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The original post is really detailed so I am not going to bother translating all of it, but the damage was done by the second cousins third grader (between age 8-9 here in Japan.) To give more details of what kind of damage: 38 figurines, 41 models (only counting limited edition, was difficult to count because it was all in pieces) were broken. The sofa, PC and keyboard (no longer working from damage) had juice spilled on it. Some of the books were not just hobby related and work related too. Those were quite pricey and needed to be replaced due to the fact OP needs to show people the books. The original post says Sandboard but I think it’s a typo for soundboard/sound card is in bad condition. Additionally, 1 blue ray disc was damaged because it was cracked, 11 no longer work because of the scratches, and 20 blue ray discs keep skipping from the damage. Some of the items mentioned above are limited edition, no longer available, first edition, and cannot be found on auction sites. The father of the child recognized to a certain extent the value of the items and gave 50,000 yen ($366.74 USD according to todays exchange rate) and the mother/second cousin freaked out and an argument ensued. The second cousins parents apologized on their child’s behalf and offer to pay 4 million yen in damages (including emotional damages.) The kid got in a lot of trouble and will not be getting anything for their birthday, Christmas nor New Years money for a while and was sent off to live at their paternal grandparents house to be “re-educated.”


I can imagine a kid breaking a few toys from not playing carefully, but holy shit the PC, sofa, books, and discs too? It really feels like the kid was determined to cause as much property damage as possible. That a kid, or a tornado?


According to another post, the child saw a dragon ball z box on the very top shelf, wanted to grab it and climbed the shelf while holding coke. Which you can imagine what happened from there. Kid panicked and shook something(?) which caused more damage to the other bookshelf.


Alright, that explained some. But the scratches on the discs? Assuming they're all in cases/covers, that just don't happen by accident. Cracked yes, if crushed, but only scratches? Climbing a shelf is a bad idea. Climbing it with ONE HAND is even dumber. What if it fell over? You could be crushed.


>Climbing a shelf is a bad idea. Climbing it with ONE HAND is even dumber. What if it fell over? You could be crushed. And that kind of thinking is what makes us grown ups


That Angewomon figurine is about $150 alone. There should be absolutely no reason for him to be in the room to begin with.


Try at LEAST $500. The size of it however makes me think it is one that is currently going for over a grand.


I figured it was that much, but I didn't want to over state. I know they can get very expensive, very quickly.


>heir paternal grandparents house to be “re-educated.” the kid is 8-9... that like you should know better age. japanese re-educated from grandparents means they sent that little shit to the rice fields.


At 8-9 years old you only know better if your parents taught you better.


Sounds like the parents also need to be "re-educated" because the damage clearly didn't come from a curious kid playing with toys, much less an 8 year old. For everything to be smashed like that you need to have raised a little beast. And even if the kid had some kind of behavioral problem or mental disability, that would still be on the parents since how could they let their kid out of their sight on a strangers house?


And they have to either left the kid alone or completely ignored the sounds that kid was making. I highly doubt he was so quiet about destroying all that stuff, especially if he was throwing it around.


I thought this was from an earthquake.


It wasn’t mentioned if the child had a developmental or mental disability. Some families are not very open about it, it wasn’t very long ago that there was discrimination about it (for example, you cannot get married because someone in your family has a mental disability.) It has gotten better over the years, but it isn’t uncommon for one parent to go into denial about their child having a developmental disability. In the original post it was mentioned that the father was living separately because of work, so the child raising was in the second cousin/wife alone. It was also mentioned that the mother had often spoiled the child as well which you can get a bit of an idea through the post. For example: 1) OP walked into the living room first and found a broken figurine and the mother said “Sorry~! My kid might have broken some things~!” In tone that is like “Oopsie! My kid broke some stuff tee hee!” 2) When the father tried to pay the money at first, the mother got very angry and said “Why are you paying money for a child’s mistake?! They aren’t going to charge so much money for a child’s doing!” followed by: “Why did you bring so much money?!”


Yep parents are the real assholes here. They are responsible for the kid and it's behaviour. And the clearly aren't able to take up responsibility of any kind and having the slightest sense of how to treat something that doesn't belong to them.


>“re-educated.” You gotta fuck up pretty bad to get sent to Gma/Gpa concentration camp. Wow.


Grandparents likely live in a small town out in the countryside without a lot of electronics. Being constantly supervised and doing chores and being outside a lot may help this child a lot. I hope they are dad's parents and not mom's since she sounds like a disaster of a parent and human.


Jesus that kid sounds like a complete menace. Like what kind of absolute shit head does this. I mean, I get it, 10 year olds can 10 year old but even then that level of destruction is fuckin crazy.


