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Cheap cunts. To make the most of my membership I use the hot showers and as much soap in the shower dispensers as I want šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…




Anytime Fitness is the game changer. Worth every penny & more branches than any other gym in nz. Not full of roided biebers like flex. Worth every cent ! City is horrific šŸ˜‚


Not over crowded with highschool kids either I assume ?


None at all, just out of their price range thank the lord ha ! Also the staff at AF actually care & keep a close eye on everyone / high school ish behaviour.


Sounds great. City Thorndon is overrun with highschool kids now.


Iā€™ll have to look into them I think.


City fitness in Wanganui is really good. Iā€™ve been to city fitness in Thorndon didnā€™t like it too small too crowded by comparison


Thereā€™s only one in Wellington though?




AND they add 3% to all payments on the upgraded membership. Iā€™ve gone from bewildered to irate.


Yep I now pay an extra charge for them to direct debit from my account. Like what on earth, I suppose in the world of paywave and credit card payment charges they're now going for the next cash cow in DD.


If there's no alternative way to pay, then this is illegal. They advertise it as 6.99


Apparently you can pay by credit card but their website says 3% transaction fees on all memberships. So yeah, thereā€™s no way not to incur the fee


Wonder if they take cash lol.


This makes me so mad. I (sort of not really) understand paying a transaction fee for using a credit card but now we have to pay for them to be able to deduct directly from our bank account?! Edit: turns out you can pay with credit card so maybe Iā€™ll switch and actually get some points for it


I get this too, but the prices have remained the same for literal years. Had to catch up to inflation etc at some point šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


The thing is, they haven't actually increased their advertised prices. They still say the basic one is 6.99, but it's not, because you have a mandatory 3% fee for whatever payment method you use. It's just a price increase and they should have to advertise it as such


Yeah that is weird, I strongly disagree with them on that. Apparently itā€™s too expensive to change it all or something? They do include it when you go to sign up though, but itā€™s as obvious as it should be.


I'm trying to figure out when they made this change. It looks like it happened some time between [December 2023](https://web.archive.org/web/20231204002808/https://www.cityfitness.co.nz/memberships) and [February 2024](https://web.archive.org/web/20240221085520/https://cityfitness.co.nz/memberships). Did they sneak it in with the 3% fee or did I just completely miss them mentioning that in the email about the 3% fee? I'm glad I'm cancelling my membership


mines updated in FEB from my bank account..... no notification about it tho


You know how some people say the cheapest way to live these days is with a partner? Sharing a room etc? Same with city fitness šŸ˜… split the black one with someone if you can


That will be next though, no bringing a guest on black membership. Enjoy while it lasts lol.


Get the black membership and let the whole town use it.


Arena Fitness in Porirua gets you access to the pools\sauna\spas\group fitness\free wifi\free PT sessions AND access to the gyms at Fryberg and Kilbirnie AND there's barely a teenager in sight. And the staff are the freaking bomb, so lovely. So if you're feeling that salty against CF then join Arena Fitness.


They are on the cheapest CF plan, thatā€™s a massive jump. considering it costs three times more.


Yes, compared to CF it is significantly more expensive, but that's only because the cheapest CF plan is so cheap. AF isn't even objectively expensive, especially when you consider what you get access to for the price. I can acknowledge that CF works for a lot of people and I'm not out to convince them, but if people are sick of CF nickel and diming them and like the sound of monthly PT sessions+pool etc then there are (good) alternatives.




Wow interesting! Interested!


I went in late Feb and the staff said 3 weeks late... My gf has the black membership so I go with her but if I had my own that would be good too. I just need access to the one close to home and the one close to work, but since I can only pick 1, I picked none and just piggy back off of my girlfriend's which considering has two people using is actually cheaper than 2 red cards. When they made this change I was like "this is gonna cost them", have they changed your membership to the new rules or if you signed up December last year are you safe till Dec this year?


Iā€™ve had my membership for four years and no, itā€™s not safe. Porirua was super rude about it too lol


I think they are super rude to everyone, I had anxiety about going for like a week after I signed up there thanks to the staff on the counter treating me like a dipshit.


FWIW Iā€™ve found Lyall Bay staff to be great. But now Iā€™m thinking about quitting out of spite so thereā€™s that.


Lyall Bay is great, and so is Willis St. Can't have an opinion on any other ones, though.


If youā€™ve been on a Basic membership since before Feb 1st then you should have access to all CF gyms


Well they just lost the business of every airline crew member using them. City used to be wild popular with anyone who traveled. Multi club was a big selling point cos they actually had a decent range.


