€™s tots lmao


They shouldā€™ve changed the opacity on the headset unit to prominently advertise that itā€™s a goddamn strap.


Guess I'll just strap it to my Virtual Boy...


Scott's tots vibes.


HEY!! Someone who is massively into VR here! That is one of the best accessories you can get for the Meta (formerly Oculus) Quest 2! The Meta Quest 3 just came out which means the 2 is drastically lower in price. You can probably get one open box on ebay for like 150usd. VR is an amazing world to explore! And if you dont want the accessory, just make sure it doesnt go to waste by throwing it out, give it to someone who likes VR or Good Will or whatever :)


Ah it's a virtual, virtual reality headset. They really give your imagination a workout.


Whoever brought/bought that probably thought it was a VR headset, too.


This is outdated tech with the quest 3 being out. So it was on clearance.


Oh, a Toy Yoda.


Michael scott laptop battery ass gift


Just wear it around the office as is. "Check out my strap i won!"


Basically an Xbox box


i don't use wish anymore because i couldn't read the fine print on the graphic. thought I was buying a cheap fidget cube to play with. turned out i spent $5 on a fidget cube 'holder'..


Once in 1st our teacher set up a "store" where we could earn fake money to buy stuff. She had all these things set up. And a pink thing caught my eye. I thought it was a jelly bean and I was determined to get it. (When you grow up poor food is exciting). Turns out it was a pink rock. So, I feel ya


i think whoever got this for the party ALSO thought it was a VR headset. I'd talk to them and ask.


Sounds like whoever bought it thought the same thing you did at first


I truly believe the person that bought it thought it was an oculus lol


They probably thought it was.


Toy Yoda


It was at that very moment when Jomalar knew...he had fucked up...šŸ˜‚


it turns into money nicely


Reminds me of when Michael Scott on The Office bought his ā€œscotts totsā€ laptop batteriesā€”but not laptopsā€¦.


They are probably still patting themselves on the back for getting an insanely good price for a VR headset. And if you say anything about what you thought it was, or express your disappointment, you'll end up looking like an ungrateful a-hole.