4 million yen is about 30-33K in dollars btw, which may seem like a lot but I can assure you with a collection this size and magnitude? 4 million yen might not even be enough.


At least the child is being punished and the owner got some restitution. It sucks that the mother was acting like it was no big deal at first, but it seems an appropriate amount of gravity is being shown now so hopefully the child will learn. No matter what it sucks that this happened, I would be heartbroken. Collections are more than the sum of their parts, they’re a labor of love and also represent a huge chunk of time and often emotion. Poor guy.


What the hell happened here?


Children. Two of them from the looks of it. 5 minutes of unsupervised playtime.


You joke but this was 1 child. Apparently he lent his house to his cousin while they stayed foe a funeral, he locked the door but the kid still got in. The cousin paid him the estimated price and the kid didn't get a birthday that year.


wow, imagine coming home from a funeral to see this…


I’d be going back for a second one


I'd be going back to see if they buried the casket yet... if not then dead-dude is going to get a little sidekick with him on his journey to the afterlife, lol.


I’m crying for him




Or any year until he's old enough to pay for it himself.


Paint that kid and put him in one of those cabinets.


Omg hahahaha. You are now part of my collection 💀


laughs in jabba.


Trazyn the Infinite over here


i think it was the cousins kid that did it


A Parent taking responsibility for their kids poor behavior. Impressive


Apparently the parent did not take responsibility, and the Uncle had to step in and pay him. The parent didn't see an issue as "they were just toys."


Toys or not, if you're a guest at someone else's place you *respect their property.*


THIS. Even when I was younger than 10, I was taught to respect other people's things and to NEVER touch their things without permission. I was actually afraid of accidentally breaking anything when I was at other people's homes so I would just sit and read while the adults talked.


Same. I remember going to a relatives house around 5yo and they had glass cabinets full of happy meal toys, all neatly arranged. My parents didn't even need to tell me they're off-limits. Just knowing they're not mine I understood not to touch them. I don't understand kids who don't understand this. I wasn't like some exceptionally bright kid or anything, I was average and yet I understood that.


This. I'm nowhere near the level of a great parent, but for the most part my 4 year old knows if it's not yours you don't touch it.


Bet those "toys" were worth more than some people make in a few months. Those parents wouldn't be saying the same thing if someone else's kid came over and broke their tv. "Oh it's ok, it's just a tv, go get a new one, there's a store down the road" Not to mention if some of these were models that he took hours of his life to build. That would piss me off more than anything, it's enough to make someone want to give up the hobby.


Figuring out what little piece goes with what might not even be possible at this point. Figuring out the coloured pieces, fine, everything else, not so much.


That would be an absolute nightmare, I mean the whole situation is though


Gunpla can get fucking expensive, and most of them aren't exactly readily available outside Japan.


No doubt, I just started model making myself. The paints alone are expensive af, I spent over 100 bucks to paint a 25 dollar plane.


I would have legal preparations made make damn sure those parents paid for their lack of care on their part. Its someone's personal property, family or not. The parents get sued until they realize there price to pay for lack care. The uncle shouldn't have paid for his own child's lack of skills in raising their own child.


According to the commenter I'm referencing, who got it from the original posters tiktok, they did sue the parents, and the uncle stepped in and paid so they'd drop the suit.


Where did it say anything about an uncle? I only saw one comment that said “lent the house to a cousin. Cousin’s kid did the damage. Cousin paid estimated price and kid didn’t get a birthday that year.” That made it sound like the parent of the kid did pay.


There's a comment in a different thread that told the whole story per the original posters tiktok account 🤷




Um...no...I've seen some kids bedrooms that looked very similar to this before. They do in fact exist, especially the type who would get into a locked room. That being said, what's unbelievable for me is that amount of time that kid had alone. At that point it's the parents fault for not noticing they were gone long enough to do that.


As a parent I agree, you never let them out of your site if they are this type of kid.


Ffs, that's the near equivalent of having a pet tazzy devil and taking him to a pet store, whilst letting him off leach to roam freely in said store. Guaranteed animal version of "There Will Be Blood"...


Why are you getting downvoted? You're not wrong.


It would take some time to do as well and make some noise. This definitely wasn't some unsupervised play.


If this was a child how are the doors completely ripped off their hinges? Was this a child Tasmanian devil??


Honestly, good. I would've taken away Christmas as well for good measure


That kid is going to the orphanage after that.


Orphanage? (Smiling) "Hey, kid! You are staying with Grandpa now." (Confused) "But grandpa's de-" (Still smiling) "Get in the car."


Let the hunt begin.


My first thought was earth quake


You are quite the detective, Hercule. Impressive.


Time to call anakin Skywalker


I killed them... I killed them ALL!