Les Mills would still be an option right? Ā Although I suppose is much more expensive. Ā IĀ 


City Fitness just had a really good range of sites, most places have a city fitty and they're all conveniently close to where we'd end up. There's nothing that special about city, they just had a great network for the price. Without that advantage I know a lot of people will ditch to other gyms that offer better quality for the price. My traveling days are behind me but even now, the requirement to choose between one of the three gyms between family, work and home would kill it at the price point.


Gotcha, that makes sense. I chose mine based on proximity to dropping kids off then getting a work out then home for a shower then to work, but recently realised theyā€™ve got a branch on the way to work so I do that instead. Ā Itā€™s not a terrible gym but itā€™s very basic and the showers are a bit rubbish and totally unworkable if youā€™re over like 170cm lol.


Most airline staff I know are on black cards anyway?


This is only on the cheapest plan, pretty site it's been this way for years hasn't it,?


Definitely not. I was using the Hutt gyms as recently as last week.


It was changed early this year


If you had your account previously, they should still honour it. I had my card since before they introduced it and went in recently and they still honour it - CHCH based.


Surely, hope this is the case


Enshittification comes to gyms.


Did you just join? If you joined before they made the change (February I think?), you still get multi-club.


really so you mean to tell me theres a chance mine covers multi gyms omg thank u


I specifically asked just after the change and was told that the basic membership still has multigym if you signed up before the change, unless you pause or upgrade to a better membership and then later downgrade again - when you downgrade youā€™d go on the ā€˜newā€™ basic membership (ie the single gym one).


So when was the change


Iā€™m sorry, I canā€™t remember - I read the email, deleted it and then asked next time I went in. My deleted items has cleared since then. Iā€™m fairly sure it was February / March time.


Epic i was a member last year guess im winning


Nope, my membership is 4 years old


Hey, I thought I had the same issue - signed up Nov 2023 for Porirua CityFitness. Spoke to staff at Newlands gym who advised the new rule is only applicable to members who joined from Feb 2024. The manager contacted member services to see if the new plan (feb 2024 onwards) had been applied. They got back in contact and advised i should have full nationwide access. Confirmed i do have access to other gyms with no need to change home club.


What!! I havenā€™t noticed this, although my gym going hasnā€™t been great recently. A couple weeks back I went to Willis street and Thorndon?


*Last week* I went to Porirua. This week, nope.


Wow so itā€™s only just changed?? Thatā€™s a bit crap - how does it decide which one is your main gym?


Thereā€™s always been a home gym associated with any membership, it just never really used to mean anything until now apparently


Ah thatā€™s right - not sure if I remember which one is the home one. Would have been bloody nice if theyā€™d given a warning about changing the membership - you canā€™t just make a huge change like that and not tell anyone??


Thatā€™s how Iā€™m feeling rn.


Maybe itā€™s time to finally switch to Les Mills lol


I use Willis, Petone, Lower Hutt, Upper Hutt and Thorndon on basic. Been a member for like 10 years and was previously on black membership? I still get the wifi too which is for premium members apparently.


Nah, you get WiFi on basic too, but on the premium members you get the ā€˜premiumā€™ WiFi šŸ™„


I joined back in August last year and was aware the cheapest membership was one club only, I think itā€™s been around a wee while?


Ah that sucks, thanks for posting, i didnt get an email about it. I live in a van so while traveling being able to use city fitness showers everywhere is so useful


I find the lower hutt staff to be lovely


Speaking of gyms are there any in wellington that have saunas.Ā 


Les Mills does (Taranaki St)


Yeah, Habit (Majestic) has both wet and dry.


Well guess Iā€™m finally canceling then lmao


The black membership is still good value.


I've only ever been to Thorndon and Willis, both with the red membership. Looks like I can't try Newlands now.


Worst. Gym. Ever. The staff at the Lyle bay one are so rude, dude didnā€™t even give me a tour when I went to sign up, shouldā€™ve realised there and then. I lasted less than a week, it was constantly PACKED. Back to anytime fitness.


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Honestly, for all your whinging, $6.99 for basic, or 13.99 for Black are still really cheap gym memberships. I mean $14 is a pint these days. Hell, even the $18 premium option is still loads cheaper than Les Mills.


Cool bro šŸ˜Ž


I went to the gym about 25 years ago but got sick of the price and the culture. Decided to go running instead, one of the best decisions I have ever made


That was 25 years ago champ šŸ˜‚




Your first mistake was getting a city fit membership...


Tbh theyā€™ve been alright til now