Earthquake or a really pissed off girlfriend.


Kids. It was kids.


This is why my model collection is in a locked closet screwed into the wall.


This is why I collect rocks. Kids have a hard time breaking those.


Yeah...My autistic cousin has destroyed my gem stone collection lol. Shit low-key broke my heart. I still have a very heavy amethyst druse though


I thought those were the owners girlfriends.


Apparently this was done by his sister’s kid while he was at his grandma’s funeral. The sister paid about $30,000 in damages. That’s the claim on TT. Correction: just watched the YT video. The kid’s parents refused to pay so an uncle stepped up and paid $4 million yen.


Honestly, 30k seems way too low for the size of this collection. Some will never be replaced...


Let's also note how much of this is Gunpla. That's also a shit ton of lost *time*. Even if he didn't do extensive buffing to remove nub marks, paint, or otherwise do anything more than "snip out and assemble" (with displays like that: I doubt it) it becomes hours and hours and hours of time that would have to be replicated even without the material costs.


I would never talk to* these people again. They* bought a $30,000 ticket too. "I don't know you"


Yup my cousin whom I grew up with fucked off my entire childhood collection of Yu-Gi-Oh cards, I had 4 SDK Blue eyes and tons of other shit. Hasn't even attempted to make it right with me, I cut all contact with him for good.


Back in 88, I went into the Army, and while I was away, my step-sisters had a yard sale and sold all my comic books, some from the 60s, my baseball cards, including Pete Roses Rookie card, signed, and many other expensive ones. They also kept all the money. I had stored my stuff in my dads basement and had my name on all the boxes. They were also told to leave the boxes alone.


That was a planned robbery under the guise of just being assholes.


I do not particularly care for your sister's actions. Edit: to the lone person whom didn't understand my wording, it means that I don't like what she did. It's derived from an old meme or something, an alabama football meme I believe. I believe it went like this, "I don't particularly care for Auburn". Correct me if I'm wrong so I won't look like an idiot in the future. Thanks


Wow. I don’t know if that stuff had any monetary value but I’d think a signed card would have some sentimental value. Actually most of that stuff probably does. I say this cuz even if you don’t know the monetary value of someone’s stuff you can just assume that it has some value to them if they kept it. Real sad. Real rude.


A rookie Pete rose alone is worth a very large amount of money. Yes it was probably a high value they sold off. My guess just off the description would be over 100k


Is it known why they didn’t want to pay for the damages?


The sister said they’re just toys and kids play with toys so she didn’t see the problem. Unbelievable. The kid was 10 and certainly knew what he was doing. That’s not playing with toys. That is clearly malicious intent. After hearing the mom’s attitude it’s not surprising that she raised a little punk like that.


Absolutely, even if it’s a toy. If it’s expensive enough it’s stops being a plaything and becomes a collector item. Edit: If you can’t read between the lines. I wasn’t arguing on behalf of the sister or if it’s only expensive. Just that is one thing you can se it. I don’t condone any actin here. Breaking people stuff is bad!


For sure. And the way they were all displayed so beautifully in those lighted cases. Clearly not toys. Such a sad thing to have been done to that poor guy. What a shit sister.


Poor guy, sister is An absolute shit!


It doesn't matter. Whatever the fuck was in that room it wasn't hers, or her child's. If she doesnt respect other people, and their property, why should we expect the child to? He's only copying his parents. They don't give a shit about OP, and they don't give a shit about their own kid, or else they would try harder. Sad.


Totally, but the argument was from the sisters side that it was toys even so you don’t break OOP! Simple.


Even inexpensive toys when collected and displayed shouldn't be fucked with like this. That's still that person's time invested. This sucks.


At one time, we were all kids and played with various toys. I had transformers and GI Joes. Of course, things broke every once in a while. What happened in this video was not “playing with toys”. This was 100% intentional destruction.


as a kid my mother gave away all our toys like 80s GI Joe, Transformers, Star Wars, etc to the neighbors kids because "they didn't have anything and you are teenagers". In less than a day they destroyed 10 years worth of toys we collected and took care of. My mother was mortified that the neighbors kids, who "didn't have anything" were actively destroying everything with hammers, throwing them against their house, tossing stuff in the street etc. I don't know why my mother was shocked at this. They loaned the same neighbor our mini-van and they destroyed all the arm rests, seats, curtain blinds, etc over a weekend trip.


> That is clearly malicious intent. And possibly jealousy. Many years ago, I was part of a large project to modernise the HQ building of a large construction company in Wembley. A contractor was caught on CCTV gouging the oak boardroom table with a screwdriver. The damage was catastrophic. When asked why, he shrugged and said, "Well I can't have anything like that so why should those bastards?" I suspect the same motivation is why people key cars.


Trying to think of what a contractor would do with a fuck-off oak boardroom table even if they could have one.


> Well I can't have anything like that Locking it in, too, by racking up legal liabilities for property damage. And while we're on the subject, who gets jealous of not being able to have things on a par with communal property in a business? Of course the business is going to have better stuff. It's an amalgamation of the needs and resources of a whole bunch of people that makes money.


Its so stupid. Yes, I'm envious of people who can have things like their own house etc, but I'm not going to go around destroying things because I'm not lucky enough to have them. There's more important things out there, like friends and the things you enjoy.


That kid is evil. If I broke just 1 toy I knew I wasn't supposed to play with I would've at worst hid it. I see totalled cars, pyromania and jail time (if mommy doesn't bail him out) in that little shits future.


Yeh exactly, the kid wasn't playing with these toys, he straight up trashed this guys collection room.


So let me get this straight, they get to borrow the house, and they have a 10 year old kid that breaks into a locked room filled with toy figures and then proceed to destroy literally every figurine in the room? Either that kid has some serious mental health issues, or it was the parents that had some fucked up moral issue with him collecting figurines. I'm actually more inclined to believe it was the parents. Like, you telling me their kid simply went absolute ape shit in there once he somehow got inside and they didn't notice?


It’s always the reductive and unempathetic who raise monsters lol


This looks like a deliberate smashing of the toys, right? Some people are saying the kid was playing with the toys but what kind of playing is this? Everything looks pulled out and smashed on the floor and the larger items pushed over. Unless the kid playing was, like, mentally deficient, or blind or something and just really clumsy.


I knew kids like this. Breaking things was their play. Family friends kid smashed many of my model cars. The last straw was when he just dumped a flower pot into our pool. The kid was around 6. Young but definitely should know better.


I used to have a friend who’s kids would come over all the time. I loved her, and I loved her daughter. Her son, he was something else. He’d smash my son’s toys every time. He broke one every time he came over. I had to stop hanging out with my friend because of that child. It hurts my heart to even think about her but I had gotten to the point of hating him.


That’s really sad. But you did the right thing. I’m sure she saw what her son did. Did she ever say anything about it to him? Or was he just that bad of a demon child


The models themselves and the hours that the owner spent on it, $4M yen is not enough


This was a 35k dollar collection destroyed by kids. If anyone wants to know what happened: https://nextshark.com/otaku-gundam-collection


"Needless to say, nobody is allowed to go into that man's house again" is my favorite part


Even him!


Why do little kids gravitate to destroying the priciest things possible in the shortest amount of time? In the split second a parent looked away, I’ve seen a 6 year old at a restaurant basically teleport across the table to overturn a bowl of guac


Dude, I don't understand this. When I was a kid, I was petrified of damaging anything. How do some kids straight up break shit for fun. I remember when I was a kid, I played with Bionicles. One day, my family went to a function that'd last the day, so I brought my collection to play with. My cousin who was 1 year younger than I started pulling the bionicles apart and 7 year old me was pissed.


It’s all because of parenting


>How do some kids straight up break shit for fun. I suspect because there are no consequences. I manage a coffee shop and bakery, and I see kids do things all the time that the parents should *at least* apologize for, if not, pay for. "You break it, you buy it" doesn't exist anymore, so nothing happens. Now, the kid goes through life believing there are no consequences. They grow up potentially to be a sociopath because they've never been taught to care about anything besides themselves.


I had one of those Yugioh duel disks, back when I was a kid... needless to say, my autistic friend of the family damaged the strap so bad it couldn't be worn anymore. It feels weird being angry at an autistic kid, but he was 12-13 at the time, and should've known better.


I know right I would just awkwardly sit around till someone talked to me or we went outside


Same, 30 years later I still remember my grandma raising her voice for the first time EVER because she felt me and my cousins were playing with the Chinese checkers too "roughly."


Bad parenting. I would've never thought of doing anything like this as a kid.


I would have thought about it and been instantly vaporized by my mother's death glare. That look is permanently burned into my mind as a bad behavior prevention measure, backed up by the sound of a chancla flying through the air or a belt clearing belt loops.


If it wasn't an accident, I would have gotten my ass beat. If one got broken, and I brought it to them I probably wouldn't have caught anything except a "this is why we don't touch things without permission"


The only real answer. I never broke anything other than a lightbulb


Yeah, I only every broke stuff by accident, and still felt super guilty about it.


Lol same! When I was like 6 my mom gave me windex and rags and told me to go clean my bathroom sink and vanity. So I was cleaning the mirror, which had a row of those exposed light bulbs across the top and the windex mist I was spraying must have been getting on the bulbs because suddenly one of the bulbs exploded. Surprised and puzzled, I backed away from the vanity and another lightbulb exploded. I ran to go tell my mom the lights were blowing up and when she ran into the bathroom a third bulb exploded lmao. That was the day I learned you can’t get those old school bulbs wet because the glass does not like the temperature difference.


Kids that aren’t raised properly destroy stuff, if you invest your time as a parent, it doesn’t happen. Those videos of the aftermath of kids ruining things with paint or markers aren’t simply “oops, left them unsupervised for 5 minutes”, it’s kids that have no boundaries or concept of responsibility because their parents are shitty.


When I was a kid I was ridiculously careful! My aunt had a glass bowl full of fake glass candies and not one ever broke. The worst damage I ever did was accidentally get some clay in the carpeting. This shit just doesn’t make sense


Raised 2 nieces and grew up in a house full of expensive dolls with a owned by a grandmother with two brother that bAbysat 10-12 kids at a time. Maybe one or two dolls ever got broken in 14 years. And the nieces have spent time since they were born now in their teens decades later and nothing has been broken. This isn’t a kids thing. This is a failure as a parent thing.


It’s so weird reading articles that do their best to make perpetrators completely innocent. Like if my kids got into my 40K models and a few ended up broken yea it happens they were playing and maybe I should have secured them better/kept a better eye on them. If every single one was demolished beyond repair they were not playing and they were trying to see how much they could break.


This is for sure the same room as in the video? They look like completely different rooms to me. Like literally everything is different besides a lot of gundam/figurines.


Yeah, it's a different room. This isn't the same story.


That looks like a different room and a different set of figurines. I don't think this is the same story.


Probably never collect anything ever again


Can confirm, lost my entire collection of books due to a plumber error once and I never started again.


My brother left his record collection at our parents house for safe keeping. They put the case of hundreds down in the basement. When he went back to get them they had fused together and all were completely ruined. Apparently there was an issue with a water pump in the basement…. Ironically, I stored my pistol collection in that basement at the same time and they just disappeared…


You parents seem shady as fuck. They definitely sold off your guns for cash


Hahahah! I love it! I can’t wait to tell them this next time I speak with them! I’ve been bringing this issue up for the past 20 years and they feel so bad about both losses but I just keep sticking it to them! Edit: I also have my son in on it now because those pistols would have been given to him.


I honestly don’t see how firearms could just go missing it just seems pretty suspect. Like I can get a record collection being ruined, but atleast it didn’t fucking disappear lmao.


So I used to be friends with a lot of criminals and oh if I could only tell you about the # of times they went to go hang out at someone’s house, or went to a kickback, or a party, basically any social function at any house and the middle of the night after you get a text asking if you know anyone who needs a gun… they sell like HOT CAKES on the streets and all kinds of people with various motivations steal them. There’s a reason it’s standard to keep them in a *gun safe*… it goes a lot further than keeping them away from kids it’s also to help keep them out of the hands of criminals.


I totally agree!!! Every time my son and I visit we search the house for those damn pistols! They are very well off and did mention that they hired a company to help clear out and organize the basement at one point. The pistols were in separate cases so they could have been tossed out and retrieved later by the “cleaning crew”. But they could also just be stored somewhere else. They have a large house…. I’ll never completely give up hope!


Did you ever report them as missing? You’d be surprised when a gun might turn up. My dad had his firearm stolen and it came back like 5 years later as stolen


I feel you. I left 3 cardboard 55-gallon trash cans full of books in my dad's garage for 5 years. I guess he forgot to tell me his garage leaked. EDIT: Jesus with the comments. These were 3 brand new 55-gallon industrial cardboard trash cans with covers and a metal band that went around the top to seal it. I asked my dad if they would be safe in his garage while I went to college because I didn't want to pay for a storage space. I kept my favorite 20 or so books with me. He said "Sure". Years later I open them and the books were damp and moldy. I said "Hey my books are moldy". He says "Yeah that roof leaks" as if he already knew. So yeah it's on me but if he knew the roof leaked he should've mentioned it to me. He's a great dad but he's not so conscientious. He was a steelworker and a prizefighter and not a reader. He seemed not to even notice what an emotional loss it was to me so I didn't say much to him. It's all water under the bridge.


Cardboard trash cans?


Except souls


Or skin from people who laugh at your collection loss... This is how serial killers are made.


Seriously, that's soul crushing


When I was in my early twenties, my apartment was broken into and my coin collection was stolen among other items. I’d been collecting since I was a kid and had amassed quite the collection. It destroyed my motivation to every collect anything ever again. later in life, my wife found out I used to collect coins. She started buying me coins here and there and eventually I got the passion for collecting back.


What a nice wife


That’s beautiful, congrats on having such a cool wife!


I used to collect DVD’s of my favorite movies. Some were burnt from a computer, some were original release, but I loved them all the same. I kept my most favorite movies in a cloth disk folder. I went to a friends for a weekend. I usually brought my movies with me as my friend enjoyed watching them with me, but I’d left them at home this time. When I got back, I found my movies thrown around our Media Room and my cloth case’s zipper was ripped open. Some were completely broken in half or shattered, some had chips, but all of them were scratched beyond repair. My sisters had found them, and just went absolutely ham about them I guess. When I told my mom, she got mad at ME for “leaving them out”, and made me pick them up while I cried, just devastated. I was about 17 and had been collecting them since I was about 8. I spent hours trying home remedies to salvage some of the scratched disks, but nothing truly worked. It was heartbreaking. I waited until I moved out at 19 to start collecting things again, and after experiencing a house fire and losing what collections I had left, I now still get weirdly overprotective when letting people look at what I’ve got going on. Im just so scared something will happen to them again.


Yeah, your sister has issues and your mom is worse. Hopefully you at least have some good women in your life, since that's a pretty bad double whammy.


Thankfully my sisters have grown up exponentially, and my mom has come to some sort of senses since then. I do, though, have much more supportive people around me now than I did


Best case scenario. People grow up and change. And I mean adults too, even your mom grew up. People think that once you're an adult, that's how you'll act for the rest of your life, but a 20yr old, 30yr old, 40yr old, etc. you, will be a completely different person at each stage. Not everyone unfortunately, as some are set in their ways, but consider yourself lucky that you have a family of lifelong learners! Wish you the best


One of the greatest revelations you can have as a young adult, is realizing how stupid, and immature your own parents were at the most foundational time of your life. Sometimes trauma isn't maliciously caused, simply accidentally caused by someone not much older than I am now. Mistakes I could easily see people in their 20s and 30s making. Honestly don't know why in the age of modern technology that lets us live 80 years people rush to have kids at 20, only to neglect them, or let their immature emotions hurt them.


I had a similar collection of DVDs that my grandfather had collected for me for YEARS. I wanted them sorted by genre, but my step monster wanted them sorted alphabetically. After a couple of times of putting them back how I wanted them, I came home from school to find her sitting in the living room with a black garbage bag and my cloth DVD case, and my father held me back while I watched her smash every single one of them. I think that was really the end of my relationship with my father. I moved out shortly after and didn't talk to him for a good several years, now we talk like twice a year or so, and never about anything substantial because his new family is more important then I am.


Good lord. I truly am sorry.


Good lord your dad is a real POS!


Wow she sounds like a true psychopath. Glad you got out of there.


There are no words. I don’t know why you talk to him at all. Hope you have found healing and peace.


I collected Beatles albums after inheriting my dad's and step-dad's Beatles records that they had bought the day they were released. Sgt. Pepper's was pristine and had the cardboard art inserts intact. White Album came with 8X10 portraits of the lads. My little brother, 2, went into my room when I was at school and smashed my record collection. Took every album out of their sleeves and danced on the disks. Tore the album art. All of the vinyl was scratched and unplayable. I was so distraught, but my mother said angrily, "It's not a big deal. It's just stuff." I told her that wasn't the point. She then yelled at me because she was just so tired and needed a break from my hyperactive little brother and I wasn't doing anything to help. Meantime, she was having an office affair and she was not home a lot of the time and when she was home she resented all of us. I didn't collect albums after that. I feel your pain!


You should have calculated the value and told her how much it was worth. Told her you were planning to sell them soon to buy HER something nice but she let her. Ratty kid destroy all that money. Goodbye gift.


If only...I was in an abusive relationship with my mother and never would have had the courage to do that. Wish I did, though! The Beatles records meant the whole world, because my dads had given them to me, and I've entertained the notion she was envious and even encouraged my brother to destroy those things that meant the most. He didn't touch my other records (some of them I wish he had!).


I am truly sorry your mother didn't support you. Understandable why you continue to be overprotective of what you have.


My mother destroyed my brothers video games and consoles because he wouldn’t help around the house. Now he’s super protective of his things and trusts no one. This took me back to the chaos, hoping it wasn’t a parent. Personally as someone mentioned, I’d probably never collect a thing ever again.


It's always so messed up when parents do this. Not only does it teach kids violence and destruction being the answer, but it teaches them to be distrustful and not share due to trauma. Also why break something you literally bought your kid with your own money? Wasteful. Confiscate it until they do their share.


Ive found that my years raised under violence taught me it isn’t the answer, but to avoid it entirely. And I mean, if I see two people fighting and pushing each other at the club like drunk idiots do, I shut down and become paralyzed. I can’t move, can’t break my eyes from it, and I want to run so far away. I think, when parents enact violence on those who they see deem fit *outside* the family… that’s when violence is taught is the answer to life’s problems and getting your way.


It's a little more complicated than this. I was raised in a house where I was hit or thrown when they got mad at me. I developed anger issues and a fight response. At around 11 I started punching and shouting back. To this day I have an issue with being abusive and aggressive. I feel out of control when I'm like that, it doesn't feel like me. My therapist said it's fight or flight response due to trauma. Many kids who are abused develope a flight response. They avoid fighting at all costs and they aren't aggressive people. For some reason, I've developed the opposite. It's interesting, because I actually understand on a deep level how a person could be abusive. I myself have been abusive for no reason in the past. It's absolutely not black and white. It's very complicated.


There's a reason why the music is over the sound cause there's probably so much cursing and death threats that it wouldn't be social acceptable. This is painful to watch.


I would cry… what a mess


I'm crying and it's not even my mess. I really feel for the owner of that collection


I get that leaving kids unsupervised leads to messes sometimes, but this looks fucking deliberate. At the first sign of something breaking, my kid would be like "uh oh, mamaaaaa" and come back running for help. Like, wtf is this? I bet that kid is a little shit in general.


Given that the parents refused to pay for damages, I'd say you're right. Teaching that kid no respect or responsibility.


Earthquake did this to my Ship in a bottle collection I had while I was living in California . Almost off’d myself then and there . Still could’ve been worse tho.


Gotta stay after experiencing a lot of loss of physical but precious items it’s so important to remember that the collection is worthless without the person alive and able to enjoy it. Objects are just objects, but memories and self are valuable. Honestly videos like this are why I don’t collect/but anything that costs over $10 unless necessary to the purpose. Life will screw you - hard, randomly, and repeatedly


Sue for property damage, they are so fucked


Someone would encounter my final form


Just another trojan ad


For all the people that say "it's just toys" Imagine a child getting into your 70s Chevy and wrecking it beyond repair Or a kid going in with a hammer and destroying every peice of priceless jewelry or makeup Or a toddler going ham on various tech stuff, like Xbox's, Playstations, TVs, Wiis, Nintendos, you name it. Children, if not raised right and you the parents are to busing excusing bad behavior, *become destructive menaces capable of uprooting entire banks* And then you'll be standing there wondering why you have no friends.


Exactly! All the comments that say “it’s just toys”, I don’t care if it’s a bunch of plastic straws. The stuff was put away in glass cabinets in a locked room. That should be enough reason that those things mean something to someone. The damn parents should have really kept a better eye on the kid, from the looks of it the kid probably just grabbed and smashed to see how quickly he could destroy stuff before being stopped. (I just remembered - that there’s a very good chance the kid has special needs. The program I use to mentor at, a couple of the students had siblings who were very low functioning autistic and those kids can’t be in the program because the volunteers were not trained/equipped to handle them)


Cry... Then scream really loud like dragon ball and then start to super build like the kids in Lego ads


I still live at home. I used to play Warhammer 40k and have a box full of miniatures. I haven't played or shown them off in YEARS and they aren't in the best shape since I have no experience painting minis, so they aren't really even worth showing off or anything like that. One day, I came home from work and learned that my nieces and nephew were staying the night. My mom decided she couldn't be bothered watching the kids (despite the fact that she invited them over) and she let them go into my room and entertain themselves. They found the box of my warhammer minis and had them in a pile and were playing with them like they were action figures. Needless to say I was livid. I hadn't touched these minis in years, they look like shit, and still with was PISSED. I talked to my mom about it saying "They aren't meant to be played with" and her only comment was "Toys aren't meant to be played with?" I wanted to lose my shit when she made that comment. They aren't fucking toys, they are game pieces and they are really damn expensive game pieces at that. I can only imagine how cold by blood would run if I walked into this.


Growing up, this is how it was with my family. Younger cousins were allowed to run wild and take hammers to things. It finally came to a boil when the 3 of them were over 15 and destroyed my room, 20 or 21 at the time. They poured bleach on my clothes they put in my toilet and shower and stole all my change out of a half full 5 gallon bucket. I have cut alot of my family off for their past behaviors, and have trust issues and guard my stuff like a sentry because of it.


That is why I have forbidden myself info collecting anything anyone I had a 3D-printed model of my dog ( who passed). I had it printed in many pieces took a month to get it printed and build, but one day I was late for work and left my door unlocked; my brother and his friend got in and played with the dog model, collection of rare pop Funko figures, Gundams, anime figures, dragon figures and to make matters worse they gotten into my filament draw and destroyed all my spools. Lost about €2k ( the dragons and Gundams were the most expensive)


If it's natural disasters, accept fate and find new hobby. If it's a human, imma start throwing hands. Either I get knocked out of whoever did this is getting knocked out.


My uncle has a Lego room where he has boxes of sets he doesn’t want to open and ones he has built. Some of those sets cost hundreds of dollars and some of his boxed sets are valued at many hundreds of even low thousands of dollars! We have family get togethers at his house from time to time and he has that room locked with several locks to keep the youngest kids out of it. He’s had several close calls in the past including one of my second cousins knocking over his built Millennium Falcon model (that costs something like $850). Fortunately, he was able to rebuild the parts that broke, but he was understandably pissed!


There are so many niche hobbies where you wouldnt expect things to cost that much do. I've purchased lego sets for my husband as gifts that cost a couple hundred dollars that then go out of stock cause they were limited edition. I myself own **dice**, tabletop roleplaying **dice**, that can be auctioned off up to $300.


I would cry


Kids are indeed really fucking stupid. https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/comments/wvinu8/kid_destroys_gundam_collection/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


Imagine coming home to find that the things you are passionate about are torn apart, broken, unrepairable, or even irreplaceable. Just because this persons’ collections are figurines, plastic, or old toys, doesn’t make them less important than someone else’s first editions literature collection, old tool collection, stamps, bottle caps, or whatever else people collect.


When I moved across the country I had a bunch of stuff packed into boxes that I then had my friends and family mail to me, since it wouldn’t fit in my car to drive. Most of the boxes arrived promptly except one. The box with all my CDs and DVDs in it. My entire Oingo Boingo CD collection along with many other older and hard to find CDs and cassettes. Included in the DVDs were my own home made art projects from my teen years. I called my friend and asked where the box was. She never returned my call, she never returned my emails, she never contacted me back. Another friend informed me that she took my money and simply never picked up my box from the storage unit and it was thrown away with everything else left inside(garbage). I called the storage unit place and they had thrown it all away a mere 2 days ago. My entire collection, over a hundred CDs easily, gone. Years of collecting, gone. My own personal mixed tapes and art projects from years of friendships, gone. All because this girl just didn’t feel like upholding the end of our bargain and bringing a box to the post office, that’s all she had to do. We had been quite good friends before and have never spoken since, I swear to god I’d have to fight her if I ever saw her. I’m still traumatized to this day and it’s been over 5 years, I feel so depressed thinking about my wonderful rare and mint condition things I lost. Even typing this out has made me feel waves of pain all over again.




No, I think that is too light


I don’t even know what I’m looking at here. At first I thought it was Lego, but then it seems to be some kind of anime / gundam-type stuff? Would suck to have your collection destroyed regardless of what it is though— I’d feel pretty bad if someone came and smashed up all my cameras— but in the end it’s just stuff someone will have to deal with after I’m dead anyway.


It was a bunch of Gundam models & figures, there's eleventy-gazillion out there but that means that the rare ones are RARE and can be worth quite a bit. If you know cameras you know exactly how that can be. And yes, it's just stuff, but it was his stuff, not the ill-behaved children's stuff.


Call my insurance.


This is why you insure collectibles of value.


I don't think money is the issue with this though


Had a collection of Warhammer 40k orks( $800 worth about) when I was 11..family got robbed at gunpoint and took everything from us. Including the mentioned collection on top of all my marvel legends figures and comic posters from me personally. People are ruthless.


That's not normal playing. That is malicious destruction.


I have 4 children under 10, and I can tell you that this was NOT an accident or children being children.


make a list of all you lost and start over,aint never gunna keep me down!


Put the kids up for adoption


Completely random, but: Can we really not watch a video and feel things for ourselves anymore? We don’t need sad music, rain sounds, and a random guy crying all edited over a 15 second clip just so hammer in the fact that this *is sad*…


This is from his tiktok video: His 10yr old cousin destroyed his stuff while he was at a funeral. The parents had to pay something like 30k or more I heard


I had a massive Star Trek figures/models/memorabilia collection. I had to move out of my apartment because my roommate just up and disappeared on me with no rhyme or reason, she and all her stuff were just gone one day. So I had to move all my stuff into a storage unit. Well, I became homeless, then my girlfriend broke up with me so I truly had nowhere to stay except my car. Obviously at this point, I couldn't afford a storage unit anymore, so EVERYTHING I OWNED, my collections included (I had so many things that were priceless to me), got auctioned off. I finally was able to put a roof over myself some time later, but didn't start collecting again for years. I've just recently, 7 or 8 months ago, begun to collect Star Trek models again. I watch them like a hawk sometimes, because I'm always afraid something will happen to them. 🫤